Newspaper Page Text
y ?VIACKENSEN GOES TO STYR FRONT 1 eaves Balkans to Mec! Czar's Offensive, Paris Hears. RI SSIANS STORM I ORTS IN GALICIA * air*, i cerno? It. \r\ ork?* \\ hub Germans Thought Won* Impregnable. ?RDON ..f'lJi.iiN BMITH. 1 been . . . for and t: e ?' ' ? I ' - . ? tve : ? of thi? ' ? I Th? a ? For . n of Buk?'-' man?an v From . re ;i, . umania has far i ? n.l?< to single riane :r,-nr. Trena? m ??> laur.ia.-.'.? ? ? ? ' ? armies . ? ?' - ? tins area will ? running ' ' the si of ? n r base ? a. ' ' ? er? Germai ; r? v. the ' nto ac i ? 1v?\?l- - I i.ort!, of the ? ei ? DECLARED NO BRITON WROTE .PIER LETTER Admiral VOWS Doc Germans. ett? ' I a ? n P? - ? ? u r<-, ? . ? ' Cammeyei Stamped on n Shoe mcfins Standard ?f Merit! j ill \\ E A! 20TH 51 ' 'MM AW. JE Trail of Corpses Tells Rigors of Serb Retreat a"*""? French Airmen ca.%>I\ Rum Motora, Chanting Chopin's Funeral March, hul Heaps <>t 1 tad Bodies Aw Milestones on the Road ft?.m Prizrend Iff t? ? 'h the Set eneounti toi frt : .i.i,(i. t??>??/, ** lint In '.?'Il m i follow. ??i', to Lo ? ?? rontpaigo. ????? "/r. Gordo . escape of fi afros ... i reftirntNj l\ | 1'i'rr'n t>-oi))>*. It. GORDO?? GORDON-SMITH. . .'..? 6 When the hour ? -*ruck ?n Prizrend tl ha?l to . v* hat remaii ed i territory- ' 'r ? ? ia thi laving th . . ould be th .s ? l ? ti ? For thi prepai ed, ?in ? i ?Ml thai i thi choie (.far ? lest Inat on. Event ia Ubaniati rit by way o I.runi Koula Pa?? to Scutari Ove 0 convo] ' ? nd hi te. the French a? -. .- . ?:.i rters ataff. th tl - unit -? were nu.- r auto nd i v/agona aa far ai I.ium Kculn. th, nt to whicl th? r ighway nur Trench \irmfn Gay. hen ?* p I ?. . ? ? ?*? r. h ment .- the proaj i I ii - ? ar of campaigning \ . : ? ? trsi ? ... tors ga? time not inell epa ? rhe ten-toi ? ? -in by hand ? inatant le the ? tachmi ?ar danr, ?-iin'.v chant ng Chopln'i Funeral March. Hut It waa at I.ium Koula 'ha* we tiflce. Near Ige ncro4is the I'rir the rik'ht ? the river dropa precip I , ? I ine aftei ?nether hue? riu't'.r? wer.? drenched with t 01 ? ? ? The chauffer steered straight for the precipice, jm ing eleai as th? ear? s,i"* ovei ' immen?? lorri?? rolled crashing t<* I !"?? r >-r>i 'a ?,T,. they formed ?* bias) pile Captiv?e See? Warsath, r? I,"i?? ? later 1 ?a** ? c? >wd 5(H) wretched Austrian priaeaer? w ere, bi ound th? ruin?. Tl ?j ?' , ? ?* ir 'o themselves a' had ( ' " ' I : ? publie I.S0.0W1 Th? real i I the Ian ?cape ? tied out by 'be ? birli blfl ?rd through wl el fiery t?ngui > tliiiii.- '*,?!,. darting Kvery now .?? a ? n of ;i benzine t.. ratter the Aaatrian?, but I .?:,.ii of warmth proved too mu '?>r t hem. and th? ? ' .rue.I Five m nuti the leal <-?r w M ?JO? V ! rat form ;:? ' is men. tee real guei Ii gav? *l ? , a --Will f! through tl , ? .? ? ?? i ,,-i tl sng rnarrh I hi ? ? , t-',-11 til! thai th? bullock wagon wil my baggage, ? ''?? eh lefl Priirend tl lay, had fi iled to ?rriv?. did no? arrive uni I 5 o'clock In tl ? h in .- I did nol ci ?? mom tnin a-,-.:,t in the dark t,, find lb I ! . r.- \a a- i.ot hing f? ? t to n the Head?, i irtei ? oivodc PntaJh \rri?c? The event ol th?' daj wa? the m : b Putnik 11 ' * etera marshal has bier a martyr t ma for tweh. t. II had nol I? fr alwaj ? ke| ? it a temper? tur,. ,,-' Pahrei ? ? ? ir-ii'v in r, e-,rr-.i-,| by '? mus'. . ?? be? n a ten.i for him But th? capture oi I eir he ... ?roui, regard? bians a ? Th' bi Itill SI 'nrt f,,r Scutari wa? delayed an other twenty-four noun A? two yean ,: the Mbanian campaign the Si ! lam Koula except four, a?. ? on was limited 1 foum lodgings in a huire ammunition tent The gendarme objected t< . . ???? ! noth it the g can ' irning oi cartridge boxes, or thi spirit lamp on ? boi lab? 11? d '? over which i wif? f the colonel wai ii ? vr tea 1 presume the retrula rhe subject of candle? ur . . ? p?. a iay and nighl th? 1 bound I.ium K,,u!m I w?nl oui ?1 E? ?ry flve hundri d or so I e? - I bodies of mei who had - "',l or exhaustion. Coming back, I met an (Beer in the Serbian army : ? , nee Pris! eaving to lake pari te effort 1 i V. hen I had last m his mach in? ? ' i number? ?bout ? ghtj ' ii mei Ar Liam Koala it ' ? -..*' lit' bad all bis |f'jn. Intact, however, BI livereii them, a" I afterward heard, . b1 Elbaaaon. MUDDLING COST STRAIT VICTOR1 ? ??nllnurd from r>Bf* 1 them aa th? the gu B?rrela Gel Bed Hot. lid th? Turks pi ? ... ... . . . and ii Still th? pourir ? ? ever; ? ? ? irun i rani r barn wei - ted, r.ii only a handfi "At tl time at r?,nc 'ore?*? o ? ? ther of four day: rtii - of ou \- the foo ? ? ? i by S r n tl" ( apt m hack d ti i-a in into tin . . e?, ii . rapon t one ai he I ind again k' upor stood to r 1.;. man) a deed of dar ? '? her?, they stood Here tien . y. Balda in and ? oo] ei ai grt it ? SEEKS YOUNGER OFFICERS l rench VYai Mlalatei Offers Bill t?? Re lire \rm\ l eadere Earlier. Paris. < hatnber of Dep \ at. The bil neli from gi ? ? ral? of ? ? ?. years ?'? two ? ? lea a.i fore tl rar i the ri ? i ? in the ? ? number of them. I QL Per MONTH ON PLEDGE 1? OF PERSONAL PROPERTi PROVIDE**". LOAN SCXII.I ? ?l NEW YORK M \ s,, \| I a-? 'diirth Avenue, cot. 2Mb . ?dr idge ' t.. sor Rivington st .ist Houstor St . coi l sscx St. . tl Uli' ?smi \ 49th Sts Lexlngtoa As . ?or I 2M: Grand SI . 4?.r I llnton St. L. 7 2d St ,bet 1 t?? I \ ,1 \\ - ??i;??\\ 1 ourtlandl Ai . cor. usth St. IIIOMllal S *> v,. ? Lis . A*. , ,..' .1 bi voiss St. I'ltl.i:. \\ 4' I l'04?.'V,4' Av. IM ' hVARGI.' Oh ITHIN Da ri I .nu ? .1 m ' MARGI, ?*VC LOANS RI PAII? Wl 'W% rW iVI KS FROM I glory, On 1 ? ? '? Brim General Baldwin, who earned h Cesar's camp ?t Lad* ir Gn badly wounded leave | rail ?>f ?' nrpsea. "'I owur ! ' .!??:? '.'.?? last two batti - froi w hurried, th? ?. . r? m- ,. i. tract ' ? eorj sei bel id them H . t for pi ? -. -.-. a - lefl upon ou i ? ? .Bcki ? ?-r.- mad? m? i-.. Gen?ra - en ing the to? ti? Bird? und included ? vei ? ? nl Shaw, bed alom 10 ??,. ? ? , ',,-???? ,- Warwick ?-ters ha,i los- literally ever ? "Th? that no uni could btar.d the l??--?. of more 'han 'J pei The 13th Di' ?? . ' i ."'? ', Brigadi oi the 10th Insu Division ha-.? more than twic? I sl and h ipiri "or as much B . ' ? .' ' . , British held all they gained ??? .nportanI -aiienti one a hill can the Gurkhai ? ? \.?l?iits Ml llftirers. ately," ? ? - ? ?? ? ?ra! Ham ilton, "? hese tv,- | .- -??, .,- , small 1 eeme i ? war, ten I ho isand liv? ?, f".r by I ? c ist mark, betwei pon ml ?u, rhe grai ' out of ghl : ?? ? ?! ! . gun rang? of General Bii !,? .-".i or any of th, 1 ? - ? , , '? - r ? . | ? ? TI. i s in the A u 7i,-i,- appeared to I a? <? be? n Hi.-, ? ? , greatest cril ? .? ? ? ? , ? .a..?. ,\ . arm) tdmiral 1'" Bobeck. ,? ' I the Ilth ihre. threi ' ' ' ? The Turh .mplet? But 1 ? .- ? iat1 wher? ? orpi eora mander ronaider? lid act moil n ? ... of th? nav? 'i General H? wai foi ? - ilt? ? ? ?kIm' distance i ,ys street .'? | ?p ?1 ? ?'. of the "ii'ii ? ? .'ig of the Mh," ., ? Gei t-ra! Stopford, huntj upon ess in forei I i . ? ? . i. ? ? th? surpris? landing mu-t ' ' ' . ' ?'-i Bu1 th? ? - ioiih? r,,rn elieved themselves te be an a-.?th,'r was hot. The new iTered much from want ?,f .- .n. in ? after a n if I ? , re and there wil itten ' ? ? rj un a ? "These n i say? G?n eral Hum '? rectlj well >? I, Bui il seemi to overlool that tl feat? : ? ?. : ,, :-, ? ?-.? spies! and swift? il of Bolvlag the arataf treahle sad ever-. , ther ?or? of trouble ?Be thi? ai il mn>. tl.bjeetiona bore ''i.if" commandera reao Utlon Hat It ?TM lack of artlllnv ?upport which tlnnlls .l.-.-iil?-?l h'"' t? acquiesce in the policy af t*"ing alow, vhich in th?. time h nmehod the troop? ' ecami 11 inalated Into ? peiiod of Inaction The dlviaional a-enerala 44..... ii f.Min*.I 'lint, in view of the ] -ate Min!'? 11 support, ?General -.,,,. i ,i not ? iah ?hem to make frontal attacha on Intrenehed neel i il i . ,.,i then to try to turn any trenehea which irera met arita i\ .rhin Mi? terme of thi? Inatruction ? i .. root at our failure to mak? ,.i the prie? i? m rlayligkl houi i ol th? M II ill \ The remainder of tli<* ?totv of Ruvla ronalats largely of miafortunes Gea eral Hamilton ? plaina thai lbs seniei commandera laehed esaartenee in the nrw trench aa i,rfn? .* mid in the Torklah methods, and appreciation "' '?"* t,Hr ii ' imi.inee of time '*n th?* lath Urne ral Stopford ?tai relieved af th? rommand of his diviaioa corpa Gen ? ral DeLiale lueceeded him. The m counts 10 the report of the ' rint of the aoldiera from lack of ?? iter nr ? graphie. Pcacribing the operationi on Augual 10, General Ham ilton rxplaim ? % :?,\ all 'he reeerve? were not available, ? v timi i] . "I thought of throwing mj reaenroa into thi? ?tub l-orn central battle, where probably rl .-..? would have turned the sea!* Bui each time a*aUrr troubl?e made me cive un rh* Idea all rank? at AnsaC r? dueed le ? pinl ?< day. True thirst ii i aenaation unknown to the dweller? in r . ?rail ?'it? red El . I %h"ti th" mulM With water bags arrived at the front, th? men would nu h up to th?*m In iwarma lual to I eh tin* moiature that .4 ided throusi t1 . eanvai lie? Until I?! ',,.-..,? leovered ander freah* ? reiafordns of ii i '?? .irr so m.ich ns n brigade trat aa .'?le." Pointa I a?!, ?if PoreolghL ..-,.:?,;..? ?? ? ? ? f for the troopi tended ?? Suvla on tli?? 7th. h? "Aa 14 turned out, and I erel? by the results, I r?a.-rel I ires actually takei for Ibulion proved to he ii ad? q i ite, i iiTerlne ??'?! diaorganixation en* ? . " the I*i the n iddle of August, <;?>ncral ates, the Turk? had PS C-fsfl i he - ?? ad plenty ? ' i ? ' th? I: ' ' i '? 1 belov 'heir nominal ton wanted thousand freah t *"??-? He ? te a nitions, b? lies, ine thit hod at or,ce he un derliaes "at once"1 'he troop? could i rn??air* for the fleet to Coi ?..pie. "I' may be lu-fged hoe ?' .ras my ?:l?|..*-- i-.!*it merit." he ?awa. "when I I? arned that .ntial drafts of rein 'orrr'-rrnts and munition? could not h? ant, the reaaoi riven l."irt prevented me from farther . ? ? neaa, the leraev o* s d?-?r*r ? ? ? ? ? took a heavv toll of the lurvivora - f - mai y ai conflict*." the i "Bul ti) re? that they at il ? ? ,-n victoi nd grestesl of ? An import ' f the doeu .-. lion of the army I ma f..r prol ?he moat ? ? ted on BO I i rare a within the confines the ' ? forcea V.I-T" " '? * at Mu?!.-. ?. nart et Mytllene, reap? ? ? ? ? ? ??,. ? . irticularly, .. atei ALLIES VIOLENTLY BOMBARD LENS Artillery Attack Uninterrupted, Berlln Reports Another Air Raid by British. I eentral : . ? ? eaal trras, i g to the ( ition ? bombardmi nt Paris annou I ? ? g i mpagn? Brit it i igi ?' as depot I.<? Sai ? i- r.-1? ? ? tted Berlii till? u -? ? ri iloimi two 1 a? roplane ? town. "One of the machines was 1 ??? do? n b) Lieutenant German ?talement, "thi? being tl ?ha*. !-?? ha in diaabling." The French statement r-ay?: "Ii Champagne, in th.- cours?, of un ? ? b) our artillery the Gi to th? ? arin Farm, wt deatro atei . l?verai resers ? up, "In Ar!??i*? our batteries dropped pro jectiles ?>ri 1 h?- r . ?' H?.i? f Arras, i . Bril tion i "In addit ? a aei al i '?? ,.i . .,- it ? ei raid ??? ? i ? ... machines against a at pot at Le "Th ? .? o? i of oui p.."ro ? '! ?p? ' ? -'I I1TT.II ty oi bot ' erei ai i i ? ? ? "TO THE VERY END/' MESSAGE OF FRANCE Parliament and Country ?it One Accord. Says Dcsclianel. Pal s, Jai 6 "Pal coin?!' ) ai ..i-... ,, : I Pau Pi. le? ? the : in e ? the vi g ? ? ? '?" ? , . ? - , ' , i ? hmei torn? tea hi rred nemy's ? i ? ? ? It do? ird "When the m ? the \ mr. ?han t1.. ben they a - >??! f< i ' f i f ,botl her?, moroo? er, I that the n : ? on we ? ?' ?.? ? ? , "TriH' ? the seal ist clo?< lease? the comforting Impr?-.- in that s? -girl ? i. anil) r ? , fac? raei WORLD TO BUILD LOUVAIN LIBRARY British hoard Wants livery Nation to Help Replace Lost Treasures. PLEADS I OR HELP Of ALL AMERICANS Professor (iollanc/ Sa>s New CollectiOl Must Be M?>dern and ?TJOMplete in I very Way. II* MMIIIU S ?DRAPER. II. . ?' r . 1 a 1 -', ,,-ia ; Leadoa, Jan. '"? "The mobilisation ,,f sympathy," Is Professer Israel Gol? lans'i characterization ef th? work ?,t th? Brll l| committee, ?f which he 1? honorary ecretary, for th? real ra tien ef Loavain'l farr.',um library. "It i? rather n question of th?i manriet In Whiefa ?he idea ','.,-,,,,-? rather than any ?ecentlel dlflle? tj In the ia?k." he nal,I to ?lay. "Our citn . he? I,-,! by Lard Brye? and In eluding I a- > r ? 1 - Raaebery, < arson, Mair snd Mackenzie, might iaece?d withoul ? vast amount of troubla in carrying throagh th? werfe naaided. Y'nr such ? eau ?? there ii i "'. ? great deal of difficulty In ?jetting th? money or b, ok ? i? ?I'.nred. Every library in Britain la ready to do th? 'it most i ,r instanc,., John Byland'i library in Manchester ha* airead} promised S.000 rara book? and manu Hut th? '<? tituti o? i first propos? 11 me, and we wair them to hav? the greatest share fulfilment. "I believ? practically every c:. to take ! in Apart from t!.<- practical and thetlc b< lp ol .1 P, Morgan, w? think all booklover . e? lectori ?r.d ! ? Would re.-ard it an honor to partici? pate in such ? It must be matter. "Perhaps the mein po nl Is iceuring the ervicei of ? man of world wide ? - ik? th? ultima:. , of book?, ??? -ri after ol h? r Intel I ! ? ? eollcctio m meed and mast .v.o.?l un . .? . to this it is eisentia I ?lise ? ta own treasui ?a, ira?, cannot b? ... ? , r ? . r - oi . .1 . trive thi-m a ! i-' r it? I brarj. modern and ancient w h ich will be valus town as w?-l! a. " ! ha ?-??ne m,' I ? mei of the old igh plans ar? ? i ? ? ? g best suit? w .? can sol r.-pla,-?. Louvain1 it? lentimental aasociation? i>ir work lie in a pracl ? to mal i ?? is I ALLIES S?CCOR STARVING SERBS Vanquished Army May iiiul llavt'ii in M?diter ranean Area. ADRIATIC TOWNS GERMAN GOAL Attach f>n Sal?nica Now Seems Unlikely Hint That (ireek TrOOfM Will Withdraw. London, J?n. 6. The interest in the fat? <,f Serbia'? refugee army wa? by the qeestien asked HottM of C.mrnon? to day : "Whether ? eenelderabl? part of th? Berbiaa army is in distress ?t Scutari after having ?uttered (Treat privation? in th* retreat through the meaatalns, ai ? , r hi? maj? ity'e governmeat ?ril oifer the Berbiaa ?rmy som? sultabl? y in th? M? literraneai '?rea a*h?r? the m?n may reet sad n i i,er ite ?" In r? ply, l.?t I Robeii < ?cil, l'ndei Secretary for r'oreigi AIT? r?, ?? ti er wa? a con?iderabl? body of the Serbian army al Scutari, eher? i I : H the men had been in greal distreB Hut the situs io i, 1." added, nod non i,-' s ?urifly t?- lev? ?! Th? Entente Ai lie?, the Secretar?' said, had eonaidered th? matter raised ?n !???? latter i the qoestioa, bat n? ?vas snwllling to announcement corcer-nin? it Athei ? ?ay that th? an ret ig? ??* in Greek territo i '.'""i, of whom G.ooi? are at Sal?nica. in ?. i 1 Entent Pow? are i ?ted the of their position?. No rotation has b?en received ?hat r Central Power? ar their al ? i ar.- contemj lal i-.,; an imn ? ? ITenalv? there. The strain? t ? ,:i .it Sal?nica arising from arrest-. lolvcd by the with ?iriiwi ,reek force? from the town. "The Hungarian Min it*i ! . a, ?mid th? (.'encra! ?p? ?m?nt, ,'a livered an ???. ?? nrr- si ? .' cms;:? at Sjionicu, !.? declared wa? a violai principl.f interne? honor," ?? ? ?? i ? r allie? W -re r,-a |y ? ? oilier to ' ? . "It ? ? ? ? re | rebeb?? present ? it. th? . | ] A \ ? ? ? ? ~> b Pat lispa served ' >' >ns ar.d Bulgariai ? are ? ? ' ? ? s the] parently with the ntentioi " rhe pref -? to dir? et ?heir I . ire to ? m? id 0 iraszi ar..; ? ? tonten? gro ar..: the d*r 'i*n?*rsl vor? K.??-v?? i? proceed in favorably, according to he '>'? ar Offie . . ? ? ?i, arhich ? ao rapei i ? 1i.? 11 ?? Bocchedical 'i?ra actor there ha i.? ? r, iom? m i ? ', aetl Ity >>ri bot! Bide? ?I.. r ; r? K 'I,. ,n ' fp?N days 'III* Montenegrin official report o Jimmry I, jii?'. r.*?-eiv*d her?. >-hv? "' ir: #anuai f 3, on the eai torn? front ? i ? ?<> \;rri livelj artillery and Infaatrj ??.mi.ats All the enemy's atl ver? r?pu!?e?l. On January t, on thi rorthern front, th?*r* was an art duel "??ri our S'ar,?k front th* A'i?'rmri? attacked from ill directions, but wow everywhere ropuloed "n the othe, "roots then "?ere fe?t?le ertllery ?tocia " i re Austrian aeroplanes dmpptvi seventeen bomba "f IsrgS ?-?libre on Saint Jean de Ifedua, m Albania, near the aouthera border af Meateaegre, Monday Ne damage was eaased. llerlin Cuts l;ood Prices; first Reduction In ?Months Itisr'ln, .l?n. ,*. Figur?? 'tSSt llshisd ir. 'he flerrnan espite! ?how that ? ? .? ro?t of living aeored a red -? in the month af November Thst month sm th? r?r?t I ? ?ptomber, 1914. to ?how a. deer? a?e In, gen . and the redaction w%? cau?ed chief, ? 1/ m?? rnurr, [irr.,. I ' ,'ter Th" figures were lnnr>r\ sjf? r,.._ ? i from six al 20.n ? -.,' avene? family of f ? ?? -, JJ ?beat 1* fei ?i i ? ? - heiri?f ? r?'l irti.' KR -?? ? ?l a we? k in ( ERITISH HOLD .MORE SRl?t l)?ni?h ?nil Norwegian Kieamer? Tiju?, Into Kirkwall f.on'lon. Jan 3 In? ?>? ) i,7 <??._,, yv o NanrtB m iteaa si ha ? -M sailed from K rfewell '?, '.r?ar',a, . discharge sari sf hei ?.- '?? ?_ been srdered te ? ai m Th? Daalah iteaasei :?!?? ?-.,_ Ma!?.more and >??- Y rfe t? -.. hagea, witl s ganen ,.t rwegiai i * '-',, fork to ' i '=<r?, .1 Wheat, have I .. r -n- -,?, The i/?iii?h met? r ?I ,. .. r.- <-?sed Th? ??->?.'< Ufer f -'? "i?r, fro? '''.'" ' - If i , rgo of wh? ?' '...'? ins ... hurg. w,tn " l:' *"? ... * JvJxy.Swezi ?ff <$ try 'mvc^mtr T@ti?,? aas? \ml lemthful Orantes cZueS?** o Order a doten or a box to-day. Serve thi? health? ful fruit at every meal. All firit-clas? d?"aleri now have a plentiful supply. Save Suukiat t.nuo wrapper? fur beautiful ?.?Ivt-rvvarr. CALIFORNIA I RUIT GROWERS LXCHANCE Eaa**?m 'I.-adqu?li*r,: 139 N. Clark Street. Oua'*?-j ra- .--. .... . .. , . . < ?vn Senator Borah If a despot reigns in the White House then what? Whal becomes of our boasted democracy and our vaunted liberty? Col? George Harvey started the discussion in last Sun? day's Tribune. Now other big guns are booming at the same target. Senator William J. Stone, of Missouri, de? clares against too much power for presidents. Senator William E. Borah, of Iowa,says: "It is an in? defensible and brutal power which can thrust a nation to the verge of war without consent of the people." You will wish to read tiiis masterly article. Your newsdealer will save the Sunday Tribune for you if you tell him. (Ety ?un?ag ?fribtm** Ftrst to Lait the Truth: News -?Editorials Advertisements. ... .- . . feat.