Newspaper Page Text
\ The Conning Tower v intrlbanthology. IAN 6, 1916. " N ? n \ ' ne otit of the Wesi ?? ? ? \'< a Y < rh urn, ?' m r .' p \ ? * ave ? first Now ranc? that it was L E. M., for ? ne-ctady. RNITHOLOGY OF DIPLOMATISM. and Neutrality, has any one spoken of ? th? Amer Bagle G y pa g era -m? Scrpenta-nut? r Webster to every T. I?, ?ft H.I Bird W. w. E -.??rr-* between the is * Harvard and It turned ? '..-, seven were kg carried from the field in a ken, another lost an upoi the Held trees. M. The indigna were ?o terri i ? Nachrichten," which ?3, would i . ake a -eath and Then Read the Fol ng Suspended fvntence, from the ???rat and Chronicle: ting C -.rac'rr ? : right I par ? tinuously next 1 ' ?? ? al --%s and sur ; a close in a very . | laualbillty of "Her Price,'' a n?w play, ? ling oi tha 1 iw," as mu? " I reum last evening by ? aS4M Wa , M. R foi n that John Msec ? ' ' fe. JUST CHOSE TO IG: i was sort of hlgbbrowlsh, and vrould insist upon "unce, turning on the Vic ' a ? .!.;?. " ahe "' -? ? ?i-mewhat bar ?r-.opy-like. ' Q. LITTLE PANNING, . ? ' B. PROPO ? Van Loon '?-., Is n<* pro'id n? n kid ? t 11:18 last night "It's NK. Pre I V. A " In f.? face as frowns, man in ' wer. ns, is having ft re; II WILLI i ARE HAD I in : I? IN IBM. . ? :? ?:." ? i in a city hie., bear to speak, ithed the turmoil the woods so fair." , ?d, "I will Ko, too, ith tho hki. ? shall wed to-day." mplfl word? did say: cm ? ? . i irrounded by birds ? erny, through all the blessed hoar?. so fair, ? ? happj pair. arildly through the woods. ry day for fuel and for food, oom, they'd laid beneath TV ??'* . en the 1 rieVi heart ?f!. ' g the wood so fair, ? did tear her hair. : i r arms, ?sold and dead, ?d? who - Well i ? ? ? I HKip.lNI. ? OR! AU? El? ll n-pre-ieiitinj* the m.) Sam'l 11 ill foreign policy. Qi.-* - B. I.. T. in the dt?4*ago Tribune. term j 1. 1'. A. BRIMANT DEBUT FOR MISS KAHN I arges, Entertainment <-? Winter Oiven ;it Sherry's by Her M oilier. CARUSO SINOS AND PAVI OWA DANCES Yvetti Onilbert, en Costume, (?i\cs Short Recital I lien All Adjourn to Ballroom. "f the lnr>rr?t and most bl the n ter ws . ' Urs. l'Mo II. eighth Stri I I Maud F?. K The large nnd ?imall ball root* ? tl a- tap? try auite were osed, the ad by Mr Kahn and ? :i r lOffl ??.! ballroom. The dec? ? ?Acre palms, ferns a-.d api ! The ' ? and t i several of '?*rs. At the eloae of these features of the entertnlr.rr.i'nt ?upper was served in the j i-mall ? tapesti tubKi^ . ? ? ... t ?ru\ ' ferns. ? \a.i? music ?afterward th? ?roei belli ? : e t b ?' " I ?vere ' Mr? ? ?VI v i n Mr. at.d M I, Mr. Mr. apd Mr. and ? , Mr. '?'. r. anil ; Mr? ' - ' - John ... Morgan, Mi I Anne tl ' How i I ? L. K. '? ? Lui era W illiam Oeil ... ? Percy laurice ? A. liixon, jr., Henry 1.. * "??, Jr., Jam?" a .. I rd , Fred? ? ? . .-. srni if the \'. . I . s. .v, r.u-. .?i attach? of the I ? ' I'hi ? taken, and foui Ilu'h: 'Over ? ? i from by Ralph Ro? ??? i 1 at? r - . i s given before tho | Mn ?venue; ' ' I, Mi-s ? ' H "'; , I M i - ? es Riker. 1 ' : i . Knapp, M Willie Mia i meat Bigelow, M Mrs. Ar . , Mr. and I Mr. ??i. i ........ l_. ?? j;, ..UaUisa jlalall, Miss M.V m K. KAHN. Dsb tanta intrt??iiic?>?i to societj at largest entertainmont ??r the winter, given Ht Sherry's last night by her mother. C. !.. Laifertress*, Dickaon Potter, Thon enald MeDonald. Wal? ter Phelpa, Jobs Kro?t, Maynai I Ivl aa, li-r'er, K.e.le'r?eh M SiSS? r : jr?l Lawrei ce, Fr.u. I'oS*'- TiHsk, Jiimes er, Heatei '? .'? . ' McDou ? '. Beck, n Ryle, ? '? tmory 1 fi ? ?us. ' i.,? general ?'? i of tha - waa ? reed soon . ? ZOO ;n number, In* | "i " : ' art la. Fowler, Jr.. ? ?nd -, I 'Ira Stuart 4 " ' ' rens, Henfi nd P. i ? ? H abli ,>? ? ? \ i T R ? of Mr und Mrs. tfterwai 1 a " h ? ? Pratt. Miai Blair. ; pert) gl a a luncheon ? ! , r home i'" ?Eaat Se*** ? ? . 'or Mi?' A ?tileei itanl adgwiek. ? - Bull Rave a ?up at the Riti .*. for Mr?. John Astor a ? ace la?? t B l of the from ? Stte and ?rd?. Mn w K ? . arrea. M ia Mr, ?nd Mr?. M . . Iselin, Mr Ml lin r - ' ? .? r old Le r, M Jol i te ?h A toi. R Bayard Cut* .. ... i .Ihm"*- A. ese, W. I v. Bull. SUFFRAGISTS TO POP QUESTION TO 97,493 1916 Proposing Band Will Spare Ma i, Wedded <>r Single. of I ' :'ato Worn ?*. have decided to pro ? nf thla ?t?te this ? I - ibably, were ? . aware that some i ' ? U ? -.arrie?!?" an area asked yester ? no differ t remera - our privi ? . ; supiese their :' they ? Ton m aal i a i not enter ? - ? number and carry the ie going of 97,49 WIIAI i- GOING ON TODAY. ? a S re I ? \ ? ? - ? ? ?. r Wal . I ? II liM .... . : ? a ? a' ? ?* ai? ? ? ? 4 i Lan? for Mi??-?.? Beat Da*. . ? ; ???? ? I ..-'.?? \ - i : p ru . 1 ? .. : ? ' .Nr* 1 . .. . I .a. . ' li'lao*. ANNA PAVLOWA IN MERRY WOOD Lack of Confidence hv? ilcnt in Performance of llio Empire School. Bj REYWOOD BROI S. Anna her ?kill in i j t rather than her | SI * ?Innrer la the matnee at the Forty fourth Street Theatre yiPSterday ??f course, she could not who':-/ east - glace, and in tiny case pan? ?ing are relata i srl I on 11 unflagging good Of Mlle. Pav ?owa which made the enter! . itfuL I'erhaps it la pos?ible t?-. ? ? . - ? the ripple of .. n th?. movement of a leg, \ ut Anna 1'avlowa has more obviou-? nieum of expression at bei , l!.-r eye.? Mid r ich, and there is a a'ioll tO be I ?ri'ni her shoulders. Nobody ca it sxtracta from MCoppeliaM unie?- . ?ses a sense or humor, i -, ! ' !.' ?-, c SB I'nnoline," the other ? r o'i the programme, make? an even greater demain! upon the artist's ISatiOB of Comic val?:- ? Knowledge or even appro? ? lary for keen enjoyment of the tw. ballets perrormed yesterday. "L'Ecole en ? rino Ine" gives MI a Pai a for some a ??)'.. she was ni':', assisted hj M. Zalewski and ? ? snl corps do The onl ? be fairly mu?!?? ' -m. In .-' re black a en Crinol irsi into St the to] ; ? uie. ? fanll ? i ? ious virtu-? ? ? I In the perform? ! h"atr.? f)i t the 1 . terda I I i ? \ ' , it . . -.. do their i It was not ' ' r. oi re l ? ? ote the play, but th??re is not the least difficulty ! . ? ? jumpa ahead ?>f h;m nil 'hrnu!?h the performance, *o obi ?lu- development of the story. Jons Wiirr.'i- on did moderately well n? go .- . ? bel l?emt y BO? ?? the line? of Mr.. Peral ? ? . . Kothing much need be ?r?!d about the t thai ? , ? I ?. ? ? , ' vorld. We i e world, I ? ? Ite. The perform anee, en tha v.r.ule, ..?-, ...r b !ief that acting, although an art of ?li'tln:' ' metl ' Is I ' ;".i?ib'?> that its ?echn quo '? it be tauirht only w'.'h ?!-..? gT< ' $1.350 FOR W?\LT0NS ANGLER M. T. I). Itorden and John Stewart Kennedy CnllsctlsaSS "I.1. i tripta and print? from the M. C. D. Borden, John St? ? in Ken , ht $'.), , yes? Complete Angler," by haak n iltoi irles i oltofl, with orig Sir Harria - of tt.' '. bid? ? ? the buyer. as ? i . irlv 100 ? tchi: . ..- ,.i water , pen i ? >.. ??. '.'. rave f7? ?' ? ?' . ? ? ru --? ink, Gillray, IVoodward and ?rought gave ......... - for I ?, 1775 . - . ? : II" ? for $'. M, a .?, a I.-, real I'rama." The Bcribnen gav? for ana of 110 ro? ? - of "The Li? r ? ai,.! Wer - f Andrew and thm.iel Plimer; "Miniature Painter-?" by \\ ]' ira ion ? ? gave $2M f'iT "Alice's ??adventures m Wonder ? land." by Leeria Carroll. \\ I M. ?(.r.MF.NT. Mr. and Mr? lui i- l?olf announce the engag? meni oi their j l'.'.anche to Alfred ? Kl ,:-''- At home | ?.?.'.-.?....!, J.U-44V1. lU, illa- ? '.U t> aV. lia. 'America' given twice in a day 4Straiisky and Damrosch i>ay Tribute to Dvorak's Masterpiece. FEEBLE OVERTURE BY RICHARD WAGNER Kreiller Introduces a line Work by (iodowski at Aeolian Hall. Hy H. F.. KREHBIBL. Bad ? seal -1- stril a ar eui oui eoa noiaaeur a l ? .1 to eom| in lymphoay rcheatra eos ? 'h? -..i . certM WOUld ; rak'a ra ph '? ?? i Bi ilner, "From 'le World," Waa a feature on the pi*0 irrnrnm?*.- of both tho Philharmonic and Bymphoay societies, ?nd its placo in the schemes made it possible for a per? son to have heard all of if at A Hall, when Mr "faltar Dai '?i? m? ? . h usually bi ... . . ? :' . : I At the Iritr, r <-.,;., ,???*. the splendid eompoaltiea, which has worn better than any symphony by a latter day compoier during the twelve years of It? life, represented all the muiic which ponesned solid merit on th? pro? gramme. The other pieces were un? familiar to the large majority of listen ere, and proved to be yuite, as unin? teresting a? they are unfamiliar. '1 he] were tho overture to Wagner'? op ra "Ic* Feen," a ?-oi.certo in D rn r.'.r, for violin, by Edmuad Severn : a local musician of English birth ', and i ,s7'.\ "i irpheus." "A feeble ache of W'eher'j sty!.? and ? feebler premonition of a thout.n*. which was revamped, ard much b"ttered, In Tannhiueer,"1 waa '??>? Tr.bune re Hawsr'a ehsrseterisstlon of \\ overture .composed in 1893), when he ? r ,? heard It at a N? .\.,, * year a half ago; ?.?.ir ?tn: did net invl . p nion. Ita inanity by the armon?a aud ?pita Ita than w hn h aeeme l ? ? ! r Seven with smiable teal ? i'? cone? ?h?- asa ga there wa? erough cour*- mi applauas l ? 'cer in coming upon the stride ami making hia ?cknowledjjmeri*. tests Mr,84 l ?'i la tiinis and (-ood musicianship, but tony of mood un?! Ita a??* of thematic dlatinc? ?ion prevent it from makrnsr a plea? urrahle appeal. Ai the eoneeii in Aeolian Hall, the Dvorak ?symphony disposed of, the re-' , ? U> Fl?l Kr?-: .'.er, who p..,-. ed tl n widely differing with the or ehestrs a concerto bj V raidi, a Lar? ghetto Ismentoao !'. icy, and his own "Tambourin Chinois.*1 Tho ?erori'l acl last I isitioni had been playe.l at hia ?? 4 ? pianoforte .4 ere heard for the A rat time ye? - richer m: : tended iffirb Of the eei ? ? . ed be ipoken exeep4 a woi : of enthusiast praise for the performance. Th< dov 1*9 number proved to be IS Una and d gnil la work rha? it ?!? an introductioi I bile. It waa credited on the house bill to Mr ; imroseh cor ? ' - Mr. 1 ' made the tranacripl oa *r?.ni tha oi pianoforti <"n. A- i of fact, the work il wholly Mr. Godowsky'a, who first made the arrang? I Mr. Kreisler - -i coniplet?'d th?' ? - . eriptlon for vu,lin ai d orchestra It la tha introd the familiar m : lical trai aliterai am.- of Bach ?'? hli h forma tl eluding rao oforte son ate in V. minor, rhe melody i-i pro ! : i foundly emotional, the harmoniza! rich and the orchestral m rai Ailing, effective use beini; ma?l* of the organ, and ad? mirable restraint exhibited in a!! re rpecl A real . noble piece of music. Thi composer l.stened to the tir form inCS from a box, but made no ex elf. NEWS'OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "Hoheit Tan/t Walzer" Is Soon To Re Seen In Lni"lish. "Hoheit TanU Welter," the pr? man operetta, s lllooen inlta tn| form in Atlantic City on January 26. Andreas Dippel posaesaas the Ei rights to the p:.-c.., which, next 4 I ; . - produetioi The r p,.r;i : ? B| ' r.'i all r x a ?-.-.?? Place I heatre, sad is noa bell ther ?'urt. Xo Muttl ??-? V\ o dv ard hai fallen the putting 1 neutra . . l even the Hr. ?">.I? ard b g lab -is by freely ti .,:' ? ?? place into "Princeaa Tm-la-la," it ?>i linguistic gymasatica nd ? a record. After a w< ek In .>.: la "Prin? ceaa Tra-la-la" ?rill go to Philadelphie for a run, and if PI ?WI i* and Bei it? i ?vood health the next * v be Sew I Jame? K Bsel '*.' '? ? I 1 - a" | lefl ? -" iy for r, ?nd Mr Haekett an dol . ? . ."??r.'d to 4 f one specis rra:n. Bent 4 0. D tho "i ? ning bill al I lire, in Boa4 ii alao !?? us.'d for debut purpoaea at the I r. I -ruarv 7. Anna Pavlowa and I rial Hal i?-t Ruaae win appe>4r again at the Fortv-foarth treei I he it exl Tuesday and Thui : SOBS, Gaby [??-si,? haa offered a pnz# of $10 to the amateur photographer who ?ake-. ?he beat map hot oi ? ' .'liuut Harry Pileox*. Those r eirbers of the "\ aho never hai i lat? to re I i >?'. ? rill be partied, .." Ute 1'aiac-t iaenlia ?Uundaj *."..-... by Ellsebeth Marbnry, ?heir mnnnt/T ???. The ?.rcasion will he the rand? ville debut of Mur!? Tempest .rid' i Miss '?' ?I reel on, nnd the li'14 a>? will Ir, ? /[.I tO ? -.- by -? '??> ilag to sppland ..'I'T S ' ntrai the repor??, D? i ? at leave the r??? "f "'i h?- Eternal Magdalene." "Tba Btor r al Magda ? n?," bo ?wer, will leeva th" Forty 1'ii'h'h Street Thea'r? In an? other wool Euutnael Reicher returned to the ca?t of "The Weavers," at the .Garden. rhi after an i!!ne?* of several ?lay?. "Tils Weaver?" is continuing on Its way at the Garden, the whil? ?erirch for a regular i . '.cad Schaffer ha? rol r?-,i ft \ t Lut" to go Into ' * lining for ? orten t r?le in "The < ..r! Brasil," soon to be produced by th<* Shuberl i Announcement Is made that th? IM uniformed attach?** of the Hippodrome Bumbered, bu i; is manag? ment will have to ' hox men If ?L" 'DIE MEISTERSINGER' AT METROPOLITAN Warner's Famous Comic Opera Sun-?;; first Time This Season. "Die Meistersinger von N?rnberg" vas pi I I 11 ?rma .at comic i P'Th ar.' ;.. among ?.'!?? r? ll BVeBtl of 'he opera season, and these performances have b?en ai a rule set higher in their preaentatlona than most of th? other music dramas of the ?am? compoier. A dull or a rairped "Meistersinger" vould at the Metropolitan come pretty near to blasphemy; ai.d la.?t night's was neither dull nor ragged, but spirited, i net inet with humor and beaut.fully coordinated. There were ?veeknesses, "f cour??, as there ever will be in this imperfect world. Some day ri . nstn i:-ten to a HUtl I ,-ach?. r ,-!. .,f ."ice as of r.aturt- poetic. inspirer!; the soul of the Germany that . enemy. Meanwhile we must listen to Rernnafl WeU, a very earnest i.rt it, lomewhat ?lrv both of voice and rben, again, the q. should be the synthesii of the voice? ??? of ?h,- Mag :" Mme. Marie Mattfeld dm .; in the beevealy choir. We I, too, tnat Johannes S*m ??'.f of all his '" ' manic faults of to.- e emiaaion, and I il Artur wenld r-se to a cli? max v n arid contained ? ? rts was the coordination of reading, ita ?r'n-ul. ? bun or, the ?prent rhoru! ar-.d orchestral effects ??. ?irou^ht out by the com? poser at the conclus.on of the -.ecoi.,'. _- last nieht. Ml Bodanzky always gives his fingers i ? to be heard, his orches'ral read always aristocratic 'n feeiin?.' and Anal* intelleetnal, but they do net always glow with color and ?hrob with on. > > Mme. Hem"""? i - .. .,-' .,.,i IN . . - and aneel I to Wal? ther X ... , | ? r.,.. Iv th,- would moot German tenors: ol I IttO GoritS and the Davidof Albert Relea sre two ? the Me1 -por ? ' When. ?nd< ed, '?'? 111 New V. rk ?gain know the like ??? "'to <".o > ije.??'* A:-..I ?o. too, I ??...'? i - B ... : ,1. : rhtfully ,1. mor of the [ma .-a-'.: . ?ai ? ? - ? I - '-.. ir .- , : . . ? a i ' .. ' . . ? i ?as 1 ? I ?. . ?I ??? la .RI ?' ? I 1 I \ ' .-.,.. a ? - ? ' MISS VAN BARENTZEN PLAYS Yoiin?; Pianist ?.Oes Pleasing Recital .a Aeolian Hall. ' i Aline Van Barentsen, a young ? ,,? ant r i. a i: r.. Ni ?? Yt ri-. . . .?st night in A Hall. Mis? Van Barentxea i-> the sos per t) ' riir-ue liderable 1 t tempers merit. I ?t,!l very yoUBg I tue ? may very well bl< really frtie. She plaga I .matin's Sonata, Op 22, a ? n and numbers by Sha waa warn:!, gr? ? ?'???: b) a:. I I ACTRESS WHO CAUSED BRAZIL REVOLT DEAD Ijmnia linden Was Sensation ni South American Court. l ; -.-a;:i ;.? r? IM . l ; Ta1.- ? . J>?r ; '>'.: Hawi naon, ? i ? md wa a til I . v on an isol?t? d farm ( i miles -v. on which her ther lrved ai ? he v. is I fort] ;? Linden left the farm B ? i ?., a, ,.k ber I rtti ? - .' an ei . ? I b a M . . m Philadelphia n M Balbi gga, an. ? ? r. to wh I th? : led 1 1 In lt." da ' .a ' ? the bOI I to 1 ',..'. The Kmperor .?.- ? tnd rnen there began ?? i gh I v.. '? ? i -..., i ? a:..l ,, r ??. ' ? . when ind retun I to 1 ? ii itl Ar- ea a l St !r;p Bs . . .1 i trea maile her last appear . n a stage at lloloken. .she wa? married to a Mr. Hurk.-. who died, an?1 Georgs H Johnson, who sur ? I ?? conducted a caf? in , Non Vori Clt| for a time, but the i venture proved unsuccessful, and sh?> i of her tin Taft Godfather fcr Grandson. ' ? eianati, Jan. 7 ;i. Presid? ? t "'? n 1 ?:. 1 ' la Ubbert. I^u BENEDICT ILL ON CRUISE Attaek Not Bal II II I CeauBedors la V ??.t h (Mr e ., C. It?! ? . " erui?n / tr.. ' ? ' disclosed, ? Mn *' ? ; rlasj, OBITUARY HUB, I '?I 181 BAI Tie funei will b? ' will I lived hi d : . OLIt ' ' . ? - raa. Deal operation fur la teat! nal troul Ba raa ?*?.??? a Shiran of the Dl ?Court. DAVID II ? from I.- ..-: -, in the g -? professor i:::\-r llaTBS, Munich. Jnn ',' mat Sieper ?or of F.'r g ; it the I'm ver?)ty o' Munich, la bad. 'ia fifty-two year? old MARI DAv*f*XP01 ne. i . by I'.- v. Mi Rev. Lu'k bur of Ml C'o It I Mellar** D .Sell ? ??! marrl-t??? *n<l ?1--?t?ia m?i?l h? ?,-, ??ini?ull.r,l I 'r<-a DIED I a*. Beary. H U I ' .hn J. Brlnckei Elkua.Jane Selma ??oadby, t'lar? ? ! I V , Henry Ashley. BOGERT i raai - af the la" funeral ?erv ces fro dence, Tappan. H. 1 " -? ' ? 10th ini-t., at r.oon. : . ^.-v <".ty v,a N ?rthen I J.. 10 a. m . and . Shore U B . al ? ? ;?? m. BRADY ?loi a J.. i- -? ved "' IB lirj- 7 BRIN4 ? - 1 . r I ' ' " HEADQl' v ' " Ha*".. F< IRSH EDs .? " I ELKT'S Al Re1 : Is : Ja: ? uary *>, : lov* : Elks her Will CcmeU ry of tho Jeahurun, l o'clock Ol A ? tion of the 1' ? ?? enth ?v. an . FIELD Oa Prida ( arlre \> ?;. i Henry w\ I - GOAD EH ? BODGI .' ? ? ? yeii r th? I i nr-, p. m. Spu" * KELLY \* . ? ' ? neral at . RANDOLPH ?ruary i, im?, H? Edmund ? - Gra Vincent a RIi I I .. .'. ley;. I .' ? hurch, Mid.llctown, I BUNYON U. . ?..s January '. ! ? 14 daughter of tl ?? and ? . ? 4n ?lay, Janus < I Ml I 1 111 I - "lilt '? ????M v\* \ i i su 11 ai I Loi? ' ? 4 " 4 .. . .,. *, i.