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THOMPSON SURE ? WOOD'S CASE ?? Evidence Is Enough ?; prove Utempted Briber) Guilt .,.,.? v\ SERVERS vl SEEK in \ UN Iff Chsirman Upholds lAhitman statement ? " |1 4 8 ' ? " M iman Admis Qu i! on Monday ? ? U10E WTLBOH TO NAMK TA Nan? ?mi* Preside?!, ?in? s?*rk* 1 Man a? I amar* *-n, ? <*??or Pr? ?idenl v lien i-dej that ai to luatice l m a; i\ canvaai the *-it ir| ii, ? he heal man in and letter? I date? \v ? ? ration? \ North Ca ? ' . ? | ? ? Prei dem desin Lan? h . ? ? , . . i"-. . ? ? - be? loraed in ma sA'l e llou THESSALONIKI S .100 PASSENGERS ARRIV Battered and Wear) from Wee! "t Peril. pa?? s ?? ?..-? *\ pra ? ? ? pat i tart? i iH-ii' ? ? ? LONE DAVIS HITS G 0 1 I'rogreasivc Republican la "id 11 ?.* rs Bli ling i,n Rotten i sga, House Heere an ? 1 las. ? ? ii ? i \ . ? ? ? I ? '? .,;i poli ? ' ?iioan. - ? . - SCHMIDT CASE MAY GO UP TO HIGHEST COURT Counsel Makes I inal Fighl foi aring ot Appeal. i inn imuller ' ' ? > j u t y ; ? ? ? i ?. ?.? ? ? ? ' ? ?.. ? SPIRITS GIVE TIP IN GEM ROBBER Seer Offers $1,000 for CI, Thal Will Reveal 1 os McMillan Jewels. MYSTIC DREAMERS ro SOLVE MYSTEI Power Of Occult I ears |n I r? Vi here Science of Deduc lion Failed. i pirit who :" e| 00 McMillan, iff) : i- |e? -.i \ robb? i il Manchester bj ,; ?* : . ? nee gel ' 11,000 ? in d in it foi the med n .... e the , ? ? Manchester :ri one i I decade. Rej- il . -, ? > ? , ing tal? Mr. A > i ..... m arre?t be ? ? ? ir?d, Sir?. Mi Milan iign of furl . \ - i? r ? ? ? . ? ? numbi ettci ? ? ? of i| toi To poaaible, .I ' h ta pi pay ? ? ? ? ? . ? ; ? ? ? ' ? ? compai eni i ? it 1 ' " ? i dresi TELLEGEN IS NOW TELLEGE! lint tctor Wasn't Before < oun tmpu tau*?! Several Name? Lou ?'..?? eg? ? ? ? . ? ind 1 ?? ? owned up I might ? ntent ? ?? MORGAN FIRM AIDS FRANCI I'rosiiies Sledgi "unbalance? ,in?i *??, Siiuail to lira*? I lu m ii . . I'm ' .i ? . Franc? i - I . expert Ai n a I ' ' ? ? ' ?' - ng 1 ing all < . .? ., . . ? ? . ? ?anej. bul I ? ? mi?. LONELY? OH, MY! HE WAS SPOOFING Those Ask ?Me ?Cards Only a JoKc. Blushing, Flush iu>i Bachelor Explains. STILL, HE DOIS LIKE RATHER PETITE GIRLS Ind One * ailed Him Up, roo He's .1 Boy Scoutmaster, liven ?i lif Does \\ ear a Shawl. had 1 ?ha? a ? ,., en? ,|, \ .1,1 ink im? ranis ould soonoi .-? ?. ; ; nstalmi f the pothei kept l , ? ick ??! let .-, iphs an,i -? ? .. p ?ll kept . . ' : : ? ? i 1 ir.ton H, Sm ' .1 >?' ', vi ?? h i n ?? forma ? m!. In the t pis irdi bearing ? ,. ..i d ' i ??' . niture ,, -. it h hin I ? irt, ?rere s?n1 to u ,- , friei ds, and ?-pre i ? ..- ion. \ : ind thi rliiril .? ,| Mr I ' . ? , . g srds '?, ' .- : ? ? : ?ough in- ? . ? ? ? ? ? ecided leap ? - fill to ?.emi as ?ur?* It avoul?! the new? I one of th? ? thai riHp-, ? ? UDIX sp une ringing again, ion Vo, ? . I ? refer Hi I jrou?" ? ould hu*'o goth ' . ' ? 1 BID ^ ? intrj i lob, : I **'?? ' Ncw, 1 ? of the rather good , VIT ? 'I ? ?? time the inl ? ? ,.? ? ? a. of nry ? ?? . ? eularly rhicl ; the poet, u "Of ? . c?,m <- who Bgo ?hi? b? b:ifk 111 ip Hiram g ' khe? a I ?llMlll ' :; ill." , :, re 'ii? ?n ? ? ? * ? ? ? ,- a camei ?? ? ? a when ask? ? ? . . ?di i ? .:iir. a? . ?real old, , | ' r, His ? ? ? ' lescrib? re??. ei has caught and ?:. nru- ? ? ? , y thing a ?/ . it golf. A '. Ser i him weal er ? . BUl a ? It is ? one of r te sex in the si remain r on? ? ? ei mi ,-? famous ai I? "f the ? \ tel ? The Stroud Piano ?Uli TIM' handsome case styles of the Stroud Piano arc a correct expression ol the , xquisitc workmanship which enten to cvci .nl ol s!i?)ih1 construction. Its n, however, ?s the delightful :!?. -,,...*,.,-, musical quality ol the Stroud. Christian Sindinf-, . omposcr and pianist, known . music lo> ol this fine instrumenl ! ' ? 'Tta . informed of the prue.l i;,. Stroud Piano 1 priced al only beral t< nn '-4? initial payment o) $10 places the Stroud in your home "-??i.?.?wiiii'iiiiiiiHyHiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.11.oaamammmmmAwmmm.*n??** THE AEOLIAN COMPANY , . s i i nROttKLYi\ VKOLIAN HALL A>?s5a ir-jil-V'.^^l':?:'?:'|::'??K:1r??l] 'Hi;,:';. :'"ll . ' Biltmore Ice Gardens i.BILTMORE HOTEL) OPEN AIR SKATING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR THREE SESSIONS?DAILY F.irept Ttfafida? and Taune'ay AfUrneam, Saturday Mormnji and Snnaiayi. GLASS ENCLOSED TEA ROOMS. Dancing in tht (?lass Room after 10.10 P. M MORNING SESSION til 9:30 to 12:30 # ? AFTERNOON SESSION i;o inaiudmg 230 to 6:30 **?-"' Aftprnoon T-a EVENING SESSION tt?0 in.iud.n_ |_M io ii ?F4*1 Bu?tVt s"pp?r Eshihiu.? skating by ALPRED & SIGRID NAESS OF THF HIPPODROME mX ia_A Natay ? Muaic Competent Inalructors SHERIFF ARRESTS FEDERAL OFFICER Charles S. Houghton, Ac? cused of Fraud, Is Re leased on Surety Bond. ? ommissionei ? ! arenee 8 Honghtoi , "," th* United States Court, aras ar? ????'' daj bj Deput) Sh< : its S'eilson Hr.,I Browner on an order ?>f arres! is.iipd in ? civil action The ni Federal official ?-?? taken ? ? " . ?rhere he gave ??? , oa pai ? I for | eued for, and ?ras rel< seed, first important ?rr. ? . ted ol Sheriff Smith '??'?rr-' I'iorea. a rpal estait? broker, ? , amplainant, I 1p,1 with hi? '????t. signad by .Funtic?! Lynch, of ? ';'> ? , iirt. u ?.-immon? un ?i [ la m t in hi? suit ?g?.ni? ihr l'ommi? ir, Ir. it ho allege? that Mr Moughton, on fala? and fraudulent rep ? -, indue? i '? im i i lend |1,72G 1 ?? .- ??. "A Chad? ek, ?? brother-in .un saionei Houghton. , : n bal on rloug ton, "** ith inten lefra tiff, f ?. . ? ? ?. t< -.,... rg. Vf I eredil un.I tait isted s -, ? orta the ?um of uver hi? <leht- ?n?l liabilitiee.H RILEY ORDERED TO QUIT PRISON JOB I onllii'ir.l fn.ii} l?a|r I it il ' ?? . ?,, s ? h ;. G rther felt that . es? Sing illow 1 he ? Il t hoUt ' ? ...-a : foi ... tive to have the **hpp? tat h? time?. For Rile? personally the Governor, . laid, bad evei ? mi al 9\ I fell that *< ? ' ? ? ? tereats ol tl - . lal ur..i the -.'.?tp elaahed. rhp tat? Id hav to lip looka',1 out :'.,r These friPtnl* ? aid ' ? ??' I appoint t" Rilcv'i i h'"h f..t i.-rade BAM he eould :r..i,jce to take His Brat cl th? Dr. R ? he l< taking Riley I leave 1 . the lett ? ? Rili 1 orl?, .? ? rina it the < nor was ? . . ' ? ? rd the i i at g prison, where me i nearly h \ ?-rir Irnnie ty, ?hero ol ?!..-? iue, l'a-rich H Mel ? : i si : ? ? , ?Id, nu awaiting him. rhere he was Joined by Judge Weed, hustled oi.T of Albany with Ike Governor's letter in hi? pock,? iti th? thi??? had conferred, I' lej ?-?? ? ? .titrmpn'. Kile* Will No? Huit. i ,io not think I ?rill reeigl?." i?? rod, ' <>r, at leHiit, I shall not con it until I ave moa Governor .?:, to rni'ir?..' and 'alke.! with bin I i.m an'a'.r. Mr. Whitrnm laboring under ;? misapprehension, s - thai ? '.?? ! ... ?? ? splained the ta. :? m he will '--..i ??? d '' "I believe that the Governor - lei .? a'"-??', misapprehension ?? t., :?..? fact? e tranafei I pi is oner- a. ? ng ro Clinton,which be mentions in ? ?s letter. ! have seen extracts of it In the newepapers, ?l i| -, yet tt original di "I novel .,- ' ? i ?.amper the . ? the M .' ..?' \\ elfare ?Leag ? of which I eras th? original ? ,a. sugurated al \ . i ? ? ? a ?? ; attempted to rart the | r? of Dr. K rehwejr. i be? ?? ? rom the b? Bg tO giv? , . : ey said hi Dr. Kin ? aa th? ,. Prisoi i |p|i,ai tment, i list i , .? . .^. .,- ? Hi ton, which ware to be I.-. ? draft from Sing Sing ? .. ." rroi "The list mi,' mad? ?, .,;??? rere Iraftod ?? ng 1 record?," Riley >ie iffering nom , thei ara pra linn? er fer? th? I ? [ utua ,.;..,, ? ? , ? itruct elerhi itua Wolfen I ? ag ..? t, h: ?; ?red thei - em? Nleeri I rganiiat - from SI n g a | i aague I have avei ?? Kirch? my wish tl .,.?-.. of prison h tT a : i- ^. I an. not ??; b .? ., orked ?,, pr mota il "I never oppose,) Mi Oshorne'? | , .... lent, excepting in the ?i of these Irafl point . ili erste ^- - ? ssi ? . ? ? . ade i f the system Man* of M , .mod trifl bul I ? ?? ** illirii; to giv? them out Grai . ?ter ? our.' | er to -u?pen?l him uni ge i ' restigaU Regarding the Governor's remark shout Superintendent Kiley'? "enfeebled ?he hea.l ol the ; r BOB iipp?rtmpnt laughe.l. i "I am in pte'.t\ g.,o ? Uita,' hf ,*!i? 1 hi?. Pion 4?It,?il tair? ?if hi? brother-ii im. laid, he " a ? uni iced 1 end CI * i ,000 ?... r h?- ,:?r -. i ' ? pron le ? date the tn *. to i letober '.: i i orea ta i I hat the < 'ommi laioi ?I told would lintiff 1 advance a furthi ? irity for 1 in his , niift''..i .' Floi .-il fu rthi 'i? ndai t fais? ? fraud the plaintiff, re| ad ?.??aims tn 1" i.- gi " I, and 1 at < had ?rich co ild be trusl * falsel) re| rescntated ' T ? " said defendant furl ? i< ? for the Southern Districl 't .irk, ? nental Florea a;?- sod rere untrue, and f u .. ? ted by the defendant and formerly ii \ . ? ? ? Statei Attori ? . ? . Hough toa. laal , las! -print* and lost ?ome weight, but I am all '? and ? '.i diaelaim no n ' '? an Rlley*! itatei ;.*ared to Governor W I I I I - Ight, ha ri ade I a that 1 -.?a? not acting ? ?ri of arhal "The far? remaina," ernor, "that the mer reniove from g are tbi ? , ? Mr. i liboi ne, a eaaea for him. It i ? ? ? ihould remain a) I prison wh lie there arc t'or n ?i ? ? ? al II eae ?fitness? ted by tranafei ring I t It ?rai an absolut? r free ; run ? ? "J first Dr. Kil and a i op? ta to Sup? tat? the purpoi that Mr. Kil? ? ? i< l'hit ? ? "When Rood * Ist N ? tttorn' ? ? ? IRcer." i . ' ? . ' Thon as ? ? "It would ol ? . for m< to maki "The fa Latei ? ? la ? li Kii arri-..- I tlbai borne at the i \ ? A:*?-r their me? ere, aft? g with a 1 . telephon? with i... plugged ro l little to is) in a ? mnnal foi failing ? m;*i?al for ??? ?led to tl ? <Jt. "You the rei ? i. ' I . Governor ma? 1er." It wa? laid al ght that V s l,,jvcr- ? he nami'd a? Rib wr until thi Governor could appoint ? luperinten I? he was not a ra ??.at hi? entire time ? evoted , . Weeks Wants Substitute to Handle Sing Sintf Cases tlbai lai Diatrict At erick E. Weeks, ol ty, to-da) ? of all the i cent (rran.i jury - .- pr: sor affair ? whicl reau tment of 1 I borne and more that' a er?. Mr v, eeks ? i -.?? bury thai this ehargei ' poli) ? ca-e- . the chir. ne thai have been g tt the eonclusioi il ?a? ?aid that n?. decision had reached in the ? ,--. rhleh m all probability would be put Up I I ? r Wbll MM for hi? , ? ? diapoaod of ?Teeks'i ?tail to Alb* ('oiitinuins toda? and toiiiorrov The semi-annual sale of Saks Suits for Men R^ducfc] from $40, $38, $35 $30 and $2? Now $23 Ki! wing uvhal ? hal ?ndivi lualil . finish, an,I what va e goes anil ? former | ? Don't wait iiil 3 P. M. something .vhic?. the other fellow may pet at n.->on. Broadway at 34tli Street the n;?turo ,,?' ? .'iipri??' I* is undei itood that he | ? ? h?* bad bp? . ? ' ? h ?* ?, ... ?/or? ??j-,. ng for me I "Will thi? arrinn influence ?he con i now pen,Imp ^ran.l Jury Inquiry "" "I repli?- nquiry i? . . POLICEMAN'S 7-YEAR FIGHT FOR JOB WON Mayor, Who Had Him Ousted, on Reinstating B<?ard. sor? ag Peti i Pel J Fteiil We . Department a? a result of ,,:' lr ?;on ma,le by Mayor M tel misaioner *>f Account: to tl picture th.'atrp lieetis?-- graft. V Re?d ?rae n in the rec Otnmendat . n of thp board tor I ' Hit ember, ?trolman ira iici. v>'- igo ^ ?? Bureau ??hen ? , ? sn investiga) corro? ? ner that h? Wort cao? in Mansion Coffee Best at 24c a pound v ? * . Mone) Back on Ren i Five Pound* D-dis-ered Free AUCE FOOTI HACDl UGALI 'Tat ?-,. ? *>? ???**)*?a*B-?-->*?a?Be ? ' BP ? . superior, ?rere . an,l R t* ? ? ? ? ? franklin Simon a Co. Fifth Avenue Tlerfs Cloihivg Shop s West ..Nth St.?Store Floor Separate Shop, a Step from Fifth Avcnm Saturday at Reduced Prices Men's Custom Tailored Suits Newest Imported Fabrics 33 to 46 Chest I liesr- >u11? ,?rc made <>t Imported Fabri? a, pur? Ii.ih.mI from t r? - leading English milk including atrip?ra, tweeds, herringbone combined with stupes and the new Invisible Overplaids, also Blue Se rye; workmanship equal to the hnest merchant tailoring 25.00 Heretofore $35.00 to $45.00 Mens Silk Lined Overcoats Fitted, Semi-fitted, Chesterfield, also Slip-on Models Hand ?Tailored, >ilk I .in?-?i Overcoats, ol ( toford ??r Bl.?, k \ , < uiia?. \<-lvet ?ollar; Slip <ni model of gra) brown oi <?h\?? Imported fabrics in Overplaids, ?Twesedg and He ither Mi\t ures. including plain Oxford and Homespuns -.??k?- and sleeves silk lined, seit roll.u i i t?, 40 < hest. 25.00 Heretofore $30.00 and $35.00 Mens F:ur Lined Overcoats Natural Muskrat Lining Hudson Seal or Persian Lamb Collar SIZES 16 K) 46 ( HI SI Hand Iaiiored shell oi black l.nj/lish <. oating, lined with Natural Fui (including sleeves), * ??liar of genuine I ludson >?-al ??r Ptrrsian I nmb ? 45.00 Regular Value $60.00