Newspaper Page Text
fr. OUARAlfTBl , y ? m. Bscli * Yo? Want It. gash ? anean \ NmWtnM ?fi i&stS?&Afm - ? SPct-rc**.11 atttfamt V/EATHF-P tl ?udf to.ftay: HaSSf or rain to rnoi1? ISS Fre*?h northeast winds. I ... ?. i '. m rage <? First to Last ? the Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements Vol. LXX> So- **,*&< fr<n?TTicii? iflit Vas ? rtbaae lee*a l WEDNESDAY, JANUAHY V2. 1916. OM" CENT Ben Start CSSr. Mewoeft, -Saetas ?TH-? f? Unlink-an ?.Iw--v.l1-.r4. Two Crmta ^Americans Killed by Mexicans; Border Aflame MOOSE READY TO JOIN WITH REPUBLICANS Will Hold Convention on Same Date as the <i. <>? P. HOPE TO UNITE ON ROOSEVELT --?t s epared to In M.iii ! ii-y. - ? i i ... f ,.. ..... ;* rklna ,. - tha I ? r ? - ? ?' ? . - ?. Republican ? ? ? I out. ? . . - ? ?' ? ? : tranca, and i lone) That ? ill not lr> - I i 'o?<.'].el ; ins as the p. ? ? pad? : :. * Il I Ml r'or 1 ; and ? '. - F 'VI 11 rlngii . I | i . '? . ? ? ?. i??? levait by ' ? Rapub ?? Hughaa. md choices the ? ave is n(?t yot ?."," y r. c ' .r.uarj*. Th? ' luna B: COTV ? , r,u\ de ' Hut, I ra '?? .; Loth par " end i | th? f'irmftl '' ken nt Ita face - "raining 1 with 1 " S it ll .... . go e . if It ? ? -tend ng." ?Wasn K-itlur Tkaa Standpatter. raina was asked sa to . oul<l resanes .t.on in con 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi : ? it it Preai :art> . u *1<BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV 1U * " lat?a ? ? ? Ihr 1 a ? ? " ' ". an Allen i hat the ? . 1 ?# a?,.. ana to p Aller. ,??*> let the ?4.DuhH. h ' .' of tlie ?tVa.52 ted that tractive ? ' ' M "' all the I clever * ' **'?*?- siaU. a^pte-eeatan. WmAtetmrm**, '?' ?''?' feet ? .?? * i"? to-dja r'."""'" led et ti ? meel ???'?"?lo- . " ' J'- mlttee ed< hlefa thr l"-"***u.<i 0B p,^ t m?mm j UNCONSCIOUS. PRITES TA < haofTeur Falata Almost lins ? -{Mille lares ?lin?. v ? .? .-,.? : ...... ... v "??*.- In a tsxieab ? I Ctmti I Pari Wost r At the steering who??! er i setooi -( ,r ? itli h? leis han 1 n; ri glasi?, eye, was alls I s |t?Soring wheel from f, in? habit i\ garaatlatl Btreat Pati ?1 Jamei ? ont suit? to s de ? He sprang ' ?> .1 . ' ' r , .- . ? - ?IIP of ? . -. ? . H? ?a-?? ?? ',>i ? . <-. BARNES BEGINS TO SHH1T. I Hits "Perennial \m] fions" of Colonel V \ \ot Be Delegate. beg lay hli | to pro .... - ... with the ? ? . iierted ?. ? minai ?-.??': c? R oo aev? - ? ' SI ?US to g? s . ? r rever, ai r the Kai i ?mmittee perform sur vohra upon n.e " The ! t delegation, Mt Ban anil ag ???-, "perenti si aiahil y p says it ii . eharge thai any paraoaal element i< lavolv? rtlon. 'The Republican I r.^-rrs? onal Co ? ?* - ?'??net." ?ays I*. ''net to-da?. and i E ' F'alr-- and Senator San? delegates to the Republican Nation l'un". to b? tratad f?r nt the pi n-.ary April 4 With the attton : am in entire accord. aetioa t-hou?d lei to I la i expecta? car Btate (" oni entioi ? I li l'i hruar g ? -? r..o a? one of the four del gatea-at-lai -vritln? t.. jroo ?'r-rmlnation not to go Bl B '.e.cgatc "Towari I i i ara at work brine ?.bout the- nomination of M i ?'.* That this should be prevei ed 1 am confident is the <,; ?: we nrp to pr I ?f ?"< : defence, a? Mr. I.oosevelt his perl? urn-es, It would be irr i tc place the power thus creat? - who would itch . "In v ev of the ten ?' I foresee will come before th? Nation ? - . ? oval The Roosevelt it would be Injudicious for RlS ' be a del I 1 hs New York which I assume will be a un - Ro< ssvslt's prrer.-.ial an 1 not be open to t> ?lenient wi > "I ?''.all be ar ? I c igo as the men tlei Bl I "n-mlttee fTOl this - ?' -"rich duties r upon me." A -... ??? slats of deleg st-large srs ! ? r- ? nignt - voul Indicate tl at Governor v. ? h?. Barnes ha-.e read '1 contairrd the names of Qe< KC W Aid? Idge ar .1 Frederic) I I annoi '.'. ? ? md Senator "A i ! ri, Ban WED ONE DAY: GOES TO WA1 BlidagroaSB Quits Jersey tu Join ('ana dlan Vs.untrer?. - a . Ellaabath, N. J . J? i i worin -nd'a ?all for n John IN but a rtsi . | v, ??tl eld r th? : the Canadian army, leavlni bride of a day. Hei' miss Esth? Ma? -. rial : BtlOSti wer? mar ried in Nett ?fork oa January I, thi or? moaj havmg been hastened be ea is? ol Mr Betnune'i decision to vol i. ?err TEACHER KILLED IN SUBWAY Sulrtdr, Bay Officials?Fell In Halls Kin Declare. Mrs < ntheime Ireton, forty, * er in Public School 131, Brooklyn ar d wife of Robert Emmstt Ireton. foi"? merl) ? ditOT of MTh? V\ I i BtT? . " was killed b| a subway sxpresi p Foartconu Sti-sat latios yes terday. Subway officials said that Mrs. Ire ?umped 1? fr. nt of th?*? train. Member? of her family declared that was no reason for euch an act. Since she was thrown from a horse, three jrsars ngo, H was ssiil, she had boon a BUtforOf from seven- headache". f which may have eauaed bar to i become dissy and fall. Ireton Hvod at 11 I :v th Ave i ue, Brooklyn. _-? GRIP STARTS WILL RUSH Bridgeport lawyers Bs*aj Adjusting < lient?' BsSJSMtta i . . ? - 1 - - 1 Brid| . i* I '?'?'? ? ???-?? ? '? ?'" ?? ?i i> and br? eity i r - - ... i morta ' the making of manj will ?. aeeoi Moral lawyer?. Sum- daclars thi ? bav? drawn up hut?' will? during lb? reeki than during the sasas numbei of yoai i pro\ iouslj, | One rt-iioited thai, he hud dtawa twenty will? In seven dayi?. Mohr Murder- Minus Accused, Staged on Road for Jurors ?cd in <"n"?r* yesterday. WILSON SOUGHT HYPHEN IN P. Bruckner. Tammany Al Declined to Accept \. V. Office. ' 1 - ~ Th? 1 Was: . ? nromir ' ,?*?:?- - York havi* be? latmaatei tat ivelj idmin'a'rn" Favor of Ge.inar. agatnat tb? ? ? ? ? ? .' to whim th? The nao of th? ean could not bi ? I aa al 01 r* ? u a." : ' ? i-. ? . idera, Murphy. It would Y - -, hr?H * n.akf a . . ' it coul . ' ?.?ne. : true, aine? M r. ; . the g I ai iaal M r. 1 I 1 . V I 1. I > iratii . H?-, of capita umu:.. ; tng to ',. City 4 i t ?111;. I German-Am? ? ? ? oppoi ition to tl -, rial c'u ? German -Al ' ?hiiulii be named, aa 1 1 a Repreeenl I el a the pi 1 argin of Den : ocratic ci j. -? . 1 haa b?r msnti ? ? likel ; man my to g , the appointmenl ? . ? : Anderaon, h 9a :. ?' ? " ? . ,. 1. Hi tarj Tumuli... a ? I "Ar,.!' raon, pri I ??:..'... baa 1 1 mat one? ? ? ' less rel as rn con r the 1 ol ihc I.?*? B - op Potter. R 11 * 1 , ' R I Gould, rrcai laamaU Thai ?area my only aa ' Mr. : ? Harlem ?>r.?! a part fun foins . " ;' tha 1 eg ? I ?.??nu? lle 1? a president of tl i ocratic Club, I .? i ?arara ??la*?"i last STsaing a*hei ed rtiut tl... !'. 1 ;.? . n I dMvoring to thrust tl ... i -.1,1 r ? , .. . ter-l ? ? 1. und? I ? any Hall as n ? ? 1 1 ??kii.\ a -? I -1 INDI \** 1 nil 1.1. ? 1 H? 1 F. VAS I>F WATE! . - . I . Jar?. 11 T'"s fol, ? bleb the trroseci tinii bi re? ii eaploysd bj Mi Elizabeth F, In urjrinj; her Ihre ? . ; tors ?,, kl hl husband and !? s housekeeper ?rai d? ?erihed a' ler.ath this afternoon b lltpa. Aaa'ftan? Attnrriev G?: in his opening address to the jurj i ? r th? mar?J?tr, ?crordin ? '"i-arsed and pre the Intention of ?hootin i?r. C : Mohr and Miss Kmil fi h irg??.- ?he meh* o' Paturday Brown st.ri Spollaian, tb two colored t.'.yj intrusted v.-lth thi ting, took th?rr pi??"-? :? thi .- 'he laotl? Wash '?' p? rt Me-ili-t ha. to s*op when hi' p.ekpil up ?he bus'.-, whlel ?v -.,.., tit) ? elg. st 1 lasl moment, fhe stati ? Hiss Borgti aras un span] Dl Mohr fron. PrOY? Itry villa, and *'i?^ hi- forasse hou?.? r, and Miss Plortaes Oraisby, his ? ? : t with Mm Initead. :- prosocutioa will try to prov? ... W. Heaii?. thi doel r' .-. -iie Itast determined of the lost h II SSI I when he I 'as to carry into the trap i ??? Accordingly, it ?1 ?. that wh< 1?? reached that gloom) ? ! Btrotch of i "n.| he llirov. ' ' I'.r'wn and BptllmSS saw hini tei.r past, and tl-.rn went back to Mrs. W f tbl fa i' of thi r Murder Most t 'nnarril*. In Slate. 11 . ,U| . It SI, Dr. Mohr ?as ' ? H-,rner ?.-?.verelj- la? ll Heali? stopp?.1 th- machiiip darkneai b] that sume PI '. [-?'s inttTprttstios of "tl ? 11 lly nr.'l cold-blooded mur mmltttd in the State of IbIsi '? eaSM at the or,?l of the MSB Ion, which began in the coutt room, tra? shifted to Vest Harrington by train and thence by at?t;e to the . :, wooded bit of road wi.ere th< physician met hi? deB'h. Here th? al details of the crime were re ?' icttd for them None of ?he dtfendants wiah?td to ?c :.y the Juron. Judge and lawyers . leeni ?f th? erlme. Thtj arahrcd right? and r, niu.ned, Browa and. <4.ntlnue<i on !?????? I roliimn 4 TEXANS CALI ON PRESIDEN TO INTERVE? Mining .Men Tak Off Train, Strippe and Shot. ACCUSE VILLIST BAND OF MURDI One American Escaf from Kirina Line to Tell Story. ? i - E Paso, Tex., Jai I ! '"? tboir clothing, eighteen Amer: milling mm, n!1 of tl on the i ? ,- ?? -,tli t1' backs to si adobe mill ne ? ? || Msxicsi - event? lionth bj ?i Mi'm.-.-i- : : ,- u- : id One ?.' the ?"'i of the line slip; gway nr?.: ? ,?'? 'i. . -i ? lafi ? . ? '. their murderous Are. lie carr of the m e, and Dams i- srithl rid by Am? ???a!-, to enable him i" border. The An.'-r: rana ?. .-. takei Mexico-Northwesten ! ? s miles v ri .r Chihushus City train carried thousand ? ot d - , in curren??? snd a lar?/?- quantity Bupplies sent by ri.? In it.-- mil es in I tisil uirisi hie. '?"lie ii,-.r.'- ... day: tl?e n?swa reached Chlhuah this morninf, El Psso at noon, a all afternoon the State Departme a* Washington has been n-K;i g si rff^ivinar rer: minute reps I To-nlghl ?he whole bordot la aroused snd the a? nl ?me ? Americsn action srmed interv? tion .{a dec?an d i than , any timo during the re* peno?) in M< ??'!'", snd th? the utter failure of Carrai ? safeguard American live tory he pi I to control smoun' to a frenzy. Hope 'or lattrvtattoa. Hope of ipeedj ?i nterv? tion is being e>prei sd hei by mai ;, who i ? ? ? in Ms , g it i th? '?' rteogn ; .?'.??'? ? yield to the pressure Bl arail - et for ai apport . auch .-?s thi ?(Tard - to take del nit? a? ? ,- -.-?? . ?? Mexico A prttest addressed ?o P -. Wilson was ilgi ad ts mlnln men, who hr<? h?'re in hundred pared to anter ('hihuahuc open proptrtle? under proteetioa ol tl da far'o Hovernmetit. It ?rta learned to-night thai the train SIM aith employ? :??? i I huahua city for the mining campa, i guard of Carransa toldlers for thi train had I I MttSSgtS from the south | Into local tSBcet tf IB I lag to-night, stating that employai returning to the bordei N', wa of th? i.. n ?s -l?vera', of tl men supposed to have been on board the raided train live ? re A veritied list tf Am? r'can mining men in < hlhuahua wa-- prepared rerordi of Mexican pas This Hat contained sightttn names. lr follows: C. R Watson, nsaaagtr and largo stockholder in the smelting company W. J Wallace, T M. Evaaa, W M 'Homero, W. A. P- -.?-'?. tf Ssi I Cisco; Maurice "Anderson, R. P. M ? Hatte?, A. Coach, Alta H Hall, tf Dour!.-;?, sn/ ? bar?es W adl? i Arixena: E. L. Robmsoti. (I. W OeaUaatd ?a i>???- ?* ?niumn :i Praise and Blame Saints and sinners share like and like in the Ad Visor column to day. Tribune readers are proving able aid? in assorting the good and the bad. Never before were merchants und their methods so closely ?scruti ni/ed, for better or worse. Which is a splendid thing for honest business! These letters are entered in the Ad-Visor ( ontest. und each writer receives an order for $2, payable in men Kandiae You will tind them interesting See Page 14. tEhc tribune I l'lr*t in Last?the Truth: .Ve??.??editorials?\d\ ertlsements. WHERE lo.oon BRITISH ARE TRAPPED. J YRJAN OE3CRT SERUT :x< ;,,,> IMAM3HERKI A fk> * i ?f t>J ? * M/ ?? <J > hi ,i-v 4 KASRSAAOJ^ i\ basrahI 5 reaehedin the Tigris carrp8ig:i. Tho Hr tie ? ? to Ctealphoa, ??''? n eighteen tn:!<*? of Bfl-*i..i?l, cad to fall back. Il retreeted to Kut-el-Aanara, irhleh la aam i Tu reli? ?? traons, -**mmand.ed by Genera! "'???.n-her.?-.. ther farce la puahing up the Tigrta under th? l?a<ler?hlp of General A*,l i r? . . rills ?"olurnn has not beer, able to pus!; i ei from Km* The Lr-tt'o -i raffing there. BRYAN SEEKS BAN ON U. S. CITIZENS Says Congress Should Prohibit Travelling on Belligerent Ships. i, - . - - -. ?-??? ' Jan. 11. William t. ? ' ? .-res' ?hOUld pas a law !'or? ?Al lesna 1 I ? ?? . i I ? th? P? r? a, which Pre? ? , ? bottled? I ? ? ? ? ? ?ar cil | - ? ships. .'. I fool try int rg .- ? n for ? .... ''? ..... ? ?a th? ? ? ; itional papers? I ? gel ? ? ire. lut to mal . ? sure. . I r ,.? denied it ral coun f they carry pass? era. Passen , att? : tlon of " like tin?. ...1 not - WIFE WANTS ULRICH BACK Will Wet-rome Haabaad Wh?. Waa r-in.i b) \S??niaii. .- . 11 "Yes, 1 Mr- tf the man I Mr-. I ? - band's retu rant 1 im back," ? .- we all ? Mrs. Uli for i tmas ..... . ? ? ? .?? ? . ? ? ? en ? i ? -?nee for his life TEUTONS SEIZE ADRIATIC KEY Austrians Take Mount Lovcen and Are ?Six A.iles from Ceitinje. ? atan. 11. The great Moate trenffhold, Mount Lovcen. which domine tea the Hay of < stta ?if ?he Ad ha* been csptured bj the Ansl Bi ....?? -.. as n;i'le by v ? . ' . Office tO-night Mount !.. ci 'i by *v r I :;i'i! . 'A hi!** r heve been roe -p.I from con.*?? mini; the re ? ? espturs tl.^re ??'enrs little ran ? to d inbi the sceuracy of ?he *-? its i pre ii ipatekss had rs '. the taking of the posit .intninent. end the Mon! had tted that 'he Au? hed eeptur id l ? en. The lesa of L*sreen will can?? p-re-* ? lent to Italy, bi satu ? II r?*'.?'r-i<' t'".e halare- of i ?? Irtal 1*. Ths . - ? eomawads botli i an,I ' " ' ? " ': ? iostrle .'. .-i first elass naval . form? h Une na'ara] harhor, protected ' the guns on MOunt I.ovcen. Tiie Au.trian? would thm command the whole of 'h? A'lnatlc. ???" of :?- o) ??ru-ii jr from ?h?' lu. Itero forte wee the ea. In addition, the e Austriani ma?ie abundant use ting ffai I | n the II .. h;ij *- . gro, On the ? the Moi '.???.? ?? : .... lat? I an? apture of I > mounl t high, thi \ . ? ria ? their posaei I that al as a menace to 1 Souths Da ? ! - only abou- B hall to the we*?t of Cettinje, th? ?l ?I '?? Nuttrlani \tta? U aaith Violence. arel ai ' \ itic coast ei roller atti i ling with greet ? ? rn and : ?. nts Detalla of the defeat af th? the overwhelming n of the Vi*,*r!ans are contained in a isusd to-nlghl by the Montei ? ?? to. The st tesaeal - . | ? ?'. . .. ? .... ished againal i :..??. ? to 4 Bortl rhen * i end ha m fi a I pel Onward H. repuleed bisa asvnral thnsa i ? ?ntlnn???! on i??a,??- ".. column 4 BRITISH REIB FORCE HALTEI CLOSE TO KU Aylmer's .Army Fail to -Advance From Sheik Saad. TURKS INCREASE FORCES HOURL' Weather and Wounde Hold (.oliimn 2.5 Mile; from Besieged Fortress. Lond > 11. With the reli? forte . ' ?ral halt? at Sheik Saad. twenty-five mil? Stray, the situation ?f ?ir?.er; Ton ?- .-.ii"?. h a. grow The Moi I ? oopa ??> th Mesopotamia front, ?irnwing ther from I ? whi'-h ?.?.?"-(? gees ? Dardants! ? Unlesa the relief expedition soo cur? hroak throuprh the opposil v lia I ..-? Hrt?K force ii be <-aptur?'<i. N?i lines the Bo? V i .? Britta force ai Ladysi litk has s Brit.*' army faced a aimilar peiil. The latest rtatement i nod hj th War Oftk'e hai ?* r??'.-.-v, I th? at?*? iety in London. Genera Aylmer' fur.??-' have not heen able t? pus a,lit?a?l. The halt i* ?lue, J. Antf < hamberlain, Biscretary for Indii told the House of Commons this a1 ternoon, t?> wrather conditta I and i the MeeSSit] nt r? moving the \-roun? e-J by river. Bat each l-.our'a delay l"eri>asf.? tl peni. The Turk?, equipped a tl munition? arhitsfc are pasting o?-er ?1 ml railway, are determine?!. . to .'.ear th? Tigris heforc a1 ' another tin danger of a flank a' ? .??-, thua remo ? s tas I ? drivs on Ecypt, or the mort im p?1 able niarcl ght bt ttttmptt? <?:i 'he Tigris ar?' Ml the etiem forcei ?? si ?':? gro sus o the gt t Kut has rea .1 don - tf latui i... fig ? ng. But there I ? . . ,,Ul? ha? tliet I] ' N ? \ er*s eolnmn I ?a mat ?n. ? ?? .- - force, hu - . . ? .ds Ii of Turkish a' lei thai a sttt Britial ?are onlv I mile? prtvt a dilReull m?' t i Britiafa csvslry forcea have lora?*-? th? Ta to tho ssstward si Kut i th? frs? whteh the i I r I ? ere I rva th?? ? .. ?as thus ? tag ?ffO. I fiad, for march ? ? battei ? ? nie yet nitered . - thai ttma 300,000 Turks Will Move on Egypt, Athens Hears r igq l , 'l Staff IReers here I - ?? ? tant p?*?? i ? . ? \ , . Ktmrt.1 > Salon it ? ,| the .. ? "pera practi IB army I.JO?), ea and V? ., a ? Ears** early at ta? ? s letaf A cam India tal i to be . til ;r? ? ?re I ? gyptian ? t>. 4?? edva i ' fights snd in tri? 1 ?? Bedoain? s ?Aere fui rra Oes -