OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 11, 1916, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1916-01-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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, n-r Mi-ney Back
It You Want It
., rama, ? . -mm i
Ram to-dey and ?.older *uid fsir to?
morrow, strong wetit wind?.
**u.'I R'pirr' on l'<ig' ?
First to Last ? the Truth : Newa - Editorials - Advertisements
Y,,]. LXXV..e.*N?, 25,258.
|4*op>-tirh| IBIS?
The Trltinne Aaa'n.]
* *
/a-y-r' i'L'VT ,n N*"" ? ""*?*? ' ??*? "***"*'?', loSSSf ritr
\ ".> I. ". I\ .\ I .,?,- Hob*-k->n. I.l.f?h.r. Two (enta.
BemstorfS Yields to Force U. S. Crisis With Britain
VVIdov of Doctor
Taces alury with
Shabby Negroes.
Blacks Fidget, but She Is
i ani?uid .is Charge
Is Read.
Mapas? ISe "h
. Jan in. I, I
0?? f *~-an ?tood at th.* bar
- - .-? tala morn-1
DO*~Tt I v? He
sss -? sd his way
stSB**-n1 ? s1 linked her
aeeusati n
conspiracy i ? ??
? - ? < - -a - - ,
rajan Behind
: ? -
ripping, n
- | rows and Tlerry H
: and
.rde; with
"mate. The
sd been tli"
- ar.. never
aimpl? ?-own of dark
-.. si F Mohr ..
t window pane.
? te I RI ' de Island ?<*
am "g ths oea;h of her
Mohr Deaf lo 4'harge.
ppsarai eoi I ?
? ? ?? waa sroVer..
I . ? m\
- Bi ?
od boy. lean-d
? ? - -n childlike
? slerl Saxi
?agsd Spoil
to bar
ths I
| | SS A
. . ? - sii
.- "
? -'?. wat4 -
? mghts,
the 1
s rest of the
I s.i'nuntrn
??-., the
? re
, ?
re? the de
. go to North
? . a
\...? . ?
Kr.i4,. Kam
: H Barred from
01 more
. ed va..limn
I '
.!?,. r > rii.-r..
? re aii
all chamber
r - - l ad ?.'
g ' the tria i
God blei ? ?
end Pi e PIi
' woodwork, ?a-? filled.
m ?as adm:"'. d
ace, op
ceedinga b | i
.. Brown,
to reta
' ! , .* -
? : was
tioi Thi
II I hall stav
({et a dolla
IS In.,I l)eni<*d.
. ? <>f the
l on, made
. ?
Ig? .
-""""?""aBat ?r? ifMm' ?*, H.IUU11 .
Will Send Nomination for Pe-Stasai
to Senate In Year Paj?.
Waahiagtea, ten .10 Joseph .To
sea, fita Cearateeloaet of New V
under Mayor (".?ynor. ha? h?en dec,
?pel as -he nett postmaster of S
York, according to hi? supporters h?
T're-ident Wilson and Pestmeeter ?.
??ral Barleaeil ?rill ViolH a final cotit
erri? on the subject le morrow and
no-'iination probably will Ko to the S
ato within the nev. 'r*- .in;..
Senater O'Gormen r?cemment
three mer. ??r *h?>Tn Mr Johnson \
01? f
The President ?nd Postmaster ('?
eral Hvitleson are expected le take
to morrow the Beleetiea el a postm
ter for Breekl) d.
ft, 1 Bturtea wa? sv.d by offlciali
day to be fort mo?' under con-.iderati
h .?r- his nppointment has not ht
decided upon
r-?>raiu-?e Woman Ha? Tut In Peli?
lie? for Ironmaster for Ten "tear*
R> lW?Sfraa t ? ? -.
.*"> racu--e. Jen. l" Mra \ K, M n
?-?' I niateo, ;s official piekle maker
V Ire* < ?rnrg-ie.
Mr. ?'sri.egle, although he .? at
? ?rom the prodnc's tit all I
..-?ene? ef th" world, fin
to his tafte btt| those M- "'
for him.
??ter .11 whfir part of ?he wor
? intefie ''amily may b? ?tayir
Miner provides the pickle?. 81
I large hot of her delieaci
to the l.air.i o-" Sklbe onlv a ahort tin
Il s ton years ?!-ice Mr? M nei
piekle maker to Carnegi?
si skipping the
? ther eonsignmen .
Women's Campaign for Vot
Begins as Measures Are In?
troduced at Albany.
rroa a etafl. of Th? TMbuno
Ian 10. I h? ? Hmpaign fi
lag? the ? onstitutleni
amendment to permit women I
?res begun -n earnest to-night, wne
rneaser? -?as introduced in bot
houses. Assemblymar. H F. T.. Riere
ton, of Warren, offered the bill in th
Hou?e. and S?n?tor Whitney, ef Sara
toga, submitted a similar rriea?i,r?
? ate.
? advance g .hti-? of the stirTrar
? | h;. Mr.? 0<.d?.?-. Mille R"'.
'.. ? T.e?a I.aidlaw. ar-.- <?
here to-night, ar.d a big delegation
-.-morrow to cnri;. the Agi
? *he fticmy'? eonnl : ? f il
found that a sufficient vote can be ob
the work . Albaaj
remi ? ? lent hat
?arce .. t? <-a-t for viffrace a' the g?
'.a?t Novembei ? i
-. si Inter - ?area bi at
? 'he lrgi-latoi-. of th?
? ? opinion toward the question
Thev is that the vot? shoe
'avorable opimo; . ?? .- the peo
-, ^'-,'r 'r,?\;irr? wriman ??.,,Tr;a..
I to such an extent thai th?
Htor6 cannot afford no? ?o perm:
the quest si to go befors the peopl?
The suffrag ??? ?no arr.ved to-nchi
? d to manv Senators and Aas?
and 'ahev ar?? confident that if th?
net ottled m committes it
.- a,
< aptain Orniabv Warn?. Drivers to Loot
Out ftjr New Light Ordinance.
More 'han 6,000 motorista aren
halted n ths Time- Square district last
(?y ? aptain Ormsbv of Traffic
Squad C and a picked detail. II wasn't
?a wholesale harvest of speeders, h??.?.
ever, lu' m? relj th? opening of a earn
paign to warn automobile owners that
i ? , i rdinance s elf? : i I
ruaiy 1 ?? lil ? .: ail mach)r.e? he
equipped with a tail light atrong
enough to make the licen??- number
egibl? Bftj feel away
The ?amp businoBi premises to pi? *
Dp i) ths interim, for although only a
amall percentage of motors have sat i I
factory equipment now, tlx- or?i nanea
will It i igidf* enforced
in th? afterneoti th? street traffic
? -. i- ?.?* the Safe!y Fiia| Soeiet?
?irew xij? a nunibi-r of proposed motor
regulations to be submitted ti> th? ?
author.tic?. After ?. diaeaasioi of 'lie
propoaed eatenaion of "b?a loutes in
Manhattan 11 cornu itt? e pasaed a rei
opposing "any neediest increase
of eeh ? Ii '?? ?' ?? ? '
She Work? Financial Miracle? ?i?h
\acant Seat and Newspaper.
...tj ?er a sent vacant next to a
fat lady m a Kron\ aubwa** train don M
take it 'and up'
eral ?heft.? ef pocketbooki
been reported by peopla arbo wer? lured
m vacant seat ne\r to that I it
The latest complaint ?a
Mr < era Rtaeentkal, el 800 w i -? U6tl
Street, Who lest her purse, containing
?*i ? ,.n?! h ? ekel t?. the benefit concert
- r mail earner- Mr-, Rosenthal
told ?he detect i vi thai ?I - ?as bu y
readii i* the laal paf,'?* of a n< wnpaper
? ? a:-<U- when the fat lady mad?
Cl d) sed '.? f..re Ml
thai eeuld make track? ?ft? i hi *
i ,, ,, enotl ? ' mora nu
Mi Roaenlhal * a* rea ? -
bj, the fat lad-. - BCCOmpliee
Supreme Court I
holds Amendmei
to Pure Food Act
Congress Has Power
Curb False Promise*
Says Ruling.
ftatn "Pae TiH ne 1 <
Waahinptori. .Ihr. 10 I
'.an' ha? fourni a WSJ to ihield urr
suTer' ? t '.
? nk.-r? of cure-aili ' ? - ? ?
amendment t.. rho pure t.I and -
act WB? uphold ? daj ?. onstitutl
by the Supreme ' ourt. ape
mut through Justice Hughes. Nui
oui actions again?! di ;.? i
i-\)'? eted to foil >v
"\\ ?? f nd no ground," isid ?
"for aai .? ? at I ong ? i i
????rniemn the interstate tranaports
I ligne?
rheat cred f?
r rep irai one, sc
falae ???
with reap? :l o nteratate commerce
v r!l a-, for exampl? tt? ticketa,
srs of
h *-.me it v.*.?, urged by goveri
nal?, that th** 1906 pui '???
ignatrd a? miabrsnded druR^ or mi
einei which were Bceompari
?.er.?tate commerce b? knowil
Btatomsnta shout tha curativa efTi
of the compounds. Ths Supreme Co
decided, however, that the i;?o?* law
plied only 1 nil I a; sa to
;? ? -. or compo
Taft Inspired I l?a
from Prssident Taft Coagreai i I
enseted tl e Sherl r* ndmi
the Supreme ? ourl held to
B1 misatatementa either
the label or in printed cil
company g mi
The deciaii tail thi action
at Oma
Neb , in si . I 111 i
Uteri .Mieumoi
and tu*" hsd i"*
? hipp? 'i from ? nicago
? - ? -
aring i
? ? i ii
... thai itstem?
that it eyi
tubei cul , wherei
inheres ? imptio
. . ;.<. . ,i lubatance i
mixture of lubstanesi known at pre
ent which can be relied upon fi
effective trsstmi t or eure of tub?
; ? on."
The argument principally rehH ?
r,-. the patent medicine mon was n.
-..?? the slterativa waa a curs, but thi
< ongTOsa e- , ? eded tl DOW I I
ing eg prohibitii >?
ing in interatats commi i
1 ? m as to tl
tence "i om Juatici Hughe?
shovs wai sddressi d
Further o |
Hughe, laid: "It cannot lu- -nul. ft
mat ter or i
m- il<
b c r i b?
? . . ...
eyond the i? acfa -?
aking power."
Henied It Was Mishrande?!
\ o I.f d ef ei
r.i mu ietori of Eckman1 Ut
? ,
I cure
and tha' a ha*? and
ll??1 MllWr.
? . ,;.. .. ?
the ?. rapper, but. wil impan)
g at ' "'
ta ined in the paekage
Th -, it was a- -? r". d, ' ......
of miabranding, - ee the i rcular irai
? ? ? ?rappel ,.-??
defenc?.It the .
ng of the act did nol .
sgsinst auch a thing a*? a circular In
- d The wording
? tl ? ? ' brand? d.' ?*
< pply ga
dea which entei
? . ? ' ? ? ? a or d?
... ? ?
ill be I
I .
emir' thr? ?
aid? the point,
llntish ? rnaor I ?'tier- t?i 1 ?m?iil?. Inn
? Held as Kv idenre.
<h ip ?m incotnti .. ^ '
inaugurated, personal etl?
ad at the A
? at? marked "opei ed by the ecn
-.m \ >, ? th? se !??' ?
made sa evirl
prote ? agaii I rxten
N". att? r'lpt lia*- l"*?n m?'. | ?
fere wil
" ? 1 > ' ? L? C ? .11
b) internst
bid it, a ' ? i -
al'l' \ir fra'- ? ? ,rtil nf
Dope That Crazed Bold Robber
Was Vision of Starving Family
J?ew?elry Store Invader's Sunken Checks and Shaking
I lands Convict Him, Crowd Decides, but Poli? e
Make Illuminating Discovery.
Thomas Woods threw a brick through |
the ?how window ?if Lambert's Irani rv
?' I Iftj ? (fhth Street arid Third
?? ' terday sfterweea with pur
pose ineontestibly felonious. Me aras
reaching ons tbln arm through th?
?.-rating thus ba)e,l almost touching
the nearest of trays that held more
1400,000 worth of diamond? when
. ?..i r sf Stranger arms pinioned him.
fi," p niening ?mi belonged to Cap?
?am J, A. Jackson, ef ths United State?
IS| '.unid "?it. ??-r, '.?.fin had just pur
d a gift In the store. (aptain
? u,.-' 1 his man into the at
-?-ati ,| -hop and held l.irn
jntil th?' punco i-ail?-<l for him.
1 ? '.. .- latei the hole in 'he
hief topic i ?
Cliaaion. The clerks anil a n.\)|>]e of
customers who had lingered around to
see the eXC rOUgl Were (llail
te o'..;:--?r? ths eurious,
"It veas a hop hi'ad oh." said one of
ths clerks, proceeding te display his
th the world of crime.
une crook would take ;. chance
like tha'. He looked 'he part, too
sunken cheeks, shaking hands and sjrei
the ; ? ors of a furnace I go!
him. jn?; like that."
\ ard | - eh pped n .<?
?'.ero wu?t;'f any
? *. " ?? pit him
'? ?- ?aid shewed
I I i -.a-a \ latomer ti ie?i te
- t. ; talking to in a
way, pointing out e was i ir?' to get a
term in prison.
"'Aw, I don't rare whs* nappens ro
-,e." tks thief said "They ean kill me
if they waal
"I heard him with my own i?ar-?."
added one of the customer?, 'get off
a lot . " about hard times an.l
?ick wife an,I Starving ki-li. It didn't
M ir.il ifouil tu mo If I ata? a judge and
he pulled that line of bull on me in
these day?, with eve*-;,- fnct.jry making
abolla and bandagea and working over?
time, I'd aend him ui> without waiting
to hear the evidence."
Slipping a little bo? that. e<m'i sod
a |2M r'rtx Into h's pocket, the cus?
tomer wslkod "'I'?
ll rhe East Pifty-flral Stl*Stt station
ths n?-ik lioutenam a *?*. questteaed.
"S'inkeri rhi'??k?. ''..ik '.' hands arl
glowia* ,.\ra." repeated Hi* heute;.n-"
"Sure, that dsscrihss Woods. Hop,
you ?a:,'.' Starvation not enough t?
? .,' I IS] Nope, no record."
Down in the baSCmei ' St 224 I'.a?*
[th Street, a h eh wa thi
given, a woman whose owi
ken i'h"ck*' miR?,' bavi I u*l *o
;he a?tute jewelry lab" mat. si ?>? other
hop hra.i. vas found wrtrotling I
. ? furnace.
"Th?y ?/?it to ha\e .team. eof to have
?team." the woman repeated dully. "Nu
?tenni? no job; no job, no room?. Y?i i
eaa'< help me. It'a all over thanks."
The woman led the v.av into a room
from the front windows of which,
one ?tin.p<*.I over and b-o?..* :
, inner edge of ths
could be asen. There wsi * bed
i son si '? ' the bed ?sere two ? '?
a weazened ?r ?? ? of three and a boy
a vear youngsi
1 wsi in bsd "? ith 'em." ia
woman, "until a policeman cas ? ?
told me they ha?', lorn. Then 1 ha 1 to
Cet up. They had to ha". ?> ?team up
itair?. and Tom and nie gstl 110 .
mon?h for eivin?r i' ?o 'em.
"Tom ,s S w.rrman"- helpei the
I ontinue-ri ?m \mf I '??liimn 1
Governor Announces II
Will Work for
[Iraa i Kif Cam - n.? 1 r -.un. j
?Ibany, J? ut ea I hai lea I
? ? loverne
' the it' publican nomma
Prca lenl I level r.ot Whit
?nself today. He be
: he a
?I .1 ?' III
Hugh?" can to tal
arii- ?nation ? rill.
ernoi ? -.r?a.:i|- foi hin,.
Whitman ? ? candidate f"i renom
. nor. He made this an
nouncement to the correapeadent a
:??.-? ? ? 'm? Hi? eandidai
?? : ol interfere with any plan.? rha
?,- Governer'a friend? may have, how
? ei ild Just ?? Rugkea persist
decline to be ?he Republic??
nomin???? for President, there would b?
an "i" . i i Governor Whitman";
- that in der th?'--e en
... ? ? rood ?
chai,?-. g ihi Presidential
nominal or a a ? one ?Isa
:? . ??. her ii
?? wi : 1 ;:?> '..'..... . ftg-g ?-,-.
.. ? .. large He may
but 1 his will not
everal da) ?
w .. Barnes, jr., will not r.. to
delegate-at-iatge tf
''? si ' an prevent ?t. The
Govei be able ?" take
el) 11 the I '"??
emor has , and I k ? a?^
Barnea will go to
ent - i ??ngressional
When the names ?if the "Big four"
.. ? ? ? ? ally decided
then ma be seme inter?
I eutena I ',,,.? i nor Scho?
to-i ght > ?
on?, ot r he at rong pi ?...? | r>
Mi ?? - ? tling young
baa a lot of
friend : in ethei parts
-..-. :? '??? '?'-?>.i thet hi
lelecl in would mean the injection of
life Mit" the ['?publican oigani
ttovei nor ?v h tasan Is fa?
? to him.
] a- '.er al'O ha* beer.
entioncd a- a pe ? ble delegate ??'
tent ' " go as a ? ,
Decides It Cannot Reque:
Britain to Allow Milk
K-? ? ' I -a
vYaahingtan, ,'an. 10. Dr. Ltidmu
I ii *,'ac'' ? ths State l>.*par
mei ? ?'? -.a ? 'he babiei of Gen ?
IS Ring l4r;ta I Ml 'o ?hi|
i ? ? ? - of canned milk has 'a?en o
di-a' ?ar? The ?i? pur? ment, bas? *
refussl to intercede on the ground tl i
as r' has r i,' r.it;.' .-.; the
blockad? ic Britii
. m?h? exception! i
Dr, ron Mam ha* been conducting i
ex'-n-ise campaign for the lierm?
babisa, who, he sa* ?. an dying in '.arg
number? becaus? of the tai.-k si
Lie food. Va n;;?a offtc.ais of the Stat
Department are not un^ympatheti?
i rs a genera', akeptlcism >.'
4 both as to Dr. 'on Mach? faut
. arsrumeAta.
(ireat Britain, i" ia believed, weal?
refuse to ^rat,t sue1-, a request it ii
[pointed out that milk ample tor thi
actual need? of thi infant populatioi
? ;' (sermsny it obtainable from .*
'.a'i.i and Denmark and tha' Germany'
own herds would no sdo4|Uate mar",
to? - had ,.oi been llsUghtercd
the army, a ?. '.?? man) ??; hei - .. i ?
adeauateli f?,; beeauae theii ?
fodder be tig diverted to militar)
'. ? ?
The Allies point out tha* Germsi j
ihowed no . on?.deration foi the ?
0? l'a; . - il 1 -Til; that BS IBS! ?al dlS"
crimination in favor of infants ?a?
thou ; by thi Zeppelin raidei i, . nd
? ' ;,' rail had ii" rsssoi irga
the children of a nation that
.. ;he Lusitania.
Among exporta here ,t i? eor. .
? ;.Ible that ' ' ?? ? ?Hnri*! -
have lean,e,i to mak? exploi re? from
butter fats, although ? xperimenl i i
" . *-? hue? in America ihow thai ?
ma! fats in general aie unaatii
for ?uch purpo-ii II ia likely, ho?
ever, thst m examining thi ease nom
this angle (ireat Bii'.a.r. wil! take into
aicount the extraordinary ingenuity of
Gern sn er, emisl i,
i?- the -ther hand, the British Era
SOI : ' * to thi . SCt 'hat th? '- .p
menta of Red ' rosi lupplies for Ge
including rubber gooda, which
have b??ei. detained pending sction bj
ii ? -? go? ei ment, a ni
? ? ? ? ? - : :'.?>! v ar?l At the isme
Germs I ? t thai
'., ? ? SStsd.
Six Pages of Resorts ||
l'i< tures ??I wintei s? enes in the popular playgrounds
where tourists i ongreg-ate for health, pleasure?or just to
loaf, skiinf- in Canada, shooting in th? Adirondack?.
skating m the White Mountains, golfing in the Carolina!
.nul swimming in Monda.
All in th?* Graphic Section of next Sunday's I ribunr.
Some ol these delightful ?pots you have seen, perhaps;
others you hiave meant to visit?and didn't! I hese pi? t
lires iti.iy help you de? ide where to go this season, look
foi them next Sunday? Many other unusual leatures
m th?- Ciii?phn Set lion.
tThe (Tribune
" I ir*t te? I a^t?the 1 ruth: Nc? ? hditorisls? id* retirement*. I
Commons Calls on
Dominions to Aid
Starving Foe.
Runcintan Tells Par
ment Allies Must Pr
vent Commerce War
i enden, Jan. 10. The debate s
House of Commons to-night was eh
rkabla for -he unanimity ol
bera in urging the j-ow-imer
the largest possible ?!e---n?,
ecomomie pr?. ire on German* an
recommending mat -tip-, b? ? i
mediately to prevent any menace I
??ern?an trade warfare dir?wted agti
'he Allies at'? r pear?- la '-igneij.
A resolution '.vaQ passed without
"that, With :i "lew to inrrea
the power of the Allies In the pro?
lion of 'hat -var. I.is majtraty'i got
niet.r shoul.l enter into imm?diat?
> -, th? govern met tS of
dominions, in order, with the c sic1
hnng th? economic it
- ? peral rit the
, - ? directed <?.;
? ?
Th. principal ipeech was mad??
Wahei R inciman, | resident of
of T?-ai|,-. whose empha*:c ?
lararioi?. of the importance of mi
?irr.it,g British trade wen- regarded
,hr?< ? directed toward mak.ng c.
the position which caused him to hi
? t?te to in??or?e Premier A?q ; -
pulsion pol ??? r.
Must ?ripple 1,-rmani.
"While the war is an," Mr. Kui
man said, "we must do everything
our power to cripple and deetroy <
III and trad", a-,
-ame time building up our ewi and
allies' ami laying the foundation
future action when peace romea."
"The Board of Trade is looking aiie
K <? must a-k the cooperation of ?
dominions, v >? must see thai i <
..' 'he metals of the empire pass? -
From German hands. We mi
keep control of the world's
? rol of the - ippl ?
?? \ . gard ihipping, vve must ?
rhai foreigi lubaidised shipping ah
in i tur port
disadva ? tipa. While I
wa 01 ? si .;* .i" ?"
our powi I? German rtnan
edit i
"The i oi k o? ? ? Boai d - I ra
.?hall b, that after ths war (j?
i.. the oppoi - mit)
.rgani :ing bei commereis
?in-? begun ?
Bver-increaaing in i to aethatGi
many in no ? h inca to econ il ruct h
war machin? ry."
in the eourss of the debate the
were some ref? ? te the danger
competition arith the I sited r*-tat(
which one membei declared would 1
a more formidabli ? npetitor aftei tl
war than German) !.> th - lohn Ma
ford Macklndei, L'i foi Glaago?
i..i. expresa is affection ?
Great Britaii i imerica.
"The membei has -poken of Amer.,
.-. , dangeroui oi mere si rival," h
sold, "b ? mi ? ? ? re of th;
, oi ipetil ion rar.. ....i.
. - ? . live ... m ? Gei
? ompet rion."
Germany l'eel- Strahl?
-? 11-? ie ?re -, Mi
il ii .,-? Gei ras
ning to feel the economic presa
kade, i i r- r I.i luppliea ar
bi . .. ,;? pletl .1. ? S OUI aie in
eres ?? \ though our exi ?
ind b, there
. .; ? ? it the economi i
o well 1
v. e ca-. stand th)
the <
"Bread riota
man eity .
. ? thout good rea tona. W I
; i ?
.r:.!. and poaaibl) some of th?
[if*. 11 r Iteckl of ra-.v
materials an- giving out. Kcononix
ire, ;.. better than anv
...... ? iltimat? ... perauadi
?' ? .- fruitleaaneaa of con
-We can stand '.he atra?a longer than
..??-.." continu? -l Mr. Runelmai
?;,-.. ? isband oui reaoureea the
lisaster that ill m
? irreparable R'e nu ike it
wen Ul not pei.a outbreak ?
, ,-,,? Biii rar ? hieh Gei ma ? ?
.: and our allic?."
-.ec N?i 1 ree Trade.
Disent . - '? ' free
the Brit re, Mr.
Runcims i i ? I t th?
? Great ?ritant were net lik) '. i
1er th.r ?di or their at?
tud<? 'oA.ir thei country. The
???, weie determined to rais?
re\ et, ne and to ' -.-???
in th? -? ? ?? afr?--.'
lea of fl
: II
"I ?? ?
r.iHviT. ? ide all \
rar icceaafull) ?-?
? . ?- ? a ? there no ,?rr,- g
that the A sr not
. - , that <
I ? . I that t
are? er I ? ? rour.l
- I
tMsaiaattS v.. ?i?; a. a-iujiui ?
I _
l-ondon. .Ian. 10.?"The Kvenli
Standard." rnm-nr-nting ?Mltorial
on the reported s?*1tlem?*mt of tl
submarine controversy between l.e
mana and the (nltod State?, ?ays:
"Il la ?aid that now that Amen?
and l.ermany are hoanm friem
again. Knjrland la to be bullied on?
more for interfering with America
?aar profits. If the British goveri
mem reflecta the British P?**opl
\Se.shington -?ill hear some ?tlmi
latlng truths from this side of tli
Ulantlr "
I 10,000 BRITIS1
Moslem Dispatches Repo
Rout of Enemy at
London, Jan. 10. With the anaoui
moni ?o ?la, that Sir Percy Lake h
been appointed to command the Rr.'i
forces in Mesopotamia, in succession
(.??neral Sir .lohn Ni\on, tame cc
dieting reports of ?he progress sf I
campaign. i>ne thing il certain th
a tierce battle is marina; on the Tigr
with Kut-el-Amsrs a< its eeatre
? ? Turks a ere ;., fa i retreat -
January '.'. with '.he British Dursun
them. .[ A a ton < "ne m borla ?? <-? -
: '? in, Biinounceil in the Houi
i here had be?
lighting " banks of ti
Tigris on Januarv ". Mr Chsmberlsl
i to ted, snd th? British bad takei i
. ? - >ners.
i tpposi I to i a l Ion 1 ? i
'4.reiess dispatch, ?iate?! Constantin?
pie, received here to-day. which l ?
'he cla.ni tha* Kut-el-Amara ha
surroumlej by the Turks, and adds:
' It ? hoped the for) "ill soon eitrt?
be taken or will fall for want of foo?
stuffs, and thai the Bril ??? ???fender
whs nurabor more than 10,00
I nrt Is Isolated.
"fhe British thought b* leas
IhoSS for?es I K I-el-Amar? '.?? g'ia
antee the defence of ': ?? town and air
to assure the ordvrlv retreat of tha n
Imainder of the army rhis portion ?
?he srssj s st presen! a long ?n
southesi Kut-el-Amari snd
lio to the help of ths for*, especiall
as *he morale sf this fores Is shaken."
A semi-odlcial itat? ?
itantinople, rsee ed si Ami ei
"On the 1rs the si smi whos
igt ? -? mated si ?ne d
whicl oaed at Mian Alligsrh
rdei to come I ? th.? ??? ai laut
?i. Januar? i? and ". unde
protect or, of four gunbosts, a;
iltions al
?/a repulsed bj o..i counter ettacl
?\\. lade loi s pi I ? i?e en
-- - h estimated at I 000
ivalrj iffered sspec ??
r. the I .Humor,? I I
. : .. .?ucee?? on 'he Fi*-i - Ml
la ?. said:
? ??,? neral Alysssr Isfl M sa K ?
gar:.; o;, .January ? with troopa I
the relief of Kut-el-Amars ".
?' -a!.''.- >.*.?; ?.enera! Townehend. ?'
% ? : sport .1 that the pre- ,. . - ^
? ? ? :.erru na.I opere?) a hea".v .*"> i ?? or
OrtB ea( front and on the i Bg<
? r. , it had niade nu attack
On thi ' ghl of Jar: .an ' General
Alymei r< ported boa? . Bring ??
bank of ths Tigi is.
Ira Hank Moie.
right bank Gen?
- a?>'uinii ca? r.v.i the en? ?? .? 'l D"
?.on. taking two guns snd ?00 i
snd then intrenched, Meai
the ma itta - un the ?oft bank *?<
retarded by an enemy out?Unking
movement, snd Gsneral Alymer re?
ported thst he spparentl) was op
. , divl .ions
?i in the ?ng of Jsnuary * he re
ported that . ? fatigue the troops
had been unable to make any progress
., ;rt- 'Mi the '.-t!. he repor i
, in retreat and that he WBI
.luing. but that heav. rains bind? red
the pursuit.
"From 1st? grs .ppears thai
the ? ? rea? ed Khora."
In , appointment of
? ? Pi ' - *-l r ? ?lamberla I . :
. ? ieneral S'ixon had bin
? ? to return home.
Pen - " ' Bine vears old and
has hud a long and brilliant army ca
r4>i-r. lie ha.? been ehief of the '??
eial Staff in Ir ... a I 1012. He
id in the Afghan war of 1871
ami was awarded a medal, and WS
..ar!\ honored for h;? sei ??> ith the
. ;,. expeditto ' - - M ni h of
lequi ? -?'- ce ess eonnec
? the ' snad ??? milis .-. o?
he served ma s as ou
? . .:> ??? ? .? ?? ru ar d as ??'?
? tsfl he militia snd
* or general, ? ag tl
last named post to recome s divii -
Lommaadei in India n lOtl
Miinuarian ( ircles Hear Count
Will Bo Appointed.
Berlin. Jan. 10 ris London, Jan tl>
Advicei received Here from Vienna
sy 'hat i ount Albert Appor.y?, the
veteran Hungarian poli'ica! leader, pos
?iblj may be chosen to ?ill the I
X IBtl ' ?i ? at-ir an Imbaaesdor
?Utes. ^ Hile 'here is no
lutho tatlve m forma' ion en th?
: ?re. it ia tho.icT ?n ?? r ?? r r?
, cle- ti.at the chancea for him to
' the appointment ate good
l'-ount Appoaj
.,.?,. i membei
? ? ? i?. ? ? | ' . .
', ted ths i nttci
States ia 1904
Envoy Optimistic Af?
ter Conference
with Lansing.
Ambassador's Move Aims
at Forcing Protests
to London.
i - - *? . i ?.
Washington. Jan. 10. The admin
: -' ' ar i?jn ?rave plain ?ndicatioas S? g
relier that *ith a e?ll ??f Ambassadif
-.on Ben ? ?r ? n Secretary I.an-ing
tO-(lay the -. ,,;* \jkjf. Suh
marins ? -.,-.?. Tre?i.
With " \ . *na prac?
tically r-leawi up. except for a bare?
ly possible complication through the
Persia ?ase, ?I hi?- -? r t ;?-<: down In
obtaining a- fui! ?satisfaction as pos
sible for the original ?.tTet,,-.? that of
the Lusitai is
To-day's conference between the
Germai tmbassador and *-e.-r,?tary
. the bight?
It if known that fa
Count von Bernstorff >o t-onsnicrs it, \
and believes that tlic next: confer?
ence, sctadultd for a wpek hence.
will dispos?? of th?.? l.u-?itar,ia issue
"in a manner satisfactory to every
body," while 9 I.anhing,
though silei tood to take
une ' ??? w.
The ha ?s of the ett ement was
outlined to th?- German Ambasia-ior
ro-duy by Sfvtviar. Lansing, and
has " sn '? Issjiaphad to Rrrln. for
approval. It i?? umderstbod tnat the
? iemarei for a literal (ii.-?;.v?iwal h**?*?
rithdraem end a in*m of apol
Ogj substituted. '1 hi.-, tai?rn ir, i'on
j unction with Germany*! abandon?
; submarina warfare in the
"war zone," is held by offciall t<?
have the fore? of a disavowal. Under
th" terms o? the agreement Gsnaaay
will ackpowl?-dge liability and i>u.v
indemnit) ? ? ? ?mericans :.ille?i
an?l in
Tho ?. leeply grati ed hy th?3
progre ? ol ths cast, the s*ate r?r
partnu ? mined to provee?!
? snnoimcs
; | lat?? ? nUiiy" until
i pli ??
Mernst.irlT ?he Heal Cower.
i ,, r. . ,,. H-?rn?'.rr'r s the rtal
power (entroverey over th?
Lus sais Ever siae? rh? deatniction
of the Arabic he haa directed the Ger
mar. policy '??ward this country, ac
coriiu.?- .-formed persons, ?n?!
hi? ad? r i"? seat ?ituaiion will
undoobt ?... be follov*el ,n Berlin
Sorti- '-??'' ?< h ? I I thai he alre?iiy
loner? power? in ths c?ae an!
?ha* his cerrespeadencs ? th Berlin is
i ... - Biummei |
Ii - - ? ? ?:? ring te COSJSloda
the I.'..si'at -a ca?.' a' th - I me ?a ??-.
inbeii ?o i. ?i esp?retatl b that ths ?4
i trat ? or ? "nuri?i? aril] 'hen turn
'o <.r??h' Ur -.. Fences a: ?"Tor*
?n aeeurs ? ?....' in of th? TtrtlisK
blockade, Ha is knows te wish that
the United Itates attempt retaliates*!
measure? ajr? It I SSk as an
etniiarpo on arnIS, an?! ??> have arc?e?l
- .. - . .i : ., ?. -.tig instan'
?i- -'p tien from the Entente power*
in high admir.?*. a relee, how
this view is ? ?.' -hared Al
,? il ?irimitred that one of the
Bret effect? of a (iiplom?tic vict"r>
ove- QerfllSI . arOUld ne a rOWCWSl <-?'
protects n-.H a spirited I enfre?j:onal
at-j?-'?? or. ?irr-ia? Hritain, it ia generally
??greed tha' .' wouM fall :?r abort, of
an embargo or sves a threatened SSJ
Vo trm? h m bargo Likely.
.. ha?i-?- first o: all,
on the , ind that th? a?lministra*i?">n
? aeasurw si
re'a!.a- * t plar-e, it is
pointed ou- that *? State Department
-.???om n -?? ?- i .-nein?, not
tha note to Austria ?i-tending
i holding ra embargo
declare ?* g th? progress of th?
war t? be ^ni.outrai.
|i .? alae res American
? i4? -.. ? .-, '?. ., boeoass
of the war I ) ? ' ' prosperity
vaavo . - . ?' '* ? te *ar or
,,.,-. and ? al t?r?toi t'i.-.< a, b> ?r-eun
,o other
v in htppeia the
r Brit
i ?i fires said aet re
, ' i a i ?-r* o?> I
?' . ; be put to ? n?'?rt breaking
i eme ei
- ? ?agre??.
...,,'.- ,t
.tfh a afttleniri
? ? ,.ta ,'.
? ? i,re?? ? .
a .... allii i and s.s x? vUd ???

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