Newspaper Page Text
eats i lonaili ? the . saembei one i asad ?? wblel a ? wa? palle; ?? pre-, "1 hh*e - ,1. ?eco ' ? the gi ? conn-, i in th, w* tin bill is car- ?r "If . refu?e? this t the ISO? . tary necesi at a L>r? ? for It i or the t our ? tor can U?e ' ? to hav a , on of 1 ?ecu and tt ? ?PI Hostility to th? - ? I.a ly r o: . ..-?.. I': . Cor of lue ireasury, then wore s h g. .? in m way? th? tkoueand ? : ant, i In a ?? e foimal rot? aeai the . of ; dira cting 1 1 I . , v. closed ' astic hich w ? ' "Ti. The mat in the ao-coll? ? ? itai buildini .' BSC er? * out . ? "not t Asp, a- , ?'endir,, rot ? ? 11 irn the 1 Ition. and ic was a for? ?., when th? vote ' b? reso lu; i fail. A :? 'i ? - .'t bn.d I Parliament iron. . - ? ' fceei - B| ? 'ist con?rrlptlon, * the I II ?i>? ? un? ?. general | -M ht, ** i . ?nnala party. \\ ih .1 , exception of the *i nera I ate, ? ? trj ?m illowa : la and Ii pendent le? as, if?. GUNS ON VERDI MAY BAR SAILING ( on: Iiiiii.l fr.m i?k* 1 ' - ' nnd removed Moreover, State I officials said ti i ? ... tv made to ather the liner ii , sf war, ? The queation of merchnrt ahlps I ? i-', nee baa | ?ea must eon? It is Involve I at pi nking of tho Peraia, offlciala h>ie Btioa of the troduction of new ele . such ai I I ?I i . . .., when the, tii itiafa | APH FOR HONOR, WILLIAMS URGES Warns Senate Repeated Outragea Come w ith Weakness. ?"U-BOAT MURDER MUST BE STOPPED" "Threat Will Increase Unless America Can Make Her Protests 1 -'i* It." [ From Th* Ti-1'niti? nur?au 1 Unsl-in-fton, Jan. I>. "There Is on? that catino! be poatponi SnatOI John Sharp \\ II of afiaelaalppl- told the < hnrriher to .lav. That thinjf, he declared, sva? a I demand for the cceeal \anntor-. murder en the ?ea? of And to mal ?? auefa a ?lemr.' urn ? a now. The attack wa no1 one of the future, the Senator inaiati ? hand. "\ .ii ask whether we uns to expert ? ?Ion," aald M? v" I ?ma "I ' ?? honi yo?, h?v,- m???t ?o fer aggresslea Is th? victor, fully ?rmi? ? ?tig " lin? Senator elted lbs c? a of Hu garls to ?ho?*- that lick of ssaaa i ,.,a? prevent aggieaBlvc w?rfnr Bulgaria, ba pointed tut. had f? ? *t,:i two war? and *aa? lighting It? I h i r w?r within a few years, sfter th? tw previous stragsjlee hud mrli "beat -, I 'he nutmn "Bat." Staates Borah ashed, "des the S'.ri??,,- reell) 1 .v. .? tt,?t we RM 'l.r, nt'i*.-' .??! out of ? rplrlt "f par , ion?" "Il i? cot ?,i much Sttael a? hnllvlti I fear." real ?d tb? white haired M I 1 ?ir-.?;'pi?n. "If thi? Is ta be ? ojeoetio of sn actual attach I deeliaa to anawei I Se ti?'' aril It to ht ing , great national i*?ue int., the daei al ? diri ?iai "liut 1 n,av po right SjOS ? ? ? i ,,' ' h,' i 11 h? leve?, wl itever 'he law may bo, th i we biaa,. mad? ? a ?allies of then ? ? ' I ? ?itnck I fear will asaount onl\ to hullying n; flirt. Bui the Asaerli , BOOpI ? will not ?tand bul'vlng. Ther, nave ' e?n ? le'lest? ajees? loa ? I th,- attack?, on merchant ?hip?, the block?,I- an i i there. Tier? wil' he plenty for the diplomat? to talk i b ut And tbelr i es ?? Will be ? d e*n,-tly by the strength el ear t ?vy N'ow. if the American prop!?? ) nd ?cn?e et.ouch to ?lind bollvlng and let It K" at that it mif/ht he ?'.1 right. '? I h aven '1 ha? I ? and I, f? r one. ?m nol hung ring and thirsting ti have them ???t it. Hullir.i hi H?,tb Side?. "We've already been bullied, haven't **e, by both sides 1 One great heiliger? es! ha? vio',?tr?l almos? every la*v that protests our com-,cree ,,n the high peat. Po you SU| thai we stand any poorer chance, whin wo come to PART OF IT AI TAX I.IMK'S PREPAREDNESS ? . I ai ? ment arman mer - ! ? ? ? equipped for ,-rton ara: "Fii i manned 1 1 rnr a.-- 'i whole un . " ? '? ? enlieted men < : I .f the ? .An officiai report on the im from Collector ? ill be ? I ? laid i eon. taken by M i /' -i:: < Kathleen 1 Parlow yond question the >'*;?4' world's t woman / ^* violinist, will p : you as you heard her play in person, if you luve her exclusive COLUMBIA RECORDS The pure song-tone of her ren? dering ol Rubinstein's "Mel? ody in F," her whimsical brilliance of treatment in I Dvorak's "1 i ke," and the beauty ol her interpre? tation of Si hubertVMoment Musical" arc caught with a lure .sense ol reality that brings the artist vividl) bei< re you. You'll enjoy a ?genuine ?r treat it jrou ask youi dealt*! I i j.? ay thebe Parlow records tirm^ht. ?aaajaa Graphophone Company Dealer i soorywksT? /^'\^^^>\ ^ n?P. answer that w? airead] What i call It wha-n a power a ?,ur women and children, whoa ?;nie is called to that power's at ;i and it to.K?, ai I crime on more worn? and aa_-ain trates thi ?? . ..a. tl st powsr ... do you ? ? i, in l o? diplomat thai the) | M ne ,. never dis* ? t tins it can turn Its snol her ally, . , .ria, if . I ?'? ? speech ?va? the first d European ?ting to American need?, und wa- .. .??les- the Amerieat | it gj ?irm. ' Id iho. brou ? - taw in. ? ' -V 0? I. ?!! . '?'? had "Th.,.a Will lacrea the pol? icy." replu "Hut re to rii'-et '?'. B ?' i threatened BOW, and the threat will We heai talk of the ?af, ry that will come to os through the as the European : When ha? a nation need 'o make con ! When, with n million i o-n under arm- she must ?ymeni bach into ? ? ? e I ,.an talk thai them, If we are un ed thai ' "The I the 1 ? \ ?oa hi '? II] :? rnacy. 1 am ?urry that : p that the?? be I I I ,i-.,l a I le -. ra ai ? 'n-k of the ' r, :: .i".i.'.h"r ? to the ?ame degree, hu-, r -, lar issues. Thete have to do with comnu r ee, ns an i, in Ins iloel id? I . much Interested m co'ton a? f'n ?rhatever dama*-? is ?tur.o tu ? -? ? i ... i. ? \ ? ?. ? , ment may at til a r..ul jury I irould beal h- ht till a ealmei tl "But *hr- '.na', cannot ' ? t, ?e r-iu ?? demand be a a * limb. Thai ' ild be left to the dec:*ion of the man I Lx ]i re 11- . - a ma:, ivho ha? i dee] ? .in humani ? That Is a? it .I ,uld be. It I? a ren 1 and " Czar Calls Rr-*-ervi-t- Hpre. I'hiltidelpi la, Jan 8 \ aeeoad cell ? ? ecalved here 1 m B. 1 urk.-r. Buaalai C? il foi PI phia 1 be cell eem i froi . ?on over all 1 S. A??mait & (Cu. EXTRAORDINARY ONE-MONTH SALES Oriental Rugs Including :.o":ection of Chinese Rugs Household and Decorative Linens; Blankets, Comfortab'es and Bed* spread.-; Pluslin Sheets and Pillow Cases; and White Fabrics These SrJes are now in progress and w!!l b: CJ7.1:::\* iL ^.. ?.).:,;>.ol? J-in'?ivy ?ifllj Awniif - -SaviUmi Anritt? 3411? and 35th &trrrtn jXnt. Uxxrli Judgment will do the rest Consider the location value of the Rjfiuitahle Building ils Broadway prestige, its Downtown cent ni lit y is accessibility for the office staff, its condition of newness, its modern minute facili? ties, its day and nighl service, its character, as Inline ?ni li\- ils tenants, and its reputation for pleasing those tenants then consider the res Bouableness <>! EUjuitable rental costs, and your business judgmi ni w ill do the n it. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway DANIELS JEERS EVIL PROPHETS Tolls Automobile Engi neers Import Menace Pre? dictions Arc Nonsense. .hu?tre. Oary ?n?l "thcr? who have ; ?Bled thai I ' 'ha Ku A:,,?T!, a fl ng ,-:' !,. ma ?ndui 'ry, u ' " ? :. I : ? I ?a ' V J" . ; . i.iy ,,: the ? annual dinner of tl ? ?ea lord of the Cabinet ? ? hur.dle a large) ? fina ?Ir. W . ? ? ..a war. l othiri of I ? ., r . with increasing ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "I ??' that, ? ? I did ; m In ' ? by the ? ha? eai ' ' pro ? i| - the coj ,,f war ', r.t i critic. . ,,| an ' ? nnvnl : Mr ' ' WILSON UPHOLDS MONROE DOCTRINE ? , Btaaaed fi ? m i???? i I along what ar?* ?? ?' ? -' "Hi,- men, our <?? and of c ' that '. of a ..... . . r - ,- ? m and indiri : frorn , ?- ..... | of commerci from the gi l'a?as:.,n th? I ifniv of Truth. "N'o 01 s who r? ?' r- ' ? I ' : ? ? ' - ? r <\ ?<? I ? . .: cuse it *v.i? r-r? rod thai Call J thai .. - ther ... fl,".v of ; . ... i final rial r ; ? r politics I ii the ? . ??? : ? . f en ? ? ? il ? ,. I I a niui.'.fe?; and obvtoua cuuu.uu.kjy o? h tribute to Howard E 1 Ba ad An i - .i, ? - a ? ??.' ' ad by .f Automobile '? ! ? s?.rvo as the " ?' ' on ilting I .4 ii ia the ?rovernn ant . "?? i <! to th< ? COL. HOUSE REACHES LONDON, SEES PAGE Denies He Is In Europe to Reg? ulate American I'.aibassies. ;,,n, .Nu- ?* ' - i. M. Mou??, : ant 1 il rspi ? ? i | i r ori the i ?Jay, and a ?/ith Walter PaffS, lh? American - ? it he ?fi il ? '. il ? ? ?' ? ??? ? ? be? lent 1 ? .". Pag ird. PERSIA'S KISSING NOY- 336 PERSONS 11!) Passengers ami 217 of Crew Not Account id For. ? m *"i t made 'o-nicht by the Penlnaulai - . ? that the number ?>f board tho . >. not been ace o ? l rassenners and 217 >? ? rhe crew. WILSON PLANS ILLINOIS TRIP May BpeeJi at Bpiin*"fleld*a Lincoln < elebratloB February 12. * Wil? . will (-o to Springfield, III., Pebruai ' .n?i ? eel? ? . I The Tho r en it he ? LVOBSE SHIP SUNK: TWO DEAD PrlJtjof Naneen, for Rotterdsn, . i h Channel, ? ? '. t ' h a r ? The I ?o?? tons. of that con ? r.enta rent oi ? ? . al! the material community ??* Intere?! ? n u ? t terest I hi told a i ? led Into I ' ?? I the ., ? I in thought ? tton what amunity of ma .. Inter '1 hopa I can I - to you In orda. I do ???m a mere partnership in tho ? i< ..- ? *,? i few ?. that politic? fl ? f any ? moth a i . it au i are ? rit] ? other | 01 relationship? I are polltleallv It ther, all thsli ? It be 'rue, a? I h >r e it 1?, .- ' ? - ? ? during thu . ti i yon arc celled to con?ider are apparently ?o i | ui'ain been drawn back to the p act of American 11 - on a rock. I'i'tineH Monroeism. "1 he M ?'? i ?? D ? I m"!il States un bai .. i been mai: * ?in her ? . ild >? this f the Al ? ... the I ' ' . '? up in a i ? ' ? ?at hai luuia ana eu-yicions tm U..s scvta: %W,Wt^ttm$c(?sx *aj_/ UAS,Wa*<>ZCQ}f'l(lU?VK'nUf,^ ??' ARE NOW ?NDUCTLNC: ^Qlosinq-outofa? Juntera h}los AT.ABO?T HALF-PRICE ty/iomost opportune butjnu/ event ofJthe season ? hithert , ted th? '. .- >in,l confidence an? Amorieaa. I r-x hav? not ? ? Bui oved. has h"??n a ?<ri ' aan th, Vashingtoi ? i ?< r- pn ??< ? ? rd the other ?tnl this hemisphere, an Intorenan - trmtna and I af Lwcnuae sure appre ? rlt In an .- ? '. ha.'o If America ? I a Into in u f i 1er, a] - ? * . that ' hereafter d ibl -nen "II that this i >? to foroaan basa It will b? a ? omplisl sd. in the r:rs! pac?-. ->y the states of Amr-r - -ecor i :.-"jute? la || | and set I and the s rec??? -. tha* ant will p?>r ?? ? ? ?*.'??? : ? siel Ml ?*. I ' ?I* / ???.?. I -.*? what set ? rant,!. m*n tioaaj pt**? r Ameriea. bul ? ??.-. .. If Amerleat itatet ?-, ??'? - ,!, '"-"*?' 'S | -? ?.. on" II It Bl Interest I the ?? "-.-I ? . . /??* ?-, which have spreng U - - :. ? 'AT. "i. *is ?thing u arias *n I rayed for for many a gensratisg Ft* ..r? biased, la th? S rat *:. ae?, K 1 m ? -traegai ??*? s a.-? ??? - ? har.diotr.* - . reatreint and reapeet for th? ? -. ,i - amn: .. itatea?4 Tbei a-? . In abort, upo- ? | tverai i of Jui laits I '.nlH " i ?a tli BS~B . .. ..( md ? I ?rita asas it 11 -n?; u ?{Tentad te America I tkll ,;rr) OB hii ' "' A Factor of Strength The length of this Company's Directorate is properly : rded as a tactor o? strength, for it embraies tine Ku.jwiedge, the experience, the judgment, and the vision of twenty-eight prominent banking and busi? ness executives. DIRECTORS Vioccat Ai. -r. (Jeo F. Baker, t ; jini.a.i Firsi National Ran* Stephen Baker, Pre?. Hank or* the Manhattan Co. Nicholai Biddlf. : Estate Ceo. B. Caae, tc it ? aac, Attorney? Thomai Co. aria. Pi ?sident Libert] Saturnal bank Hear- J. Coahr.n, \ u.e-l'rcs;aiei,i E. C. Conyerie, 1'rcM lent Jou.a I. Down??, .:,% ?. ?instruction M. FrieJiaip, Presidenl J', Airman Sc Co. loberl Walton Cmlet, Thornii Hiidt, V'icc-Pretidcnt Franci? L. Hme, Pre . lei i ! ?r-t \jt . < i.nald, Vicc-Preii Edg.r U Mints?, ii.air A; t.o irlsr.ker? Gatcl W. r1:-? Mat k Mfta ? Nsi'l Bank Charla A. Peibaxljr, I'ci. Mutual Lit? Ii,? . ce I D. E. PomrroT, - i ? lent Banker? I rut Co. William il. Poetas, J 1'. M ,.... ?t Co . - ? ? ?fcward Pronrr, President liinU.-i I i ? DaoielG. K id. Mfn.her Exec. ?Com. Lehigh \ ai. K. R. Ca. Doilglai K.bioauo, Real Est?t* Archibald D. Ruiiell, A.ei.aidtr Ii aHeVaSB, Vue Presi cni Charles L lilt???, Vue-1 -? H. K. Tvaitab II, Pr?s, t nru Hink Theodore N. V..I. Prca. - ? -. o. Albert H. W,,,,D, Praaideni Bsior (.Tntsi (foutpant) Trustee for Personal Trusts Fifth Avrnue and Th:kty-S:xth Sthu?t. New York asas :w<? Artur Bodanzky Kstingubhed Conductoi "t " i Metropo?lan Jy Opera House and his impressions o i'. ISf-atX KNABE-AMPICO "W'liilc listening to the ma pretations of the world's n ash /?* of tht Pianoforte, I teat < nchanU ? ! v its I ?? touch, exquisite coloring and dynamic ? re cisi?n. These amazing characterii en m ?fined :?.//'/ /; Knabe Piano, gi\ e to the tcorld an instru ill tit of ? i rfeclion. It (?rentes tht r von tliat the Artist U personally \ D.iilv Demonstration?, in the Ampi? ?> Stlstno? KNABE WAREROOMS Sth Ave. at ;i9lh St. ?m?-Migdl