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OrAKAKTTTK M *v *,Juk ?( You Want It Ke?)|jivrl{ ?ytfm** *-f?i*> ?n ? a*3"i". iV'? -J'-si /' ? ??? *i?^f??rif?r?. Pf Sribttne WEATHF.F Psir to-day and to morr-rw, mo?*] erate northwest wir-ii? Au ?' Beseel se ' ?. Firgf fo Last- the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements \ i.xxv \ 25.254. |? ?rarlghl isia?. Thi> 1 rtl.iin* lee n 1 FRIDAY, JANUARY 7. 1916. ? 1 \* I"' ( ' 1-' VT ln "*"** ""*?*"?* ,'Mr .?"ewae"?, feesoi * ??? v".>r. v Ti .> 1 ,lld ||(,i>(,k?, UaemOeaa r*.. < .-m*. Commons Votes for Draft; Cabinet Crisis Impends WILSON URGES UNION OF ALL THE AMERICAS Defines His Policy in Dealing? ith South ern Republics. \>k> Ml ! I AI PEACE PLEDGES President Tells \meriians Benefits of New Monroeism. ? ii ? ? au * the ' ? i ' ? ? ?-.?." -, ' P? ? pese?: - ? ? ' ? ? I ; ' ' ? ? ? Wa*il . ... itirr .? . '.?? ? ? ? . ular.? ' 'draw "^ joy Lnri ' "r "'ru,lhr i>ati??Brtion ? ' ? ? '"""""'?i -.?.,,.,???, -, WHO CAUSED WAS? WAONF.R De Plaghllcff C>nd?ir4or .?-.?s ? Musi, **t?'l?* GSTBMBa? KlKhtlng M?i1. rarhapa you thought the Kav?: -.a, to blame for thla ?rar Well, \. , .o*e Waamar'a fault Titk* it from Ernest Anaeraiel tv,mt h ?a? the great *.*r win roused the lirrinan lie?. pie to ? ?rirrt of militarisa* an,I s?*ar. I l it h the Teuton popular* on.*e ?: rrril hy a Waa*net~ia*- brainBtorm, >?* ? II was cns\ for S'.riius? to maln ? spirit w th bia i ' ' ' : ..* U i. . I D Tbe ma-, ?ho thai rellerei v" from trip notariat] of be ng int an ?-,1 yesterday ?m th ? ?h' He camp from Sim ? * t.. con.uiot the Si-rtre de IMaghileff ? iB l'.n'.>t ?. tbe ? > Besides hi? tiom'i ... . ? ?ri?r?>, V? b- ,? | ?.,*.'.<? by Strasrlnaky. He aa . American rag*.me CARNEGIE NEIGHBOR. M NEIL l i.ih ? opppr Prcidciii Ha*- No Plan? to Improve 91-t Street Sito. ?".?yer nf ?' '. ?rnep-p has brer-, preserving tl I have jroo.l ?, nr,,l which v ?? reported on Tuei ? turns out 1 ? ? . V ? ? Company, of ill Hrop.?Va-,. .?* of th and ?. :? has no imm? for im ? DECLARES KAISER IS CANCER VICTIM Baltimore Physician Avers He Got News from Berlin. . - ? ' i i Ks sei Wilhelm . i. ? tbs imperial ? ? by a prom " <st. an ex-Balti* ? ? ? ? ? ? * and that' \ccord wesrer, ?n o ? ? B1 was ? ?ful. who -'.as called in COI ?cd *hat the d1c< burned ? ? Gei ago anil mi 'loman ? Germai M * i. can ? o- He now irgest n cei * SWANN MAY RETURN A FARO-WON $500 He Will if Contribution ( ame from -\llei*eil (iambler. ted as the ' idler! f thnusand ? to an Indictment .i-t ng (?rari'i lareei ehe to Thomp is? ? ro? ged 'o hav? ? tttorni ? ?.-.inn i recall*? yer in ? I Thompson a? a man int?-rest*d in hi < arrrpaign.' and that later this man .-.rd Swarm Pu?.' Men's ? amrslgn ?tee. . termine whetbei I ? ander arre?t i- the same 'nan who contributed the ".'.or?. If ana Is satisfled tl lentical, hew ill rsturn the I he campai," . .?? | II baa wound up its af . . .- ??:??"? ,-h'? ??? remem . face of the 11 . retnemhe' ef 'he law ? ? arranged the introduction. WILSON AFTER SECOND TERM \uthonre? Hi? SeSBS I" ??" "" Indiana Primary Bellet. i ] , ? ' ? '? Indianapoli?, J?n * ? doubt Prci .. ? ? Wilson'? willii . to accept notwithsta the one-term plank in the Democratic , ?-.- . araa removed late thii noon when author"', cam" .! rect ftoiu . \'. ||it? House 1 '? ? ' ? l'" ? name on the hallo* I a? Indiana'? t'ir?t primar) election in March A petitie aigni g that w ed w ? r h , . ? p ?? '.iry to the and Ihomai l i .,- tbe Den ? ( '"" : callad Jam.? II l- rjr, dep ? i of th.* ?tate, over th? long ?? '.?phone ?'? . i. , .e-enta' ? I th? !'? ? - i.Kixi m ?n srnw.0 ? tTE? ?ee or ?la glaaa ?t-pptrtu bottit? ? AU-L RILEY ORDER TO QUIT PRIS OFFICE AT ON Whitman Acts on Kirch wcv's PI i Against Tran ski EX-DEAN TO BE CHIEF, IS RUM Delay by SuperinUwu Means Ousting Ri Says Ik' Won't Kesij? ? . ' Bt ' - nii.l..,i ' , g? ? It I e last i thai ,. ??? ? is rniltaki r and ??k ? Pi : ? ? ? Who ? menl man ? ntion? Dr. K rchwey Th? , a La for -.i,;s place by Mi : i ? * ad thai ?tlK, ?1 -,?t 'rflci?: ? resu!* .. , if ob*; ? ere demoralised com] ? ; ? i ? . 1st? Wedneaday, snsfei ? ? . Sing E . ? mom !: nearly ?very priaon? .ir.j,ort?nc. in organisation. ? aid have can ? i.tiori of affairs which wo reme ? Kirchwey froi th? rdaai ads h:ni lia .<ival for in i - atloa. ii .. Dr, Kirc'nv hi?a New York home and t? photi?d th? Goverr.or Wedn??? i .?-i.t. asking fi r an a? ? '?'? ? m .'asked I . t 10 o'eli ay r.-oming. Di. Kirchwey w? th? midnight tr? : and etl initrueti ? R ? that he f he ron ? Governor D ??rasada RMiguatlofe th? ? : '. ,. n o o i eeived in h ? th We? I ? r appri?. rder madi ,, from Sing Sing ??> th? sta i i ??'.. ? ,.- -,' ? . . ?. ; rominen ?n th- Mutual ? ? ? the prase I ,.! ti lat?an l ?II -.??ii **i not fur,1 alt? "I' ** ?a ? ; ,? i- ?nt to Sing . _? ?h:r h*> ,? ',.' rtunity thorougl himself with tl ., fsr a? praeticabl should have <i free band. "You 1 . ? BB I. I ha? a tr?n? ,n?r to I?ii ? , ? - I tubercular pur ients, ? lishment, an?l i , and prffipuate aMio ?h th ... i ...-?. ? . bul "i. . ', ". a?? you m js if i ri rled ou', mis' he ? down ' nd re?,1er ?h new wai ??| have fell an,) ?til! feel that ii . ? ? of 1,?'alth yo rii?. full ef ? ? ? . ? rdei - ?" c^arl* a s ,r" our understanding an?i of th, Dl h ? ? , . s wall as, 11 -?'?-m? t? -Vial oMijration to th? ? .-? ??'*' I deem it mi -,, ask for your immed ai?- r..?,k' Very trul] '?? H ARLES s. W HITMAN ' \lhan* Surprised. f : ,.-? result ?f t hi - lettel \aa? a? if a bomb?he!l had been ei the capital. Riley ha a! ??? ;. i ,| position that political Albany ? me t?> think he was immui ? g ?.,... ? t rtyi _( r' ? ? .,...-? ? lei I )?? had ?leter ? ,? ? a iid h?- ?mai i Rilej to hols ofllee, h:.- h.-airh, Mr Wl tl ? exte&jped m?.re deration to him than a well man ? have received lie h* I . ? B '????? f 01 ery doubt in the ? ?-v rno, but with the ? 'hat even with a new warder. then' would be constan! trouble, he felt i oui m ?Jed on vast 'i, columu 3 , JOHN B HI I,KV Superintendent ?f Prisons, for *vh? ? isrnetioi Go?.: Whitmei li.i 2,000,000 BABIES CRY TEUTON NEE Hunger Forces Germa to Beg Milk and Meal from United States. ... m ,-ountr; ' ''?'? and niiriv more adult atiei The t?n?** . I publidty of their ? yesterday torn down by the '??: ii I n? COB ? ?? of ??\\ ? ? : hare milk f? hahie?, me men and tornen." Dr. Edmt ? ? ? ? ttee foi I'.I Sh rnent?, tceived Bin her wealths nal ? lume? of arg ? ? ? ? th? babiea especial ferlng. The lettei r.-u?i, in pari "My hahy must have mil? For i;od? sake ser help!" Seek Right to Send \nl "That's sshat I am ?loir.g ? ins; help," -aid I?r '.on Mari. 'It imposaible to dascribe 'he nece-* I milk for the babies R eh end pu? nobleman nr.'l plain citisen, are beg irini; foi il fr.mi Amarles i ??'? Bf ? ' mendou? quant. .' Fatherland The babies mu? have ii if their lives ate t?. !.?? -a*.*?l An associate of I>r. von M of tf-,- ? . *. bei r, ihe war ??? '?f ment. ? ? - ? mon OCCUITI. thi? associate "It is the most hat? ru '.'run,: on earth hi.? compta r* to the l'plig than death Hut th- tru1 ? I ir i on Ma. h ; . ? en 1 ' ?' ., - . three w*.*k? ag "We ar* friendly, the amla ar.?l I." ^aiii I'r von Mach. "I"' Gel ., Id simp!; . ? ?. - ... erd But he hasn't, nor , etc I bar th-*re ? "a:- BCUl tage 'if Gei and \ I il u n gar) " ??? a? ' he i. ord bi eaterdas hv Lud ? < ontlniit-il on pa?* ", .?iliiniii I GUNS ON VERDI MAY B?R SAHJNC ?(alian Liner Here v ?th ; 3-Inch Rifles Likelj to Complicate Persia (ase. lerda] . the? v* ? : the Poi ras not b< 1 ork. I ? ? ,, -, ??;?: s Verd from Genoa in th ? of an armed ?hip might be an in fraction of th? I I I ted States ne II ? eg i are s three inch Arm the Italian They are eleven feel d cap able of r'.rir.K twenl pound sh?lls . As soon as thi * I tad them a ?port 1 lal. wi rded to Washington. ? I \ the pr?s? srsis ? h ? i that .. o?! on Two ? ? I heir ii? . ?hrowti ? I Verdi ? ? by oi ? ? ght the ?hip i ' ?ti ? U. S. to Deny Clearance Till (inns Are Removed Washington, Jai fl The Italian liner ? ? ail? ' -,,t In ,,*?< I ,?,, atttjt ' ? "I?'??,'? Finance and Finesse In Patria, throughout all thi* tr-ml led time, is ? mastei of finance who kr-eps m int?mate ton? h avith ihr moneyed matters of r" ranee. He is ^ightrc, ami k-?-n sighted, and handles, his suhjei t with .1 ? insumir,ate hnesse? ) ves Guyot. of ' L'Agence i conom : His re-Rular semi weekly cable appears in to-day'? ] ribune, .1 summary ol the situation .i? ros? the ??? ?. a news letter treating capably and ? ?mprehensivrly of the thin^-s th it most interest the business man and the in? vestor. I o he properly poeted in this connection, lurn to Pa^e I y ?The ?Tribune flrtt to l.sft ? the Truth: N?rw ?--/. J/foris/??4?/? erthementt. ?a ANCON? REPLY AWAITS FACTS ?N PERSIA CASE Consul*; Fail to Uet New Evidence from Sun ivors. PENFIELD ASKS VIENNA TO AID President Assures Stone Decision Will Satisfy the Nation. ? V. n :,.!., ton, Jen. 6, Thi a I ninis? n has chang I nd, accord i i high official of I ? Depertn si t, bi d t* ta ? ? ?"?'?? Red eith ?: I : 'er ia ?? ped i?l or that th? deten lined. Unti . ?? da; the plan ivi ' one affai and ei spl Austria's without '? . *? the the Persia i ese, Pi ? i who called ? n hin to-day .hat his action. on, a ?ry to ths Am? le." The .I?-? isi ? pt anee of Au tria' last nute refl . ::tuni?trati?.'i i thut : sd >?r?j-r of ths P may weigh hi ? y of th*- Aus? trian government, although it is no e* Ideno ???. ti thai the Perel* wa? sunk by rnarim . Aflu?a it ? ?: . i * - . rizrtl in dispetches to the The only the pi i ?ne i tatemenl ne of the Persia's officers that he saw he thought was the m ski i l s ibmarine "-.a- **< en at any time. I'enfield Make? Inquiry. wevei r- at least half '? that the ? . lustran. Thi- is day, ' ? ? the -.inking of the Persia and ' s ?er? a ' ? fa ? ?sal of the Austi ?an Adn ii alty. So ? ? ttions have I.? ? ? ? . Ar.i lors < ierard and Morgei Should Austria plead ignorance affair anil lease the ?? :?? ? ? i'i i ?? .i .'.'. by a ernmenl will have no ?. ou drop the case. It is he Vienna ? will acknowledge ?n th?* attack, claiming that the ?'. ted hei immunil Thi? action would '. e the ? leli for de ? il ? ? ? leiperiai ' ? with the es f a ?ubraarli I Mas Warn Miles' -hip? , ? tfivi t r;eren 1 merci n1 ? I arma ? ?> .. . emei a - i ? . ?tion in ?*ned. Var the aubifl irin? ? I hi Cabinet 1 ?ral* i exI ? ? t meeting of the lei ? ?- may of submarin* cen-ral. the linking ? case and cher ' ? .-opean war ?a m I 'hur t bells -nruttp* ?rould -4 pro pro? liag treaties, sgardiag tuai Am'r.asiu.lor ! . ?J to day rhat he had pr- I informa , Ree I imei ment'* i tion of th? I nil '* ' ? Bl \',e\an ria report? r gave i ! . ? ? I itches. " M"\\ 1'tllK a I I i?IUI>\ ?II I I \l ? 1 a ..!??? i- ?a ft || Aa?i. C?ESON HEADS 3?OVE TO FORCE ASQUTTH 01 London. J?n. iV?An import* me-rflng of ?orne flf,e??n of the le? Ing I'niontst BBSSSbafS of the HUM of ( ommona ?a? called to-night. ? It ?ii divided to fo-m a commltl of 1 nioni?t member? to obtain more aigorou? pronea-utton of t war. Sir Usraral < arson wa? He?-: chairman of tlio committee and ? I'rederi.-k Hanbury * ice-rhalrmj The*. ?III In*ite the I'nloniat? Join the iti??vemenl, ?hid? I? ?irt ail* the long-threatened ne? opy ?Itlon to the government under I i. ? i ? .i r. 1 Car?'a leadership, Its al being the subjection of th*. Mini ter? to the ??e*ere?t rntleUm. MUDDLING COST STRAITS VICTOR! SAYS HAaVlilTO Fleet Commanders Del?; od Aid?London Failei to Send Enough Men. Sil 1 ??'-.?? I!. ? illipoli Penh I in 1 ? . fin alag Mb the middle of October. Probal re important cortr:i ritioti to ' j of ' a? pi Th? r??port throw light oi Hug t Ans? \ ? -.?? a* tact on the n of th . ? combined aetioi army and I , The handling of within i rea nrobBb ind r'.risen. ei militar] ? rpt ?? I th some import ? ? failed to **o p.? plai - ' ? to a the report i lonM?t? of tintri? I tl .'.der gel I? new variar ' ' P'.i.-e? Hie Troop? ?? ?.,)?*? 'be h.g' isibl? ?? bravery t ? a' ' I .iras unat'l? to f?at a strongly ?<? ih troop?. whiel ? . Eai Kite r Wsi rarr ' a -,'n h - command ? on.-? rn ? ir lord . -imati h ich woul'i lia. ier? S r?n th? | ?. I wa? i '..rl-hip o>; my arriva'. govoi ment rJo?ir?d ' from a res; .munde* up,?n th? ? of early e*ar?iation " | pa!>?age? at irisr ?t Buvla Bay and Anzae early ka I eommand height? on th? rutting all from their ban ?ha r ' ???' si ? ? lower et tremity, where ? '? ?nal?? mad?? their fir?I landing Turk? S??rm from West. Thi? opera';?->n bei"?*: on A'jJ*ll?t 6. rea?-'?*e'i ?t daybreak en the 10th. when 'he Ta I al - I 11 on a ? held by ? re ?"'I the ? rem an?"'-?.! ? t ' ' | lasa by a hu?e colu? ? of i than a fu ? ,,r.? Th?? ? . ncr.e?. hy ? ght the Wilt< ?ho ?il . ? il n the anni ? - - ? ? ? and ? ? : ? , :? ?I ha ! a er- on'.;. I ' grea' difficult > m ? a? , - tun ["hi ?an , ,a ??ustralia Ind ?r inta v ? a ..... ..-????... ? ? in .h ,"i on i??r in, columa I LABOR UNIONS JOIN TO FIGHT ASQUITH PLAN Three Wem hers of Party Quit .Ministry in Draft Cri.-is. MEASURE GETS 2?cS MAJORITY London Sees Chance of General Election?Car son Heads Opposition. L?;:,: i ' - ? ? r ? ( . '? I ? met-.. ? . . passed] a rei iti pposing \ quit-h the overwhelm ta . . quick *-e?'uel cam?; the ? .:? nt of Arthur Henl. rr?on and I members of the n.. The question on evei y I political clubs la-* was* whether the momeiitou the day had breugh* tion within **igi. ? ' ? . future, and while the gi lancea w? . ? -. i * f the g are expressed tl - | . **,,,,. summoned, and a ma ? s ' I ? I ' - ' Th? ' per'ar ry prevailing 4 Kalfour Make-s Plea I |1 1 . I for A - ? ; f the a s p?rsuft' whirh roused the '...-- , ? tide o' a.u ?rait a ?bai - italde ? ? ? ? ? ? a <s<* ar* a ,. ' - * for (rr?-s* 1 ! erowdei . * .... . - ? ? Seor.?? ' ? ei bar* ?? iki es**e4 their ha ' ? r *?s ?? ? il \- ,uilh ?.et? 11* .?ti.m \ I ? 111? a| pearance ? ?t *. ' < h I ? ? 1 * . 1