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ARM THE ALLIES, URGES GARDNER 1 mbargo Means Ocnnan drip on Plunder, He \\ .irns House. HYPHENS ACCUSI D IN FA< rORV PLOTS Wisconsin Members and Long u??rth Call Mtack Reckless ami Intemperate. ,",. 7. The ssar I ' ' I ' \ P ' *ay. ? ? mea** r that ? .. i -," a trader ss e bad c* r, I ;*. '"the I an ar :' rf-o on 4 ? rt - I I I -.rdner ? l Hyphfiiili. , hut Not Na-urotic. ? !ove - ' - ? ea} ? he, ? i -a her.> H1 a? r. price! ' ? in*" pro] ddc'.r r ? Gern.. Ps ?.'.mid Help I'illa-ter. "In the ui ? "Th ?? whirr an o -.mi an mar-. al lass? end ?0 ha? Fpk ]here fore ' . . i ng h ? are to ?mean nnanj Mighty. ? ? g Have ' 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I * glad to ? ? o la anv act of OUI rod, G ? i ??f detnorri on of vshoni'- Um?, Minks. So br ? an ol i ? >? 4va? n I.. ? ? .-niie. \\>. ? aTjt? i ? ", of i Wlnoomin, obtained permi.?lnn to I ?, nt thi ? ' ?eut tb< he h? ni??l?'. In \*hia-!i h? said th i .m? O? thi? O . and ?'.* nam le **em pui pei ????. a? large a representation ?ierniH -....-??. | know iJiejr ? | in , ,i by thouaai i lands >>i a manufa I . i who 'a "1 here may I ??? ? ' . ? ? tion plant?, but ' ? I German*; ? to invi ?Mir r-.pbt? I run sure I I I ome of r Sew Ei ? ? bei; thi 4 a ?peak, because too. wai . ' 11 .i ?? a 1 ?.in thankful thai I d ? my democracy nor hai tj ? -1 ai" r Ca-mo u| ? or to-daj advocati ? ? . ? I - ' Longworth In*?? Taps for T. R. I cav.i . ? I . ? ah? all in.: ' INCRE.*SE IN GISOLENE PRICES NOT ILLEGA1 Gregor] Says I here Is No l.v dcnce to Justify Charges. ? i ? ? a r? ' ? ? I ? ? ? ? ' rl v i m ' ? I PERKINS GOING TO CHICAGi HoOSC | , ad) ? - ... rntio Dale on Tuesday. ? . Tuesday. Mr. P ??.?. committee men bi at ?j ?ton?- ' I un "Oar Count.". The national committee will ?rr:*] a date frar I ' tte? ? ? ? ? i . WILSON WONT GIVE NAMi: Does Nut rain? It Wise lo Sa? ?Vh< \re I igaged in Plots. ' i ? ' FILIPINO REBEL ARRESTED Pineda, Leadei of I?"* S "ni?. Facen ( harge of Sedumn. - ? FIRE RECORD i . i i ' : i ? ? .. am a ? a I ... . * !?? ' I I I'' ? I ? SAYS DANIELS IS MUZZLING NAVY Representative Britten ?Be? lieves Officers1 Own Views Are Stifled. MEN BARRED FROM WRITING ARTICLES Secretary Doesn't I Ike Uta, k$ on \.i\;il PolUv or Presi? den! by Officers. - ' Washingto rotary Dani? the prartirr-1 reach of ' I ?I in . a ?1.? a with tli ? Houae X. i ? : .-, i. i; on the I the ? ? ire the I Flske and Wii ? rmnn ? . f request thrit r ,. the , over th? Mr Britten said 1 ? ? ' from Embargo Retail ? n I a? ? ' plnir-r ' ? ? ? 40 DRUGGISTS HELD; SOLD FAKE ASPIRIN Chicago Health Commissioner d Grip R ?medy Frau 'nient. ' dru** ver? sumn er, ti? ' ? - ? . ' ' ? ? ? "? i i," He ' TRAP JLWELLER. ROE TRAY '! hiev ? I I : ><* OS . Itnr Door, Hre.iK Windoa ami Escape. ' ? i ' etor, I ? ? eld fast of t!io ? ? ? ? jAcs JAMES WAY RENACEDj r.?nii?i.?ii ?all lag Board Told la En? force I i-l I ii? ?>r ?'nil. Pompto Lake?, I ?' . Jaa 7. The j. hoard o( this i ?? ? ki oara a ? th* Boroagk Board ?>' Protestors, aaostl sithsr n? t 01 gi ? sal 111 Borough , i pal th.- matter aojuarel- up la tWO O? "its lust niKht. Jame Lawrence, Juetie- ?>f the pence ami chain -. of II.rd, 11 its? ? r round up the other two members, an ??'" Ihia . . . i ? . getting : rill tint :'? nog 'I'1? 'i t ?.?i Hot. If his ? ? II quit. 14 It II ? ?il,..ut any they want of drinks, .in.; 7 Drnnkenneas has t ? :' 1 ? t a ..f the i \ ?. I a <* Men bow ti "ir famil ea ma who ? $100.000 ALLOWED CHILD WELFARE i itlraatc Boai.' \ ? on Pie? foi :,.(ioii Widows VK ii ti D?? pendent ( hildren. a m author? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "If the ne-?/ plant i lead of 1 M'COMBS WANTS QUICK DEFENCE MOVE r .us ' UM-!.uis European Nu lions AfI End of Wi ?pea! ? of the ? ? ? WIFE DEFENDS HIS LOVE Testifies f??r .Named in Divorce Suit. . .. '? - ? ' 11] a ? ARMY AND NA VY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ? ' ?Vaai.;ii?n<in. Januar, " ? ' i ' fl I I I : a .,.,-. ? ? 1 ' - * ' i I t a I ' a | KIT M ' 1 ? . . V . . ? ' U U ill J I * *! .VIIJ.UM : ? -, ' ' ? -I ... - a I ' ? ? ' 1 I I - I MONROE POLICY STILL TO STAND Pan American Alliance Not to Sot Aside Doc? trine, Says Stone. SUSPICION OF U. S. NOW IS WANING Sclcntiflc Coagresi Completes Work To-day and Oo?H to Baltimore Momia? - i ? Wash ri(/tr>n, Jan, e Th? ".-?n for one and one for all" Pas American policy proposed bj Ik? sdminlstration ; 'ni i?llinlr,| t., by Pi ? Idenl Will h < address befei a ? rir?n - ' the I '. ' ' row eon? ? noing ' sf pai ? lector ..intri?"-1 ?s ?ir, df M issouri, man of tbe Senats Foreign K? Committi ired ? ? ? mutual u lid be . ' ??nut th, ? ?? ? ?i\." ?aid ! a conven! ted or not, . hinder n g to th? Argentina or Brail I ? ' ? bor rowei at??i no inirini;. men? ? in 'lie particular trea ? "Ihen tedlj i ake n ? ri bettor feeling <.f tonl denes I 'r i fr..m leading I tli ?Vmei lean pap? itioi of -i. Ich hat a aiahed me, ?how that tl.i i - ? be? ; ' all? il' S ?ut h Ar. ? 'Ii- proposed eon v< b( lone will this ?entimeni on ?o ?ur? a baala tl If the United I the r*(iu<-st i? BBiailor (.OUntry, takes over rert.i ..f ii. r ?? ??? '.i?., ata! funettone, Stksr Arn? ri.-mi atatOJ Will know ? baos '" altoHor motiva Htnl no aim I?, ths ?eme wny, if tl kind ?if [.??'..-? m ?i,.iiii?l he sstoad l?y I!? Bill Ol A i ['? r t inn nri?l ahoold he very rI?'I t > have them ta n, whi'-h w* alori* ha Bsaumed In the i"?M' era shoul?! km I s?l ti?? ni"? nor mot iv?> " I *. -t for ?I?. t"-r.?inl meetintr t ni..i ? ' ? i p ? \ m< ' I? ? ted Its woi k ' ? i..??; t??,,? iecl loi i 'boas '!'"? '?' ?h the itudy of minim and to tl lie henlth held ?<?? inn? nr wh ( I others met . ii general auh fi 11 ?. Pan-American l)i*i?*^aics t?i Enjoy H.Tlli'Tiorc Vis lllv : . Baltimore, Job, 7. Tha Ha'?imoi i: ird of Trade hn? sxtoadod ?n ir \it;iti??u to the l'an Ameriean del? to here on Monilay. The will SO showa through John? R Hospital ?r"l University, sad satei bob. In ths ?Menee of Mayor Prestot Brill he in Mew York, r-perin.! re) if the eil ?' ir'.'- ' i will he present al ths Board at Trs a I a LOOT CHINESE CUSTOM HOUSE Rebels Said to Have Corrupted (mv( rnmeni Troops Chris (?an Preachers Flee. 1 ; the ? Inn? e Custom House, on th? rauden * ? ?re at rupted the government ? tame name The ? -I to in the a that which dividea Chinese ,y. Jan. 7 The author I the 1 have heen f CI itian ? ? ..?tern : .?eri'iii or, . WANTS FILIPINOS FREED SPEEDILY Senator Shatorth Would Grant Independence in a Pew Years. ADVOCATE SETTING OF DEFINITE DATE Several Senators Would Olvc Pledge, Others I avor Strikinf?, Out Provision Altogether. ., par of the I'hi to proi rithii a fon sai ? r Bhafroth, of Colorado, in il a ? to ?lay. tion b] OH both - ,, ??? '??; ? mbedled li I make s d a date, or strike <>ut the provisl ? ? . ? i ? 'er\ year? BS bar orejad ,.ze the lala "if a a a lief that before many years have j the people of the Unit? tea will l?o on to ??rant comjill m. If : we or, . i fret on the ruth, we ?rill i"? 01 I rmly ai end. ' publican an l D?mocratie ofl i ? ? - i . ? "in f ar 1 Tl omaa were a kose ? ... - i itor I> ?rah ? the p.- n an,1 Governor G ? ?? i ? admit? ? ' ? .a MA?EROS BACK NEW REBELLION Hernandez, with ^q^ Men. Revolts to r ight Carranza? RICHES SEIZED, DEMANDS REFUSED l anniv Igaon s Villa In i m to Win Hoi* Its Proper,: which ' ? ? - ? laid, " I 14? ' ? ? ? |l ' ' ' ' CI ? ? ? ne A ?L?, JT"l*.i.,li'^???>il A or One Secretary of State Lansing in welcoming the Delegates of the Pan-American Scientific Congress at Washington sounded the key-note oi what may bi e the ?lest alliance in the world, when he stated that "'1 he American family ol mighl well take for its motto that of Dumas' famous musketeers, 'One for all, .-.11 lor one.' ' In this week's LITERARY DIGEST (January 8th) the leading article depicts American newspaper opinion on the recent "get-together Conferei of the la:: American family <->f nations. Closely following this article in interest, if not equaling it, is a com| hensive description of the Naval Increase- Programs which are before the ( gress and a summary oi editorial opinion regarding them. 1 his article is accompanied by a table which shows in detail the difference in the Navy Board's July report, the Navy Hoard's October report, and Secretary Daniels' program. Other features of unusual interest in THE LITERARY DIGEST for January 8th are these: Wild Finance of the Warring Countries So Vast Are the* Sums Involved That in One Country Alone the People Subscribed Over $2.00 Pi - Every Minute That Has Elapsed Since the Crucifixion The War Booming Our Marine Labor's Peace Council Under Fire Victory by Arithmetic The Coming Trade War The Descent Upon Egypt ( As Seen by German Newspapera ) The Snare of the Nets ( With a Chart Showing Where the English Channel is Netted for Submarines) Was Buddha a Persian? Salvaging the Maimed Soldiers Water-Power and the Farmer The Shortage of Quinin What Are the "D. T'S"? Ragtime Wrangling Germany's War Pictures What the Nearing Case Won American Jews to the Rescue (They Expect to Raise $5,00O,O0U lid the War Ends ) A Feast of New Cartoons, Maps and Photographs ["here ia no othei w?-*ekly magazine with which THE LITERARY DIG.EST can ?u pared. It is in a class by itself ??trie only weekly newa--*nagazine which does nol burden ita ita own personal editorial conviction* Its policy, rather, ia to present public opinion as refl -representative newspapera, magazines, and periodicals throughout the world, upon all impoi and illustrated by the besl cartoons and photographs. Ihn is done without prejudice And because world news is a record <>f the thought and action <>f living [-??? MIL I III RAR? DIGES1 i- the most interesting magazine published. Many hundreds of thousands ol men and wi have come to depend upon it tor an ex.irt focus upon all m.*tt?*rs*, t humanit] - [Science, Pol?tica, Invention, Literature, Art. Religion, Industry, Sports, and Drama Why not buy this week's number, d you are not acquainted with MIL DIGEST, and see hoi* ?amous newa-magazine may quickly become indispensable to you? Get the January 8th Number ?\ovv Newsdealers 10 Cents II \k ?V WAGNALLS COMPANY i Publishers ..i the Faunous \l.\\ Standard I >.< t,?-n.?r. | V VJ* >, 4 >KK