Newspaper Page Text
R?LEY TO RUFFLE SING SING TO-DAY Superintendent Says He Will Take Up Malter of Welfare 1 ea?tie. WILL INQUIR? into CONVICT'S JAUNT On I iiM Visit to Prison Since March. He Expert*! Ilso to Discuss Appointments. .lohn B, K-.'ey, Ste* ! \, \ Vori Mhany ln-t nr*.-h' nr by Pat* .1, hi? confld n1 ..I m-s .. for 1 ?' te las! V.Hrch. ' ? ? 4,- win? der., | - the M a', so 1 Yorli ? i ? when He a'.?e ,1 ? by \\ man ri ; ' ner. ai plac? ? srard? ? a eed bj th e in was ? ' Mr. ? i ca?e ? seeinf, ? goli . Ward? ?? Osborne will ai Tori -1 will *< ?? for his this ; take offices in a Forty* lecond In Boston last night Mr. osborne re? ceive I an ovatioi of ! ? *. DEFENCE A TRAP, SAYS MISS KELLER It's Capital's Scheme to Get Pr tection. She Tells Croud at Women's Peace Meeting. ? rn en I . crowd of to ith only a .-cho of th? which ?'? I "W( I hchrt ? phoned by a young i ? ne?.? of I .? Bgnre ' i orfrar. I an army '.f the ? "It ?a in your power * ? ? ? ;, ? . ' ' " stupe.* r< ?'Ti Amer lined Rooe? ? ' ' ' igue. "The want vri unhappy ? ? ? ''I am afi walk r rinkled " the up ? hn and ". who - ? i pferty and 1 FRANCIS JOSEPH PARDONS 8 Kintr ?ilfonaa Makes appeal fur I is,--. of Raaaiaaa. ' i Rui? ned ti> . . ? ? t? iron? Automobile Eccitom 7 the- rarst t_3*jaght oi prospective pux hatfacra. To be a ttacctsuefi? autumubilist it is neces? sary f_at yon ?andcrutaiaj the ?cchariisrn of _ll cars. A ?__-_? ? oea ocbool v_l aa??? you many annoying delay? ?eatf?tx_try ?_??__?_> COMPLETE COURSE $55 Day ?_<! EwcnbriK classes. Aleo private instruction at hours to suit convenience. SPECIAL CLASSES FOR LADIES tail. ???*?_? ee 'phot* fee Booklet STEWART AUTO SCHOOL "EFFICIENCY FIRST" 57th St. and Broadway I Itnn ?? I'll nil.a. ?mi ?...i ?.'.?; < ?i. /V'.a-rxr* ?m Merit" loi'. AND CHAMPION OF DEFENCE. ?rHav be?'*?rr national Del ? rtv. T. R.. MUFFLER OFF, PREACHES DEFENCE 4 0?ltliUl< ?! 11 ..m jMge 1 of "American Defence," "loth the Colo I at and thai ; I - cousin are of the i] " and color, the hlack am as ? ? my own over? 's ? ? tors. ? ? I ? ? ? . " We broug - ? ' f thi ' . . rs: ' ? ' * . dreadnougl I "* ] ? its, ? urint -i . ' I . " ng army of re, ? ? : . ? than 2. men, full; DECLARES ROOSEVELT WOULD SWEEP NATION Boston, Jim. S.?Halber! P. Gard? ner, member nf the Progressive Ns tional Committee from Maine, who has |ns1 completed a tour ?if the N? v. England atetes to ascertain the political situation, bellevca that < olonel Roosevelt, If nominated (or President, ?ill sweep the conntry, I ,iiu convinced that any ticke! with Rooeevelt'B name on It would ln.ld the Progressive sol?* and at? tract a large ic following," Nlr. Gardner aald to-day. "Ever* state I have ?Halted re? ports that a national ticket with RcaOeevell at the head of it would poll more volet? in Ills' than it did m 1912. Why? Becanae the peopli in Roosevelt's UnerlcanUm mure and more end reeenl the dilly? dallying of I hi* present national ad i.iatratlon with belllgerente ??ho defj 'lie laws ,,f nations und the lawa ol Goat '"The fad canned he overlooked that th?1 preat Issne la our rountrs-. I his lasae is dividing the country Into two gronpa radical!) different m xiews end temperament. The nat aral leaders >>f these two *rro-apa are Kimisi ? i-lt and \\ i!s,,n " O? artille' -'? ?/hid i living i I ? Hi.'.: D The-" who attei ? ..; tail V Paul Thoi ? hard, Leslie J ... layne 11 ? J U. S. ASKS UNION OF PAN-AMERICA ? ?nllaoed from i,,i*r i ... ,. ._.. ? naval ei .... I to I thai . ? , \ rican i ?-? r hand, ?: m aimtnar Eui : Germany, would r -r iffainst thn ? ' or with Hntain's r, i ?, in which c.i?e the United would he j - the plan, therefore, after . I to b? taken -imply a? an ex ? : |i : ?rood will ?ng the Amer i(_l . ? re oi State .'? ? " ? nt hai taken up on of the t I ? .?? tary 1 ntenl -'n to at ???me lenjrth. The.?? conven?? for never* ora an - ? ? . ? ? ? | ?.. i I heen art for a rpn eral , bave r? ? ??ver, ? objection will b i! ay he pro of th, ... ? -,. - I.anaini? consider? the ne ? ' ?m t!.? w il-.ii.? w ..r.u approved f Pr? ? '-?? ? ? entil Ar. ? ??-.:-??;??? ? - Il - ; . Pr? ? rela ? ? antriea of this con! portun? and of un l that rh- ??cond Pan-American < ongreaa should in anmo way ? III amaaeali, s thr.t "The <e? orid 1 il .'?n Scientific Con , ? uda tho declaration by th ' ible Preeide iri hi- m, - lag? of I).-,. ? ? P ? ? ? ? . i Kohly, Cuban I ai protect their ? ? read bj ! ' : I !.. S. I'.nn BORGLUM MOD! U. S. PEACE GI/ Bids America lead Hont of World Inl Anti War Union. INTERNATIONAL Rl TO END ARMAM1 Ur-jes Panama Re Held in as Neatral Pat* Wants Mi polltaa Used for Art Scho Deelsring thai an Ignebls ret? been played b. \ m? i Ice m the am that the one way of clearing hi ' . lead in a win Id security (jotsun Belgium, 'In. leelptor, m ? m ?il? Prend? Art Eshibition, a< Rltx-l .1 ir... Hotel, '.' teidey, ae( inch a plan to "asks srmsmenl mm nrv and <? itabliih a*, a ilroke inb Law a itli n power '" i P ; t." .m.I he, "all pe? re fighting f..r i ational und t ronal security. All can meel oa ground and then accept 'he fu ? ? t.ii pr aeiple ft..,. : Im conques! : ? ei Ime >.- it 1 ? olid to rl:.- end thai the ? hole w ?-hall I" guai .l> 'I lately again il ? , - ? l blood bitl "Let ua, great America, here and i propose h plan :'? ? I rid * , irity league of nat ,-,d a-- .ni evidence of ou mplel .pport o Id board) "Penan i, to 1"" held in trust and ?.-.-.l u? a neutral Internet!! i ins of the Bandwich I -la: ,,r even two neutral sonea nos, t.i be held i for the eommon asirles and enjoym i ?.,-. Ide thai Heligoland, . . Darda i, the S ? .ii al, In ratet, all International hi ?\.... -, i ? ma ?. ne i1 ral and inter ? to cumtrion inti-n tional ? I the wai ? restored lid be I ? ? ? ? foi ;.-, which would til i Lourd rhis bodj an Internat! mal r . ? Force woi .'*. M ? for the Metro] and ? t 11 . school of a " SADIE MARTINOT COLLAPSE \ t res. 1 ik.-rt to Belli *? ne Mtir Hi ( ries Alarm Ndghbora. ? ? - II ' lag af 4M Port it an imai inary murderer. It ? ? only a few days and then --ent to Ihm home, i^e of nerv ? ?rork. Sad ? ? firal ? ? nrijiir n "H Pinafi i ? thi tourtni ? . "Mrs. net I when he R rr- ? ? i. : i ? " OLD GUARD Fl OF T. R. GRO\ Colonel's Course l Mope of Hitting HI the Primaries. ADMIT NOMINATK ENTIRELY POSS Men in Ranks Would Rath? with Roosevelt than L with "Regular." i i .. i . Kir??-, ! ? olon? I dore Ro< avelt'a refusal t>, por i m." t,, go ??'i the primary hi Michigan brought no r?assurait ?I.iv t?, ?Ither lu? D?mocratie or li, an opponent ? I i i ? 'l he v. fiai ?hat h?' will dominate the K | can N.a'ionnl I and n itlo i? ,' the term a ?,n wl \ be made continued to ?/r??w, and ' ariytt the pr ... ..... Bg at him during the primar The i d '??-' 11 the topic of political die? : on tod hia dorn?/-? hive hetti for ,,n which Iii-m?, leader? and old-line '?? pa I i-, thii deiiro to ; ? n of thu pol . itlon next summer, and every may affect hia el - in?/ thia '.? diaeueeed v*-Uh fervor. vlpor of the elTort? to head him i ?Town by ? tha? last few days by S,-ri-'ary G aon, e\ Preeidottt Taft, the Senate ? purcha?? lobby committee and R< ittve Mann, Republlean lead?.? the Houae. Democratic leaden uro taking i to let it b? known how urladly ? It as the hea th? Republican tiekat next fall. 1 declare ?ha?, ho would bo the eas ? candi.1, . I mean tho return and a If ? ..... | . . . (Hit Liners Re? oni lied. -, .. 9 ? - ? antii a to I elvea 1 ? ? Americaniam for which fie i , ? :? on the a ?h'ch ? .' ? ? ? ? ? ? my pari ? ... re pi ;*jns ye ,1 nel'a refuaal to a . ? will be ci is nominated may rot have a igate to the i r the old I ?aid "The n? i be the man to win ?n the " -, envoi ;? ?? .pinion, if I. take the nom al I Hugh?-? will 1?- the trian ehosan. If h will ri'.r, it may !.<? Rooeovelt 01 eomea It ? i . ditT. rent ? i Baa .'ni" BoBBSvett, ?vi 11 be ... tl ,- || will i.? Impo ? . v... . ? , ? ame of Hugni rh? admit, la a I t, or w?,ul< b< if h" could be bi ?' ? with h' ? i.eptani a of th? in \r\ ? t long Colonel, In. friends declare, will In- I,-. . and tl a 1 done many Root n will be a care fu . Colonel la a candidate or ool, the] ? ii of more I h in .. fi ? I likely " loubt that tl I Pit gam? I win, and, tl . ? 1912 debacle tha for hi? par* fair. College Club to Hear Dr. Davis. urin*? B I'avi j. r* rmer of Correetl? a of 1 ?:i eak before 1 0 ad Government Club i ? Ing on her wor ??The Perfed Day" ?$ % day whim you work in ?W mony with law. Health i omCB from Harmony. (^ in harmony with Natur?, laws by cat!ri-/ Shreddy Wheat, a sirnp!?-. natura/ ?l'-rruntal food which supp:.r the gn ?ates! nutrimeoi wit the least tax upon the digc<? ion. Try it for breakfast aM hot milk fir cr'-am. Delicirroj with sliced bananv, ?,rc!r?rr fruit. Made at Nia^oiraFau N. Y. Oklahoma B' | Tern. ; bafJJM ? ? '? -, Ilelav.-r. I ??? _ ?' - -? ?? ' Sunny (fays and bluest of skjes .?BTr^^WBk ^ *s ? May I ?end you our California tour booklet.-' ? 177 a ... ?? I I easily re Grand Q In Salt RivcrV alley, near Phoenix, oranc*cf ana ostriches neighbor the cactus and D ?Brilliant sunr-hmo u the rule, all winter. ?Tne desert s dry air is balmy and beneficent. ?Your auto eats up tne magnificent mees i lead at ?nten-e culoi?purple peaks yellow ea:id*\ ??reen or lrn (_'?tion, and gOl _;eous eun-ct*. - ir is Eg. pt, at your very door. Hotel.* and bim^alows eomiortably care for the traveler. Canip?, too. where you may Castle Il.'t Sprtntfi ?a a noteJ with hot VOcaiCVOLS? waters. ached en route to anyon ana (alhornia B-aa*amnr~B-BB*BBBBBaa?^^ :-?________?__??__??BJ_________m__BB?M The Victrola brings the world's best music into the home for every one to enjoy Victrola IV, $15 Oak ? -?__ . , 4&_4???_fC* Leading Places WhereVictrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14th Street ideal Music Co.20 John St. Owens & Beers.81 Chamber? St. Singer Bros.'.82 Bowery It enables you to hear the greatest singers and musicians whenever and as often as you wish. There are Victors and Victrolas in great vari? ety of styles from $10 to $400-at all Victor dealers. Victor Talking Machine Co. CamtJen, N. J. From 14th St. to 42d St. (Indusive) Globe Talking Machine Co. 0 Weal 2 Id St Chas. H. Ditson & Co.8. 10. 12 East 14th St. Ludwig Bauniann & Comp'y . 8th Ave., i 5th to ^?th St. James T. Coughlin.544 ?< 54b l.i^hth Av. Knabe Warerooms.5th Av. at 19th St. Michael Streamer.1 30 last 42d St Pease Piano Co.128 West 42d .St.. nrar Broadway __ From 43d St. to 96th St. (Inclusive) - Mathushek & Son Piano Co.Broadway ?\ 47th St. Bloomingdale Bros.50th ?\ Lexington Ave. Sol Lazarus.2 11? I ?ist 50th St. Adolph H. Mayers.1983 Broadway, f>7th St. Fuller & Bagley.21 06 Broadway, near 7 3rd St. 1. Zion, Inc.2 >00 Broadway, n.r. 83rd St. M. J. Roth.*rd Ave. <\ 84th St. Henry Mielke.1680 Second Ave., cor. 87th St Above ybth Street? Lmanu.l Blout.2 700 Br?>a?lw .. Theo. ArLon.>2 We?! 1 I nth St Buckley-Newhall Co.5th Ave. ?Y 1 25th St Kranich & Bach.16 W?M? I 25th St. Albert Sichel.233 Wert 125th M. F. L. Steers Co., Inc.M96 Broadway Lenox Talking Machine Co.312 Weal I -? <th St. Epstein & Berdy.20/7 Third Ave., near 1 i 4rd M L. J. Rooney Co. 1451 St Nicholas Ave., V?<r 183rd Si Brooklyn? A. I. Namm & Son, Fulton St. at 1 lovt St. Subway Stat'n, R'klyn Epstein & Berdy.1 I OS Fulton St . near Bedford Ave. Pease Piano Co.14 Ratbush Av?-., Brooklyn B. Guy Warner.Redford Ave. ?j\ 1 lalaey St, Brooklyn Out of Town? Hunt'- Ltadin?' Music Haaat, Inc.. 52?4 Martin" \\.. White l'/ih. Y , Steger & Sons Piano Mf>. Co . . 74 3 Broad St. Newark. N. I Victrola XVI, $200 Victrola XVI, electric, $250 Mj_e?.my ? u4li