Newspaper Page Text
MOTHER CHARGES INSANITY PLOT "Railroaded" to Institution by Kin and Doctors, Says Mrs. Mabic. 1)1 CI MvM.S DAUOHT1 R Dl HANDED .MONEY ?Divorced Husband Believed t?? Have Directed Plan for R< Her. " " ? .?m shi di\ora, ? terdajr. .1 her form- , r 1 il ?ras forced I " ? ? - . - Hall. ? imford, In her ab? sence, ace r to further all ? Mrs. 1 I complete ( MnV.e. in ht*, ni i.ppealed to my dauph'or to remove me. B not he ?as actir-.f my di? vorce ? -. n from Brooklyn." Mrs. Mal a te terday asked J - iratnlt - ' about 'two years ajro. Thrre ??a? no opposition in court to tbc itioi lustlee New? ... - ? do so, ? | already boon rom the institution. Uabio'i story, ? from >! son-in-la . ra-.l - and Jewelry. i a ? e vi-ited the ? Hall. ' ? I I ? ' EDUCATORS LOSE I i GARRETT CASE Declared Void Because Maker Was Spinster. - of Misa - ? : who ?-, and tentlou ? raa not entitled to b? prop? i that only one-tbtrd >/ 'he Inl ? ? - ? hboui I WILSON AND RIDDER IN CLASH OF WITS \ir Views on Accuracy ol Paper ant! Mlghl ol Ooll --lick. ? New York we - nade up jf . ral II Kiddei ? ,.f the ? nde and Mr, and '?' loaned tO-m": The part? ?> bod ? ? \ at Bol - . while golf?n?; hi- an?) Mr Rid ei I at one of IBS tO) I r ???. The Pi ted Ml r.ier to drive mad? hi? d> wbich ? jM r i Horn? at l h p Mrs Herbert M. Alexander und Dr. Caill? ara ani?n, other New York ar? rival?, u Auto Show Ends To-night with Records Smashed Attendance Has Hem Double That o? Any Lr-iwtoui Vmr and .Both Maken and ftrtributeri .Are Jubilant Orel Business Prospecte 1er N?xt Twelve Months. By HANK CA1.DWFLL. ,.?? to-nlghi ; 4m at Ihs Ofswd Centi-al 1>. thibiton trill b.'i'in to-nwirov to pack up fot ths < blcagu Mj . lay thai Die total attendance o? ths Palace ! 800,000 were knocked Into n cocked .bat me last nlghl that ths paid s on Thursday ?rere 11,000. v g loch last nlfhl there irai I ra room in nny booth li? the -exhibition. Tha crowd ai the mi . ? ? . riol Bos office line, reached down th? block, and four tickel choppers were on tho jump. ? ? exhibitor said they sin ; t understand th? pop w ma i"'r"r'' tn* ,!"orq ' opened on New Year's Eve thai record !"' broken, bul thej did not dream that thej would be doubled. Th? largest paid ada ""1 when the national ah will probably run de o t.> 16,000. ?! all th? ' . '! tribut?! . They now have in? doubl ?1- ' >lng and mark." ' '? ' ? . ? rera have uinot the?, reel thai this mand. Pierce Built to Laat. In series P now displayed at artistic outline? and rich l" ? j. car bni ' I ? . SCO ' t year are nep - ... with ? ,irs un ' by pre i ed 1 ? i - ? r the ? - Ii by centrifugal pui ? ... ? ? ? wire faced carefully ? ? ? Marmon Spring System. ? ? in se*, r and r '-? The tipper ?prlnr 1? ?lleht ' ? r, out to a nne and with pro . - the nuht fide, the aprinirs are ' On 'he axli' und ?M'tin!,' Is shnrk ? both e] ? .- i,i n eontacl the ? :'h of ? ? . tl ng the i to the ' the A natural eipeetetlon, however, pp< ,1 would - to r ? ? i fact there are few Bo f this i '?' 1 he ? -, is, that o? ... .... I the action ' ? it' ? I To teat i car wai at a i ? , froi ' ? I it may b? ? climas for a m... ? Chalmers Gives Prizes. ilmen a Chalmei for thi t. In Mercer Wins at Ascot. ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? vd. Thi Asen* P ir'r I Is a one-:: SUFFRAGISTS WORK TO RESCUE MASSES' Slarl Surprise Fund to Relieve Max I .1 .trnan of Financial Burden. be n red of the burden of triv?n? financia! ?unnort ?o "'Iv ' h rud'c-i! magazine of he is editor. The su!T. .' e rescue, r the enthusiastic iuf nurnhrr v ? - ? ? ' ,ter, treasn ... ... Max I He ! ' f the ej ? ?? her I It. erall) . ? red to the poem 'A Ballad, wh in tha o in January, and ; : .t to be b:?rrcd from i ? ? Ballad was dellgh ' Miss ? * ? ? ' .i? Benedict - ? SEEKS TO FREE CLEARY ? ouaoel '?r it i?<>?^ \*k? f?ir ? ertta , id- nf Res onsbls D '?? ? ? ? : ray to ? .for ? abt. An ap . Drigg ? ? ? ' ? ' ' ' ? lie s weight of ? , the result of piejud I 1a?i-isi< Young said he would deride I the svphcaliou next WOOka 3,000,000 HOURS TO REPAY HATTER5 ms Throughout Nation Wll Contribute Toward $252,? 000 Judpnent. elf-l ? .* hatm.'.kcr an* sl ? thrll ON r who - ? thrill ?ii? ? ea up !u thi of laboi r.s a year a?-o. . '. Lf ?] ? latiafaetien l Danbury unionists, in view of ','?.. ? ? ? ? ownera b* ? Ar.- . 'ir,ilcr which this i. ? '.'??.. i ? Le t ti ? era to aet ai Dsj Oa i liOur ' ? Vr ????rnpi'M rt ry unionist ?ill work for th?* ? g thai bom a to the ? local? ?nH from there ? ' I 3,000 ? ? ..... .! ?_- a i n - * . al hnttle i.. V.l.- ' -:n?lly was Staff . hi;' i-trust liiva might It il*' '.nuns, h.? a m< SI ? ". the Amei ; . ' com ? iry ha* my of whoa angcd fron tty 4 thi ' ? il object ? ? ? ... -, pro U i ii ? r damages wa ugnirmt 'hem. ? G rapara Is Vr? letter to organ ll ? ' el irea that the hatter ? ? ... ? I r the I ? ? aboi i- arajeal to duty m the matter and to bear ? abare in the common struggle to establish ladastrial iastiee." | SEES U. S. MIDAS ?NG NATIONS Redfield Warns of Dangci ?n War /Viadc Pros pority. MUST MOBILIZE FOR RETURN Of PEACE Busloesi Should Prepare Id Flghl to Hold Markets. Was I ngton, J n " Seei I, In a memoi bosinesi ? ! !?? Pi la tures thi s most 1 that the war's Inflation i I will litfit only until the WHr'i SB i ? i ? ? ?? il pre? pare ? ? "It is not I retary says, "thnt our ba ? ? form. " dreama I - or in th? future, mai I lOJVS ment of moi actual value or that an apparent net buiat..-?? ii n I ro? on nu ? ?, billion? In any okie year "It is alike impossible and unde? sirable thai i ? ;e. It is Imposait le, and 1 because the world baa not the n i?uch ? n addl ' lions nre i. i comes in our mai kst vast as It I?, there an i.? uri d?sirai u d make ?a t Masl lia?i- \ lalon la Fatare. "Wbethi ? a s shall remain the r bankers, manufi, farmers. We ha Brat time ?m of finance. In this one respect o Oui ? ? the i - "'I i ? . dividuals in the factoi ? >ur buainei that I ' ? than ' ? . ? befon ? onditiona at \?n?'? End. ' nil of "Thi the ; ' i, ? ? " U a - fron grou, anee of h? sales of mi oi war ? ? ' a . ' e to I e?i? th? -co of h gl pent;. ? ? ol." WADE WINS* WAY BACK TO POLICE CHAPLAINCY Ousted by Waldo, He . Iffhtl 3 Years for Reinstatement. After a fight of more I the IV " on the against thi s hlleifed order he ' servie?? ?ere i ' ? - " thai reinstatement ? ? ? ? rrgyi ? . red a LU ?.ayi.or hi. I Mr. Wa et no satis? i fsction from c ? . ? Protest i Canrtd.a:. D . ?v .lehn, N B . ? . ? ired by la a ?liceii to-iiay and returned to B1 Joba. I SAYS FILMS STOLE VOLCANO ?Xiiflu.r itrlnR? Infrlna-ement Suit \i i i. ? l'un?!.. Cimipin). Ju?t ?*, imt eeeeetial ?iffeteaea saisis ? ??ri a snraalae, bl?sim?le-tbe-beMJe ?all aae hh?I Uih or.llnarv ?i mi* of BMSiag picture com i v? ill bs Jadgs Mayer's preble?si la ii.* United States i?i trtrt Court to ?lay. Whet-bet ill? astlvttles si ?!|y alar volcano can bs baraeeaed bi law wll be decided ?? i boaaaa li i a and ths Triangle I ra my have atol a I a Idea et n I bat, ? , us.- I in 'The i | . .? ? Rich ?r,l Walton . ? -l . '.i:ir'"f ? I riangle eeneern. "1 . tn Hawaii to is"*?' th?s : f.?r thai volcano." ar? Jna1 want outsMe our , and ssed our ?to?*-?, hllloek ?. t f i . ' trinii m II eoneera, \!r. Tully, who bI?o wrote, "K haad la detail the ? ; icttiea of hi? own ?articular pel ! phonographic race da of i! eruptioi lueed m ? ou, t aa a ?a? ? tiding ? ? i either Infringes a| as ? ber. AF.TNA FACTORY ON FIRE ' ? nii.iiiisiii.n BetUrreal ite ?p?in*?ilile for I (?*??. Term , Jan 7. On* af 1 ? r mill? nf ths -ft'na Ex . \ plant her?, was ?1** ? ight '1 lie ; ? . ,ooo. , lost Th? origin I? be II coni aaaa in the I n the buililini?. BOYS' CLUBS BE<*'N $500,000 CAM! AiGN Newsboys' Home To He Enlarged and Use Broadened with Added Resources. The eseeatlvs remailttes of the t,n da) ? ;iin?>a?irn. luvlnninx Mea day, Jsaaary l'1, te raise $.'.011,1111:1 ?or the B -' < ?ni? tseedetlea sf I ni, la? ladesi n V> litt I? ton, 1 Imirman : 1 bar?es il. >:?i?in. William M. Klaga* le-. vV. n Bhiddy, loseph P. Day aad William Shi Haber, jr., rlce rha raaea; E, N. Potter, treasurer; ? 1 Bchols, aecretary, and s. m l?.int. executive aecretary, lli>* headeaarters aro in ?uli? 120, the World Building, I'ark Kew. :ri(lor?rmf crirn ? ? ' ? . Part ,ub of ., oung * 10b a it ? ? wel bit a ? any effort r? led to e tradil ? ' enm? ? go l'ul do ""?? 'hrni ,1 ;. orkera ? rite] ?>?." I ...g ln ' 1 lome 1 ' i- ' ,;ht. STEAL $1,000.003 IN REVENUE STAMPS Hi tv Opi-'n St. Paul "ral Building Vault. Ipproi !e in ?ump? .. thousunil (folla ? night by robben I Pede ral ? : V ip the loot and ? ? .?i"'il with '??la larc<* ? ' revenue collector, m who*?? '., can ? amount obtained llr, Internal revenue I he telles have great ?Jifliculty in es :? the a? ? record is . 1 ] I " - ' , or a ; ???t?mate,! ? slue. Bi:ITAIN CUTS COTTON RATE Will ?Csalarsts Balas Caaiwlaf More than *"- a llundrnl Pound?. ? -'I sn a I m thia ? d by setton trailers ; r '.*? on cotton to i. :rom American ports are now said to range from $'J 00 to $?'< a hutulr?'?! pound?, the hU'h rates being ige m tonnage. Otfurgiaa H?re for Show; Dies. ! . ? ? : . t th? I ?r I- Silo? . - it heart ? ideutified bl hil is. K1cl.aru-.0n, ail ? ,i 107th Street. I JUSTICE BRADY, OF BRONX, DEAD Stricken by Pneumonia at Atlantic City Day After (.rrristmas. HAD OONE TO RESORT TO RECUPERATE Jurist Formerly I Democratic I eatfer Served oa Tax Board and as Park Commissioner. Juitlco John J. Brady, of the ; ?> Supreme Ci'ir*. died laxt ni?.'ht I I ?he Hronx. He hud been in poor ? r ?varal weeks, ar.d n* l ?ent to Atlantic ? .'v. w th Mrs. Brady and Ins daughter, Eleanor, te recoper ? m ?!,?? folio? ng ?lxy he | cold, and ; ?.en Brady ive? I to New i Yet* on Deo the train. His death, nevertheless, came as a surprise, f"r hi? ??r. T Jos? ph D inn, had re be bad paa? I i ' ni?ht and ? mproved yester ' the aixty-tW? year? of I n el i he D iat) ' . ? , t ?vas 1 -.-.,? of 1 ?? : li un I.I. I?. ' twenty y< : ".hen he m< ' of i ? ? i i'.r?i'iv be? ? He put up IndependeiI who i ?t the : Tnnim ? '?.mie ? be un - ? ? ? ? ' , 'Strict ; . I p'.nre I ? obc ? of that year, he a i-.e vacant pi.^t to Hr: 'urried to the Tax Depaii Brady became i ? ? His | 14, ?hat Justice I ? v.a r I .' ' ' li ' I . on the v.. II? of th? ipreme t chai . Mai i ? rest ii '?? ' .' ind m ? tho ' ' CARGO OFF TO SAVE BABY WAR VICTIMS 00 Worth of Relief Sent by Red Cross Flotilla Fund $:,2.3'J9. Wh) ? smbean li I it car |7,500 for 1 of France und He!?.?; im i . '?' of the An - BUj* . ' butions dur.r?* - grsr . ng the larger contrih . Hrooklyn, $1,000; Mrs H. I ? I)utclie?s County ?'? ' im T. Hyde, $290; ihr . Bth Whitman, 1220.71 "? ! : P . |200? I". B., |1 ''? Mr. a ? ing the tn data amount::..- | grand ? - It $3 ? ? m -I ?? Sei ? Pavlowa marin, ? ? ' n-n, treasurer of I Fund, amounted to II - ? ? .. ' fund? . 1514,191 s.r. th? A an Fund with tl ? Merc... : ?j.v total - - \ A the laiaT'-r COntl ibur M in??; the week I", the National ?Uliel I'.elief ? omm ttee wire: 1 :atir-, ?$200; Anonvmous l -? ? I ?V. J. Hit) I 1100; '? ' "a ; du l'ont. 1100; B 1 Wellman, : und Robert S. Bradley, $1 -, $100; J. K. Co? re '" Mrs i M. Pullman, $in?i; j. [ \; $100; I>. C. Smith, $1""; Y W II a i h irlo? W Hubbard, ilno: c \\ ird, | :. ? ox, $11 . Edwar I M I ope. ; ? M - nn i \ ? IT $t' 0; V *man. '.V P Under) II. $140: ? R ?'lapp, $100: Henry Chalfant, $10 . I. Wh:'.-, $600; John I SIOo. Dndlag Alcott. Ed, Jiuo, William L I Bel?fw.n, ?fl#0; Mrs taaa I mrr??ne?? .?;,,,,, | ' .1 "?. , , ?-. ll'?0 The British Arneiirar, Wir R? ?' ? .,, i r. .-? owledged ' rly $1 "">> ? tern botlons Arn'intr the larger COntributloi by th? Arn? ? :'"?'. J? I ,),(?,. ? . ",. teere: l, \ Hod teder, $100; Ladies' Sew. ? ? " $500; Ham n aui ist. . '? ??? B | I; '; ?? b< r, Rytt< ' ? rg a . , ' I . sioo. liara?! k Eis? reel * 'M I'orl R? I ' an ambo I ? ' ? TENNESSEE COPPER IN ACID CONTEST International Agricultural Cor poratlOfl Plndl Deliveries of Sulphuric Difficult. ? ? - ? ? ? sulphuric ,. Tcnn., for noun?-, arid the sbai I of ' ?SO of .' from ? ' pliurie acid outp rmei 1 ? ? ' tract are ? con A .:????? ?;.- Wedge, pre i phoned to ? n this that irle acid ? hai been phut <J..wii for three. ?'ns. "No depar'ment ?if the . - been made ' ? inging foi a rennessi ? ? - ? uary 5 - ? the 1 i to com? fi 1:11, Tei . i i poi onr pre? ? ? inii that an i mi ?ry. ? ' ? '.. u t I ItJ ' - ? n the 1 saniei ;.ar-, I ; - ? CASSIDYS $1,000 FINE TAID Poeelble B rrlet to Bolease by F'arole B i-'l Is Removed. -.? ; on Joseph I reral of loard <jf w. t me r'or h m I ? I ' tor of "The i of s ? ? I appeared rdaj ? check ' that the flna ? Bid. CHINESE ACCUSE DETECTIVE Merchant? and Inundrymrtn Prcsslnj?; Charge of \-?ault. " - ? . ' ? ?hmese Merchants' A I ap r ? ... li.-.rn.a in ' ' him. ? to '?ir. Moy, the I issoual ' i ' ? ? ? RED CROSS WAR GIFT GROWS Amerii an Bf ISM h \p:?r.?[)riate? .?"?..??O?) to \d I a. ni \\ ?ii.i-.i BasTsron v..? . laa. 7. Ti a ? le in Kur?.: ? ? ... I Crowd Woman to Sub-, ? . ! from and fell in I of a tr.m .? ? .. ? ,, atea ?pranij | >?nd lifted . r fro:- I before th.? srrival ? ? 1 from the platform. Sh? .? . ? U. S. Treasury F > - - > ? . . - - < ' ! ' ... 1 li? ?a! laa. a a. a. . CITY ECONOMY AMUSES TRAVIS Spcntl $30,000,000 0n Courthouse, Then Cut Stenographer'?! Pay. STATE CONTROIIIR at REAL ESTATE DINNQ l Ifectire Organlzatlom t'r-red t'? Combat Unneeded ^"?vern mental Expei ''??I Knr*ti M. Travis, ? ' ' 's;**ri T. **t, nura'i ? " ?; oil!., bear) : ?.. to pi; It ' ? v It ?. ? ? ' ' t| L. D. ' ? ?i ... ? "Ii r ? ' ? ? ? ' ' ' ? ' NEW HAVEN jURY OUT FOxR THE 1 I .Hiliiiiiril t, am pas* I I Port : ' ? W ??' - - Heard. ? * ... ' ?. ?Stea? l-Char!? ' ... ' Haven. 1906-UH4* l ? * t sjsatj - . ? ? ? .,? ' ' . i j. ? I tl - ' " ., " * ? tka*' duty H. : ? lla\en ; ; , ?' or u? ".'?'" m I ' ?*' ' . pfS??"' ?rt?*** ?*' attorn. ,*?* tT" 'lattOA aetua ? ' :1 * Mild a*ia?SSlX. i