Newspaper Page Text
SENATE DEMANDS ^PRESIDENT :an FACTS Calls for Full Details ol United States Relations with the Republic. DEPUBLH INS LEAD ATTACK ON POLICY FlB arui Lodge Quot? WUsoiVi u ta? mparison with His Ictt. ? ? ? ? i - i ? - V rum. ? ' ? - I ? ? ? ? * y ac ' I i that ? ? ? ' ? \ nt pea i an wb? re etket old h? reeponaibl? foi nmenaa damage the) ha?* Buffered inarch) II. h< wever, that he ?ppros rd the ??p ? enl of an emba? ?doi to M? ?i? ike rare of th< \-. ricana ?it ? av? not beei murdered ?-r driven from try." He believed lhat the |(| , .; , ? to -bar.. Mexico g the Ai ? t . th? thai had grown out >T rmad of I!.* pointed out thai I ar ?.in to dare to a ta or," Mr I ...Ige Baked, . capital, where the head of th.- government to which h>* ia ac. t of a ludlcioua i . i own aafety, doea not dar,* to go, or i? the amba? ador t.? fellow the ?ting camj.? * v ' yet 1 am glad to ?ee the admin ? ? the ?y?tem ted repi raentatts ea and not onlv 111 ?atead ? ? " sharp Williams de point ol the whole dla ? an] community 1 thi ,!.:'?. ? to inter/ere. Th.. t, he decl ired, right < govern loll ? , I. . ? ? thi nit? i closed tin- rea . ARGUES FOR FILIPINOS Senator Hitchcock I rg?s That Premia? of Independence Be l'e?u*emed. t .4 0 . aining depen ? the opening ? ? ? ? ? Phllippinea He r.-ii : ? ? \trnets mints of ex w a - . ? 4 will ever ' rut?.I tin ti ired. "Man) of I .; that ? igi rhere ? ' ? the 1 ?i .' ? ..... .' little line with ? ' ? ' ? i mad? BUYS PARADISE FOR QUARTER ? ...,* I hat Hi ? ?? Home -it'll Holla. '. girl i ha ve. A ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rmer home and. hi ? ? ? ' ? . OBREGON SERIOUSLY ILL nr Throat Specialist Haateni to ? an.?ii/ii General al Uoeretaro. ? ? ? tmonean | ? . i fl ? i imber of n ? January Victrolas OO Arrive at Wanamakers w Stocks of $75, $i00 $150 and $200 Instruments I Ol $10 payment will put one o? these n your home at once. Monthly payments of a like amount $5 or $10 take eol the balance of the purchase price. 0veri,000,000Homes Own a Victrola 'I ' Ho/ mit in fitiUr ?mini ' V\ c believe then : no bet ?? \ en i< e to be lud ?uiywhere than in the Wana toaker Victrola Salons; and n(' in." . ompli te R? <?rd Libri ? Send for the latest N- '"?'", ? ( atalo ? and Wana rri''k? i i dut ational tcrni^ ol pun!, 1 " ' ? Sea Huild ? ICTROLA XVI 52?? jio firal -Miysnnatl \o\oooa $?<> per in ont!? ?lin Wanamaker ii.-oadwav at Ninth, New York. ERASE HYPHENS COURT DEMANDS Faultfinders of Foreign Birth Told to Qo Back anil Fight. INSTRUCTS GERMAN PLOT GRAND JURY Federal Judge Declares Ameri? cans Should Measure Up t<> Standard ?>f I oyalty. Fault Unding and ci itleal hj ph< \ :? ? .-in - a ere denounced In plain terms \, it? rdas by Judge II? \ al i. ; n?' m rt of tl trict He apaii ,i none ol them, and uig< i. asr the eountrj if the) are nol .??I with conditiona here Tin- occaaion foi tin-, attach from bench rame a hen ludac ? ,11 *,-a\ e inal newlj ?i ? ed grand jurj that is in inquire nit,? the b ,. bII Gei man eon? ? ? d m tin-, country. When th?. twenty-third juryman had been ?elected Judg? ' Bid : ? V . ? .1 ? ? hnve been t*? ? t t. in a , onntry ... ' Federal Judsrc Hit*. Hyphen? ' ; eitiien ?? government or who cannot ?ay thai !..? love? America and forever. Every -\inet , ? ' il.! of lo)alt* The , . mad? a I able ' . the federal building and ?- ????'! to he th? heal ? :..,-' ?' 11 Members of ?.rand Jur*.. i? for ? -nan l ? \ \ . ? H) W( -t I.e.,i ' ? , ? ,' \ ? ? ? :?:..???, ;,". Hr . Brigg?, 154 Weal Nui.-t, fifth Strort; Irving* II Bower, 12?) Fifth Avenue; Ramuel If Ihm. 1639 le? ond Avenue; William D Simonaon 100th s<te?r and Real Itivrr. H chard S 'lin iii.i ?. ?o Fifth Avenue; Perei M t. ?> ai?, ion Broadwa* . 1 ''in Ir- S I lark. Ill I *at Tl ?' in?.Tit \ ?nue; Arthur <? Phoate, 18 Wall ' ? ? I . Hnr'..ri R Hal,Uni, M Wi-*.' I- Ifl) fifth Stre? t; Jame? W Barker, ?I ?Teat i l '??! .--tT...'t. Bdfai A l.,.?. ? ! Bi treel Mbeii Sell*-;. man. ?Hi Wall Street; I-tank .1 Mnrks, '.? 1 h i -\ eighth ' treet, and .lam?*? i i eat? i. 185 I i ntral Parh Weet Pledge f??i "America lirsi" Used t<> Wipe Out Hyphei "America l irBt" is thi- pnrp*o?aa >.f a pledge campaign atarted yeeterday by th?. American Defence ?Society in r?, operation with ?h?- Daughter? ef th. American Revolution t?? register riti '? na of foreign birth. in pian- of th.- hyphen, the campaign offer? thii printed alip; "I plrdtr?- my ?elf t?. ?tend for Amerlea first, t?> give her my undivided allegiance in all ell aa la pear* I do thia ..:i' .?!' gia'Iti'.l.- r.> th.- land af raj adopt loi e il ha ? ?.'?* aa ma : ??.-. . ?,.i oppoi t unity. "I ; ill elf ti defend it by ever) meana In my power whenever culled upon through tin-.teaaity af In r . and promise to teach my ?-hil.lri.ri and friends t<? re rere, i ? ipe? * and len ?? the Unit ed st.-.', - of tmertca to th.. best "i thelf ??..'? i" Robert I Irlmahaw, <?;' Kew "i orh IVnivei ' Newcomb Carltoa ?poke ..ri preparedneaa at n meeting <>f the Special Aid Society, WI Fifi vu nue, ?? ? la ?fternooi Mr?. V \ Rartli. I . un ? a-il. ng thoae i" ' aenl ? are: Mrs. William ? Potter, M. ? lohn A Logan, ? ? !? ? - < ..Id?, .ir . Mr*?. h.r i aopei Hewitt, lohn < M i I burn, M rs. .lam."? Brown I'.r, Mr- Allen Gouverneur Wellman arid ? ounteaa Eila Pastel SHOTS END HANDBILL ROW Quarrel iiu-r DlitiibatloB Seatters ( ros? d. f < par row a- I Mori - Teitelbsum -,? ?bout ti.?- diatrlbutioa ?f ". ? tree! Brooklyn, Sparrow wh pp< .i "it .. ?<? ,,i emptied ; ?. . . i,. ?.?., ? ii Vt the Sta . while ? ROOT ADVOCATES 'NATIONALLY' In sttite Defence Commit? tee Blocks Support of Guard Foundation. FORTY-EIGHT HEADS BAR TO EFFICIENCY l.eydeckiT Resolutioas Postering Militia System Stir Up Opposition. "I should aol ? It? ta ?? a the prepai ? .I?. pi ogi as me founded i n thi -iational Guard i hu Rool al th- Hotel Manhattan, reaterday, at a la. a*a-11 ri ?(? i.l' tl.? I V.,I ,4 Stal B ' "?' ttee ?<n National Defence, appointed . ernoi v\ hitmaa. "I don't think an . lf<? tiVC net i rray ean be made af ''??r'.s *-1?^r.* di ?king ta f?,i tj ? ighl dif i.n-iit governor? ?..i theii 4u?, 1 h.* ?> at? rn'?? toe i olitli -? ; he .<?> onal Liuard can't be ?? i effe tti? sa a nal arm] looking te i national authority. Anv ?? ft iciri is/i ? ? ?? i nalioi al defen? t mu I ?? ba ? ? ational, . ? ' Mr. empl the dul of a i a ?!.*?, direct to 11" ?aid thai the cri il ".i nf i ? for ?t?te leaialation and othei activ? ity, but ibou be a i ? I national lyatem, to facilit?t? I Hi effectived blocked that part o i .?olutioai before the eomta ttee arg ing a fuller maintenance and aupport ? i i State National Guard. iwi in by < olon? I < hurl*? I. I.r, a ai >? i ??:? ri .1 t., a %.;i. i omi ttee, itinp of ex-Ambassador Da? ' Hill, chairmai. i i,;?.i.i-i I ej ?l.. liar' resolution?, iced ? ? opinioi Mr. II 1. ' i ? le B. Corl Hi '. Ha* .?1 on? ?r. ??? r.? r i.i rar?;.! iUCCI i ? em repeat? i m...., tioi . rs of the i To Visitors in New York At the Automobile Show \ ou are here in great? i numbers than eier !? tore. Some of yon are hn* ing difficulty in rinding hotel acct immodal ions, ? \ e n though we ha? e in \< w York over 2.50 licensed hotels, ?some of them ac? commodating 500 to 1,0*00 people. It i*>a ?_? real eil\ vou arc \ ?siting now larger than London; the larges! pity m th?' world. It lias its |*opiilation of over five and (i half millions, m ith ?i million nit ?r ? suburban? This, then, is to invite you to attend The Annual Wanamaker Sale of Men's Suits and Overcoats It is the largest men's clothing .sale held in the world. It is worthy of the world's largest ? it'.. It opened Wednesday and did a months business in one day; sold as much clothing as main good size clothing stores sell in a whole year. The .Sale continues the balance o? this week, and until all the clothing is sold. It began with more than 1 2.0(H) suits and overcoats - \\ anamaker grade offered at average third under normal prices. Suits at $12.50, $14.50, $18.50, $23.50 Overcoats at $12.50. $14.50, $19.50, $24.50 Fancy suits, black and blue suits; fancy and black and oxford overcoats. All sizes for all men that can wear ready-to-wear clothing? large, small, stout, slim and average. All guaranteed as though full price were paid. And no charge, for alterations. Come Direct by Subway Astor Place Station. ? :. ; ? '?? ' : ?> Iway, corner Eifhl J () H N W A N A M A K E R \l ?? \ ? ?tes coming into it every dav, l" work: and marly a quarter million more \ isili ir*-,. among n hieb number VOIT, who read this. It is the greatest1 city ?n the w<?rl<l. also, in com? merce and in wealth. Two billion dollars of the mau ufaeim? il products <?f the I 'nited Mates | iHie-twen t ?eth ? are made here, ( hie billion more, made m other parts ? ? tins ? -? > 11 r i - t y\, mn - throng}] this port tn foreiini poiiutries, and one billion in ire comes m through the port, in nor? mal times. One-half of all Hie men s clothing m?i<l?' in the I iiilcil stales is made m New York City. ^ on are interested in automobile**?, < if course, or you would no1 !??? at the Palace Show; f>ut you are in te reste* I in clothing, as well. And you are interested in business yon are hiis, ni ss nu n. I fur th? tir?* tinir, ?,, rr,rnrn??rit j,n th?'in was spontaneous if nol enrefvll) ten I sidered rhe reeolntlons ?'?ll?'?i ii",r the State Legislatur? to "??el in th?* ' in I,' '<f ti,, ... e< ?sit', that the law r?'?r ? ? ? r male youth ?.n i?r taininc the Bare ef eighteen years has th? <i -.?i '11 * ?.? anil th? duty of s asembei I I apoa lnrri." and to nuke |ir?,'laion thai h? may be ralle I ?m f,,r militan lutj m' uri'. time, until he ; ? forl -, live tears old JORDAN CONDEMNS MILITARY SERVICE Voluntary or (Compulsory, Even for Defence, Opposed Says Army Provokes War. ? ?? Haven, Jna S Milite ry i cr ?.i,,- m Miiv form for colleg? ander .?i*?'? w.. condemned to dnj In the "Yale Dalli M< na" hy Pre |,.-,?.;.I Ftarr Jordan, cf Leland Stan? ford I 'ill' a t ? II?- -in,!: "If it i? for the defene? of th? try, I may say thai I am oppo led t'> military ?er ir? m n vnliintRrv F?'?* '?r irn| rastlf more ?'rnnirlv appOBSd ai i eonspol".r-, rai ttsi "Military ??rvle? r?? b<.?*r. ?h* b?n? ? '.. i ? h artala na? tion?, iii in .'-'wif *<.rlar.<'. Il exist? ir? rr, ,,.? f'.rrn, i|*s?nrn?<1 lolol) Invsaion ?Tara II not foi *.. .larder sold proa : rr-, .-> t,? ^ i,< fnviir ??i ths mor? efficient r,,- * rxpenorve ph-.-?.?-?! trainina* ol i.r^.,i,] i? ?..i ?r nations Ita ; urpoaa ha? I??'-?! avowedly the maltirij' al I . ' -.r inch n r t n < a' . . ? ? ?? usual f? raiula ? hieh ... -.n?' "Placa the anay in the centra of the national tage, k??*n th?* l-.mHi-fht . ? ? 01 t, and .aor 01 itet tha curta'a, although held '!'>-?*n hv the prayera of iij/lki.?/?<? wotaon, will DO ' iritf -ip an?l th? bloody ? i heifiri "A-isrrr Ins hrn latoly adopted ? ?>'? tern wh?r?l<v bo**a at ?bout ixteen ? between two ??>. ? h ka i-nrh y?:?r In r.imii an?l drill The tirn** ? too -hurt to have much m;' ?i*-nifleaa*-; tha teaching ii f.?o bail .-?..- ?- mueh physical '.a'ue. The experiment has been found extroi r-iatiy nv l th.- sccoptod reason for It war sni'?.? :n regard '.. lapai to n height of international il "But without -hit..- reference ' a n a; 11> I " 'enemy' th?< ?I? mod ?,f An'r-s'. a esald hardly hav? ? .-?.??? 11 ear may I to ? ? mil; a (I r?n rool rhen ? , ? '.'? rtah ? lernte limits th<> ? th? mar ??-.,. ? i ? rreater the sacar tandi tisse ?4 ? i ooblf ' ' ' ? ? not ? i ?" ? _ _ GENERAL DODGE BURIED lull ?Mitar* Honor? ?t 1 unirai ?if ?god Veteran. ? . ? Ian. I ?ral ?ir ? ' ed ?t ? ? ? - t Moi fall i Um ? iry escort eoi fi?. Sehnoi', ro-jrt?. publi?! Mees ?nH ng the < ?e*> ind 1 I the m The Columbia Graphophone Company presents the last word in sound-reproducing instruments The New Electric Columbia Grafonola $200 'J'his model embodies all the features thai make the Columbia G raton?la "The One Incomparable Musical instrument," with the added advantage ol the highest degree of convenience yet reached. No need of any attention from you, one? the electric current 18 on. I from changing records, von are as tree to enjoy the mu8?c as if 5?tting : box ar the opera. To start the instrument you 6?mply bring the tone arm over to plaving position. ft operates perfectly on any current, whether dire? or altei s adapt? able to anv voltage; mav Se attached to any socket; ami can be depended upon to give continuous, ?lent, effective service under am and ail conditions. Dealers are ready to supply the Klectri? Columbia Grafonola ?n three models at the prices ol Si ;o, s and f 250. . .V ?? ? - DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS and the COLUMBIA ?J 111- I l?\\ III II ??! Kill .. , . ' - ? a . . . , ar* K*>? . a . ' " ' " , Ma - a I? _ . IHM ?I in I'll ?r : .-. .. ? - ?: 3,.. . * ? I ? fcn .. 11 a - . - a , r - a ? . -.a . - . ' itl? -1 1 <i m,! H ST.) A . * ' , II Ma. A * ?SI? r-T T<? '?.III "I < in ' ..?.?.-?-. a ? .*. ?Ill??, I !)..lll -I ' a - . '? * I'.ai... a I ? I , , , . ? , ? , 111 w a .. Kn .* . DV. 12. k M A - . * . ? ? ' BROOK I i* < ?a? ?1 - . 1 Au.?'-" Il m A?a o ?v. ?um a 1 ? A. *> ill M * : A. ? . ? . \a \. * . I ..n 11,1. * '? ? II ? - UK??ihl \ N a - . I I ? . . * . ? Hl ... - ? ? _ a A -.? Kur ?? ?? I . a * II ** ?' Ml A ? ' ? * I * ?: 1 . * p ?; 1 . * - . .? / ? ? ?. ? 1- . ? * - f. .. . M \ '. * a ? I ? ? 1 ? ; * A A * ?.It. 111'., a " I ' A? ? * li*, ? lllMal II | * a I .1111*1? ? Il \ ' ' Mi? M KMI * ' . - II I? H . ? V?. . Ma? ? ? ' ? ol I 1)1 l?i\? S I