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0RRIGIBLE,SHE IS ARTIST EXILE vtrs. I ?*? Griffin 1 oses Fight for Reinstatement in ?earners Club. ??OH I) NOT rRANSMIT .\ ?LIAR" MESSAGE iheft Cttargt I Igves m k'nu Her Photos of Nul?". ( ansed Much Qossip ? - " ? t ? -.-? ? - ? - ? ; ? .?-a - * ' ? ' r. tO th? ' - ; ? ? pi - ? ? " ? . ? . OIBl BKATEBfl SCARF. FOl.ICK i'"' .?i. l'rarhlni ?."an Coiilaadl Ice RI.l'ulT ami RUS pre 11 > Ih apata nn.1 munV heel ? | ? ? ?rith ? ? '? , batea iindet 1 a te V an ?'.irt land! yeaterde) where :he> nearly , icor? ... ? ? 4. ? -. - - ? i ?.?na Sal ? ? ? he; - ? ? i ,4 - rea unt "tet from ccohta up os il ? I an impromptu ft ? ? II i m?ill ? . aa< pata, ? ' : . 4 ? ? ? ? Pari irme i . SUICIDE A CL?W IN BIG NOTE FRAUD i ountei fciting Printers Hunt! ti \fter Southington Bank Cashier's Swindle. . le? ' i I . . ? n? repoi i t ? - \. ? ? i k lo ? ? I i? believed ? which I ? ? i ? . ? of ? - - had , . ? ? ? ? i ? ? AUTO OVERTT?Ra\'?>. KILLS ONE (mother Man Probably ratal's Hurt Wh.n i nr U Wrecked In < ??rntielri. 4 - ? ???? ? II.- 1 Tossed in Amo. Two Escape, ? ? ? : " : turm ? S. Al?man Se (la. m? n' Zi\>V m i tele Sri Us a a a - Coa it Depart n Ird Floor) Exclusive Novelties in Spangled Garnitures ? m i ng Depart? . ? c '.. i - ? . ? ' ' . ure. #?ftl) Avrtuir - ifia?tami Annutr *** ?nb 35th fctrrr?fl grin fnrii MRS. WOHR GOES ON TRIAL TO-DAY Woman Kates Charge of Hiring Negroes to Kill Her Husband. CONFIDENT JURY WILL ACQUIT HER Defence Working In tin- Dark, Ignorant of Detnili <>i Prosecution's i aso. ? .?-?..,..*??,, .'? Tri.. ?del ce?, R I . .Inn <? Prot? ? foi Mr? I'm.. ?!?<?: h f lac? ro? f.,t ram ? ! ' ' ?. n M .i ....,- i ? \ - ? .. ? \ . ? ? ; -, |01 rho pre - ui.-.l ? r?i ore? suit ? ? ??. fro ? ? bencl ? ' opinion that th) worn? ii : no . reden . ? : ?s? mon) 1 ?. ?? ' ? 1 : . presid? ! he del ? . ? ' ending ca latir?. .1 ?? ? ' ... r th? tri? ?'-,-?. to ni| ? m -, ti" .- ? ? a .',?'! ? ? . ? ? . ourti lo-mon o? rig. Mim;. ? .. pp? ?i i vert more perturb? ? i ??? ?? ho face, tria a % h ire?! I hrrr negi ? er husbai i snd 1 - ? ? , ? : ?J Buri , ? . i ? ?/hen 11 ? sut Dr. M ling, r.nd Hem ? H. Sp? c la? to dent ion, p.?,,pHr< ? ? tinea .... the ? d of th. Mr?. Mohr ? ?nlidrnt - Mohi .1 .'. Ii****? in n bos I ? sgona opposit? th?? doctor'? di deserte? led blinds. A the dooi to day sa - < dm night, that and tea? confident of the ral before hi 1 I :-. ??age. cairn frot friend? rassing th?rt ?. r -.- ? ocence, and those helped greatly eei late to-nigl I the pros? c and th? defene? worked at the final r? adjustments of theli easas. To Arthur ng, principal eounsel for Mrs. Mohr berth in lift divorce sull sn I hei has beet sd -lohn I. one of th? foi t crim the st;it<>. It rt as trial lawyi renew it" ? or a 't'ai:?te 'r ? . . ?-. accused ? I also ei i aim that (hi ai i ept ? ? ? completely in the dai ?r th?? chargr?? aga t that there a a. no Cot -...--? ? . th? murdei wa. no |.) * ' '? nary ? ;. ..... . the grand jui j pro. ?ras d? For the mosl part I i la? , ? ; ??? - . bl ged t? ? . ne?, ipap? r eporti ? . .... \\ ill \ thr >?enr after th? ? hi beei ntei , with Mrs. -, to ? ii<? seel ? . ? Barrington, on th? : ? i ? ? ? end wa. The ? . Mn Mohi i | ?nd's proper? ... ? . ?? ad Wi II ? - formel a \ *.??,-? . . racii lies ? . will 1. ? ? . ? - - Burg? ? . ear. . tant ">?????? II . ? ...-.-ni ?. at .? Instead of . : ., .. for the ti be aim? n t rum th? 1' ? WAP PLANT EVICTS OCEAN YACHT CLUB i ake rhree Vear I case of $1. 000.000 Staten Matul Pier. ; 11 '. ; ? Vi - . Isla eek? ago th? .... front, ?in whtcl (ituated, to R Marl ... t. said t . ? -?-?? ? ? ? iruct of a larg? ? entire property iVanty of I rstri ' ? must rapabl? doci ? , ? I i .... ItOI It ha ? ?? .' bandtre m Tih-r Lewis ! ? I ?I : il meet r to-night t t-aj. Ml,S KI.IZ Am/Ml I Mollit! AND HEW ( INI.1)1,KV Mrs. Mohr will go ? tris i Provident?, R. I., to-day on the chargt of hiring tii'iri'K- to kill lirr husband last sunsmcr. JERSEY MEN SHOT IN WAR PLANT HIOTS Rum .nul < old Cause I rouble in (amp in l akehurst Woods. ? ? ? - . . ? ? . ? ? ? . ? ... ;, , nea La ? led, .ir i i:. Re? i kao of this ,? ?ai?i to have be? he?'l Striking: arorkmen ? ? ? n isant yeeterd kid that the ble had be? ? i -,, the rean?t of >r le-*ed ? I I re un to the "? It wi that t tins; fol? . . - - | k- ? ie ol | ? ? . .... ?-.,.. . ? MRS. DONA'S PLEA FOR FUNDS DENIED Court Will Not Let Ex-Mrs. Von Claussen Manage Her Large Estate. AWAITS NEW OFFERS TO ACT FOR MOVIES I ?inner Innate of Asylum Holds Up First Proposition in Hope of Better Terms Mrs, I?!? ron ' la'inen I)..: . rwn. snd "a' marri?"?l ??, Francia Dom ? imedietel ? .-. * i ? r hei r eicn > ? ros the M - . ? . pay fo ? ? ? ? hill?. Thla ? * he '!?" ?aioi ? mpkina, of i, urday n fht and a ; ,? yeaterda] Mr?. Dona a; with hi ? - Rotel Denn i, ? atlant I She lOOfhl *n regain possession of her fortune, irhieh i? in charp? ol brother, Matthew ClsuSSSn , rompkina Anda "aha ?a* releai i thie cmirf on parole from the M ddle town -'fite Hof*iital, arhere been i onfl nod ;. ? an inaane per .? ? ? api ',. on To? and r.f? her re>aFo from tha tat? ? i her parola th? i latod* ? rothei ? ,',.?-. of hei parole, rhiel ?rai I ? it hi brother' c City and ale itro snd d eel Ion, ..?..i ?.?"?er m . s- til .: ttendanl to E ; oyed b> her l?r?itl <*i. "1* now appear I i ,V -1 ?? i ?'? brother mtn making: the aiipliea tion for her ?li?fhari?e and the court? - a,' r a r i T i n ur it, and noon efter her re? lease nhe le?* brother*! home, eluded 'He nur?e or attendant em| . . and " Ith ?? man whom ahe i.f'eru n.r?l marn?'?l left the Itate *'...." . ? ? ? . , . ? nmataneei I he court wi II i mo n ' orne and ? i '??? role lotii ? Mrs. Ida Von Claussen Dona Kxpects Better Film Offers lu i ?-*?.. la 1 Philadelphie, Jai 9 I'? ndini arrival ef that remitte 10 ?;i ? from New York. "' OUI ' ? laneaen Dona, the ?? huaband ha? glean rise t? aidersble debate, ms go nto th? '??? o? ?.??? " In ? letter ??. the "P !.' iI.'.t" ?he ?av ? ? ' ! oi ? off, t nrr.| la waiting 4 il other flim companiea ma Tha eouateei r ? . ?' tl ne ? papei , ? : iei il Gilberl Done? an architect i llo'pital at ?? adda: "Mr Dona mur .? ?? ?? a from a plan i aas ?'i pert sp i I olitica ? j ?? ? ' ? '? '" '"'"' ? ? ? ? are I eras I itai the fo? . ? ,. ?,,. . I r. Dons loess m ? snd . ?? i. fa "f ilaeerjr an?l ?? ?laver?,' i" '. Vor. : il ? ut m - ? ? f-IANT CONTINUES RAMPAGE I'enn Station Terrr.r H?Mlen Jen I'olirr and fVfSChs Bertille? BOOSS. Anton.,? Sari, s giant Italian , bore i rcont? tei polii emen .... '? .? I'er Police Headquarter*! ???? |a i ' ? omparal .... . men bound L.m 'l he proeei graphing Inking | fli . ' ' thai ? inued In Han ihowed boa danforo a? *.. arouse hie anger on Bs , an, lifter miisini I * train at the Pannaylvania Sta'ior. be il . , r men before he eoold I.res ? ?,m?- \ fter I | eked m a ? ? at uni nil ??? preparing to tike i ? GIFTS TO ELM IRA COLLEGE ?addition el Two RuiMinga \nn?>unicii li> l're?irlent .1 li. Sha.. ??nnou i ? ? g to I, a-..: '.:' an otl.butioi that maka a aeond bu Iding poaa -. . -. a reception in 1101 ? ant, Dr. John Balcom Shaw. .-. ? by the Elmira ib. of New V?,r;, ,r the home ol its pros Mr?. < a* (imham '?'? ? ?' 116th Street Man) ilumna irere preaent No mention '.var< rn-, tl uhic .-. ia felt I , . 4- . ? | , . Hiding, to Di ? th? it? prei I FINDS PICTURE; STABS WIFE '.' ,-I..I.-.I \|so Irr.*? Worn.-, n 4?ut ol H iiiitova . Police Sa? Prank i smote bn ig e? o! quarrela with hia wife to n --a** cluaion yeeterda* * .*>? ?,-.- r -,.- ? 'he ponce, h? ?tahhe?! her t? .- I tl -mil knife ? a sscond ?" ? rooms, al 19 Rsmiltoi 31 in? th? piet ire ? H?i to be a ries ted th? it domei ? ? ? ? II ? . ? - ? - '-.-.* .?ata?. fin f am? ???.Mi. aVtmats?ef tata saiwrd*it Fighting France DUNKBROUI TO BEI.FORT By Edith Wharton 'Nothing ? e that I baas ie?'l h i - ,-v Int ? ths In It. ? a ,-. hu- thl?i rlr VHurton'l If. -r ,-? ? lipas of a --.m pathetii and intelligent "l"?ervrr. I /!?;? ?? i react' Ii Edith Uhar I n magi \m Otts 'r.N???*rrr I. GlIaMS '" tht V#B Y 'rlr <nn -BMnN t ti oo mstm CHAKl.KSS("K!HNKR'SS()jVS COASTI.NG COSTS LIFE. SIOHT (In- Killed .?.rl iriiirlrrt in Km dent? I p?tate. - .. II < hapnian. o' i? blindad in a bobsled ' " ? ?? *, fourteen. if Ii | ? h i from injurie? ??? nte tniahap ? ? '? (r r.*- - ?? I 'ick a 11 sgaieat-i ? s b" 1er a team of ? ? i See '. ' . wai .- ?? ? . . ..? ft ? DEF.R TAXES A MIIK BATH It? Ir/i.?. \n?.t h.-r. WMIe ?? Third I. -hut b) KrriT \ tig aeros* th? ... I - ..?oe.i | the Man il Roi r a ? Beginning today, the authentic Semi-annual Sale of Saks Overcoats for Men Former prices: $50 $48 $45 $40 $38 $35 at $29 A small cha - r Main clothing sales ;it this season, particularly thus?- which are inosi bla? tantly advertised, arc held for recuperative purposes only. A .Saks sale is diff?rent. Il is the logical conclusion <>i n season. It is nev?r by anj chance an exiiedienl improvised for profit. V? e tlon I till im t pom outside ?anirvt's. We are not a dumping ground lor manufacturer's excess stocks. We sell only Saks clothes, sale or no sale. Ami thai is ?vin, m this Sal? ofOvercoats In '?(inning toda) we leaturi m i|isi)la\ figures lin* former prices nl ivlneh these <>\ 'rcoats sold, becausi ilic\ actualh are Ihe former prices Ih?- Saks standard prices for t i 11* overcoats original basic intrinsic native undoctored free from ar? tificial coloring as standard as morality, currency and Time! Regulation coats, single breasted coats, frock over? coats, v/armth-without-weight coats, storm coat.-, "TH-at coat?, kimono-sleeve coats, and, in fact, every sort of overcoat for every sort of occasion. (Ontinuing today :\nd tomorrow I ht- Semi-annual Sale of Saks-rnade Suits for Men at $23 Reduced from these prices $3H $35 $30 and $28 i Broadway ^t? ? ?XfltttpattJ} '* 34h S' aksl?Inm|ianij Broadway at 34th Street B?eginning this morning we shall offei 4,800 Men's Shirts at $1.65 t A most inclusive showing u ilist iietivt shirts. m imiisiiallv efltective designs. i Included are iiii|><>rtrd Madras ami Japane.s crepes, with satin, woven ami dull finished stripes m contrasting ?colors; jacquard stripes on \"lnt< Madras -?rounds, and cntireh its w wot i n <l< signs ? in ( arid in cloths. ?I Soft and stiff ?nil m ?_? i i ?_; ? ? ?.. ami pleated 111 * ? < ! ? i -- Witll stitr cuffs. ? I ?'. \ ? i ? \ size m-?"Li ?m nl ami sleeve length ineludi I Shirt Shop- ?Mein Moor. Beginning this morning, the semi-annual Clearance salt? i?i Men's Fall and Winter Shoes at $3.95 a pair Regularly 5"? nnd $h 1 Tin- seasons most wanted models in mal ? anv, Uussia and nun metal calf; Mack .?ci kid and patent <"<>lt. Plain i>r liox <-l??tli tops I Also ineluded are well-mad? tan "?rain shm ?>, w ?t!i tlamp-prool st ?les S ht raitfjc !">i ffttitt com/ilt'lt . hut il will wo/ In difficult to find i/our **/.< in urn ttj tht tnanif desirahlt models ?hown. Beginning this morning we shall offer 3<?J Mens Velour Hats, $1.95 Re?mlarl) S.iou GOOD-LOOK I X(? hats with fine lustrous finish. Kven one taken from regular stoek, and made to mn the approval of diserimiuatiii^ CJ The linings an of u"?nl quality silk; the bands are of Russian calf. 1 Stvle, comfort and clearance comhined ?**1.!?.*?. ALSO -the bi .. c I ?-ur Austrian Velour Hats, $3.95 Hi'lli ??? , ! I hum* tu uh-ettiril ?.onditu-n* in Lurope it will i?c *-?im?- tune before we ,ir<" .?i-.iiii in .? position to repeal thii offer, \.i n/e?. sre lAcluoed, ?nil the colors sre dark ??rcy, brown. <?nd ?r\er?il ?hule* o? ??tren