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CHILDREN SPOIL jgr S REVENGE Blind Pedler, Beaten for H2s "Riches;1 1 or.utves Yoong Assailant. (rfCKS OUT PRISONER pv SOUND OF VOKT ,r Iggfeg. Him? No. Sor! wd ye Not H??r ,h Mother? H? \ski I ah 1 ( , a?y h? I l.? fetal Fact, In .-. || int.* a. l - - ' ' v Street, nnd - i ? - tar two - th? pen - Ther-' .... \. anawei cam? mmj started foi the de? i ?". t hneV. I " anapped ? srole? v* un? i ? r ai m I a iated itael f ai ' J mmy'i a?*ch ano a cruahlng bio* on i 01 el . i .1 ?it opped When h?. recovered hla sal ea In a hospital ' mmj remembered mos1 of what had happened His c?r? ?till h? Id thi ? two woi.'? that had 1"*i n ?poki it end voice at is1 It waa the ? lert 1'efote the det? found him, John Regglon . who hadn'1 com.'. ? - ears, reaumi d hla aid route Yeeterda* morning bo present cd hin -, f at the dooi I"Mi Rl . ? i , rith a aa r of Mr? Stre la, who bud in ., ? ,,- hand th.- ehleken po< returned ?crean eued 1 . 4. . m l.c i thai nd Ii?. .-.I .-i l 19 rhomp' "i. Stre? t othei matlon which led thet irth Street ? , -s- Dundi i others, ?nken to Mr? Strella'a room?, limnn hnd - I brough 1 iftet ;.- Othl r Ired of \ ekene t< .- the fom th man B] ? . broke down sorrv fi got me into \o *.hii Dundee Th.. I don'1 know his ? crazy ? ith . he'd "It'? thi tim? had any ,. yeara of . '..'?? ? ? tury i ; he father? mba'a < ? ' Id how he had cow.c to A n 1885 a n four e died been lie : me," the bee1 If It wasn't for the neif-h1 bave i ? ? inlucl _ PILFERS BANANAS OFF TREE OF LIFE Wily Isidor Offers Cut Rale Magic to End a (?rass Widowhood. 93 CENTS HE GETS TO RETURN HUSBAND l.ut Shadow Romain?* in (?lass and Woman Denounces Fruit Vender in Market Place. Maahed r I > ... . \a ?? h ??m- v ? i ? '? favorite diab. I hai lea Dick en? **<>t> white --iickai. Pee drar.k i? lot; .? ,-? h ?wore at .n more; 1'" yuitic?** hi? the pip?, nail Beethoven loved turnip? leidor Madman hud ?n unmit i ' ? elltng h.? nanas. With Ihoughl "? the | el ou fruit lark ng h bra i . laidoi, who ia torched into ?iri" ?' ?Weinst? reping at ? ,-.,', ,1 . ? ? rh,- i,'.ir.,-ii of ba ?.a ? , ? .? 'i,,m the, but ?udden \\ he ** a? ?at nc . uns rippi il by the i gi ief. ,,?' ?all inn down h face i.nd laundered hi? collar. "He was such a dear husband," . md put "Six eenta," ?aid 'he ei,.,-.' where elae It \i '? ? ? declared the rnhu.? woman. "Fl c \cm.s he'? hi-,': ? % "l i*c long M-nr'." echoed the urocer with n ditch in hi? *,- ? Mr? Weinateln wiped her '..,r ice and ? "arted. ?rlth atep . Mr? Weinstein bist?h*? <1 i h* door of her fia? at I MO Part Avenes la th* .t' Uid"t "hear lad)." i " 11.1 Ihroegh 'be keyhol? Watchs want?" mapped Mi? Well , ?fein "I am i BBOarie, dear linly," shoii i laldor "I eaa give ? ou back bi i husband " ? \ weh' " ?oblo d tie woasen, d the door flow Opea "!>?' tua* k.* "i on an fci\e me bach my husband? M -, hiiabnt d Mej ei you will gel mo . i: hurta nu* more ?? it hurt? ou." 1 I ? ?! || .Im "He mu r Iih\ i I i, ? i nian " "Nu nu'" -aid Mn w einst? in, and I hei league "What a dear i "It'll coil ' him buck "It'? i,?, much," raid Mi Wein I "l onlj goi M renta." i ? i m. it, tha batanee I i I riiu?t have to Saturdaj U> i-.o ? ? ?. ? i man .ling 1" Mrs. ?Voll I Il a twain ki ell in pi a) ei laidoi i s a, ... .1 tl >. close!. got foui ? lighted ' placed th**m on the flooi ndeil the grief stricken woman 1 to riae; marched about and b? the taper?, ?inged Ibelr heeU, prayed for theli Mu?a nn?l pul a -.mull i ? ? il >' in B |/la*s. 'The watei ?*<?'? dark," ?aid laldor, "Win n 14 ???? licrh? . ba\ e I happl ? ? ? "Here's th? "" renta." aaid Mr?. ; Weinstein, and ? I or the coke ' Itle. The follow an I "':- ? utriiiri Behold! I idoi ? at eenta' worth piided hi : ' Help! Poli? >?' " houted Mr -. Wem- , ? If. foi ? Magi il rate R rotel, In the i ? to retut ' ?-ut?. 'No! " ?aid Magi itrate Krotel ?,. keep ... i" ' until Raturdaj to do \ p arch wi ? I 11 Bui he I m ; d :?:?? red ba ' all. Boy Killed in Front of Horn? Herber! I "a . i yean old. son of v\ . Fa ? . of 864" Baat? rn Park? way, Brooklyn, ?a< killed in front of ?., ?? rday by an automobile operati d bj John R, B. ?i manufacturing chemist, of 209 ' i dernill Avenue, The child wh- eross . ? . . , ? ? , watch, a -t?*utii ? c aecidenl hap* ted on a chare.' of. The Story of Five Ysars' Telephone Development New York City Now Has Over 400,000 Telephones Table of Growth : r Ytar I 1900 Tapsilatirm TeU-phormj : 3.400.000 Sc.,000 1905 4.000.000 190.000 1908 4,(500.000 310 000 1911 4,800.000 401,000 TV 400,000 marl ?a I5a?_d on December 24th. the day be fire C nnatnia?. The total gain in telephone? for 1910 w?i over 40.000. Through our l>ong Dutance coonectiooi we reaeh over 5,000,000 telephone? in the United State? and ( .a?ada. You mar net re?_e it, but these lialiilx-? ha.? ?a iiaporUal tijtiifiianrr to? 70? aa a ?vlephon* ua?. TV uariirloe?! oi ?our telephone ?ervice 11 m<_a?ed by 1. The nuiiiHer of people with whom it enable? jroa to talk. 2. The c_*a of paopie it reanS?? Apply the?* taart? to tout telephone ?ernee here ta New York Gty. Think oi the nuiijbei ?ad cia*? ol the people that it enable? * ou to reach. Think of the aretage ap-ed and accuracy oi the semce and of the time rt ta?r? vou. Surely it u a wc><a<i?rrul arrance fettet] to the oer_ of a wooiierhil city. And it? ucetuloes? n cm itaatly irrrrraaiDj. for ererv teJephooe adcWl to the Syrten make? it more ?aJuabk to you ami to rvey other telepabooe urns. By tt*e ?atr? kavr ym et Telnphewi* t NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY r'rerry BaC Teler>l*r*ne I? a I oattj Dt?anca M/ni n Advertisement Published January 2, 1911. Today there are elephones In New York City! FIVE YEARS AGO the advertisement reproduced above ap? peared in the New York City newspapers. It showed that there were at that time 401,000 telephones in the city. Today there are 614,671 telephones in New York City?more telephones than there are in London, Berlin, Paris and Petrograd combined ! During these five years while the value of the service has so greatly increased by reason of the greater number of telephones, there has been a substantial decrease in the rates charged to the public for service. The addition of more than 213,000 new telephones in live years demonstrates in a striking way the practical, everyday use? fulness of a service that contributes so greatly to the upbuilding of the city's social and business interests. It indicates how much greater your opportunity now is to build up your business or to add to your pleasures by making liberal use of a service that is comprehensive and reliable at all times and under all conditions. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY jenz GRIP A MYS?ER DEATHS INCREA: Laboratory Exp rts Or pit* with Bacilli to Coi v.nce Doubters. MORTALITY RATE (i.AINS :>() PER CEI Health Di'partmctit Figures M Respirator-- Diseases M.iki Oreatesl Headway in Vean < ame bou the doubting Thomi ?he an* "Whadayamean grla demie. Ti anl) the bbub! mid wh ' old* and cough " lh.. Health D< ha these pec II ?var on grip a it h a comparal men of the death i rom re? story diseases .i ' u B< ? ? nine- a Novembei II ereaae eacl '"'* '?" "o year was I . ration rapid ?i during th.. preaenl wintei 1 eompai of t?... eighth, nil and t*?ntl ? ? - I'-'l-' I*". 22?, *H; 1913 155, I l?W; 191 l 121, 168, 211, and 1916 ! ?"ii. 9"15 Tl . ready I ah? ad ol tide mark of form? r yeai each ea?< un-- no- ..1 \\mt Numi in m ha? ? thai tin . winter' aflli? I i' ? . rathei the work pneumi . they said ? ? ? terday 1 labora! kl ' ? VanderbiH Clinic op.-rat in conn? versity s.h.,ol of Medicine, ? tn. :r cul! Lire te ?' - hi..; ? i le gi Ip gi i m in a :"? number of ra?. arn ? i ? ? ? ' ? ? ' . hen pni imoc.i would i v | n ? their t? ? Bellevu? Hi ? t<--t> 111 ? . .-r ?I ' ." ' I | I ? the Phj ilcian .a: : I . ? ?i- ?ell call it "I tmy." The Rockefeller !.'or Medic ? ? Early last month bar pnei ? ,i r:..r b? eome time. A taken !.. s been 1 ? ? ti tut? it prepar? ;.. iolv< ? epidemic bj the >i fluensa hm w hile exper! poi ta from the V mijcli worac In ma ties I Public Head ? ? ? erious e| Ruensa I ? ? .- ? hri-trr.. ? 11 I ; Krim ? down : pie a ? ' United Si .- hugging, dsne i ...:? earefull) | '... Dr. ? Columbia 1 raity, led r I luden! preeaul r gri| and to ?? ii t in ? .. ?? . ? yt iterday a il reopen i i s ol co leg? the < mai roc? to I low in or.l.r to a? o d gather -* ith inal rod of ti . I once cnugl ' Hartford Has 20.000 Casts tif (irip and Bad ('old' rn* "Mts-rai Hartford, Corm., Jai v. i .'rdim Hartford, thei aboul 20,000 i - p oi sever,. Coldl Of 1 :ldri-i r.-xr itered In the pub aloni more than 1,009, 01 fl i- i .,' ?en1 ' ? n:i teachera oui of a group i I out, and unable to provide lubal In 01 - - ? hers 1,000 pupila an registered, fey be of eolds. Al a i ting School teacher- to-day ?1 Wai agreed to Inatrucl the childi ?jr.-- entive ? agaii I i-rip and I ? quickly. i telephone con pai lie? foi ca ?i ?? feel ng 1 lal grip eptdei ' are working i ? veland, Jan. 6. '?'? I death - 11 ?i;. I fr< ' pneumonia In ? leveland, Hi miaaioner I L I 01 I to-di > pr? that the worse arithin tw? to tr.e mild weather which h vailed In the city during thirtv-?ix bout?. Ford ca ...-.- to ei caution agaii t th? ease. Overheat? blamed by Ford aa a reaaoi I nticlpated increa victia ?_-*. FLEEING CHAUFFEUR CAUGHT Left Woman in St ret kftei kutO hno.reed Hot Ooaro. lohn 8? renty-seven, at 1149 Simp? treel ? Weiland, at S -.venu? ? its wa nour admit? ? i the a? . NO PEEP AT KIEL FOR ARGONAUTS Blinds Will Be Drawn When (ireat German Canal Is Passed. RUSH JOURNEY TO THE HA(iUF: Passport Inspection Complete, Party Will Be Off from ?Co. pcnhagen Monday. ' Bj "". Jai . E The (?rrmari '" "i?,! here baa completed hia in peetion ?,f the paaeporta of tb? ? party, and detaili al the plana fei travelling through Germany I Hague were made public to lii?' partj will leave Copenhagen " .1 m . Monday, <>n a ipecial ?nur:, i r?i I??- run al high ipe? d. kt 1 l?en frontier th | ae< rill | ? lartial law The ti ? Ma led, and the blind ?if the drau n a hen ?mpoi pointa, including the K el I anal, arc p , . ,-,; v il imbu m- all ? lember of the arched and their bag Any ari the P" ?ession of which objection ia '? h? h i'.'l. For thia rea to lea* <? all ? ,-r.- f?,i ahipmenl bj to Holland. I' '.arty will i fach 'I h?- Hag - n . Jan. I. Mra. G. D. [_tua. Pittsburgh, a member of th?> Ford lit for the United Statua on day, having left I ? pedition or, account ,.f ill health. Miss Atldams Would Not Link Ford with Peter the Hermit [Ha : ra? Trl -,:.?. I ? - ago, Jan. ?'. "Henry Ford'?, ?? .. ? ? to-day 1 '" : pilgrimage n the - lineer il ??. the cause. Ha- with 0 fron certain banks money to the A i p?, ' no1 ipon nred by the ?Voi party. It : . , - ?? i ? ? ? "I would Mi Ford In hi? ? - Pet? r - '.?- Hermit, v.,h ? " * ? it interview -ho ha ? : -irre her i pe? ation. ? the ? ?up. for Washinfr - the Pan .'. aman' i' , f which ?hi ent. While I if? eeption liv Pri ind Mr?. Wil Michigan Voten Want Ford for President ' an : .-. Mich., Jan. 5. The name of I ord, who recently re1 from his European peace miaaion, ;,n-, n place , n 'I-.?' Republican Presiden primary ballot In Michigan thil ...... lid icj for President with the S?cr?tai noon. BULLETS FOLLOW KISSES ^ ounar Admire- Shoot? Hronx Girl, The? hills Hini??lf. Angelina Zarminino wa? embn her fl a- ? rhe rhiril Boor I ? .--?. Street, The Bronx, last brotl era to aupper. Sh? ?d an the itair ?? i f,l. "Marrj me, right away, quick." he -. i. He waa Am idee Cibbotti. had run over from hia mom at -. and Southern Boule? vard. "?o, ! ir" to I'd!;, to see my mamma and my papa Too come after. It they like you then we marry." a d ria. "I kin ?. kmadeo, drawing : I kill you." A from bed airainst : by a corset I Another cut a from her tongue aa aha fell and ? ght hand. After % a bullet into hi- right temple. '? . H,. waa dead when I>r. Conboy came ambulance. ? ? - _irl to the hospital. a Woman Dies Under Ether. Mar* Botardi. thirty, af ? 187th Street, The Bronx, when undergoing an operation to remove h?-r ? night, m her home, died alien in lluenee ai ether. U-BOAT ISSUE ROUSES SENATE ? ,,ni,nue,I fron? page 1 thi? country a< Ions: as -.* wa? in ?" "That all he true," Senator W,,rk-> replied, "hut that does not al ter the lituation." ??I: ..-.i Senator - it th? m irkel f 1 - eoun? : open to Germany, aa ? luntriea, and that ? .... . ..... itoi ?? that thia go tral poi ??[? i le to f?\ arm?? to (?er [ aay H ? ' to nn> of " ted. He ? it 1 ? ? __=-^--^^-=^-^-----all-**-'*'*^.*,~~?.^ They're off Remnant Sale 4th Day <?1Q Suit end? reduced. Imported and S\1 W J)10 domett* fahr,,- Made to measure. 5113. flU ?Sis JVrni>Hrtt lM ra Brooch, Kost Si Open Uorch 1st_ ak? Se ?tompatiy Broadwa*. ;it * j,111 Stn I Thoi ' . ' - _"? lo-tl.iy and to morrow ive ihall fontinu?* the Sale of Men's Shirts at $1.45 nrilKSK shirts wrere made by n leading manu * facturer .-111 ? I are not shirts made e^pcciallv for sal" pin |i<?>? s. r lu .nit ;m 1 -tttV cuff i pleated kJi tiff "iff-. a] .Mali-rial- are Swtch he ithci plaids, .lin! finely woven Ma <J All tlir ne - rtn enl of pencil and heavy si grounds. " . refully ? ' ? ? ? . buttonhole?) well made and every lil Kvery- size i Shirt Shot) -Main Floor. THOSE LEGS NO PIPE DREAM lather Sa*?. MIm Krauaa*? < rill? Hue! Ile a < Igurttt? Fiend. Miaa Rom Krauai ol 3494 Forl Inde penrler.c?' Sr real, The Broi to a perfectly impartial worl day night ti . 'rom n Van i i rtland Part bridge, th< help r truat John Carpenter, of 80 Arthui 51 ', ?? r.k?'r-?. from drowning. No - had ? .,- badea of l" fallen than A. W. Carpenter, ti >,f tiic reaeued boys, itripp? phone all of the . brow of 1 ? z ? l-irl's - the wire 1 .'Mi Carpenl c'te (tend, a deny a fei ,i . : . ; i knowa ? "I ahould lil ?? et 3 think of him." Dr, Krau ??f rile It-...-.. i of Moi . ' ? ti 01 " I 1 - moral and hygiei The ? tradict h'A Mr. Ca retatabliehing 1 .- . rting no i ? dut) Bui 'li>- drei< ah? ruii her poor body. All day Ion?; I have been ail tard plasters on I LEVER GETS ARTS MEDAL Award Announced at Inhibition of Painter Memher?. The jury of the K Painter Memher-? tfatioi t'luh. Which op? : . r.ouiu ? ', Club ?.old Medal to Haj ? ? : ? M r. Lever, boi wall, England, w? bei .?? the Royal West or' Engl md Ac? : - repreaented in 1 f South \ . . ' the National Art Gallery of ' Walea, Sidney, Hoi ? Institute in 1919 'a Ca I ?-'??' 116, and a 1*0!,I ? .,? the Panama-Pacific Exp? ? VILLA KIDNAPS AMERICANS Mexican RaJda American-??? n?d Minea Near < hihuahua. . 1-:; Paso, rex., Jai '? General Fran risco Villa, with 190 men. ii |i \ ? -ni 0 -?- aed "?- 1 - ? . ?1 1 ? and ia mas? en of Amer American? reaching the hot-,:. day Edward Farley and J. J, Hurl? v ,-i,n mining men, and loot? I tl American mines, Cienegal '.' <"nar'..-- ?US \v?!i Qualey, both "'.' S'e? Vori aa led to A enn official- to I the two 1 their property, are W0a1 of ' :>:: , - Villa men al American hornea in ha? e burned I ?mer cm because <?'' the Villa ai I ! ran. service from Juarei t?l Chihuahua ha.? . State? was aiding m prolonging the '.iar and th< !..- would not anlj ? '??' ai en bar| munitions, hut aleo ment of food and doth Bg Europe. Senator Lodg?. ? ipl tiding th< a to the ?' munitioi 1 in a Ionic colloquy *a;*h Senator? ??'???.?man, k and "1 Hir markets are o| the "We have taken no action ? ing 1 all the ? *? ia . heen crea'i'd hy thia war. and I war alone, a h ich pi ? more - thu mar? ket. If we created b) ir, we at tor into t .'o re. store a eoi lil . ? . re ? wur. and that is an act of uni.. . ridentl] ? ? . ? Bg 1 1 Senator O'Gon . ? rould . ? ity, but, ment, ir* 1* ? \ can nation aril of ??'? ith all thi - '. place an emharif?! ??:?? the muni' a iy l.cllifreronf without g itaelf 1 ? of an It ? ?>???' ii- - asked ral for S'orwaj. I lenmai ? . to pla .- a after the war be| i I I hi .. ' ? lid not I Cltea Other Han? "P.acing of the ?nihar,- I . tiorii." Senator Hitcl I, " I? ? I Germany et a safe moth? procuring munition? ar.d other eor.Ta bund from rho>e countries, and yet n,> one waa beurd tu eta m that ,l - a coun triea '?.??r?' guilt] Every ?jr.?.- knows that German) -*a- de privad oi an ?noraoua a .-.?-. .,- when ?Srrat Rn'aln foreud those neutral BU??NAN HERE, GIVES HIRSELF UP Representative from Capi? tal Comes to Plead in German Plot Case. '?' r ' for? mer ; Peae a , \ ' ? A i ? . .. .- h:m ? let MM ? ors*aaited 'i. flsarhan? Hi? ??. - the prnie Ml Bu? rn might j The defendant, who il a lar.:* man, !J hair ind n.j'tach?, i . ? 'i li motions ? ? ' ?n op . as? tan! Jati Thi t Mr. Be? ' it '?" ? M ? ??bet the ' ring me te Me i Mr. Sartal S that iroi? i pro ? ' - f the ami? ? ? 1 .Mr. B . ad t tha! In ??? ? ? ?nid. ".in i ' Peaee eom? ?-. . ' ? . r, ? .". fin* ni leh thi-y Great Brite cuulj ? "Doei the Sena! ? i "Of ? ? i ? ? i tie doing ? I ? I* of the war a ? 'Sena! ? . r ' mu ? . ? I atory '? {ht to impose ? ? ? It ' *h?ir i L? out a by moving Bfl ? ? 'I ??' thla time," ' '? ? ?: a little ..'fttine* 111 ir ' " Two redueo the risks Ai ? 4 ?>?':. -, and rig; of pa wii ? loaa of \ ???".??' *" r .-? !" the ees I ? | ered, ?a? call? i to?dsj fi ? r t .aay, bp i Chain ?