Newspaper Page Text
PRENCH LINE HELD AS50.000CHARGED (icrmans* Grand Attack ?g Champagne MetSig nal Failure. filjNS MOWED DOWN TWO BATTAI IONS Ultcl Befc,B'i n,,ck Wtl1 of O? Rolled Back bj joffrt's froops. B, FRl D H PITM I . ? ? . ? Ffti ? - It i Vssti ? - t 'ut ? - - ? i i : t-A ?' - ? ? ? ? * - ? - - ... Halt "Important*1 \ita.U. ? ?? f ? ?? ? ? ??ni lini'd --irriHila , . ? ? , mm ? ? ? ?? , ilpoat pied, u nli ? ? i ? , i ?, linii 11 ,.? our art ? 11<*? > Rn ? ? i . ? ' . . ?? . ? ' I rJ l>> 11 I . ked in turn bj one ot rl ch Ired on it with machine ? . ighl .','4v;* \ third machine also uttm-knl snothei ?. 44 hi, h fell || rl-.,, ?,,' ? '. ,- aouthesst "' Dia ch i mops Beaten Back in i hampagne, s.i>s Berlin ti i Bj wire)? ?? ' ? . \ ** n ? . ? ' led in an ' fl north ''?'.., . norement reported y? ? ? - ' ? ? lured, ' BOOK TO PICTURE RUSSIAN CRUELTIES v ?II Be .i Plea lo \ ncrican Opinion for ( i\ il , for Jews. .i ? trod Ruaaia ; . ? aiding ? Russian o? ? ? \ pinion and ? and 4*191.? wore \ War ? y th<! ' | : ? .. a ? ecenl - I >, ni si i ; ? . t ? ? I :| i .i i. DRAFT IRISHMEN, CARSON DEMANDS Gallipoli and Serb Defeats Due to Lack of Men, He Asserts. REDMOND'S PARTY WONT FIOHT BILI Opposition to \squith Plai Dwindles I ahm. I ?m. May yield, l "i dan, Jan, II, 'tppoi ? th< bill .1" n to i? mtagrt handful in Ptrlla? t? day, ?ml prtdl?*rtiona n thi obby "f the lloii???' of Commons te ? ? . 14. : at th? rote oo tha ? | tomorrow would find litrlf ?h?ni twenty or thirty in i i . . e Irish Nat ? lii innoui ? ? i? In rltw of the fael that thr bil tpplj tu Ireltnd .l"hn Red :. tht rtttraa Horn? R \?ho ma?!?' this .iit. nharn Boat piorali '?' i ' ? ' ? -,'i ib? (li.;,-'? dtbalt with hi? I en? my, Sil ..... ed thnt Irelai d ed in the I rd i-bti ? "I w? s am hti . ? nts Is "... : ? | to Mi Redmond'? withdraw ... the Irial i ' ' .it thr lu.lierai,',i- irrt: ? bat? . ? MPJI ' ' . rloUBI in favor oi the bill. It would hs ? been ? f tl norable gei ? ? . : . ?aro < -?? froi ? ' ? othing would be more ? ? :;:ian?., a '-vnr. Hits Coalition'a lailurr. "1 am profoundly ? - . ?i??ali with the i attei ? ?: I eland. Is rar 1 ' t I - I '. i i .... i amcd to bl ... ecruiting ? ... "I make one more s nor eren t,. . "In my heart I hellere 1 ? - at .i i ?i i em - : ed oui Ret ... n foi ?? ? ? - 'Vv??-r'' ..s.? *-? To take young be ?rom the streets?to lift i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ iheni nd surely from ? environment?to develop in them the finer, Cleaner, nobler instincts o? young manhood and to so guidt most important period of their lives that they will make more useful citizens?this is the aim o? THE BOYS' CLUB MOVEMENT. Funds are needed to keep gymnasiums equipped, cli.1) rooms wann and libraries stocked with books and roagazint . Hungry little hearts must be fed and bun? dle minds swung around to healthy optimism. $500,000. BY JANUARY 21ST FOR THE BOYS" CLUBS OF GREATER NEW YORK IS OUR GOAL 1 Arc you willing to do your share, financial? ly? happy m the knowledge that in donating to 'ins cause you art helping the future of YOUR OWN I, ill boyhood in the truest *-? n Of the word? "???I?X? I J.'U.V .' to i',, soucnvi 1 ? H contribu?? me to I N. LWTER, Trear.i.rpr, Bo ? ?. lui Ai ?? ' ?.' ' I. Y 55 Wall Streei $41 912 ?* a? ceotributed un to noon yestrrday. Wc nrcd $500.000. Every mark reached on the thermometer :s ?? ?f>in in a Hem York. I' ir.tutu Hi- and of thi en in exped? Moi ? uigtd "??? . iiinot . t| i. appeals i?, l.ninir. I |.? h i ,,, . M... ,,|,?,i> ompul ion had failed ?" re i he difficultie ? t ith ? h ?eh the Al are faced, rorning toward th?> ha ?.?ni: ?? ?bodj ha remaibed that thi? bill ii likel) i" lead '" an ladui trial li I Ml ?f m ijii 11 ? . : eon n i|.t Ion ol ??? the ainning ol .h . ? h , ihoul I wi brink f ro? eon i a t.. i,m . .n\ .m ? in. ' .. - iarj i" bring : he i ...' ' .,:i le ' o a uccei ifal eonelu What good la propart? i" me if I 1" Imiitf my I ? i,l in ,-'. r' . ? btcaute my < ? > ml rj has bttn beat ? ? Tu-, ehief speaker again ? lbs bill i?. .In-, was \\ Elliam Craa ford A i ?m, Laboi membei f"i I ? ?? li ttrelilfe l?i\ i?ion tf sir IH< Id Ile i? a , on tf ? blai ? of the ptwei A ? . . ? ? ; . , . - h< ? ??',,,. counted bi the it he waa promp ? ; ?. ? part? b) v\ ill Thome, the ?in ' u m kti ' i Natsaaaliats "ii?-i?i. h making the ild n? . thtr oppose the military ?enrice bill, Mr. Redmond -???.?',. ? ? : qui? kly. At 1 of the ?' m..I Arthur Henderson ire ? ?pal ipeal ? ? ? of op] ? the bill, and tl n because ; ?? I ol leadei for a ' ? ' P \ g to presei th< bill ?till ;. H ou ? ten BEATS THFa HUMAN HAND Gtraaaa Beittatlal lattata Datka to l ehe M- l laca. \-"-. ? | eti - of ex erg of the 1 ?- Company, hat an? nounc n of ;,n "< -. hich II la ble to gi ?. : I work witl ously a hands. Dr. K . ni an ui, ?' hieh ean h?* ,-' i a tor, niakini; I . ? ? ? ? ? -m all the functions of the human i i ?? current tel . invention will ?oh ? . manual . ? lar in ?t rom? ' ' . ? - elle. ? MARBURG LOSES leg Limb of Baltimore Mnn Injured in Battle. --. - " ' ' i al Flj t of th< , , the firing Decemb? I to i I sgrs in received ? ? .?. i to Belg ? le sine I ???.?riii tenant r, who ia tws I I Mr. ai VI ...? u ?tu ? . : TEUTONS SEIZE ADRIATIC KEY i r.ntiiiiK-ii traen p.m?- i 1 t-nch heavy loti I I troopt, to ro ' ? ... ..- ,| to . ? ? r, ? : li>??rwli??lin?*H bj Niiinhcr?.. ? . ; ..m iak, I. ? .. hv. . : ., ? ? a fell ? Lim. ghhorhood of Oatzko ? ? -? l?verai of pari I iter, ? g ' ? port . : : idva ? . nay re ? I - ? Prove < on lala l-i ?-re Spi???t. -,i when the ' ? 'the papars, bccoid? to i te, wtrt phed t" . i il Gem giving . troops that wert lai ... ? .: ? ? ? .... ... ? I . |, 1 ? .- ? pub! pert ' ta i i good f i ? ? ? ? ; taken froi of the re] - ? ? 1 troopi which a? - ? to be ' - ? . lal ? \ ,i?-ro ? ? Reuter die ? ? i . .- . . . - BRITISHSHIPS?I 1 35 MEN MISSI1 Clan Macfarlane Toe doed in Mediterranean Report 13 Dead. AUSTRIA ADMITS SINKING OF UN ?Says Porto Said, Italian SI Tried to Ram U Boat six PertOM Loft. i ai den, Jan. 11. The Bril Clan Mncfarliarie, of tJStS toi.?, moan 'unk in tli" M?dit? rranean. ( wa? s?? rit In the li'iirom en 1'? ? nal ' i Bis ofleera and eighteen Laeeara i 1 bren 1 iiri.i.*ri ut. M?ltn. Thirteen ears, iobsi n porta bj , died ... ,? i on Deeenabei 16 for Bombay. She 100 feel im g, ? 0 feel b? am ? ? d< i'"i. .? ?? ara? bo II n Sunderl 188 ? i ?ara ? i Cayaer, ? i ne & i i' . Ltd . ? ' I GIsafow, .Ian. 11, '] '.? era ol ateamer < lian Maefarla ? ? mea all e leaped, but thai ? ?? been Ii ? ... i ?,.,-, red o ? Vienna Admits Her U-B< Sank the Porto Sa ?ii. -a l?ala ta te Baya 1. i,' Jan, 11 A atatemenl .: to-daj b ? ' S'ewa Agenc ? tabliahea 'he fact i I aubmariaa rl aank ' liner Porto s.-.!'1 Ihr M' ' the dei pa . and member i.:" the crew, ll ? ? ? follow? ?"in ? ? king of h p Port ? ? irini \ ubmai ? ? stt? ?? pte I ? . 1 ? ib si lire ateas attei ?i nr.l.'r re the a I hi! the atei ? 'i ?a halt i ? ? ? ? which I Porto Mt a . m the : ? ? the Porto Said i ?oui I t SSVI ""ling m I "On teamahip men found t porsoiv rai wound ' aubmai : ? ii .!.... '.. both W( ? ' "It a til after thla had h? done tl si Port Ss d area I p< ? :. Meanwhile the aabmari . . ine a liatence, a ? TEUTONS EVACUAT GALICIAN BASE Hastil) Moving Stores A cumulated for Spring Drive, says Correspondent. i 12. - The Jt . territory l" '.?iii" : t'a" I.?? red ebri ai a reault <*f I ., tt ? ' ral i ? ac i tana ai isly. "Por i "i'i* the eorr lent, "? i ? v ' si " be? n i ?cumula , iprine* ai ni r- Vol y nak? 1 ?? - armic 1 Germen ermiea. A b ?' plac ? beat and ? orrugal d ron bar? be? mu? r : rom floor to roof ? "The Kovel magazines me bein Im, ati'l th nea to Soka 'I In- ?re bees hampei of wounded In th . "The I ? ? : ? that the 'i it ion n Baltic on erything vaiua rriea ani ? ? ? ' i SI ? ', ? r h e Zep ? ? "Tli " . ... . ? etreal '.'??.. iT%0PULAR t?sWPrWtea. I A MAO &%0$gr mlattliUaJ f*^ySg ? ;.(???.? are over % J*** 88,000 uaers of % Popular Pease Pianoi 5 ??;'.! .?*- evidence g their place in public confi? I e. It has been the pur- | p ?se ?' the Pease Piano 1 ' for over 70 vean to | Ql M ! rv the spe? | reason I i \ our pat? 's'?. PEASE PIANO CO. j 128 W. B'way.N.Y. | ."?4 Fla.buth Are., Brooklyn 57 M.lfcy St.. Newark. N. J. ? tl ? correspondent, "Ml from "i'???,??1 to 30,. M illlona of Oalli laftl) stnl through tht southwtttoi srmitt, t ii?ii?k -i to Gtntral Ivaaofl ears snd forethought, snd htvt sddi sboul 2,000,. tvorkingmte Hn?l fan hands ?" Un--;;!, not stunting 'i i . men tf w,?i. Dut to thtm Rusaia in dust rita ht?- thriving ind sgrieultui praaBM rotst." ,?? . ? ? DESCHANEL IS RE-ELECTED Will Mec?) Praach Chaaribar of iirpi lie? Again?Se^ninn Open?. p?rit, -i-.o it Tht 1911 ?t Parliamtnl t^tntd this afti-moon i tu.- < bambtr tf Dtpatita. with Bart ?1?. Mackau, <i??aii ?<f the Chambtr, pr? Biding. Paul Daaehantl wui rtiltettd Pit of thy Cbamhti . 4? ? GERMAN NEWSPAPERS ASSAIL HIGGIN? Hut No Charge! Are Hied Men Against C?nsul at Stuttgart. Barlia, .'an. II. A WToltf Burtt patch from Stuttgart announce? tha an official invtstigttion ha" bttn bt gan ii tho eat? <.f Edward f''k^?!i"? \- lerican Con ml ??' St ittgart Mr Biggins was Bceustd by tht "Staats g" of '?? m Vor! of utint'utra anti-German d?clar?t ont. T h4 "Staats Zoll lag's" ari rtprlnt tht "?Cal-sgi ? I? ?.-'?"' ? ... , .?. aptpti art u .1 l. dtmanding Cti il H . 's imm? .; lt< l'-rull. Washington, .Ihh. i l Ai ba a loi Gerard, st Berlin, has h????ri authorised b) Becretar; Lansing t.. invtttigatc 1 ? .ni . ha ru?-?? against Am? Consul Edward Biggins, st Stuttgart, ?llt'Kinir that bt is pro-British m ?1 I? to rlii? ????rniari government, . , ffleitl chai gt or eompl ?. The charg? , -? i ,,? .. Bigg in? ?-.? i -.- Zeit iung" of Ilecember i ? ? Shera In, <>f Pordham ; i trail u- ?I an Inttrvitw a I h Mrt. A i of -OH Cast Stvtnty.fourth Strtet, both of whom tuttgart n cently. Contul 111Erp-i r.s ?-. accused i>f hpinjr a ' l ?ermanl ai ier" I han an] England; with frightening Ann-ru-an-? ,;i Stuttgart by !??:: ng then th Am? 11 a ai l Gei nun, a nutation of hen- ? ..fusing I . itranded in Stul braak of hoi ? i ? ith at all time expresaing itattmtnta only uniifutral, b ?' dttid-tdl] British, NEK BLOCKADE TO END, IS HOPE Citizens' Committee Con? tinues Campaign for Teuton Babies. WASHINGTON VILVV EXPECTED TO CHANGE Government Asked to Secure Unhampered Transit for Ship? ments by Freight. ?eapite the roaoii that ti.? Stato I <? partment will not ?gk Hrita.n? et to ship eaaaad milk to Teuton bi l>r. Edmund ros Mach and i.i? ssso e.atei en ti,M Citii? lamittse for Food Shipments hope that withia ?? "? , day? a ditfi evil] !,?? tak? '' ? The departmenl nterced? ?a the gm ? ? I no' recognised th?? Bn'.ah blocks ? eannot a?k ?he Hriti.h ge-rernmei l te maki- except n its adminlati i "Sending si .pment? by firm ela ? mail 1? altogether too prohibitive," ?a'?l Carl L Schurs, treasarsr -j! ti?e com? mit? ee. laat night " ,l. ? r.-.- ?? ? -i rill bring about entirely favorable te sur work. What ? In a ? to ? ' end l'u laian Poland, a terdi ' ? ' want in which SjOOOfiOO babiei i,, ? ?? ( '..?i ad bj r i.e lack of B ??Will yon aend aomo milk to a b i? the query that greets the !? "What $1 ".*. ill do: i* will aupp ? to a be or e ? *'? at do: lr will eata I : lised milk depot '?? .?me tows in i; . , 'or ten areeka." sut that th? re are Lustria-Hungi facing tht? greatest milk ahtlttgt? m hi*tory. ., ex? elltntly -????ell kef? -." rtadt tht- announeemiT?-. ???:'?' ' ? il Iob of the Am-'i can eottonsttd mtal eiptrt an?! tht ? - e fat I i'iaii r?(i. ? ?.- ? |uan 111 i? . i ? , ? rsulti ? /? . whirh ir, certain I" ? rtattas the livts of tut? - aad nursing mother?, ?. ill the cl ari-i invalid?. "I' iv cttiaMttd that in Her ? ? lilk to ?opplj ? i.ildren IB tt four y?nr | OftTt nary *im-*. milk supplied to children i |. ??. i iat :?' ?r? ti ak"?\ and to it ?f all th? it \V. u"e?J. t? aie being Tem plthtf, Schoenberr, Steglits, Strata ? a/ atteatel ? othei ' ? ? ?? - \ ii'iino t!ie consumption of nmik i? r' ' ultted ir. an attempt to lave the \r. ?? ?>f hab????, tan ? ?i mother? ?nd .? valid?) by n ?'ui. ? "To ihip milk bj Ittttr rn?.l, re* tered, has dor.e ? [?ecember II, I'?I?"?. and J?r. I ; ? - ? ? ? ? ? ?i . _. . ,. tnere ,nh?nr? ' . ? ? .'?milk i.-. freight. Mr I.anting ha? taken tht nsa - rith tht American AnihasKadors in l'an-? and I.ondor. w ? on? - - i ?; >.per ?tone* r.o* ling reason to doubt . . ... iceees. eipcctally ?ir.ce the . sxpittstd deep : MORE U. S. MAIL SEIZED British lake I?.*, PaiCtl l'i?>?t Rag? from New York. Loadta, -Jar.. 11. A Kcuter d.-[.''? from I'.ergen ?ay? that III bags ?f parcel post were ? - I ..' K rfcwall M ?'..un:, r T.-. -?ger'f.or. It ai ['? i-ember 21 for !'?. . hiagtaa, Jan. i! Ambassador ? that he ha Brit ii g th? ? ?. Brit ? . St. Tn? te\t ?4 have been made for it? publiMtian simtr- ? ?n,| ? It rttood that tk ? Battait a ? a genera tard to the tr ? B ri t i?h g : ? re i g e American pi 24 S The Perfect Package The Economical Smoke Just a Pipe Load No Waste Wherever Used No More Pipe Odors New Charms for Old Pipes Carry a Day's Supply In Your Vest Pocket AFTER your pipe is loaded and you are enjoying the SMOKAROL, remember that it is the famous VELVET? The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco. The qualities that make VELVET more than "just smoking tobacco "are not a matter of" happen so," but are the result of"preparedness." VELVET spends two full years "preparing," maturing and mellowing to bring out the real delights of Kentuckys best Burley tobacco. Do you wonder that SMOKAROLS ? the new form of VELVET?are making such a tremen? dous hit? If your dealer cannot supply you, --?e will s<-nd you prepaid a ilrum of VELVET SMOKAROLS- 12 package?.. U sniokri JUc, and a SMOKAROL PIPE 25c, on receipt of cash or stsmps. ^cfzitefjH^uJtfxiccoCa. HI Fifth Ave.. N?-w York ? i . "v*i: ./'"