Newspaper Page Text
HONEST TRUSTS JO ESCAPE NET, SAYS GREGORY Attorne) I i ?? Declares Innocent Viola i >n of Law WHl Avoid Penalty, s- ; .: VEXT 1 x PROSECUTION ra, s?es No Coati et ?>f '. I rad? : ?"? Trai'.e ? ? ? ir Mr. n ? ' ? ? . ont -HI1.I' ? r mers ? .',' V.O ? , . ? - When, ? ? ? * tm tn - ng h 11 h hon I who ? \| arepreoentod. - tent tation to ?ub hre op -ir.c ; ? tha? ci pli ? - '?.miner ses uni ? ? ? ? ? pr? - ? . : ? era ,.? !a-.v. "hat ? ? .I.V. ? ? ? ?? ? ?vhich matter of 4 ? ? that a " - ? ' st th<*> ? ? th< ? ? ,4 civil pro olved ? part si ? '. 4?. ? ompaales 4han?e. or of ? . I . ? 1 ej '?"? au ? . ro in 4 . !.('?H Of . olating si the corpora? te o? ? an ', and could state. . it of rega I nvok ? ? plied that, ? pro? practica ? ? ? ruent of . - ? ti ' -. ? . att? rapl tn . ? n -.4 ; ihould ?-all for a ? ? templet ? ? ? ? ? te th< commis? ther the la** had i giren ease, but .-? feaaihility, ade ? reme *??), dpi ? " Where rganiaa? hall i ? ..? ,; the ? - - the as thei turned to the ? . : ent to itlona for which i point itated that no ? ? 1 after d exhanati-ri ?rl . -i ,: is poi \ .. part ..: this lii or rorj oration s| ? ? SSI I ret : ? defence * taken. ''? I" I'reaent Weak Suit*,. ont, r.ot uatice t.? tboae are i a. I ul he r-art of .. i haa the titutins; ? : aeqnentl-r tarn ... ea ei ? both the redera! Trade . ,. . ? ???-.??, i would ? *,* the pnncii ? ? edersl frade o . ?ere ? ? ' ' . "W.. , . sacea i circu *?-?.? - .?.ifuamaA ?-a-,, EAST-YOUNGSTOWN AFTER A NIGHT OF MOB RULE Busu i ? ? .-? s wen looted bttfon they wen* burned. This view of Washington Avenue, look im? ?toward Wilson Avenue, tells why in-tchine i ? now p??ep from the hug? mills of the luisy Ohio town. RIOTING DELAYS STEEL . ERGER ? ?niiinii? I fr? in page I mm i I ? ? ? ?? ? to weld the ruriH'r *.',e e or? I 1 ... li?' .<? mat.y msy be t that 4 thr? e dialects ere apoki i I ? ? exception of Turkey, la represent d on ? ? i mi an ? '- payroll! He waa here . ? ? ? . ? . ' aeei* ed a I - ter foi Uli ?? on from Waah Insri ?'Th".s troul . precipitated by To he gin with ws hml a ?-... Thursday nigl t, or. s-ith the M riff, t i ros4 ?? ? - On our i ? ? . ti inhnr n SI i ? told the Sheriff an i hi? frienda that wo could hold the men re ail en u chance. To ?o tha* ma arrang ,n a hall in Esst Youngstown on Frida?/ g. W hen re the ?? let. We hi ' u an who hi the com I time the corr.o(.*.;," was try ? ? ? . ? roops 1 are. '1 hey wanted them to Intimidate the men. Mysterioas Men Spurred Rioters. "On Friday a bunch of m< n tst i.i ., car? Youngatown, TI ? free in ti -?? snd violence >', ? . ? ? ? . . ? ? ? n the . That we ?an prove. They were the cadera that ? "\V ? know whi In Fri? day the coi had if men ? ? ? re m . dit order In these i ? crowd by rollera them ?: ?ill VT? re sent he way I hey did not come un? king . much ild ha sent ;.- '? ? 'ompany tha* the first " ".i the Thai ii not the fact. B it ? ri did no ihooting, f? i Even with them, then? would t.' t 1 erioui trou bio if thi not Into the crowd When more than twen? ty men liad been ahoi the crowd d ?1 get ? trouble waa The company had itarted one of their i a sa hurt." ?"That." aaid Proseeutoi Henderson, -, with the *-".rie-? told by many of the ; ? ? . with whom we hsvs talked. Thi that they did the thinga charged sg them be they ??? r. told to do bo. I hey tell who II wsa that orders or re? il the men be ? ? lied with b valent to s.:: - Every Man to He 1 raced. ? .4. t the men ;in?!?",l or und? r arr? -? are thi i.ors or leadera, or acceleratora, oi whatever you want t?i call them, i- one of tho ? i ?uit. Wi are i i eheek up the ment of every man in the h ui .1er srreat snd aes ? i ? ? from. It la natural to ? that if men in that cm?.1 fur an; ul tsrior mol ? ?? - h u d be trr? t? would ?? tories ti si ?? witl th. ? ??Natura'..v, ? cannot tell ell ?1 it know. ' i thing peeul sr ?. if tha?. le a hel ng .I fhi ' : . ? tart ? pne i lent, rvi r reach? - - ? ?. i.. r I? no trouble, ? - pi -, will tell where :. ?. ed that the woi Who th ... I ? ? ? . ?? . ? i ? .;'??? ? ' - that we ura' j. ji ' . - ;;:;,: ''.::.: . \ustri;in ?itii |1M Held, th e re i >t th i if i lor r un , ??? .? ? : . It i ? trill Ight a on, but that ?lu . thei ???? -.v ;.rii-' ic-s: - ? ? ii 'r? H men u dei ai r? ? .? ? ? ? | | ,i?' 'rue -.? f th? th ai 5o fai ?? ?? m wKirh te i"??- '?? mord? rae, though thai may eorae. Noi BOO lid? i rr?.?r ?-. ill I ]?? i :-, ?-.--. or h? belle \\ ? will tn'r.?. no ?- banco? on alle iff entra te :*. Il a?. 1 -. ? ROI ' i - ? ? "We ?rill, of ?MOI Mr.ti thai the striks was tm-le ?n Wa Street rhal I on? of I be things th? we lit'1 after How fai ? ? ? get I that direction ii more than I ?an no r. " Mayor ('?.innirirham to.d the ?m story ns to the ?trangers who were but ?irr. lerating trouble. Iln ni*?-' had s tul of strange n i n ?rh i eame re h m an offered their servieei in pre ervin order. "I ?lon't know anything about th company Importing m.-r," lie said, "he ru-;, ? to me sad i ffi reo I i ? p ui n i r. -. n lag i i ? see W '. .? ? re I li'n-.'t knoa " :."i,ooo Visitors Ser Ratas. To nt ?? ?? thou und ? ghtoeci thronged the ru lined itreet? of Ka? 'i . ingstoa D to-day, ai ? fi .ni 1- iasr ?> n 01.ind Weat? ri Every itreetea? froa You nf-s town was r?!'.'-,l. and i anj pri . %\ ... of autom )l ? ? ? - i '.,-?' . .1 rh'. r mackinei into Jitne; >l to haul the I roi to th?? scene wai ??uif-t throughou day. At Struthera, where M r coi imAiiH ?if ) lolone . . ? .- of BudJ rua, sr? il i ??-??? Bred at sol ?i the k? ill-* j iri <1. CELL LIFE BARED IN PRISON MOVIES Shop Activities Shown by New F ?Im at Reform Confer? ence f.xhibit. ' ?. Kn"iar;'ie B Datis- speaking a I ?i member of the Parole Commission >?', New York City, ?.11 open the prison "ii'-ii at tlif Washington Irving High School, Sixteenth Street and Irring Place, t'n i ?".-?-ning. In conjunctior. wi'h this ?-?inference v. i ! I be ? prisoi exhibit at the Russell Sap-c Foundation Building) In Kast T.ver.ty ??-???-.jh;| ? ? riuninittei? on pri ?<??) reform will pressai to th? public 'i'." ' . ? I turei taken recently at Sin? Great Meadows und Auburn prisons. The exhibit wnl conference \?. ill laat two weeka The prison film?- ?lep-r* c,->n?l tioi th-' stats penal instilution? ?SU Pi Department ;m,| the wardens and other <'?'..'? all cooperated iri taking them. Per the III it tune in t h ? pictures of c.H.',y prison lif? showing rh.. eel] and shop activities o? eonvieta will be presented to the publie. At tba Auburn prison forty convict? donne,] tripod uniforms of the old system ? ..ved their heads tu show condi? tions of a generation hk?>. Farm activities are shown in the G re a Meadows Bims, and those taki-n ,; Mu.; pre snl the greatest ar gument, according to the Joint com .a , .--.?.: Sing ?--."uid be nbol . ?! and .. muH' modern jail eran ni dustrial iurn? substituted. aye", ?u?e.vtXlH*. ^eOAmU- .... -w.?~-_?-.?..-? . a.,. ; ??' i?.-- ?: .*.??a1 .?maiar TaWW??a?iia Remnant Sale 2d Week?Suit Ends, $18 Buy two suits at the price of one. This is a double value sale. Hundreds of $40 to $'")() materials. Big va? riety. Unusual opportunity. I o measure only. AU$18. Special Full Dress Suit, silk lined, $40. Tuxedo Suit, $35. Many reduction*? m our Winter Overcoatings. Broadway C& 9th St. Amhmm Fot 'In r .a. ? mi riri- of mir u]?'OU B pafroiU ;. I :. (U SfN '? m March a branch ai /' I ? ?*' between Fifth atut Ma4leou Avoe. DEFFl^S HEALTH Whitman Sees Transfer of N. Y. Department to U. S. ;?s (ire.Tt Saving. a | af i. ?rameaSa-M ?' Tta t I .iy, Jan. ? 'inveriior Whitman, to criticisms of the .-? . ' ?m h:-i annual ine ? ,? he H- sits Dej irtmi i : of tl ? perl New Torh be transferred t<> the Federal government, ?ierlareil that it Wai rr.n,;? only after a completo In vestigatioa. Ho said there ?ver? nu ir.erou? prere'lents for such action, snd, in ?howini? the advantage* of I ad era' control, quoted thi ' ring from ., communication receive,) from the rreasory Department: "I niformity of regulation, economy for ihipping Inl rests, flexibility in re quirements, acientifls training sf etB? eers, Consular rep.,r'.s fr?.r,i all foreign .i-.'n-'s, eppointmenta in the aerviee for life, international aanitan treat .? ^. ' m pli te ' quipment, t.?. f? < * tat boarding or inapt ting ?.??use!?, eo itl in from ell branches of govern ? Goven sid that, from a im?n.-ia. atandpoint, the tranaferwould henel I the ?.tare |3(K),000 r? year. "Thi" coat u' the department," he asserted, "in cxris* of its receipt the leal Racal year, area approximately ; : '?".."i". The Intereal 01 thi nn~ i" ?411 ir.*?l fnr improvementa requeated by ?;?i. the the monei the Federal government will pa>- for the propert), agg MO a year." Qtsarantlne I niied state? Patsetloa. '[ he * Liver )i?r a ipreeee i the ? ha' quarantine at the greateat port ,r* the country a u? a national fu-ir ,:.-:.l that the eost abould nel the noi has heeri in corre the Treaaury Depart t coi .? feasibility of the ? r ? no* ,11 il Pebruai >, sn i inj that ho lifts rrceiv4.,l i-nnipl.?!.' .lit; ? ? ? ipert E ii?. gi b i formed b? I i reaeury Bj roi R. Newto that th? rei urj " De >art i the tra V'.r Slew ton wrote the Goi ernor I tat th? ity f??r sui i s transi ? wn II ection 8 of th? Congress ap proved Februar) 1".. 1893, which reads: ? ....... of a state ? .i ? u united State th<- ose ef the bo r.atus at a ?; it? quart ntine station, the Secrat -. iry il s . !.. ,.?;? hori ted I : ? them and to ; a ISS SI able compensation to the state for tl opinion, ti',".v art i to th? Ci ir? .1 Sut? ia" Ma> l'cquire Legislation. 'i h.? -.. i : ei ha - i.. si informs I b? ? ?-.. whe has ?xaasined the .na?, the It will be adv.sabie to enarf legislation authorizing the transfer \ precedents, the departsaeat at Washington cites tha art.mi ef other itatea turning ever quarantine sta tions to the United States The do? psrtment state? that after tha formal ?r s i will be made for grase to re.m bur-.' th?? ttate tor the property, the tei ? ?? ?. I t.y tha rep? ? ? b? -? ??? .n 1 th? Fed? eral i ? ' nmcnt, Tl ?? Trs .viry Do? partment ilse Informed the Oov -.. ner? ssed tha fa? . .-.,?< o- ether station? alone the \ tic t tl st New York will not . .,'. on '" eare for ? ?soee no', aris ita own port. geon General iilue exprsssed the opinion In n eommunical on ;,i the Governor '.hat the obi?wtion to the r ieral , ??.rantm.' ia baaed on mie 'appreheneion, and that those low die? -. ? ? ng ?rill heartily approve after they ba\?. become familiar witb the Gov enter's fairness in thi' treatment of '.ho ? : pping Interests. ?-? Roosevelt to Avert Navy Str.kc. According r?> a ?tatemen! made at Washington yesterday by .John I'. Coughlin, representing the Interns \?-ociation of Machinists tl ?,Tiper.<! ? v stri ia "f the Seas York Navy 1 srd ? - p ?ye ?? I I be everted by i r.i kiln I ?. Roo -i" It, Assistant Be who ha?, found, Coughlin i .i. ? i .- much of th?? ? - ia> caused by misrepreaentatlon i I? Of the men. . i_lJ_? ,;.;i:.?i,.;.? ,i.^-J-& I/O? Shoe aaj 9 T-?0 'Cl i S ??inaX /"VUR Annual Winter Shoe Sale now * " in [>ro-*rrss jit tin-* Sixth Avenue Store is an i-vnt looked forward to by hosts of Trien and WfWTien. Apart fron> the irrent aaWortrneiits, tempting values and guarantee*] qualities, this years ?vale has one hitr ?outstanding f?*a ture. In sjiiti* of a shortage of leather thai has sent prices to the highesl point known for it (generation, we arc offering -*]( <-s ai the ok- sale prices of the old dualities, but in the new styles and rew lasts. Men*s Winter Shoes $2.90, $3.85, ?4.757^5.75 Women's Smart Boots $2.60, $3.25, ?3l5^423, $4.35 Women's Slippers $1.90,l2~9?T $r33T$4.25 Children's Shoe?, $1.35 to $2.95 The early morning hours afford the hest tin e for confortable shopping und eareful fitting. The sales force is increased to insure the prompt, efficient ?service usual at Alexanders. Sale at Downtown Store Only SIXTH AVE. AT NINETEENTH ST. -4-. -__ ,_?? HI iiaSa?i. .i|iii:iiiiiiliiliiiiliiii $5?%009 RACE ! STARTS TO-DAY Give to Br s' Fund, : ul Pay No Heed to Fake Pica >f Streel Gamins. 350 BEOIN TEN-DAY CAMPAIGN AT NOON Sav?. Ragged Youn-.-st'Ts )if City's Streets. Call Sounded to Touch H?a-ts SAV E RAQGe?) T0U^GST??S, | CHORUS FOR B0 7S' FUND , "(i?-e, (i\e 'undent thousand dol? lars is a lot u' inone). Ho? many block? "II ?hat hu> V F'?r the boy? to ?horn the modest ! ycllii ? barked bill m an undream???! ni lerttine you ?an to-da\ g?e your check. It ?ill hu.ld a '?om?*, elabboase. gymassinm an)i "han? out" for I he ragged ?parro?? of the ! rlly's stre?'ls. Mski \??ur check payable to I!. S. fuller, trca-urer ' Baye1 Clab kesselst Isa. M Wall : Sa reel. "Please, mister, asa"! you give some i hing ? ei r !.. *-..- ?. ', .-. i' Horn? '.'" That bealtating, plaintiv? appeal, eoming at du.?k from a shivering little fellow with B newspaper or two und? r bis -.mi und the other blue hand ha.f outstretched, will halt thousands of homeward hurrying New Yorkers dur? !? g the next ten da-.-?. I: will be n pure and fimple fa-.e. Among the 360 campaigner? that starr out Lhis noon to raine $.".00,. i m in ten days for the Hoys' Clab As? societies there will '.)?? a doses mill? ionaires, but not one newsb? f Newsboys ani fast boya have been K-. rasing Richard 8. Crummy, director of '.he Newsboys' Club, by the scores, begging permission to help raise the half-million. Fifty of them at one time, wanted to know if they couldn'tj ?ell papers for a day and glv? all they made to the fssd. Maybe the news? papers would give them the papers for that day, they said. But the ?boys' elubs nsvsr rsise monsy that ?a;, either for th?3 mov? ..r for their Thssksgiving dinner? end vacation fund- S.j th<- ?mu;: beggar's ?lee ? : "somel ng for th? ?? - - ? Ilon-e" a ill be 100 per I i HI ... r. ami ? crov.-.i ?if "newsies" last night n?-.-.! a Tribuna rep? rter to "tell era ;,er paper, won't ;.u. plesse?" Accredited re| ra i ?' itives si campaign, however, trill hive no eulty in Introducing thema? they a ill carry y lett ?" ' signed by three i ante - th it ? ?enge attention. In former sil eampaigi b? re hsvs s ? red ? m- faks Identlflratioa rard? or* auction signed by the nan-.? "P. No? lan." One boy ?ntereai the office of the Ktudebeker Company and Collected $12.20, fortunately the manager . tiled Mr. Crummj a - tl a tola before turning over the money to tha be.'. With Joseph P, Day as chairman,, thirty ?ve teama of e (ht nr*n eneh w.'H ata i * the *? n '??? ( to-day. Ir theii i ? ? I. aidqaarters, u. f.T ' :. bell ' ? .... . . . ' en to ? i i ? ? . I i. Kai ? C. Ri ? ? I ,: Kahi i then re bi ? ? that it ? ? ? ? Grip ha i part ... ? that n BUSINESS TO HELP TAFT I?EP PEACE ?Mercantile I iterestl of U. S. fa? vor Enforcement P?a i to Sub? due Belligerent Nations. Sew Haven. Jan. I. Per ?i ! ? dent Taft to-day ar.n'iu-ieed that - ? -?? : ? it iva bualneaa intereata throui the country wer? :?:.!',:? ? g the ? ossla of the League to Enforce Pence, .Ces the use of SCO prei lubdue belligerent lie believ? < th it ar< rid p.- ice ?m I??!', brought much nearer tr - ? ? . i- tsvorii .- ? . - pro? gramme In a statement issued to-day Mr. Taft Bda the idea of a ieamie of American republics Ha the ' - toward a world-wide league of na ?uch a? ii contemplate! by the peace bods of which h?' i? president "The vote of the Chamber of Com? nrverea of the United sta'?'< .r? favor at putting economic and militan urt> i)eh;nd international arbitration tn atiea, which has ju?t I sen announced from Washington, pledgea the I support of u great body of bu to ? definite and nrationai plan looking toward the establishment of permanent world peace at the elo ? th<> presen! Europeas war," s?a.d Mr. Taft ' Mu' 282 commercial bodiea which ipoko :??' thia referendum ?? ? avery portion of the United ? and mnat be taken sa expreeeing ?>nt of th? bnsinsss intereati the country." The former Presiden* then poir*? o ;? that the proposals of the league or* which he is head and those of the Chamber of ('onimarc nr?- practical Identical, the dial nel ??? P ,? .. ?? of both being the sanction of mi force ?ird aeonomi? ?-?ire behind an international agreement for pes fu lettlement. Propoaall Of t:*.e peace or^'i'. ite that 1" r h forma of nent w;*vi obotinato aatlona the other nations that mat thi> lignatory power?. It is provided that ?'.team of punishing a : ? u -?'.I only if it commits actl hoatllity Sfainst another of the r*;gna tory powera befor?. any queatioi ing ?hall be auhmitted to the tril M hieh un1 I i'""? .'1 ? I Prisoners Camp Out in Jail. Iforrfetown, N". .1., Jan. '.? B Thompson has alxty prisoners to care for and only twtnty-t-vo ce!!?. H Bg two men in each 4 by Pour rota ,n the hoepltal ward a Tire remainder of the will have to bunk on the flu ?r. S erill Thompeon hna sent for blaaketa, ie ? ne of the prisoner-camp ri luffer from the Cold. ? im T ;.jofoe ce is a plan! ol s sw ?.row.h. Far v-'i.iy y? ir. wo have bean ?-clin-, our SUAI NTEEOMOCTOI-ia o s tent bfltly v/ l T-nrn? circle cl tue m?,t conserv?t,ve i?n ? vestort. 1 UWYEI3 MOnTG?CE CO. RICHARD M. HUMO, Praxl?trnt Capital,SurplusAPr $9,000,000 i. -rt/hr S T. 14? Mor.-i?c? It Hl. Venus ?C< PENCIL i: TU 17 ?fe. ???ham ?*>B ?ahm M 'MSurW m.I. N'^ai.r^ol.l-I-?.'?-? ??-y matdeewfai Th?? (M a ?a la., c Jt-ra?l BIS? Aaicnnaa U.d Prtwil C? . N. T. STUMBLES IN DAKK; FINDS FAMILY DEAD Husband Greeted with Mudd'.eJ Forms of Wife a**d Daii?hters. n, a "fin -o t.- t- ? ? ' h sag? . I. ' ? si ' Masas picked I loor on the rear or' hn own last r.i-jrht, gr?.rpd '-I rough th? darkness of the kite1 .mble-l ever an objer: on the floor. H? threw th? window?, lit a light Sad ?tag a-irfrl back at th? light that i;reete?l ? es. Lying huddled toge'her :>, the middle of the room were the bodies of Ms wife and five little daughter?, ?11 under seven years old. The iper. burners of gSS range and a pencilled note in Mrs. Msvee'e purs? ?hewer* the manner a ; ?'?-.-,? | ?.eagre expiar. tS SSUS? Sich si th? ? ? nued ur.hsppir.esf-, tn which she I -.?', the rhem into tl ?? kitchen and turned on the gar?. Maves opened t1-..- purse that lay in ntre ef the table ar.l found an iied note, saying. "You mad? my -??rabie. You never rave m? ?07 money, and then" lastly the mother h?,i begun her note of explanation after turning on \ 1 ? ie <?'? -' 1 "* the poison td her brain ?be f ind it Impos lh her accu-atmn. and evi dently thru-,t it into tho purse, which ed 11.06. "'Why, I always gave hst my wages," ?1 "I think th?? -rouble wa? -??u .?i <* . fii 4 i..... i?, ...'* K'tii'ir ?-???? a ber grief at the d?'ath of h?r / .other ru Summit, III., last summer. I \ ometimes had little spat? with ner. but this, - - terrible thing, couldn't 1 - ? en b.a-ause we c|iiarre?l?d." irms were rilled with gro? ceries, which he said he hsd bought for their Busdsy dinner. ? Cotton Wage Fight On. Fall River, Mass., Jan. 9 There -will he t-pecial general meetings of th? labor onion? on Tueoda, sr.d Wedn?? reninga to discuss the wage situ ?ton. A request for 10 per cent ad? vance has sir sd] bttOS n-??!? It h?s ? the Cotton Manuf?ct? urere' Associstiss Ii a-,-? nst the sd ? . $500,000 S 490.000 $ 480.000 < ?70.000 i 400.000 $ 490,000 $ 440.000 j 4)0.000 $ 420 000 $ 410 000 400.000 $ TO 4000 5 )80 0OO $ YfO.OOO $ ]bCOOO $ 150.000 5 WO.OOQ 130 tX i? m 5*eSS_ 5 190.000 $ 180.000 $ 170.000 $ 160.000 > rfo.soo $ 140.000 $ $ I20.0OO < HO 000 100,000 $ Q0.?0O 80 ooo 75000 65.00U 55.000 \ 45000 341 0 15,000 15 000 5.000 To take young boys in un? fortunate rirtr-umstatv-es from the streets to kindle a spirit of new hopejand fresh ambition to provide shelter and warmth, recreation and health? ful entertainment, education and training where and when they are most needed- to build new boys' chibo es helpful as the Boys' Club at Avenue A and 10th Street and the Newsboys Home at 11th Street and 2nd Avenue these are the aims of the Boys' Club Movement. eJI $500,000. must be raised by January 21st to carry on this food v*.ork. Evtery cent of this amount will go straight into the makmi* oi bettCT and healthier boys to day better and :r.r:i to-morrow. Tins thenT-0-n'.ter will register as the days pass the amount rere.ved n the campi?gn to secure the $500.000. needed. Every mark reatl.e . on t:.e scale is a gam in man l.oo? for New York. If you want to see money being put to ncble service, Just drop in some day at the Boys" Clubs. It. will soften your heart lor al. boyhexjo and ideals we wis.i to reaJ.ze. Fcor lonttbutiona Ma. help to make possible the aim of the association. C!\E NO MONEY TO bor SOUOfitOS ? I i:" ?ni tO E. N. POTTER, Treasurer, Tie boys' < New York ..? . ?tel -""W<*v c *r -""?*fl7 **^^--'