Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE YoM Money Naak If You Wsnt It I . *? fms* Oemmm i IKttu TO ark ,>>sr>'V''.;-\7 ?Itibuiu V/EATHER Cloudy and warmer to-day Kam or snow to-morrow .' ., , - ? ? Pogt Firgt to Last ? the Truth : News - Editortals - Advertisement* Vol. I \ 2.1257 I? ..p.right ISIS Thr 1 rll.uit?, A??'n | MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1916. ?se* (i ?.- i ? t ? i ? \-'i* in >??? i.?.?? ? it? N?*?ari?, taemnj J .\ V. \ V? .\ 1 ?,?| H,,",,,",,,, r.l.?-?lirr. | 4,? , Allied Troops Abandon Last Hold at Dardanelles JURY CLEARS 6 AND DISAGREES ON 5 N. K. MEN Rockefeller, Brooker, Pratt, Led yard, Rob bins Not Freed. SPLIT VERDICT JUDGE'S ADVICE Barney, raft, Hemingway, Robertson, Brewster and McHarg Acquitted. . ? i *? not g ?. ?area ui a ? ? -' ' *v-*r?- 1>. X? I "t, James S Her*. . Fred ? llenrj R ;ur?>r? am ? ?- wei ? ? ? Lewis Csi Eight juror? ? .- lef? ? J ?? ?? ? ? ? - >-,! a " ? ?. - 01 e fried 1 ? . . ierstands ".,-.?.' I can Mr Hr*?rhman ? ? . ? dsi ."r ' ?si hs i si and ' ?? PS n* Inters I ? ? j u ry ? ? ? . ' Xnothr? r tTiirt Made. -nor, . f|? -? " -fs a? ' r,"". ;i- *.o ????" j ou ortri eon lent m for ? ? ?- : ? u ? - . r. ? ? ? to the jury ? .-H?l th?? Mm" of findings ;n re i court then i ? .? . . ? ? ? ? ? ? at ? ? ? . -'i. anti ? that - ? "t..! .-, ?? ? ri' hK I been Haven men to t and ti ? -nnir ..* " ? I for I ?boat < onapirs? 4 ?.???ni I?.' . Mr. HirsehnaB ? ? ebatins whel v, ? did i ? r of ind ridual . .??:". I ? jury. II t< . lis foi dents, four fei ? ? i k. Friday , foi |. '.Ml Mr - majori! I g to 4 '""l". " .-t? 4. culuxua I Mrs. Eno, Suffrage Champion, To Sue Women lor Slander ??i I? ader wh i will bring tw ' ?-.1 J }': o, of Jericho Turn ? test ... . ihori against tw?. diaeont? ? U th? party far allefed ipreadiag ? at 'he -??o?! i lifrage funda si r-sterday, tO| ?neetinp oi lay, at wl , ? . ? lei was obtained At 1 eating ? i por . r sat a?. :. , ? ? ? . present i ? ? mot her friend ? pert drawn up I ? ?11 that "at lack icen? -? dram; ? graph. E vei ?.vu men fi ? .;.,, ?? i i.? ? : .? ng ? I I have pu n her auf ? case ?.? I reflect? ? ? . I I?a Mille?, e '*? North At lantic -v ? .\. . . . isle .. ? ? ".er. Tin? Trap Sel. a? : I Ku . ? warn K ? ?? .? that night and tell si - t'ostlased "?? pas?- t, i-olaau ? POLICFa BEAUTIES. BEWAR I eap *? ear (.irla Sigh for Bath Bet ?Vpollos. ing mei ., ? wit h leap y< theii toward I i potential hi ? each p?'iir. Nunern ? onymou? let' iapi? ? g t< I . have c , ? mal ked men ar g , 1 r, :i, i : ' ' The facr I I ; - es ise of tl i th an f heroi ? ih? ? ? ? ? . OLD SLAVE TO MONEY STARVES FOR MASTEi Hunger I i'ur Keeps Man, 9, from Saving life by Hoard. Raymond Garcia ? i pursue,1 b) the fear of death I ? - - : , ' ? v. . t spent In trudging about i .-ni ,..-, : Hi..-,. -, .- an y thin might add a few pennies to th ? ? ? ? him fr?n ; la.'' But hii worst 11.- died at ? ? H?? pital of lack i actua aid of caah wa ? ,. ? rben wat |702 in ri)o).?-y an. be worth ai equal ?um, at 17 Ws ? inetj two reai t ?j'.?!, feebli and underfed. Then In- bei .n<- t<>? ? o go " .'. t'i h ; - daily work llrt ? ? . ? .. ... : i ?: |! i.iiy. ?oil he had refused a do? the $ '. ? a- tOO mSCh. T : ? ? ' I1...-;. -..'., tOO '.ate fui He hail b.coi a vi im of t ' ? ? ........ i .-,.-: ?? agv. and e) oh l h? fat? he ' ad .... ? -? DUTY DUPES MODEL RESCUER Daahe* hita i 1rs, l he? Dr..|?? ?-. hi. Nif?\ Suit. Sl'>." alrou nal depth! ..?' even net watching the progress , ., . ? g in i if th? ? . -.a at? ? ' i th? flam? - er? r to a ta t of jeliow hair, then . that hi? dut> called him. Hi : ? i ' h ? ;?.'?.!? ,ir opped .', it i?. 11 .. ??!,'. " . |lt> I :'l) ',! ?? . ? Co,'l store. ?OY AND TWO MEN IN POND FOR A DOG "Save Pup .' ?rsf" Cries l ad as Police Struggle to f)r.ik. Him fmm ?Vater Against His Will. : ? ' . ? led I rhii??' a l,.r,i acrosi : i in irt- in Pi Park yesterday ? . ., ?it his puppy plena ran-.m? hi*? end te i ? ??:ici men to i lives, while hund? through t .... ? ? : ht? ? ? I the hand of it ? . whi'i' ? . . ? . i-niil '? I Th? ' I ? I ' ? ' 'i?' st ill I- ii ght and , out ?"-.?? the dos ?*? moment tatet r ? ' water -. swaj . two ? ? - ? lie era ? . ? ? Bj thia ? ,'.*- had Psti :!., and Edward J Lswler rt . ponded. Ha ? ? tin- wan- : . ? ? ?? .-?*. I.av ? ? i two ps begsn tying it aros ' ' when, i a i r a u r i ? n led. Ii :" the r eSCUl hi? ps ??' He ?oak hf wit u testin* . ','-?1 the rup? to thi fing to it I sehner, ? i\rr? t. . ' intj II" 1'ital. whii? ... a.. :.i- ,ie. WILSON READ TO DEFY TIG! Anti-Tammany M To Be N. Y. Pos master. Is Report BRAVES INSIST ON RECOGNITIC Wigwam Threatens Withdraw Support if I Is Ignored. I - T I. -,. gtot Ian Cloee frit <?' the n?lr- ara predir that the l'i<*4 .?en* arill n<.-H.;i defyT ? ?i ntaining tha ? ? poa I ioi ? : ? ? a ha upheld, ? - ? g the i so New 1 r ami "* '11 he ?en i ? Senete ? i sek, it 1 '?t "i ? ? ?-.- to-nighi ith? mmei I tha ? ould ? ? ? I latin J Power?, h t the P Engra? g C? ? urged !'" el .ills' i ? r '?'? '???*.' rt will ? i placate Tammai ? ? ... ? ? . ??,,?? ** politico sdminiatrst 01 ? what amoui hai i>? ? rved ? n and ?>tl aders. Mr O'Gorasn a list i ?."- -.-.? tory to 1 men? He ?1 ?! ?mr ma any threat d be ? !'? ? a?!.' fr< inderato rathei ? ? . ?.i in Nea- York f a i " o Tan rnnr.\ ?? a.*> r.... , In short, limmsny ,l??e? r..." doing tne picking, though, <n* conn ... ration WOS d Ilk? tS do hut it d'??? in? t thi get the | laci or thi trnasl do thi eleetin* bul it confti ?arch to mer friendlj to tl Tamn Sol (<m??rneil < l* er I'artie?. I ','. gwsn '?? i intlj" I mnny man to-i arhen he i ; mads i." ? '?? rones to lam man**, if II '?* not to be reeognix? d ; lieti . i of thi joba, n ?? ? the ? . . . : ? ' ?"hite H? or no! ?"Th .?- not only S| ' . "..'va York po itms teral p," - .,, l> the es ' on ,i,.- ded t?. force thi ng < " ? . si it? powei . ?? . ? . of any o enstoi ? mal ion ar I ? ' ?? . ? i ol - il fei ? i own town "What ii ranted now a d? i.vr a*, tu v.hi-rhei 'ha sd ministration la going ;" ploj the garni with ui oi not la ths Democratic ?: of New York City and It lj by the admii lf *-"? wo wan) to ?.,..? ??? ? ? - Presi? one of th?- mor? ? ? st th? ' ? ? ? * ? ;. mount I " g oui ? . ? would pi . blican nom nee I r th? :??.--! ?,. Th? Iti.? r. x va ith eoi lei ab ?? mers "Bat e Democrat would have in the city." See Little 4 hanre for Morgan. Commenta of Tammany men n, the ?a as- have shown rather clear? ly that this i~ r.'-' i?:. overatatemei I iny's posil I li many repreeeatat ? .' the prol . ? the Pr? ? . ring both hoi lilemma i king any a emitting Pos1 . ,tT," ? ? Pr< lent ? s . b) Republ rot Mr. Moi|ai i a R? ibhcan end pre . Repub I do not think ' ?uld be wies for ths Pi - liinilnurd ?in page .' lolunin ."> RIOTING HALT: STEEL MERGE Four Inquiries W Trace of Ohio Trouble. SITUATION QUEEI SAY OFFICIAL Twenty-one Mob Aiembe Shot, but Bullets Sparet Mill Police. !.. J<)||\ j LBABY, .n< B] T. a.."?; . , , i -. V'oungstotm, Ohio, Jan. '?? All quiet along the Mahonii ft ?n the office of the eountj proeeeu an Inveetigation la brewing thai pr | '.' ? ;. . ? Till?? quny into the strike which culmina' in the F.a I foung ' of Fi i< night, will begin bi ?? Mahoni 1.1 and ?ur* to morro th? four th) i,. . , BU invi gal Federal jria . ?arrant t ? ?- ruction tajffiCl eriek C. ? Induat ? " another hui I ? on Ha? be? : the gi ? ? which 'o baae bi ment aa to t bul he added: "' ,.r " pro?e< ?nd Und lei .???'' i rassle W ?I! Dalai Merger. ....<? Jam? -v i rouni t? ?? i,-.' H rsbe < impaay- admits that the ?r portant ici of ti i ind of tl oting will h?- to delay tl ? < ompan; of I Penn., - i , ai ; of the 1 ? i . ? ' ? ? ? ,. Wall Str? el end I ? t r i 1. ? i o? promot >d bj pel - the ? : the comp i It "that th ? \ m F'- ? , ?' Labor Lahor Demand? laejsiry. i ma; bell'a belii i Facts dev? ped b* ? itor Hendei ff J . '. oungat th th? ? \ (.abor. I he latt? t?te ? and tht ? mand i iovei ii"i vv illi - order full ??tig to all the i of th? trike. I ? ? I by Mi Cai representing t I . ? Hend? mon told me ti ? ? rop? mpany' pi of thee* ws to have ded. Who Mr. Hendei rll tea i are ose, but there i? n ? nking thai they are mer. ? ? s ken or with the notais. Whether these will fro bo ?-,,?-. the grand ? row or be .. ? Baehs Mayar and Sheril e test i the plai ? ?.?..'i rai ?' ? this , t Mayor Will < ,,nlinn-?.I "?? P'??e *.. ???lunin J Thanks!?from The Tribune I In- pleasure <>f doing .? thing is in knowing it 11 well ?Ion?*. I hi- tinent tribute we could ?>*??-. tor Ihr* I nlnin?* is the splendid support of th?- puUi? ?-turinv* th?* laal y?*sai Every month brought ,? constantly incrteaaing nunri l>er of new i?-r<?cl<*rs. I o one and ?ill WC express OUI ciirnrst appreciation, with the pledge I he tribune will strive always to be worthy of youi chooaing and likin?i We thank you! ?he (Tribune Pirat ta Last that truth: **-?????? Editorials \dt trtisemaats ?jr BRITISH BATTLESHIP SUNK BY MINE; CREW OF 777 SAVED IN HEAVY SEA London. Jan 9.? The British battleship King Edward VII has been bunk as the result ol striking a mine Her entire complement, totalling 777 men, was saved. The briel statement of the Admiralty does not reveal the -,cene of the disaster. It says: It. M. S. King Edward VII lias struck a mine. Owing to the heavy sea -"he ha?! to be abandone'!, and sank shortly afterward. The ship's Company was taken off without any loss of life. Only two men ?verr injured." The King Edward VII reprc-.ei.trd an HiveItmsnt o? nearly $8. 000.COO and was one of the finest of the last class of pre-dreadnoughts. i orresponding in general to American ships of the New Jersey and the Nebraska type She was only slightly older than the Natal, which was sunk by an internal explosion about a week ago The Km? I dward VII is the heaviest vessel yet lost in the war. It is also the first battleship of the British grand fleet that has been sunk Thg battleship was ol l*i.350 tons, laid down in March. ?902 ?he was 45: feet long. 78 feet beam and 26 fe-t draft. She had four 12-inch, four "1.2 inch and ten 6-inrh guns in her main battery and was equipped with four torpedo tubes, submerped. Her speed on her trial trip was 1<" knots. DU PONT BLAST KILLS THIRTEi Explosion Reported Due to Outside Cause? Two Men Under Arre: Jai i". Thii ?na are rep'.r", d to i BVB : m an explosion a' the Bf f th? i Pont Po rdei I no at Carni at early I r report il ? er plant mill, where the fi - ? - - : "..i -1, ipm? nr It happt khortl ? ? force of worker? ?hanged ft* Btidfl | learner Long Beech, whieh g it tl e wat? I ?; and par* of the cabin ? : '. . f th? sssen| howev? ? - ?? been h '??"?-? I ? , ? twei nt. The ? i ? ii' Carney'i i morning i? the ninth se o tie du P ? the war began. The f . ha. been ? making munitions for the A ed to the .... man ?? rere | ting I rip? ? of .il ???:? emplo; - forty-t ? leriou - '.r tl e -??? ilisast? wae thai at Wilmington, Del., on t '.?.hen thirty person. '??? ? : .'-kina,' house W I- I''." up. Tl second ? ? M a ?. ? .M.. ,. e was bio? ? :? .? \ pei ? ired SUFFRACF.TTES FIGHT DRA] i ..nil?n u onion D?soss?e L'ompslel at II; He Park Meeting. iffrag te. eld ration in Hyde Pari.. ? ? ?. ? ? ? ?? ?Vddre? ?eri made by nu?nero ? , - g? i r,,-.?. ? .i -, . - ? ? . -. . -. Ion .; mi' The.crowdi , ? :.'? >ut an , ... : -.-ill i.trial ? a- ,1 ?!< rnment, in which the women ?hal GOEBEN IN BLACK SEA FIGH: \ote<| ( rui-er 1 lee?. Into BeeSOlU \fter EsCOSSter will? liuiMin Shipi Pel i ograd, ..'? i edo boat thi Goebei . , ? now t . h i? - Ses," ..fficia th? to the m e>? ?\EGR0 BABY PASSES AS $2 Wo ii.iii ? reilitor keep? llun I ni 11 Mother l*n.<lu? e? ? a??h. il;.. - | :a a I out hia : ... ? '' ?' ' ' ? ? Culll ? ' it her I , Ml lohi Hughe* '? r.?nuin ' ' Hugh? ? I I l?HII>\ -?-I l Kl))|i >| Kill) , * a ? ? ?v> GERMANS CARRY VOSGES SUMMIT Capture Mir/stein, with 1.000 Men and Fifteen Machine Guns. London*Jan *>, Tie battle a \ ?_-? - tramita, ?'ertnng: aboul th? ? ited :; ?.i-Wi ? I riven fron ?? ? -1 outh of Hartmenna. IVe I Paria admits tha Gorme the reeonqsest of treachea neai ?tels lost 00 December L'l. 20 oAcera, 1,081 ehaaeeura aid I chine ;"una were i*n| I ir.-,? "After a aeries <>f fmitleai ??? i followed by a violent bombar li the ilormans succeeded In '. of a !;?" ? ?' the summrt ?if H:r7-- ? Prenc ? conditions, eeu tha ir"? It hs rats repur" which nare ?.er>- preciae, R I The iggle contii On 1 front been shown b> . ? icept in th<- u-'ial boi and mil "In !?? ir artillery prised tw? I eremy Infei trj ? ? ' Lombaerttydi I thi ijrs P '"Ir. ( hsmpsgi ' I I '" I 'r- M ??xp!?i?!?' 1 to 'I.- -"Uth of th?* Butte ?111 \ ? th gn i ten \ lombardm? i ii are le Grand ?r. I \ Tourb? i ? ??' '.-. ? a * by our artillen PI ??my. despite prep ? ?. attack noted bj ? . rven ..... "In the v rgon : i mu it La Fi ??In the V'oagi t oi -, . r.,ir " . i bomberdment, Tl Gei id ? the .... 'There wa Ar nu ? ? en? inaili- u-.* ""' hea ? ? ? -, ."h of . enem> ' - inee. i be art - : ia been act a FAMINE HERE, GASOLENE TO SOAR, OIL MEN SAY Supply Of Ri-ajht Kind of Petrol eon Decreasini". They Assert. " *. I DO 4 . ' i ? I COI ?vater compe that thi . ? ???..: it least, and rece?? ? ncement 1 ? . ? ar ss to ? pet? prie? ' '?'? .i - ngton ..pp.'ar the price ol advenced ? ? B ' ' petrol? pe'ds the sen "\,, m?*i ' ? the atu ? itrj ? ' s for tl ? i : : n .* ? ? Kreat ? ,-ii r.- ?' ? .' ?? .. rhieh baa . day m Mar, : ''.'?. ? in December W bile 'lie total i i ? txee i of 1914 ...or. foi the Is i falling oil f 5 na>. ^ ired wil ?ri?. ?U'he. .' ?nu.eae. ' RETREAT COST ONE WOUNDED, SAYS LONDON All Guns Saved, 17 Blown l p, War Office Reports. TURKS CIWIM GREAT VICTORY Declare Invader Si:tiered Heavy Losses In Quit Hng Sed til Bahr Load : I y the \'\? - . ? ?? tip of P< ila after I ment from I \ - ? '.- ? era ? : ? ? ? Gallipoli In,- ?.. . ? ? ... ? . . the gu fOt ;,',-?? . . -J.. I "Our member of urounde .:?? ng the I -? - <-h. a? \1 V I highest IM i;.. This neu s ha? . f?. ??"?ver-, da tl ,-?. <-r? af ths Mear I . ?? ? ? ub| . for the retiren ?? f the 1 from \ '.a ?hre?> " - I with a | .... . . , Ii - i. I - ? I ,11 il \ t of Ir . - rat i o? . tioBS i . ? relie? tragad? '. '. i - . relnt i. ? : ? the - ? ti 'a ? , , :? I . . i ttle - - ... - ?. ' '\ I fei ? . . .... ? . ? Krench and I . ? I "On * - ? - - ' -a'-. V . Turk? -hell llirhiir? - -.??lui Bah . lai ? ? A group ?f h , .. -._