Newspaper Page Text
N. Y. LAWMAKERS BEGIN WITH RUSH Committees Appointed and Many Bills Offered on Opening Day LEADERS HOPt: FOR \ SHORT SESSION Thirtx-four Proposed Constitu? tional \niendnients Submit? ted in the Senate. . ? . Now York 1 e? ? w?v toitay. ,a-r Thaalale-.i' - hi? eonrmitt? ;nrn~urr? ? ? . ?. -o com billa and th? . ? in cau s - \ a ;. ?dar. ni led ? ? Mr. ?'?11a a goc) Ira fand many Republicana ami - - ? Ilia - -i. ?a? ? ? ?lehn ? ? ? ? W .cccodt',1 r* '? - ? ? ? - I I - $5,134,194 economized by Whitman Budget ? . , . a f $J I Whit ? feet pro? for toi -parf't - ? ? . . ... . ? .- ? it fund .- year, ? ? ? ' ' ' ' ' : . ? I ? a ??<??? H Ml -!N!.v- i | KPOSEU ONE FLOOR FOR RENT i H)i? Building A (j tur a Human ? . /-, Wirk. i ? ? ? II I II,.11.1,l,a ? . - llahi ? \\ tab? I ?Il ?I p. r : ' ItVO ?.11111.11 di i i ng fnuntalaa ? ; II,:l ILni,M,,? s . ? ??- ? Inaurano* r;.i#. II. r (a. aa. -1 ill nna l,,,ll,ll,,a: In III . ,1a lili I II Hi l-IIIN?. ? ?I ll.ah. , |,,;l, \a. ,,l MM h ->i REAL I v I M I I "N v ?' ? OK l<? II I i'i**MiM*n a I pair - !.. ? ? a ; I ?irM.rJH l'a ? <?i ?. I HI rwn'I.Kl \ i ai ii a rial plan ma pi acnaaa 01 ?a,.lr> I..U... .... I. >, ,?!.-_ V..|. ??,._ Can?ti?-J Home l?(? s ? ?fi \\ a. ? a?_ __, X. -, '*'__ Ma? Vl_ Su. o? fh % <& HY.CITV <Q COUNCIL^ ?W MADISON AVENUE HKADyl ?Kl'KKS Ntll'H'KS Im *J**s? ,' a...'..'' a .-...' -.a. *>4 i ? ? *.>-a. *-?iu ' * ? ... , ..??. . ? V? 1 , - ,1.1 ?. It ... ... I . a | .... I O Clark? .....j m , ,.. - ? . ? - . p Mini ?? ?* ,*? -, iv. focal I?! , uto ? . . *|*-*tt * . -. Mat ..i i laki pi a? 4 a. .a: a I,. Vaj.I ? I all? ? I' Nr.. ... ,.11 ti?- op? ? - -.- ..i*?aa Italia It I ' i ? : ? .' , . . ? I.,41 I I ? .....' 4 . ,4. , . Itnwi 4.1... > , | . ? w. (oi 4 . - Hi , .i??".' |n .?i Um I?..,urn? ?? . ... i ? .-. ? i , 4 ? ? s-:a i. ?a?, *-,-,.UI.4 . ' . . " ! - ' * , e .--fi-a MfMIt? < i ? - 4 ?? . ? I'lirwri I I Al 1 1 I a, 4 M ; Dlatriel Notices ... ., . ?? 4 . .4 ?44. 4 . \ | ? " >. , . ? - * ? . I Troop Metiese , . ? - ... - ? tr ? > N- ? ? III, . I ? SI Max ** ? ?? Uli ? ? . ??- . . 4 . it S.IS | v .... PATERSON BURIES HATCHET I \\ W. I , ,-idem Will Be Ml?'.* ? ?*' t.. ?? 11 ? - : 11 < I nrti*?t urhs',1. ?.- '.-?? braucht n new - '". . who hai 111? ; "? I " Paten n Bii ? he * ' .... ; ..,, had died will I Klisabeth Gurle: i yni and for -, r robe? Interfei ? ? . ry indication 1 EIRE RECORD Mr? 1 i ? .< Marl - - ? .... ? - ii a?. '. a * - - i ? . INDIANA r.OOSTS FAIRBANKS 1.1,1? ?mini* In Mnlr lli?,nia Him ?J 1/ O. P. l'ro?l.lontl?l ('aiidldnte. IihIiiiiihtioIi?. Jan f? A |*etiH<ni to plae? th? name af Cbarlei Warren , - \ ,-.? Prealaent, on u?? primar? ballot in In.iiBim ni ? ?andi? ente for the Republican nomlnatioa for ''?? Idenl *? ii ?led with the Secretary ? t State her? lat? to ?Ja) i?*? L ?? Henley, lerretary ?>f the RapubllMn Stata Central Committo?, Thar? ?rar? approtimatel] 6,000 name? ?iRiir?! t>, the p? ? ?1 count) la the atata b< ng rapreaei t,-,l \ i. 11 Fi ida] ?111 be the 1??1 <Uv foi ft ling petition! for the primary to b? held March 1\ Mr rnirl.nnki* jprol? ably will b? the only Republican Proal denttal candidate oa On? tlcke? THF. WEATHER REPORT Perocaata and itemnl?? fur Hi?- i aal lia ant) -four Minina. ?1 ??tontta.n Ja" r Tli? llialfm . ? H i r ? m nul i? ?? , . ? s i '?i i a __ .-.Ira Hl? hilt* r War.? Iv?i ? ' ? . a .. , ? ? . ? ti.? mem i??? n-fi-. . , , : -o wi? - ? ? , [ . .a . ?? . IM ? ? ? ? r,,- a la-. -" I I a ? ? a 1 ? ??alai nada) h Nra?r I . ? ? , Villar. I - ? I - ? ' - - ' ? i ? - -?? ? a?i i ,i L ? "-. Eaatar? k?.. > ?? M - ? ? laaW?, Prrnaal,?n|a\ Wr.| V|r. jlnl? r?ln rw - .?rt'r al rlohl. .- lali ? ? - . ? ? " ' ? ' a > ?'-? I . ailinja I ' ? r> T ? Loml ?'-' 111 Shipping ?njormation and Marine News 0/ the World \ rsif-i?. Arriving at and De parting from Port ol New York. ? -a a? 4 , . i" < 0 mm. STEAMI R! T" :>st * Ii-. .l>s?* IT liil.ri !? ? pambaew . - - I a I' . , ? re .Dec.. l'? Ut . 1? Jat-nro lar? Carr '. .a- ? Ii - J.i?. i,. if . i ... I i , i n.n.*,- PAxi im : ?A'i-is". i ism , - ? Uayaro i, i pur i un i t I ?? ; 1 :? !.. a I. ?.. ; 4. ... Bill ?il TGOING STEAMERS i \ i ? IHDA* a I ?? . aal 'KM SRI >' ? . a Hasan? I - ' ? . . . km 0 V - I RANSPA4 III? MAILS I . . - I * I? Il a ? A . I Jai> II i , a .. Ma-i a 11. a . . I . ,4 , . ; . ? ' . I I . *?". Tri l?all M.I.I Hi a ?' *. II i ? . . a ? liar ?I i ... ? A i ? QSJI III ?i JuaJ? I ""? ....... ... ... (|?lll a :. I "? 1 M " I ? ' ' Hi - ? J il i, lira i ? . \ ? i . ? 811 wines .vi FOREIGN PORTS, SI.i.: i ...... ? i? AdrlatW i . w i i Toi a '? - 4 for . -i ar*a " ..]> ,- . ' I ? - .. . 4 . ' I - ? ' - ?-?* 1 \ I \ * I I M . Vnrk i rl ? ? ' a ? - 1 ' ''I . . ? i JEWELLERS TO PAY BIG REN r Kirkpaitriek ft Co. Lease Sto at Fifth Av. and r.Oth Street. T K ,ik(??t nr'h * ?n. J.-wrller?. I niRiiy vrnr?: nt t)i? ao\i?hivi?at cornrr mi, iv. ?i*,i ltd ?i. ayyoaHa tarn w ,',ir(" Astoria, lia*.- aublonaod fr< Theodora C. Monom the atom, abr '.'la.iiin f?.?>t, .it ?in* aoothwaai corner ? .'.th B*. ?n.l r.nth at fur n Urn? twenty ?ne y?*nr?. with a rr-ncwal. I 11-??,?,., ?ill tak? puiaesriinn of ill? ' i,? quarter? on M?rrb I. ?rhaa asta ? ? >? nltri-Ht i??n?j tu 111 *? iui'iiiiioh w have boon roniplrtrd. The !? I v ilvea a total rnitni of filinut .lanif? ?'.iniimghaiii Sun?. (oinpun of Rocb?Mter, hav? rontad through ^ Gittermaa the eornor itora al "' ?mi Park Booth, eoraer of 7th u ? ? the ihowroorn ?'i tb?* Canningha , h I be lea?? la fur h trrm <,f y?*i?r at ;? graduated rental, reflecting tl , I, ? t of the opening- of the 7th ai anl way, which will bava ? atntion at 571 be In operation by th , n,i of the M. ,v L rleaa, Im-., lean-il a flour I , foi i? term t. ? J ? ?eph Kapl ? .t Rioth? r, alao the Boa ut 24S 7th mr to M Brookaton? ii Ing < lompan . alao 10,. u ? 80th i1 . ? Boo nt 34 to "- Weal tl at the II ?or a 23 and 25 t. to B. Sha ? ? .- floor al 30 >Saa1 Mori I 11). ' :?? 13 mi to th? Royal l?am| ? Compam . I ha foui I h floor a 11 .-,- ? . Kr? ba, Btenfel I Levj m 100 5th i?*', ro the \^i I I i < ompany ; ipae? in IS and II ? ? lr? :.?? Under? ai Company, ?m?! :ln> floor at If to . ? .?. I'!..-?? ' ? ! i-; ? I Baatine I i o leaa? d the n"or nt 7? Fifth ?v, to Hen ek, ami tlif IS West 21 ?I ? ? tl i Prog icking and llematitching ? om B II ! ' J Mann tic 4 11 unk Irapoil fi tonlfoldingl l Weal '??'?' ' ? ? (?ray'i ? ' . iny, and for <,ifT,,r,1 Pinch Ol ?be ? , ? . ... Survey ? ompany. ? ? ? H Van Valen h?<? I? ? i ? Lana t? i A Lefkowita, and addit n the earn? to L. a C Mayer*. ? Hotr! m Nmv Handl Eda.-i rd II Ra; nold ? laee i- M. a . ,?-.; : . line Ho Ri idle) Rea? ? . S. J STRUCTURE IN FIFTH AV. SOLD Investor (iives Cash for Bnllding Between 45tli and 46th Streets. SALES IN RESTRICTED 521) STREET BLOCK Buyer of Dwellllg to Occupy House Near Home of Will? ?am K. Albert B, Aslit'orth. Inc , ha? ?old for tin? M7 Fifth Avenue ( orjioration illin I Jnmin Mordeeai, prooident) th? prop | orty known Be 111 Fifth Hv . n five ?tory i business bedding sltaated on th<* e??t Sida of Fifth rvv., bstWSse 4r>rli and 4"th i ?t?., 2f> feet front hy 100 feet in depth | The property was purcha*od hy th? f..*? Fifth A ..inn? Corporatioa last ?pring-, nrnl nffor ?\tensivo alterations , '..ii-i.l floor wni li-ased to Mirks A Son. fraiterera, and the upper floor? to other desirable tenants. The buiMin* completely rented. It ha? been I purchn?e.| hy an investor for ca?h, who to hold ti ? propei I ?. I >th? | ? 8T U lllian B. Mat I I a h?*-? Bold for Mr? Eleanor MeCorasleh tri* four story and baaemaal dwelling; at rti W,.ai :.;',l ?t., on 1"' 17x1"" S fee'. It Is ? ? real led block, between Fifth here nr-* the home? of \\ h , Bi -i. i I. on the Fifth ?v. ear* . -i n Iselin, B M Bareeb, T. J , M I '? f ? r I. Mr? ... 1 1'. Lewis ?nd i hi new owner will oeeep* W Mc< arthj ,"? Fellow? ? i ii r. Binghi, prominent the plot o< ?? nine ? ? .. ?th* esl sot ner of Moi ind 19 Id at. Th* sea 1'nrU *,- ? ii si ' . Weal Fifty-set enth Street Compai "old li F/sst ! basement " , and diagonally Plaza Hotel. Th.. -<*ll*r* ooh ? .? for the Wesl ! *.7th ?t . mad? through William 1* May A Co. LEXINGTON AV Samuel Blason I? reported to ha?*? ?old 704 Lexington ?v., a four atory dwelling, on lot. lOr 78 feet, lo Jame? Braiinan, batcher, ? who will alttr It for hi? business Mr. Brennen recently ?old to Biri|i ? Hin,; : th? ?outhwBSt ?orti*r of Pnrl? as and 1 fid ?t., where he conduct.???! his Sties lishment for many viar? I1TII AW J. 0. Goldsmith, lajea 1 tifiad with ?av?rai deal? in th? Nth Bt district, has h?u?;ht ?hrouajh Clark T Chsmbera the assthaest soreer of ElOTOBth ?v, ?nd Tiiith ?t.r old build In?s, on plot 160x100 f?et, from th*. I Colamblaa Kealty Company On* bloek Aviv ans th? new 1.000-foot piers i whioh th? city Is orectin-r. An SVtO 1 mobil? htilldinfc- may be erected. Benlty Conference To-Mo-tow The midyear oonf?r?n?t? of the Re?l F.itate Association 0? th? Ktrite of Net? Vnrk will be held at tha Hotel M<-A! pia to morrow. M?ny topn s ?rill be rliscii?i?d durin*- th? d?7 and mm, -, ? 'Mre?i?s mnde. An informtil dinner will he }.<*M at i p m. State Controller Bttgons M. Travl? will be the principal ipeeker. New Building Plans. Manhattan. I0TH ?T. - a. '1 I I ?t?. a?. *W ??> . ' ?? ? - S?.l?Sl ? i.lll?*c?' In!?*'!"! O ?'.* I, ?t. me,,' I. A Sh?4r,?-r.. I ii Bnsrtry. ? .??art. |i*l noo The Hron?. CANAL riACI. ? a. IM n Hi. . ' . . s rl^V l.r'nri. i' i <? i, mres HI * -i?- it, o?nw; iba i;- -a? ti.1- m'k i.v>. nut 4 ? Hi la- a. u htl ?? ' - morris av. a a an ? its - * '- ?? M ;i:i 11 ?n 1 MliSi 11 ? ; llMi?:.? lira:-,- r- i Arthur <; M - I. .' BCMMMtl, .-.?r l l.?rl.-? H-;.. I '1 Tr^mM.' i' ir:M'-. ' ?? . CHANO AV. ? . Ill ? : ?'"? ? ?.?iiin'a. Il laf, f>, M H.? ? a llr ,a ! a ??mil lir-.. ? . I ?-? ,S I.-i '(,??!. ?,, a-, irehlt? li, mil, II ' BUVANT AV ? ? lll?l I trat?AW I? f-*r a : ? ??'4 Hid l?:g "'.iTI WolUhOC? l ? . ? . Htr i-i Wi lehn Bal ?at? ?s ?mUUnt), orniu: M w n?i rrllMi-.. |?| "-. ? 4 a ?? cat, I'.nio WtSTCMtSTIR AV. r. ? ? P?"**" ?' a-,A if. t>rl<* ? ?a-r? II "i I "*.. o-|. - . T .?,? ' : .'. ha*1 irt? ?'. .?."r 1 U |. ... an-"-r.- r-m< 14 Alterations. Manhattan. fnriECOMBf AV. ? a ?*? P'-- it; t? I t - - -i- ? Ha4-*oi -, <??? -. " I* P ?hi?' ??"> T" lilt ?i. I - I* ?n AV. MS; "> a S ?t; taoaM a- -1 r ,*. I. i. ? M V..' ITth 4". T?r?r. C?D?Ml? A Ol ? '.rar an a? !'.? k - a'-""-' . n ? The Bron?. fort fiCMUVLtR road.? w tm am i ? ' IrtUM ?r???'? sr -t .'.?U , I .'. ?T. M lf?m'.?*? rmrrr |! ?i ..- -.- ?? . -? ? .- ... i. ? Sales in Auction Room* A> || V.4.T M ah Va rt prvi. !5TH ?T, Ml ?A. - ? I IrM '.. i it? f. i M :??' '? '"??-..., . . ....... ... A ..?n-. lef ? !?.- ?' I TI; til | sta-iar. ? R-i .-, ' ? s STORAGE M)IM F.*. Globe Sto?-*gr & Carppt Cleaning Co., . > | 101 I ?a? lia? >i . s \ ? I i ? ' . . . ' H. Di M M . ? ' ? " ? ? . ? i ? i '? ? r " ? - Mr?. K. la. O i ? ? ? ? ? a ? a I ? ? 1 - - Qlob? Htorag? A < ,ir|M.f ? Iranio? < ? BH VM< 'i i K1*B1 M l.-.fl s|.\ |... Ill \ X ? N \ I tek J | i an.t ? ?-ou ?r? ' ? ? ... I S ? . a -, N?v ? ' ? . . - , - ' u "I, Ml?) d . . ? - - ?pli ' . -?. ? ? rbura ?-..'? i - x " ? | I 111(1 IN'DKEW J BIIANI?' PRfPRIET? I < Il 'al 10X8. Il ? -r | ! ? ? i - a inyard. -. i? ? I : - .' H M ra. 1 ' rank I?. ....- . ? ; . ' * -I I ?i!u ? ? i ?tor ?*l Ml . Pr? . pro a , Fohl .1?:- : ? . ? ? - ? - , ; - . ? a 1 ' ? ??tat? ? ,'t. r. Il - . ' ''i?ni*r, '?? a Vei W. . ? M?nh?t . a . ? . - ?t hall ? ?? l'rai .--r ai. ! ? a ' ' a - . Of III? ' 1 I I an. a ? u...- .: .... ?uxr?_?t??' Ca/iuu ri m i? Nun? ES. .i ? it at- ? ; - ? ? ?/'.??_ M I, . a It? ? ?." r,,U . ... - in? ??????? ' ? ? .?t. . ? ,- : no? ? i ? ?? - ? ? . ?? tr?, k? . ? .- If I' - a 1 ? - ? - f th? ? I - ? * . a ? ? - ? - ' ind alona .... " ? ?.. ? ? ?rltn , Mao ? ? i - ' ? ? ' ii iccuted ? ; ? ?- petti ,,.n,-r ( ? ? ' s ? - . . _ -, -. , - tract i ? - ? : don? in ' - ' roua ill be open 1er? ? ? i ? ..... ,. - . . aar ? ??ten I Avenu? 125? ' , . r? I >n i it A ? ?- I? ! I ? ? ? ? ? . iipmrai la main? dt< r?r a- !? ?. in ? ?? fraa ? - i i_t ot a ,. ... ?ai ! ?, ? ' tr ?,ii> ' a Vork. | sew ' H EDV? ARD A M?HER l ??- || IARTI N, ? iarr ? -. . iworn. Ii I ? n Rallwa* ' ? - pan? ? . ? ?? ? ?a ? ',? ,.f . ? ?. a " m lnr.,imatl'.n ? ? ? ? II??*? a . * ?? lav et i I W lT7.hU ?a i ? - , ? ? ... N y. Co llr, : a V ? 1. a - I ? immla - ? ? m a. ? a ? , . ? ' '??? ? ??????*. '-.m th? ???? i "i- S'EvV I 1 ? ?atI a :. 1 A ; .... . . . ? ? ? | a ? a . , ? ?? ? uni ' ..?n it M-.'i lh? time I . . ' ? n at i . -r and ? ? directed to ? f I ." , | ? t lea?? I? ?. ? ' ? ? ? ' \\t m ,;,*-. i -a** ?_*? . a ? ???? -,. .. ., -, PUBLIC NOTICIO. FRANCHISE HEARING RAILWAY BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN B?tard "f Wlaeete and Apportionment ? Its ?if Men York a ?>p ' - ? ? ? if tmn "laritolni ? THIRD AVENUE RAILWAY COMPANY FORT GEORGE AVENUE FROM AM STERDAM AVENUE TO AUDI BON AVENUE, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. ? : a ? ? i ? r ...??-.. 4 .i ari to ??? termina ti , nrlll na to b* I mpo??d? rim ? K Ii in. '??!?'.? i. pursuant t-- :? ? thai i Pl'BI.I?' HEAR ISO ?III Im h? d al !: ????? ? ? ii. v .?? - *? Frida) ?anuerj 14. 1SI poeeo contract f^r th? franchi?? ?a In?; n !I r h? t?mil e I ?!.? er? h all ... PROPOSED CONTRACT ? opiaa at lb? r"Ai> ???? I ? * rairiin* th? t , i and 1 BUREAU OF FRANCHISES Ream ISS)* Naak Ip il BaiMtas ll.Mlll, AMi ( II sMIll i;-. -.1- i-.i>i{ ??I ?.11 ??I MANHATTAN . " PROPOSAL8. ? ? ? ? ? i ? 11 ? . h nu i m, l . " wlile*-.' . Piaoi ? ? km ? pro ? na and other Info .:???.'. ' ? | i ???nrten' ol Publii Woi i at Albat ,. ? th.. offli ?? i f th* A.--I*r. p |c v.??,-? i foi ? . ;. S) rj,. il*?. N' Y . it: th? <??'' ? *.1?nt of Pul .'.--:? : I ru th** ? ?n?l ? -. \" V ..;...- Of from th" St? .... Surveyor a*. Albany. N Y It i itlmatei ; ?r . '? 'i p,.r . Ml I Of tl ..i.t -a ? prl ?? Evei .?.-?? 1 lap-Mii in ? .? .' irn i good ba < f Albai ,. .,: ?tsr.. ha: per cent - ? ? , ? at..! fun - I ?sal, ..f i on u th ? [?inn?, i ... ?' - pi iv? 1 f the lepoali P -T'r"t's ..f 'it 1er? ? ' ? issri ??? rssturned ImnMdlati ... LI.: r ,,f r*--! .. * Ion | . iBt of the at if th? ' K ... ...... bond kae? ? urn of t?n ; er .-?i ? . . r ii- ?BMMial < I. ..f rii* ssark aecer-dliig to 'h ; -!?--? -.- ? ?I ? III [Miy In full ar l.-ast :i.. . .. .,.. laborar? 'iii|.; ft ! th? - .or!. ?pwlfled to ? .'...rie In th* i-i : the ?rent that moi i ? - ?ompany I? ff?i?>i a* ?uraty ?? rurance fltalj ipt?d II or p*r?..r.? ? h. -- | :, | M te lb? Hat? -.or'* ar, | ?? bleb ?ball compl -1 to r?n r-i It fon any ?warl ?hall b? mi!- tl ??::.'? of Public Work? of his ?bllll ?ultabl? MulpoMai ?nd naatenal? f..r th-. y.'-ytr ivrfrrmaric* of th? n..rk !".i,h prepoaal ?auai it ? ; ? - BuperlBt?n?*?nl of Public Work? a N v. ani noei iv ? - i ? "C*on?tru.'lon of tar? conni tli < Kom*. S V Thi right I? ? any or all M la w v.' WOTHERS1 . s iperii ten lent of Pu SHF.RirF'H Al ( TltiN BALE? F1?NRT H KAMT." SH?RII S tl"< ri?.V eer, ?ella Ihia 4? 'r .1?.. . : I .1 aai 111! at 41-47 Watt? 8 Dei i*ir? Hal r>p, ? .. ?thai .';?-? .... flood? l J ? iftll 4,, . ALFRED E SMI rH f* 1 Ju4.\ . ' U at. i 4? 4. ..14?. European Journeys In America Y'ni can duplicate i hem in t !,?? ?great variety ol trips and cruises offered b) the Clydc Mallory I lines. I hey mi an ??< iii?>rc delight tul climate than thai of lUl .'.?' ' ' I'll? v r? prf thai h foreign tour. I e an moat picture outinjj ? ever plann? ! Florida, Cul ia, Nassau. Porto Rico, Mexico, Trxas and the P.uit'ic Coast pl ir.ii- .1 .. i I urn:;,.- I. We > I routi i -'i I ' booklet Clyde-Mallory Lines Fi-r 36, North la.ver. N-w York C ,1, T . la, I Off,- e,. ?nt) f, 6",^ B-,??n*ar fss*^ Compagnie Gen?rale Transplants i* *_A TOURAINE LAFAYETTE . ?ESPAGNE ... ?%ti.i*r.a i K..M NY. ??i? BORDEAUX i ?? IAN RAINE Fl ? ti ?ir i l J* /vest Indies . - ? HI I.' . - 12 Broadway. I . a a , ; ? I a, AKEKICA.* LIKE AMERICAN STEAMERS JnH'-r th? ?Amerii [jveroool p;rr >>\ N R.. H Y ! aal ,, I l?M !?, WHIT. STAi, LUE S.Y.?Liverpooi?Piei N'n i ,n ?? \ ?.m. i : s?Gibraltar?Naples?-4 ? ..... .:. .!?,, I ? I \ an l ?.( : B R'M \ . . ?*, . ICI ?. .. ? 1 ' a^' ?JNMI. ' UROPE via MVERPOO?. *CAMERONIA.Wed..Jan. 12.10 I ?. ......... Bat Hi. u ? ?alai ? . 41 i ROI Ml THI l RS. - FI ICE. ? 21 . ? ?TAT! ST.. N. Y. ?.-.rIvlii:.^?: to BOsror*j s3.oi 'a PIER 14. N R . ft Fu.ia.n ai . . I \? N.aa I ..n, I, m (Norwich) l.lnr: ! 40, N . i .i ?uaton at. aa., a .a.a ...n;r 1:10 P r.. . Pl?r 0 K. R., fr .. 1 ? ?? !' M ??S" 'Ilia* I' I?. ri.rt.^,i BOSTON 2.6 5 ?m n...i lam? Roil, ion m? rail* i ia PROVIDENCE $1.60 HOI M? I Itir, >.',.??i,i Colonia. Line llM I .r . foot Wei ? \i> Outi d? N 11.00 :,, *.lmi Wn.l..? r,| .,,,,,, i> . , It'll ? I.MKVI 111 li-.iN MM' I \* ,? *i i?;o?n v-'J^?fl;L!NE Winter Cruises T? lb?' \rTarr;?-'i M')it?mna?an. conmlnn of wrparatr or <-?wnb?i??*d larori nt 10 to 23 dart. HAVANA nrml point? inCulni t_tceH?5llt g ?Ii on ihr? noted Havana Country Club course; '. ?juH i ?.?.thing at gay ? li;m?(.fn-.,i-nm> NASSAU In th? Baham?? A "/?">nxaerful climate. Soft :ltny air Tennis, v r >. mg. . .,'? ?. ? -.;.?? .in rj ,? . i .-.' SatarI?? . - -? ? Tiya, ?liia a a. '?n? t?r ? ? . i ix-forl ms rrxrali .nal stateroom a*-? .nrooilntion?. j;-':- s.s,CO. v? 'xt Oil-. . s ? ba???? ? ? ?. -?? ?_ ?Jy.ViOtf_J 7 t:.v ?rvrl?c??i "r-?t |TJI i 1 -'tu- RTATFHOOM*_ 11?? , J ?mil* loclodlog Saetay, S:<x> v ?*? | I v.- n. r r il r. ?. ???-.-.. r<* p-_?* .. *, 1 _! ' ?-._l?Ja.aT . ' - ?_*?_' BED* -"Uli ' ? a ? ? a r M um. -ri aM?nir ? ' J PORTLAND Ri mi,, t It, I .a, .n Mil HlllK I , ... ill I' I ? - I \ .| s -I I ?.*?-HI I' I IM> A I'C * California v k ? mi* v BRAZIL JRAZILtlKO 17 8Ut? V R v cm' ?)| |> IHIMIMiiN I IM' c"",v__! ' *?_. Ll'JYfl DlSSOLUiIO.N Ncmcft. I ?!--. .1 ' Ol th' LIMIT1 M f ? ,*-M1m.i ' , ? ? ? ? ' ? ? I - *K8 a Ct'R rainaoLi'TiuN ; , , i of th? i i er .1 ' I i i lion ii ir I t State at th? .. lut i. .. ? '? I I 08T, FOI M) AM* KFW s\RDS. - *-.' ? ? 4 . . - . . a , *--* * I , HANOI OF SAME -. TH* At ? . > NOT I - _F " - ' ; .* Sl'RKUtiATI SOnCtt_ i an ?mil . r B'?><*?> cf'New' ' ;", ?. ar -4*aBBBBflB^B^B^^^^^^^^^^^^ > . . _ ? 'I > -ta * ; - ri??* ? ??-*??! 4 %*.*? I Ml RMSII ? l.' I.BI