Newspaper Page Text
TARIFF ON DYES ?rED AT ONCE Wilson, Favoring the Bill, ?lopes to Wring Conccs sions from Germany. MANUFACTURERS FI AR 'DUMPING1 AFTER WAR Herman Met* to Repmef*. the rhe-r-ical Societ] ai the Con--res-. Hearing : . - . Bonsai W ?nhir-./rten, Jan. I I v ?onirress to BTOTlds P*' i on dyest fa, wit ? | I of the ?ndu?:- ? ? - ??<-?, will he nrp*.| ?? ^"a.v* a**d Vetsr.? i ? ','iiufo of R. ary 14 by reprs -? ? v | of s I .iced by Reproeental ? ? ? ? It ie believed 1 i it ..r.t the h - ??aw a peri - epei ........ Hr'.tr itufl ? ? ? ? ? ff kr# ? mem - | ? ...f . ? ? f thei .- ' . . . ? ? ? ? You are welcome at the Max? well Hotel Headquarter?, Rootnl 101 an.) 103, th. + GIFT BABY HAUNTS HER i.nt Moth, i I ?i- Si\ of Her Owe, ??'<' lot,mt ?.iH** to Helles ue. "That babv haunted m? ?11 nifht '. ? t it; I liBve six of ? ,-h?setTer. of SI*. Em( . third street, shrugged hoi .- ? a? she told at the that ?as left ?t leaday night nk i could have rrabbed it? * he i>H??e,t right by me a? I re, but l never gueesed (i fr a present for me she'll Such ? mother! " . Bothered in the bail baniaters to extol , the ai nynuMia beb*. ? that unhapplneea would be . creel mothei ? " said ons wosaaa, j said another. mfnnt aucka its | waiting for a AUTOS THREATEN HORSE SPEEDWAY Highway Official Urges 1 Old Reservation Be Opened to Public. f one of these dark nigr'-r Speedway, from l??th to treet, will be the scene of r. ? ? ng. A riaing vote of pro taken by the ahadei of the ? '..vers now ! Speedway ! called beei a a of the riah turning I 11 i ismbera .n their graves at the lateft insult to ? \? OUgk thnt croak nea i ? runabouts ivi I the horse to the curbing! I thai the la lison Square Garden, which | Peacock Alley of the ; ... . ? with n, : . . i can ? - I - Depart-1 ?int re- j ? . j., ned ; ' -.very. D? ? made tral - on x'r.\- r period of aeven daya ? morning till 7 at | . nly ?'-11 v. I, uaed the driveway. ? . .. mately (10,1 , ? payera ? v kcadei '*. irtue, who of mind. ? ? - ? ' : ' ? ? and ; ... George ? ' ? . drive; 0 l' tier, all of ? ? ? Speedway. "But ' .? ' all i ? idemy, and uni ? ? n obile. Perl ap? Tun Ven :\e proces V rtue, would ? ignedly at th.? la?t Final Plea for Teacher's Slayer. - : ," '.. lay to ive A ni on,..) i'.<- a Krenu-r. I hool '..acher, from the ' Sncicer Miller. ' 'arden atirchwey, nn T,e I'arbier, coun aalt the Governor BU make a motion I . new trial. I? will be si ? '? JVered evidence riro\f-<s Peti I insane. Chalmers for Preparedness. ic bel lei *? ? v, rnilitni y ? ?? and a geni ? ? f : re Detroit motor car ? -ok direct ewa of nis fellow ein? er. Henry Ford. , who | *t the during the Automobile ' automobile mpathy with Ford'? i la, .... need in no un - Jit-any-price advo? neaa "en genar ? ? c....iii.i v are In , ? - " l'n.' likV y, ild by all tr ? -a par with the pean power?.. ever, 1 a matter latgely of . a other bend, i? a every employer of men - in a position to mpmoi t of New at I'lnttshurg how much could feature of tram laelude the h-. i of workmen la all section I "We i 5,000 men at the ? ? a I balmera company. In my opinion a plan could he tha ? ? * ? five yean e-. sry one ? ? spend i month ' Ban .ce, under the ?r army ofl cers, ??e men should be ?" the expense, be ? . look . -luld not afford elieve, howevei the men should ? liar' (,f it, not h? - ng a ? r country's service ? ? . part .i be willing to llaril s of my our en dm ? C theaa thirty day? f.f II ? ? " "'r si smployera agree to thr ?ame plan. i of ( It th? intry a ronslder - the next rive years, bat I ? ?? he their Juet cor'rihu ? ; repaiedness." PIERCE ARROWS verv ?"??'.rat ? late rnni*?l .. .<! touring can h. ?pl?l .111 i onrtitton. In ?lid fully Twi itea ?o ... i Hull ? ? ? ? , ? I I a f ?8| ? i i I I- mu iiik CAB ?CO., ' . -a.-, la' v Maree Arrest Agent? tor New Jereej What Is the Gary Plan r B*ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers uHll find in this department a clear and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed for this city. Questions of parents and teachers will be gladly answered. The de? partment will appear en Mondays and Thursdays. WH\T THE Wllf PlaAN POiSL It lake? children off ?l_? street? ?nd kri?p? them who1r?omrlT bney ?? work. ?tuiN and pla* for ??i * ?<r ??Ten hour? ? Ha* ll five? all children )u?l a? much academic work m the traditional achool, bat br Irnjjrthnung thi? school day It i/lree time for practical ?hop work, science, drawlnf, music, audi? torium and pLny for all ? hinlren. W1UT THE WIRT ri.AN MF.AN9. To wir)- parent?K ?hance to ft?? hi? child the enriched educational opportunities usually reserved tor the children of tho f?ror?r?d te*. To tewcKem?No mor? hour? of teaching; moro congenial work. To the community?Be?ter cttl ?ens. better schools for le?? eoet. loward W. Nndd Refutes Attack of Superintendent on Gary Schools?Says Estimates Statistically Unsound ?ConUnuoui Use of Plant Lcononu? <il. Many r ties he-ides New York an :he throes af excited ?seneslen i the Gary plan. In Chicago a cumpa for the adoption of the plan has l> On for ?orne time, ' lei cl? after years of bitter discussion on iubj< ct, is nelly i is features of the plan until the title "dotible-plntoor." system. The wo "(jary plan" are often non gra'a those who hnve charre of our edu tional system?. Not ?o In New .1er? however. Three New Jersey tot? have recently installed the plan. < throuch the efforts of the SupcriatOI Set of Scheoll a:nl the other thron the inistive of tie Beard of Edu? tion. 4'olumhv,?, Ohio, has also ?tart a campaign for the plan, and a Yoiir,f town. Ohio, newepaper recently se a representative to Gar* ?' ? ly a write un the ?vstem in a series of a srt'cle?. Campaign in Minneapoli? for (?a Plan. BWever, o: | of the live est contest.? on this aobject has be? carried o'i In Minneapolis durine tl laal - - r. Last fall City Suj Schoola Spaulding of U i ? endeavored to prove tl it It wou co?t more to operate the Mini school? on the Gary plan than undi the traditional rystem. "The Mlnm 'a member of II 11 to Garj to Htudv the system, an he retun cd with much ( the schoola at Gary ?? nomical. but of ?,'re-." a ' ?1 I her? t to th? ?'? > the conf raced. I- tl e meantim? th* opponent of the Gar; r?an in this city quote Spaulding*a itet widelv h? proof that the Gan ''.an wa costly. In -. of 1 ? advertisement of Mr Spaulding'a report as a correct estl a cost of the (iaiv schools ???ter from Howard W tor of the I ?lould be ol I .1 those interested r . To the Editor of The Tribune. Sil I hose nrho are seeking to oh-!met the <? ? i.ury plan Kan York < ity school? have been lay in*- much ?tress of lute upon a recent atetemi nt of Superintendent Spauldmj-, ? i 'dis, in which he M-eka to show, after making certain stn* I corrections, that it would eoat upward (.f ..'? per eent moie to opei neapolis schoola on th* ?Jary duplicate school plan than it would on th'- ? Ing i.a?is of h reserved ?*??! tor every child. If this be true, the natural in? ference il that New York or any other i ity srmuld hesitate lonjr, on the ground of economy alone, before reor?aniT-inf" its ach rding to Mr. w r*,*- pro? gramma. Continuous Operation of fans '.usine??? fiant Economical. i . eei - rr?:-?-n:_ i ever, to the experience of larga bui ne-,* institution^ during thi> last ha century, In which tha aeon??my <>f rui Hing n phuit 1" ? universally eat? WOU ..", tramai; tant to ?cnitini; carefull) Mr. Spauldii ? - tat? i i order to determine whether there h ni m the natura ?>;' tha ? ntinuous "i ? ?i i... r, . penslvi than tinuoui opera! ad? th< refere, sul ?i to reu: ?mit IM diametrically ti af those cot Th ,-ern to t_J sr,,l educator? alike, for the publl i It? of Sew \ arl of r.? property ?kk?*' I f 1 ? and its ? , \ ic?-. ? ?Uni . is on of the Ui in the con? try, and ihould, therefore, b? run a ? ? plr?. ??renier \ ilue Received for S.ime s_ pendltarem, I? considering this question it is im ? ' - in mmd, in t>.< I - i luce, that when one typ. tion ii aid to I"- moi tnical thai er :t mi,?>' ? ' '?' meal ? that fewer il'l'.nr.a nr, 1er th than under tin bul that ci?? iter valu? ii i cured. If, fo example, two woi : eaeli -pen, I regard aa mora i ne wh, I the i Mr. v. ;rr has Dol claimed thai Garj i? >pe?,riin(: laaa per capita on Iti .n ar>- i.'lier ,?? ntB initie? ' but, tuth. r. that for a given expand gas ar? 'i : Igh the dup. plant than would be pos .,1 form ol 1er the for de a? much pac? and eciuipmenl foi em-h o? ? he lat? ter, b? BUS? n par; , me i he lat ? ? m i I ? He erel fall . us np about ona half ? 1 . I pools, iri? laboratories or or for the i of th" - i? of elaai? . ft\ ?? ? ?? total ex penditara in Gary might thus equal the total expenditure io anothei com riunity, the educational a, ?ured m Gary would h>. mueh greater, although tha time naualli allowed for acaileini,; instruction it, tha trad l ? ?rould in no ? . saei r ced. SpauldingM l.-limale?? Statntlrall* I n ?niiiiil. It won Id therefore seem tha- Vr ding fails t?> make a t'a rap] Btlva costs in Gary i Minneapolis, when he coinpar?- th? pet rai',Ta eoatS o- tha t'.ao nOBt r scnool buildings \n Gary with tha n?r capita eosta of the average srhool in M;nnenpoli3 without stating th? onal advantages secured hy : rocedurc wl tieally unp ?ut of I queatlon of comparativa values It la estremely unlikely tn?t every aehoel In Minneapolis afford? ??Il af lia children tin aepertunities for- -*oiU. ited** ami ? plaj for eight beers a <1?v which ?re afforded >n the ?lion?, laboratories. playgrounds, gymeestems, awimmleg pools. Iibrnrie?. Hudltoriiini? ad regular' claaareoma of the?e two Gary achoola. It Is mote likely that lh.- M iimeiipoliH aehoola, with tlwir ?cute part Urns problem, furnish the .i?me limited eda eationel opportunitiaa which ?re afford led in the traditional five boni" day af academia Instruction in most Amaricen I cities. The real quest ion, from the point of vt*w of economy, i?. whieh would coat 'he City of Minneapolis mon* i., pre? ride for all of IU children the faeilftiea afforded by Mr. Wirt ia Gary the tu? ent type af school s*nfenlsation, in which a largo proportion ?f 'he plan', would always bo Idle, requiring B cor? rcspondingly greater amount of space and equipment for every fecil ty, 01 'he Gary duplicate school type af organisa tien, In which all ?>f the fa< Hit i would be In operation all th" tune and a cor r, ipondlngly loaa smoent of ?pnce and aquipmenl required for rvary anal Fstiniates of Per Capita (?ist? ln?or Aside from ignoring 'his fundamental 1 point, however, Mr. Spsuldiug hea made ? -, ? : al statements, which, when further explained, invalidate hi?- conclusion th?'. the Minnespolia sebe?is would eost j much more per capitia if' they were re organised an the Gory pian Kor sa ample, h<> cite? th?* average alan teachers m Cary as 1849.67 and in Minneapolia a? ll.l?al.70. and eoncludea 'hat if the salarias In Gary ware Beads equal to thoBS in Minneapolis the per capita eosl of instruction In Gary would be $36.14 toed of $17.11, as agalaat . i -' in Minneapolia. II" fail to point out, hi tl at according to theas very figures th< arenga ... * ?ii Gary ia IU, - I Minneapolia. If Mr. V> in hould in tii ?uf of hla .la ?es aboul l'I prr cci.t t., roi respond to thoa? Minneapolis, H is obvious thai he could reduce ip ta eo I af inatruc ' ??' the , difference In pi r eapita coat dus t.. the SCale. The ques tien might therefore be ralead, how1 much more thai at present would it cost to reduce the sue of rla??es In Minnespolia $0 per Bant under the ex-1 If one takes Into ? ?r*r.i"...i, i,nt only the e\tria but a a the ex? m clai -rooms and th? required to I I operate the neu buildings needed to 1 hou i the ??? add Moreover, in calculating tha per, i ..; ta Ce I af ovet !.. I Mr te make an imp? ? ticel eoi reel lea In M inneapol ? tha i ara i ana ing far aboi a c* ?. . i . tl of the part time problem, while th? eh Mr. Spauldlng ... for eomperiaon are run I ? ? tima , oi Mr. Speulding' I ia en-? ol wa? B96 and in the Froebel IJM7. although the ca| eacl i*,40fl Itically it is manifestly ansoui . I compare the per capita cost of the two plans, without weighting the data in luck a way SI to eliminate *. which have nothing to da with 'he ms such. If the per eapit i I has? an an enrollment which run? the schno] system even be? yond ea ? ' ? t be a umed er sv-terri ial-o be run to ca pacity; otherwise tha relative seonom? Under 1'nrnnt he accurately It the 'wo ?iary schools svere rur, . as are those it. Mm ? i ind had '* total enrollment . . f th? 12 which Mi Spaulding used, It t that there ? i.- ? ,4 r< d ict;on ?>f ap BO! Cen? . ri the per? ms a? principal?' anitora' wages, feel, water, ll 11 ern-n', interest on in vestment, etc. i ne per capita CO of pril for example. . l ? ? redu "??d fron *i l?. to I and for the interest on in- | , ? ? ? $11.66 1 $6.1 letioa, how? I haVB been in the per capita ' eoat of -. Bpeuleing | r* vea as s.'O'j. With the foregoing eoi reetion In enrollment l? ia ? dwindled to $166, which la not ex'.rava rant svhi>n compered with the $166 quoted as 'he <-.? ? af the av?r?t?" " neapolia school if one bears In mind, '? paulding pointa out in another the two Gai .-?re new atid modem in every reaped ? I ? play, ahep, end a i other facilities abo.e referred i larga number of the Min ? i ? ;.re very old ai -: tain very few of such factl ' ' aet of Ke-scr-eil Seat Plus Enriched Actis ?tie*. Here again a question would be perti nent: what would be tha per capita cost of replocing all of these old i-chools In Minnear.ol.s by i ri ??' inodern construction life Gar? end provide, in addition to ? ? ivory child, tha ipecs and A PROMINENT Chicago automobile editor who was present in Racine, Wisconsin, at the "unveiling" of the New Case 40. was enthusiastic over its wonderful performance. After being present at several tests ot the car, he said,- "Its performances were little short of the marvelous." By the way, have you seen, at the show, the Case 40 in orange and black and uphol?tered in seal brown and cream stripe? It's stunning -and mechanically it is fully worthy of the respected name it bears?Case. J. I. CASE T. M.COMPANY, Inc. Broadway At 62nd New York City. U. S. A. " . f fi ?j*\>a,rldUvtf eqnipment Which WOUld he required ander 'he traditional typ? of school organisation to tunk?? it possible foi all of ?he children to une al ??lie time facilities r.,riip?r?1ile to these offered In Gary? If further evi'lenre a?, ic [?ceiled tO ?.how how tho per capita CO I slwny? iries ??-?-orilliig t., enrollment, one might ?"imply compare th? per capita i of the two Garj ; aol i i a? b? I iiml Emeraon. froobel has the large.? enrollment and, Uierefore, as would be tod? its per capita ce il i ? ai ach |.,v,,-r than th? j.?-r capital COat ?'? Emeraon, despite the fact 'hat II hu a iiiurli larger playground ?nil more elaborate equqlpment than Emei In, per es-.itu eo?ti ar?- ii" folloWai I,,-t ruction Kmersnn, J.lrV'!?', ; l-'rix-he!, | ?, , ?. operation Emei ion, ?roebel, leMO; maintenance Emer? son, $K.L'!>; I'roelis'i, $:i.'j7; total eat rent eo?t Emeraon, |MJ0; Proebel, vi?; ;,?,; to'al ?in?, af school property Emeraon, $4J'?.;/<; I roebel, |?24 '? l-'lnallv. in ??'I? ??' at Us* apparai with which It fini been found I'. to lengthen the school daj an kaat for th? children In the Wirt school? In ', era ? ity, wir bout ?engt hei mg the school day for the teaehere, ana la sd to i" omowhat surprlaod thai .Mr. Spaulding should add $9.19 t"r or an ?ncn ? s af 20 per c-n' to tec.. , ,ries j,i it i><-< luaa 'ba I . |, ngthei i d Allniieapi.ll? S, lirx.U on f.arv Plan \\i,iii?i Caat Less. If, therefor.-, th? -airie '??''? '?' paid ir, both eitiea, ?rid it due allow anos is also marie for the foreg correction? of Mr, Spaulding'i Bgur? it ?HII be found 'ha? th? $91 - ? q at? : n? the Tier I ? ' of ' ' ? - ~ ?,, Mmneap'ili" I? lool? 01 srhieh is 16 p< i proaoail per capita ? th? great!? ntid fere?] per ( rie?po! 1 schools ?if rur. - ?r -, All <.f ?rbicfa would aeei - ? , ? " ' ' ? tit in th? ? , ? ? fu'iire progre?i r - t ration must i ? tor r' ? S I If UnitedlStates,, -*\i ?KTO^Mriii __ m Tires ]?"JJ " mj^MS?._ ?? iiV. ' ?l'il ? I; ii ? lli!ll'lll"'l!h":' '??.' '. -?" '.""i"-*!??;'- |?|-p?iiiiiri'iij?jii.1 i?!.i?i!!?!,,-i>,ii" ' ? ? * lii.L, t.iiiir,:iiii:,'ii:.ili^..'' .:,.:..i.?i;.i.:?i.,'::..::/?!.i.:./..vt '..': .::. 1916 Announcement Extraordinary The New Year bringt* a wonderful n?ew tire?the United State? 'Utco' Tread. Think of it?a really wondeT?iil new anti-skid tire priced at only ?i little more than plain treads. The 'Usco' has been tested, tried, and proved to th? point of complete .service-satisfaction. Already entitled to bear the honour-mark of the great Company whose name it represents. Sturdy, dependable, and ? priced phenomenally low for an anti? skid tire. So low that even we were astounded (and delighted) at our own success. The United States Tire Company will make 1916 the economy year in tire upkeep. Factory methods brought to an efficiency never before dreamed of. Tires brought to a dependability which is practically standardization. The United States Tire Company's 1916 policy brings to tir--* dealers and automobile owners a ?full line of "individualized tires** ?full value in tires ?full service in tires The great four-page "announcement-in-detafl" in this week's Saturday Evening Post | out today tells you the big things the United States Tire Company ha** done to make 1916 the automobile owner's year of tire economy and tire efficiency. Read it?carefully. United States Tire Company "Individualized Tires" Usco ' Tread, 'Chain ' Tread, 'Nobby ' Tread, 'Royal Cord,' and 'Plain ' Tread Tires ?BW ipi, HHii?-?|ii**-***-f!>?***>*'.I i' ".'if*!1.'"!. A\' iiml?iiiii 'fi?jSakaSA^a&SL m -?11!,,?,.*-,-*.,, ., J ljSp,)|*s*^!?p|l'JI').| l|l ll'il THE HONOCIl MAKI -c Yf A CHLXI CUaVU-ANV '???H iMl l i H mi?. ?irtsr ? Closes .January 8 NOW OPEN Grand Central PALACE Admission 50c 10 A.M. to 10.30 P.M.