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GARRISON STICKS TO CONTINENTALS OR CONSCRIPTION Try Administration Plan and Find Out. He Tells t ongresi MONROE DOCTR1 CALLED A DANGER 1 Msioncc of Nation Ml*- Ko Staked on Defence Scheme, St-s Secretary. Wathington, , tell ??? '">' r1?" ??Till work Ol I ' is to *? ' say at once thai . Secretary of War G louae ? ti e army part ? ? ! ' ? preps plan, and to the eul tack? fron ... ? ? . tationed in Wash ngton, i ? Meere-e Doctrii gees Peace Rei ' ? Mr. * i ? I e mm ? ? army : - ho had ? . ' ? ? the purposes air ? ? tion could not bo amended to give the Those sa/ho have mm h should Beels the cere-fire ?i-curlty of out GUARANTEED MORTGAGES a? a Luxury. Tho?e who have little as a N? C4Mi4??ty. We will ?ell y"??? S10O or St.000.COO LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO RICHARD M HlHll P.pal-trnl Capital.Surplus A Pr $9.000,000| I ower to take full ? "It would take ?reara t.? pul it .!. d ill?* Seer? tai y \ hen y ou ga Vie Congreaa has full . i made youi I ad eral militia you would have jaat what . * ? ? ? ? . raiie the we of war b] pro undei a militia nay bill each m ? I aman must respond to a cali * in case of v U "It a," Mr nit; Bvei ? igh 11 trail arm* ? ? ? . -.-M-ers in't conti ? ? eoara ? . i I Statei . ma "hat to n thi? power and try to find . ybi Id met ?? in? up - ipeeifie foi an I ? i k " Mr. Kahr- .iiiher pay ? " ? ?? i . ?, -. "fl e \- ? ? t paid, beet s1 a McKellar took U] Bra, and ther .t would not he wise to r te. Mr. 'Jar .' jcc'i d 1 ild bs i gl would pro Mr. McKellar i. ? ? ? mi to realize the ? ? tary c . rs. I can't i . 01 the . ? training for most Ol ? be p'"1"*" hu? ?rill bs anxious to take the ? I to | en when we nothine." War When Ambition? fla?h. Re; ? Kfi*--, ti.: n< i the dis a few m omen 1 - to tho n? -ituation. and a.-ked ; tl ? mor? ger to our p?'iice from the Monroi Doctrine?" d th>- Secretary. "Th, i I principl? . Bra." "Ou* ht w? t to he pre] ? ? ? ? tinent-?cer . "1 think when von have once decided fui lai ' ? tal you mu?* fend it to thi ? ? al andon "Would it not he better to rrmr* money on increasing the recular Brail ?nil le?? on the continent M i K ,,b ?< ia?lae<l l think m ,t," ?.'ini ||i Garrison ?*?- ?ip t,* ipIj on ih.' r?gulai ?s ou. ?ol?. detone? **? muai havi of .'.oui,,?,, i i.p tipense, 1 believe, ** 1"' pi Oh .bit I* ?' Hill if aa , m? not ? to, 1 thin? ? feu thousand, mor ? f ?he hlghli i mined r.-sr' ?rould fn*kp little dtffenace, wkiu a.'i-e money ?pent ?>n ?ncrenslng ce tin? itsl armj ? ssM gtwa i grantor Strength Tbp real us? of r?gulai army, I believe, will be to t the continentals." esentattve Uttiepsgo ??ke.i quest Ion : I you and the I'resldent In cord?" "Absolutely," **?? Mr. Garr?as*. i Hi-ir- in defended on t>, day. propoae? the ? 1 , lornl f,,rc,' " i ye on of ? buk'?" roaons of , tit ami elaboi extension of the ceaat defeneoe V hole protect involve? an Incre? : i i 10 i. and an .-. , is i srtmi nr budge? ,r i re th 'n 12. ?red with nn average of 1100,0 i ?i few '????' Nailon? Balatsace May Re ?1 Slala "The Integrity of th? natloi and siatence, the Secretary ?i "nay depend upon what is ?lone in t hi? 1 irae l bis gi es1 opi will be loot un!..??? i? wlaa, ? sible and practical policy i? 'be n of th?- conaideratioa and action "I t Referring to the farspresd mlllti if the nation, reach I he insulat posses Alaaka and the Panama ? anal Zo ?ir Gan iaon eddtd: MWa bin ?? determined ar.i announ? that thi ?sit got] publica an 'bis hemisphere ?hall i main inviolable, B1 erefoW - ?'and ready to makt . ? on in thi? connect ion lie tl ' I rli/ures i. full strength of tho army on June last 106.W3 officers and m?'n of I pre?? lion. I" these should be add? : - Ifleers and 17,81b mon ? i.tiant arms of thi if fp?ler i. Ho poinl ?i n o? pa] : oximatoly ?' , of tbs toi ,1 b] pi oprlal ? l he L'riii ? ?, Including AlasV I : . r- ? rotary, ii of . i eator an th.m the con '.? in<? ti total of ?ustn gary, Belgium, the B ? -, Bu Denmark, France, ? I? i ? in Europe, Spain and Turkej In Europ per c< nt of that ol "Il will, of t.C'ces?i1y." he added, "b ed by ai -. requi?ite at a!! the ? totally in aate to meet our reap ?i sibil chaos which a crisis alway paral .i se' ? :,! month? ? I trout, ?Ilk Of V.M ? ? te? - ?rould hp r trninrnir, and month' of training ? re the) coa 'i be road) ? ? Trained Reserve Needed. warfare, whil? ? nitrated tbp increased use of n ents of war. has also dem the | .... , then re, 1 with rs, subject to . th?r? should be ?t all time? in II .:p numbers , ' of i'r-\ |0U ? ? ? ii | purp0*??*' ' ' obi em, therefor? ? "I he adjutant trenerol. ai'er a i consideration of the . ? ? to, reaches the CO >?:??. indei i !? nona, to recruit m'-r-- I i?er year for the army. It would, The Twice-A-Year Sale of Smart Overcoats and Suits At Our tiitli Street and Our ?2d Street Store? Commences This Morning at s O'clocV It offers you what i*- unquestionably the very finest tailored and the most stylishly modeled clothing offered anywhere in this broad land, n a1 their formei prices, or now al the ?tmI of the season at their n duced prie /f0m^s. With the price t>f woolens going hlahcr and hlqher if \ 11 en day and with the vary Strong probability y*"J?-~-*"Y-* thai prices nc\t year will reach n hit/her mark ?????r* \J than has ever been known, the wonderful tipptir fiv^ "?? tunitles for saving whit.h this sale presents are A Xv" absolutely unlimited, and the man whti buys yf^wtj j^lw enough now to cover next season's needs will y \ \.. \& *\ **?'? t man\ nuire dollars than he has any idea ni. I *?yj?\/[\ $15 & $18 Overcoats & Suits ^?\fc* At $13.50 i V;\- Mil $20,$22&$25Overcoats&Suits P* W At$ 18.50 / j 1 $30 & $35 Overcoats & Suits L Ji At $23.50 .-?-??a?WT? $35'$40&$45Overcoats&Suits : 13| 1 hi At $27.50 I ^yfcj^:a?f 1 *50,$55?& $60 Overcoats & Suits t^v At $37.50 mi in .ill .i wonderful opportunity tot discriminating dressers. This morning at I Q?C? ?Qx?the^? I BROADWAY AT 49TH STREET I 1456 BROADWAY, AT 42ND STREET therefore ?ecm Impraetleahle In th last |, ,.. -,. 01 . thai thi ?n a 9tr , ... i . . ,1 b) I'f' Idlng I? r ng ?rmv ?,f lb" ?no BOtttOaal ,., thin a ?Intlon "l ,i,, nol in any way ?bare th? fea ,,f th??? ,*l,., 0,11,1a t| ?i prop? r null prepara)Ion? Inv? Ive enj ,,. whatever ?* Ith the inpramac of tiip , n ,1 ,, ithoi H los I d". i , . thai m 'i democrai I,,, defence "i tl nation ould f< upon the eltlaena and no! apon ? pro ? ...i,:. paid militara fore?, i ?n?tan1 ? ?er arm ? und ?1? fot.-,I solely V miiitiirv parasita. I thlal '' I? des thai from every standpoint we <-? jl .,,,?. i tl e suggei ""ii thai th? ,, should be properly me1 by landing arn j of MO.OOO n ?". cog i tnntlv under ai m ? " i,,.. ... itional Guard, Mi aid: ?? u the present time this force cm f b| i ? >i imat? ?i 121.0 men i,n, ,,. and 't would, ihsrsfaw, b ^iirv. if It U to I,?? expand??' -,, ??,,,,111111, to n.l.l aiTl ,0??il nii'ii and of t ,-er?. "If this policy ?-h?Hild b.? ?ttempt?< ?,, be : dopted, I ongraaa would Bra hav? t" require th?' tat? t" rait? and maintain all of the ? troope. am i)d hav? pi"tI? illy ? treble their exist ? Id not ki ,"* whethoi ? ongn ? - ouli ?lava i?' y power U) Impose thi? burdei the ?fate? It seen '? '>;p thn itement ?>f tin? situation in futil? II i tempt tin? ?olu1 Ion Garrison pointed oui thnl thi ? i! ??uar,! could be railed tnt? Federal eervice onli for 11.r???? pur to suppler domeatie aaurrae ?um, to enforce 'he law ?nd to rep? from dispute ?a thai the basi of m-, proper military sj ? and ? o? ntinui "It ii ab lolutoly impoaaible t,. ha*-,' t? nstii nrovii ions with i tin oi \>ks ?.lealrr Aid i?>r Mihlia. ?-1 hi . lea thai th? ml ? m, * i,y so provision makintr thes,. ?r,,,p. :,, , h.l of thi ' ?so of war, i ni foi th? pui ? cure. " 1 he national gus . a || i Federa b el eumetaneed that it can volunte? of war and b. i t h e ref o re, may b? ; ?n it ? ? '? "Wil ? ?? hnni? the ns1 ? ?? ittei I t, ii I care 1 Mr. Gai gg*s ion thai ? adapted to American n cd? k] null tary service ar.,1 the brginnlng of th? il - ? publi form? I th? I v ra ai system .-;. service from al, ma ? ' . "In fhi? country." hi continue tary | SB Of thi ' ' ?constitu? ? : the | - try ha . ' :r,d your ?ystprn Upoi ? no i/ood ground to , ? ? ?? Mich i ha ? . i ? '??.'? r would t I ?? ? lamentan!? r? . . ; ed upon < ? the people, an l thai fails, then form of ror pu! will I the only rei 1.1.1.our? ?Continentals . early Thi si ? ; Thi ? and would be armed, equii, lid be done by thi md men ot ? army organisations aa ' I ley no paid ? a.TVi, . on the ?ame basis a? the regular army ta to thi the regalar arm. nece- ?, ?he ContinOI tais in .,-i .???:? ? . activities ? ? I.? ' norma' tin,' Garrl I ?en alern r, I ? .' and ? vuul i ? forea an in ? . ional ??uarter.?. and ould I ted. For ? beae renaoni he recomo i Idition ot ten regiments ,?i in ir regiment? of Held ?r- .. i. f eoaai artillery ind fou ; ; ? ' lorce, ?rth in two ; ad m?"n of the new or ????ential ir' ? ? fair ; division ??' . , ted 1 nited Stab thei eft 1 :: I , 000 mobile ?pa, la the Wbr ? ? tner.t plan th?-- a are Bl pono? strenjrth, ?o that th? . ? ? ? : ni ion. "The war coll?ge division plan pro ? .|| , ? a i rvo, aad, eventually, at ?. . ? eight par? Brakes .. , ref 121.1. would i"- witl and 37 I, "With raa| the coa .. tion? and accumulation? of re*, rve ma? terial, it does r. I g 1 t\*o mattet quire an ??,'>,''? i . ? i.r f"i .-. : -,r . ?!.! - ?? d thi? of nee . nr.nd a icy." WHOLE TOWN "SWEARS OFF" No Drinking. No ffajHthlag. N"?> ?he*? lug in Byere, Kan., for a Year. , It) IrJt-ir?;.?, i 1 ' - : Byere, Kan., Jan. I i i .i i . town practically all rbo resident? of thii place I IT? oigned the pledge for one yesr. Not only ha? ??very one prom;?ed to ?tay on th? - wagon for a year, but they hav<j taken the plodg? not to si ttes 1 \1! have ? i | vear. I ? * ? ro?,l Until r,, ently . litions ' I :oung man of a 1 the twv..-. naa a ravulsioa o? sentiment. WILSON DODGING BIG NAVY COSTS No Money for New Dread nought? To Be Spent Before Next Year. WAYS NOT READY FOR LAYING KliliLS DrydOCkl in Only Throe Yards Large Enough t?? Hold Ui*{ (-4'st I'attlcships. - r.'ir.?'i ' Pfaahlngton, Jan. I. The keri? of tho two .I ?jhta authorised h y ?Congress ? jraai nii?' win not b<> laid i at I*m.i another yeiir. Hear Ad mlrSsI Stanford, tti the l'epiirtrmnt "I Tunis an.i Docks, a?lmi?le<i to th? H? M-.?* N'aval Committee to-day under i ,-i Ulna* Are of fjuestion? from Hep ? Roberta, of M ? ' ? -??' ' In ?.h?r*, ha a-fmitted that no money Would bs apai I >>n them liefore Ffb ' . , ei Mai i of 19I ?. si about ?hsa th?. rifxr adatiniatration will ba ??king I month? after the national I tion Thus the sxnense, "??! '"?'y for I r:?v?i programme asked by the adm aistratlan this j-aar ?n'l next >e?r. bat 4 ta foi die h.j- itsssa af in?? year's *.r?>k'rnnime will full entirely on th? adminiatratioa Biactad iiext No . ?ml - Thi? Intenl bb af ths pn n wa? rather clearly Indicated In th? recent remarkabls financia sent af I ?> ratan of kha ? ? ? Ich ?t first the ... aayj BBtin the Tr.-t.-urv M ?,I out that ? ? rir irnine- ; ? ropriatsd " II ? delaying nnpro with the . Trena ur.v by whieh the 1 ta r< demp ? a da for .. ted as part . n hand, that the ad . to a?!c for oi ? i ? e of the ? . ..n mear. . . rem? delaj re? ? ? ? yard ' ' ? . ? hfti.l in . ' . ?'. r y. N?i Mones for (he Was?. barta quired ol Hear Ad i Stanford if nriy ?raya on which p to be 1 ? ' Island contract for which had al aw? it yard, hsl . i for. heur Admira! ,. the* tad not h. .n. Up ?.-?) admitted that a ?hip ad* then After tl ;i ship ? off ' would taka ? accom ight I tioa of the N'ew York ? ?? raittsd that tl ' fon .n. n"? on tl a waya a fotta I a year, a? **he hail only been four month? an.! it u ? || n *. ? nr and a half tly li , ? . I of thi ? ? ei drea aai lhere was no ad* al alia or provision for thi atruction of i-ne Dreadnosifhta Too Hig for l??Kk?. In his attack "ti the Mare Isla: pr< tentativa Bob ? i Hear Ad ? ? r r ought . authorised, . Hi . ? ? Kit up thi ' .id it ?al eon ? ' an ?ngini to i ?' ths channel to Mare pe or the bis, hips, I reauirs an expenditun . real ,i ,". m that cond tion, constant dte.U-uig being re Ili-n't the time come when the gov it s!.o ild i,* ahina on iona to tit certaia navy yardaT" demanded Mr. Butler, of Penneylvanla, who referred to ? , i,.,. .,*' in? old . "broke b? r ird al I'l.r t Boyal, 1 II* ? .? ;, proper place thai at Cu. .. 11 OU 111 ? farda Rear Ad? miral Stanfoi .1 ad threi *ard Sew Yoi k, Noi fo k and Pugel Sounii which could accom If the pro ? I by ths adminiatra? tioa a aa ca? rii i out, there a ould ??' eh could ' ' ? ! only at 1 yards. The d ?. . ted at Hun? ier*? P capital, and the <ne at Balboa and Pearl Harbor, Ha . g ? iough. Al prea? t, Bear Admira! Stanford N. a srh s a ? ths i ggi if . . . ? ? to Ms ? m i"'-1, tide, whils the Georgia ?? "at mean high tide He be i..' roper to take ?hips la in al all. So la? the drydock ?hat ?hip? of sufficient narrowness ol beam to get ?B :?* all through the opening only ?- ' ? ido and which drew a? much feet, would, after swerythlng pos ilble the way of lowering the keel aupports, ?Tord on'y 2 feel B inchss of W? rk on their bottoms, rgent repairs of a most tem iracter, enough to aufflce until 'he ?hip could reach h r*-?l drydBCk, be affected," said the rear ad HITCH IN SLANDER SUIT Court *Mi?tain? Demurrers tu $100,000 \.i'i>n Against Mr?. Kell?.. ' -'? ? a the $1 "'"' a**riMLga lui bn ..-ht hv Al I>a\i?, dancer sad t, sgalnat Mrs Hr.- n Kelly, iw, for Blander, is now fusties Hotchkiss sustained ? irrer.? made ty Mrs. to Davis'? complaint. ?f I'? "till feels like trying to |10<.? from the mother of his bride he must ?mend his complaint and MBtS Of ths demurrer EIll suit :s based on the Mr- DaVil tl I?! iftl i Intimatio ? ?? I K. ... ., .... 1, ' WM AL REPORT Ol TM!, Lawyers Mortgage Company RICHARD M. HURD, President JANUARY I, 1016 To thr Hoard of Directora : I iPiitl?nien I h'- Gro*,?. Sal? of ?Guaranteed Mortgage ?' " ' '"'" ... , ._r any similar pe-iod. amounting fo f4S.S44.367 11 e ? I alnOutsta larger than for the yeai 1914 tasingfJ.498.61J l"he totsl Guar? ta '? . . M'M..i?,l. (i i . , , ..;..... |g two fundi? of pul ?ervice during i .(itiiiifi.????.. first, the ?alt to investoi of a?Kuht?n of undoubted aafsty and i ind. then i f i ituru g n ortgages from ? lienl *ho desired the n oney !'?r other purp ? The aim otmeQimpeny during the past year has beendireci I towai carrying large amounts o? asl Ban! lending more conservatively thanbefore ? of theprii pa ' atui | rtgag? and fot g tfv lie of fore ?? I real Otate e - ted during the past I ?? 13.960 611 ol1 I ' ' '' Mted to make furl isol 11,774 . feof their pr< I or ?' e pa ? ?...,, .?.,,. the ?Company has loam Mortgagx I oai I lepartn ent. Tl ? ?? - ? - ' ' ? Company's ?businessand increased tsean i ?.v One feature of the n ortgage markd in New York for the past divide their sums into smaller amounts than pre\ l^hteridency i- the mortgage loam ?offered, which are for fargei . expense, and Increase earni''gs rhese ormosing tendei :ie < , ' ?? ' ? ' ?',.? ' ' Mortgage Certil ? of inter?s! and issued to suit. The amount of ? ? rhe liquidation in New York CM ?? i t?te, which beg n three or four years at economii conditions arid which has bieen int?ensiri?vd ?-lur ? ? e past right? ? I * otan now to be drawing to a ith the advance I ur? ? ? ai . ? ? . ? initions, a ave In New York! ty witl < ent effects in raising rentals and la appeal ? now on th?rr< ?? ? i ures and a stroi ger market for i rtgag i ents ?The decr?*ase in the earnings of the < ompai ..... g out of the nw the sale of fon . . , te. thus sacrificing | liquidation ii New York real estate has run fu course, thi trot ot aooa * ?become norrnal. Rie aorr ; .irativ- fii< ires tor recent years are ai fo!,'r,w \a- '., s , | M, rttamam i? i? ???? i ?? ? #.. ?a ./I i", ,r r??:??-l *?'.'?? 1909 )'?10 1911 i >12 191 I 1014 3S.333.294 14.IHS,130 18,411,204 j9.742,271 31.955,577 39.460, DM 45.844, if?? 17,424.546 13,517,944 ?311,079 13.137,110 1,558,300 3,139,008 3.498.61.' ' I 111 131,11 11 ? fhe Gross > i I ' rofits of the < for the i F*r .-.intees Interest ?' age i " ? . I ? 6672.919 257,406 122,587 51.05^,912 ,i ::' es . Peni Advertii ing and tal I ut? e Nei I. ?? ings. EARNINGS $690.817 358,169 161,591 $1,210,577 EXPENSES 3188,796 25,000 24.155 49.339 $287.29:) $023,287 $667.137 338.1 Hh 16.125 11321,448 $1 14,879 17.333 21.572 37.189 $210.973 $810.475 $194,066 24,550 25.683 41,823 $286.122 6766,790 ! I ?? rat? of ?Earning and Dividend il Stock ha ? ? ? 1909 . ?3.250.000 15" ? - 1910 . 4.000.000 151 i 1011. 4,000,000 161 ? 1912 . '5,500.0OI, 14'2 , 1913 . 6.000,000 13'2 ' ' 1914 . 6,000,000 15' J pet 1015 6,000.000 13 'Average Capital 83.280.000. My 1.10 - I toi .Average I ap tal, 15.500,000. April l, 1912. < r>> I |"he Assets and Liabilil LIABILITII - $5,003.839.90 355,791.50 178,000.00 997.039.75 825,805.74 2,204,400.03 $9,561,876.92 Phe Assets and Liabilil < ind ( [>cember31. 1915 : ? \ ? ? \- York. are 11.38.3 I. , N?. at * i . Bn klyi . B ? . $61? t ? 1991 . $12' 120 8, 100 I- I* s 1 , $20 .611 ' 12 12 12 12 12 . 12 S?M.04J 12.470 il 10.810 - 16.681 il 178 ASSETS N<>.?. York i ? "?.' tga accrued ?? ' ?? ? ? ible . n Building, cost ['? il I ? l?r.?i ?Estate und? ntracl I ? F?tal . ' < i ? ? 2.187 7.75S 1.43? 11,383 $69,: 44.072.71'. II, 051.891 <.144.364.533 ?Vn anal) ' i . I AI ,i -re the customers of I 44 . $15.376,800 1341 I f tees. 38.497,16! 3734 . 59.516.375 208 i tril iblel ? ? ? i . I1.304.S9S M I . I0.SS2.12S 30 I ? t < , . 9,117.1 "? 5371 S14?.3?,4.->33 f the 1 ???.'.? i, i the B ind B / I . $12, NEW YORK r BROOKLYN 44.0Ta.Tl6 It may be rioted that 48 pa , tgai are in Brotrtlyn ?nd 21 per ceni in the Broi VALUATIONS OF UND AND BUILDINGS AND Fl ?Manhattan. Brooklyn.. Bronx.... va $?to.*J92,864 24.525,475 16,207,184 $97.725,523 Bl S4S.S35.017 49.517,715 30.375.482 $128.428.214 $105,527,881 48.S82.886 S2J6.153.737 dora of Uuaraiitcoil Mi i $69,239.Vu 44.072,716 1,891 $144.31)4,533 I Ol .,, a < Pi r t i? _bs iluta pi ote? I on of ni?i ! the following By-Lawa: Th? Amount of OutataotUng ? tarai ??? d Monga ?-?b shall n i ea ?cd twenty I pin? of the Compa?a Thi? Art).... ?hall not It? amended repeal? i aa acka??wledgi ?;. if th? I era of nil the ?poll i of mortgage l pany.'' ?MortgaRf? shall be gii?rarif???1 i*v th? ?"'omrany only when aeeurcd by real eatat? ' ' nsss or rsaHeno purp sea and situated v? thin the . ? - ?? Ity of !S ments tharsof ai ? fixed b) "S'n'ii all not *\?I two tali ?.- at ? . ,f the real ?otate hy th?* <'cnr era -.- ? i h p?rven'.-,?.* f ?aid ? luatlon a.- n th? aStat,* of S'en 1 rk I .?- . ..- tn i of funda h? ? Companies.' "Th?* . th? i pany for guara ? ? ? ? *. of one per ctni pei innum of th?* principal amount'gu?rante? I ?Thi? iVrtlcle shall not be amended or repea ? ? t of IHrertor? ih?*n in offl e, an ! bj rot? of a raajorlty of SI th? Btsehh? :n?r:?' meeti i ed foi triat jmr? - Thrse llmirn' - arbtch are far Btrl ter til . th " Tork?h,av?? txaen foi mnnj *??!? la us?? 6>- th<* < ompany and theli effectl? ? ki rany's niornur? Inve tale clearly evidenced hy Its '? Interc-t and 'diniaiy 1 th>- Company bad ' ? to 11,605,176. Th? ' a .... . . _ ji . which ??11 probablj >? ?ettied prim ? ' s.\at ? ' ' The foreel ? Compaay on January i?t laat t th?--n real eatata 13195.616 h ia I ? ? n ?? I ? ? r tl I the pa?',, th? <? mai sali-, ntnouni I ? 61.071.96 ? ' - nr-ar dallvary 1886.1 .1 n.-t aanount <-f 1661 ill The ? one naonth is |t0.1S Uli ?? : ? ? 164. when the Company beiran bus asTprrraat: -.. amount to *i7r<::?'" ai .aM-i.ij-'' ' i' ; > mnum Th<? ateadj ?jrowlh of the fJompany'B buaineaa ?l'irin? th?- ra?i twenl ?. In?; rjuaranteed M rtgagoo up t.* OSE HUNDRKD ?VND >?ORTY VOX I'. Mil.!.. N ' ?? th? publia- confidence I ? romi an) i mortgage Inv? , The Company will continue t?> Sdhcra f?* it? pr*aenl Bound and cautious ir-' ? of unequAl',??.! publlcll reven?a of ths aaoat caret ? I Ml? ?Mil <>i unir? I ill?? ? rsB iioi ? iirun ? . - ? ,?? !;'*r? i < m. nt is ? > ???? run BiriiAnp ?i ii* nn ?T ?VAll?i\ ??HKIJrT IIRNRY ! ? ? ?a II I I a ? I ?.?!!? i RnonoRp; Ol \ I'aKV RDWAKD I'I' Witt M l?ala] ?M J MAM: ? Ii ?Slag* I" II, i?'UXD A III RI ? ra-port in panuililct tairin mailod mi rr ,,i,-.'