Newspaper Page Text
RHEY DEFIANT BEFORE WHITMAN Didn't Agree to Give Kirchwey a Free Hand. Superintendent Says. GETS ANOTHER WEEK OF GRACE Transferred All Prltonera Who Could Be of Heir*. New \\'ard?n Testifies. l.orr, t ?'at- Ori??p*ari'?-it <?/ T*. M I ? ' Prtior? I iperll 'endent Rilo..'? le-t?! 4*f . 101 '''? r.rlionrned the ? ? ?hcr evidence ght the! I .? h ape reek at -, bla r'?-e sy, the 4 ? ? sd that the I l - I eon i with the es> t it ?iso eon ? foiir MB wit ne Gov . -.: out that ..- ? ? aen oi rc*~*owd? - i ? I llampei-ttxi W ork. He Say?. Kirch? - I. how ? '.or had sent him a ? his fa ? ? Hire] r. Rlli I ? . . chea dro: " r. Oa "He' la my I ?hat he had bett. unleaal ? . ? ? Ping He told me that I i enter duties . .- ? Read rintendent'e ' ?? a red no longei to hold the oiTlce "ao earnestly sought by oth? "If fur ar.y rea?on. personal or po ," he read, "you ahal] ?ay tliat you wlah to r>b ? ir." Riley In lis reply denied emphati riargea of .-ment -. "hi Tt ' ..... ?iola ?ioi? ? I . .. ei menea? ? Bt ho II ticabli free hand, 1 do not recall (feel "I e nor propei COuld ? MONTAGU SUCCEEDS SAMUEI la ?.i\en Lancaster Partfelta In the Britlah Cabinet. ' Beeratary to the Trees? a port ' ter, I ? Her ? uel, who held 4 l the 1 . con? tinue la * . the . It la ran i . Hon l'harlea E. H eed Mr. ? r.i.. o?d jailed, young freed' ?,.na'? Plea Urinj-s Thrr Monlha' Sentence. \ v. .- ed, old ?nan with a loa beard, raj . - black salt, an .. Mu? i Mt x ht ? ourt, lai I nigh und a ith dram it ? 11 11 and gtetur? ?>?l.l ai the ?lays tf ? ftnstf genen lien a hta he, ? i harli? Brjrai . mSasatl tl ?li<> ".?I Han ??ran an,I llsi ..' ai - ? of th? focus tf s (tun o? pit] ?ng gasta, whsrs h "Wer? , , I tht [sdgi ? ? w... Bui day? ? i-.rn I erlth ths .-'.i compon) ? hray I dldnl hav? to heir, j?uIr? ' > . I 'in .ill ol ? g? wiiat can I ?i but I ? ?." replied the {edge. \ fea min?tes later a sturdy your: mnn. ?'..-> gar? his nams as Steve t,al lai-iier ?-na brought In. He had hi to n patrolman to he locked up. go to the work house"' inked Magistrats Muiphv. ? Y, . - . ht-re ar? more Jobs In New Vor - ii d raw You are di-.- Bl SJtd " ALLIES HAIL T. R. AS U. S. SAVIOB Wilson PoHcitM Brin? Natiot Into Contempt Abroad, Says Clergyman. ? ?,iore Boottvtll -,? ti.e tna mai to wham Bnglai d and Fra ios au- look kmarica frtn ? ? ' em . ??. ? 11 Paul'l I . Ig I, '.'. :,.. rs . ?hr Allied troit. ? ? ol Enrope, th? r ? ? ? ? . I. - ore th? ; .rope. ? , S I s mill . ?. v. Bryai er con sel, esp IT? are ahirkinc nur an in thi and humai front 1 ? man tf botli ? ; . | , r es from the |>--it er. I 1 .-'? ' th? k it al oui I was neutral when I vent he c "?'. ncoln more. I myself ta i by th? i have r* hart." He said ' tat twt ar.,. a half million more men ritish ran'?. by ?i-rii;tc. sped ihan any i 1 ? HID NAME FOR HF.R FRIENDS Woman Accused ??f Tnking Lswysr*s Papers, Jnilei for Night ' who wouldn't g-'ve her address because she paid she lived with friends who aie well known, wen trrtsted ytttor ty William Howard, ? clerk In the law tfflct of r\ ? r, of 4-1 t'ourt S'reet, Bro from - ? ? ? i Mtrrltt Insisted the paptrs ? ? ? Adams Street police ?tation. hod the paprrs from a table In his ii - sma im? his mi . ' . '. War tret? eran, > ago, leavi; g ind In the W? ? * action me: papera was hrougl '? BRYAN FOR PEACE BOARD With Jfinv AddsSBS and lord, 'lo Ite Chests at H.ijrur. The Hague, Jan 11 ! inei The ,: ?? It v.l. ' ? ? ? ? ? . ? Jei \ and 1 Ot ? i . Rabbi Wiat. i Thi ? ? ? ? ?? will ., Wedntaday. January Victrolas Arrive at Wanamaker's New Stoclis of $75, $10v; $150 ftnd $200 Instrument;. A $5 or $1 0 payment will put one of these Victrolas in your home at oik %, Monthly payments of a like amount $5 or $10 take care of the balance of the price. Over 1,000,000 Homes Own a Victrola Why not one in jtovr hotnt Wr believr there is no bet ter Victrola service to be had anywhere than in the Wane maker Victrola Salons; and no more ?comp?tete Record Library. Send foi the latest Victrola Catalog and \\ ana maker Educational trims o? purchase. First Oallcrr, New Building ' "?",-?, W***-1*!!. VICTROLA XM--$200 $10 lint payment; balan?a $10 per month. John Wanamaker Broadway at Ninth. New York. W?LLETT, ULYSSE OF PRISON, BAC look Jtmket to Alba; After a Trip Home. ( ropsey Hears. CONVICT ?PHONES WHEN GUARD STRA\ Ctstidy Sait to Have Dined ui His Folks by Permission of Orea! Meadows Ruler. William Willett, jr., now slaii at :'ne end of hia tarn in 4?r< Meadewa rriaon for briber thirty-hour vacation In Alben?, roan '.he ?trert? In ?enroll of hie Haallj* dil!rj up the pj -? li??l mieeed hit tn??r, wea ra ? \"' ?rue** Juin?? i Kings, yeaterdej bj ifereej hla SSSlstaat, ?In rlei'lares he ?aw \V let: ?V tha ????"Inn. ?d with Ulla liiii.rin-.Mon w the repart that \\;?;rti had apa day afternoon in hia hone ? l ai I sway, end 'i.iit "Carl- ,i"<'" I rlsted a . teed fn '"?rea* ' ' !? ? r : I.,., kSfitlBf ? at un -? ? r. ? John .. . brand? : t? itoi n? last '..-;r::. '. ,.??. ? ? : it her ha ? ?. aince liii? tern ? however, annou ? ? .- ? ? ? ould be .m.! bi I "iff to Mr 'A,.,-. ''???? t the 1 ? I ? .. efteraooi ; , .. Alben?; ?.. . . ? Imma ... , - now -rraj ??*.. rei end a bra mustache, Willet ?Mr. i look? ? but a cot ? ntljr 1 itel n. Ii ? ? ? a- >4'a:t<*,i el the (?phono i the 4:4S. He v. Irn* to Mr ? ro] - I, wh< , the ti air. pulled ? I late. He 'Phone? Warden. At the prison half an h oui al ? th report con'inur?, \\r.:<i?'ri Homer"l tc ephone rar,*j an>l tha mr, .??.] ??irion ensued: "Hello, helio; i? (this Homer.*" "Vp-; who's tall ? ?? ?This Is WlllStt I miSSSd tl - 4:4 !" he up on th? H tit 111 rid ? i Whitehall and come P\ ?HOll." At a yesteHay mernii | "? M ' arrive, M? keeper with hire. The in that th? ' * 1 afora 11:16 ai ??? a sa] for ea thai ? ? \'. ? tl had h ' ? La ion. of the E trail bad le 1 nd ha' ? . I.m to del tve i ?i ma . A I mai i -?as A. He ' Tl Ii Mr. Efglns n u; I ter hl ':p Mr . it G ' I informed by Wei rone I ? would not atil ihe followini morning, ?j | . . . . | borr.e ?., Mr ( r .p*-??>?'? or: C? revol . : ? ? bed aometh -? ?? do with " Explsaatloa by Rile.*,. I gone I . ? ?' ' | the < '?? ' ' n( that bei . Ml I rillet! ? ? MOOSE TO UNITE WITH REPUBLICANS < ..nliillir.l frnm |??ai;r I sds* ? ' I ' critii ? -' ? gramme, eon ? : . BS S ? " ' ' \ "The Progr? e ? ? '? ' the ? 1 ).n Pi igr? *'f ''?'??- ?"'" ! of neeeaaity a c< , for tha , new ... . al ? and had I <?,eak m a'.;."! Ii id tha atate . suai ?ich aa th? -? -, i-, Uative, referen? call, hi re bei n *:".' n up in vaiioui ? ?? | ba national laauea preeentad by our ' platform ?n* 1912 an I l repi ?vita of oui aatiana ? ? A I ' effeel 1 nnd induati abiua.l. "Th? ' matructiva Fed? lather than I daati I uption t ,"..,..? business orga i?' ha* lor and i ot - lae boini ; ency Into the governn ? the co&rdli <r ? Waul*? lar iff CoBBSSisalaB, ?. i n , ? tarif! i I i ?\. , for th,- re ?"..<?:. ? ?'! world war h*a\ a mad it a.s i?r>- nair?. paar;, tion, a'tor th.-* war, of IndUBtriea nrw ihad here tha I - ty tor ? trated. ifl r ige, mm re pledg baUl V. Uli v.ii rrOJmi?? i-nvw*- ittiloal to 'The Submarine in War by Robert W. Nr-cscr All ,-il??'i:t the boat tint lin-i added n new horror tosrar? fare "ii the ..cnr; in the January Scribner ." : bllelty hunter rod a lime ?? "I? . , ttly tnti i" that Mr. W il let; \?.a* bare Sunday night, tr, o I ir as 1 , - it Mi i a id? I is be? n . Thanksgiving er any other I? m d "Ml V. ' ItStt asi . , ? By, ami ths tory 1 is v tndaring ahoat Al? it eloth. I . to Mr. v. klag natty, , tell \"U ? . an,I ?r\ '?! i aora atrt the jam? he had ?i;o Tlie suit I myself - ,. ?d al a f illor's >? that ha ... fa ibb) Jury Questions Rabbi, Defender of Osboroe he i Mer 0 lanty ??r?n?l Jury -??'??. ? - | '.- r i M ' ? ' . ,,- ? i ? ?- until It failed to re? id bi expeettd returned, ' -,, : | U tin? ? ? I- ?. ? Vttorn? I to nrtsenl I ;> -? k 11? c l"t tue ? rit . - , .1 , ?pli ! ? ai railed beeaua? tf a ' ? a. . ?at mo action -, ? tieal iii ti .1,-u? SEN. BURTON URGES PARTIES TO REUNITE Tills Moose lime H;is Come f?.r i hem to Return t<> Repub? lican Rnnks. Tht 1 Issed within ??top ; ?wei it ever has ted Stttei In si addrtts before ?i Bl Ook ; r: la; ' Pn lent Wilson ?niatic ? iti, Kuropo M W? .1 (??? In the Mexican tangle. I my word," he laid mi pies en that the' | It ? - . I y In th? i ?- own t.ifa. ra, wa ore of thei ? ? ? ?.t..I. .-ft?. Ic alon? thai ; ? . h? turnad his ntten- - ?ths ined 1 ? m to join hand '.?ni.? and foi .-? - I t oiin.-ls. I lubliean must deplore the occurrei 19 ? ' "But ?:?e- that ! ' ? . ? ' ? est ? ? .- ? . m the Republican? rge 1 -? I of the great ? in ?? Men th?y ? Memorial for Dr. Hunter, . i ; Hunter I . College, in I Are .-??t. on Bat? ' urday. Januai I p. m. OUSTED BY FIRE RAIN IS REFUi Women and Girls, Clad Nielli Oowns, I lei Apartment House. RESCUERS FORGET TO TURN IN ALAI? Lift Pilot Nuns Car lliroi I I.a ni'.'s to Hunting Hours 0 la (.asti Hlanca. Standing m the downpour of and ra'ii. thi vertag as the wind, ? <??.< lag from ? sntral I'atk, flapped k l;ie CtaU tVtl thtir nightrlothei. tu tj familie? and twelve jfirl ?tudt watched a i.laatrty tin? upper i of I.a i BBS Hlant-a. a s? ? partmoat, ?? Ii Baal Btvtaty*tl Bttatt, early this moralag. IV, II. Home, the proprietor of I,et ?iarag?, at No. IS, had hit ottic? 'o ??i, to hi? home, on the fou floor of tin? apartment, when ha nott flamas ?.hooting out ??f the teat ? aindows on tlie sixth tloor. lie . eov? i"'l that the fire, trigiMtlag in etllar, had -lint through th? airch ?ui'i in nah roomed on t bt top ;'" ir. ?Mull?a; . I a?s tai ?., a.-.. .'?? , H.- ?;.? ihs i Into th? bai I , d star ed ?'.Iough .* .?'ousing ti nant elevato.i rater, J? Robinson, rao hi? cai up ? | -? bal ing alai ,-n I'he sups ? dent, I aa, and bl? brother, ?I iehi mu i.i tin top flooi and attempted ? .- . , i ? ? It proved a sieve, hh<1 thej i . i m? t? Bssisting Mrs. ,' eland 1 ? slevstt 9 : , I ? frig loks In ' he hall and c in ?sd . BtOI Mi? Kat'irrr .?i-i toman, ? ?? - e,? i, ?- ? . ?..-i daughttr, a ?th? i ? , i ipal ?In the rtftr, ft?.m ( lifford ^ heeh ? -?? tf Dr. Htiii.-rt I. Whetltr, ??? ...? inn lie imtlltd . ?'??! his fuller, mot' ? : .11, lightly el vi, .?>' sped ?,, r ? ran to tha fourth flo I and Brou isekeeper f i at I Proebel I ? ? . i< I II l.n -1.? ? fon tod ? and, witl i thro rn abo? ? em, man ? twenl rhf tin ? th? !.,??-. ?nte t-ad i ? ati ; and thti s iras not s ?a. of the . ?? ant in 'he building, then di covered thai the elevator opei , forgot to pull the alarm chain aft? ,.????. the , i - e.l, for " fire had y to the ixth an ? sted a glai id to 1 el *e, an i after ? light ! ? i rs and ir .?en' ro ith i ? ? ? ? rere de itroyed, st. un estimated loss of * ii 4. - : -,- ?. ii;; nions ths street and oi Madison \ em .i thrown oaoi the occupants a ? rt ai ^ i the salsa ??-.-??? rhe girl of tha i ihi tl ?? ??'?? ; f? r a? thi ? ? of iir. Harmon ve ?.i# ?-. a- i .... ? ? , , ? trSOCIFaTY FIND IN CHORUS ? lo.eiHiid Matron ?iih Brakca K?? manee Discovered l?\ Presa Agent. A (Cleveland soeitty matron came tc light yesterday in the rhorm of "Ka ruit.a." at the F?jrt> four fa tre, the dii erj sing madt af ter s week tf patitnl Investigation by the pr ? thai amua? ment p:?' aee I!" reluctantly told the story last night Her name is Abby Btewsrt la ???s-iful In btrdiveret suit against [ Charles C. Jenkins, rltt-prtsldtnt cf 'he Jenkins Steamship Company, of She wat? Btveateen and ha waa fifty, After tl ? bi ? her??lf ar- a Itenog til her ?;oo,| Ii ? - ' .. i a niche in th? "Kt . ? i,, baffle chance I I? elm. Utas a I o i might recognise her, however. ?? peHri oa the programms si "Abby Btewari." MRS. ENO'S FIGHT CURBED BY POLICE Farly Morning Row in First District ?Stopped Be? fore Ballots Were Taken. CHAIRMAN'S HOPF; FOR JOB RFSTS ON DRAW Defeated in Two of Four Sec? tions, Leadership Can Be Kept Only by Tie Vote. Police, end not th?*, sxpsctsd har pu,?, ended ihS election f'ir borough leader? in th?. Woman'? SutTra-fe party In Queena Borough yeaterdaj or aarly thia morning, to bo exact, But for the exhibition of uniformed masealins SU? ! thorits the meeting la tha 3d Diatiict might ?till he in nrogre?? Tha Slst I tion will continue to-morrew In las 111 District; in ahich Hnrry Scnnlon live?, sgalaat arhass Mi I a waged a relsatleu as* st ths time of hia alleged aaaaall si Mr?. fiar*. El? lert in "Curly Jo?" Csasldy"a cluhheuss two yeera ego, ths mast sscltiag fear urea of the atruggla occurred ?f'.er mid I night Ths mooting had hardly been ; railed to order wbsn aappartars of Mr?. Fino ?aneunesd thai II bad b en pscked anil demanded an explanation Then things b?-gan be iieppaa. Bap? porter-, i," Mn V.rnci announce?! thet no : body would ha permitted to vote un asa they were enrolled aa member? of ?arty in Queen?. The opponent?! . | that tbej kaew n?> aathoiity the headquarter? in Ham Y??i < *ir,.1 that if thay wera anrallad there would rate In spite of ohiertion?. Objectiona were Mads sad saswsrsd ontll around midnight. Then ?ome bodv'r pel ai '??? gavs way, sad I ionI m a 4-ali for police help from ag Island City. Under the itaprseslen I at revent p act arried aken and i ' eorded f th? ufflces. Ths r>? ?.. n nrri* ed, and so ? ote w? ? i ? ? lining < ea It waa sgread made to act ? .? ..'?I of o-mori afternoon. Tl ? leederahi peaaed lue dial ?????? - 4th Assembly dis? riet o, a* tha Id ? ? lau the 3d I - held at the me of Mrs Else M es. fl forth At ?. mit for slander brought by Mr?. Kno, bar-H on i" ,.".'..? " ?. ..... ? roll era of < ? t new pastime for Mn Kno. She WSS one of thi t I it th? of her O] ponent. "1 just wanted to see what *-as going on." Mrs, Eno isid. Bhi waa sccom i bj hor lawyer, Mark 8, Feiler, of 44 < ourt Street, Brooklyn. The two women aal in the same room for l ! em i. \ot a hatpin wsa dt Mrs. Millsa tried to introduce her grievai.? mto the meeting, but *(.e ."?'.. ? ! had the tie feel F defeating to 12. th? 4th AiRembly District, where bel .'.' r? ?: man Nelson, who termed Mrs, lino a " irp? ? . londay, waa elect ider. That makei taro ag Mra. Kin) and or I I If Mm. Ei the f ? (ticen ? I | da tho lentil ?? sause in Queen. Bur : .? : 8 : . airman, Mra. Tin', id Rogers, of R mond Hill; vice-chairman, Mr?. McDonald, **; treaeurer, V re, ,i. I.. Holmes, of Poraa i retarv. Mrs. W. .f. Hancock, of Hollla. if Mr- I'r-O wi' '. 'he e . draw, and aha eontiaaea in ? until 1 another election. Boy. 4. Killed by Wagon. ?. Gross, four -rears old. of i i run over and I killsd I ? ? wagon v?"**?rday. T!:e 1 -eph Roaen, o? l?* Hsnrj ? i t, was tiot detain? '.. ? - ? ? aecidaat waa unavoidabla ? serious effort to enact thett na - of th? ?f tht Wll? ?tratlon to d< al adeq lately i hoi : : I Ii dnatrial ?*nr ,. - -, bl? mi of n m ! n trs farread '.V a :. ;,;,!'; 'l 111 Bl ? , ' tat 1 trat n rid'? progi It ii ? u; bold our . ? i id t? to piotect hlfhei civiliza : oi ' duty institutions und tandards tf I'n par??dnei<>? llt-manded. i boar, then f? 11 ?? .? : ? ? . v ..-? eco? iiltural, ind edneaa thai . ? ., : : r i i . .,..:. to OUI peopl 's ol - - pal i o ril>]e te??t of v. ? "The preparedness of telf-dtftnet . . terabit tp? -.. ' ilittl ?r.i H'.ii tha Ultimate . . real mace, and . view.-? ?,ice as .? ?rid make an) ? ? ol ! Am. .lean ? '. j and Jui tice, . .. ? .,? iril i :? ? ..' t;;.s . mi ve ? if? i lively for the world ad? -ire. lays th*- .!? ? . -;-?..;.-, .| th.? ? forefat - '? ). asada the .\ ?' enl prot? Bl ? ,.i".md the It I Amei n men, ' ? ?. ? i and rty 1 ? . - ? . the arbiti - - '? ? It has ? ? . - sfTeet ? ? ? - ,.. It, first ,. American adminiatrationa, I?m . the supine ipil t, wheat Bart uenc? la the contempt of the world. ?"iling impatient ? . pros ill ? ?. \? . ? ? . fla| itaad for | Our peopl? aie .-ifMiig Icaderihip ? 1?NMUms^| ci ~? i. giatut trder snd ? moat courageous ehnrneter; leadership that wi!! tirait to itself, for the 1-0111 try's berief.', 'i" si lelfleh and patriotic sea of its ablest eitliena, Thar are liemun.Urrg that prin<-iplea and policies shall he proclaimed am! carried out 4iy a ? '.ho ha? tha ?aiadom to formulate th? m and tho n. i .| to light for ti.'.-rii. ? alls for I omniiiii I ?*niUr?alii|i. "Keenly alive te thta, w? call the national convention of tha Pragreaaive party to ???simiiie In Chicago a< tha ?arr.o time the national convention of the Republican party i? to BB8? We take ?in? action, believing thai tha lureal a ay to aecvra for our country the required lea(lei?hip will be by having, if poaalble, both the pro? greaaive and Ri publican pai the samo standard bearei and tlie r?atne prinelplea. Wa are confident that the raah sad til?- <>' * a Re? ib ean party [and the i ery large Independent "rota lof t!m country will - - leh aa MWs pledge our ? U approach the eaaaidaral an ef 4>:.- isaaei involved in such an effort without any deaire te ravive partisan bitterness, if the Republican convention 11 re | 1 I the patriotic ?pirtt that brought the Republican p;.r?y Into being and that mode It dominant for half a cent if it nieet this rr:- ? iplrit ..' broad pa riotiam thai rises ? for a ? rship will he auceei "A I a 1*1 lult, -.v ii?-ri the COnVS partie rn, the apii it for 1 elected i I th? prim plea to -: he is coinnr.**! ?1. will in itself t.,. fai for Insuring victory in Navsss? ' her. Should the effort fail, the '?? ? . for the result will not real <?n tha Prograaaiva Nvional Conven? [tlon or ?T. the four n. : 1 ! i o r i voter? who supported Progressive candidates in 191J ? ] i . . . ' e- . ? ' " ? || i,., will as n ; 1er to party macbin? -, The i espon ? ... . . ? .? ?o a) purent to tha ' - ? eountrj ii? to result In victory \ tor the national Progressive party in i next fall'? election ?'In this turning paint In world hra " a vil I not stick on details; are will lay aaida partiaanahip and prelu-l ... u ? aver surrender ? lore Roose? ' ; "Iasad rraiaj haart] grs4 .-.,,? \\.-, ss a Ca-uuttY. art fa.-iug a gleet world (i??is, in which for the last eighteen months 'his nstlts has fallen far short of its duty, both to its own people and ? law-abidlna and Justice-loving mankind. "Th?-i?' if a cryir. ? need that we eha'.l eat! ssids sll purely pnrtisnn consldera , irtgard ?-?1 but the vital ... | ths r.s' r'U.?l lift and ? wholthtartsdlf for a soun.l Amtrlt-aniam, which shell insist that . i-rv man who Is within our borders ehalf b?- an Amtsrtcan and nothing ?1 .? "We must u" jus ties te uur people at home; wt mu.-t insist that they have just let whtn abroad. ?\\'i- muat insist ??n the most thor? oughgoing preparedness to protect our against all possible attack? by any aggressors, Such prtpartdntss is tii btsi gusranttt tf any honorable pea.". "Wt muat ever rtmembtr that there cannot he ?uch prtpartdntsB la things : ial ?rial ? tl ? r.? Is also ? hat prs? prepsrtdntss of loul and ?pint which era a nation lit to perform it? high and difficult duties in national and Internal ional life." Jtthnaon Point? to Victory. Governor Hiram \V. Johnson tf I a: Ifornla itnt a message, sayingi ?Progiessivism ha- won a great via? tor.-. It has gripped the mind? of indi* -. idutl voters, naa auickoaod tht na tior al eonsci? net, ami hi.s l.een indtli? bl) mpi ii i ipon even forward? loi i ?...- itag? I ' ? ?? n of the parr;., unafraid, ?ia\e txtrcittd .-? mo?t whole toast influence on tlie nation's political iife. All candidates and all parties now Vthtmtntly protest they are pro? ve, and progre-sivism thus ha? pai tl) don?! Its werk." Mar.y of the party leaders declared that I ? the Republicans would ntminatt Rooaevelt or any other man regarded us unobjectionable, at.d would incor? porate in it? platform the alitnt . r tht Progra ilvs prlneipltt, both ... its SB II." ?-a: dl dsl -. ?: It Ion * I held tht party c. ? tion In i hleage on June ? v,H- pai i hj ? unaaimoua rote, after A. E. Grif of tVaakiagtoa, had withdrawn his objection. Roosevelt and Root Named on Minnesota Filing Blanks SI Past, Jin. 11 Filing blanks for ?igi a- ? meat 1 ?i R ? ' ?I ; fot the Republican Prt dvi.rial iioni.nalion ?vtie uiued to-day L? uta c??^?j.?rj/ ?jf State? No building like it Bis ;is the Kquitable Building is. if every Iium leesti houie Downtown ut?- thoroughly familiar with the all-around luperiority of its advantagci -nid 11 it- reasonableness of Hfl rental charge H would not be hit* enough to ?>ctxi?mniodate th?** rush for space. Sew York has nesrer befort had J ii building which offered so much for the irtoney ii s this remarkable strmeture. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway ?%WM\* tfrar * d?a.? %a\? So* S56 -*.S6-) ?fiflli jVurnur.^r **>? .-o A7*-$r-, an it losing Oat ATSHLId GREATER REDUCTION'S p c, :-at $2a?, ?$35, .$55, $75, $95 {jllliS* Formerly $45. $65. $95. $125 to $325. Ot faihionable nateriali abundantly fur-lrimmed. (dnatc'?*1 $25' $35- $53" $75' $'75 V I'UllI Formerly $45, $65. $85. $125 to $3)0 Desiiribl-? Mod?-:**, tfim*r.?-d uith fur?, of select quality. Qniiln f1 :?al $?5-$45<$65>$8510S145 J \J IVJ IV i nrmpr|y $4.3( ?|65t $q5> j,?;, $|45,0 $295 For Stred AfternotlM Dancing-Dinner wear and 1 orinal m informal occasions. Wraps- *%S?!?J? / Formerl) $95, $125, $14} to $295 Ul cM-uisitr vclvcjtl and broc ufes; handsomely trimmed with fur. rormerlv to S*t*) Formerly to $45 >treet and Srmi-drr-ss ?tyi*** -Metallic lace and tulle hat?-Ostrich and Goura tiiaimed tttctt*- / comaUis d-arancr. ATABOUT .HALF-PRICE PORTIA MUST COME WI0LES8 I.ady Rose Rebuffed for Pleading in Costana, ,? . London. .Ian. 11. I. . Rose, ?a ho sessyed to-day the pB't of ft mod? ern Portia, was ejteted from the law .r's btta ?-? she ap| in | ltd In a wig ami gown. At the opt | court Lady Kose began as address to the bench, but W8S laten ipted by Mr. .-? et Ntvtllt. \. ' ;. ou b barriste??'' he i "I uni and I ii-ii ? ? ' ??' i? -, . u s '.:'h.-'. " for m) ist, ? ?. ludgmtnt fron; Mr. .1 ". i.,, r r iigi ?d. N - I with to take up this matttr with tht K ng'i Bench. Detpltt her insistence. Justice Jo,ce vn\ KRri-i Mr*? i. SANITARY PAPER TOWELS - ? ?-?].- ',*'*+ ? >' If a s t itr.f fl PUBLIC SERVICE DISINFECTING CO Offle? |?| -;. u. i-i Bt Rreeklrs ?* T --?-M-?? pave her permission 'o g- tt ?ry MM ktd, Jus'iC" '.- Il r?fu?ed r - pltMi la costume Ht mnnai COttumt was reserved f? .- merr.btri tl e h-ir. Her effort to get to th? Lo?r ?' last 1st '??a? fi itrtl ' " ' courteous guards at the door of ? Later ih? was pc ''. cortad te her esb Though ?romir, ???* tried in the past to BddrttS th? ?oar? this tht flrat tima tsa appear??. '? . and go?, n. Il, . " ' 'i SOLVING BANKING PROBLEMS FOR IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS ? It is the bus?t-esf ?>f tins Company's ? orergn Department to sssist peuple who have dealhlgl with foreign countries in solving their banking problems--nat is, in making arrangements for payments. Bring ?.our Foreign Exchange problem? to us ?nJ et u< help you solve them. A booklet "Strength Or?: ? tion--Senritcc" will be sent on request. CALL AT 16 WALL STRUT OR TILIPHONI1 * ?'* ?,'R BANKERS TRUST COMPANY NEW YORK RrS?JL'RCKS OV?R $250.1>X>,OOQ t\ ? ?'? ' '?'. ?< f 1 -.r?-'-j'., mm ;;.;;!;? ..;Qife^V ijl ' ... ...if '? ... ?;v.?4tl^^I^?'iH "l.J-i^ill!.! a. ? - ^j llllllllllllllllill!llllllllililllllflllllll.'lllll!lllllliltllllllll!illlll!iiHI,"e ' . .Ml Nii'iilitfirliiiiHlNiim-'W'-I'M