Newspaper Page Text
\;iT day! ajytald worrj what foi n ii ?tl Wl 1 reading v on Sundaj 5 , 're wise to this Mon ?je G m irries, too?" ?--and it's pot me talking foolishly myself." IU. It takes three days to get my .ACe - i leading one of them, and I've prob ended up half my Monday'l dictation with and oblige.' ' 5 c I know? There 1 go pin! ' It nil add* t?* You* : suggest I ? him? Great doesn't need -sort of does ?St in with the series." 'a hard to tell whicl his illus the conv \ and Zapp." "Why argue the p vote for both.." when Rn meet- then comes the laugh for fair." es, , . they come in in Sunday, blue Monday riies out of the window, if you know what 1 mean. But 1 must get you next week and vcr again." There's no excuse for next Monday being blue for any ixxly. Just tell your news? dealer to-day to save your >opy of The Sunday Tribune tod when you get through aughing Tuesday will be :here. fat?ag (i/nlntnr First to Last The Truth: News Editorials Advertisements. ^rs to Meet. ?f the ? .? will ? ? ?i !'.more on an honorary ' Saxon Roadster takes you more miles %i for less money than any other motor car on the market __? . "?? 2f__ Main Floor?First Aisle to Right Mechanical Modes at ' Mammoth Motor Show l?i 1 hose who Stud) the ?Development ?>i the Automobile from an 1 ngineering Side the Sixteenth Annual E_thi n Is Interesting and Instructive. By CHARLES 1. DUKYKA. v ? ? imp ont ghown ,-it the Paige ?Detroit land and \ haped froi I fla -??? with the left aide ?>i tin? v of opa?pi?? * - i*y this arrangement the r?'H?l to the centre and right ride li lighted, while to the loft, where the other fellow i?. thorn is no s,? far aa can be ?Men from an examination, this aeema t<* !><? a practical ?solution of th?* objectionable glare thai nccompaniai Uso . ? the high powered headlights in th.laya of cheap electricity superior tungsten lai \ novel arrangement of ihr starting motor la to be seen on the ? which ?hi- it i-> placed ander the floor and connected by n chain to th?* transmission. This keeps the angine fur cleaner nn?l mor? g?cai . while, the starting motor can be more readily reached by lit'tinvr; the floor than it' andar the hood and betw?n tho 1'ront irhoalg I urther, the stati r is so close to the rtorapo battery that ? very short *.*. re suffices *nd large power currents flow easily when ?t-artim? is lit Several sms I details worthy of note atr among those which jro to make i m of th?* Chalmers, Tabular rods are employ?*?! for pear shifting and several f=m-h servicea where most others uso solid*. That the tube ?a lighter and stiffer no one denies, bat it is also more expensive. It to ho inora free from vibration and In the Chalmers the muflier is placed well to the ? an,i ,i 1. ' . tin- pa.-; well to the rear, whereas the more i;sual an is to have the long pipe in fronl an?! the muffler ? watch tho further develop ? hung muffler allows the ?,? long pi] ? ' - ' ?re introducing the i - ; ' ' muffler. In nn ?irl he g ? P p the 1? mnr: ? . . to } ? ? ? blades the J( the an plane type, ha? o bl?ilcs a ?-.Il ? im and vei and ft ? me oth ? much the exl < (1 . ? ? the ai ? ? ? . rea i ii troubli Hupp r \t? n;ls ?-trrl ! !"nr. ? I ! gras >ks very heavy an - exhibit ? the fly In r a re w i 11 . i, hin? ry am ? ?1 floo i . . :n th? Saxon, ? round . netimea aeei li.on is fl?-M 1 amply stl ? on. HsaVaea 1 ?>** la li?-ar. ? *vhirh is earned well to the real at that point, so as to seci.rr a I . hi and tl ? :ed forward. Such an arrant ? The ? : motor i< the last word in mi ti action and wrll worthy examina its i eniencc . I upon. ? eaper to pi caoac ? II ?oni* who i ? ? ? wrong. i bow ? the process of tan tioi ? '. '* a ca?tint? ? the rejection of but ?.ne cylin nioaio? ? tlon for fault? Is carder and more cert*, ? .- there ?re manv I In favor of thr? DOW mnsi 11 ??"? - ? Breathers for frank ('??es. .,' all nu. lier engines. to the mi- k rn?' - well secepted practl?*?, and ... stand aya i band) ? func? tion. In the Bteami K I ? res to earn in. wl ? ; ?bla :n that 11 makes the ? - and both the weighl The cranksl. ,-'? Is ?"? ? h counter weights, whrrh nd hel] B In the Molii;- Enlghl a little used bul prini - (ruction I' ? ? . r and I ?-,., bad bj Its er,,Is * ? |t| r<-: ' ?-? ? ?uppoi ick to bach : is a wooden stop block -?,'-. .- : ? ^hhli d that ni they straighten under ' - a greater lenj ? effect i i eaay light loads with lij^-hr insures that thev are to carry heavy loa,!-. The Willys-Knight ? be chief a'tr; et ?01 ? Knight car ? ? d such ' .lulv when it ma to 'v ? pub car 1? par? ticularly i- ? r-goi loner thai . . ' 11 *ui er ? B motor. Heretofore K: torad cars have I I .:. ?. belong a "de luxe" *!r!d all tv>- : 1 an 1 ? ' 1 eatricted ro th ? <??? ly few 1.p!e who could afford ? ? th? ?? ; intake.* motor u,T .r improvements thai be automobile, the .. ? ta introducl an ws - at a high price. Its owevei among ?11 rlai*-ses of motorist?, and it Is to meet this de John W Willy? ' typa mo toi within the average p ' The mad? : the greal manufacture ? - I I ? ? ? ?I plant and the fact that 1 s ear i being produced m lar;,-? quantities High-Speed Year, Says Chalmers. As ;Vr> [? .o-'s or th ' I bahaen Motor Company, '!00 distributer?, salesmen ? ? mbled for luncheon at ?day noon. .in > i ? I ?? 111 of the who presided, ro omobile sale? situation ? ,- :.. ? year an?', spoke very en .-> a,n th? pr?, peel 1 for 1916. Bg the other sneakers were ' '. ?re.president and ssslst manager; ?'. C. JiinUey, <?: : I. \ | enham ? ,-,?. r. H Ros?, Chai r for California, and ? resident of the ? bal mpsny of New York Hugh Chalmers, whi concluded the nine, in mentioning the autom?? vil 1916, expressed the ??pinion ti,m for th? . ' nd latrj a , i-,.;- g I paas ?11 previous " ? ordi II? , all? .1 attention t,, ?h?. fac? that American praaporitj ,lors not hing? necessarily ??o buainea? Th? graot campaign for praparednaai which the govern ment I? auia to Inaugurate :i in nn a giK.-mti,- demand foi. all sorts , - '? me I o ,-? pi oduct? 'I h? Chalmers M o toi I h ha? bean on?- ?t the leader? m combining quantity production *? Ith tl ?? I a ?.????? qualil ^ i i 'a,-tin... | bound t?* ? by aw Influa of big ?Saal rtess. WlllvH Frfl-rflg Producer. The Will] ? ' '* ei?land Contpa awarded tho position of honor >? iiiitoniobilia shon th ? year for '1,?' third succaaaiv? season l i leflnitelv decided when the National Automobile < hamher of I'ommcr.-o mad? known the ? i ?? that th.- I olodo ?.i;, had dona n greater volume af ba during the last year than any one of the othi t companlea affiliated with the nr__ ?? tiiin. An the chamber includes every one of the automobile manufac exhibiting at tl. Palace, an,I all bul one of th? prominent pleasure car makers in ths United state,, tin- fact Is particularly significant The chon-e ,.f ?.pur,, alletmeata it : ?he ?how is ?me of the hichest honors that the chamber can bestow, und con ' sequently ?me tor which competition among the varions ssanufaeturers is exceedingly kern. Each companv is anxious t,> secura that partieulai t inn which b] i i tae of it sdvanl points out t*. th? public th,- company's poi tion m th?- manufacturi i; "?old. The faet that, the W i II -.--' ?verlan.I Companv has WOO this eOVotOd honor three times running leaves n,, room for doubt ns to which member of th?? organisatloi atting 'hi- pac? m th? automobil? inda fi v. fhe [Rational Au? tomobila ( 'hambei of l ba i its ?elect on I , , ? ,rr e* idence Goodrich Touiincr Servier ri ta appr?ci?t? * ? ?? woi s Goodrieh National Touring Bureau. No; s? rong? r evidence < wiahed tha?? tin? thousands upon thou ? reeeivi d ?iunng tac last year, , "\,, lass than Ihn s ? thou- ; san,! motorists ?*n:',.,1 themsc ? Qoodrich 'louring helps," ?ays W. H Vu?, i.,,o,h ich New York ma "By ,; of two million trip cards " ? ? alers and two 1, . and fort) n ne thousand rout? and maps through bri. ' ?drich Touring inl ? ? . "At Akl ' have eared I -, ? i and il iaui ,!,!,?. Som? day ? than hundred let "While the G il Tout Ing Burean bas -, ? ? ? gaged 1 ting material wl ,. i h real 11 ?*? ark. Neu i ? f.-rcr,' pul each ? from twelvi ? -.reo hur drei difieren! route >.? rate map? and road legs "Moi,- rhar. sixteei hund ,| fi?rent route I > free distribution. No othi tion, either public or priva-.? .,( pi oximated th? ? wot k ?i-,- Goodrich Touring Bureau has ac? complished. ??In 191? th? Goodrich Touring Bu? ll! be in a position to roure ma torists into any part of the ?? they wl.?.h to reach." Hudson Super-Six Holds Road ? he r:ew HudSOfl Bupei T - lightweight car. It scales very little pounds, ; ? ' ;' hoKls the roa 1 with .? i.'iip that 1? ama/.ing. "It is not merely the inertia grip due to weight," says Ho Coffin, the ?-riir.r ?, -, ' ? ona finds in heavy car?? ; it i- a pos ' re ;;r ?, induced by the WedgC si .. ha car which ?. ? I re to force the car against the road, even to the extent of deflecting the springs ?lightly. "The faster the car goes t. e n ore surely is it held to ti.e surface of the road.'' Book on Automobile Salesmanship. ?* ? occurred ,o one long identified arith the aut< . *e ? VOl ,?'-ie ,|> ,. the vil ? . .-,. Such IC i. ar.,1 is ?-r;- itled ' I Salesmanship." Tha author, J. H. N'ewmark, or, January i >?? years' work m the .,!,??, ai 1 ing branches of the businei He i1 ling manager of An per^on Bros. Auto Cornpar.v. only recently that the t . completed a hook calle,! "AutOI Business." This was also th? 111 I 1 ook of it? kin?l a buail anr] Intended for those going into the automobile I Tas bool with such sttbjeeti as opportui ? rganisatlon, sel room, ilcsmai hip, advertising, pro? motion work, etc. lir,rh relames were published I I * Automobils Publishing ? I?r-.roit. Cadillac Holds to Standards. In the Cad '!nr booth Is a el wit i many ing th?> internal con | ehanicsl ?m i ration, a ' Cedilla the ? try and which has |.,-, nal every shew ? This ch-iisli is a duplicate of the one wales attract? I so mo at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, Wa 4 "Ti IE Eight-Cylinder Cadillac is ? the only car in the world which has demonstrated the effi? ciency of its high ?speed, high efficiency V-type engine. it is more than a year away? many thouands of cars away from the last element of experi ment. Do you know of any other \ type engine which has proven itself to be removed from the period of doubl . H Ik the Cadillac teas the onlj motoi ? i ?? h?bil ed, aritli a \ tj P" ? ngine l be bod) ljr|.Ibitetl include the i . ? riiier t..hi Inf car, 1 i i"??! Btei. the coupe, the bn ind th? lierlm. Lecl af ?pac* maki . * laipoBsible te n h til,, put ,t ? h eh, hi addition h the above, consists of ? '?? c-r Salon, a vu-t.ii * and ? limousin* A compeiison of Ihe present chaBsli with that nho\4n a \,iu aa*a reveals r a m,heal changea in irecha eal prin Cinlra. Mu ? la ?tu i to in roi trasl vs-ith the u-iiiii. Ale-eat I a variably the automo ' ? r, v.ii ',., ? ,,,.,? diaeevei ". aftor placing a r.ew type af <nr la the banda ? e Been thai a number of i; and betterment? ara needed rhs op ??. i owes *r\ p paved I r sa of 'he Cadillac Eight. - ? Henry Ford Buys h Marmon Henry lord .'. ? ? .11. In demonstration thii h.- .? .-ut to ill., automobile i. ' 'i>- i . i nid < f-nri :i| I';,lace yea t ..lav and bought i? ear. Be par ? I the ?how .-hiiH^i-; of the M ,i r mon exliiiu', ri." "aluminan ear." Mr. lord didn't araste any time at ?i1! over the parchaee. it e/aa liV? pick lag i.ut a aechti? "I'll take that ana.' But hell aol bs ahie to tel \?t, ri s the car I? to he aSBt U i hicaiio show for exhibition. Attei ,- t will be aenMo Detroit for- Mi Ford's use. He said he liked tl becauae It area ?o li^ht and itrong ???- - ? ? Maxwell Breakin-* Records. Iiaily telegrama from Loa Angele? 1.? i tip new? of a ?teadlly incr ? r the Maxwell car which, hi run uninterruptedly ?inc? Noven h l ;i airead*" eclipsed ?Il existing marks ? ? 'liai anee. the Maxwell headquarter-:. OB the - i r floor '?' Ihe Biltmore, deaiara and tative agree tha ? ' ? ' ? led. It : ? . I.rered a Ithoat a mol bi itop The I ? ^ t . . close to twenty one thousand mile?, a poi irmanee beat appreciated la the ii|-ht of the fact that th? lecord 12,404.9 tnile? had Stood ' " more than three peen. This m< however, hin*.-.| that, from motives ..f man hip, it la eon possible that tlie run may i>* -* e,| ?I Angi . for all time, a? the pr?sent I ... .. m y i ? ?mpl r i nil ?? Id certainly have i ic'n a Pi ? sporting ? declare. Mr. Silver Holds a Show ? being held ?' ti i a--* and Hotel rVstor, there New 1 . . '? !?? ?me. bul Uli ? i ion .,' excell >nci erth? 'n tl?. mai ni. -,- af mi build ing, .m i;- t Fifty-ai renth ' I I ? e|l known diepenaer of motor cara, i? launching Pi . rlc .m, i. '.-.i .. Ov? Knighl . er built Ineidentallj t.i ? .... *?< Ihe Piase, W aldoi f an I Ansonia ho Bach i i ? ? . ?? ntion, A? the ? tu i ' booth teal type of eight-eylind? * truel ?';.. ar.,1 i' nmny houra It I ... for tho . Innk ii' the BOW Non Skid InsuraiK t ; i memory of ana had scclde I enough to mar permanently the nlea? '.r.* ,,t" the motor! ll, Bl d ' ??ero' (Ii ? 'mpoitance to I lutiona to gua semblance of a disaster "f anv kinde \i...-hanical advance? in construction have ?o improved the automob l< there 1? little excuse tor ?mashei hapa 'he only riak that cannot ? tirel- eliminated eomoa in the rhe eel BB *"'r' and itrOOt . brings to the I peril of kidding. rhe skid i? One af the mo?r nerve 1 racking of experie CCI I here I? nothing tha* rnak*?, a man lose hi? nerv* BO thoroughly hi ! ?kid that end-- in h linker. against a eurb or that makes a ? far worse by "sids ?svlping" h moving trolley i'.ir . Hire th* accessory manufacturai eome to the rOBCUC v.i'h the invent..on kid cha ?Aa? lt took American ....r.r thai if ,l - re a I tal f effort 1 - ? pa? ? the rr.udd ? roa Bl ? i ?4 irht of am plli ? i . ? tendency to .slide oi of th-? ? . ry ruhher surface of the tire. ? en only a question of mak i trig a coat of chain BU ich form . that ir could be put on and taken all 'he wheel. Probably no other device ha? done : *o much to raise the factor of au'omo I bile eafety. Two New United States Tixtj A* a convention of United State? Urs 1 ?alestnen, held In the | Wright is ? ? ? - fes i tha I th The ' ? ?presenta a tional impn " " tires sell ? is. In the SO treat, n practi.-aily p< I union ? - ? ? . ? ' gth hitherto unknown. makeee ha?e st'irmpte-i ta ir i v ? ? 'he robber ?rid fabric In th? ? ra compo ??? trength, Iri tha "Uko" tren?) tins has hern acrompl -she! After seeing how quickly the ir.ole look to ? i,?? ..?<?', be stead up to ? rery gruelling rond teat, ofn nal? af the company ?!ecide,| ?I ?> -, | wonderful a?tw lira was worthy af a Of th? nan.. - ? "e?| Statc i,?i i orapany, bei ce "' Th? "Royal" cord, ? Buperlfeord tire mule to -? s' a fair pnce, cor, 'h,' ! ' te day I i ited -''ates S good fortune of .,, offer their ?ra1? a com p|. *c hue of individualised tire?. A tire 1 automobil? ?:rs it no ether ?ales mi ' I sva f? r their ?kaler? some 'lung automobile owners have never ha I oef r? ? King Increases Output TH? i.i ,?? ,, ??.??.i?? for the eight ' the coi ng vear fellewee ? confer?nc* '.? ra1 Managet K A. Vo and Aaaistaei '?eneral Mann ;:er .1 it Siegfried, of the Kin* Mot. Car Com] ?y; I S Toh?ek. at the A I Rannoy 'omtuny, and other ? ?I plan? af 'ms ?Ight-cy! - - ? taetatOt was ? .1. af ...u'i'i a- 1 a maximum of ? ? " 1. i r\ ? i,'? 'or ths forth. il Tha BOW ?everi-p?? r ? g c?r, five - * - ??e-p???eng?e ;t at the N?-*? ? Show, F.n'.hu?t??m I gh ?h?t a ?ale? conferene? ?< ? ?t the A?tor Hot?; lait) ?? ? "?g Be Maeager P. A. Vell brocht I tent '> Maneg?** .1 H 1 *r* **?re pruent. robaek ' Branca Fng'iih. <*' tor Cei ?"?'npany, Los I Kng Dealer, 'ieorge Erl'n, !'? -.<** A'i*--in*-iv.''? '"ompany. San Franc aco; G, ft. PrenUie, of th? ilea Cosspaay, rtetro1*, ?-.d repreeentat rea I ?PPERSON 8 DIT an automobile the way ** you would buy life insur? ance. Buy your car of an old line company. A p per .son Brothers have been building quality automobiles for twen tv-three years. 3?i|i Si?-.. $1,850. Eight?, St.?50 DIMOND-APPERSON MOTOR CO., DISTRIBUTORS Broadway at 68th Street New York, N. Y. < ??r".T;??"f?'.?-<\ ? --- -/_i_?r3'" HUDSON >/M&& .?,_*_.,~. SUPtR .--___?_;. ^'^W_?'aT?____v'.s ilx I IIIIHIUHI . 7? ? ' * "?"?J * 5?r _!^____ \. ?*_???????j_ia_a_??i ?? _?__ma?3.*__aa____a /"/le Show Crowds Center at the a> HUDSON ^ udson Super-Six The Show's Supreme Attraction The World's Record-Breaking Car ?80?0 More Efficient the Show which attracts Go to the center of the I here > ou will und an MAIsk the booth at the most people. thickest crowd, epoch-making i ar. It has broken all world's records, in official tests, for stock-car efficiency. Eights and I wehes have been outrivaled, the costli est cars defeated. I he greatest motors of the past are excelled 00 per cent by this. This master motor?called the Super-Six?is an ex elusive I ludson leature. It if ? I ludson invention, con? trolled by I ludson patent No. I. I 6?.861. And its {in, ?*, in the most luxurious Phaeton, is only $1 J/5. IT DELIVERS 76 //. P. You will see here a motor small and light, simple and economical. We have added no size, no cylinder.-* t<> add weight and complications. The cylinder < apacity is 288 Cllbi? in? hes?like the I ludson Six-40?the ideal motor size. But the Super-Six in that size delivers 76 hors<> power. That is 80 per cent more than the best or former like-size motors. All this is accomplished by simply ending vibration. By attaining such smoothness as never before was known. So it means an equal increase in the luxuries ut motoring. WASTE IS ENDED All that 80 per cent was simply lost heretofore in vibration consumed within the motor. We save that waste. No more power is created?no nioie fuel ? onsunied? at any certain motor speed But the utter smoothness delivers all that power into performance. It gives you 80 per cent more reserve power for hills and mud and sand. It gives the quickest response ever known in a car. It avoids gear changing?gives you mat? bless flexibility. feats impossible before are per? formed without evident effort. .All this, remember, through the ending of vibration, a mo tor's greatest foe. So it means more than tuel economy. It means engine economy World's Records Broken Ml A?ttorJs I p ta 100 Mlles. le it Sheepshead Bay under supervision of v ' It ? i 7 ; assen . ill stnajk-car :e or any r-r'-.ct, or my number ders. 100 miles In 8o min . l\ ? - ?-? .<?,..g 74.67 miles per hour ? | driver i d p_$M . . car re rd was made aith i ?cylinder < g driver oi 75.69 miles in one hour with driver and passenger. * miles per hour. Standing Hart to 50 miles per hoar in 16.2 tee. A ' pi re< d quit -. acceleration. \\ ear in this motor is reduced almost to zero. And it means vast tire economy by saving gear-changing jerks It also means new luxury of motion. Riding is like flying in this vibrationlers The motor is almost itten. In all these ways the Super-Six out-matches every other motor, in ways so evident, so well-proved that all men must concede them. \Q POSSIBLE RIVAL_ 1 he I ludson Super-Six supremacy is clear and indis putable Official tests have proved it. And any com? parison under any condition will prove it to your satis faction. I his is the world's greatest car. Fhree tirnej its pri? e can buy no car to match it. I he best of all types?Sixes. Lights and Twelves? have been completely routed by the Super-Six. So, if this year you want a superlative car, it must be the new-type 1 ludson. Any other fine car must lose its attraction when out-matched by 80 per cent. COME TO OCR HOOT h_ Don't let the < rowds deter you from seeing the Super Six. It is this's ? hief exhibit. I hen. now or later, test it on the road I our demon? strating cars are now in service at the Show. Motoring as you know it will seem tame after one Super Six performance. Ask us to take you for a ride today in the Super Six ?we will happily do so even though you do not con sidei the purchase of an automobile, for we want to B? quainl aa many people as possible?as quickly as we can?with the operation of the Super Six m.irvel motor ?whic h establishes a new and undreamed of standard in automobiles. ( oine today for your ride ?we invite the opportunity to have every one learn by personal experience the rea sons why this patented auto? mobile ? through ?limin?t ing vibration?smashed all world's stock c ar records. 7-Passenger Phaeton $1375 at Detroit Fire Other Styles of Bodies ML IDSON MOTOR CARCO. DETROIT. MICH. HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF NEW YORK, INC. CIRCLE BUILDING. Broadway at 61st Street, New York City. BROOKLYN?1IS4 Bedford Avenue BRONX? 440 Eas? !49th Street K,ln . v j _o II. Ve man ?.?>"' N ?' ?H-aiain?-? \,ilo CtX H,.,?,i.,n N I -lt?-ni. i> Vil. dril' '"-" ? HjJ V ?> -II ??MM? r \,.ioio lloalei ?i I??,^?ncri l?r,?>.??<? K,n?.|.>ii. \ V_|>|,, \ |;; ,, ?. rulrhoo? ' ' > H""% W?" '"'"?? N I I. M \,,|,?l, I ,.| llauipl"?i I I - U il-<*?'? ?'?ra?i* ?I'?:.i'. I'.aan. V *. -Wall?! \ Mara Mlialxrlh, > I ?i? ??' < Bmrwrti Herrlat??? S. J - MeNare? S *? u_ ill II., rr v II s Ha?? Moimi \rrn,,ii. N \ M ci. |,?., ?, \ N .ill. * ?*?->al,ur?li Niara v earth *?iii.. I alej Matar ? .,r ? o t ??l.i.ill i < luli|?er "*>,,. It ?. ir.alc 111. V .1 ?< \ NEW ROCHELLE Ma,,, St ?nd Center Ave Ko, aille ? a-mrav I I ?..nlnrr M?,l>r (# KidgeaeM l'art. V * 1.-1 M Motor i ?c all,.I,i I. I r,l?' lira I ?-'Mt>ri_ni S l. ? H I . /?I.el Peek?kUI s *. m i; i ?rm. M??t,.r ? <*. -;??*?11.,...,,i..,, i [_Bj (l ?rntOnt Purl '-.a - \ \ -I (I I ,,?r?r,lfr ,| +?ul,T! .""! .7 ' "?.''V ?U',,l'r * "^ aSI.eep?l> s *. \?. II I ??II. In, i-i? ?I.I al \ l?< ?? I, I I -<.r,M,l,i. ( ,,1, Km H,in.,io In,