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BOORS AND AUTHORS REVIEWS AND COMMENT LITERARY CRITICISM AND BOOK NEWS TV War in Fran?ce sind Russia, with .1 Back? ward ?LaOok ?it .Egypt A ?Thorough Little Handbook on Prepar^ness. Wim mi tixm i * - . ? ? ' K ? - " ii, ' \ rfrr*"' .1 . - bu* a vu i to thi - il-- cnnnot ? .?? '?? iv* un ' im. There ? ? " .. it in g a his - ? is a - frai ? i Pi ? ? had ? ? . to ? won ; -an I ? ' l?ut rue t i on of a Th* ? iks seriously ol Tur ? ? - ? ' E-rp: ? One '" - If the au ? key I? ""??ny has n . ? irr;ed ? If 4* a .*>.?> -s | PERSUASIVE PEGGY jts, v ?p M'M 'rf?N4pvo\ '?"* aaf - r*aa STaaaaa-a * L?y, - Y^MVF.S who want the ?* pa for managing s ??? husbai out loain-* his love? f-jt'SBANi arishto know boa * s that they're "ma: sg? 1" gVERYONEwho likes? food, whol? * itorv -? told? Don't Miss This Delightful Noval I PERSUASIVE PEGGY A S?ory o' un kim and If? am ttaj -.tun -most? ly nappimsi , ,lory 0f ?"expected lituarioni and ?lightfu! ?olutions. ? - on, of ?variant!. Calais I ' if it can. \vh .1 ' \ ? Minoi il lusl rar? il ? ?s from the I ' nhich already are be laintness of a ? 1 ? 1 his til .' ' is to 1 ' ' ' ? a i , ..-?. . ! re, ? ? ? ? ? I of the di shell-. Hi ? it he; ?.nd ' . ? ed by - Car ' ("rest ' ? . the .4. Ai ? ? . ? . '? ronder thot .is to! liais." 11 ? 1 lil ? ne?, . men of I ? - nnn in the , ' ts like this ? -11." ? ? ? ? techi ? ? ? 1 - . ? ' 1 rce, ' 01 hear '. peaee ? ' Th) ? ? ? - tied down 1 ? - n th-? ? Qffie of hi ? ' : . ea of ? ? herwise be con ... ? 1 in the all ' /ar'.? armiei I i ? n advance, but, he ?.dais in ? 'It II ? ? |1 v,ben the end on the d Rue ? ? - . all." ?:? air did nol ? ?? ord of s per od of 'hu ended 1 .i trnggle Indent of ? lopmenta Mr. Wash ? - ? achli e. nol ? led. ei ? ?-.- and ius ?he hi?h ptirpo?.-. ?he courage -. I ? ,- the I '.ir'-' soldiers and mu?t prevail. EARLY MVNTSll'll'TS. The collection of early European 08?. : I ? ?nre Alexandre Rosenberg, of at tne ' 1 ?alleriea un?, ! th? end 01' onth. It ia offered fit ; I Bl '..; v. , ? ia eorp 1 The N Y. Lvrn,?s Pool i?vi: "Ihr I'm ?r To? of * P"?0? servitude." THE STOHY OF GAat AQA BLACKIE By ANNF? P. L FIELD Introduction by THOMAS MOTT OSBORNE_ , ??"- respaataibaity for the decent ire^tment ol our priionrn 1? at " -?OS el gtjtsrj man and woman u. New York State. ., ( '' ? h?TI, Tea. hers shi.ulii read thi? remarkable book; il ?,'" ?'*?? >"u I inaigbl ?nto .he aplendid and work m O.borne has atarte, ( loth $ 1.00 net. All Bookstores. E- P? MUTTON & C?.MPANY, 681 Fifth Avenue, New York PEN DRAWING Bt THAI IEBAT. rrrurn Bu j i ..... i ,. . . . PREPAREDNESS Our Military and Naval Requin cu'iits in a Nutshell. , ,.; a '. a \\ .1 . I .4 i i ? ? - iriUi'! Ill " .1?. m ail, howl the i of ll "bl-4 .ii ?ii h eon . t to ki v abou at a??? o .on t ? for auch < muk ' I ? ..i lur mcr ? u rv. ? . ? ant or po* in thi ? ? ? ? I then triotie dut ? ?ri<- !.. h* ir und I, ? ' ' ? of the I nee and s e< - . ?vhii .! orwai I . i *, fur ? I that he W ? sj't ? th? truth of "i.r'h' which : un in " ICatior ? ' ? ? i n iir der. .... ... thia t"'<i'r,, iirni it i? a welcome i?- d ? t? ; ? ? , -, thai weakness i^ not aynon? ' ? ALCOHOL Common Sense and the Drink Question. "?M-.K a / s an-? T*iorr.-*?oo. ?i " -,i V.r i A C'a ? " follow Mr. Vane-> to hi? i'" ? ilion, which I.s national . ir; ? ? r.;.- r to bel l.inv'-lf ,;i nkcr. r ? onaes ? ho "can leave it alone," a? to him who "kno? ? " who can in, Mr. '! hompsrin nta, t o? s lewei moral r*il mental || rmi! - t ian t, witty, *rniable g< ' reua than In his mood, but h? net him If !n so- ? i r, toe much for mentarily raini jii arsrumeat ia moral ?nd t of al H i baa 4 on itomach ? , ?nerat ion; insurance companies, .... : Sad I.** h-a-a rs ' from which ,Ye been omit! ?in arsruiaents arc ;n th? plsce, the Individual'*? unimpaired cot*. trol of all hi* faculties, und, in the I to the tuition ,-o..- ? !-. V. Itely I <* lays |?r<iat ltl*OS? on the . *, i??i, In fact?, ths ?,.-., . ? ah obol b> o ir Inaur l ?if labor ha- dens mere : l al iring the la-'. t? ! i,v all tha ?, often hysterical, ereaedee aaralast tin? evil carried on in the middle t of :he sinateenth century. Th.? last of these eiiioUo-ual ?iiruaadtrs w?J (arrie N'a?:on. The business man. thi? flcrk, the laborer who discovert verv livelihood, learned wisdom ? . Mr. 1 homp ion leads up to thi i snl Be > t" iag tarried on. 11 ??re is here, also, an interesting ? i notions, fi ? "1 ii' (la'rrii., i y o\cr Hr. t and Fiend ir? had it been driven by .?..lici men. And svhcn ("ermany r this fac? she, too, i in the . I . . . daj s of the war - ? . i ? ? ? - tvhy it ? BOOKS AT AUCTK Raro Autographs Civil Documents. ? in rv,?? aften 11 the Anderson ,. I npany . ograpl ?ript collection i ; Albanj . I ' CO!?' .-.t.l a . '? . tern | presenl among others. Lords R??b?-rts and 1 , ? of c i ? ? ber nations I iture, art. lett? i > Indu i'-.i Bchuaei i, I . I botana, Weber, \? i| Hie a numb? ii hist?? s a to i . and woman is ad by M mo, d? . ? ?, '. . ..;?? n. George i Ellen 1 sirjr, and ????? n bj l I nc u.a.?: vu, j.. ana in an A : . ol ? i : ,i is dated March IS, 1692. 'I ber? an i . . .. ting en I. d? sling s ...../ ii.' i?)iuii arm the (.uuiu?;., liuicc whoa? guesi Bhelloy ???, .. ; HyrotS ia in botn ol hia.tfi . ???.'i r,d oa an th ?' degrading b? nidulg u rank I wiioiii he BtUai i.,,., ai ??? - ..Ill ! filth ?I'd I think . ? of it ia pre] ity. . . . byi ??et up, Quite . on I ar] i" mj u:- ia iuitem, i. . '??.. . ,. "i ?li hue ?)uui?. y'a 1.1 berna, et l'?. A sil talking lo 6. ; r? m I through th , ? i v, :,,:, il. , . ? .... j V\ e then a i f il ap gossiping t,.i 6 in : Uli,;. 1 al", ma m a. week m <? fortnight; oui a I nui u> h langer. '1 her? are < ? ne unpi ?ttera al Swiil b , ..mi sa A. D. & rec? .?.i ^,? in "I'UliCl tog-ether with an unpu bed pen ?ira : bi?, r>-?.: ??': 111 ? d ??". K as graps of 1 giisb general, Sir Hen 8hi apnel, thi r'renc from < ordinal '? ? ? lera. Austria, Oovi the Le a cou i. . . . un exieedii the sukOgraph market. Ai ! of Saint i ; inci U'.'.r But) I will be ???.d at the Anderson Ual on Wedaeaday afternoon, ?lanuary i ?i.nd Thursday ami r ridav afternoon jJanaarj i.? and Id? It forms Part , ?>f the sal?1 of the library ui' Jihn ) ' Burton, of Milwaukee. Il eta and bra* .sides, tl .ng richly | : o'.li.-r iir,;. tir.t iiubhcution Of th? aoven ment: th?? provisoria! :-.? mt ?-?institutions. II. sts set of the Statul Of Pollock*! falU! \.. of the war, fourta en i D "Record of Non i ' ami one of th?- ? I wallpaper ai Viekaburg afl Surrender. ? ?, are broad-. : I IBM) .rnong them JotTere? a Os i'i ia and bii sddri - ? I ? i in r< ply to the - sn Proclassation; South Ubi Ordinance of S< cei on, irtj forms, rewanl* fur t ount - Lincoln's letter to Mc< ??Han, and thi >ur? ander of Lee. l here are two lett? n arritl ? to Ins father from Southern bat tleflelda, both known to at? limnl's life, four l?-*trrs and docu? ment? by John A. Campbell relating the ? ' ??'?dinit up to th? be of Furt Boasters five beeki ? i Ja.--.ah Henson, ih? ? i.I Uael? Tom, euch a presentation ? bum containing mors I. rigs sung I : ?no, ami mor" than a hundred ngsters, and a copy ?>f th?? rm ? ? ? a1 ".r:r.ton of th,- "Declaration Immediate Causes which Induce and ,'u?tif>- ?M Secession of South Caro Una." I PUBLISHERS' NEWS [A New Novel by William Dei Howells. ? ? ? i has : ? ? ? ?144 11 IlClll " i h* ? sB?aei*er.M T be 1 ? ? ? ' ? 1 I In a?. on ?i ? N'arr- I ?' ' I " ' ? In th? :? i '?? "I he At!., n.i-.nn" a Monthly. ' . 5 ""Th tthei '. ? eontinui ? il the ?' ry 15, at tl i ' e of a ? ? . i th? .? ? ? and ' i-ir |o not me*,'. *he opin ? u ? . ?rill ? cur - A pi which n ? , , - . ? i rejeel a anothei tarter i . ? i - ? ? ron Jnnu ? srj : The l.reat American Recfclag 4'hair. "The rip chair is 1 Di ir ii ? ', and ? - down and ' ? ? r . rocking The first i In.ard? rut itraichl I ? 1 ..-? the ? ? ra. It .' ?' tha chair. Iiur.r: ? win?? that B covory the p> pulariti king tha r -prend i ? I _ Hfl laOtat li ??nni:? a??<-?ali? ?iilrt Books Bought . ' ? te anta ??? ??? for* diapoaing or large d:.? ?' Ixaoa? autograph? prints other I ,ro'*rn prompt l*?l .?a?h down HENRI MAI.KAN New >i ork ? Laigeal iiixjk*tor* I] Broadwaj SB? M NewoL.aN.?. toL lintaa ti^-i^i. VIEWS AND REVIEWS OF CURRENT FICTION IIk , I \ ?lu?ale ol .1 Danish Master Work?W. LI i ,< m "i '. VdmirabI * New Novel?A Protest Against i^'csche in Fiction?Other Hooks*. I'll.l.l I III t ONQI I IMiK: VOL III. l-i l il i m < ONQI ? H IB ' Mart) ? ?-?? - ?. . Ill Tl ? ?,r. ?I. M'r ,. .V ' ! rolum? of th?? translation of Neil ? ? ? ' r revests the ?aide : th.? eon i woi k and seeei d . ? i ir power , epic '.' , pro t BOW I needed opinion. "Pells I iraef ranks among the Action ? ? . ? .nan Of t.l . ? N'-\" ha- the ?jift, which of piling detail upon deti ry, in intei ? did the I- : who prai ? ' | ? -. [sieso . t Di . ?al:' of thi ? ?own iggl?*i," m thi e to i f the rs of the v . d ' ? that 1 ? The da j .read,' only vai lays, with a dim . . value l ? I ? ? ? ? ? .: ? rike, oriR ,. ? in a i ? ,i ... ?nd here 1 le third - 'I he author hnndle? the I ? ! ? in? ? ? ? i,n ur. : ' ? '. ? ? large ? -? ? I ? | head ' a h. n the ' s ? - - s will ? - THE -l \v WEDDING Tl'? - ' a . ? II ? . I Mr - i continues oi the head of the '?? ? r all that meaning, in every thing thet g el, he ? more reveal? himself in th ist. He i to ce : . - roman- i ?? M r - ? pur ? if this story, ? called ? I red, ol ? work in .4 Lot den alum with onl cal service II? swarm with? ' irch of ' _ EVE BORRE By Emily Viele Strother A charming idyllic tale, clean and sweet as the breath from a rose garden, but told with such simplicity and truth that it is entirely free from sentimentality.? New York Times. Has, li :tv ?i lay Boehateee, E. P. DUTTON & CO., 681 5th Av., N. Y. M \ 11 -Ol 1-O? -1? IM -I.OOkS" * " in a?t v?> i an. ?S?n ? ., I -?-! on any ?ub ?ct. ?ha moat ?ii>?n tijoU fin ??r ?liant VThaa tn Eagles 1 ?a _aS sat Bl| MS.MI rara to?.?a HAK I- '.': I . : ?--a: liO'-'h. gfeKXP. atuba Mg??, at., ?ii.-uiias:,???. luck ?if pro ? ? ? tad th? ?. ? H,- ? - ? - fate, if" ? .?i I? . < ? | . It la merely an ii - it il i. He a -imp young H lack of di ? - a lie r\r? i and rea-a ? them. He merely j and trie ?ratri-com? i.iiri. but ai ? ? '< r ni'jch whnt happen?) to h.r a tragad*? to the girl, a 1rs ? t i ? . af tha araya . lei ? ? | i I ha been *" ia married a man ? ? '1 a prig. ? I ?' work. 'I I ng only in i - rteroieall- to a tar : ? tnd inca* i Itudj aroutid th? I ? ' ? and ? undei <an?l lympal etic I I m rabl - "en novel. WOOD AM? ?rVTOXE 4 , . ?; . , '. a ' .- . ? ? ? .'ist an sir: I'i'in, in ar fter i ? ? ? - . ? a con An e> crro??in*-!v Interesting itory well told Mr Fowy- doe? ? ?raiin -., the ? Into i he ma? ? their " ' . .. in him ths* of ? ven to that tiaw. bat I -mor bririK i her lew. Ii' i r in a ottrent, re? - ? - ? and i He Anda ? ? ft Chore is I war with I - ' of the weak, ' " ? ' I ? - I I ? ? rorthlly. I ? i hia a irn the irony ol to a '? MGHT I .5 .'. fly to 1 ? the ? | .' ? / ?*? .-?>. Ii, /ata*? atimdmr, WaOaaaSay, ???' ,*.'*?--4*y/ Modern Auction IN TEN I BSfOMl By Graro G. Montgomery The e ita an ? - ? ' - . ? the | ? e ?-..-/ raatory ipi the i <>? rnc ? - ? .. ? ? Aa idrii ??- ? - tame?? c>a-. i ?".ve. -.</ *"5 rW C.'IAKM'.S S( -nilN'i H'S SONS ?OuttoR'8 Eooklovers* Clearance Sale 681 Fifth Avenue n. ,r ua **rr..r. i hiaa with -t her ? eeemea at im l.on.'on. .?nge: his eompai i tor ? . , i . SI I . a. . teal ' tul I MBIXE ? The ? lountr man i? eertsin letiea. H?>r<- . ? .. story as au '. all that ... ? . - rly di? ? 4>*r a? ? ntly well character?. ?. eui ? tnd ?lancer in the ? ... ' ? ? 1 *' hi? peopl? i |. only ? ," \shich : ? not trui . HARPER BOOKS I ? ? ? ?' ? . ? :?Hnd, i I ? lv of other ' last!? ? PUBLISHED ll^?_Z_J T O Robert H.McLaughlin's great emotional novel, dramatically setting forth in lines of fearless realismaques ion that confronts every citizen, a question that none dare overlook?presenting a problem of vital import to every man, and which cannot be of indifference to any woman. HE ETERNAL 5?IACDALENE STn A story of power and ins:ght, a? tine in its handling, as ^Jl subtle in i ta implications, as it is strong and daring in its theme. gnj It is neither ?.enaation nor romance itsHrama is that of \j\ real life, nor* tly portayed; its pWic el m-.-nt springs ?*-" from the de th o human hearts, t is a b?j?;k which de? mands the attention alike of thoughtful people and of th?" lovers of forceful, realistic fiction. 12mo Not|1.2S * 7 all 9O0KSSI LF.aS GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY, New York r ,i b I i , I. r , , In Am-ria. ?... II ? > I? I' 1. K A sTOUGHTON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE INVASION of AMERICA Bv JULIUS MULLEK Price $1.25 net Ittn.tratcil hy t??-nt?-?'Hi* halfloaee ?<?< aatnial pfeste* Ci..,,!.-. ..I In,, p? till,I ?lii|i. in ...I,,,ii. _|. i lin?** m?,,s In a arries of graph.c acenri, thr author tl .the? the grim facts of our present I i. It of preparedness in ? ItVing garment of realism and tragedy. The A. B. C. of National Defense By JULIUS V1ULLER. Prise $l00 n?t. It is a alear, unorejudu eA statement et attual facts E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY, 681 Fifth Ave., New York