Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower ^^^^^^J I II Wl RI SOI \ II this am joati ?<? ,?'?., 1 ' ,urr<' * whs should von defer it? ""?'? ? ' Wm. UKEWOOD SKATERS MELBA TO SING INVADE PINE PARK FOR WAR BENEFIT ?ctoaUkc Cat ! > rhta for Sport OoH \ttracti F* I - Jims - Tar ban i La .-.,.*, "'- * :,' a?*i Sat, ' 5 tf Hew . . . ... -wood ell SI*! /?j ... ST. s ? ? Sew V iii & Art ^^^^^^^^H a. ??: -? -f.f fin M ? ';? i frsi ? ?. :-? TO ADD : ^.'L-ICAL COLLEGE ? - . . ? ??. . ?? r ?? ; ? ;? li? li ir? la? ? A thi vr? .' ? trie) S* ? Df "V .," I ' " m ?Ute"- ; . - Attr ? ' ? ?at . * eel ??? ? then 01 ?uaesdmi ? - to *". The a ? ? ?:? of . SCIENTISTS TO VISIT BOSTON Pan-American Delegates Will He ??aaets a< Gov? . ..rii.n. *ent Par A ? In '" nor a ' lowed ', afu ' ?na oi Calls WtictsBn Aid to Bible. a. I J by A j i Bat i '?Si 4 'i; 1 it. Will Olvc Notable Concei \\ athlngton Ihursday Be Arts Hall Brlni*; Planned . ta T. lesiasS t,- TSs Truiin? ' Wsshlngton, Jar ?' Th? l'res Wilson attended servil the C? ntrsl Presbyterlss ?T-.urrh ? -? dlseppolntiag a ? 81 Margaret's Ch ?. i question which el ? I, sa Dr. (' oi of sr Marsi Re? ."ames H. Tr ef the Caatrsl Tresbyt . of which the President " Ilesa ?re respectively r. ?m Beial '. ; : th? marrlaice. > i liera.? that ColOBOl an?l ? and Mr. end Mm Taft churches while th? a v :? it? Houss though the w? be l'res dent ?? .. long motor : all) ing Ca>U ; att\ nt di ant, ma.i lira Wilson, - -, Miss Alice Wi M -? Helen Woodrow Hone?. "Alison Howe, Mr?. Cothron rretary of tha Treasury tnd oo. -ts ?T4. urder wav to m?k? co-cert on Thursday afternoon, v Mm? Mciba will Sinn-, for th? d? of the flotilla committee of tho? V n Wsr Relief Committee, ? ??? the pu'chaae of automol I ng the i 'ii,?led in the tries, ot-,e of the r I successes ever seen in W, Gesperrt, the te "? Iba. The put ?i. Riano, erifi 'a?- .??ador; Mrs. 1' ? ? ? rj. M ? loberi McC< rni Clover, Mrs Oik ? - Abraham Garr; II -..?-i ,,: Fa de la Bouli risl Ick, Mr.?. Thoi F. Walsh and others Mm?. Melbi uas guest of Mr. sad Mrs, 1 ? . party to-night. On I tea rue?! if \ ? ? ' eoeador and L Koo, the Chin ??hington to-day ' ? will speaK -? .--. missions m< , g. He will be ths guest of honor .?id Tuesdav. ? vay here I foreign ? - ' Wyeth, Viscount He-.ri i rei f ... ? ? - Murphy, m* ? y of Hen ington, am wo ? will be a sculpt . ard Hrown. . : . -f ? - afternoon ? amenl BARON CHEVRIAL IN FILM ?"Par?alas Roauiacs," Mansfield V\ Been OB the r-creen. risl, one of i. n , grestest ch-irBcten?, or ? ee more dropp let board yeeterdi .i< - more, in fact, 1 manee" is now a Wi :? -.-.a-< exhibited y? ? Music e ? h a Ma field r ?la ?nd I: ?. - ?Hot girl. ( p risl -, ; . ) . a , ? please even thoee w iry of Mi - a . ? - . wsa made Int go ely thst he turn .?ver. OGAILALA FIRES WISH FviH DEATH GHANT?? Aged Sioux Chief Who f-'ougl Cu>t-.'r Dies a Suicide. .ala Fir ?? Hull in tl ed at a h. il 1 \,ipr. tired i s cut ii ? me since. . | ' igalli a I svsrel I which ?ier troops wer and bore t :.?? ira of tha nds and iah left him ? ? I on th it vi.? months bcioie ho wa take i ?r? ? other tij-hts. , r r a ? the Ind an ? hiefa wh ? e Bull, and the annal rfaro have man 1 and executed b n p?*nce came to the Sioux an. ? 1 : s a prisoner. Ogallall ?i i lei warlike - ago Wot id' I, was one of the Wild Wei India) In I bead and wa et 1 'i SVe ? ?i for more that jreara with wild West ahewa ? ?? an] i ? ea in this countr; ? aslng the ocean. More recentlj for motion picture?, atn red a^-t he was then ovei I not te Interf?re witl ? I.nt?' la-* year Hj.-a!!ala l-'ire lufferei eaa, a tumor which con - bed. Ii?. had often auf? 1 .it never from 11 fits and -.iitTerinp ? old chief wanted :? ' .y morning, .latmarj 2, i rranddaughter i ttl Bear, at wnoae home h? for a rasor that he i I ad let' the i m Chiel ? . i hi? throat with the ? ied to rta were made to On the hospital cot the Indian said ? like t?> talk of the old ?lays ?ar?. "We did not under* ?- .- waya of the white man We || nol right for me -. of the days when we went on i ecause new it :h not con ??...." said the o'.al chief. ' the proudest poseeeeieas of ? m was a soldisr's belt, which . ' se .1 he had taken from as lied bj b m ?<? Caster's The belt is now severed Wh. ? Chief Ogallala Fire made h.s i w??t ?how i long chain marl.? <?f Si", and His gr? , nearly all of the gold , . ,:,, ? ,, : eighb heeds m . ti? had lived. ORPHANS KEEP TO THE SCREEN Marguerite ('lark Is the Second Foundling in a Week. OOOD FILM PLAY AT THE STRAND "Mice and Men" Proves 1*0 He Agreeable Plrtarbatlofl of the Well Known Drama. Bj BETW40OD RROUX. Every moi lag picture plsys a soft a o In his he Toddling ??" ? I Mary Pi? d i*i>mrs another foundling. Mar,: ?. lark i? the ?-iirri'rir orphan at the striaiiil Theatre in the picture veroion <?:' "Mire Men," arl eh are I ? I from the play of Madeline l ueette Ryley and performed b] ths Passons Players Film Company. It is haril to draw distinction! be? tween orphans, but i-- i ? M >rv Pichford is still the Am it fo them all. Bui nt thai M il, is a mighty Ans ? lings tu her ?n gillf hen . - We mention cambric nprei ?ion that it is a nightgown material. A moving picture playwright slwsys gela hu chief orphan inte a i.ight ifDwn. It is a sound custom, and In the case of Miss Marguerite 4'lark one whicJi deserves critical encouragement. To wateh Mis? ( !nrk cn-ikie her toes before an open (ire Is one of tha pleasantest eights which tha screen hua offsred this season. I hrii there is a bit where she runs across u ?h idsd lawn In the fare of a br?ese which blllowa her hoopsklli "Mice an.i Men" is a moat sgreeable picture, its atory i? h bit too for a Aim. Following thi play, the picture tolls how Matk Emb u ? the ides ol trail 11 bei se i wife for hii . her at last tu h ? young n< ? ? i Miss Clark pretty, ? -r-iall trick acting. Ma ? Ws woader If those folk who think that mu*. in| pictures ars fsil '? ?*'uor '? Peg] ? - ? . ? lien Pi pi . - ? How u'.trt .. ? ? is im ?? not III The spoken dr braced tl ?? J ot free will, Plsya ask us to ? ? ? ? e | The a ... ? much perplex? ,- gentle ?. in these playa ol cauae of a rit of good, old * ryelones, ? and forest Area sro I '*?'??? meaaure, * realiza! ? . ? ? ? ? , ?? . snd a bit ? ,! of it may ha*?? ? ich in fluenre on a man platitudins ?' | If Thorn?,-? Hard) ? io old he mighl write ; ? ; ? ? tter, there to b? ' making in "riif Bet irn "f th? lock ? r'tnpany of the State of Texaa, Isn't Te big ss Gi . i Bel ? rti c, it is ? ? gal 1 ' ';; rb, OUt ? director of trie i . which eighl a, i Ths eom? ii repertoi ??? ? I fiom twelve I will give each c.t\ be I ? . i -l leemi I ? i ? ? ? ? . sded l'nited i Broa?. WIDOWED MOTHER ASKS AID Left -sith Three 4 hililren rmd Has No Relativas. When her husband died, leaving bsr with two little ehildren snd a . ?reek old, thi i lowed mot) ? r . ? ; her home m ' ? given up *,nd her ehildren t verj . city, and witl res. Through the ?he came to Uotlers1 ? ? ' '? 192 Bowery, who will try to ma her home. Don .' o? a will 1 ll.? i i / i? aerrnan, -'> Bro id? a], ? I, roomi ol th? ' || ? \\ . Thanks SIS Ol D. for H. B. snd 1 L ?. for |1 sach, OLDEST CLERGYMAN DIES Heath Overtakes the H? "*?? ?Tllllaai ?Jar?ate la Ris IMth ". sar, . .. Ash?ville. N. C.. Jan. t? 1h? Rev. William Bai oldeat minii - l North Carolias i oldest In the United . ',' \ . ? mont Mr. Bai ? ' in act tint minister foi atid slthough he hsd not b? to sny ehuri h foi ion ?? tie i hsd n? ?sr ? attain? inn ths age of IN years. New Suffrapr Way Station. The H"''h and i-h Bel stoi al Dietriet commit?. ? ? of the Women'a P< . will open headquarters al 1618 ? a-. , ? ia t..-?ir Ninetieth u . di < Bday even ng Rlsi ' !hn tel an i- chairman of th? tot ial District snd oi iginatoi undertah ng '!< etini held ? , i week oi w*i dnei lay. Miss ? grammes. At th,' D] Miss Mis th Fre? Kora Bist Poreel 1 . ? Io. RTHEL BARRYMORE AT TUXEDO. I "a- Id Wagstalf giving aetnsss .*i ride in an ico chair. BAUER REDEEM! ] PH-LHARmON Pianist's Playing of Sai sSacns Concerto Enlivei Dull Programme. By II. r. KR1 HBI1 : li.. '. net Mr part in th? concert of t inonrc ?Society In Csrnegi? Hall afternoon It would have I a rather ?iu:l and the i - , of Mr. Stransky's rig . : ? pn i nuance. ?O ' ipricciOBo" had none "f and Bee th own'a "It?: unwound its long? ??:) a -? ? . unyield ? r'u! oi Ii ten? ' it ? ? ? ? ? n ai M r. Hauer'? ?-ri!' til what I ... - ... i ? || 1 in the pn ' and ra ? . ? ? , enera to Had thi G 1*1 I '. ti .'III u? . .' aa . . . ; a char it i . real mei ? r. . B ret ra. The - . .Iiers want I ? . iio ol a land. Tl ? 1 public even Its ? . ? ? i s i ? p oi ? . ? ELMAN AT ?METROPOLITAN :'..a !,.aa ;, and Tanaki Miura l'eatures i Hippodrome ? on? irt. Mischa Klrnan WSS ' g srtll at sight's M? I maatery La o'i "Sj n the Wagner-Vl "Pr? islied" an?l the Wienia .... monde Delauneia un--1 chhi : ir.? -, hit f i oui . ? . .-m.! Bise t'a "i han ion d'A? r I, . g a voies I singing s .. ?? isms from "Mignon," ar.'l ose trata ' ? ?, ? ... orch? i - m- sader tii? : Richard Hageman. Anna Pavlowe we? ' l? ' ef sttrac ti.iii h: la?t night's HIpp I with Messrs. Zal? s ;. ?? ?. s. Kuhn and Mr, l ? | ? ? irdos b Gi ' '-I in uet ? ? ? , r from "Irii" and Giusepi ?... songs Of coursi B i ia a: i ; ).pp? ?r? i. REHAN FUNERAL TO-DAY Only Members of the family to be Present at (.reen-?i???d. The funeral of Ada Reh an will take from I'M We?t Sine! ? i ? will be cram I er tl Arthur 1U r?n. a i ? era of the I Pr. Ernest M tires, i Thomas'. Chsrch, s ?i afl ciato. TUXEDO TAKES TO SKAT < ?Id "." .-? -h.-r ci,,, Colonista . . ? Tuxedo P ? ? ? ' There ? I lr., Gi Kent, i " 1 , g'r? ? ? \ ' Viet i I lie nn ? ? ? town to for thi oho were here for ' Pn di i I..1 M ' P ". \ ? OLD GUARD ARRANGING BA Dance January Zfl i?> < nmmemor Nth inniveraarj ?>f Orgaalsarioa ird \ not or: - but a'. recruiti duty. r. . with S] t i . r try in .? ? "mber? t h e 11 ? ? ? : ? ? th annivei ? ? pacity of ; LATINS IN AFRO CLUB PLAJ l'an- lall : ? .in I ? ?S-r it nn Prop .?cd 1 Pop? ' race. \. . ...... i the it ft West? rn th a ira v. \ ' f Amerie ? ? ' ? en ''r..rn th Am. ? ? . " ? ? forty ? ' ? '? ? ' ma. of Bra A . , ? ? \. .... I E. Peary, H. i ur w ll \1 l< GOING ON Tii-IHV. . . . ? ? 4 I . i f tha ? ? ' 4 ? I ,1 | S' . ? " .;-?.: 44 ?? 1 a i . I i ? S?? - ? - " a; 1 -. ? ? JUlj . - ?H?i i>. J_I'JaJIU. F.F.WS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Owen and Robert M. Davis Attack ilie Drama as Collaborators. T"rr?;r found lodging in the h??art of rdaj In the midst of . : e ?lie news that a play ha? bees written Jointly and >rat rely by Owes l'avis, a con ? end .' >bert II Iiav-.s. r of "Mun ? ??' ? " To imes of the ? ? ?i th? Davia In I ? y ? pboar I," bv Owen, : ? ( ( N i. r tie that these pays re? ?ich other. B ?I h w< i a r,ro" 1 in theatreo, sad tceaery and i were ? d in each in- ranee. la the name ?,f the ? play, and New York will lary. Announce ' a morality nta ill mark the .-????.-? to the Iramatic producing field of Sa . ? BOB CeB? IT with opera I 11 a am of "Any Rouse" . i isboa rd ' ei f the ?ir imntic writings of Owen l'avis, but, an ovei fht, me of Robert H. with . - the ?[.??akers at tho William II. ?'? - ? ir, to be eiven at the I ruarj 27, s i! b ? F. H. Leo n Irid?atela. Augustus ? Frohman. Pr N cholas Murra) Untier arid Melville E. St Devil'a Garden" w:1' ' the end of the week, L ' will 'hen i.e moved Hi rr:-> ? in. Mrs. Flake will debut at i tho i ght of the l - In the II tere te of the Actors' Fund ? - - the world that will retail her autograph at $1 or ?rry I'llca-i' Ilur'nn I! '-ated his !? I ? - ' ?! et a'.r.? last night ? - ? l I pi ssently f 1 ?rbucl the moat accurate of the toBS Blsni ha Bal - as I -, will be twe-a-d ? com? th at the I ? nigbt'a pel forme Pa-. : s be v as b-ettn ac ? ,? I.-a.agi for a toui res to enter e d?? ? in th.ntrsry, states Mr. w ril ne two volumes ano Technique at. I 1 beery " Arnold K irtF. 'he aesson'a aeneatios , at the " heal re. will act i ? t the let r?' i ind b net I on Jan? lie will s| iH-ar m a sketch a U 1er, Howard Kyi?, Lou-Tellegir.'i? only. I of oratory, has been added I i Lady." tn gin to-day. Plans ar? under way to revolution situation by e. ? g !' n Ali Haffgin - p irtra r of B ... i' ? a The l t te step ?nto at the Forty? ? Th? ? . a're, a'. Lexington \- ? .'? ai d riftj .let, has now ? ime. ?>n Jai: -arv J.'i it ? :. m i Parara ? int pictures under I f the BJ 'more. Latins Invited to Visit Museum. le Pan-Americas ?,'on .- ? ession at Washl ton, Invited yesterday -, risil rie? im ol .Natural l! i ? ? "nrk this '-. n tat i ves of ia South a : ? ? tra \- ..-ncan ? : ? . - i . ? sibita fro i their count them. imhia I ths Mi ; olltaa Mu-1 ?e?.m oi Ail. I LORD BURNHAM, EDITOR, DEAD Owner of London "Daily Telegmph" Made It Paper of Middle Classes. ENTERTAINED TWO KINGS AT ESTATE Journu?sts <?f firitain Paid i I ?in Remarkabk' Tribute on His Elja-htieth Birthday. ? dan, Jan. o. Lord Burnham ? : ' lowing an Lord ??aily Telegraph," ess the U eld i Lei ? ? . owners T from msnhood ' r a*-? than rr.'is? men rema ri ??*. -?s, he control "'i thi bueini ib effa editorial pelleiei of Rs made It One err'.ni; new psper froi . J. M. Levy, I - baronet, a:d on J; j SI, IMS, he wa. raised to the peerage as Baron Bum ham. H ii ' tl. "?..*. fi ? Hundred of Burnham, B? ;?:\a. which on'.air.i? most of the Hell Barn ? which wn< hia ?rountry ?eat. On ? essioi ? eigl lay, IBIS, the journalists or Great Britain paid Mm ft remark of th?- r ree| ? ?* \ hended b] Lord ! * eountry house ar.d ? .i B ? eoi *ratuls ? bv mnr public i itions, ? came ts of the a ?Career One of Hard Work. Thi? esreei work, a i smal' ? *ei ? veral London ? . id se? ? ? ? into a r the 4 ' ' ? ? ? ? ell for on? The "stamp tax," which ???rat a r. hard i .rs, had I, hat the "paper ad, and Burnham played an nn; ? .? In tl i the area the i . - * of a the i ew ? :< m i ? ?rriting lead time the lenj-th end tl ?*.-?* of ? ... ' ? ? London paper?. "The Daily * re in the lead in th< ft ? machinery an,I the re? (?ether U egraph ?' lhe 11 f of the slmost the on y Lon loi er mari who could alienee! Paper of Middle Classes. For n . rel? graph" we? thi n the per of sen the orga her of il tiaing for ? ? - t h e m o i ? . ? 1er life ? rious pub v ? ? - ? ? Bui a ? ? ? " , | of Com? . ? ' ? : wer?- ? rice from ? ? OOIDHEB, POLITICIAN. DEAD Ponaos Backer si Cessidj Victim at i ampalgs Labors. 4 r ? i hon Whitm \ ? roan \ H)-o his I ? ? it -, ? lount iring tl ' ? brou 1 and ? I Cassidy's | - ? ? ? the - of < Iner ws k. He . . its ? ? ? ? ? even a grand jury [get to Mr. Gold - horn in Mew York City oi lui; ? ' - ' After gri ?' ? ' ? 1888 Mr. G< ? ? ? ' *>'? to of h i a 1 . citj : - I'omii. .... i. - the consolidation of Long Island City _. i. *?_\r_l. /-?-a? tr__.l.t.j ?? ; ? , ? ? ' ', who w?? I "? ra il msiie i'ublle :: ? left the ef? I gaed. T ?'er Mr. ??- the orgsnisSttSS favor? s'. ? ?... mi Pi ? leal CesasUy. OLIVER C OAYLEY DEAD \ . PrCSMsal Of PNSSSd ??te*l far Co. ?r-l Jaires '.?>le\'s Hrother. ? ' f ?I'd ? : : w.Mt F.fty ? Man fter working at ?ng neer ? ? F nasylvsata ... . ... | | ,.?r phls & P.ead-.-ig Rail '? ' ? . ?mpaay and ? - 'h the Pre?se<i ? -, .' i - Ben ? lent ' ?? ? m ?i ? las . . -, a "" ' * C A HAaffS-CAVI DEAD AT 48 L-swytn Bed B?tant Tere ?aaae ?a I i 1.-.1 - tatas ' on.sular Ser.rr. ret, d-d a? ?... .. yea ? ? I s law ? - for ... hi? ? ' ? a C sl? ab is ha a | deparrment at WasblagtOB .-Ie ?????nt ? ? ? : i ssi . i su? statisasd a" I K- h'. i ? I yon?, Frar..-" . La (iuayra, V'ssessels ; ltO| her, We?" tl ? H? . f law in i city in I?! I ?..--e-, Hughes fc [height, ef ? ih I ?nee E ;fOffhi?? ?? f the I) lited IS m?mber. Mr. Hanai , - | lie - Rsr ? kaeociel I ? .. unei ii ',? rrai eel ' ? ? MM II U.I. II WIFRTY. Michael I tiro years memo? fork 1 home, 193 Eig ?? '-'.and the best known athletes Is the Fas*. ? ' " I I . member of l I City 11 siber el Ids? - 1 f'.r | ?a ji Di.K GEORGS n. m. .ut ET. S". Y. Ja: -.-?? B. irt of a , . home here to-da>. It the Sga B? n.t.ety Prior to ascending the bench Judg? ? te 1877. He we? a rs 73. M IS ANNA 15 i \ 1 \ . : - lia? Teft was a Morale and I Let? Woma lia?tona, of . ?tts. ... ? IAMBS K. WH i-.l - Jeme? f ? i Rice. A ?? f< BORN. Mrs V. F. Sora . t .... Jall ?-.t . f mnrrUe-., ?n-l ,t-??.?li? rn i?l be ??? ' i". ?.' ' I?, ?! I ?in?- .. 1 n|,|r. .\ DIED I ; I a 11. . -. '? of ? I ' ? . .. II. lay at West ' narjr 8, of ; ., I . ? Il '? -, January of 311 . : ? . .- : TAI r Anna M rnjam ?,. ,: . | ??' ? ?? ? i - ?. ling ? I II . -' it 1 lues. .? Mesa ? I M : l l un - t III: ??))?l?l ills ? I Ml Tl Bl ? r i r, T. Diaiioiris Social Stationary Th?? esqwleito qwelity ?in I autboril ilive form : bj "'ir i nli- tl .m.! exacting cl ??entelo 681 !' IH WI.NU.