Newspaper Page Text
?H?CHEL DUBBED ?CREAT OPTIMIST' Confidence In Pay-as-You? qo Policy Wins Senator Brown's Admiration, NO DIRECT STATE TAX NEEDED FOR 2 YEARS layof SlMld>> l rttef to Lt*"s' lal0rs asking v'<...peration ,w\h Cltj Officials. ---reatas! i ? isTesrerki m R Bn ? - ". tea? I]'.. aira.** i\? -* gislatiTS M ??? accepted th? ? e/ea ok on . Ma ge i ? | '. Tire itra - - ' a '-?alley, and I sU '. In sil ful t. - ' i re o-.-. * thi s ever kaesn ." . ???-'..? tha r V'????n itra "?. rol ?? . ? thai -.'.?-? ' ? ( ? -?Orated taken Hi? srvlil t"-;a* ths ad V ... . ? r raiaa ..-???? pal i ties. Ths 1 ten la . ? ? i th era ? i I -1 a - .?e of rrpla ? ? ? p.a.n, but ruj ad to in ? 'ace: ? ? fal Pream ? ? H'.i'i-.ence en* thf laugh i ? ail ad tha as? ?" Dreamland, a : park *-l I I " . r had s ta la? i projsel now un* ?s ssessi ? ? f tha ta dlreel > I yeara the anf sritheal an Ii ? r?i". Beyond that r,e*.v ?ii'jrcri o S to keep the tax It eras 1 aptn ??:ori In I ? ? m, and SWANN PLANS TO DIM BRILLIANT RED LIGHTS' V.'fNi Side Crusade To Be Direct? ed at Owners ol Buildings. ' ? ? *...': ? the pi ? v . - .... ... ?ennnts ? .' ?:? ? at tha * ? ' Bach piare? ? BI Swann. . ? : " ? " of h n I pa This Und i tnahlts us ?o sinke 01 o ' 'he e\ il." Mr. Swann rtfuatd to go mm detai ding ? ii pi n tpal loc.iliti where !???s campaign is t.> he ???.n.-i \ nj Uroadwav i\t.<1 Weil (Ut the llu san River, or 'he upper wttt si belt* 1001 (i Si i eel. ' ??a'- his tut the BBspscttd region, The Dlttrlcl ." ten t] s, cnu'd eeafldeai tf the eo?pti tion he wants ii?'!", ? tmmisston Weed? ?nd ? 1 ef Magistrate ItcAdtt, 4? PARKHURST SUIT DRAWS NO REPL Time for Answering Actir Against ( andy Co. Hxplres. '?'?< i Dr. 1 bai Its li. Parkhuri as ? ice president <?' ths Amcrte > tnd) Manufacturing Cempany, ai oflleials of the corporation fail ' I ??: ? ?? in tht ?'ou?t of Cha cerj a' Newark a leal miaste snsw It the allegations of the nunori Itholdors, ehargina the effietrs wi I A. cording to the complaint flli it May, t . ?mil for an anaw to which ernircd when the court rlorn yeaterday. Dr, rsrkhurst, with V Bit tl . of New York, and Others trnr - ? ? ?' ' ranklin's, I a New .l"isey candv ma -. to the Anii-tlean t aiu Manufacturing ? ompany, a Delawt --. it n mtnner detrimental ?roati tf tht Btackholdort. .vies Jone?, of Jonta I i.'chso of Nowark, who brought the mit, d c'ni..'. hat l'i Parkhurtt Itnt hit nan to ? r't ?ud Mi ft. sn-,i ';iv nigh' It an answer mtai thnt ? er foi the Franklin eon pany. Judge Carrick. may take ?vha ever act on he ices tit tt summon t) lantl ' ' COUli to 'ell what hi came of tht money reelistd from tl sale i?f stock? It will probabl) he h procedure to first rird what menn* the ''f.-.?. .?id then hold them personal] responsible. "Pi Parkfl irai ?-ays he has hern director of the company, hut took ? carrying on the eompan] e?l?. ? He il equally as rulpahle | others, howaver. His eass Is a ? froi that of tht man wh em to hold ar: empty gun whil ? ? around him do the shooting." darnTng 'socks poet's romanci Too Busy as Husband's Valet I? Pine for Adventure. Says Mrs. Sheffield. ? - a 'oi.g. long way 'rtini a drear boy to a raltt, Ir* the cross suit? fo divor tut 81 tfleld, lawyer BU< men '? - Harvard ? -?b. ami lien, ? h ? - ? ' pott and novelist, lu . . - H? ,-? twl? in Jer ??? Cit ? ' ittrday the evidence ?Iroppe? from it? format high leM 1 of advent ?? rary fluvor and dream b< I - t< rotate depths of sock darning, "For all the years I lived with thii I ?a? practically only h:? valet,' complained Mr- Sheffield. In her white fox furs, bei ' black velvet suit and the pert litt!? black velvet hat its ctr stee trimmings, she riidr.'t look the pait. S< ? ? 1 r? ?ted for det-ails. "I kept his socks darned and looke?. - ? ? - clothes," she txpiained ".' ?? ? '?;?? Sheffield's ?vidence cor. of a succession of denials ol ti previously made by her husband. She declared that she nevet that shs loved Charles Sam .. . had told her husband thai s> the one ??ersori whs - I bar, never, in Tact, hud .?-at aloi.c upon a divan with bim. She haci ? to Mr. Samuels, but t? , oui Cosy, extended thai be ? . ? ijoled to g ins ??er hue -. oik. Ju?-- ill Bhefllold. on the stand i i ? ?? day. told simply and baldiv the etorv of the various t;tfs between hue band ami wife. He said that he had I reproved his wife for dining in a Xew York restaurant when he wai pe? ; ?he lad rried, "Oh, pRkttCl me, Hutch:" to Hutchins Hapgood,who - ? husband's bail "Hutcl i able to ?>;r<r because Mr, Sheffield then ? . lie said Roland Holt knew each other si r ' tan-i thai ? ? ' lought il wai ?',. to t. eeiv? a letter signed "De? .-, Roland." SHIVER IN NORTHWEST Canadian? M?o Feel Rlasi?|v lieRrees Balo? Zero at Rattle Ford. Minneapolis, Jan. 1l. Northwester! Canada shivered to-day , under a ?-old blaBt from the north that . ? down to record ? . - -, many bsc? ? \\ i'h a main tf 41 degree? below Rattle l'or,;, Satk., held Aral DO? lit n in r?',,T (,f -ow temperature. Weber Sd Heilibnoner \nnounee Beginning Today Their Annual Sale of Winter Suits and Overcoats Comprising Their Kntire Stock With the hxception of Dress Clothes Suit Reductions: HS S2250 and 220 Fancy Suits Reduced to JMn.50 - p27!50 and ?25. **1?.50 and ?30 Sin"* ?23-50 MO, S35 and MO " " *2h:>{) " M2.5.U Important Reductions Ate Have Been Made on the Ertire Stock of Staple Blue. Gray and Black Suits Overcoat Reductions: and $20 Overcoats Reduced to 517.50 HO, ?27.50 and $25 " " " -*20**0 W5 and ? " KO-SO M5and?0 " " JS-5S K0 " " " M2J0 rW entire Weber and Heilbroner stock of Staple rtS well ;)s Fancy Overcoats is Included in 'I his Sale /Va -"A*/*.,'?' ran A/leralhas 1 - is the regular Weber and Heilbroner itock only, mad? up lor this teaaon'l regular business nothing ever being .uided lor the purposes ot a ?le. Selec '!0,l?? are unusually complete. h tve Clothing Stores ? x? U otttedmam 1115 BroaJ-an ?*lfc and Braadsraj I2ad ?nd Fiftl Avenue WIONNETT FIGHTS PLOT INDICTMENT Labor Men Exempt from Prosecution Under Sher- ' man Law, He Asserts. SAYS SHIPPING ARMS IS NOT COMMERCE No Crime to Stop Munitions for Allies. His Plea Paul Koenitf (iives Himself Up. Prank S. Meanttt, form? r Attorney General of "bi". counsel "? labor's I*? ?? ?nal Fence Council, moved ywter? qi i ih the indictmtnl in which be tras iointl> charged with Pav i?l La? mar, the "Wolf ?>f Wall Str"?-t"; Prank Hi. .-mail. Representative in Congre?? from lllinoii; Pram Riatolen, Gti : mai f ?eal plot agent, and five others with alleged violation of the Shenaaa , unti-trust law. Monnett's p]-.?-, was ?Viat labor men :?'??; laboi Organisations .?re exempted I ? -.1 i 1 ?? '..i. in-' from prosecutions und? t- th. provisions of the Shenaaa law. lie also pleaded that thej could . ndicte-d for n enting ir seek . ing to prevent the shipment of mum tiens of war te the Allies, at soeh trade Is no! commerce. \ criminal and I civil violation of the treaties of this country with Turkey, German] ?nd Austria, * Monnett'i cl iracttrixatien i faille in ??t 'i. A similar motion was mane on he? ? half of Jacob ? . Taylor, of Baal ?(.'range, also named In the .-am?- o.i He vas president of h ? council. While this motion wai being made in the Federal court th? I Grand Jury resumed its investigation i o? the criminal side of th?- Teutonic propagande Among the wltneases beard yeaterday were Harvey Sim? mons, chairman of the strike commit? tee lit rhe works of the General El? c trie Company at Scheaeetady; Edward ' M. Hecker, an advertising agent, of 200 Fifth Avenue, and Michael J. Car ney, business agenl of the Interna? Mach: :ist i' 1 n on. (."..i?:? I'. ins, managtr of the Gentral Elec ?rie. end several strikers are ss d to be '.inder suhprrna. Paul Koenig, former chief* of the I Hamburg-American Lin? lecrel ser 1 vice, nul said to be the arch eon i tor m th? German ;. "' to blow up 'he Wellend ?'ana!, surrendered himself I yeeterdaj to ?dead to .-? charge 'hat he i'e.i the ?:??; tipping law. H-- ?H? tab : before Magistrate tin.? ill. ? ?? Tombs court. He pleaded not , ' to the nccusntio.i tha' he paid Fri uc: Ick Scheide), a National ? ity Hank clerk, to reveal secret document? filed ? e hank by the Allies. GIRLS SLAP AVENGES LOG Strike?! Man Who Hit Animal: t ourt Attendants Pay Her Fine. M ss Isabel Moss's bulldog Terry at? tacked Frederick H. Skinner's dop ? e-? reiday ?n Central Psrk, Skinner brought his whip down on Terry's back and Miss MoSS brough' 'he back of her hand aeveral times again.-- Skinner's face. "Certainly ! slapped him," " d< - who * a ?teno-grapher. of 220 E?aat Seventy-sixth Street, later told Mag - irate Corrigan in the Weal side ?'ourt. "P.a'her than have him whip m) pel 1 would prefer 'hat be whip me." Miss Moss liad but a fea ."i.. ? .nockethook. i?'"i court attendan up !i to pay ?he fine imposed by ?he magistrate ?.' ei bs found her , of .1.-order',.- conduct, MEXICAN BANDITS KILL 17 AMERICANS .llli'if-il ffiii |r.i|f I killing of the Americans ??hi don?- h% iguei foi political purpotti man,-leek Hase, of Arisoaa: Mr Blomb, R, If Simmons, J. Adam-, I. Jonei and ?? . - M. Holmes. Vr-use Villista Hand. ? arranca oftu-ial-' her? say that the killing of tl .lose Rodrif and to embariass tnem irith the Fnited State?? 1 ollowuiK the first rumor of t;ie masaacrt an effort was made by Carranza officials In Juares tn prevent any Information from getting acio-.-i ?order, but this v. as frustrated by ..-ai;'? slipping through ih?. lines, Ueports of the killing of the ? ?.'.. es are tuk?-r. by mining ?? i mean that an alleged order iaaued by General Villa on ins return from S" rmra. and after hil fain::;, bad arrived In tuba, Wai tO be obeyed. Tins s,i|> posed order to "kill all Americans, loot nd burn," had been reiterated by i,;,; <i- returning from Sonora. F wai this onler that ii believed to have re? sulted in the death recently of Peter i, .... bookkeeper of the Heal - ?? pat i ? bi Madera. Chihuahua, ?t the ; ends of Villa baadits On Saturday Charles H. Watson, gen? eral manager of the Cusi Mining Com? pany. I'M FI Pa?t "?.itli a party of . i ?-.-ii head-- of dtpai ? enta to r?> the mines m Mexico and? r i. guarantee of the ? arrnn-a government of safety. On Monday Mr. Wat* B 'elegraphed from ?"hihuahua City to hi wife, a bride of six weeks, that he would leave thai day for the minrs. They ha?l resched San ?fstbel, seventy flve mile? from Chihuahua, aheu they were overtaken by Rodrigutx'? men and seventeen of them put to dra*' Rehaed and Stripped. \ cord ng to the brief asMsages re? here, the train bearing the ;ant was "-topped hv the bandits a1 i-? .Ire 68, about fifty miles ??.?r I of * 1.1 huahua, City, the minina men were taken from the train, robbod, ped nakeu and lined UP along the i ,.i foi ' (ecu! ion, Holmes, it is said, '?as on the ex? end of the line. A?, 'he filing . detailed by the band I leader took poaition Holme-- broke awaj and fled intrr the desert for hit life. H ?th f.-.-t ?n<! body <-,it and bl(teding from ?.tones and -?ham eactue, he ran with? out looking iui.-k until lir no longer , i 4-ar?l the whistle of bulle?' pass him 1 ? lOUnd "' linng. Holmes Reaches < hlhasbaa. Holn ??? tai evaded n i ? achl ,- ?' i? id ly Mexicans, it is reported, ami WM te i hihuahus I ? Th? ' i il news tf th? band it ra ; I leceived i.ere thraugh s eryptic tele? ,gram ?'rotir Holmes t?> officials ?>f the I ?melting --ompanv aaking them to no I wife I ha? lie liad nail,ni < In .. ? ty aad waa left. Whether ? ? ? ?1 from s< 'iilin?; I'ur I ther ? . eurreaee tin ady had i Paao i? not known. Ilolmea's motBagt aroused ? ? I concerning the fair of tin- other mei eft Chihaa ? i I ? osihuiriaehie, and hefore the cen-or I ship a*ai iauiosed tlacy succeeded m BRINGS FIANCE 8,000 MILES IN A BAS1 Nurse Accompanies Paral Int-lneer from South Afi Reselanrn, lad, J*< il A j?> Sl *-.?tim? mi!?.?, in n basket bad here to-ilriy. when C i Smith, a ir anftneer, ?f Natal, Beeth Afnr lived al the hoase of hi? parent? sulTei?'.l .1 broken hack in ii mine ?Irnt and Ii paralyssd frea* ths down, mn neverthalaaa ??ill wed Assj Palmer, an bangliali sereo, eared i?" him m tt ho*pitaj m ? ? Wales, sad helped brinj- him hs Sm th anil a companion were i nil' mn, lnnery in the "tenth A Worklaga A huge rock fell, ' 'II'',. a? Bnaltb'a reque i company started him home, i. In** $25.000 for the auifical and expenaea ol tha trip, Tha loaras? arai broken a' I *?o timt tin* in |ur? ?I men :iii?lit r? special medical attention, and 11 Hier.- ti i? ha mer m Palmer, canee of the !/<? of lha basket m ? .smith travelled ii area neeeaaal tnke .m ' the a indi a i of a ral mai h to fei h i.i sbosi ?' -? I ? LEGISLATORS GIV SUFFRAGISTS K0 Women. Confident Amentia Will Pass. Arrange Detail ol State (.ampaij-n. i"." > maam > I T I;.. Jan. II. V':, ?? ? .? ,. ,,;,? har.l work h gettii, l.T?i :? ?.. the iraiaai I smendment, ? ifj rags i ???'? ??? ? ? ' Ihstr h? sdqusrten v anae, :uro?a fr..m Capitol, an.I arranged deta legtslat ive cam] algn. I ha Alban- auffragiati ? ? ; headquarter? opei rom 10 o'clo* the morning until ?? oVlocli in thi i tsrnoon. Litei it . ? II he dir-trih arwl ni.r or to i , | - .. ill n their gatherina place Hi la Lea - i ?? ii ' i Mi i. Norn ? ' Whitehouae and Un Ugden Mill I : of S'en ^ ork, and Miaa Herriel Hill . ???' Syraeuae, th? mo I acti* I tin- out-ofto-.'n eorkers lei erenini tea ? g grat o. or rhe mannei in ? hi? h ' ,: ?? ? : ' helping 1 i i ?.>, ? i ?CPive.i ;, urance r;?''.:'i ihr- wotiicr the capital thai the\ would l.cei? c ? .-. " ? hei anj of the lea i i mm the i";: citii of the i here oi not Il is th? Intention to csn I ? ; througl out ... tat? .. a tl d s( riel - ? , m . ' itfor g? ? ;.i election a II he i ?'I i> . ? the sm? nii.; will pa?? the t.' " sa Id I 1 Mills. "We have the li- ? ? ? larga number of the membei that I will vote for it. i, .'?'. endea ??. ha*. home prci tur'- bro | on those who eri not nos ?"?Hing to the queation -*?? to the peopti agi In t lie mean time our e i t cating 4 pi a to the 'tl " ' ? ? will i'i earried on quietly, with iitiHlia'eii energy, through I ic 1 ?OU I 'I ?' !",??' Ol liar te) ?on '." BeTcral demi n i( ral ions are be 1 t.lanne.1 b) tha loo luffragiate, bu l',a? no? yet been decided uhethei neat itate maai meeting will be h here th s W'?r. Man;, a the lead think that the moat effect ? ?? wert n nhoniH 'ne der-" through the eempa of eilni'H* en and thai mass meetli can ???;: until the Legislature has i r? g .m . ? ant op to "'?', peopla nn1 e Chain.I ? Ki ,? t. of 1 Judiciary Committee of the ".sseml i* non-committal, ,- ?a expected ?h,, cor tee I i o? o y. delej iffrag? ' ? ? Il (.ne n'' 'he first b Ii? I troduced ." referred to that Committee, ' the meet mportent. Duke of Connaught 111 nt!,T.4a. Jan 11 1 ha Daka of Ci ia auffering .?. Ha 1 beei oi the atia? k, it was sai? i expect ? e will ay. g< ' ' th 1 huahua 4 nished the bi ?f detail lla?l Bees Preaaioed Pro! eel tea. t ? ? t wa sent t the bi given bj " ' ?? ' ;ii ra i i Stet tat? 1 ? ? ? tra^' here af the Carrai i . mi I cording to the de facto gover shnouneemi nt, gi? i. to lives here of ????.*rn! mining cor panic?, the following aixteen wera * ? i killed: ? R, Wat ' WallHi E. I. Holiin-on, George H". N'ewma M, B. Keiner?.. T. M. Eva . R Hatton, Jach Ha*-?-. < .1 1' ? oy, A ? and? r Hall. J i .a: le \ P h .-. "' D. Pi? Simmona and Maurice '? d Pringlc lived piei!??? In l" ".ngelei believe,i to be i es idem i o El Pa o Thomas M. Holm? t, the si Is kno t ?>r. ?ateii. however, in hi .: tl.e ' i ? ' aea * of th rani ?hat he count?'?; b it ? tee Americana taken from tha train. Refaeed la s??*k informutiun. ? onaul Garcia de? ?api 4 ._ gt 't?o thel he telegrapl to Gei eral Trevino, command ng the milrtur ,, the ?;,'. for information. i- i.- said si the Mexican eonaulat to ighl that no repart sf the kill n had been communiceted to Genera ( arran/a, becauae it would he "use leai The Cuaihelriaehie Mining Campan; ? wa? ?me of the first to accept tha prom I leea of protection mede bj tha * ar lan.-a government to th?. State Da partment. "inri loaded a ?limi "ill quantities of previsions and a eonaid ? ?if money, beeanae i ?va? known that the natives of the di? tricl were in nceti ( onfirmation of th? "hosting ol Maurice Andsrsaa, i elerk, "a* te eeived to-night. Il nrai a short mes sag? .i i."1 father, Rolend Andereon 'at Chihuahua City, to h ? mother, read' lag: "Maurice i? no m?rr; hope to secare hi? body." RegsrtS Seventeen Killed. \ Hcial d petal I ram H. Beoville, Brit ' . ras re? ceived by British Consul U. C hirr- to-night, stating that -? ? ' * .? , been killed bj ?cam si San fsebel. lha? wsa the r i?? offli ;.. ? eport ..' th? rae. mir. Th.- ether rep privet? ?''.?'? ?-*,-"? to i "mn.'' ? ati ? of th? n Ar nt her veraion of th? escapo al l H H?.lines \48? received al te?dey by of , of tha M? xicai Sort Ra road In n mi mags from officials at ' anua City. It fol lo ? -. "T. H. Holmes, ? membei of th i ,. .... .,), pjeid 'I at th? ?m bearded at ' o'< eel ? iterda ? iii'irninc bi twenty-elghl armed Mexi car ? At Kiln'-i*-'re SS "K '?? llolmea. th- ?? gnera in the group wer? ?ordered t" a >.- I "Holmea hid in the Isvatsr; t ram .?linj: pla??" he watched his cam being it r ipped bj bat The) 'hen oracred l sa te aaarch tew? ,u .I ? lie m e?t. ti ?.I fi em ? train an,i escaped n tha derl ? ? "hi a few minutes he heard snneki, SPITTERSWARC1 TO COURT TO-Di Hundreds Get Summon ?n New Crusade b Health Department. CAR CROWDING FICih WILL BE RESUM? Hut Persons in Vestibules \ Not Be Counted as Violatit Seat-and-a-Halt The tirs* ha'c'i of tun-,* summ? to court for ipittiag will appear 1.. the city magistrats? ??< :? o'clock morning. ? hief Magiatrata McAdoo bai a ? '"i ??? all magistrat) ? them to ha\ e the di c dea? d for :- ? ni m of ? ? i at , 11 ture to .-? Into ?our: to .in-, ?nd a?V ng tlieir opera! on ??? ith the Health and P? departm? ts, a ith ? i lew It abating ? pidemi? ?f infect i? .. g tht elty. i our? o0c al. familiar ? ?th the Ball i of th? . ,i bi bI recommei tioi From the chief magiatrat? prei that f'-'' olfendera aill gel off with Anee, \ similar letter was sent aul the ca ?-. gn against ii . .log I, ii o Bsaa ? - immoa ws ? ? ban our ytsttrdsi ??> :: 1 net be li irn? the Health Squad, ?rhleh tvorka un th? Health Department, reported ' ? - ? ?ix of their ?an itai rooklyn and Manl . mi n and 138 ii-i.ii ?na? i - ork? d m 'I ? oth?R borough ?. : ? ? .',,.- ? entire great .. ? lanital j in ipeetors in jd Ii ih elevatu ? i-.-u guiar uniformed f" wai aid ng in the ei . ade ami ? ?..?. certaii I ? i tads r;'.'' si ? out tn pat moi ning and b; I ? ? ?es r ha' -. the uniform? Tht ord to the police in to b? served for .-,' ,. I .? ?\ itatei en? i-*uei| by Depi ? ' ' : , ? "?renia ge i"i deaths rrom .nfiuei s 1er the h '?? - l ???'- ' Bi 12, J-'4. 71 an.l 85, and : .-?'I re ipiratoi d ?es ?? mbined, 2 311, 373 and 403. ? ? ? ng be ; dtn i " i tldi fr< angle, Co er timen laid yesterday that the Healtl Depi ? ' the co eral ion of the i organized 1 ' 11?: ? r- Service Commi ii lia.--".! ro puah the fight for b< ? - ? , tii e d? part mi n ill publish within s f< it days i 11 ? >? ?.- ? ? iectnl the? rval n to on ?; ii ?tree bi s I oth? : lie -.chicles. In those ] ere e obtaii ed by n? route?, ? -r-.. ? . ? ? ? ? mtion tf the dcpai ?ai -, more cs o? ?horter hei i a aj. ? Michael J. Drunimond 111 eel i Drummood, former ?<>i miaalonei of ? baritieo, .- critically . 186 B t?? .ii- Drive, pntumoi i?. I ste last night Dr I? Doi ng, of 124 West Eight i? ? -. ? .. ,- ins patien had a I ghtii H? ! - ii ?? ?. - - ??. ?? nun.. ? ota from tl ?merii air captor*.' Carranza Musi Punish Murderers.if Act Occurre . .i. ? ' : pn'. -I - ? men wei form* Villa i, Mexici v ? n u n? atteni ng the < ?i the Whit i tou . - ? ; . ttent ion ?j I ' :. -, of I border ver ? . - nd rush an informi '1 he circo ??tone? eausi - .? ' all to f? u 1 true report iioba ' ?? will be ^ent t demandini ? - an? ? : ?,, pre i :, futui .?. ild d that, so \ , ? ? 'or? ?-? , ., - ? concerned, ' lituation i rors? ?tead the mam b . ?Un for?es iui rendered to th< d< facto government, etar* Lanaing made public on!\ ? ? a liai of murdered American mining men received ' -. the Stat? Department . ? re name?, all of a hich m.. gi? ..ri in the El Poi o aea es. ??f ?),,. leventeea ? med in ?i--' El Pa?o dispal : ? ? i ' ? - - Wad ? . ?'. W. N> k Hase, .1. Jones a".i Thomas W. Holmes were :.,,' . rtment's list. Mining men here to-night, dl i n g ? I ? trag? that the ?ctivttiei of < Villa have been unimpeded for i 'he Guerrero dt?t? el here he mni manded s ten oi th? nee of thi Ifti ? .?-. .. Tog. ther ? th General Rodi4fue -. he hs i cut the n of the M Ms lei ?' Incidental!) report! have reached ' -; C| "f ' ratal m th? le I al resulted in . | the Laguna diatricl aid tutionalist | g forced up? | tel ? -: for cott in a en I ght 1 eir i ith. ; . ... ?bout? ? ?' G? ers .? - ? rn her", but ? the ? iuer rem ,i.? : , * General Manu? M Mrdii .. ? ? ? ?.'?'?-. - - ?elated - tl Villa, to-night ?'?? ?.-rested in y. (?,,... n the local police and loci on a technical charge tf ? ag -.?.a- accuaod tf taking priaontr I' l\e....... ?', El e- il - ? '??? ??' on ?he Hearst ranch at Kat??-'cot? Kear.e la'er wai killed, j The Bulgar would hay? fought anythin; in sight to get bacl Macedonia, for al they want is thei own. You will un derstand why th< Central Powers proposition wa more attractive that that of the Alliei when you read Arthu RuIll's "Bulgaria a War" in this week' Colliers THr NATIONAL WEFKLY ASK WILSON TO PUT TAFT IN U. S. COUR' Thirty-two Lawyers of Bol i't/litical Faiths Ur-*e Him as Latnar's Successor. Widely ?mown lawyer? from fourte? ?'?if' a signed tl"." !<''ter deli-ered t l'iP4,d,",t w lean ycaterday nrgiag tl nominat'ini of William Howard faft I seed the late Mr. Justice Lanier i an SSI i' ist of tin* t"ni*e States Minreni? Court, "f tlie thiit] t''i? lignera * reft have h?cn nre?ii:?>ni ? ' American Bar Aeaocietion, Den O'r.iri? ami Republican? a*-e nlmo? r.-|ir? tented en the li?t. The letter "Believing thai the Hon. Willis Howard Tnft, on account of training i the law and on th?* bench and in nuhl affair?, and also by r? ason <?f hi? irrer morel ami intellectaal qualltiea an ? repoaed in bim by th peapla of tha United Statea, it hett? qualified 'han am o thai ?nan auceeai mil. to diacharge the high duties of ? , ? til?- Suprem? ?lourt of th United Stetea, and that hia appoint incut will lie pre?mlni ' i -'actor a i"'ople of the I ' ted Steti - i ati'l reapeetfully nix* 'ha jou nominate him to succeed Mr. Jn? ? ice Lamer." .--?une of thi* indoraers of Mr. Taf ex-Secretary of War J. M. on, ' ?' CI ' ago, Republican; ex-Am baasadoi to Great Britain Joseph H i in,ate, Republii All B ? ? ? Democratic candidate foi the Pr?s ir. 1904; Peter W, Meldrim " Savannah, ex-president of tin- Amen can Bar Association, l'emocra?; sa Senator Elihu Root, of Now York, Re publicai ; John i". Richards, of <'hi cago, R?publicain, and Edgar Howar? Parrar, of Neu Orleana, ex-prsaiden ol the \ ai n: Bar Association, I)?ni ocrat, <ith"r ligner s an* Rome G. Browa, o Minnearolis; Henry D. Eatabrook, o \. v fork; W, A, Keteham, of Indian l i ni .1 Newton Fiero, of New Vork Rob? i ' u ?'m i-- n '?'?'?- at ? Bo itOl ?if New \ ork i harlot Blood Smith, e'f Tnpeka rho Parkin ion, of N sa i m k rick 1 igenc W adhems, ol ?A ? i !. Bond, of Baltimore; Everett Pepperell Wheeler, of Now York: Lu il igh Hex u dor, of Philadelphia; l" Shelton, of Norfolk' H? ?bridge, of Baltimore; \e h Vor? ?? of i "AT te '" . of Bal( ? Charle ; t'y? Philadeli 1 lohn I P. Bynum, of Nort l . ? . . a; Edward York. CARRANZA TOO WEAK, SAYS F. I. MONSEN l. 5. Must Inevitably laterveae in Mexico, lecturer Declares. Before a mesting of tha American aphleal Si i Mo ,. :.. .rr werss then at the ent 'n ' - D the 1 ' . sll ? ' rything ? val la Continuing today rod tomorrow Semi-annual Sale of Saks-made Overcoats for Men Formerly $50, $48, $45, $40, $38, $35 Now $29 A small charge fee elteretiaae Amid the frantic firework* of page, half page, rod quartier pase sales at this season, we choose tu announce these important semi-annual reduc? tions in Saks-made overcoats m :i nhorl two col? umn sd vert ?s?ment, un the th?eory that it' tlii?? space is t??M enough ??> do the biggesl business in New York on high-grade overcoats at ?regular prices, it is sufficient to sell tli?Tu at savings of from ej6 to $21 apiece. _^ Continuing today .ind tomorrow The Semi-annual Sale of Saks Suits for Men Reduced from ? $38, $35. $30 sad $?28 to $23.0J A small charge foe alterations. We shall continue today and tomorrow the sale of Men's Fall and Winter Shoes at $3.95 a pair Regularly $5 and $0 <i:i rang* ?"?? quite complete, but it will be easy to find your size in one of the many desirable models shown, le mahogany, Rumia a er! gun metal calf i or in black, viei kid and pat* nt eoU. aks kCtompany Broadway at 34th Street heer destroyed raillroad?, bridgea-, ? ehinery, even ?l??' ?ted? ?>n ?rhi? next year'-> iron- depended, he sai In almost every city Mini too n the i" r!>? ars itar inf, snd great number? ? ?? .. fled from I . n ' the bi ? all ? it the tervi ? ? " . ? . ? ? . ?:?? - -- ? 30-DAY STAY FOR SCHMID'. Get? Reprieve iron? Whitman. i?u ipptal i- "' tied. ?' It, convicted of v . er in 1913 \\ i'l no ' ? -. the deat''i eh;, ' (iov ltd him thirty day?' repri? - Utti Btyt State? Sspremt ?'ourt, a in? Pendil loi ?.., the reprievi . Albany that - ? - - and i FORMER BUYER WEDS BORDEN Mr?. <'autant He? ?mie?? BfMs of New York Millionaire. ? -- -.-.--. . - sg Ian, il. Gail l<--r lea, alii? ?.?-,''??' ' '..?hf-? ? ' ' <- rlr '???IS. ?? Ml :? . tant, of < ? - ? i - ? .,- ? . - erst ? 'i-jrter. ? -.. rat* rty-elg ? ... ?? . .?i ittrt th? '?-.?nag' t ? I r hil dea?' ? r ? - . . . ?? ? ? ' it ? ' . lughtei ' Zm?. ~:i~?XrT-mT-.-mT.-iT r*- -Sm\ -ft -r*-. Im- - - The Liberty National Bank of ??ie*KrTbrk Corner Broa-i wat anrl Cedar Street Equitable H -..Ming RESOURCES loin? end Dl'cntint? >50.f?H.lSt.l 1 l . S. BoadS to ie< "ire t'ir.ulatton . &0Q,OOQ.OH I". **>. II. rd.arid other le-tirl Itsfl to ?n lire U. S. Depoaiti 443. ?f? 1.14 LIABILITIES Bond-, Sacuritlaa, Et? , Daa from Bank? F.icliaiiaT? for Cieartna; Mnnia <-?"h ? JK ? Sk ? A*. ;o.?n**,9*?3.i-i 4* -? ? 1.M8.045V4.. tl*".IWi.lOD.ryH Capital Stoi-ar. Surpluj Fund T'iidWiderd P-otit? Reserrr for Tases, F Ciri'ulatlon Deposit!. . | l*)T.-W?.lf>9.?)8 fsin?i S BFrHKr.I. P-??.'im": NOW "i orfc Teta-posma ''expunr MUi OftiaCAaLTON Pre? "Acvern I n:eB Tt'.efTiph GaBBBBSSI THOMAS C4XHJUM l>r?ident iliVll SPC CONVP.!*.-*R New York on? n n ii PR C?. ?uier.rin R-?ka Sho* aaal Peundn Co, HENRI P I?\Vl>os J r Mor?an "? Co -"OHBTH - PXPKM*'' *.ew Wk S AMI'ILL Ft I.l.RR iaiH, In:.'.':" H Cm. niRRfTOR?? ""ARVRV D. 6IH0N Vice Preirient THOMAS A. OILLSSPtl Pre? Tha T A Oll'.i-aple Ca. FRA-.CI." L MINI Pre? Pirsl National Baal. *" T. BDWAEO t I.OOMIS \ lee Pre? Da'.? I.a?.k. ?rH Want. a s Co. ARTHUR r Wit Luke. "?nula il a."..a. HOWARl? W MAXWRI.t. Vi?-*a-Prei Atta* P"f? ?n-J Oa- * ??m? Ce, AMBRoSP. MOS'RI.I. Pre? Irrenu'iooai Vrekel C?. iiiWARD ? Mooar. Theftaa ?iirerleas nraka ?h?? * tad Poinai'T < o DAKTtl R POMPROT Vie? Pr?? ?Unk?"r. Trait Ci SE*T\KD PRO*??,r.P. P-e?..ieat IUri?e'? 1 -Bal I ? DANISL ?"> HKID Mi-a'.iV'" f. ,?*>?.tiae "'oaicoi'taaa. I. V R R Ca. CW.KI.K?. 0] ntBTK** Vu r Pre?t?lent ?od C?aki?n* 04 4RI.M H "ABIS Pr?*?ideot Uu?raJ>tf Trial r?xa? j>?uir CHA?Lnn. "TOIT Se? York ni 4RI.RS M "VARRR*" TreaaoforMutualI > ian>u<*a Oaaaaaas AI.RP.RT II mOOIN Preaidant Chaae N i? in*: Sank Mr.RCAVni.P. ACrOtTNTS INVITED