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WEALTH DRAFT NEXT IN BRITAIN pHTcrence impulsion Onlv Qnet of Con dud ol ihe War. ?ENT MORATORIUM TO BE PROPOSED I"ront Must Be Protected bv tin* Nation. p., ire HENRI iui7!n. m. r. rror ? a?'*4?-i* mi of th?. 1 is It le af 1 I BOBS dorsa I -. | thorn * "Will the *. ; ,airi. and i - be Its effect atever that thel verj ? he notion of reed ? Ism i ,-? ? ' onnes ,'. IT? * asi i ?>' ? eec Brat real s? las si r for s con? ? of thf ' I (' ? I ras** ob e-ror* blm re el me. In my i* rtanci ??? pf th? a ma ' ? premature - con ? \ and inawars of ? ?.Ich It . - twa of the msln a*t*e-n? ? ? the 4 Siived them to oproso com fir?:, compulsion ?ho **"ar; nnd. meanl i n arj-iim?" I te?j to war ar.d it docs ? i be re most ? ? . ant says * .- . 4 An ? .ihould ? - . the fl< . ? ? . ? mem* tie, bn th? ? ? ? ne or have - ' on is si ***-*' I coun-' '' ??? cor. i I snf***ost ?? , ' men ..... the army nee i ? 11 ? - ? FINDS KAISER LESS SEVERE IN DISCIPLINE Escaped Russian Saw l.rnperor Mm* h Chastened Man. ? to Th* Tribuna] ?fane, lire ZZ. Proa Patn -rrnd i . Kalsai s re ta. According- to the ? -r ?rhe bronfht ? ? much el atrifed ai ened n -ht with by the it ? i -mice ? ver. ? ., however, ?- i | |0|? en, In-? i ? . IS bS a??i*tel at a ... ? rj? diaeon ? I til thi young officers eororad - ? ? ? , 1 ' i " " the a**i "*-? Ana learned that fimou?hs had boss c-rsr.te.l bv order of th? re*l Ci mmSBSSf alone. He there .ave Instruction? that for th? lid b? gTSntcd only by s r. i , ? mlaalos cone? Ituted foi purpoae In th? eourae of thi^ case many lias were dis 0* ere?), sad l?verai officer? wer?, brought up ? ? I In the pie?ence of ?he Emperor ?Mi? young ofteer. for having :: lulted his chief, ?as reduced ti th? ?:."ks and deprived of all privi '?r-ve cf advancement until ?he end ?f tha ?asi Epidemics nm ,?,. rife ?s 0V01 a- ! til? hoeoltals nr. over ??it'i sia-k ?lie Kaiser ordered the Mites keepltale shoe d ?>.? Sted to tho r?>.r, and tbat all the srs i be pros Ided with tu?so * ?Pal fill!;. I a , | tau, the Kh irr vtstfed Tuk hum, where he Inspect? i ?omi new re crulti i . ;. wets badly instructed. but this not prevent the Kaiser from telling them that they were he? roes ?nd that retire was near. Only a mots Uniting wa? demsmled of them, he raid, nn.l they would And a of re-t end comfort at Kign Si 1 1'vinsk. TURKS RETALIATE AGAINST ALLIES Arrest Hmbassy Officials and In torn 1.000 Subjects of the Entonte. Kerl n iby wireless to SsTrille. N 1 Jan. ? "The rarhish government, ??s n of reprisal for the arrest of consuls of the Teutonic allies tn Sal?nica, has arreste.! ten Trench an i I liais who bnd remained n ??'?es in Constsntinople," the ??verseas Agency announced to-dsy. Reports received n Amsterdam from ? ttnople say that the Turkis . government, in reprisal for the trea f Turkieh subjects bv the En tente 1'. ? Sal?nica, has also in? terned 1,00 ?? ef the Intente li?t;??- -? ? re in Turkev. It is understood!, according to the re? ports, '-.toman government in ?? arrest of officials of ths a embassies who had ??,. - topis took t?. -i ?a :rs first measure of ru eet of the consul? of a . ? itoi allies ?t Sal?nica and that ? rs ? '? mplated ;:. this conn?. I ?,rc-.-, hai agnin entered protest -i ri.raen by the I Powers ? ires, i i 1er d,t ricult t: , supplylnj ?if ??jetee with food ..- n, ficcording tu en an? nouncement by the Overseas Agency POLES ASK ASQUITH TO RAISE EMBARGO Wan! Food to Reach Starving Kinsmen Through Danzig. ?.go, Jan. 9. A esblegfnm urging I to lift the blockade suf ? Ftipplies to the dssti? :' Polard was put on the wires hers to-night, addressed to I'nme Min ? : Asquith. ? ? wa?? nfiit to Presi ? ? g the dispatch to Mr. Asquith, end to the British, Ger? man, French, Italian, Russian and Aus tro-11'..- Lassies at Washing? ton. The communication to Mr. Asquith follows m part: .-- sd, representatives of four million P< lish-speaklng residents ?I most re reqUCSt his msJSSt] 'l g? I t-rnment that the blocKad? against ships ris and clothing und ad for th? ?iistric-ts ?d hnd veesels earry Ing BUCh eargOSI oe permuted to d.s ge th? b? harbor of Dantzig ? i ?ai -?'???- port for distri sm< ng -r.habitants of that part -, war. "Out ?? th? ?triciaeti district two and u i.aif million men havo been called to '. r th? A. IOS1 eaaSS, thousands h;.\e b< lot wounded, and now lie s itbout fo??d or ifferins far more than n'.?. I . tints OI the war. The situs? tion there ? ' Aith that of Bel? E la cir er most hope that the ? .:ssion for Belgium should ? -. ?. ? of the entire - -,g that the io?.d : be distributed exclu among Polish sufferers in dis .. . ?stated l.-, war." Th?? ci mmunica'.un whs signed by the I ntral Relief ? ommitteo : g Polish organizations relief work is beintr conducted through the relief committee. CHINA, FACING DEFICIT, MUST MAKE NEW LOAN Poor System of Taxation Chief Cause of Conditions. Peking, Pec. 1 - On the completion 'if ths Republic's fifth year ? ? possible def.cit of about $1.0, ,i Mexican t js.OOO.OOO goldi i? fbe g?svernment srlll therefore be obliged 'o ra:s?? .. fifth yeSf domestic i 11*1)1, and the amount of this will be about $24,000,000 ; . , 1,000 Yuan Shih-kal and hi? I have repeatedly stated that they were making efforts to cut dews ..ture. However, the spirit of ? ? in vsrious parts ?.f Chine has a greater military ex? penditure than bad !>.?. I eontCfl !?'?'? ' ! be ?nrome from the salt gabelie and ?:i>m import and export taxes is sb?SW? reuse, but is not sur? ? ? ? -. ? n n ?-t expendil un-, ?-if centralisation in the rovernment makes it Impe - ? tral government to col? lect the great amount of revenue yield? ed by ths i '"'? mess <>ne of t>i* ' urged by ths < hmeso neweps? ; In kUPport of ? hina's entrance ente is I bat. arith foreign ?ation. it could throw off the Ite provincial officers and ths II ? ?- ' wealth yields. etion o* Vhina is controlled I?v trie Whim of local officers. I of th? tent on - is so ?alight and the variot ? roughly In? os ?: neighborhoods iblc to reform the tax rn. ? r-?nuity in ii..- sribus taxes. Bv? ry ? sr Ii required to tribution for ?very cup Weaver: mu?1 pay h con? tribution upon every loom. Restaurant ? ., to ? -''?' a t.ix on rs laws preventing fio-n ImpOSiag tates at .Relais escape th" e by ? ? various levies contnbu , i . ?? t small dealers who remain in buainess know they . e tyi I ' ? t to their imposi rtl of t'hin?. the rted to have become ,.?,(, . me ander the re ... the) were ander hlan? . . men] small deal .i- laid to favor the ? ration of the monarchy. FORD PEACE PLAN LOOMS INTO SIGHT 4SW.SS Send Delegates lor Permanent Board of Arbitration. PILGRIMS CHEERED BY HAGUE GREETING __ Optimism Is Now Prevalent? Jldge Undspy Decides to Sail Home. By THEODORE N. I'OCKMAN. I Hl ?'ah'.? u> The Tritmn* ] The Hague, Jan |, Tha perch on "-Inch the ?luve of poaca roosts Is all '?-?tooneil In honor of the. Ford pil? grims. The crusaders have found renewed hope in The Bagas after their scuttle 1 through liermi.ny. The opening re Seption held m their honor at the I Wittehorg Botel, tha himdqnarters of i the expedition, wns th?- most cordial they have encountered in tho.r wander ? ings. The billboard* proclaim the dates of their meeting?, anii altogether this business of disseminating pen??? is picking up Switzerland has sent the lateit re emits to lha Ford ranks. Five reprs ?-ntative? of the republic are on the ay to The Hague to Join the delegates ha? neutrals in forming the per m?nent peace board, which Is the out growth ol the pilgrimage. They will reach here as aoon as war burdened trafTic permita. The board so Its sponsors plan will be tromposed of five members from ?nch neutral nation. Tl..? tatSlieaai lav taken the lead, of course, and the pilgrlme in sofsion here have d I thnl William Jennings Bryan, Henry Ft -?i snd .line Addams shall be three of the five representing the Unite.I States. Norway, Densnark, Sweden and Holland have already seal dele? and Spain I? experte 1 to do likewise. The purposes of the board are: First, to otitain expert advice on how to proceed: second, to take the initia? tive In approaching the wnrring BS 1 n Ith peace term snd rd, to spared to ait ind 1 and pasa 01 ? ? lala, Mme. Ko- er, the Hun? garian leleg "Informal on haa 1 nflnentia that t will not , ? us renewed encouragement tha'. Is less remote than is generally be? llevad." The pilgrims are atill wondering t.". some or their ? through tha , r in? stance, thei I Btiff, trea? urer of the junket, who ?a Still sur rrised at the thoroughneai of Germen foresight. Mr. Plnntiff decided to carry part of his n oney i| :? ? lie was n bit astonished when he found that the bill for the special train pre M-iited by the Germani eoualled es CCtly the iimount of gold he curried. Incidentally, the expedition Is costing I day. For the time be'.ng thirg? are run nine amoothly, The n? s ! sper men i ?'. i' apparently been 1 ? much moat, a*, the] were saaign? Ito a tarian hotel. The student? ? will sail or? Tu? ts the Rotterdam w??uld be overcrowded with them on t"'hril. Judge Lindsey, who was men' r.s an American member of the rent board, has decided to anil !>acK to America. He announced to day It '.aa' .i;.; ? m' :vi> r hat he 1 el urn ' The expedition will hoi ga tbia week St The Hague, Rotterdam and Am -*, nlarn. Jane Addams Says Nations Would Welcome Peace Call Washington, Jar. *>. "Even at this time a conference of ncu'ral nations to formulate pence proposals would be well received by the belligerent ? tri-? of Europe,*' declared M"=? Jane Addams, of ?Chicago, In sddreasing a ma.*- meeting held to day under the direction of the V.'ornen's Pene?, party, now in annual convention here. Miss Addams. tvho wai one of the I'nited States delegates to the rerrnt Woman's Paaes < onferenre at The Hague, ?asid eh? fonnd <v. eoontry In Europe ready to Join in n ? movement, provided this country mfi'le tin! move. Other spenkers advocated edu-?' n of tie youth limitation of armaments in all c t eonntr ? in Intan tional eammiaaion to prom force nnlveraal peace, or--. ? ition to militarism, and the r- 1 of economr Nearly 110,000 in c. h was pl< for the support of the pari t dui the coming" year. The convention will adjourn to-moriow. WHITLOCK AT THE HAGUE 4 .infer? -n it It a an IM.c and Will Co to Belgium To-day. The Hnf-ue, Jan. P - fhe ?teamer Rotterdam ? STsnlng at terdam sfter a from Nee ? >rt Brand Whitlock, the American ". -. ? !.. 1 . 1, \vl.,. erni 1 ...... he Is apending to-day with l?i van Dyke, the Amor.r 1 lit r ,??,,- for !ila 11 ? to I taking a train aa far ai liutch frontier( where an m ' in which h?' will trav.-i for ? mainder of hi? journey to Bl sws ta him. German permission foi ?ho iourncy through Belgium already ha- Leen secured. SOCIALISTS REFUSE CROSS. I'onsider Acceptance of Ilaaarian Hero ration laeosapatibla ?uh Priaclplea. Beil n, Jnn, " - by wireleaa ? ?.' v "8 rs ".;'.' awarded the Lndn g I I Kin? Ludwig o? Bava meritorious sen rmsd in the hour of their COO Overseas Newa A Th? i**ts fully recognized the friend j va h eh prompt! I the King's a." , 1 thanked bin 1 ?:?.; , hu* dscl ? ' IB I" - eaues they eoi lersd aceejM >? of it patiDlc with the prinrir 1 th? r flirty a? 1 ' ? "The ' r:\ ? ? nrr*r. ' "' hieb Post,1 m ehroni? ng th? . adds that th? aider work fur their eonnl I a duty, an repoda Ieaeeptional t.mes, and one to be pee? I formed without asking r?.waid ' I SOCIALISTS BACK KAISER Csadcsss Psastlss Whs Oppaasd Credits ?Dlsswa "ibe Vsissoilo" Amsterdam, Jan (I Dlspstchos from IWHn say ?list the executive commi? :.. ef tin? Socialist psrty bns adopted, U, n r- solatlon senesrlsg I sat* list members of the Reichstag ?\|.. "attesspted to thwart the party's ? policy by dedlslng to voto in favor of ; the war credits." The rSSSlstltSS says . that tl?? behavior of D?*psty H igs U?ase, who reeigaed recently s? presi denl ef the pence fsctlos of th?? Bo-ctal 1st party, ".?p? ? laity deserving of the ?ei ereat " 'i bs reos al ?" di ?lines to sec? pi In ?he future "The Ve las official or -un of the Bo? I illet p irty " ' l he Vorweert i th* re?oiu tion, "does not fulfil its duty as th? mouthniees ef ths party It hi ? ? ? I cos reged en des vor ? irhlck ami te dis organise ?he party, 1 he ?.?wsonper, therefor? forfeit? every right to so re? gsrded ?? the party'? eentral orgaa." ADOPTION OF DRAFT SEEN AS WEAKNESS Oerman Paper Contends British Government Is Stroag, but Compulsion Will Tail. Amsterdets, Jan o. "The earryiag of the compulsion bill is the first sign of the actual weakening of England, al thongh, ? ? ? hsi ?I. II is proof of the atl iho i'''vernmont and ths tenacity of English character," *? 'Trankfurt? r Zeitung," which contin? ues: "This apparent contradiction Is ex? plained ns follow?: Despite strong counter c?rrente, the Eaglloh govern? ment has got what It wanted. This Is a ?trei ftb lin* th.)t the govern? ment i tat it is a algi ol the we BO far as her tente lo concerned It Is eleer that ' and ? have come r i en, whlefa Is in opposition to ? not I to do ?" above all for pi ? nee ted with her n ? ? I ? . el ' ' lion Will be re on the i?sue of the ? ... ... . . ... Min ber. who I . who ha II also , The the week ? ? ENGLISH PITT VOOUE IN PARIS te-csnsery of Trcarb I ifr Seen on Streets More and HoiS I rCtSSSBt ! | . Pari?, .tar, :< - - ' brought the cigar to Paris with the Eng!i? , ? ?' 1914 bro Tommy V - do Benuvo ?I d?S "The clgnr le th? titled the ? me In . ? I ? ? reached ths di-?.net.on . and is etill ? - the st ? . :n the | ' me i i ol ? gant ? il and it larly, I : rench pipe ? eflned after I I tion, s ting mounts ? ?.. n, It ..e r.n ? . ? ? ? uarm"; It I ? ko a ? ? ! as a WHITE RAKES KIDDIE CLASS "It's Damned." Bs Bay?, "ior RcfSSSl ti, I Ighl M ;? ni mon." "*A ' ? gregal ' ? ippy ?tate ? I he mid ? ? ? ?.on. "If !.. i .a class it ia not a to. 1 epos to go!" ga a ' ' ! help God nteei -? ROOT TO HEAD UNION LEAGUE Nominating 1 emadttee Nasses Hun for Preeideal ?.i ? lab. for the | lal meeting ?' - . the ?ecreUi ' .. lUCarrsh I? named I -.?alllKlI, RUSSIANS CLEAR FOE FROM STRIPA Repulse Two Austrian At? tempts to Take Czartorysk. CAPTURE 1.19.r) MEN NEAR CZfiRNOWITZ Berlin Reportl ?Mutiny of Turko? man Regiaeiti In Bessarabia. London, Jan. 0 Ther? has been no Change In th. battle lines In tasten ?>. although fierro lighting Is still continuing, SCCOrdlng to an official an? nouncement from Petrograd to-night. The Pn??inns claim to have I'/arto rysk still in their possoaalOB, two Aus? trian nasaults having been rspelsod to? day with heuvy losses. North of ('zer Whleh neither ?!<!<? apparently has I.em sbls to hold, tin- Pu-sians also elaim the Captare of twenty officers and 1.171 men r.nd three machine guns. "The 'imien's" Petrograd sorraspond?I i r>t, who i? .1 jsi.-in hsedqnsi tars says i-' '? irai thai the Rasstsn blow In Galicia and llessarnhla was planned with great serrecv as a stra . ' meana f..r ho'ping the Entente Al tha Ba|h ?ph. ha1 that, as In Dre ? r ? r.-ients of the same kind, the BUS got nind of it and began ?m tely to withdraw their troops from ? ' be ?The r esnt confereaes in s?.fa, in which Field Marshal von Ifackensen argi d ths Bull ? i Inns to conl mnrch on Sal?nica," inyi the corre lld he Interpreted in the mi 1 he ?.?rmans "ful ?bother the Bulger? . parSUS ths adventure once von . n - :?' ops were gone, but they _ I o withdraw ihm*, a? tal lid not be g??n -orrespond-.r.t rays tribute to BOW? r the Ruaaisni red "in the for? ent forces now ? g the a istro-Germaa ?n; ?, avail eup . ? , - rhen they were . a day a gun " ?orre ' : fast ? " . ?nit of tha ind manv a f-".nt and parry Maekensei end \ ? duke -J- ?"?;.h Ferdinand come - ?. the eoi? ? .rident | , roadi ? re eepl'?ring ne of 1 "The Austrian Pliai tei*a ander terrible condi rhborhood of Bu i ?es BSyi "The Tim?'-'*." correspondent "The endden thaw af : ?nap Ailed the trenches arater, snd only the splendid ? - German eoldlere saved ths I SCS of the unei 'S." .er.t, sr.d sise "The ii eoi reapondsnt, dwell n f Bs ? " R :'i? are no. !:e? a few ' ' ? rnowits, n-i it i radiating Is I The population of the ?rlct has taken refuge ?: *. Is full of Austrian .led. ?? .?T the town is ? !. hut thn* I; Is no'. ? ; as pr?, . . ? ? caree. The Ruasian ol - gradually ? a .r.i. to? J - -.-. I II ! in clearing ? ?:.. river i I ? ? ? e not mg theraeelvea, . I r.. r vuk ic ? i ing tin.? ? . '. bit it i< i here tha SO the pre I in the Further end th? deadlock i to have . i vers will continue to watch d** IS ttOI With tilmo-r est as along the Buko ' - - '?*. Ciernowits. aaya s Her . ???" that Rui - in pris - rell of a mutiny on th? ? m Turkoman reg ibia, a fort " - ? ' i . y was pul and ? - ?rag ?sea! * ? .or. ' Pr.rret there ha , the Pi trograd outh "f the l'i .t."" a to tab twice re -es. ; ? re -'on of the rovs the en -. f the rivet ? ca"t gred in 1 ? north twsaty si J three mu ? a TO OUTLINE AIR DEFENCE \ero 4'liib Will Announce Plans at Annual Dinner \\ etinesdav. I . which are ahoat , tne approval of ?"-ration will be I . ? ? Admira! Peary :,? of a "Ian for seroi ? ? ? ? mportant , of num. rous novel ?features of the pro ' ?? ?.ma! defend ! ? ? . ! aeroplane . ' I SJ ' ? rhomss I take i t in the .?. for i..rn . , ? ? BELGIUM GETS C ER MAN BILLS Iho?e Baal to England at Outbreak of War Returned. 'on, Jan. 9. "According to a Am "German bill? .? an Nation il if the ant to Englan?l. have be.-rr ' ? mperial Ministry of the Interior, the b I - . :i,r |i.a>ment m Gonaeny about the middle of January." AIRMEN IN AGONY WHEN FUEL FAILS Eugene Gilbert Tells How He Was Made Prisoner by Lack of Petrol. ABOVE THE CLOUDS WHEN MOTOR STOPS With His Own I.Ines In Sicht, Wind Prevents French Aviator from Getting to Safety. fsr*-i?? OMmpisSaMi a T-.? Tr1!??i??? J Paris, Dec. 22. "What memory of tho w?r (s it that most impressed m?1 To tell the truth, I h?re so many that it ia hard to make a choic. I might any that it was tho first cannon shot fire?! at me in Lorraine, when I was ?lying at a height of 2,200 metres, and that made me seek security behind a ? id Again I might say it was the burning of ?"??rbevlller, which I saw from on high, with the it.hab,-.?-.'s rtinning through the flames an . (i.?rrnans dancing liko demons around that hell. Or, perhaps, it would be the bloody earthward shoot of an enemy aeroplane vanquished in the air." This was Eugene Gilbert, the famous airman, talking of his adventures to Jac?nies Mortane. "Finally," he continued, "was it my departuro for Fricdrichshafen in an aeroplane ?ureharged with petrol and ??. p! isives ? Well, no, it was SOt say (,f these. For me the most tragic of ?J] my memories 1? the last hour I sp'-nt in the air before I came down in i ? erland to be Interned tor rhe re? mainder of the wa ""as yuu know, I departed for Friedrieh'hafen on June 27 to bombard the Zeppelin hangars. I bad I plinhed my mis-.on and was flyin . ously on the homeward lournej 1 suddenly discovered that the ; ? was not reaching the engine ion. - A ersw bar) b'-e-i lost from *.'n?.' pump that forced the petrol from ths reserve tanks into the reservoir under ?ire. I had only rh its litres of petl I in the reservoir end 160 ? metres to go to reacii the French lines. Til?? calculation wa.? sur.ple. My ma? chine used twenty litre? ef p?-' r.-l an hour at a speed of 1 o?) kilometres I 1 id 'hen Just enough to bring nie to iaf< ty. "But fa'e was atramst me. I Wal . agaiast a head wind and - '.-e too kilometres an hour. ? the consumption of petrol was in rreaseai. 1 tried te p| .,- I the pump with my I ..- r i r my hand? kerchief, but It woubl not avork. I dying ever Switserland, which would make Bljf ! BS ? ? ral kilometres. But 'hat would not ?-ause it would bs a violation of r.'":'rality. There remained two al ternetives -I could fly higher and ? . ? a -.e petrol, but loae speed, or I fly lower and gain speed, but use more fuel. "I decided to go hlprher, and mounted ??i 8,600 metres. Those wet?.? the -.?? of agony. I was above the el 01 a few seconds at a time ei ???'? 1 I catch ? glimpss of th" Rhine i r n patch of ear'h. Just OnOUf, ?nable n.e to consult my map a.-; I see how far I still had to ko N'everthele I always hoped to Bad n favorable CI rent of air. But, unhappily, as t ih.fanc? diminlsherl th? petrol fail? ? all my efforts at Whet could ' do to ssve a few drops ?hat preci?os liquida* I made s'.r i- itee end II tr?se ?I ? .' ? M.- boar BSd a I s I Pu* ? problem al-.vnv? remained th? same tf.? q liskSf arid ?)se more petrol or (-?? sume !es. and go slower. What vicious circle! "I was In the mid?t of ir.jr studl when the g "' r OOOOOd ts " "fl A ready! When I had hoped 'nat would continue to turn without e OOBCel What folly! It was now tl deeeoi t "Before me I eesld eee the Vosp? our treaches and our little white tent Below no wss ths Rhli rltl Oersssi to the right. Nothing ?alag os Us ?Id?I Bwitserlend vas to the lei Well, I i ? ? nd there sd th? r ho.pltality. And then I S . irt again after I bad iscsrsd a fe ..'res of petrol. Flee misst? ? de t'lr me. provided tho?-? devils < a ?s Boldiers d d BOt arrive befoi " minutes hn?i fl "Put It Is far from ?he CSS to th lip or rather from 'he sttCrrtSSSg? * :- parta re snd a little et s II <:??n In ths i ?ess t wss ass ed t'iT my sadeisg. it asada my m? ??'nine jump shamefullv, much to th detriment of the propeller. Sine m;n utes later I wa? a rvisoner. And tha ? lbs m.morv of the war that mo, impressed me. ' DENIES YPRES TITLE BELONGS TO FRENCH Widow of General Moussy Pro tests. Insisting Her Husband Saved Day for Allies. Paris, Jan. !>. The w low ' Genera ISOy, of the French army, has writ ten from lirest to "I.'Ki-l.vr' 'hat she "does not wish to let histor be feleifled," ar.d as ber no longer alive to vindica*, she wishes to ester -??-. ??sumpton of the title of Viscount ol Ypres by Field Marshal Sir Johr b, on the ground tha* eral 11 IJ si ? SSVed Ypres on No rember >', 101 I The widow asserts the fnc*s wen that Genera! Mousey, eoms Brigade ef Prench Infantry, by th? . it ?> ? ;;mer.t, *o Zillebeka on October 81 to the of tha Brit.^h at Ypres, and by '. calm ar.d fe::ac:u-js atti reaosored Ihe British, ^v ' ee, thui arresting the i -? tho Germans from :? ntion. again, the | r> that ? D mber ? troop of about -3'"? met? ? ... . ? rain atter . . . SSI 1 tWO li.a I Ypres Bill No. 60. bet march ?ibl? On ? ? : ,,;?(,,- - ..'. - 'sands him and thanked ? lid he had ju? in further support of her ?1 behalf of her tat? hu-ibar.l th? ? ? letter to ill Halg, date! Jans i 1916, ? ? General Moussy for the conduct of his trooi s at Ypres ar.d ,-: "!'. wis really a very critical thle I a which aeaured 'he '? Sliccr ITALY DECIDES TO SEIZE GRAIN Military Decree Alms to Prevent Speculation In Cereals, GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO LOWER PRICES Provides for Censas of Wheat In Country and .Measure** for Requisition, P.ome, Jan. 8 '?Je?ayedl.?A de-*Tee ?:<-ned by the Duke of Gene*, aa Lieo ? <i?"-eral for King; Victor Em? manuel, order? that a* of all SO taken r.ot la'er than January :? provided that any penon who ta sanaaaca the quantity of grain he possesses or irks rr.nke? any fa'.ae ? ? - punishable by a year's lr.i I . Ano: S( desres establ.shei rilea for the r? | ng of ??rain by the tnill lary authoril itai c* to rasjalai? tion i-, pus a by a years imprison? ment ami f. add.tion to con? fiscation of the cereals. The census and reoalaltieulaf meae ures are intended to prevent ipecuia B cereals, to ir.? ir? a lutlc.ent . for ?he necees ties sf th? army B ? ; >B, snd to keep down prices. The c-nsu? decre? makei 1*. sory for whoever posienes more than Ave fail 4 frama; of cereals to announce the s-uantlty and crnia .n his pos ; r-on may ind.cate the I ths consumption of his own family end agricu laborers BBtil the i.mi for harvesting r crop, 1 M average being three tels . r ? ?? ? sent?a. He m.iy al?o ind.cate the quantity needed for the aext SOW ng and for food for \ | sale of a quant:';." la e\ce?s of after Januarv 21 must be d to the autho" I tira C?renle i | I the con owner or for i l or (?t. ling a | id af lam : * - ? - canno' i ? r? ; rhe prias af I ? ? bS eatah lished ? nmitteee op] army - mit* Axed I of w ar. \\ hen the r. . I cerea.* .. ? klfthe er bs made ? . : 1er Sf th I | be p.1. the whole ? r * two n. I - a ?r the Episcopal Chip M Opened. Fpi ??'...???' ???"ter day ?4 ' f the 4 I . a ft of Prodi rick \ ter n-d h i si ? The A B C In Buying Space There are seven newspapers in this city, printed in the English lant**u?ge, which do not ask their advertisers to buy a pig in a poke. Th?y are willirg to have it known not only how many readers they have, but what kind of people these read? ers are. These newspppers are members of the A. B. C.?The Audit Bureau of Circu? lations, a central body whose trained accountants audit and certify the records kept in the following New York newspapers' offices: AMERICAN POST GLOBE TIMES EVENING JOURNAL TRIBUNE MAIL Any advertiser at any time will be furrnhed with transcripts of the A. B. C. reports upon which unbiassed experts are to stake their reputations. From these reports he can know precisely how many copies are printed, the territory into which they go and what happens then?whether they are sold or sent back the next day. There was a time when the poke wns the *.-.c'-.-.-e in which all pigs were wrapped before sale. But to-day there is every reason to believe that the man who won't show what he sells has some good reason for concealment. If his product is all he says it is, why won't he show it? Ask to be shown?and buy space on the basis of A. B. C. Audit?. . ?lt\3) Pork -Xritiunf Member Audit Bureau of Circulations