Newspaper Page Text
WHITMAN OPENS FIGHT FOR STATE FINANCE REFORM Tacks Bill to Message Isking -adoption of Budget System. N0 COMPROMISE, GOVERNOR INSISTS qvc \,i for ?approprlatioitt ami Single Control Over Expea ditnres Urged. I SU* \\ I ? ' .' ? - . r rec . - ? ' - . .. ? ? i ? ? ? k- Feature. < . i si on of ? <? * recoi nee lure wil - - hangt ? . ? ? ' mi 1 Bill*, f.j ?.i. ?sun Mi aaesji i idget 1 ark a departure i ? ? nor Whit ? he propose? to ? an tea but i ? : men. ? . each ? : ? reeommenda .ature the actual potrer of making the budget, t?" irnggeett*? that *l.e (iovernor be |*h*SB the right to shift appropriations after :;.?? have been made and alfo ti? light to reduce Item? has provoked laaslderablc reposition the logli'.Htof*!*. Senator Elon R. Brown, major- told Governor Whit ???*. bill had ? ei Ho did not I e had work on of his ' Maler, '? troduea eel bill nex* ? .- ? That : and ? unlikely wa ? , .. ? ? -a I ? . ? He is bill be i.i.*.*>ed as it I for ' ? the '? comment ' - William A. ernor, of ... \\ | . ? its e? the budK?t ? . s of Istloa Weeld He Changed. , mend , carry nut the mi ??nire. ' th Of ' ? i of Fiscal ?_ WEDDINC PRESENTS JOS. HEINRICHS -2 948 BROADWAY $ N'a/ . 5TH AVENUE, (or 4 , "? ?'l.|imrl-r. I.,r IBM lira? ? i...ii..i, DlahM, l . r. .. L't. ?,,.. Ira Km I,, in Ueteaea tieclric Specialties i irmance of his duties bj 11 a .'*tnt* oiler. \ ' indonmenl of t ? , led ? * ? > ? ? to t rain > oung m? n foi met ?il-,, ai ? ma niait 11 . || of $100,000 foi approxi hundred I in?l the raining ?hip Ness poi t. used by 1 nit? authorities. Pl?i consl of the Mohs i , Boj s. al "* ni ktoa i Heights, be f the 0| m of New Yoi ? thoritie? 1 il ion on ' . i "e gregal . Ih? | ilie construction ? - Pu* ?bolishmenl of the ol? ?i nended on itate fum 4. Governor, "1 recommend ti 1 the care of the aged inaan?. here are er In oui Middletown, i . i ' ? ? I ? ? ? the It "1 am assured l .turn? '"or 2,000 such ? I ? " Mo *? Civil Service Inquir* Incomplete 1 he work of ? inak* ? ? ? item "In -? ? ? itur? . i or de ?, ? ? ? es iii resull . ? - . ? for the pi . ng 1 ' peral law to be , tal i schools and mies. ? ? ' . vol Of ipproxi | : ? ? ? ? Public V . . peral ? ? ? r. kept ture 1 . . Wanta finances Centralized The comprehensive financial pro? gramme ?'.-.??? ? ?. ll Ion which providi ? re of the state | ? ? .? appropria ???lof all n ; ; pe? the i instead some ? have a part in air ? . the be* f the 1 11; i of con? trol of expendil "TI ter the fund? "f the except trust or sinking funds, or Otl er fu?o- provided for by the con stitul on, should be of three kinds only: "i Irst Fund's from the proceeds of the pule of state bonds for construc? tion or permanent improvements. "Second Funds from the proceeds of the sale of manufactured or farm prod? ucts or the other results of labor of in? mates of state institutions, "Third The general fund should be mad>- | indire ? ? . fron, the . f pub i lie property, from t h. ? ? of fines, eollecl of ad r exhibit by the enta for mi dice] or aurgical or pil tr< il nent or cur,-, eipta not in t' ? vioua tion. Shifting of Fiscal Possets. "This means,** the measage expia ni ta "f the atete ahall hereafter be reeerved foi ?: I osea excepl Ida d in the This i< c. would include the sbeliahmenl of I ? ? * .1 from tax?", and ti,'- '"und from col - ? .. - or ins1 the car,- of pa; I would further reeommer.d the el tablishment of the pi thai as payment be i I of too fund de from inmate ndustry or from the gen-ral fund except after apecil ..? Iva appi oprial ion, i i ept thai I egialstura may permit in tl a ? ? ? i ? . ; ? nla whore an induatr- is con establishment of a perma ? fend to provide neeei arj w? ? ipitel for- the ; i apital may be replen ? i ? in revenue from Industry without an appropi only to 1 ? ? tent of the original ti ient.M also announced "t bal should any moneys be paid he th? hai .;- of an* iepi. . ? ? n department or institu? 01 any toe -i or city officer i I . ? ertil ate of the i er that the money is due either in full state or is u local ahare of the in the reas of service?, rendered includ ? g sa ai ? ai ! a ig? oi work ai .i mat? ? niahed, ascent that the Leg i permit th. - . of mom > to d nstitul i eel pettj cash disbursements, which be account ed for before the next a ment ia received. Petty cash allow tutioi ii artmenl - shall I ' : t to meet the antici? pated ? tur? "or three month-. ?,,:?!'. i i . ? ? .'ator* contr bul ioi i ortation for pi laon? ? iii.i tl al a de] ? ? ighway ma shall also payments to the Buperin-1 ? of Public Works for e | of his deirartrntnt, also the ?ejrsBSnts ? -i n titution .'f an) - than the petty ind . ? ? refei red to ' nil of thi ' al powi i m.>** at? ,1 ?moni ? ? ?,- ,|. ? . ||0? i ? ????"i i he l>< partan 1 of II i of l'ublft Worl -1 Hi lupervi lor, th< Prison Department, I ? 1 ? .'inmi - lion, the I ? Com I? Fair ( ommia Milu ^. ?a i,,. Hinder? I?roneaajr. f th? ratur, .t of , ? ? *? h i? 'i Ii."i .-m ?m ncri , nd ma ? ? -.a m the i r 1 a t . ? ? |0 111?' ?inking fund? and Ihe payment ? . I Conti ollei * n ii creas? ovai I alio? anee for 1-'' - 17.465.94, 1 ? ? Milu-i, 1915. "Tl ,? ' i ni r,,t:,l ,.f i),.. c,,iiiribul . required un,1er the itikinir fund ' ? ate ronatitu ? . ? . i Ihej - 1 l!,.r m ? ' ? rea ent an actual thi ? to provide itlon of const! - ? ? ? ? ? ... ' ? r,. pi- that 1 ? f of Ml ? Single appropriation \?t I rged. ??,?: i fiscal yea D , ? - ? . the re? ? ippi ? ? - - ? ? ippro] my our that knowledge of th< tola ? ai??'ii'l turca t"i each group or activity, In tead ol hi ittercd in a numl nf lull i pa i ?''I at Interval < <)?i ? ibjecl I, gi lut n,- . " l l,:,' appi "'i '-,'.all ? of the atal i i ? ice, In ,im!ii .. ind i ? he aubject t,, ?chedulea of i>? i i ? i ? ?? -. .?'?'. ?larii of i ,-i ' emplo ? iri? of t?mpora i ? ? ? ? .in,i tlic u i niporar) etnplo*, e ? " I hat appropi ia1 Ion ? f,?i thr- ea inei than pe? ??mal ' d i irtmenta m itat? .".,-? i* it n- . 'ml i I,, made inbji I , in-,l ?,f expent e, and, ? hen i ? ? , ? -,,- i . -,i whirl ? I Three ( laajai. of H ud get Item* " 11 ? appropriai ion fonn of tli ? pro|.i fall . therefore, ?0 ,-r i or, "nit,, tli i.In ' , ii tionai Pirat, for paraonal acrvlci achedv econd ?'>? cl? I ed ? ? 1 ; ? ?other tfiiin per tonal ?ervici an,l. third, appropi I for apecifle objecta, Including ? ? ucl ion m permanent Improve ment il "l? ?a in the ? ? ? ropi il re Ai ? . ?:, ? t,,. i ,-l-, tat ire and ' he Ex? cu ? e will I-.- .? mrj so that tl tota ? of tlio appropriation an,I the ti . hedulea ? hall agree. Othei ',, i;i\n the I ?ecutive the opportun it; tem? tpei uill be necessary for th.- Legl latun to mi ? riation fo ? " All of the |iro|" \. .-n - 11,. ? that would have "other n - "????? ? .luririir the ? ?? ? JUDGE GARY WARNS OF PEACE PERILS ? nntiinir.l from |inc?- 1 of! . '. from ik a add?: ?| .*ould offer roi ition. Wa ? , I ? I ? V\ e \\ e ? - ' ? - . in ?offlf "The ? the nited Slat? good ? . ? THE AEOLIAN COMPANY :<1 New York-.", w.u t. AEOLIAN HALL Bn ? a-11 : v.?????lAve. |g ' .. . , - . ' ?f*U /..?.... ..,? uUaHn trumeai ? a ?fi .a *SiV'* ??_., *-. f?HSi#?S" ,-r-*\-??*??.* ,--* ??-SS ;. I "??.s'-lLia.V/ ?',">;?? '4A *-*Jn #?#&^ i*J ^&>*'??fe^., :*fi? gjfiggjj?gggg. -:*" m t/ob. VOCaAlION The Phonograph of Richer Tone That You GanPlau TI1IC Aeolian-Vocalion is a phonograph <>f .-mil superior musical quality thai it is virtually a new type o? musical instrument. Tonal richness and fidelity distinguish the Vocalion. Deep voicesof the orchestra thai ilu* talking machine intones but dully, high noies of the human voice that have sounded so thinly fr< >m your records these and all the tonal beauties with which music is enriched, the Aeolian-Vocalion re-voices undimmed in splendor, unchanged in subtlest quality. T H E WON DE RF1 L GRADU?LA '1 his renurk.iMi* invention, second in importance only to the invention of die phonograph itself, lus made the Vocalion truly a musical marvel. Throi. the delicate to.oe?*control win* h ?iia ingenious device provides, you literally may Bing with the voices of thf* greatest artists?play with the skill and technique 4>f the greatest it*st*rumentalists. AH Model?? of the Vocalion Are Sold on Liberal Charge Term* ...... .. Hoo and sale, to New York, ... edtoheoi tot insnomsot Oa^osnstroloi _C'c'-rij-ii '-'.'. Tht Atctian t# "?IE UL!.i?>^7w. i ii if i m i pf-wws^-^m aliva ta oui epportunitiei i b ? .<? ??..i of Europa arill aol b< ?"? long pi "? i a? led ?? ? man?. i ; not 11 a ? if n , ,. predict i h ? opinion la ba ed |?i mari It upon I ? o n ound ? h, th? Aral place, ii ??? m apparent tie, ? ai ?. . ? to any bel lu-? renl cou ntrj or i" t Ii?' a oi can i ? ull from I; i arai ? and anlesa H be th? I rra satabliab ment of an international tribunal for ttleraent of nil International dif? fer?. an? thai la univai ml and practical] im tbal will prevent the proloi gal Ion al i an In th? ful are. "Thi? run in* created. If so. aegotia liona lor peace and for ?urh r?*iiil'^ hould i"- ? onca and ? to .1 ? on? lu ? rhe. H I,.-", | tint? !?',,,- .;. ',?1 ,-r ahould absolutely coi othrr aide, which ???? ma there would be i a aead nor d i i,,n c>v an int? i nal | nbunal. I Ii?- leadi r? of all thi i I oi r?alisa and appr? it? I m ?? likelj to act upon - ?n. If not, then the i : will aea and de? " I li?> Other |;r<iiiii?l for inv |,< that ?aat-li of th,- irarrlng ? starving fer Hen ???''i money both. Tl,ry do not a?lniit i', but thi? or? plenty and convincing. Ai y nal ging Ihr* war b'-yon'l t1,r i . , nably nn?l i ,,r,',r , ? . llowly mol -'ir<-!-, I ' rcial aupremaey, n on of '< r I ' - ? for ?? th? war ?? ti ? ? ? ? ? : fte rn . ? ? r r.olii ?il changea In vol? ume, ir, prie?! and rcourc'V Then i* diangar of overproduction, overea? t?-n?ion of credit an?l liabilitlea, over? , ee. I Ircumstaneei cha?ar? | -?? a kaloido'rop??. Wa have obcr/H thi? fall .??. ? aifain. It ? . -? v*en?l ..-.-? favor or" '.r?-iif r *i?.ra(rtiv? taha tara "f that mattai I ? ???? men ahould realize ; id la the ? crfd ?ia,-|fr<-?lively, w? will have d'irie no harm an?l *?? mar hereafter I m ? r? .?-??,:. foe ?-ong;r?tul? tion. ITa bava th? greetaat country ?teat apport in;'."., and rasry properly be bepeful ar.d c?.n i ' The GIMBEL Men's Store Announces an Important Reduction Sale of en s $35 t0 $45 Overcoats Suits and Ulsters, at $25 SPLENDID clothing?the very ?best wo carry. Taken right from stock and reduced never lesa than $10, and in more than half the quantity as much as $16 and $20. The Suits afford almost limitless choice?most of the Overcoats are silk-lined, and the Ulsters are the best lot we ever showed. All sizes. In fac?, the Sale offers very de? cidedly the BEST Clothing values we have given this season. It is well to remember that this GIMBEL Clothing, fully up to the exacting GIMBEL standard, was excellent value at its regular prices and so is doubly worthy your attention today. u Also?A Special Offer of Men's $22.50 to $32 Overcoats, Suits & Ulsters. at $16.50 Smart models, excellently tailored in the most pop? ular fabrics of the season. Really exceptional values, especially the fully silk-lined Chesterfield Overcoats. All sizes in Stock. ?.IMBKLS?l-'ourth Floor Broadway and 33d Street a Caiaa - ??~ ~??v??7- mm>m' ''..v?"I ? ?; o _ ? .?*a_a___._ _. . .? - - j ir. ' ??aSa! 1 : M The Needs of Defence In the eighth and concluding article of his impressive series on national defence, Professor R. M. Johnston strikes, loud and clear, the note of urgency. .All along the line t?tere are things to be done, there is the work of generations to he mid,- up and the precious months are slipping by. It is an article that points out the uselessness of billion-dollar ap? propriations in themselves and the pressing need of scientific, organized action. Read it it comes to you with next Sunday's Tribune, and next Sunday's Tribune comes to you surely if you speak to your newsdealer to-day. S?l?* i>unuag ?fributti? First* to Last the Truth: News?Editorials Advertisements, -a! < i.^,. i,. __'- _tU_*(__-,. t_r_ .ai $$**1eSt)'!?