Newspaper Page Text
Cmrxd?Mmmtd by Ssunsaal Hopkins Adaona. Thia department ha? entered the ?ei ?>nd ?tag? of ?er\*lie t?* Trll?une readei?. F. imarlly It waa intend-?! merely as ?eparnte the ?heap of adeaaSiaSag from the goat? ?ml hang a hell on In? goat*. But no*? it g,*e? heyiind mere identification It ?-mhrace? S human nature ?tudy of both ?heap and g.?al?. V.*u are Invited to asaist Fas every Utter printed in thi? department "hearth? ing ?iprrieiun t*!ea?ant or nnplea?ant aa-ith ?dvert??ei? at merchandise, excepting only patent med'i ine?. 1 ha Tribuna v?ill aend $2 00. payable in any meichandi?.* of any Trihune advyor ti?er. For the moil important letter each month a special priie of $50.00, payable similarly, will ha awardad. Name printed or withheld?ai you pi efe?, but muil he algned i?r fre will not know where to ?end the p*triss order. Address: The Ad-Vlaor. The Trih une. New York When I ',-?*???." In iO07, tta buame?? eapital at JB0.0 n r $2,800. 1 paid $t,$00 too maeh, a*, raa'.rf magi SS ..uii ff??nf ? ven anmentl It. 1 thi ? ? - . i i ' ' * .-? pagei I aucceedefl ver* ? mer.-.a whoae : *' say thi aael i ti e ..-.-? all-known reasor. pec; ihortcom r>. ' he tas roi I bo a ra"*olu . . 4 attll le on ? i : e leaat, aa 1 " ? | ? ? ? ????.. W \ PI ENi H. Thi--. v.?'*? ? llahar I "Photo-EM," ? magasin? as-fdeh l ' "'''-tir-lnR. B'it, a " ' . " ' ? Id '?? e Ir f ?*a?-f ?. ' - - laMeli b< ' , . - .? I -, v , la son i *???' .?,*.??<.. ? . ? ? ? ? . . < rrtt ?.. ? . ' ?? ?-? ? 4 ,M thi ? As an e* its merit*. P'l* w tJ-C-e ? . Mltion. 1- '.? a?l up arithin a i ? ' " : j thnt nt the head of ? bles n ii' ? feature of i4 r : ? ? ? ...'??? appri".: ? do. her?-, hie Inloi ? er publish? fowl ? , ? . ? ...... ? por ertiser in th\ ?? ion. Ai i mere pall the i? ne. lent Bal receipt, and, - ,h>, foui ng? them i .?tri make, ? thought ? near m<? *. I - I. He ? ? ? ard ? ? tion. "I 1 ng tot . with a I thinl age, the s? er and thi i I that ,ntly I * and i r in 'hoir ? ? all in thia ? Rogara. 1 i a il - uni ? ? ? ? thai . . I v . MRS. B. B I '? One of the most thnt * fonF dise, If it is not, Van Ojvtsg Mar n ot* The Tribune's < honest ? ? ? e?J ata ? that Si ? * io later 1 Being* ? and pi cur- ? ai ' I ?,v r atacara - ; IS W s * || * It to be drawn from Ulis | ? If V a A I , sated r to . hing there at .? down te a i ? ??-?? ? ? trota a we? . ; . Heal rtisement i ? ? ? ? ? ? buy the ii ful Girls," "i ars with which you ci al? I what "?ur-rer v ? . ? put to rout a concern thai aome day ii Wishing* you ? ?DEB ? ? Co., Nov. Ity Co?, South faring for 10 l rill i.a i -. ' ? to a sheet. In i 1 ine}, si'titir monda,*' "V. altei "J. '? "? '? dor Packagi ' ? ?.fa sum, hm it h.a-, mean a -rood deal to the ? Viy this mil leading advei tiaemi littlei pa-nny-trapa thai ha yet coma to the A which tha poitalJSMithoritisa might lind something <.i SEEK TO END DYE FAMINE Mnniifai'lurer? Sen?! CuUSBBllttt U Camftt with ??ernmi? tmhaeeadtr. Onauitationa and Induatrlts tf the Unlttd Ht?t?? illreetlv alTeot?..! l'y 'he ?enritttv of dyattuffs htT? ?eut ? BOBS? f ?even mea, ahoeeu bi ? '?? ?? .? fan! of th? National ? atlon ?.f Clothlert, t.. ???infer the Gorman Amhaasadoi ind jot ernment oficiala of Ihia country In of the elf,m '" ' dly i "'-.le.l dyes fro? Germanj I bs ? peer b? ora Ihs liousa of RtpresentatV ? ?hi Ways ?n?l M? an < ommitte? considers n . ?ii bill, w! leb ' ?- :"' ? ? th? protection of th? Ameriesn dy? manufaetui ? s lndu?try Bt*aii ? I .fter the wai .,?., i ,;,;,.. Rob ? l ran is, preaidei I o< on , | w. . II? i. Mi sei rertj P, Wood, pn lid? ?'' of National ?nociation of Wooll n Manufaetun rs? P f Watera, ; ? ' aster Dyers' A ?? lation; I udwig St?ii . ch? '? \ ,, ? f i thlars; Gua ... , ?i laiei v Mtnufte! irtrt! 1 ? ". "? ,1" Nal - ''?I As : ; i . ii mi John .... . th? Upho I ?-. ? ? ? ' ' ' CHURCHES' WASTE DECRIED BY PASTOR Say Retara oa Millions Investt'd is Slight, as Buildings Arc ? l?".'.?il Sis Days. on? of dollar? ?r? tltd up ir. ?-. un.I land In \ te? en s n?-??r api r? t u i 'IF. u arts, ehain ? ? ? ? ? . ?l i.if ?. - ? ? Mmli a "It - pro that w? con,.I . ? ? . ? ? ? . It t ?V? ? id any - ne who coi ? I? true ol ? . ? ? i re Is a well ki i . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | i week, I ? ? r will - ' ? I ??.?'. .' ? ... r r;, ing to con ? HOSPITAL DOCTORS DEFY KN1GSBURY 20 Refus? t<> Serve un < uoiber land Stred Staff. ? ?roller Prs - td Dr Charit"? \ ?trown, ? ? ?lay thi?'. unlesa 1 ' ? .- vn ?-Hi a!',. , ? ? Dr. H. ? ? 'incur. ? I?r Brown 1 'the moat i ? ? ?? then | ? ? ? ? ? ? re fa aed 1 ? fill th? ? ? - ., the ? i to th? i MORAL: KEEP ON SMOKING l .m Commiaaioner Forbid? Throwing < Ifara or ? igarettes ?m Floor. ? ? ? ? itor oi ? ming the! - ,. i . . ? tl r ? ? . [far, ?1 - Tis murphy'for murphy ( It-rk Ichm-v Sin.linn I,, I ,| tt .-;? r r- BdoUS til ? ran, II. Murphy?, y? jroui i Stanii bus Murpl ?i-? a clerk a! I Custom 1 'se, ii thi? eit] eft hi? entire ?cete ai ' ' ? that i ? - , . - . .. ? ' ? ?fun? ? . ? i ;GARYCANVASSERS ROUTANTI CLAMS ?Checking Hp Petitions in P. s. 89, Brooklyn! Find Support Strong. MANY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THEY SIGNED iBVMtigaton I ind TrmC?S <if Near - Misrepresentation in ('MmpsAgU In Oust System. Tha centro van/ over the <nty plan is rauinc hot arouml Pahlic *? hool H9, in Brooklyn. With the spproseh sf 'ha' '. ai Bdasatlon meeting ts raorrtaw actlrltias In th.* rival eampa have ? ?*,,r | ? ? ii , ? ? , ; ? H Is '?> the filun irho had orgaalsad lha Moth if' \nti liar, lasagne "f Fliitbush will ?end a ' ?i,.are, salting that tho Gary plan r,* Aboil-hail and I tho ol'i sebsdele reinstate 1 While opponeati to tha plan haTej been eolleettng r.r.'N.??. tha arivocaf?"! hnv?> hr?en * . .... ?),i. rt'iirn? to i iio-vir tin. reaaona behind tha ?is naturel Mra Hi'ter. principal of P. ?, mii<i?a n i-anviis? of tha Bel til if the I ' I ' " H?*r . ??: r,' tha in estlgatoi king tha neea ? ? a . i . . ... mothers, ?', .r .if ?he ii insod their ?:i-,.. ' cltlttena, Mn. Rh.-ta ( hilde l?"rr. of 'Thr ? Inj- Mall," and It?. rows Feraandea, ?f The Tribune?, No at-? av. ru made to arijo? with th? l?arent? about the Uiry pian, but aim? a hy thai I ? tha pel ' "' ?a 'la'a gathore?! many ' ilgnad tha pel Itioa ay were aign- ; ted 1 ? ? 1 , a be? ? ,89 ? i i.. | ? ii . <?* . inatea ,.,?'?" 11 " ihcir ap ? bad signed the thi ji.a-, in ? ? ? Thej ??? ? - up MisuadeiMood I'? i Itloa. ted and ? Gar* plan [ i . .lohn ? . ? I ??U fil t ! ? ? I '.?'wkiik A\ . ? ?i the ted I ?V , ? , child looking iss they eesui ? r pi? ' ' . ? 1 . the plan I I ? *;in,i ' . : ??&i<-'..s, two were ligned ? f the plan. "i'neiiiminla" Won a Name. ? Iontag ' I ? . ?? . : raa a eustom? : ? "and beg*ged n . to cry. i ' M r I he been I The tting ? . ? ? ? i . ? ; ' I of tha I ? r hu? band cami ib told that i ... . t of 1 ... laid to hei . ? . ? t herchil ? ? ;,t she ? ? ? isr told ? ? ? Pi and I an Tha y I not read ? ? Helped DaaghteT. ? ,? ? | :" '?l ? lien? my <'f : ? ' ' ' , and . ? ? | yoa i ..:..?. ? ?? / I i door an.) aal : i "I?o yon ove of thrs playground buti ' neiiT" Mr? Nelaon ?dd?d that her hnilaii'l wa? r?ry angry* SMI had -?Iffnt??! without knowing what ah" had ?lirnml Ml*. Anthony EtpOtttO, of ?108 Cltl ?adon I'."-?'l, WM i>i?ot-???rJ berau?e h?-r aldttt boy came homo twlre 'itl? l?i? ?. ? t \v?t up to hit kn??ea Bht ?'.no ?.?lil tlint tat of h?r bova had br?**ten lua irm In th? play pert?"!. Mr?? Rit ter ?laid thli aceMnnt happened n vnr i ago, ?viifii ths t'laii wM fir??! put Into opirntlon. Among replie? r?-rf?1ve,| from Mrs 1(1? 1er 'ho Utter M Mr?? OttUUtytt, of MO Bat? Tulrty-nintb Btreet, ?r* reprt Mntatlte. "I turned tha petition <?n th'? imrnilatj of ?he mtmtnl " Alfiwd Lindner, of no Eatt Thirty flrtl Strttt, wrlttti "Pereonally, l think this syt tt m ?? the Rrr?tei?t ?Mntr Introduced th? pnl.II? ?I'linoN, her ?il?? It I? tt pt-lfec? a hoy i.r iftil both men? ai,,I physically My e? n .- i i ? . bed ?ixt- tlvt? ??.htn th? aytttm wat Introduced Intt Pub He school W To .1,. sh? weighs 110 pounds, a ifnin of ferty-flt? poundsl Her lepor^ sards knee batial r ?* M ?. ir than formerly She lonl<? forward wltl n|| ? ir- ?., trlinol timr F'TIIierlv ih ? ? ?II?! rot -??r? much about Bchool." LIEUTENANT KENNEDY DEAD Member ?if tl?o Honor l.?t|"inn of 'be Pellet Department Since |M|. I.leutenrit .Inr?'.? A Ktm ?d . I nvmher tf th?. Honor Legion nn?I one ' ' t ?lu- l.r-? known mtu In tht? Pollct Dtspurtmtut, attathtd to tha idi i Btrttl station, in BrtoMyn, died terday a! bis home, ?i2 l?gl Bl ."rom rail-' t ef tht littr H? wat born ' In Brooklyn, or. ChristmtS Hav, He w-bi :?rp'.'r.?er! 'o tht polica fnrca in May, 1?8B. In August of hi? Ant vear "f duty d in tht. ?npturr? of rhomaa ? : r,,? Bid? bui glar, 1 ' itlan I.urn. a groeor, in lh? hoi , at Jay and H ? ' f :? . ,i ? ' in d two daugh FILMS GET RROADHURST Dranatlal ^ign? Contrae! with Oliver Moroeeo Photoplay Oauspany, Georg? B ? ,w irit. dramatiat, -".h" !?? naible for "P?'d m Full." '"! hi Man tf tha Hour" ?nd ?r a : . . . r | . Igned ., Ions term co ? sel ?? I the Oll-rei M ?',ny I'impiiiv, All his plays no -,o* Aimed, end ?v?n ?i. ? arrll ten. are taken or? I bj th? Iforoai o ? . ? it i? ?teted at I ?' the Mo roteo com) any tha amounting to something ? ?i yeai - A . Broadhi tract i f Mr. Bl it i re ?' ' ? ,. , ? on th? i He Plays and Players of the Film World ? ? .. J. w. . . motioi. picture i - be held . . ? ? - ? '?' ? I ? ?..' niea?'ir.' be! ? ? omi litte? of nsei Bead ?r \ srl tw. Norman ? . .i ? ? . ? ? I. < ? : -.J , John B i | Bo i leti ; ? ? dii and tt is I I :!rr . !.. J G II ? r. Path?I ?? K --po.ii. ill? Farl H Pierce, Moroseo; Fox, A . I I I a r h oi . -, Norman E Macl D '?'. ? I : ?!.. ? Roi SC? '? I Van I mi . : ? rt Edward ? others. Tl a v'..Hi ! ???? ptcts also ? i f wom produeera und manu ? rvei or..! t'vrhangt? m r? and r," Man Pie ord i - I ? ibd ' ' . quot : - Ex chai ge circles p.iinle** hut . ? pleasant, although ford retail i oui) Mnten ? ? I the 1 i i-Mai : Film Coi ... ? ? reaftei ':-?-.- be mad? b; ??? . j ford < ? get ? , ? ? ?' - - - ? ? ? I - leid, :i? addition to a tri! ry of a few ? | . . ' ; Marie Doro ha?? de? - ? up ? ? ? ,.-?? the sp? i pari for ill inless sht Lasky nod? ' em? nt last night, 1 la thea ? i igoei i sol racai \i i matter "f fret, Mie? In.r ?,- ? ? , -he hu* iletermln'-.i to dtTTOtt f ,-?? ? tie -port. ? f t hi i P? t muse pity Ian ? t of i ? . . . T> ed I Bars ? ? le * t'-rnbie di? and hereafti r ? ? ? than ones Prie! . -rul not to do anytl ne without roaaing her Angei eaaon? " I heda : i ; Bth." ?V special morning i ... . ( - ? ? .. . ? . ? erfoi manes ?*. i , ? '. ? ? . ? ... . . ? ???.. gnt j is 1 ton and d li?h. Mrs. Corbet! -? ? i . ? for puh'.' ped wit bout a ? i writ I pis for Fai r War I, who ., ? ?''?? i? is a' : en ... '.-. - '. 14th Street, near Fourth Avenue. m\ ? i it A N i, a s v r) K l..r I un. I..-..-I T., ?ns, II. i? ? M... -i i...? ?.,h,i ,,, ... lri;/; ?STRAND ROOF GARDEN ALWAYS* NEW AND NOVF.L (HANOI. OF tr\E>T?4 MtlHII.l. ROBBER'S CAPTOR OLD SCHOOLMATE "?Shake," Say.s Policeman to Man Driven to Crime by Family's Hunger. FOUR TRIED TO LIVE ON $8.20 A WEEK Wife and Children Now Cared For, and Husband Prob? ably Will Ho Free. When ha stnaei.e.l the ?how window of Laatbart'a lewslry ?t?ira in Third Avenue Monday af??rr:oon Thomas >Vo'i?|. had an idea hs waa SSaking an enarny of ov?-ry pollesssan In New York. Ya???i?liiy b'n , ? ??. leapt opining wl?Jer with ?arh pa??lnir hour F nt of all, Qaorga .'topper, a pol cernan from h!? feet Up, ?! In front of "."/oo?!?'? eell in the East i ? ? ? Street statloi for a ?ha* rha piiaoasr *-*asogatsed bis viai tor a? tha policeman to whun. he had been turned ovar by his civilian cap? tora. .'??topper's memory ran laeW fir'her "You aver fro to Publie Behoe h? demanded. "Yaa," adr.-: tted Woods -ron't find snything thar? s*. "Ever ha ? M Hahaliip ' ->r taaeherT" "Yep, '??? nut Hb'.u*. it* The prisoner -vri' defiant I ! .rasa, ha waa i I was ??olnat hin than he had been when the Jeweller ? i dow laggaatsd a aray to K?r. ?upper for hr? starving; wife. Bat Patrolman Georgs Stopper, personify Bg tha world, Btuch bla hand heartily ? tmrs. ." he = nld. "Doi remen her Ge irga Stopper? I waa -nr? ? I didnt want anyth '?*- than it ng 1 car: ? i don't need to a ?'- I'm .? ? ? - lid i have long ? ? . . . ?he hendr*-: ? tnploy ; ' ' th? an able to. Th'" f the new Ha asked :' apparent ? 4*"*er the last normal, ex? Ifagte? ? -ither ns of ?he 'enemy " The ?-hari/" ngainat h had Imen -eblttlsd dowa fifes* att*msp4 robbery to malleioua mischief "I'll plead uullty," ?aid Woods BIS aye? wan?lera'l over th? raill to thn bench where hla invalid a waa sitting with th? children. "Hut I'd like t?i say a few word? f my wlf'i's ?ake," h? ha?t!l7 ad'l?* 1 "I'd '? h..en all rieht If I badal tri to baj things ''ii t:.? Instalment yl? Aft?r I ?<r,?e a'arte?) I eouldo'l itOB "Fir?'. <?' all I go*. I .'i /o? ' Ii ?.' f'i. - ture from M'irr!? astsan, who ha? ? ? i?, a* M I hrv?t.ii Street I paid *l ?v.?k to hlrn. ror a while I r ? 1 to if r,?, ? i,? pavmente on bccoui i ' sieh r.? 1 and he hau m?" : ? " , eeart ' has iai?i something i V g mo uve days, bat I did'.'" ?tar, I ?nd i? '. ,*. go "lo.".i araska later tha latarboroai ; ?>" ; ?? 'ho riaid ine $12 a -v*jek a. i wtrsman'a h?lner. told me I ha ? I grarniaheed. ?iier: ! had to borrow ?. floss the latsrborough. ah ch thay 1. ifiui t', take "i" "' ri s of 12 we*k. I carry .? loi ?' Inauraaes %"!< becau??) ? ?4; ?i.-- I": r.ever have bank aircount to leave t? ?? family F with payment ? 1 1 *v.e Inte igh and to Kat asa, I 1 ., sa . . to keep as al go 1 g It ji,.' a n?' '? ei ?:. arlt'i tha iwii ilsk." Mnia-iitrate s'-n'.n.n de?ldH to ho! Wo ?? for Special ?-sessions, Kara a elf ? ? :'.\ he made ?o havs ssntsnc luapended ONCE RICH, LEAVES ONLY FINGER PRINT. Woman Dies in Bellevue Hos pital After Ten-Year Fight Against Drink Habit. Ten reara ?s-o Mr?. Kmmi Bel arta wealthy, pre'ty and 'he mother of ???-<? ahildrsn, -va? the -if? ?f a prom:ne-i N? ??? York merchant. Sas ?'. .. -'!!<?' ;? |lo?p!*a! r : ltd with 'he ? of a ?ti e.-- fight The only henf-ii-e Mr? "? arti aft were gsi | rints. Siaca, tes year-, ago, at : reser hed 1 medicine srlth slcohol n? ai ing ad ei ' ? ! ?? rai arreel i rr .re ?-??. ?> k ra *:m"? Six yeari ??. and died from a br - ,.-* il"r children drifted astray. Mr? frhwartr,, arhoss ?or? i? laid to be un er ?inn In tha United Statee Navy, 'o'igh* tha grot Qg '1 ? ? habit ?* ta ? aning jiower? She always had of "rrin?''.- '? -. the ?--.-?ire left by her hushnnl Th? va-, - I itill the thundei and a spent a for 1. her ittempta to ? btain a liti I C and I Ffr?"*t. by ratro man I'r ?. Ut? Su *'?'-?? - ? ? in y ut She a?'*-. I thai -five a flttl? . .. . ? go *o n. rotha ? 1." ihe laid "I premia? ? ' Allee ?)f*"e**r. ? her in her cell. The rod 1 ihlldren, if not for her ? ? . -? ild never t ich any ;uor. "i "' IT hours la*?r the Kee;.e.' heard - ?,f a sromai v'-' .r;?j on th* -T ?or ner jailer? >.?? ? pted 1 up Fhe yolled and claw I at th? they wars torced to re>a?e her B2LTM0RE ntlD V "i H'llMM. Ml -If Xl.F., HOTEI Bll iMinir. ilAN'l It. nt ll ??sss TOURRET ? GARRISON L???? ORREU eat a ?.?.?? - I f n R*** I l,?.i ,i . ia. Johnston, . DHiLHAR^Omn s w iii-r.i -i i; \N-KN. ? ??Mu ? i??u ^ To - ?-. - r??? lu '. ?- i?ni. m .-.'i ;r - i ???.? (RAFT homas? M ?11? KI.1 V ?LSSa.^SS S Kl? II IKD -I H ?1 *?*? l-KOl.KXM CAR! ?. H ? ' I i at Bot i IB?*?? \aii s,?t \ft -tt ? .n. ieoUaa Hait \ ? ? ? m i ?t i i < ? K YOUNG PEOPLE 5.&MA, PETERSON l.FFTIinXIV 1111 H -UIH.iiM i ? - CHORUS SCHOLA CANTORUM Ki it r m HINDI KB luetor .... n . Kl ??I \N IM) M WHIN Wl \N lOl K ?nM.? A? s \ in /n ? ll \i:i i?. II iBRISOM III 1,11 \i I \N '.a.,, a ? ('?--.g!. Hall ut Baba. E ?' at -?-t. F.8, l?r>. 11. RUSSIAN . Il I. M...I.--.I \li-..l?u|.r ? i.ii.lnrtor I tel) n -l ?rr ?in?? 11 ? - k % - ?lit IJadow'a " I n.-iium .-.i i ni,.-" "COLOREO LIGHTS ' Jgfc Ml? at Roi - - AEOLIAN ha?'.. To Mira r?-, A?t. ni j. KONG km i r \i uni ? IIIMI \ M? V It??- Ht fli-? riiinr.. V,a . ? ? 4 trollaa Hall, Mo. Ere., Jaa. 17, n? Stlf, HUNTER WELSH \,...|.,i, Il ill. I? mi.rrr.ii l-.enliiK, ut 8:18. SOPHIE BRASLAU I ?rj? rr, r -rg m , H ?jri.i A*!, ni CULP M ??i I \?. ii ?I ? lion \n i n. 17. olive FR? WIST AD CVBIA I ! b .s. ? !.. - roua Maxine F.lliott's ROBERT MILLIARD 48TH ST. 1/,Vk JULIA ARTHUR THE ETERNAL MAGDALENE ;.TH ST. !.. ,. ,, || TRI; UNCHASTENtD WOMAN PLAYHOUSE ? . . -. ? ? * ma nsi i i, .,-,. .,? . GRACE ,. MAJOR GEORGE "?BARBARA How (o Size Up Men Dr. Katherine M. H. Blackford - tir?? :??, ? :-.? ;.?? DI I - ' ,? * - ... - ? b?for? v.?-1 r mloga ?? ? ? :,' :a . Uta :.?* AEOLIAN HALL . .1 ... , ? ? ?. METROPOLITAN SotSt To-nlijM ?' 1 Mari?. Hl 4 ! Thura. ?I - Lorienirln. >?,-, ? Frl. ?? - Bailo In Ma.rnirr?. ? a . 4 a Sit. a ''?? Si.g'-M Kurt ' Mil. Ripp ... I ...a| N-?t Mon. I < HUMMl . r,-?t?l. N'a. Vieille I: Hela Paella??!. ' ? ? < - Wad. ?? * T ? . I ' ' HARPM ?Ftl.E OE DIAGMILIFfS ^?BALLET RUSSE ?& 2 WEEKS ONLY jAS ? a?"?"--\ CENTURY THEATRE T2X V ? >? a - . I'lltM ?.II HAM Uel I ? I AU IS inn. CAPT. FORTESCL'E .... WA * LICTUSI WITH THE AMK4T?II MAP DARDANELLES WAR at i? i ,. a r. Keiths m tan* i empi -i PAI Afc ' ? ** M : > SSeSvllle f Hi rtLrtcr, , . ,,.1(. Iliiiin I ?' ? M ?. M on ??? . i i.. m h, ,v i in at il? 0L0N1AL "; ',r',, 1>,"m V I ll/.|l'?*lll II?, 44. II I MAT 1 *.;t." Mttrrai I atahruok c PORT S ' PRINCESS PAT MLSICALHlT. | -? ELEANOR PA STIP -InlllMIVU JULIAN CLTINOI , .: THEATRE FRANCAIS, _Ll?fN GREUZE lu il I,AM NE ? m THE CHARITY BALL .... . . - ? a Waiii?"-" l?t?fli ? 4 .4 \ IRVING PL. THEATRE .4 i, ITS ? ' !, t->*aMMa| tit 1.1 ?. VHHITK 4 \ V 44TH ST. II! K A T 1 N K A I \KI \\ 111 M a I TO MORROW : in PAVLOWA HOBSON'S CHOICE Popular Maun?- T? J?>, PRINCESS Pod VERY GOOD EUOIE ALONE ALLAS 1 THE BLUE PARADISE rVlANHATTAN ? TO-NICHi IUR1CH TU A 'INI6H. 1 Photo 450 !;*"," ,,,!--""-. Im fff" ? ?tare 43 j-, ??m '"???- I - ; .. ?'???I ? ? . . P.?',''a. ' " : ?--.. PS?* ....'"? MANHATTAN ,m ? ? It] ? '111 ' ' ????'afii-i If \ it r r l?i?i*?\ v - ,? ) ,r, HH?n?KI \ - ' HlMtlH-l ? ,?-,, _ . ' - _ _ ?SIJU '. liKh??? I Ml IM, THRATlUi NEW AMSTERDiKM ..<?; MATINEE i O-DAY it 2 IB A GOOD IDEA is ALWAYS WELCOME! V.'hon a Myriad f Briiltan?| Ideai ii toacoatrated into Oat Eatortasaaatat the Fruit |( Xa InaetimeUy Ple&iur? That Should Not B-? M it ?d. PLEASURE RUNS RIOT TO THE HIGHEST PINNACLE is Matinee or Night Sure to Bring Delight! SADIE LOVEr*;,; ?ut. LAST 1 TIVIS If The | BICT A 'GAitrrr -jai-M ? mi. visit, Il n -Mg sr^ v -r-js ?er'"" / \ErarvhiieSusaty ? COHAN'S ' ' ;?? OTIS SKIYNEK "Cock o' the W? LIBERTY ntsr mi iv a AN ION 01*1 ??. e'? ???' ? SYBIL '.. jMau?e Aii?rns ?LYCEUM ETHEL MORE - -.c 1st. POP. MAT. TO DAY 2:? "15umipw ? l?? D ON THEAT1 HARRIS ? THF. DKV US GAR0:N; FULTON v- I RALPH HERZ in f ?' '-?. I BELASCO -- ? . THE bO..MEMHi ? LONGACRE j*: ASTOR ?,-n. 1 CANDLER I. .. ? ? ? v -.4' MATt ?LT?NGE tLiimur. ^. eie_c32?^ ttPUBLIC . ''fi, ?SOa^liJU?i' GLOSE JGABY DE.nLYS . '*'? '*?^5V'm,.H:[ sin m ?, IWSOI V Next: HIP-HP HOC3?' SOUSA . \ M fc* Min. ? Punch ?Judy "'.. '? ggj TREASURE BLA* tFlTACR?PM GARDI N 1 THE WEAVE* Loew' Vn-rrrir R'"'f' '/' *?JJ| ME ALO >*? ?lrano - .?????l O .?-..: w?*. ii-? fettm. st ^^m