Newspaper Page Text
AUSTRIAN* ADMIT CZERNOWITZ LOSS fjoodma I oncentmt? 200 dun?; on ThTtt quarter Mile Front, FFFBI ON RUMANIA EAOERLV WATCHED Vienna Claims Repuls? o? ElgM attacks, wtii i normo-M sses ? the . capi been re I - * ? ? ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ? The i aching ? - .1 ? " th? eon - ? ? ? hope-* , .] be* ? - ' ? ;. - perate Austrian ?' j 1 tacka In th? rcsrioi Kolk I are de t this. The ftfhtlns i i eon ?I dei eble t Ime ' *. ? bel upon the resell ? ill den? ? rl IB In. ' >:x ol both iik- romea A dl apa tel n? ? ? ip? ' na fi nt d? ? b? ? the | : latm - Da? i.*4 rh< Rua? iana hn\ i eoa ?, i 200 puna and three dl vision? of infantrj on ? front of three i mite n i battle 11 i*s h.- . 8, when the ,i fourte? ere was furioui hand to bend iinht | patehei describe the crem j I *t.. Gem?an .!?? ? - oufhoul th. ahole dlatrlel around Csernowlti end dwell o th? i! b) t'-.r n,.- \ ,-.i -, valua I - . arc airead) deprived of th? use of the ? sn| rn.;? aj Csei non iti to hita*. " ri lie ; I a lins froaa Cxei i\ m? ii ; - seriously men had n'll ? since the beffil I k" af the war, . . I . ? :. ? rhe Ruaalai i - a *-r..itt i.r.^ . many Germans, | ?.. the Huk V 11 esterday," sbtb the ?tatemen! "On the ? houra ag-ain ii ? reefed against oui -?eiu- Topo routs, jitul at th.- ? ? ? nes of a1 trick close to our po-rtior.. His col peed 1 * thei si read y hn-l ' he ? '? ? ? " RELIIF STEAMER HITS MINE The Loto, tarrsinn ,i t ,ir*;i> of r\ li?*at ti>r Deatltate Heljrian?. Jan. I ? from Rotterdam Dut? h Lei < ? r Relief in ... bul * . ?.- ? ? at. If . harter? it? . ; ? the acul tii - ' MINIMIZE KAISERS ILLNESS All Berlin \?l\? - Inaial Emperor'? Troable 1- "-liktiit Londoi lai \. from 1 .- " rti ? ... . I ? ? ? rankly ' ALBANIA LIMIT I SET FOR ITALY Rome Assures (ircccc Troops Will Not Pass I.pirns. ALI III) AIRMEN RAH) QIEVOEL1 Balgars Promise t?> EvacuatJl Sal?nica After Driving 1 Out tin- Allies. 1 ?London, .inn 6, An Athena diapotcaa to "The Times" tajra that itaiy has promiaed OrOOCe that her fnr.-es shall no1 advance beyond the frontier et N'i'Mhrl !i Epimi \ diapatch to the Paria "Tempe"! from Roma says: "Thi Italian militar1; authoritiea, re gardleai of th?> impatience and nei vouaneaa ,'t" the newapapera, continua to coticen! tlio detail i of the operationi of the Italian .army in Albania. Thla ?iistiiicl by eirenmataneea, yet ?h?' lituation admita ??!' Hum,' i;, ,, oral Information. "The It/iiian , iiii',i,''ii'i .? eneoun? taring immense dlfllcalties In bo tbroach the rough eonntrj in? land, while alone th? aea era '.nsy iindj ped hi nol beet] ? , ? in tl tropical raina, bul the roa ???. lo I been ir? eatlj ira | proved, ("he practical irork being donel . ?? the t"r,T move? ten! f Italian and Sei n?? their lupplie? " ?allied airmi . ? rm Serbia eoura? of a ? ne,, doatrojred the ah? ? Ion ?-ami?, according to a H a tel froi ?th? date. "Fr? n? '. ..?? iaton hat,. beei I . . past few dan i . " . from ,'-i Pel rich, an i , ? . ? ! 'Hip m..* ? ? " l" ?? bon bi apparei I ? ?-.. i fcaaualtiei Petricl ?. ? ? ? ' s ' break ? I , ? IB pi* i ' ' ' ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ... ? ? I ' ??trian. Rulga i a 11 itiln a' Sa . ?J the Pi , that Greece will u?e il ' . atioi *?? ith fh<- Central Po ? . _. erstand,n_ them. Baikal rre?i 1 .:...- ? ? ? ; rarian tel ??? Ath? ? thai King Coi ? I _ I "Tl ' ' ? hould BuIr iri...|i? croe? the frontier it wweld be Bali wits theli uiii"a nuil thai aroeld conf?n? themaelsrea t,. the espula'cn of tli* enemy from Snloniru wlthou* claimhbg Hii\ iivrht*. af ?ceepatlai." "Nesrei si aou hi? the BerbiaB race felt ?i> unified itrengthened n? 11 i? by faith in its deatlnjr," declared Milan Markerlcs, according t.. n diapateh from Borne, where be has arrived Al M arito? ? ?. a bo ha ? been m Gi.i'. n'.l the Austro-German foreea north of Sal?nica arara not \<-t lufB eierillv Strong to attack ?hat city. Hi an ?* I'r. in Venlseloa, who ron?nl i-rs his r.-tnrti tu power BOW impOBBlblc, said M. Markovies, bu1 has eonfldene? m th? ultimate triumph af the ?I BARAL0NGRFPRISA1 FEARED BY BRITAI1 Submit Arabic (aso to Guir4 Is Orcy'i Answer to Oernan Chartres. London, Jan. i The belief li i"i el m afBcial circle ln-r?' that tha next step in the Baralong controversy ??ill be a reprisal i>\ Germany, whicksj i- ? apected to take the form of tin' ahootinjt "'' a number of English nlli-j ? ei and men prii onei i quallina ' he! i tuiriiln r- of Gei mai ibmai ine ofl cei ' hiiiI men when the aubmarin? 111 unk li\ the Baralong. little hope expressed Mint German] ?ill meel Sir Edward Grey*a auggeation fur a neutral naval board to ?ler 'li" Baralong cess in conjunc? tion with tin* charges mads agsinsl German ubmarinee. It is stated thai if the eon11 . - canied further 1 Laaii -> I irill tak? th< ifllda of t he mule ifficient .i un? diablo e. iii.-ri..- . nu.- ?! n na.- r.,, eharg? mad? "It , . th German) that all th? f her a ibmarine cam?; paign an 'hoi ?rabie warfare,' and the world will bow feei no aetonialfment '?) tinil Mint the power which ?cut htm? .in ?i o? woman and children to that* death bj the haeda af Ita naval ofl i : la londlv demanding that 11 i ? ?hould obeerva the lau ? of bun I / utiil iuetiee," says "The Mai tea ('.un dian." ng by a i boat of the' Star lini-i treble, the .1. ti i ? ? ? rlne b? Gai man < 1 ???' roj <-i on I he Danii ' the g il Hntis|i| Sir K.I-" British K< : ? | . . . ? , ? * ibunal for : ? tigation, to-j get h." ? asi f the Baral ,? The 1 ..i< ? r.iriilurn frOI ? ' 'man . ? ? i ha? -? Btt? ? ....... ? time 1 ? "il. not? . thoui ?- ? . hi- p- civilised hou!.; t is trui lent inded l the alle| .-.l criminal i are ' ? but . .? intei ? - . ju?li titul ASQ?iTH DEMANDS CONSCRIPTION LAW ? t th? ? ? Seeded. ? i - . ? pro . light ? ' men. ll party - her - II ? r . . . ? ' Bill wai ? ? ? vital i ar left more - of the ; . ... r ' the difflcu ? mili ? . .'a- ' '?*?" - 1! . , Lubor nu-nibcr ? ... . .. . ' ? ? - ? i h ! oh!" f i ? ? I fan < oaa? i Iption. ? ? . iea, i tho 1 ... " rhi ? mind th. bed v ; ? Pren The ?? ? ; ? ? a tro the compu ? . . framed bj I Ca I ?ios?! to omil ? ? | pnnci] rifle? of wai . Kingdom." ? ? .. , ?du country and a ? - given bv J e-chaii thi party, : ? ? :' . I .' ? on conacript , n ier ? ' ? ?? ' ? If th" lui 'a ' ' . < f :? ? ' i , enactmei I ? |1 ion and the N'atio ? n Great Bi : ain. Tho Miner-?' Federatii in a quarrel ** ' ed labor . ? n ? eting bor 1 oard I I'tople's Hearts in War. Mr. A Ireaa wl .:. in the 1 >?r1 report. ' tha tact th be Derby ffered their -?? Even deducting tl . ? 000. "These me wonderful, encouragin "Th. ? - mir en? n-.i. ?v ? ? ry have th? Mr. Aaouith aaid that ho wa unabl? l . ? p. pothet '? I si nul ?ni an. He addei "in thotlgl ?'.tnab!, tit) If h? Mr. Aaqulth Mid, th? ? contin , would no? b it hi think tha' i hi primary va as to keep faith at all a th the mai ri? ?! m? n. Speak?? ?if l.\eni|?tioiis. lith ?aid ex? mptiona from acrvici b? i ; 1er the te ted under ? ? plan 1 hi gi ounda ? eientio i,, pei ? ? . . uded ? | ' ' l" it .?i p nd? at pe? 11 -"a?.-t of ' A11 h o ui porti-r ? em of * oluntai y - I ? ? : ? t beli? ? ? ?!. ? ? . ? ? I appi - ,(1. ? who have conscientious obj? ? , . ?Ir. a . . ? iut tha - exemption ha,! b? and said this pro m the la I. The ? . ? under ? I . be claimed h aped carefully -,, as to pi?>-.i : I no pe ble r?-as for dei rung 1 \ pec al tribunal ',, heal ' ral ;>r, a, the Premii eal tril ? d. I nail), to pr? I I ? ild be .. last appeal through I n Londoi he Ea of Dei .' rhe Premier ei ? 1 lerb ? ? ? ? ??> Ireland, and eonaoqoei I Bcription bill did nol ineluda In ! ' ? !':?:. er itill bop? d the compu by the bill won dead lettei "Lei the men come ?n m ? ? will a thei ' ?tteat under t! group ? hich will ! i Laps Must Bo Filled aid Ei u in beginn in? p? ? i the broad pi ? ? pie ; ol ? he mi itary step? which I i m< rgei i ;?' of ? tot augmi nting our fore? then let on foot wai baaed on a d ire by ?na" ... ?.ur- i. trengl ral -, . with the pro] ei ? I ? reaerv?. and reinforcement? n?"-?*- nr liv? rength in th ? eld during the wai, "Farther, we bad to paodure f?,r ti. created thi gui r. quiaita t its 1 jri11 g valu? ? had developed under tl "f vol untary military ?ervic? ? ting In th country, and tnii yat? m 1 a giv? n n far greatei ? h in moat of u i i ave dared predict certainly bo . anything our enemioa eontemplal ', ,\ in the early stagei of the ?.?? ar inei . ng thouaand?, at d until a fea month-i aie?' wo I of recruits the supply of m? n ???< requin d in ai large numbei i aa -?*? ? rain and equip I "The cadn - keleton or^nm il n > we noi ; . . it up ? lrength in the field by ? reservei. repl? tage of wai R .'???? of v< rj to insure the full pn . : i. .. ?-.. i , ' effort ? iade by the Earl of D< ? ? repair tl and al ... ,.;, Premier \ nth, "I ehalf of the ?go ? ? ? i ? ent, gave a pledge in the Hou f ? 'unions ? - ? , I .. . ? |t I? :,.,'.*? neceaaa i to I regai tl ei vice of married men In tha future. "s,, far we have boon ab!., to pro ? ,!,? for the large Inereaaa In tho ai ' ? m '. ? ince on a I ? ,.i I I : ? ; ? ?nally al ? | ? .1 we ihould be ?bh ? iceessl it changing ? ? ? itei which had o ?.-?i. terial in the ? '.'I m the told i rt now 1 ?1?) change . ? ? ? ! ihould be regarded in the l . f the . ;? . ? urfect^ during the period of th( war ? f ; . ',. ,. ' ' ' ? . ? . require m? rsu? ? an an appeal t.. br i . ! i "Whili I soma er?, i for m nd valid. I ai ighl that a . . ? ... . . ?. . apply ?an l..- described bj the ?' ? . ... i . will be 01 i olve th ? elves. Sui re? i i Balan? ?*. Idier, with ? ' every on? rial has bee I "'i.'in.l iri (? [ felt il d .";. to niaki the best ng Pat ? been ] ; i rial circum ? thii utterly unpreci >!? nt? ? my ? hich i needed to ? The Earl of Dei ?? porl 14i>lair - lary f,i ure for compul ? ?? tmentof um 2,600,000 men in England, ? ? . red in indi ? been out, about 1,100.00 . iblc '.. bear i : n ri main. Bui married mf-n who ? ? com.- forward. Munitions Output Is Increased by New Bill Jan B T '. a M.. -11 a of l pai is I ? ??day I? gi ed to I"r . mendmi to 1 muni? t ?".'..: ' ? . David Lloi i I ? . " ter of Mu "II render ne mora sei than 1 ? lare tell. "Everything depends upon it. The of th.. arar depends upon it. Everything ependa hi ther we turn ' ? ? ' cient ?-uan ?b to bring thi . ? ear. "Th " ?lepen.l on the sol? ?-. hero It d I ? i y it in all solemnity the workman of ? -. 111 n ? ng theme? g to 1 ? l can t the i ? l be ? But I can tell rhal I ? ? ? It wi They and they i I will acbievi I re 11 the human race, - ? *' ib I announced I .me lit s ha. I kx ' . nrolled und? nti of the Min? istry i . iry 1 ir. i ? total of ! ? "1 thinl i there ha? of Harold -I ["ennant, Parliai enta War, i ? i? i ; Com? thii I ' ? ? I I ? i Munit jf In the that Premier Is quit . ? to i ti i lark of i the Brit ni ni f Ian i-**eonimen<': 11 ! | f 1 it? i by Air. Lloj i G? org? ? Il rably more t'nnn the r.\ ? ? - ? to the M i.tiy of Munition! u*. the SURE OF VICTORY IN YEAR AHEAD Joffrc and CfOWfl Prince Exhort Troops to New Efforts. each sun; s.;.:s OTHER WEAKENING Pan's Claims Reptil,i? ??f Cier man Attacks Near I a h ut i\ I.?m,bui, Ian a.?Th? v? m i reeling to their arm le i <.f General Joffre, commander m ehi? f ??f th? i ? nch armi",, and "f ? rown Prln?m li ? di : M ? ho i? leading tha i German fore? in the Argonne, wer? mad? publ Both ar" in tha f the i '.'.;.. and both br? .-'? hi ? i hal victory I "Soldi te i' p iblic," ay? tha order af General .l'.,rr", "ai tha mo '??r mi ? nu',ni. you may eonaider your work with pride and measure th? grandeur of what yon 1 ? i shed. In th,' Artois, in the Champagne, in the ?Voe? i ? .-in.I -.-i ?'?. i , ?? . | ,\-f |n? fl,? ??? d ling blo'.vs and caused him Ti ?? ? -i,! i, but tt?. I ? ? ?bl ged ti ? ? Au?- j , (iermai ndary ', i ... ? prin cipal fronl '?? ti i ?lonies ;.r . ? ited from the world or ? " the contrary, th? \ ? ? ,?re re- : ng th? m iiingly. In? I ,,.???? ,? ?a, they, i while tha ? ? . 11. ,,,:? reduced 1 1 ?ng only opon our dii Fat .- i I if the A ? to fight bitter end, ? ere ? ed to \ io- ; ? :, lh?> ' II go :.?: !-. for i ? y as if nur aoldiera, I who I of com I en tuff to hi.1.1 out ! id of our might ? . ? ? : ' , ' i enge th? m i \ \ ? ? f.'f his reel ga.1 lai -, h . i i inwn Prince Frederick William mu il: "Comradei of tha Pifth Army: Por th? ? eoad l Mi..- we are m the em countn* un New Year'a Day, Th.- past peer baa al rengthened I h" tie ? of friendahip between ua, I know that I ran rely upea pee. "If tin- new peer brine? i dcelalon tha kelp ..f God, th? i though! rn'i -' m ipire u i, F .r- ri i ?'.. God, for th.. Emperor and Germany, ton ?rd a great futura." tVith tha exception of two >'>ermnn attack? Bear Hill 199 ??! d B itte ?!?? T i hura, wl ich Paria eil ? ? ? ? r,n-i pletel] rapulaed, the day pasa? I y on the arset front T!.<- itatemem the Paria War i ifllce this aftei i son r? "l'iir.r.?- the .rourae of tha nigl t, nf'.-r a violent bombardment, 'hi Gen delivered h rather atrong n"?ck atc*inst our t r-nch?* i between Hill 193 ? !>? Tehure Tl.. aplete ly repulsed "Then- haa bsten no important event on the remainder of the front " LOOS BATTLE COST 60,000 I "niter Secretary (ilses British Total? in House of 4 ominona. Lenden, Jen '? Ths British ease? a?tlea m the battle of Loos, Prend leptember, totalled 2,3711 offlcei I 5/,288 men, X to an ann? ment made in th? Hou a of Commona t: is afternoon bv Harold ?'. Ti i I arliamentary ' ? fir Wer \ teble showing the killed, wo I nr.d niisainfr; by officers and other I follows: i ? K111 ?r | . Woanda? . 1.2SI MisainK. Total? . Oe the I Ir. Tennant | it was imposai! casualties in the from .r. ad v-??? r ? area i. I he -aid, were ? ? v front from September Ocl ber 8. Th** at.r. ? ad? i.-. Under Secretary of War flous?* of i omn that 1 losaos In the battle i ! Sept? robe r offei 000 is a remarkabl on of ?h>. German ofBcial aatlntal tha time These set the Hii'i-h I? at 80,1. at..! the Prcnch at U-BOAT NEAR ENGLAND Gotaaooa Prevented from Being Any BSUBlSffS bj I'atrol J.ondor. -h. v.. 5 I: . . I ???.?rk ft German >red in Englli h eater . but I arai so el red by patrols tl. ..-. i in i|..i)ii' an-, dan according 1 tl beat ? submarine that had h island a I The marauding C : By in-i The ? I ,-r from .'?? bi the i a? "??nt. i WAR PLANT GETS $10,000,000 LOAM Canadian Car and Foun dry Co. Obtains Rus? sian Backing. - CHECK FOR $U00,000 DRAWN AS ADVANCE I aulty Specifications Assigned as One Reason for De? layed Deliveries. Effort ? af ,l " ?Canadian Car an?l ? ompany to obtain working 1 rapir, ??-.!. Mild,. r '""i boll and shrapn? i order for the ? ful. Arrai - day a th the Ru idva of the .... 1 ". r .' . mot m tha negol ,- to obtain more fund , | and 1 in on the en iptly 1 ? i i ?etieally all thaii learn? ? "No ipeciflc amount lid Sena) mmonly mi . The Ru -sum got. ! ink of M ? will foil? "Through the arrang h has just boon made ,-'l by the Cai Irv board, i poaition ' relay. We are no? ? ?uilly be increa : . ? ... tii - ? lay in '. tha- eom- ; ? : ll ? f the smmui ? . ? 1 were REICHSBANK NOTES SHOW BIG INCREASE But1 (?old ?Covering Still Amounts t<? S6.8 Per Cent, Sa>s ?Berlin. The ? i ? ? i ? r \ BOLIVIA TO SUPPLY U. S. TIN ORE NEED Neu Trenty Announced to IM Smelting Interests' .' ? i - . ? ? ? i I *j> " . I ...... . "larger-sized" Tires are made -than GOODR?CH Mack-tread 3 No T,re.s aro "torear,''?taken Tvpe for Typ*? -than GOODRICH Black Treads SIZE for Size, and Type for Type, Goodrich Tires are as large as the largest put out by any Maker, and WILL BE SO alLALXTAINED. This moans largo- than corresponding Sizes and Typos of many other Tires for which even /?/'?y/?cr prices are as?a d. It'means, too, the most generously made FABRIC Tires on the Market, at any price. Manufactured by the largest Paihber Factor; in Amer? ica, with a 47 vear Experience in Rubber-workimr. and a record for DEPENDABILITY which makes the above statements worthy of prompt acceptance. IMade from tlie new ''Barefoot Rubber." which ; its maximum Traction with minimum friction,?with resilience, liveliness and long-life to Tires. PRICED on that "Fair-Lisi" basis Initiated Jan. 1st, 1915, by the B. F. Goodrich Co. which s? i more than $25,000t000 last year to Tire-U through its propaganda against Padded Price-Li. . i'riced so reasonably low that Competitors, whose prod? ucts are not comparable, claim superiority on the mere strength of their Higher Prices (and the L<irg> r k^rofits they demand from the Tire-User and Dealer). Goodrich Prices are based on what it costs the largest, and longest experienced, Rubber Factory to manufacture Tires, as ONE of the 209 lines of Goodrich Rubber ?Goods for which it buys Crud.? Rubber, and over which its Over? head Expenses are divided. Gooa Business Men should know, from this, why Goodrich "Barefoot" Tires can be (as they are) ?the b k Tires on the Market AT ANY PRICE,-though quoted at the moderate "Fair-List" Heures frankly and openly pub? lished below. THE B. F. GOODUlCU CO. ) Akron, Ohio. 30 $9.45 30 x 3Vj.$12.20 32 33 3S.$14.00 4.Safety-Tread.$20.00 34 x 4."Fair-List".$20.35 36 x 4%.Pricei.$28.70 5.$33.00 37 38 x S_. .$46.00 GOODRICH 6? BAREFOOT" ton? ? c^J