Newspaper Page Text
LONDON PREDICTS DRAFT IN MONTH Piscounts labor Stand am1 scouts Idea of a ' General Election. ?S REFERENDUM IS ONI SOLUT T?ON Plan WoeW W?* Vo,? To Bo T?tk?^i in Trcnchov. ' v.vnents Say. lai ? i avoi I mono la , j . I - ? -? a? Ar ... a? pits? \.. g XlCOll i'arne? and I the Hou?e of SI ? ?>.?? th? <.?"? I a??. tOO u.r . ' regardfai ? ?r ? ? ' ...a-, . . Monda;.-. The -, i ? House - time for i .. . I lonth. ' a , * certain .,-. ? .-- of even the ? I want a Samuel 1? Mentioned. i that 1're ? *.' I Mr. Hen tan ? rescnl ? ? i- ? luccesi ? ? ?? apree -?'bable lay to induce ... ? ' I fere ar>; tervie - - ? - . .' s ' I - been ? - on to ? ? ? a ee the or ? - ? - ? ? ? .9 i. i ? LINLNS .Hoped ofqual - cloths tten - the i II ? - ? - Woman's Opportunity Charity Application Investigator Sa,a?7 $600 per annum ? ' ? ? , nit, ? ,' Parliamentary bal'.ot woiiM be impossible. The :.\t a?' C.n military ?erviro bill waa mad? public i?i;.:iv' The rub licatlon ?baiwa that the only provision of i in? meaenre nol amply outlined In Premier aoqulth. speed, regarding it. ? *i" h penaltj of Imprisonment, nol exceeding ^iv month?, for pereons making false ?tatementa in ardor to obtain exemption certificates, and a fins ? ? failurs to notifj tl ?? an e? ahould there be ehaage In the circnmstaneea on which the certiiicate v >.? ??ranted STOPFORD DEMANDS GALL1P0LI INQUIRY ?Deposed General. Biased by Hamilton, Asks Investigation. las : An echn of t'.eneral Sir ''?-i Hamilton's Important review of ?*"?'' ?''? ? ' iterations is found In S rejx.rt published to <i)?y that tieneral 1 ? k Stopford, who wm re ? ?r) account of hi? conduct la Hie ^"x 'a i . hn? demanded an \\:ir (':lia-,- ? to tb? . .-. a of tb? landing ?if ? : ? . dam ? ral Hamilton, in ht? report on i operations, "Th? divisional generala were In? dequate pport, General Stopforo did :?"'- " mak? te] attacks 'i?-.! poaitiona, bul desired ? ' try to turn any ire vl - n thi la lies '.he root of mir uso of the prl _ht hours of ihe 8th of August." NANCY ART WORKS MOVED TO SAFETY Preach Fear Damage by Sfu^lls Allies Destroy German Posts on West Front ' 'on. Jan. 7. Allied artillery fire ?rest front hn? beer. . n- with Germai, posll ami '- sstruel Soissons, in in the Houchet v? ood; OB of tram operation? south ol ?Arras, and l ?ring ?if ? :n??r.t? in tlio Argonre and in Paria to British official sue? ^ r part? of the front. - Nancy : by th?- city su ? aution ige I Is that I . ? ? ? k''in?. iya the French ccm to the '? - v "A ihellii a- nf the - -aa i || ,,;" S,. Two t'crman "In ? , our artillery ron ? ' ? ? .-.? ,, ? . ere ?cattcred itrenehea gne and "in ? -line? blew i] Gen ? :' the Meuse. ? helled . . ? . ? ; 1 di? to dis | ? ? ? oi ? ? ? . . .... ? . . born ? ? -.g hi? ? ?? ? ITALIANS TAKE FOES PO.ST IN RIVA REGION Surprise Attack Wins Position at San Giovanni. ... ?j trian poi tion at nee? to-day. The ;. ? r .: enemy Di Lai ling ai ? ? ?? uny point' "Is ? -e on January f\" saj ? ? unication, "our troon ? - .,-r? si by Dccupyin?: ir rrsck a position at ? the southern s.ope? ? one. of Col PI Pana the attacked our line? at many , bul everywhere was repnlaed ' f the front there hav? ively artillery actiona, in which i ? .... employed asphyxiating I rcrnft have appear? d over of th? l ? ? ? BERLIN DENIES RIOT TALES licrlare?. Dumonatrstlona \? ere Joyous Holiday Celebrations Berlin, Jan < bj wireless to Say ville, N. Y.). Ir. an article given out day, under the :-. Am iisemente," the ,;. ? : :? ?? ? service ai _ constan! j I i proofs of ?.' i ression - m ,n\ ; ? ? a *ueuti al eye-n it sppeared in these I.yus i havii ? seen the .- been i i? sen. wbe i ?i Germana stormed 'he Reichs ? ir.a-1 <"! ? the l ? icel <-r - residence. ""] ?? riea ot loaat produo .1 <'?ri ol eolor and ? Igor of i vention. These qualities are ? in u. tajona report ? ? erowdi assembled in Unter d? n Linden. Thia la quit? for the:-?? Merlin pool ? won'l do with? out a I in < "'? ? (l,n Lindei . g the relu-ill?'i)s cry. 'Proa I ? i " whicb means 'Happ Ifear!1 " ERITISH TRADE WIDENS Load? '. J?n. " ' rc l{oar,i ot Trade ! i. ??:.??: ?.. .a ,.-. ' m import? and of i orta. 'II..- principal increase? in imports were in grain, iluur and metala. Puti . .- . ? food, drink and t?>'....????<. . i.OOfl | hi chiefly In cotton, iron and manufactured steel. I-..? tlic ???'.r 1916 import? increa??"! reaaed tSk\ ??a- ??? JAMAICA EMBARGO RAISED ?...a, riiiiiinl AIluv?? |_Bgwa*d Shipment?. 1,, ihr 1 nit .ti Slat? - i . , -,, T - Kingston, J remov? -I tl ? eml ergo logw. and logwood txlra, I tnted Mi.tes. PEACE PILGRIMS LEAVE FOR HAGUE Threatened Suits Fail to Delay Departure?Mc ( lure Quits Party. DANISH SOCIETIES OFT $2,700 (ill T Dutch Authorities Will Not In terfere with Conference or tree Speech. Bj rHEODORE If. rot KNAN. R] i iMt i.i Tlir l*r<t>uDa ! ? openhagen, Jan. 7. Th? Peral peace .i" i tronc;, laft here :?? ?!,.v f..r rhe Hague !?> way of Genaaay Mu. ?leven hour? which irlll 1"* *pent ifl travelling thron,: h ?.. naaa prriMry promlaa to he tho nio*.t uncomfortable ?pent by the pilgrima ainee tiny landed i Europe. Owiag to th* nasabai ?>f letpers need for transporting ihn 4?er loundod, ihn party niun fat along arlthoal aleep daring Fridaj night. a?"*? ng only daj eoachea to travel in- Kach member <>f the party will l>r numbered and lagged and e'oacly guarded during ? ? : .1 ? 11 ip, and not h !'?'? ?? at lier many >\ ,? n. ... I??.?. ( ?t, ? ? , tar win* oewi being ?ecurely barred. Each par ten :n the part} i* pledged ta abide t?;. militar) rule, The t ti i ? ati ed tail ol Rexford Hen.?'*' d ?charged bead of the expa? . aphera, againal Una. and Louii I'. Loehnei fei ?lander, which it waa feared would huid u,i the puny in Copenhage I), failed to mat? i i ? It le* ' : formed llolmea, ?I ii understood, tli?t he could nol tal er tha i ,:iv. He lei : a llague to? , ? ' he at '? route, w hlli the Ford leadei ?? ? ? acking their '.u^;...., ? ? ?' t.i da' , k:i . up to threaten Bel r el l ouriat l? preai nted an ul timatum at i i eleveoth bom demand* . . :'"i alleged cai celle ?rvat ions tor i< Ige to Tl ?' ?. threatening Inatai i act'on if the ;? di ? ? i?? i.?." complied with. The ?Cenry got no ? .... ft tha c it] Th? Ford lieutenanta made a faro ? |(.n groi ? i 12, ' 4'oponi ?tie?, rithoui Mme. A ?. ?list. Mr. Mri haa d lap* and ii reporte : to b? on the ? h j to 1 lalmber had m Her farewell worde r o 11 r of the pari .|i?\ a ? ? ? ? ltd be st the con? ference at , even If ahe bad a tried to gel the I? adera ?kholm matead i ! 111 .- , ? tl The H ? eu p. Jan. 7. Two buadn the Ford ] W ? r. vh The Hapuc a' 11 ?.',- ,irk ? ? morrow morn t- Krrx \ te day by ? I oral me th? at the n ?ray ?tatioi ai ?i eon la differ? ent hot? The arrant-* men- ? ?o 'ur i-rule for th? ! ? i ?-? re Includ? he me? ting l^rfir'ii nuil In the Zoological Gardena, Ma restrictions have been ? ? ? i ei eir pro? ? eeding - Ben Mark The attitude of t.i.?' Dutch toward the part ribed aa Th?> i tan dp? ? ai high minis 'orial author:';. ?? ** h it t Holland i-1 ? t'rc<* eo Dutch law guarai ???> i ???i f? r -der or nv , * ?ruled. Hence the povernment ? ? ? of interfer? ing with pu peeehei bj member . ir, favor of peace. If t end, ao much th? better, a | th< oil i voi a thia reap? -? Several Members of lord Party in Berlin to Study . Jan '. Several member? of the 1 'ion are viaiting Ber? lin, having In*,'' granted permiaaion to . the perl y'a pn ??? for journalistic studies here. The main party traversed Germany from Warnei the Danish from er, to Bentheim, on the Dutch front! r, by way of Hamburg. 11 ?? German Consul at Copenhagen .ir-ed ?he p?B?port*? of the party f'?r .his route only. RUSSIANS "SEIZE VOLHYNIA FORT ( <?nt1i?u*<1 from pa?r 1 iu>. . *: ? lth hool ? a' the ? ?i di, i th? ai ? ?? . " re, then pul! ; until they have brokei one of the ,' wire, and eor.l h ia tha metl od until the whole entanglemenl ia re? moved. "In the Riga ret'ior.. near Oil and /anil, the German? diacharged ?-a* ? t our Intrenehmenta," ?uld th-* ' da] itatement "Near Duck n of Jacobstadt, thIrty Russian aeouti bravely engaged in h orne German i wh'i had loal their way, bayoni apt di lag tl i ' I tar. "Oui anta captured tl a town < ? .... ... ! the *..??!? two "rVi captured three offl quan ? attacl idpinjr . rtoryi k, fi ? "Northea f 4 ti the A?;? triana, aftei employing asphyj- atine tried u counter attack, but were driven back to thtir trenchei by our f:re." "The Ruaalaa detachment which yea? terdaj ?' on of a ehurehyard north ? f C**rtoryak waa driven rine the ni| the G? rmaa ?: ?,r. "V. -ter lay <m the nortl compai al is a ealn pre* h led, 1 gl I ? A u? * r a en en pied th? ? :. irel yard aortl l ai torysk, but v tuati ng th? i nem* '' ? ?' ? arpi l.tera ad val ?r?i Dp? ri nur line northeast of BUC i daybreak and p aetrated . ui trei eh foi .? ahoti distance I lui Hoi ved Infantry regiment? Soa 14 ?n?i : i. I> quick counter attacha, expelled . nemy, capturing numerous pria? oaera and tl.r? <? machine curi* FRENCH GENERAL DIES Serr?t, 4 unimander of Vo?g? ? Army, Succumb*? In Wound*?. Ran *? t. Franc? Ler.eral .*-? rr ,.r, \>. in? v.e:. in eommai ' th? . ? eneh army ?a th ?ounds received in a r? i t engagei It v.,?- neceeaary to amputate n leg, nt,?l the genera] did not recover from the abed*. KAISER NEAR DEATH IN AIR Narrow Iv .".?cupe?! In Zeppelin I'Hjrht ???er \\?r?aw, I? I'rpnrt reti?nrr?il. Jan. 8. The "Ho?tr.? ?in ? rrttr" to i|?y print? a ?ensational ?tnry <?f a n?rr?nv em-ape from i1f??th by Km peror William ?lurinir'a light In a Zep? pelin ?lr?hlp over U'Kr?aw. AlthoUgb the ?lory I? officially denied in ?iiT many, the COrrespondonl chum?; that he i? m peeeeoeion of circumstantial de ?nil? of the ?en11r.? Incident, ?tul ?? cor roboratien of the verity of bii state m? i i M] i the etrew ?* ? > ? i oflcei i ? the airship were especially rewarded for having saved the Emperor's life during the Sight al th? fi?.iii CHARGE MULETEERS SHOT U-BOAT MEN I ondon Reports Say Nlcoslan'l Crew. Not Baraloag*?. Killed Germans. B) AIMTIl R *;. IM'AI'I i: [By C< -i ' ! I.'H-.iion. Jan ? i ? faets !n tin? Liara!) ng i e, as the? i on ? from n trustworthy BOUrCO. I I o ?.nu, londeii with Males, -i?." !.. a Ger min submarine and Immi .? tried; ta sscape, but had little hope el getting an ay. The lifeboat? WOfS BWUI la readiness. The U?boat signalled bet to ht.ip ?nil began Bring al aneo whan : i i order vva.. nol ob? : ? d. fourteen shot? were fired before one in the Nicosien, ?ro r,d I muleteers. Bh? si ipped si took la tho small m ? . ? s, but? i rei umed as ; i ? two I."'?i ? lafl the ' i?li- of the i N icoi ?at.. ? i ?ermane, engre? led In etTo Mtik the Nicoeian v. 111 ? ? i. ? | ?? : pe lo poi il', v b< eau ie II a.? lideri d unm ar becau?? the mated did nol I or Igt un li.i port tide ' ? ' eomm inder ? th? it i d two of th? ere? ... i ?? Bai flew an A can flag, around the bou of tl ? in, part - I be guns, e ? ? ? ? ? - . .i.i.i' . : ?? third i hot -nk tbe ' (iernuin Ifoat. Meant une the N icooian alongside h? r. a ... and two of tho ci su ? below ?The i uleteei ? 11 raged it tl 1 and n' ? ' , ion?. ? . i i i ???? Gel . were lined i Hr'.tiMh sailor? dree their r? ? ' ' ?'".'? ? ? ;?? . over the The ?hole affair ?Id not laal ? re. ftei tei The N ? - . houri The Ger prote?! wea ba affidevitf of - i Ame-' eteer? on the Nicoaisi. ?? h? Uaralonsr continued III - marine's en rer vet er. and ? were found or board ? i ? ..v,. cH irged ? ? . pi ?o? or? CrPTSTMAS T) ?V FINDS PETROGRAD CHEERFUL War Forgotten for Three-Day Holiday Celebration Pr?r relegated to seeon I place being : of 'He r ?.? ? ? ple by the ? ' ..> eh are now absoi bed In spil ' ?h<? eountlesa brokei circles I there Is much ? ? enfhu?-.a?m being : II fe "1 various observaneei of th? fa and a r< -ire. Businea cam? to i itandatill ?I I o'clock on Christ mai I i I - . I ree day cessai on. i >?daj ths aeu papers were nol : raed, the government of? ents were ? - ? . ?The high prie? ?? . ? ? ? . . ng and tl able 1 d>il.r.'. ir. < hrisl ? mai ree?, a p?'>;?vi?itr feature of the ? es, a i '? ? '"??" et the for 1 orting them They broughl n? h Jin em s, h n ral times the ? Crire and the supplies were early ?x ousted. _ The custom? of the old country are red ont by th o?) n America, but r ird oi Health i iling and treel a.r-l.i-nna-.-? n !,' . ? ' IBS in Sew York Is very ? other < hri-Tn,.' ex? ? pi the i"ii I rhere ? . ? lotion ol - f? ci alls prepa ed (???? ? n ? ? ? : '1 . At St Nid ?e\ enth St reel ' ? i Gre? k ma a ervie? - si G p. m. i!ulaian Imn ?tri ? I;- ?? n 84? Bast Fourteenth Street, the day a served qn ' ? ' mat? and ?? ?ral barkings back to ? a farm? r Chrisl "re old , ? ntry. 1 hose of the 1 popula! m who t fim of i ther per ? ' tq ??' lebi ite Lhi I them at of "The 1 and the 1 et. al 14 Whitehall Si ay, it ng a hi You Can't Work with hand or brain when tiic body is poorly nourished. Get warmth and strength for the day's work by eating for breakfast Shredded Wheat with hot milk. Contains all the tody-bllilding material in the whole wheat grain pre? pared in a digestible form. Its crisp goodness is a delight to the palate and a life-giver to tired brain and jaded stom? ach. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. ALLIES RELEASE TEUTON CONSULS Freeing of Sal?nica Offi? cial,s Satisfies AI Ii ens. BULGARIANS AGAIN CLASH WITH GREEKS Rome Lifts Censorship <>t* the Details ?if ?)ura7*'i Naval Battle. ? ? ?:??:,, Jan. 7. A Rai M uispatch froi Mb? '?? ander date af laauarj ,; l Ministor to Greece, ha aanounei ?I ? tal 1 ? ? nasula af I ? I its lie all?? ai reated at Sal?nica b ? . i Greek newepapere, th?? diapateh a.iu , ! th ?a action ?? a! ' ing th? ireek government. <?n January I ths French Ministry of e Interior annoo i I the A *r .',. German, Bulgarian and Turl il . ?. a ho were am '? i alonlca ?.???ii?.i i, bro igbl to ?lai ailles and f ron. there conducted lo th? tier i ? censorship at Rama having bren lifted to-night. II in bow tu.'"-il>le to give detail? nf the ?? 1 engagement off Burazso, Albania, <>n I? eemb? r 29 in wl ? ? ? ti trian deatroyen i r .. !n'. and I. ka wars ?unk For l?verai daya an Auati an aeroplaai had been tlvir.? over lliu a,/??. Staking un-' r tio i, ari I ?. ?. dropping bomba an December L".? an Austrian iquadron, com].I ? '.* five da troyem i i Helgolaud, entered the harbor at full \ the Austi ? .?'!"?' approached the] opened a beai y fin i a ( steal p h had pul foi i ? t<? h?" eng ri?. of th? i " ' . aa i th?' aaserl thst t . ra on board ? ere in d en, even after th? ft l el and ??..-, i. !???.'.,? ?i.- ? ; ? in ?. ?;'nre. n tustrian* also boml i ?ai r, l?verai Italiai sailing boats ?? tttacked the encampi Italmri troop?. The tire waa directed pOOl . ?." ?' ' Ver, end ' I"' > a -'r " rr, ,',, '. . An attempt wn? made by the Aui r i lead a detachment ol ?., ? liarj bo ?? ba te set ira I I ? eu ?I warehenae, bul an Italia reventad the la ?in..:. \' Iralinn iquadron arrianl nr?l ? ? re ?in r be Au II r.a i u ,?i rho Like. I i ici by ? ' ? the " one h in fred, inder V'ineer, wire drowned. ? i . | Aere com?, the ba roer, hewever, and ?he ., ' ? : g II Il i .- ' i tronp? 1 ? ? ? r gendarme? 1" . . ? ?riling to ;. Hi ! pat? f r >-n .--a.? ' ritiea, I . . . ? . pn ? from g the Gi ? rontiei indi erbian refh-cp. ?r? Serbia) ? r . ii [tal) ?thai . ' v ? ? ? ' .??try. DISCUSS AUSTRIAS FINANCES Huai Meas ii by Mieteten Caafet <?n liaiinonii? I'i?*- linn. London, Jim h. A l'eu'?r'. ?lispatc'i from Amsterdam atatea that at a j" i * 1*1 nferei ?-?? i :i Y ? ? i . . ? | ?? leed over bj Hi ron Hunan, the Austro-Huagarlan Foreign Minister, it :< anderstood the i? anemieel and mi i al i" ition of the Daal Moaarcl i ? aa dl euased Tins?? attending the conference in eluded < o int Knrl von Btuergkh, th? * latrian Premier; ('??mir Stephen , ? garian Premier: Geaei ??1 ron KrobeUn, the vYar Minister, ami i nee Siiniater '.??.i Keerber, CHUa^CHILL WINS PROMOTION I \ ? ah ne! MialatOf \*V i il l'on? m a nil Battalion "n Pi*easra Kr?nt. I doi la) T Major \V;n??on ? burchill, o r< ?."'??1 from 'ho l'abi ,.l v.. nt to th? front with ?ii?- regt? ?, ;.;,? been appointed ta eemmaad II lion of " lu?.her? at i . i t is tei ii i?rr I to be Mi I BRITISH SET PRICES FOR U. S. BONDS Issues List of (Quotations in the Scheine l'or Mobilizing Securities. London, Jan. 7. 7 i i prices at **; eh th-- I4rii!*-!i governmenl prepared to '. aei ''-.ii ?' curillea umler tl i curitiea mobilisation icheme were tna?l<? known to-day, l he ?ir-' ? fellow: a i : -. i : ? ? . . ? ' ? I . . ? ? . a " ' > ." ? .-r I . ? ? ?? ? ',. 4- . 1 , ? * " ' : ? ?. ? l- " '. .? ? , ? ' . ?? ' : ? . ?V ?ursh, Latu Erie ?it '?'? . . , - a * W i '. , ? . < ? ? i ? , ' . ? a m mort??*;? I , ' . . . ? .? ? . '.'... < ? a ' I ' I S??". ? . " - ?? ' ' *.-?'? . , I Lit aim ' :? ? ? ' , ? . , i ? , .--. . . -Jl|4t | a ' . 4 ? , ' ? . ? ? ' . ?' 4- . I . . ' ' . 1 ? ? ' ' ? 4 ..-.?. < ; " . a , ?1-1 - . A a ? ? I , . ' f ' I ' ? ' . . ' . ? I ? ' I | ? ' ' ; . 1*1 ' ? , . ' .1 ' I 4 ' . ? - Quits U. S. Position at Rome. ' v - lerfcan : Imbaaay I.ere, H? ? ? GAINS VESUVIUS CRATER Scientist I'mllrt? No Serlou? ham?* from Month? of Uruptinn. Naples, Jan. 7. Professer Malladrs director of the H??yal Obeerratory ?> Mo'jrit Vesuviti?, h?. BOeeoedod m ap preaosalag th? cra??r of the rolsaue Wbleh ha? been erupting l?va. ???he: an?l cinder? aince |aet Novtnber. i'rofe??or Malladra believe? ?'.. tion will not have ?eriou? con ?e-.iien?-e? TEUTONS NURSE DOG HEROES Jena llo.pltal Treats Animal? VN hn Re?eoei Wounded Soldier??. Berlin. Jsn. 7 'by wir'-les? 'o Bay? ville, N. V.i. The dosr? of the army hospital service, have had a hospital provided for then In Jene,. Alr'-h?i> many of the ?nimnl pe'ier.t.? have been treated there for wound? and o'her ail? 1 ment?. The hont ital war. b'lilt by eon? va!e?r-?'nf. ?old . , ?. SO far the do/? of the ?erv-r.- .. e es ted st least 9,099 wounded -old era urbe ot.lienvi??' rould have perished BRITISH SUBMARINE SINKS OFF HOLLAND Grounds and Springs Leak Crew Is Saved. London. Jan. 7. The ?inking? of a Hr ? h lubesariae off the coast of Hol lan?! ..'ly announced t> da,. T is crew wag saved. ??.i-, a total of eleven Firitiih rir.n?? !o?? ? the bogiaa ng of r. A maj-irit?/ of these, however, have been of the ?mailer tvp??. The Admiralty .-U'ement ?ays thavt the stibmarme, the name of wh ?h II net fciven, went down ye?terdav off th? . ., " !???!. th? ' irgesl and mint southwosterly o' th? ft ilaa trroup Th? en'ire erow. numbering thirty-three, ?va? ream?. I by the Du'cn cruder Noor.l Hrabant and brought into th?- Dutch port of Helder. The accident to the ?ubmar'ne w?? due to the fact th?t it grounded and sprang a leak, havintt taken the wronir .. i.'T S'oordl noon, saws an Am ' itcrdam di*patch, which add* that the erOW has b?*en int>rne<l :n 'he na\al barrack?. ?a hational \ttf^'%W?r"y/ ,Nsrmmoie' Browning^ King & Co CLOTHING, HATS V AND FURNISHINGS SALE Suits and Overcoats All Men's $40. $35 and $30 Fancy Suits Now $24.50 Overcoats, ioi-rnerly $30, $35, $40, $45 and $50 ? 20% Off A *FT>I CTION OF 20% ON ALL CHILDREN'S CLOTHING This sale starts Saturday morning. The first comers have the best choice. Do you know what cloth is worth to-day? 33% more than when these garments were made. If the garments were still in the piece goods, we could make more than our normal profit by selling the cloth. But all these garments were made for this Fall season, and we propose to sell them. I BROWNING, KING & CO. Broadway near ^2nd Street. Cooper j^.'uar? it ;:h SI *wiwi*4-*-?*^?*?*-.? ? ?-? - * - '-T. . *'"?*r?" *r",*'W-'; f *?*?"''?-a --? ? ? ?.?a, |^t? , , .i.i ilj. ?aa.i.1 I, T m*-*~Jmjli'?.-.. * '?? I ? 4 y r7rt Ffts-teri Together!" ?Tust part of the story of a ?Shoddy Shirt as told by Samuel Hopkins Adams in to-morrow's Sunday Tribune. The per? nicious, ubiquitous Liberman bobs up again, and this time on Fifth Avenue, if you please! The champion job-lotter, window-baiter and boister? ous "selling-outer" of many names and is prop? erly landed and lampooned in masterly manner. Hoes he deserve it? Yes?and then some! The methods of this type of preposterous price cutters and fake sale promoters are fully exposed. Read it, for your pockets' sake. To be sure, tell your dealer to save your copy of the Sunday Tribune. $\\t ?un?ctg ?ritan? First to La.* t?the Truth: News?Editorials Advertisements.