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MAXWEls IZeVa rA Motor ?Soles Corp y f BrMckervaf SMSfrvft ? ? aw ??r aW jsr __r &* Dealers ! You welcome f.t the Max weal Ha?tel Ht-acquarter?, Room? 101 aj.o 103, the B.iimore. 10 BAR EaXICUTIOX PUBLICITY h,rch?f> Will l.?rlu?!e Ne? ?-paper M? fron .. I Death House. ,. b? ban ?d I b rVal : - I I, ?I THOUSANDS TO TALK DEFENCE i\ and Philadelphia I>?1? aation? foi I atigteaa. Bgns an ,1? e r?.?5. - . . ' and r*in# -. -ect'.on of I National , ton, Jan rtprescnt . Bt?M and . ial num ed to woi .' ' ' - . ? ? ?. nesi for ?. YALE FUND RETORTS $90.683 nl hx '?* Bs < ontrlbated t?> alumni 1,162 ^^^^ Durinf ? '? ? ? I THE _s___3S-nn STERLING NEWYOHK ^ New Roadster ?f Highest Quality a* a Price Every ?ne Can Afford HUE _, Entirely x^^af%ss? Equipped Booth C-IO . Ai the Show m Yurie-UWbroadwaj OUST DEMOCRATS IS ROOFS ONE Al Tells Republicans Nex four Years Need I inn Hand to ?Save Nation. RAPS "SELF-SEEKERS" IN PRESIDENT RACI Harnes Say?. Voters Must ( hot! ?Man of U. S. Ideals Depe? Calls Wilson Note Writer. A ?trong- p]< n for political pn '? '.? . vs-f,? made by ei '? I Root, ai ? ' si .in dinner . i the Rep i t lab, la*t Bight, in horn?* . dont, .Tanses R Sheffield Th* saggasl ? prevailed that It irai ' I ?hup?' the cor- ? ? . natlenal eaaipalga, a th due tion 4*:' ths eaoat pro,,-r . the party, ?ml to got ?get bet * a majority agali it arhieh the lieana and Progr? aivea sgaiasl W\ son la 191 :. N< lirnmrr,.- ?j, annoanced, however, bj *' the ?; . risers. Wilson's administration *.?.-. erously attacked, ai .-?, wen *-*r.v\* oot " v ?om? , lneluiiinj; ?Chauncey M Depew, D B Odoll, .'r, a- H tni rnea, again?) the Intrusion of "ambitioui doma . .- as " It ssB?. ? ? . il '.- that Mr Barnes, one ot Colonel Rooaevelt ? btl te real ??'fit of honor at arith nigh by .Mr. R? ??!. art "It i? wiao at I Root, group bj i- ? oughta of another group. T n fronte I in the im? ana, "Ir. tha nest foui jreari a II occur the mi t ci sat of American i? triotiair ??or i, ty I that teat ? ? ? ? 1 .-. , .s no*, our p-' set I It ?.. - ".iis an,I OUI aational eharactei ami unsflr'i.-h. Our Iwo great pi place in th? noi urity of oui ' ? ? ? are ?or I >? ?d out thB*. unleaa we re*.?on.< they aril] be i other like an at \ out of h theatre." Statesmen IT. S. Hope, Mr ""ames ?poke or .-le . , ? seping su? ? . the present Europea) i tation and preparedneas, Mr. If ir? ? - h.'fore tl M order throuf we go ion ? " v - le revolution for a- ? ? - 4 " ?Satabliah ng ths nit? ? ganda. ?? imanship I serve th i rock ? il life; to thai .. how \.:y de ntei ? em, . Isea her? Monn a contended the D rin? I .-. Ideal to l.uide at I'?.lls. highest acl ? ? com] a. . aleetioi and >a e.r.d o? man whom th< i ? Bai said ; i i estai ? bn to be ci.?> . not be om ? i 'I ?.r !.. ?? evei t i eonti ed bv the the . . idual greati - or conquest, but '? on? whoa? mind i cons th? ?.???. heart feeli that, * recognii . of God, ! - itlon of the real ? ? toi Brow i tin i ed the. * sir*--?? litu city go ven ? onomy um: retrenchment sr-e not ' ? . H, laid that I u lai dii treaa fol , . ... | The a*Tnirs of the ei*> had retched a a her?, the < i.--,'?' and Improvidence ??f half tan meneeed ,?, eontforl and i ?" q ll reatened la restrict the ' ' ' ? ? useful m.niclpel act.? It) 11,.' city's standard of wage? and ??I? rles **?? from M t,* 10X1 , er rent Kr.Ht er than n oth? pnrt. ..f th?, ?.??t. LAY STRIKE RIOT TO PRIEST Summit Worker? Knit trouble. -Want ?lergMnan ? ?,,.ir,l : '. N ?' . )?? " Wte- ?n ?11 nigh! ronf?renc? ?? th? ranciaste? of ?hich th? Summit Silk Ml ' strlk? *??? I, it **-a? ?groed thai in appeal b? i ?ad? ta Catholic Bishop OTon noi a? Newark te transfei from Sum mit th? Kl-*- faul Kaeear, th? Byrian priest, **li?> i? arru?e?l of c?u?in_ Iroubl? '. hi ?-, nf?r< ?? consistid ?f Paul Oeii t1 h pre?!dent of th? mill; ?ever?! lawyer?, John B, Wahrt and ?? delega Mon r?pre??ntlng the ?trlk?rs| Meyar Franklin, Chltf ai Paite? Brawn and several ?rher official?. n , mill won th? ripht t?* cando?! ai . hut agreed ta ihr ?atar? ?cela ?.- I ? i ?nk? back two ? m ?ia-tivr in the strike C f. TOWNSEND ROOKS SOLD Alken ami Cralkahanh illustration? Spur to Kiildi-rt Record prices were ? rale, se ?s port? ?nul, at th? sals of th? library of the late ? har?as Cooper 'I ownsend, held i A': , ricen Ail Galleries. Th? Uken ?? red prints nfld Crnikshanh .:? comma..ded th? The 1 ? : wi?i I ?? n, for thirteen vol I igasi ? i i ? and *. ken. < ruik? |:. . ? ? .- Eg? rton and oth? fei on th? I ii George ?nk, ? ? i1 edil . mes, eon I . I . George ( ruikshank Foi Ii Weis obtained s i ? i- ? ,'i,l pen .,? rge ? ; : ?? N b ? , i., | ? ',....- Britai ".." , on . Henry Alken. .? 2,000.000 BABIES CRY TEUTON NEED ?.??tinned fron page 1 t th? ofTire? of Dr von Mach'? comn ttee Mr. Gro?s?, who m ai \ ? i here on a a ? ' -a ' I . ? , ? .'. I, ? i and ' >r the W ?r. : ? fin-. ' .. ? .."' I throughout the riv? from milk pro lucti for tl ? very w? Relief Plan? Inder Way. "I -? before th? On the bi ,?1 w? re peered ?I ept the i re for I ihould ai 'i h< th? presen! in Germany and Austria-Hungary have n ? ? n officially to 1 i . i he ?ii "I have 1 I'i von Mach. "I ??real need in o? H A the Fr? out that by . . i .-, ? .i g th? money ie?." ? ?'fui "." I," i <*? ; rhe neeipapera ? ons nt th?* v. orld | th? necessity for im Fatherland ? irn i ?.i'i: . If the appeal i th? Allii M? .. || turn ention to the shipi ?uari ' be ? sd, sug , ppllea ab oad? "Wha "a ' , Il II ,11 ,. ,, ' ? i ind?" 1 lr -? ?m Mach was its, such a? butter and Wheat, too, most . ... ? , i have attempt? d already l of ne?', lard and con i milk acrosB, 1 was successful ting snoagk condensed and powdered milk to make three tons mixed ** ?th wat? i " ?a generous reipon?? "Wi t? rm ?Valaach? of eon - ? ? Who run turn ? ?leaf car 1 ? In one if 1 ' ,. rarning to the people of Gei it i ter a b< ?? ' ard ? it thi Id busbar : I food supplies and b? s eareful s,))]?' . mption of the '. W by, the i ? i- be mad? BB for i ""!. It ? ? ? pi i p r i nkli . ? irnbs ?'ne;, had to spar? in the wi ,''.>, tr,,rh the ? to these | bcci foi their food ? the future and not to the I of the G i - i ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OE WARSHIPS C ?ariiar? ' 4 4* ... ' . Ma; I .i ... -1 '- I . ... v., ? ? . , . - . Ma, WILLIAM II fUMO' ? " - . li.?a I'- i . ? . Kam* ni IM?N' ILA ????., ta?, a l H* H 1 M i.. ? - ? ?*? " ' . ?S < IIAIM ? , *- ??? . : a. ii ?j v . \ ??? , . ?....?-. i i ??>* I. K'I.'MI H ? t r I ? 1 < ? ?* i, ? * ' " a . r . ? M an r ??? ' Hilad ... ? l ??: la M-.lln A 1 ??? ?? \r. t . > I. MAXSVKIJ. ?I | 1 ? ? a A ? t I- ? . I ?"'M *? ? l'ASP - . I . ? . I M ? 4 . . M-H' I ' a IIH1 ' U ? i*l, W S a , , |, , - , i I ;. . - I MX il-, ? . a . ! I ...,': .... I . I ? HUM. 1 ri H .1 I ' - .a--,. ' S ata. I l? 4* :, |i >\ i I - ' I H Ira? 4 ?? ' ' ,-. Il- lui .?-?., '? , , I 4 .? , II.W J (il SNKH Si r * . . ? . .?- ... , 44 VI I m I? M*? ASKK*1 i, M ? , ???1 r, le??? ? " ? ? * ? a r.sir.i ? .--i:-! pa---i s i - '-ta.'-?'. N??*l A ? 1? ? ..:. ' M ? 'l V*.: ? ' '. -, -1 N'a.a ta Ulatl .4 . , ? ? I iblp ai RI H - a. tod *.a.? >'a|a-j ?. > . ?a ,. H K? l.l "? ?? '. *<l r*?**1s i . Alllll Ja I ' . - a ? Ja *? I I ? > ' . I? ? . . ? ? at Hi i . . ??? Si . ' ? V?r1 ... . a '? ? , . , al ?. . 4 .: . , l-Sl! .'a ? .-'?'-? Sri i . ? ' ? i ??? ? Parti . S ', pli liai ?t. ... i ? ' Mara 11 : i . ? |! Oi,la *, N II B.S, Hail Ilan.j I I . .., - ? . .- I? ? .' - ? r i.u., ' CHINA GAGSPAPER TO PLEASE JAPAN Peking Daily Charged Tokio Was Spreading Rebellion. TELLS ALLIES NOT TO WIN ?CHINESE Nippon Calls Extension of War In Far K?st an Idle Dream. Peking, Jan. ?V The government hn? aii| pre??,?| tie "Turn ChoapaO," ? Pek In?.: dally, ?t the rei?ii?-?t f,f Kkl | Japanee? Mini ?? r to I hii k. i.craune the paper pablli ?d barge? that J ??'-' i? I ' Omol lag the r?-'. ??lui l,,n Preaidani Tuen Shih-kai i? movingI ?1! military ?tor?? from centre? subject ta, attack l,y revotai onaries Evan bo fare Ik? laeent attempt ta capture th? I gi un Aiaenal, Ht Bl ingbai, much of th? machinery had be? moved fram :' srsenal to ?he llanvarif; Arsenal, a*. I! tow, Milil u ?;, i tores at Shanghai m be? r?hc law, welch i^ t ;ho Interior on th? railwaj eon g Shenghi n .a Bj bel ween thi two pe " k*' ?"? ?? rn r; I I I 000 p eked tri ?pa ?'. Nanking, and < abinel mem , i.rr eonfldcnl th?r? is no ehancc .ni?? ?f 'i. idministratien to pi. ii.c- dissal b. A boat th? natnbei - I ?sated ?1 ia a",i b1 '?* ici ing and Hanyang, .?Inch adjoins Hankow, and, with it. form on? ?.-:,.-? Japan Declines to Sanction ( hi?ese Help for Alii- ? ?, Dec 18 Th? ?n of tl , Alli?e thai China be br< gh( nto ivora ?d in Japan. Th? pie ? : unmistakable antu?uni-m t?, the I i. ,-,-t It i? not trui*. as som? of th? Japan , papers have sa I, thai Japan ? ? ? not eonsalted by th? Allies on th? question A? ? matter of f;.?-t, th? pro p. ia] was communicated to Baron Ishii, thi Mil star foi Foreign Affair?, by the ambassadors of tl El tei te Power?, who requested th? support of the ? Jntf?ne?e governmi liaron Ishii ?xplained thai such an j r,l?"i ?va? incampatibl? with Japan's pol ? bieh li i ased upon ? local tal Ion of 'he war. The minister thought that :' ? hinn abandoned h?l v end ?! arise with the tusti rei dent? in ? .. which coi:',l onl) tend to 'i.-' lit? ; m ! i ? He doubted er these con n? wer? ?.?. orth -.a ,- ?.:. i -.?i.'iir th? benefits won d t thi H eonsl lei ? u' th? tm?tir? of the Orient the 1 rne in mind tl ' .Ii,| Ml. %-. ill ui trim il i entitled to I th? ?? In Oriental affairs I he "As .hi ral i th? propoi ,1 of th ebaurd and unr? "Sup? pe, m.- tha* i ?1 ei I? d to Ind i? . to join the Knlente with I r,, preventii / I hin? b?iii | mad? ? ea? - Bt thi band of G? rraan ?? " 11 ? - - ? ? In am, ? - . would never del iv? in ?? !>? nefli fr,,m ? ek - a chaotl I ? on ?nd ean y*ve n< substantial ?up I ? ?? th? Allie* " The "Hoch. Shimbnn," owned by !. ? er of Com itiona ' rni th, Japanese '.hut the futui ? rity a?-, th ? I ? f Americans Whi 1? \ ed powei ? >-?i In a life ir . . ? ., Europa and the Near "??a that th? rig to start commercial snterpria? . either pel ,'ritly or :n eonjuretion with tha ? ? ? , ?,- ???: ???.e \ Btic on1 sent ? I i'u- -, Conrpieuoua amonj Imeiieaa hank, a ? An ei .in company ai d ? i bino Ara? ricar! commercial mu .... . CHINA BUYS OUR MACHINERY Cloees *7i>0,000 Ural ?American to Man??/? lotion Mill? - a ?-* h tagten, Jan. t 1 b? ? h neat ro? err.merit hi.? completed i ? ?;"' f. r c,-(,,,,,.(. worth or American machin *r> for tu?, eettoa mills in that con try, the Department of Commer?a a nonneed ta ?la*,. Th* mill? n** r?. i... erected ?? Rhan bal m d i lei I n Hri.l th,. i hiaeee go ?rameal i? Intereated t?? th.- eaten! M |.? r echt ?f the ?"apiinl Invol? ad l ?? '"ill i? t<> l.* equippod -Aith '!.*?,<i ?p mil**, th* ordei loi which has bo? pl*aC*ad va I'll a |l?i?tnn c?in?-ern Th* en tract for powsr *?*ui->m*nt also li ?toon placed m this eountry ami tl nctuti! inpetlnienilerice will b? Am?r .???i "Th* desirability of maaafaetarii "'"?" i",,n gOOda at home," ?ays tl Dapartmenl of I ommerr*. "has l"r boon arged by pr?i*rre*Mi*,n ? hinrs China Itaelf ??? the lar*f*?t market f. cotton yarn in the world ami th? ??? ?.ml lar^i.a' market for pier* *rno.|?, tl Importa of a I ? aitoa gooda la lai being rained at no lesa ?han |ltt,?M0 "oil. ? ,-r?nt r,Hrt of which ram., froi Japan ami In?] a " ?? SUES HERRICK FOR DIVORCI \Mfe of \iith??r (harfes That Mr I?, ?cried Hrr and Her Son. Chicago, Jan r, Robert Hi n author, araa aned for divorce bj hla ? ' Harriet I ? *..?Jay Th? irgei that Mr. llerr-.rk deserted he and her son I'hilip In 1911, "in anew? denying the alienation of desertion wn filed. The par*'?? to th? ?uit were r-?arrie la IW4. VINE OF KWAWHA VICTIMS MISSINC inly Three Bodies Recovered Divers to Svarch Packet. Parkorsburg, W. Vs., Jan. 6 A rig .i i? Mail I; ama made I?, .?ny n | . ?v.- ?,f ths point irhare I s st? 11... af ths K ii sn I a Packet Com trncl pli r anl sank River nini las below here ii l i ght, hut ?o far only three bmli?? h.ii teen recover? l. two af them float i ths river, and one pil ni-il in tht learner's eabin. Sine persons are own t ? I?. taing < 'ap?lala Hr??l> ' Berry, of ths packet, claims, hen thai ? ? ; ?? wars about ' and a i row of fort? ab tard. It -o th?- number 01 ?arrivera .-... anly forty llva. Of this numboi arare passengera and thirty-flva ? ra i... mbs i , ? ; the eren A: rangen anta bava been ma . .- dive - to ths arrack to examina the iterior o? the packet, and search foi .h,lu?, e/hile rio.irps have tie.:. . point dowa the rlvei I keep a ?retch im bu,he? Reporti received here laat night said ,i- the '? - ?'? partios from tl bore saved twenty serions from the ai?*r Immediately alter the accide t, ?ut a search to say failed to d my inrvivon on that tide of the i ?? i gationa nto 'he ca? a f *h<- accident began to day. Govern lent ateamboat inapectora eonfen sith the owner of the packet, and E Winters, ?t?te railway insr. begai .?.?,-.?: ng th? aecidenl he ?tate Mi masara of tha er? ? hat? every ??rr-.r? ? i .ab. aro. The at i rservera were pul . ' poaaiblo In the im ,- th?. passengera awaj * RAILROAD WANTS CRITICISM ennaj Is ania \?ks Doubter? to Tell w h> They Dtetrnet Company. I ? sbtain suggestions from pa-rons : : ii ..- ? , :? ? r? and it ;? i rttei ir: leratti * .., J ma h eraent, tha I'er.i: . Etailroe-1 has had posted Halting rooms I cket and I end ther pul ?? aeea of it*? ? ?? "What ea ? k of confidence in da! Tha management of thia ail road ? I ?? gel si thi . ? ? ? nd itarting poii ? Ii to get the i ?p ?? wh?> di thia ra to ?ay BO, ?nd tell why, Th.s ruinai needa your confidence I*, want? >? ir ro..p. ration. It ?sks for your frier.d ship." Train Kills Autoist. MacKcnauck. X. J., Jar. ?'. K M M Hock, a well te do contractor, of We wood, was laatantly killed lat? nifht on the Harrington Park railroad ng, when hie automobile ? , ? ire exprei B? .. " | . ? ? ? :i r he ? ! a ronaidi ? : .-?? Both lega ? i a b oken end ha --a? aeveroJy cut aril br., A Revelation! F. O. 8. F?ct?>ry unit power plant valve-in-head motor cantilever springs left drive, center control big, beautiful body silent - flexible - sturdy At Palace Show Third Floor ?Spa? C-3 New York Distributor? Hollander-Randall Co., Inc. 1744 Broadway New York Desirable Territory Still Open Dealers Act at Once POLICE PREPARE RIOT STRATEGICS Commissioner's Staff Stir veys City's Resources for Defence. WASHINGTON BREAK ONE DANGER FEARED OfHdal Says Metropolit Harbors flnst?* of Potential Trouble Makers. em 'i "rk. now the largest city in the world, ii not asleep ?,r th? question of municipal preparada? i Under ,'..rrc lion f.f I'? Chief ' ' taflf, coopera! i-y ?%ith Inspector Hear) Cohen, ha? ju?t . York City'? natural resource?, Should ? riot ?ir r the | olic? wrll know ,.?t when? to ?ra and what to do ir. condition?. The r?'port to the FVIc? <"nmmi?> ?ioner cover? many ur.U!?iial con ! It contain? ?????'.It"! Information tive to rivercraft; mot? r . mar he pre?se?l into service in r . rce.|; larr" [!,;'?. ?if /round within the r.ty available for camp?, ?m?r| i- ipitala ?ir training ground?; empty ? i"? tl ?t m ij I ' Ful. ?'atistics of horse? anr| other mounts obta on short notice; ? census of the far? gl pepalation arranged In district?, ac eording te impartan?? an<i likelihood ? f trouble da? to rae? riot?; orgsnl of eititena f"r r ol duty; method? of handling larga h? ?i ?*? of volnntecr?; training Mh< ?Il for ?uch volunteers un,1er polie ' il <l system:' hear? ing- on tho trari?porta'!'iri and equip? ment of large group? of men. Every policeman's business prior te his joining the metropolitan force is on record. Fach man .s placed :n a group under his respective trade or calling fur ?per a', d ' ice men and men ?pecially fitted by previous training t qualify a? officer? have h?.-r. selected from the 11,000 n-.en makrnc up the force Other? who wer? skilled me? chanic? have bee-; picked out- Physical and mental Atness : aj a big part in deciding ?rhal h man ?rill he called apon to do under unu ? ' on?. Ever sine? 'he Plattsburg Camp, con? ducted by the 1 ni'.ed States ar?. cer? under General Wood, th? New York police have been undergoing a course ir. ?pc-ial training, which ? ually ?? II At them for any military I HMt ?ummer the P m isi ?ner ar.,'. several i" lice officials ra'OK the four weeks' e< ira? ne?s men'? military training ca'r.p. ?Nu' ij ice Me | in ..h,. 'OO'e has ,; ?? ? ' New Vork fu,-, d to many potent-,,?! trouble maker? ?? i? t .. . thil it? Im rderi ? police official la?t night, "l I do not beli? ?ill far away from Washington, but be stopped short "But whatt" h* wa? aak?*d. i ? ? 'r.. ible enea l?r<*Hk eat, the people Will lit UJ? ?ml 'liar.k boa "' ran men arare 'ar-i k*i,'?.'i enongl prepare for just BUCh an emergenC] "I. the City of Nan fork going t buy machin?* guns "" "It has them oa police bo???, ?nd : ?he need of mor* I ould be felt w a- ew where w* c*n gel them "Ar., viu training men la '-he aae a these gnna "" "Yea, for every kia?i of a gun I kely ?? b* aaed ia rae? of ?enoja trouble w men who know be i ? arith 'In m." According to one of '.he plan? *h. ?l.<? ?.bave m .nirid, every preclnc in the ' re bor ? Igha will have an ?rnir gei ej eamp aeloetod '?"' II Thoea camp, ?v || be asad for th? training af reign borhood groups made up ?if rjt.iz*n' who will give the-.r time to ?he muni "y for riot duty, or any o'her Ml viro re'puire?! n. times of ?'re?? Thi men will h? taught how to handle (ir* arm?. .!?. trench w?,r<. and will h, ad under competent drill ma-ter, from the Police liepar'.ment. SENATE ASKS DAY FOR JEW?SH RELIEF President Also Requested to Ob? tain Passage to Russia of Who** Wheat for Passover. Washington, Jan. 6. Bcaatoi Mar ? ??king the Pn la a dar a? Jowlah relief da. for Jewiah war ?uTerer.s waa ad ?p1 r Chairman Stone, i Foreign Relations Committee, had that while he approved 'uch a i .n relation to the Poles * 1 Jews, whom he laid were without a govrrr - ment of their own, he hoped it would not extend to any of the organised * at 01 i There are ?,a d to be P.?I''"''.. ?'" I ? ,n the territorj SO?e<*ted by the v ar. An appeal has been made to I ? by severnl Jewish .. - ?.'-.,. [ a- age to Rui eargooa of who'* when! for tha of the I'as-over. Th.* President hai ? em that the State Depart? ment ?*:il ?lo al! in its power to insure the arr val of the ships at their des? tination. Great Britain. France and Russia will be naked ii they have anv objection to the sh.Dment. In his letter to the President, trans mitting the re.meat, rvmon Wolf, of ty, who is prominent in Jewish etica, -a.<: ? -.'.as a matter ? i death to thousand? af orthodoi Jewi in Russia, who would utarve than eat ordinary bread during the Passover. The American Jewish Re'.;ef Com ? ??.-? announced la--, night that, up to January 6, f85?0,|S46 70 had boon con ?he fund, and an add. 1.40 1 ; lodged, making tal of 11.042, ? Mme. E Carton de Wiart. pr? ? i of th? .. Viaitea aux B ? ? i to * I e relief of t h ? 4.1 00 rrippled Helgian ?oldlora in t'-.g ?an appeal for Amen il nui. Mme. !* V. ail ni?y be reaehad at the Hotel (lotham during I ta y h.e-p. PILGRIMS MAY BE HELD IN DENMARK Threatened Suit Against Mme. Schwimmer May Delay Trip to Hague. TRAVELLERS TO BE CLOSELY CONFINED Will Not Be Allowed to Peek at (urmany Three .More Mem? bers Leave Party B] raiODOU N. PO? k?MV ? ?peahagen, lea ?'? ?Th? F,,rd ?#?c? part) ?say ?,.' held here ir,.'evrit?Iv. I" ?11 depends on Rexferd rT-rlmtt. for? mer head stenographer ?--ped? t.< r.. Mr Holmes threu'ens to sue Mm?. Rosika Schwimmer and I.oui? P ? ?r, PDrd's ?ecreury. for ?Under, alleging rem?rk? accu i r- g h:n of at temptiag to obtain a tf.000 falaa pub? licity account. The ?. ? ?a, f taken, will tie up the ?Spedition her? ir K".v ?:" the pilgrim? v '.' car? if th? nved l'n at errang? ? ta :-.. best ip?Ki?: 'i ?t ten cars, a d:,.er and three ileei erg holu lag f.fry-fi.-ur berthi ' ' at v o'clock to-m >rro-* m?*rnirK' Oily a third of the party ma;, I.??? | I II mid night, when they ?spect te reach th? Datch harder for ?xamiaetien, a? th* trail ?ill I ? .- .u* ? threogh Genaaaj I iremilnua' ??.'"-??? ,. . I | be , r-ere, ? i py .lumber, f >a mai .. f the party ?rminv l,ear inC th? I E a -h num ber will eon i| ; vil - ? ->'d on each passport by the nsul it Copenhagen and one in the banda of ? s of th" railroad If any th? Tain is U' r the ' numbered person i? m il | fl t.the manager af '.he tear bas been '?-Id, hi : fact Ueatenaal A-"lrew ,i Beth?a, A W K ? rth and Willis J ' ?fl th? party to-day for baBineai reeeaa?, an I will laid for America ?a th? R ???rdam on Sat U The ?ighi Pa- ill ? | ite? an ( .-?ng?. a ? it; ??laf porch;.ier, an engi neer and chairman of : - - I openhagoa ? icepl - eommitte? Efcaay Porch 1.arrimer, hi? ? Iter ar I president of th? Danish < ouneil of Women; A'.n><l Ba ?r, renrewnt ng hi? father, Frederick Bajar, a Nobel prizo winner, ? >mrn?> K. Bluhme, retirad; lohaaa? i n Norup, the only womei hank eaahier of Denmark; Jena? Hohlen >,erg, an artist, and l?r I*euia Fraen kel. a Zl join th? expeditien, h? ? '??'?*?? cogn'-rance of tbe J-v.? m Paleotise. Mes fi A man at the Huptrotbile >?ui - talk** about Hupmobtle Service. He Ins a ?big subject. He ?teHa ol .i feature the like o? a :iii h you 11 he ir no? w heft else in the show. s?t\ ice that is free to every Hupmobtle buyer?-50 hour-, of labor paid lor with coupons you n-i rive with the car. Ser \ ice *-?> definite, ao < Dmplete, that many who enjoy it have told me it ia t!)?..- ?beat of ?ill the ^ '<i<1 1 (upmobile \> I aoiow bj experience that it keepa the (.?r continually in firsl -< lasa running or? der and prevent* the ordinary motor car trouble? , /-, ?Chas. K Kien m i l*.*) Iraadwas mttrdSe., Ret? I? ?venter? HUgmobile Ctjmpflny ?if Ne? York, Inc I'M Btoadwa?. Wholesale I) i'ew-'fi DiuguiaJ Brother? 1283 Bedford Avenue. Brooklyn De Cozen A. Ricis, New?rk Immun" : m' 'if if ?'*">. I rtin/lm 4 Tin*? I mt'intl. Cram? ' mi'il I'j^.t. turn -?.'*< <? '??( ?????. '?"? ?' ' <? ? l.inilit. 'it tttaad m t? lafi it 1**1 "'ii