Newspaper Page Text
As Lu ai yon .4i?* roivrtnrd thrtr t?tea'i ho mow than j-aai on* 4bt??tK? on? vou tm-Pt** ?', ,,r m Yel to have thai ?bus right thrtr .?? thr titnr ,.t,n ?-mated it h.i* nor.sit.?t?*il an if.vr*-t mfnt oi millions ?>f rJa-Jlara ol capital .?ml the knowledge gained h> long experi-eni e for ?^ployins ?inal capital to thr bos* -advantage That is othai \a bo hind the line? ol the venue Bus WAN'S TROOPS JOIN IN REVOLT t hi?ese Revolutionists Proclaim Independence of Two Provinces. ?i- Prend? ail asa rov , m : ptrorli ,-4- of ankia. furnn-r ;?.?.?? ? of Kianffsi", ?:? and rev : i unan prOY :ti hi* s pi -.'idepen rding 4 adv.cea re rom Shanghai hv iKini t of tas Chi? li Bei ' an. - (si . Yuan fhih . ' - red to ra? the i ' Lo-..- itert Boa| I eorrei that maries - - .- &r Yintin. A i<; * I v. *??t Sa* -a told of a i sheas a hon ? the custom .. '? n *!'0''.t Ays frot ^t thai tints *:.e , ? lee? ?? Yin ? i- ai Hont, ? : ? I i'.vodfred * hlch they sccordiag to * vcaterday by Bureau. Th*. ? ta ?everal ? - .- The (fov na- directed ? cor - command ? -. ?:. tha ?ui - ' ? ? tot the ?up foreea Thess ? ? -,er several pre ":.?? govern ? J saaaaalnstion of Gen ? 'rue (?er.eral -t- '..??? of h<*a'tii FRIIOHT JAM DECREASES Riilwgy? Repart LteaaKtlaa of .vc-oo rir*?*?e-.eral Modify tmbaripiwi. I N -or i,-e?ted condition. 1 Kurope made ; rating . nterfnc New nk Testai ? that there had r.,r durir.c ? ? ? . . rman of the mf' ? ? .-. a has port *"re'f-: * locks. The led its ? ? .-? t. The New lk Centra ? all freip'nt " ; ? f .? ,, : ? i it -? Iron and steel ill r'ace an em 5*l*l *.' carload ar.ij le?s ,? orij ." ng west '? ? ortfe of the ? ? ? -'.ned to ... York, New ..! ar.d i an? "Tli Xe-A- ] . |P , . ,, , v,., pa 'nv(._ iTs f'n human ' ' i - livestock, coal. m tank ? - from west a- In ? onnec ? . 'ospmy tu points on ths New York. ,\"* Hsri Kail road and ' '? - ? ?he necessary to l'"" emhttia-oes oi menl to it do not relea?e the -' '?"*?-- ? ? -v'.-nhin a reason ' - ? ? HOUSE LEADER BOLTSDEFEP Chairman Hay Ret use Support Wilson's Pr paredness Plans. BELIEVES MILITIA SHOULD BE RAP President and (iarrison Woi Over Defection ?if Ml Party Chiefs. . rwiro ?>-? TMVimti B BM I I Waahtagtaa, Jai.. II Raprts the James Hay. rliiiiriium "f tht I! Committee on Military Affaira, b from tht sdmlnistratias ranks (U after r eonferonot with Pretident ?on Mr. 1' ? Il S l'l'Md.-nt ht? wan unable t? BSPPOrt tht ?inn Continental arms ichtm? path, Inttoad, ; o? tl the i-agulai army, ?uppltmantad largt Incrtatts in tht mil tia, t? inductd by Federal n This ?irscrtuHi Itatt? tl S ??"??' ?? without i? louder in Congl ? K hin, tht Democratic floor 1 or. turnad down the piss si I ? aet, ?rd thi lot ?'. -, ?. ntat v.. Haj to champion ??rammt i the Houtt. In Senate Mr. Chamberlain, who ??? the Military Affaire ? ommittat, re; the Continental urmv scheme in fi of a n-?iiUr arm] inertatt at such i portions that D?mocratie ?. How nini. t ?? - tor Kern, though not nfua twana on t?u- prtpartdaass qi tion. Het-rr????r??a'i- e llnv's plan for de? opins ?? ? lia tht ?rtt suggest to rally ?an\ considerable SUPP? Pork hunters from nil parts of country are falling in beh il ginian, perceiving that prtparedn through militia Incrtatts Is tht o ou a net cash rot? i Want? 400.000 Militiamen. Mr. Hay believes the regular ar should be incrtated to about l?-. men, the prtttnt tuthorisod strong airer which inducements to .loin 1 militia should be offtrtd In such n a- to swell tl . -' bod from the present 1S0;000 to 140.0 He be..eves thai within three ye. I ii? figure could be reached, tl d tl the mi! I lid thtl a force as would S?scratary Garrisoi entai army. All militiamen enlisied under S Hay's Bchem? ould he pa-.. I Federal Treasury and would be uno pledge ' pond to CI ". ?n cast national peril. Training would more extensive than ??' present, and ? minittertd undtr tht teeational dir? Hon tf ittgular army oflctrs. Wilson to Stand Pat. Although nothing was disclosed Prttldtnt '?'? ion's ttitudt toward I Hay plan, friends su! 1 to-dt] riiat I UB<BOuhttdly would s-.aiid pa*, for tl prtttnt t1 least, on 'he Garrison ?'oni rental plan, to ?'nich he has given h unquai ?fled I CORNELL GETS GIFT FOR MILITARY CAM] \V. D. Straight Donates $10.00 Wood Urges Defences. B r- ., ,..' la ? , -. a Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 11 A g-ifr of $10 000 *o Comell University, to provide nummer military camp for the Cornel cadets, wai announced at the annus Found?i?' Hay tXttrdstS to-day b Prttldtnt Beharman. \Vii?fir<i I Btraight, tf Ntu ?fork City, an alum mis and trutttt of the univ- ? the donor, and Prttldtnt Sel characterised the gift as the tret givti to a ui ertit] ' ry purpos? The mom ??. i... need to mtl camp training to 900 eai ? tht eamp is to be held , >?? ii ?? the fall. Foui ? |-a* Dt] Als year ivm : bteautt It wrt. given oves ta ipei and exclusive r?cognition of -l ? tary di | artm? l -?: ? ? . Ma . - Gtntral Loonard Wood, U. .-'. A, wag guest of honor, and prac? -,, cadol corns pariided in his honoi prior t?-. hit add" i Speaking to R?verai thousand St i ? Gtntral Wood mode si p!e? for military training 11 ichools and oolieg' - "I know of no country," he said, "where military edueat school and college than the i'nited Btatas. Thar? eel con ierr.}rig which our people, take] ?I i whole, tr? more ignors t thi thsl i. ir military hi -oi>- and policy, oi lack . I policy. We tr? generally told of our successes in war und to - 10 ing of the failure? that have jeopard? ized an extension of the Republic and have rendered the conduct <.f her wan hideously costly In life aid treasure, i ng? I u ?m longer rhan need be and provtattd, In some Instances, I e attainment of the desired ? I Significant?you never find a drug? gist, anywhere, who is out of Dr.Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Preparad by a Doctor of Dental Surgery oe'.d 2c stamp today tot a f-eMTOQS trial package of eithe? ?Dr. L,rr i p,.rf,.ct Tooth Powder or Damai Cream. 1 W. Lyoe & Som, Inc.. 514 W. 27th St.. N. Y. City Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY HKOVIOLNT LOAN SOUKTY OK NI.W VOKK l% ?ammAttam. Fourth Avenue, cor. 25th Street. ? *???'*- St., cor. HiviiiKton St. - ' Houstoo si, cor. Esses St. A\ , bet. 48th ft 19th Sts. t<M Av., tor 124th St. '? cor. Clinton St. ' '-lit.btt. Lesiiigton & 3d Ays. >.i;?*nv ?m?? I ( oartlandt Av., cor. M8th SL IIKOllM IN Smith St.. cor. Livingston St. .Graham A v. cor. U-bevoise St. , . Av., cur. Rockaway Av. '?? . \'\ w CEN? ? HARGED U.N ?%*C LOANS REPAID WITHIN ^\\o rW< l WEEKS PROW DATE NEWLANDSWARl PARTY OF PER Tells His Fellow Den trais They Have Mail Serious Mistakes. SAYS WAN ALONE WILL SAVE IHI Nevada Senator Criticises v ?O? I a. iff Policy and If?-* serve Hank Sysloin. I*ra ?? - ; rs . . | Washington, .inn. 11 Pltllea ? poeing tha veakneeaea and mistak." three years of the Demeer administration, Seaator Praaeia Newlanda, one of the Democratic Ir er? of tha upper hmi.e of Cemgt the parts t?. day that it "six m." tha in which to ?1(> things t 1 bava basa dons arid 1" .-??ri m i.-take?." The criticism \vn.? not m rule liarsl All through tl ?? spe-4 eh arara that ths Sei atar hail ?lone hi? he?t to make an attach on the Democr. would he ?.'?.o | matei f?>r the Repabliean campaign beak. I : g the_ eampareti?ely mild 1 guage, howoTor, ?vaa the atlag thai nsai lj averj pi? es <.f hin- legislal written on the at?tate hook? whip o.' the sdministratlon glaring n takea had beea made. "The Democrati? ports ia within year of an election ?hieb will ?Je' mine whether it? leusp of power sh continue or and," aa ?! Mr. Newlan "!? Ii n tima far mutual ?-. counael and tor efficiency ?.f methodi g end i srrj ing oat ?? d< an ? ."ive piogramme.*1 Peat Fatal lo henni, rat? Mr. Newlenda commented an a lej. letive programma he hud outlined pi the el? on of 1911 and aid: "Since tha commancemi nt of I Civil War. s period of fifty firs ye? tha Democratic party ha? been in pa only eleven j ears, am! that period only four years eon ?? tively, in every install'-' ss the result of the feei oi a aa , v. It? th? eccompai ; ndltiona of unempli m.-nt. ? i ?i h made moat pot? workingmen 'tha full ment ..? laed 1 loi si d i our oppoiii ? ? >*? ? "?? ?? ?? In milai dai ger ai ? ? ? ? election of 1914 a da ted by I which 'n o luv to au Pr< ? ? r of watch 1 regerdini Mexico with th? the ' . ip .i' nal ?ona ai tl ej ruah h :: i le nal poli a ? popular a*- it had tl er? ti thai h.r prudence would kern ui o r opeen com] licet e Dei cratic party nr the laat elet. ioi fro ? ? would hur? as the reanlt of the genera? proal of business, popularly attributed U> oi economic legialal "It ia true proceaa of panic' haa no", be? . bul ..? .?.du?'rial i ? ? '..-. : expei und ha? been ceterminoaa with Dem cratic control of legialatlon, h won not do to charcc thil ' war, Oral because thai war, though ii jurious to oiii production and trade nceptioi , to product ."'i ai d ia the commencement ? thii depreaaion . ?4nr an,i waa canten poranci i witl oi raga I tarif ?I 'rade. Party Haiif-er in Peine. "Tha reeeat ? indicate 11 i .11 he in similar da ? - i' al i unlei u r o pean wai I i th?- President1 . nd n ir foi eign owing iaane ? facture of munitiona ei ! I adde , of un? mploj n ? mark? i prat? etod I he wa ? .. i r ?? ' ? !??' helmed by th of tha n it lona ju? gil .' fl '.in '.' ;?r end Sag? I ? i . .- gold a ?? n . .?? ated " '; 11 ' : ? iiH'et, bul a : nane al coi fruitfi of paralyzing caution. Such condition may make the ? our foi ei| r. poli? J. I"1' Up . and the 'fall din pail' arj-umen" n be p.. ? ? al." S?. atoi '-r'.. lei ? :' tha in both ;he Denver i nd Bi forma there hsd be? . th? | ? gradual rcdurtion? in the '; I " the countr opportunity to adjaa themseli ea to tha new con "*j i,. ?. | ... of production In thi country wa? tl,.* result, IN * of licious effort of the manufactun ? but of thi i r wh ich . .,,. ,.,i to !?< i it] out ? ? even ? i a ? a exia under like eonditiona. "Candor will not permit me I ? ? my of il botton , ?- thi ?.ral contraction of prodm -nd pa ,, ,. paral] before the Euro ?. m- v. aa Inaugural d, i i causei were mainlj doi tic. llankinf- SaMi-m 4 ?implicate?!. "So, ?.No. with bonking legialal i- . ? ad ?'? pro? id i g ome simple i for mobilising the banking ra ui"i national banlu ? . control Of a n?'ri : B boni d or commission r? sen th? in"? r tata Commerce Com? ; gradually, through pow? ers of Investigation, publicity, ? ... recomn endatii Congres? ... . . ? which i. . ?.. th? lar? ?i i"" \ ??,., itie refei ?? '.ni ro a; o -, ? . ?. ? ? . m Senator Newlanda'a eon fr ?gid welcome extended I benka to com4 to the 1 ihesltated ? lid the Sen ntoi, roferrii to the itata baal es over to the inquisl toria ai d eoi rectional power? i i oi trolh r'r office, ahift ng m th.and changing through ell the gradea from laxity to it cy, ace ?rding to the cl ? ? r' tam t of tl incumbent. ? \ n wee, wa faili d to R- er ? Board tied H to sn ex4 eutive <1. pertm? nl throui ' membership of I ' ' . ' iry and th? ? d the member I i to the ii ? ? f a ein gle part Ce itroller inat? d of tl ? ... : a'i'lr from member benka, thui orj ng 'he re ?erve aaaoclatio nto , inatitutiona, a put /*.>-, em In fon i to their nature a? protective or.-. lioaa. The rssall is that Um union of btnks >?- Incomplete, tht st.-ite Ii 1 nul ide end tne nal ional ,1 Ineide Ihe " enre 01 ganl ration, ?v the pi.. pe< ' that th.ul tide will main o unie the Is mod ? ? d RECITAI I?Y ANNF. arkat im. i|ir.-?s ?asga team i ?i-1,1 ? ??mi? ??rs, Kerstan ?mil Ratsisa. Inn? Arkad tag Americ ? ha? beei mostly in G many, gave i long 11 citai yesterdat i Ii rnoon in ?eolia '? ' oted her pi o| ram to elghl -, one Raehmanin? a Ru .-.ii. i he ??? ? Germs I? ? othei "I Liebe hat Gelogen" and "Gi fi i.m i . ) n-1 , from Schumann "1 inn," i>. i rr Burschi arraj a 1 I ? . ? I: ' '? ' i ? ' ???? . ? ? i ? mpath) a I er r? .,., n rellei nperfect pi -... , ,,,; ? ,| I "i"'- ui ? ? n -ind met illic, Her i ti ' I"- tati? howe , .. . -, ?),., it frOI i I. . .I . i ; ence. Inm r series Fortj fourth treel ("hi Ii \miii Ii Ihe Flj .. from Glad and a i ? b) < haminude her s sal car ? Bpp ired ? all the ball? and Mn Gay and Magi : ' '? preted Orfeo and Euryd ORGANISTS PLAY FOR DEAD HUSMA] American Guild Holds Menorli S r\ Ice for Samuel P. War? ren, of Oracc Church. An unusually impre live service a hohl last night at tht Broadway Tab? nada, whtre the American Guild of 0 ganitts met n memoi y of the lat uel Prowse u an ? n, oi.' . ? Graci i . ? ? i ? ?. Il rg? y Btt? fifi I. ? ' on the muid Tht musical service ?as ? four well ? a frillll |r.- . ?ai.? i- i : i . '?nrial Will. ? I'osi! ? ? nd, Mi m Churchill Ham moi pla* ' d the ? tian 1 ? ? .. -,;. con..i' from Hoi j i h?? ot ?rere Frai and Dr. ? Crant Cai Mr. Taft ' Pn lude, the "l '? ???h.iiin Si Carl the Mi ? I .n." \ , direct I I I .1 pai i bell , i ornett Emor* .-.., an Fred? iTny. R William .-' memorial i ddrei : ? r. Jamei M. Ludlow, pa? ? ?? M u nu Pre bj t< i ian Chu ; I 11 ? snge, i which church Mr. Warren Dr. Ludio? Idre i "Som Reco ' B. P. Warren," an both of tl :.ment tht dead oi , .? "Mr. Warn n ? sa one of the I tht I taid Dr. I.ud compoi and i hit improvisations could have bee tak'-n don n I b< ? an hi ?IP . i : things, he pc . - : .- remaii -. TO FORCE OPEN MOVE ON PHILIPPINE PLA?> Amendments Will Sel Datos foi Freedom of Islands. i l.?-An att? ? .ie into til? open on their PI ? the pi ? ?. ? ? It ill ta'f?e i il ?le ? ? - . future t troduc? : that there i be i ? . ?? ill be ' I ? ' ? -. two ........ . ? by the by such nal i ??''??? '" 4-iififortcd by a ho be . tard to the llanda, ild t,.. settled ti . ? ? . ' i of ' ? ?re pn ? r real it of giving them theii don? nr th? i IMEBICAH8 APPF.AL Waal Statt Department to Protest Expulsion from Italy. ? ii Rccei ? ezpul claim g America been olB - ? .,n of th? from reprt I ?? - ?tek? irg i .. tht < pulliOB de . ?. ? i'- n, the ?K partment will ? . on. ? I at ?? Fairbanks I ? ? laid to be in ?i ',,?' i ? ted Sta e third it bet.-. learned ? : THIS VANDERBILT DEALT IN FAN Distinguished Citizen I Roused from Reverie by Plebeian Mail, 'MOW ABOUT CARDS?* THEN MASK FALL "Pic I ace." Is Comment of Sai (iirou\. Wanted in (iam.ilinj?; 1-rand. When Arrested. . mnn of dtstingulshtd bttrini browtd an?l ?light1-, stoapti ? he coming tf the TsN 11 ?? at ftry r? Man r. Wtttchtlttf Count; night II? si.1 tloof from I? ? f. ' ? [trt, lea.i ng ?m a goii headed *= t?.-k and deep in ? rtvtry th? , ? nod '?> ?hut oat the rest of th v ..rlil. II?- ..? ' ''ut. The oihor?? on th <? I ??> ' , ..ntainod an ael I ufl cient, hi looked : o be oat i the ? or whom the btsl 'hug? of lif ?re " ? a tas a ojo er riehntti an unosl .- ? t.ce attend t tilt i thsl nun - d him. I: vss a pla .'?? inferior ?tort of pei inn who al Its) rentured '?> a; h in. a ?^Tcuti -li man of middle heigh indiif? ? tl] . I aad I.I tu by ftll hat. -'.or..1 e\ening. Mr. Vitnderbiit !" it was 'he staal pi?balas who mok? "?? d d?>wn the platform. I i." "iher tinned swiftly. His Im B blank laak, Vet his reply wa 0 "'?.i i".oiling. iir. Bui ! fssr yoi ? - sd? itag? tf m??." ? i ? i.\ ?me ? ? ,? -.-?i ? ?ag paaati gtr rita at -nor. "St r up your t ii ink ?uroon. ?or nelius," chiided ?he brazen pleheim "Don't von re me in lit" "i?? ,.r ,|,, -.,, one ? ? i ?n?1? at thi ' onnaught'i house pai ty ?" "Vnu'ii pardoi me, sir," nsrmurt? ' ?? i.en, wearily, lb ? I away. I ? ?? itout man, who ap . one of tht : at ..??,i around him ?g ? ? .i one of rhe by . .i eoachinan, per , getting ??-. ?-n." ,,;. i oi neliua Va : ? the object of the hlsi ..- ? are on the great man': ed to deep? n. He inclined hi head gravely. ??I?.. playing sume faro V.iu and nu- and Admira p.- ?j and the Mikado aad John 1'. am . A moan or' annoyanet came from Mr Vanderbilt "Who an you?" he dtmsndtd. MWhj m -, ? -, ,,;i make a iccne v" "Detective Gtgsn, of Headquarter?,' ? h? tth? r, "and tht scans I ou'rt l.'g Sara Girou ..- i -? II n ?.- ng S r -, ?iii-.. yu to hell, m>u pie-face? flattie,'* ?: i "Mr. Vai derbilt." a about thai tht 7:61 , . bed | enger ami De for ' Wta absolutely n< .1 a dittinguiahe? ; . ntr. at Headquarters the eaptor'i .ihaut sni.ounci mi : I that he ha? "brought in Cornelius" had a meanm?, which nttdd no explanation. For evei that remarkably profitable Others) far? game m which Efei ?'., Gallant, o t. Lo s. dropped |60,00? the namei of Big Sum Giroux an? ??i orneliui Sfandtrbilt" have beer omoua around the < entrai OtTce. K ?n an Indictment returned M r. ? ' rou ?. ai .. ? ont tf l?verai pbe lucky "millionaire??" v.h?; a tiger with Mr. Gallant i great Ion?, Frank T. 'i hoi ?? . -? ' seal others s nied the dalla: I are nadar arrest, and Gegan I -\ u derb It" I or more than a ? ? i -, TRAILS HUSBAND NINE YEARS TO SUE Wife Declares He Wed Since Quitting Her Poverty His I'lea. For i reara Mi a bs '?'? waitpd ? opportunity that came to hei Sue wanted B f-ep ? n from .lohn <!. Whit?on. whOBS used to he Edmund A K hut he, being "of a roving di position," ... I eulty thai h - iiiiight u]? aith him. When ?he irrtSted Trial n' paratii ull was h?-ard ye?ter . . ir. the m? sntime, according t.. Whi ion, i.e \ a Itained o? sn< I Mr.?. Whitton, who i living In Santo Rota, CaL fh< tioi ttled > one of al imonv, M ra ind ?*oa ..' 'n to paj $500 a month for * ie - .,' ind two Children, Ber? tram, eighteen, and Gladys, ? ' hia sltei It difl ull to : | allowance tf \ll ?* ? l ad ih'.lterl the the people of cherry -.. -v'.- -.u:ial convention of having bul one wife. He aas Butd ,' ?., :? . go by I*r. Dioraa '?? ? -..- lian - '" it, for $50,01 g lie affection? of Vu. Dadlrrian. She wa? Mias Vietorit Gei en, and ih? Ii 'he com? plaint of the wife -,. the "tl tr '?' ' ? Abou? ttn year-. .?i.-.> Whit ta ( ested " number tl pritsts to tht t | .,?.". in a prm' rentare He ?aid this was h losing He ? ther declared that his ? ? ough t?> -upport ? i ould not p< ? , ? -ainst Whitson. Ha ?i ...-i th.? aift'a applict _ Second Week Remnant Sale $18 of p.ittern*?r?Bgularly ?old from $25 to $50 ?all reducied. Medium- and Keavy-weight cloth* in big VSOiety. \ OU ?rill have* no ttotible selecting materials lo please you, I<* iin'.?*4ur** only, $IH. For the eoarenieaee of ome a ' ?* r teilt opem on Vor I 1st a /? el ''4" /.'' ' U'/ Ht . ? i ? ? sad '?/ ??? Broadway (?, 9th St. t^.^rSMSi^? ?K3l?^^ u v*4 I The AEOLIAN COMPANY i ?/.??n ?/ i| monoeX -aaaaa ?ai "h 'a"*?-;? ?"??????'.i .' ??r* Na?.'?'??'? ?/ M??'?-.', -. -h, w*,ir \K\V vi IRK a I7H ? ? A M H A ? ? BROOKLYN 2?) West 42nd Street ALULlxlaV HA1>1> tt FUtbush Avenue "A 'i f - '--, |r1 m ?Vr4 aa sa Vt, I ^ "714.? a/^7///.s of Music Lead to New Worlds of Pleasure 7? OST people are 4)nly beginning to realize the -tO??^IS ?rea^ an(* satisfying enjoyment there is in M H musi(\ Music has its Mutons, its Kiplings, bar-da its Balzacs and Maeterlincks?and its Chambers, Lockt'.-, and Tarkingtons, too! Their wonderful epics, their stones and poems are written in the supernal language of harmony and tone. And in the richness of their art everyone finds an exquisite pleasure?a pleasure that becomes finer, tleeper as acquaintanceship with music grows more intimate. Yesterday, i' was nol evitryone that might have an cm ;?> ihr delights of music. Music w.i- lo(k<'<l away within the hearts of instruments which only talented fingers, .trained by -, ears of practice, could play. But today there 'ire the many modela of the famou** Pianola which you may play with the perfect ?-kill create* the subtlest, most appealing musi? beauti?es. You may follow the paths of music to wonderful, new worlds of pleasure. Consider ?1 Oi h ; An ?natnirnent whi? ii heyond quwtton is better th.?n any playee* piano of other make you ?-an buy elsewhere t* any prie*?. A genuine Aeolian Pianola, equin**o<l s?. i?h th?- ?-\<hiMve Piatniil.i expression devices THE MKTROSTYI.F. : \V~h?? h provide* ?? perfect and prartiral gui?!?* to c(irr-ft irmpo?ir.dtratrs a. ?Jatoaiof, aivl arttatk interpretatioa for rvrrv com***0*ai 1 Sa. THF THEMODIST: Wl ich makes the melody sing above the sirons*i?iii?*sat Btatca enables % ra to get etSecta m mpliah? ; by the pi.ini-* through variai iona of tou> b. This wonderful instrument, ?'hi h will gi?/e you ail nt -nufoc- ii jours at surprisingly km cost. The Stroud is Delivered to Your Home SIC Upon a First Payment of ?*J Balance $535 on Convenient M-rithlv fen - There many n'hrr tCOtuUrful models **'" the Fumoir.. W? moits JOS. to hear '.hem at Aeolian Hou t*- ffew York or Brooklyn. .>!',-? Zmia?