Newspaper Page Text
?ftm $<rrk ?t?tnnu. First i?? i n?i?the Truth: Vfs.?Editorials ? \dsertiscmci.t-?. Hn?M?ii\t .i\m \K?. it. itia ? Na ... - V . , , . .??'. f Iraii? "i ni i 1 i \ , i \. . , - - -. i .', i?-. ... pi ?. . h , ? > * S ? a - - - - ? ? M . . * 4,\ ?. ?.' ? ? M, \ ?v,. -t NUA* PAII 1 ** i' r*l N,'A* 14 Or .4 I ' |?AU.*i ??M.I - null v oXI.l VDAT oM,l . -. -, -, ? ? ! .? . \a- - .. - I DIM u its parrhff merchaai'iae tdvertittd ? UK TKIB1 M ?Ith ahaalate safety?fof h Maaatltfartlaa itaatts la an? ?;??c Til l mm \i gaaraatttt ??> pas - "??? monej hack '.??m- rtUttttl. Xa red lape, o?? yilih hling. IV? inako g?????l prompt Is ?i th? ad rertlaer doe?- no?. The Second Term. i\ to gel excited i' i -?..?t ? W ,. 'a determination to . i the sin-j pledge of the 1 i form.] - i ... ical t h< - o? oi ? Baltimore pledge on on his r tical s pirations. pul it the way they tv,i* things Dublin el? cted Mr. v. ilaon a for re ? lion. The history oi trie 1912 campaign shows this ?*1 cany. When M '?*> i Bon aceapted 'he Democratic nomination at Sea Girl he - cnl out of his way to say thai "a plat? I .. Mr. H?yan ? cry ?eager to pit didate dov? an acceptance ol ? term pl??<.p:e. !1? strove artfully to make Mr. \\ Ison commit him?clf one way oi the othi r. ["his listen-re became highly embarras ? ? a usions, especiall) at the time ' Um B Brother meeting in Lin ? ,*.. Nek But wh? M Wi ? ?? remained . af ?'-. Bryan's importunities and t'i'ui? d to take a the one term ' Ige all bu* the very credulous were eon inced that he had already decided to dis? miss it entirely from his political '-alcula When Mr. Bryan was invited into -, he W .- ? I abinet the one term pn.mise was con-;-? ? received ?. d?e?**en1 burial. On February I, 1918, the Senate, then iblican, voted to submit a one-term tituti? i araentiment to the state leg atures. This amendment could easily have passed the House of Repr?sentatives, ? the HoUM was Hemocratic and a great many Republican members w--re -till -marring under the recollection of the scandals of the Taft-Roosevelt ?ampaign ..) the Rapublfcan Presidential nomination. ? Mr, Wilson intervened and defeated the amendment. At his request the House committee having charge of the measure refused to report it. Everybody in Wash? r ? an -hat he had defeat-ed the amendmcr.- and ? The Palmer letter of 19)3. ' oa i. il lish? ?i. therefore tells noth? ing that - wnttan history thr??? . id any novelty m the fei ash between Mr. Wilson's candklacy for W\ lion and th? m pledge of the *^ .? * ?Democratic national platform have . i?, grasp a - tuation of lon-r stan?i Other pledges of the Baltimore plat hav? be? t-ed, dodged or sim? ply nagloi ?? aining discrimi ? .mion m the Panama ? ai al tolls in favor i.f ?\merican coastwise -hipping, pretnis ?i ?- a national Pr?s ?tidential primary, prom? of all Indorsements given to aspirants to Federal judgeships, etc. These fell bj the way arithoul pre? tation, Bui the abrogatioi of the -inirl" term pledge, bo far a.- Mr. Wilson ?.? ai ? I, was thoroughly preme-di .. ami more or lei op? ily admitted the vary beginning. \\ ? ? nsure Mr. Wilsoi ? ei ng another term. His obligations to the Baltimore platform arc largely a matter betweei him and his fellow Democrats. We ?I" not think he deceived many voter? 112; hie intentions even then were suf? ficiently manifest. Ws believe it i? better Mr. Wilson should run again, under existing circumstances; for the country ?.ught to have a chancre to pa;--- directly what he has done and what he has tood for. There is one point in th?* l'aimer letter, however, which deserves consideration quite apart from the question of Mr. Wil repudiation of the single term priri ? iplo. The President ??ay-- very truly that the ? -of the Presidency have become too ? live especially those power?-- which make him the master of the machinery of .? party. To be the master ?.f that ? ?? of hii paiIv a- ociafet in both hi ? f ' ngr? -. M . \\ ?lsoi peak- of dive ting the l' ? dent of .-??m?- ?if his excessive power by making him in a way responsible through hi- Cabinet to tin- House <?f Rep? resentatives. Some such responsibility ould tend t.. broaden public life in Waah? ??ton and would give new dignity and aim to ?ervicc in Congress. It would ,.-e far better rounded am! educated , liili?- men. It would also tend t?> lea en, reatii g many real leaders, the chance : .h a President now has of ?'Xtorlinfr a renominatioi. from his own party. \ny introduction of Cabinet rasponsi? bility t" Congreas would ?compel a reshap? ing of the present Federal sch?eme of gov? ernment. That ?ould be a ?tedious process. Hut there i- an easiar waj to reach the vil which Mi. Wilson has in mind. It .-? that a Prattdtnt should not n??nl\ a> that he Will refrain iron, pressure on ? iher party leaders through patronage, 1-iit should work for til?*- pamgl <'f ! wholly m accord with oar pwawnl cc tutional r-ystem, which ?rill greetlj n Hi?' l*ri -..1.rnt'a power of appolntman There is tu? good reason, for insti wh] ?h ti1(- postmastorshipe should m put under the merit system, ??- wdl mi-i nurobor of other minor oil-lces s thf President now has to fill. His ?' ? um ought not to I'?* wasted on matte :-n?"h minor consequence* were ha t rrlii*\?"?l ?>l the ann?>yiiip duty of p:i iiii|- out patronage he could, to hla and <!??* lountix'*- advantage. (ri\ ? * i thought '? importan! measures of at Mr. Wilson said in 1913 thai he a "resoii to nothing but public opini?n -.-ekln'-- ? renomination. Put that wi ? siblc pledge, as things stand. 1 ran himself rise superior to the tempti .-? patronage t" secure support, ?frienda and subordinates will never [superior to it. Thej will certainly ?lo him what he may think he ii not A for himself. Tire agitation for a single tonn year ago aras beiwd on a ?"?"'.?-rai do to discontinue the use of Kederal pat a inrar.- of forcing Pr?sider renominations. Il ?rai a sound idea. ? ? mosl prai tical way to esrrj ?1 i ",'i't, if wo ;.:??,* riot to hat - a single t 's to cul the Presidential appoint power nui' foolishly and dangerously tended dos n to the r on sal poss ? Police Envoy?, to Reformatories Poli? e i !on Woods'? special ".oya io the boy? in various city ?'on tutions ought '?" i??' product lot much good. These envoys, police ? . .- un' telling these boy- m a fash ??hey can understand that 11 pays to honest and paj to be crook ' ".?-. point out the progresa ".' the * ? <*? i borhoo ? ..-? kid" through Rani-d Hito 'i' ii ? nd confii n iminali ., |) - Potter'i Field and compi . the progresa "t the "si i aighl k vho it hone ; and industrious into a cent job, competence and self-respi . ? ?:. officially, they promise tie help of I .. ? .-. for those inmates the institution! who on release endea*? , to fzo straight. Thi.? ;* no' ai all the con entional bra of police work, i* i-, fortunately, a bHt brai '??? akii t? the modern theory of p ventive medical practice compared a |y curative. These youths in I 'home*, at-.i reformatoriea under the cit; ri diction are ai a ?ritual ptrir,d. M< ? them aie minoi offenders, who in live down their alight misdeeds and 1 i come worthy, useful citizens, or may to become ha?"denerl criminals or the oughly ?rorthliws '?bums.'" Talk ?if th i kind ? ' ' ' '?? ?ure, bu i1 comes ?with authority ai ? time when th 'particularly need auch advice, and. mm o'.er. it com- s to them with the assurai! thai the officials wh?? can be of great he ? r hindrance to them in future are willil !to help, not harm. In the i.ast the polic i man who remembered that a younp mi i "had a record" and anetted him on si picion was too often the worst enen |Ol the fellow who wanted lo go straigl What Commissioner Woods'a meecafe these wards of the public mean? is th ; they are going to fret a fresh chante, i square ?lea!, with what official help ar Ie*neouragement hla department car. pi? ;them. coupled with a statement of wh; thai fresh chance can mean to them. will be a very weak or a very harden? youth who doesn'1 read satisfactorily ? thi.? method of handling his problem. A Blow to the Quacks. I' i.- .'.??:! thai the Supreme I ourl hi Iestablished the validity <?;" the Sherh amendment ;" the pure food and <lru art. for without il there would !.,? r... ws of dealin*- with some of the most pe i icioua frauds on the market. To undo stand the importance of the amendmei we haw only to reca?! a derision of til !-'uprem?' ('...i? a .as?' that was l.rnuj-l bet?re it in 1911. There va- no denyin thai ilie remedy in question "-as fraud?. lent: it is sufficient to ?ay thai ?1 was on of tri?' many so-called cancer cure , B the question to be decided was, in cflToc whether, under the food and drugs act. I manufacturer or vender was at liberty t | he about the virtues of his preparation ?The Supreme < ourt decided that he was that th?' law. in fact, was "aimed nol a ;:|| possible false statements, but only a as determine the identity of the ar ;t?alo, possibly incJuding its strength, cpial ; ity and ptn ity." Oio ion ily those a ho fi amed thi ac mea i ?1 to be much more comprehensive comprehensive enough a' leasl to con trol fraudulent remtsdies?-but by thi? de thru purpose was utterly defeated There was no lor.;-er any way of disci plining those who put up cancer cures tuberculosis cure*? or diabetes cures pro vided they did not lie about the ingredi int.- of their precioua mixture**. In th? aae Of the cancer cure the Supreme ('ourl i admitted that "in a ????rtun- sense the state* or the label wa*- false, 01 ai leasl misleading," bul . Rome o?? ?cpal turn ?;- falsity was condoned on the ground that it was apparc ? of in point of estab I "? demonatrable fact, but only in Um "i-oinnieiidat?i! y an?i prophetic a-pect." The practical consequences of such nice legal subtleties can readily be imagined. (ir.< who shipped Crot?n water ai mineral .,-. would be liable under the act; hut i?' instead of pecifying it- source lie eon? ti :it?'d himself with labelling it a sure cure for consumption or Brlght's diaease, the ilaw could not touch him. because he had confined bis lying to Miuiiierationa that ?were merely "comnieniiatoiy and pro phetic." Clearly, then, by this iMcision all hope of regulating the iraffic m fraudu? i, nt remedies wa- blasted. The quacks ..??.. a much as they pleased ; ?. im,;.' ,i ?in., ?lid not misrepresent the contents ??f then- bottle.-- and packet?. As soon as this important fact had been . t.iblished Mr. Shcrlcy. of Kentucky, pro p. <-.l nn amendment "to make the pure ...o.) law embrace thorn eases ??t Interstate shipment. ?>f worthies.-. medtein-M and drugs fraudulent!) held ?"it to the public ui im-, i -iii;. curative properties." I he amendment ira? approv?sd by the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Cam i a-vi'i-, and -nice then the in ??als who prey' ?n the lick hn\?? ?lone their best to ?lefent II, on the ground lhat Congrem hn?l n .Ved?-.l it?? power?-. In the lucid drei ?on hand?sd down bj ih<- Supreme Conrt i1 ii established that there is "no gr? i saying thai < on gross ma) not comlemn the Interstate tiansportatiot* ?>, sa ndling preparation? de igned to ch?sat credulous sufferers, and make such preparations, accompanied by faire and fraudulent -tatemen'-, illicit nrith r?-si??-r! to interstate commerce, i ?.?.??h as, for example, lottery tickets." Thus ?i is at last d? termined ih?* the qui cks and imp? toi - sre t?? i?? held m check ami that swindling will no longer he tolerated on the prophitie "?cor.-. Up to the Legislature. Mayor Mitchel's Itrtter t.> th?- legislativa'. . demanding for this city its fair share of the itate highway funifa pm the issue squarel) up i ? the Legislature. New *?, ark' - * ?? ?'? "' certainlyf m jus ;,,,, entitled i,-. .-' portion of tho.-e fund? a- much as an) upstate county. The Leg? it apportio ments, ha-; ignored ? i ., ,, -,,.. i? i limits of the w i i?? Legi lature going in du about i?. no-, thai the matte ha? laid before it ofRciallj ! Neu York, as the Mayor well say-, has no desire to escape it hare of the cost oi general impro1 i I hich benefit the state at large. N? ??? York has voted for such improvements and doubtless will vote for others in future SS they become ncces-j s;..--,. Hur this cit) contributes the major part '.;' the cost of these improvements' g! .? .?:-.:.( y basil Of fair? ? and decency, :?> participate in them. Through it ? itive the city is now merelj demanding its rights, Will the ?L?gislature concede them, or will it pre cipitat? a long and bitter legal battle? Ogallaln Fin's Suicide. They ay ? h ;? * ? bief Ogallala Fire slashed In ?? inflicting the ? which hi'- just .? ? ed his death, because at his advai ced age of ninety years he u;i- suffering from hi- tirs: real illness. But i- ' ot I arely possible that the brave old warrior clwrished a mor?- fundamental in?..?-? ,.; despondency.1 one to whom bat? tle had bren the breath of lif" in his early mat.hood and whose livelihood in later years had depended upon h - former reputation as a fighter might to-day be excused for considering himself en\ r I) at ??.Ids with hi-- environm<ent. With a Great White Father :?* Wai i on ami white neighbors m Chicago ail potentially "too proud to fight," a sensitive indiai brave with hi?- record might well hanp* bil head. Mis pride had never reached this height and with ninety years of war and the mimicry <.f war behind him he couldn't er en pretend that ?t had. In the few COnscic-UI moments lie e\ perienced on 'he hospital col before his death he told those who *vou!d have drawn him out that he ?lid not like to talk of the o!?l dayi of Indian war-, ' \V? did not understand the ways of the white man." he explained in extenuation of Indian belligerency. "It is not right for mi- to tali. o?' the days when we arent on the warpath, because now e is not con sidered brave." 'i'i er? i- a w? alth of sadness m :1m ns humiliation of a simple spirit, il had lived in rain, then, ami the memory of I fights ami of wounds, ?>f the mockery of death ami the provint of manhood, wai a--' ashes in his mouth. He had not been to?. proud tr? li?rht. ami f??eling abased h< wished I?. pay ihr price of the on I?. r?-al peare m existence. So now lie i. Ht last a "good Indian" and a permanent pacifist I ho I amars. tt !? tie? .icepli Ru? public of the (*?*.- i ribut o ? hav? been man'- to I a ? to o - couii-, ariou repr? entativts of lhe ?-. .eorg - ? - ?,.?: hi ?vt eoi rete unguarded hour tl a prit Isg? ot ? erring namei ipon the children of rhe fa m a ?? ... ?,, ,,, <i: ,,,.,... ., ., n t t the family hi-??..! . o;' tne Lamai ? d with classical hi : -, -?,,,, cal pnenom? t as a < ertain region in >- c the eontti - the flu ... at as bad b?'en spilled bp ? rheri ??>' Lucius Quintui Cinclnnatui Lamar, th elder, ?*? >\ i ,.-,?; Quintas : In? .' . i .fi.fir. ?h-? ?rounger, also Mir-ibeau ' .??:.! I? I BOW . h.;.? nirri ? ? ? ,?,?.. , picturesque!) named More ?'?- le?a eloa? ? ? eminent mei bet - uf th,- fam -, are v ith the Huguenot ? , , ,i ,, ?.-..- ,- ..? -.n Georg ., eighteenth centvry. Hut tht? he;, prott) regularly showed a taat? foi th?- 'av.-, the chief txetptioi b< if tht brother of L. Q. C, riif elder, whott name, auggeative <? the ? ?? French Re olution, proved ouitr? suitable *'>>i h mm? who lad cavalry rhargi i ? t.;.,.r-. and arete rertei .?th facility, ,. pr?sident <>* the "independen! Re pubil? ? ^:..j i ? ?? ;????. r,, i ? i ?. ? ,, . ? ;,, :i ? Mont? 11 ? Peace. "Peace!" you t .. snd your .-'name up ?hold An Eagle mousing on th?? hill An Eagle scratching the ground for gold "Peace!*" Anil the (bad reply. "Be still! Our bom ha\e ?old." An Eagle thai skulks to shun the light An Eagk ua'lowing in the -lough. ?Goddess, lower your tor?*h?.f light! Tear the Crown from your sullied browl Weep in our si Peace. And your Pamderer-flngers fold. You have bound the Godd-ess- they wreak their will. The Eagle broods on its ehest of gold. "Peace?" \at\ the ? !? ad r< pi?. "i:. ? ' Out bones ye have sold." I GUI NIAatINO, I REAL ESTATE'S WOES How Sonic Owners Fool Toward Socinl Service Laws. To tlir Krlitor ?if The TribUBC Sir: Kee|.injr up with The I"'"!"* on ?-*? proir.tion theaa arlatrji -iny? la ? tough job. "Fon-*.i Ohedleaee t-> Law" i? saaal la its Bumeroaa prsdteessers in p<*i"t "f '"rU "f knowledge sf raetorj eeadltloas ?i"'1 lbs rged sf Urs prevent!?? mti.i labor laan on rnrll-. ??I h-re i? a --real deal of twaddle *-"?"-" ?.,.?: i iiiiout th? pereeeutlea si lbs property ,,,,,,., The? I'onii.lmii thai '^i**"" , ,?<? ,. unreaeonable aa la be pem ? . , . .,i , , ?-??i . ""here ar?an I mgnj ? lancea Si record tin?' sen aoai pllsnee ha pu4 property onmen into bank r ,1 ? . " etr i iftl ?.-u M ? gaged i-" M0.000. ia ,..:?.?? ? ?? COt ' ' ,i : . ' ? ' *? '? .? I hat might be eoni id. lor; ; . probabl* true ill?' "there n I ma Inataneea ??*? record" ahewing ban?, through compliance with order? aturallj ?i . .. ? rho .,? lone *x i d I,a krupl Bol there ara Mea record" lo-day ? ? ?.. eddli, and It I >nl bi ?: ??'?in ?if innumerable -o?^?-|..?iu??* ..,,??? , ?? .?*? " i,. life in irai ee eom r ha .??.-.' . othen -(?ru?- ?,' ii,?-*?!' ? ?' lype ? ? , not the moi fo ? am pi ,* wll ? ,...,, |5,0O0 to "" 1.000, ?""i ii iheei disgust and deal ov? .... ., ? :,- m the ..'??" i ' eenl '? . ii ti ? ir moi i. ?? ?, and other? 1 i? con i | , ? ?; .. . | ,..'?,' . ent of then ilui ? . ??? ? ' ? " ... ?!'"? . ami int ol - boi tgsg? Dch sea like "confiscation." or doean'1 It? There ia not "on record," li ? i knowi te ever) real estate n a: aetorisa" 'the Ti ibure Hi. <a r#> now offered a" ?? : cen? of th? ? aaa? ><sd value ? : .i .. . . -o meet 1 ? rder ?. i nd ??r! er owners * ho had zomplied wi orden d rere then le g I aril ioai o othera. The output .' . ea and atio'ns sf the i rr Depart? ment ?nd Labor Bureau la psrpetusl motion. -h thai ai. own? r, ..,?,? sad willing to eomply v'th ordere, i? ;?> ured ,>f ? iteadj job foi i lifetimi hip, 1 a* i ? i ? ?b ine can offa omi e: .. the tour re ?? the I Ii I, . ??de?! ? . ? . rementa of ? ? " ? Perhapi i he ("rib ?..<? will mm? to ii-,> " the ?'? ',M i.-ni 00 -? reaae of value n i cae chan ,? law?, More ? '..i7. ?-'? aril] not, :"?>! il ya ig? away ? h murde Ken York all thai ia ri*,i*ilful is o lab? be crime social / ? ? fork pi? ?ill >i.i - 1 ii- rritei re | thai his - in to I rribu . sad " ? SU ?! f , ? ?' i- r.r more ? ' ? ? grs ' ? SVILLIAH DOUGLASS KII PATRIC1 -?. Jan. I, 1916. Lip Reading for the Deaf. :.;,?.. i . ? ?? The rribuni ? ? r ?- a - ? ? i that ? i dea! i-.r-uv. i-f the adTsntsgea sf lip-reading. rho ;?: r losing would atari to !*in. ta read the lip? pr< th?*y ?nui.i 4"- the gainera. I tiK'k leasom and Sniahed m; ronra rsry long ?'/.??? i il to undsratanii -he members of my fai d niaiir outi raring thsii relesa, i ?am gradu? earning ta forget my defeet nml huma;. ? ? ir ?i? b ? ??-ii ins moi i .. pit ??,., ? tore Voll, Bureau l?S01 H ? ? I '? >'. W . ' . ? | on D. ' . ** ill furni h ?ama ? ? - p reading I burea .?.i up organisation fo . .. id ea? ?.I ?.. ?;.a;.ain Bell te p "'.-..'? ? he In Of the ?irai. Se i of *iii* public ?chool? have ? r n lip reading. V. G. If. Sea Vork, De?, 2*, 1911 Facts About the Scouts. To the Editor o" rhe Tr b inc .-?r: In eiew of the wide publicity efforded the Boy Seoul movement h recan? yeara, your eorreapondeat Sigmund Reiehenthsl ?hows ngular ignorance of the *'?.? sie mentary fa?'" ? : "?"irai Th?? recent $24*0.00 campsign **a rtakei in behali of the Boj iSeouta of America, and ai no other oi(?a':ir-ation. Second The minimum ;<: ? t for a l>o\ ? ng the ''-"' eoul of Amei ? ?? el ? nol nine Thir.l s-.iut?? belonging ? o thi* organiza lion ?i?> n?>* '."tiohi gun" "??? ' ' the e'.iii-metit that t;r? scoul move men! "dor np\ , amental education," r aemmend .-. Mr Reiehenthal'a peruaal the -?fJIcii ' aeeul handbook. i li.M'f.l .- I m ,s POLLARD, Dvpul ? 'ieout ? "?:. missioner. New * ork, .'an I, 1916. Waitresses Work Hard. r<> the |...;.f rhe Tribi i - Sil : As i -?? id? ? of ' a : dally '>aper I i. ia4 congratul?t '. ?ci <!>? <*\po?iiif? ao many fake advert ? l g men ;.'? - city. Why ? aomethinr ?" the ? orking girl, aach Ls the \m!''.4 ? . arho in all the Broadway ami up".o*-r: restaurante -m? twelve hours a ?laay. S ni h?? ? every Sunday'. No girl should be alluwe.l ?o be i Idiag aha ?orks in norr than els '? day. V. hy no' I?'f the ':, ' ?? ; e :. lie? "?, ?round to th? I re tin ran ta, one thu' lain..' hi 'i.beij i.v rh<? ;oni;"tor* K wsitn , si irj . all aalai .. a it -er employ? t aa inl< all da ! h' a ? Mitreas piul can :,mrio aeveral plac i ei the girls work sad thirt*-es hours 'r.,:p:,r a ?la?-. without seen time tr, -??,?:? . . mething i-li'niiH he ??(.ii?. tn proteel ? ?? working wim ri Hi New > .ir'- n AH KESS ? . . Tori '..' ? 1911 No Award. To th? :,.'..?? of rhe I r bui ? Sirs In reply ta s < al - . ir :**ij" ??i Deeembei "** referring te the death ?: Lead, S. 1'. of George W. (llover, ?on ,it' Mr* Mary Hak?r Eddy, diaeoverer ami founder of ? hri?: .i - ce, permit me to ?tato that Mr. lilo'.er ?a? not awarilerl snythiag 'n hi.? litigation sgainat "'Ir . Eddy or her e%?u*~ In r either of i ? i I a eomaseaeod ? ; ? ad ?!' '? d? 'i ? hla favor, nor a ... anil nier) hi- a! !? ce?l ghi ' arge pre ? i :? a?J" fo. ?:'o'.ei an?i h II "i. . coriai?*. ?j'l of l?verai gifl rhiefa iht nM?rie velaa? tarily. P.DbLKT 8, RUb?. New York, Jan. 3, l"U?>. THE EX-NEWSBOY. 'i .? ?sil i. ; t-' done thai when '? was a kid: THE UNITED STATES AND fAPAN A Further Reply by Mr. J. I. C. Clarke to Mr. Reas \rttcl?es?Japan' Attitude One of Friendlinei Baaed on ( ommercial C onrtmunity ol Intei .'st. i.. of Tht Tribune Sir: As Mr. t riei "' ett Tin? ! ?-.. ? .rai'ai: ?I i witl -? , . . of feR . ? h the Chinese ?d< ? graphs ?f kitnl p-r. It it inevital -har; ens auspicio or oour lro| SI " f fi ?! r.ii ind ??".i.H.. . ..... ??>? und com: art piquant. -\ ? s'1 ot? '?'. R .. ??..?' ?\? A ? 11. ?. ,ra'- lit tapan, i fritnd d, com i'?., ted, ',,;;.. ted, pi"- .,? i;.? ?>.t ' Be .ur.? of Japan!" and the I i, fort th? . ' ?' .i.*'' of the I i? the indeterrainedntta of ? fie for? ?..- g time s the onl; it sru ter Yet ?- othti false prophet t! Japan? ?? ho tility have fallen un ti-.e time tett, w<? nia-, a ' | pul Mr. George Branson 11 ??? ii thi elssi with Captain Hobson and l>?.ue him there. I hh'?? aairattd tila' Mr. Ken'- nb'-c- -.?ra lOBIS oi.-eure way 'o insinuate that China ??a-? the ?ie-irahie friend of the Un I ?d State m.? Japan "Codlin la the f ri<?- ?1 no short." It ?? worthy of noto, however, -i..?' in his la.?t letters he has -,er thou! hti ration of the snti-Jspsntse ? Irua under covti of bu ;?p|-,t?i>! fur American "prei ireduei .-ur':. his cause is dtsptratt wh? S Bttkl ??i Ii?':.? it.i piebald ta"."i? on th* font ??' ;. ' h ich America in hti tai l? lelf-rtsptct sg tt daj It Lfcil"!! the fltmt bi'.H ahock 0* arms of a war-mad world to pot America In hti pre rnt frame of mind. Whtn tht shift s I ichemtt ot wranglinf itatesmen in the rear o" the battling anu??"- wart breaking oow.. ?he gavernmental inoralitie-, or' the world, tearing up treaties, ignoring laws, i? si las! behooved the fren neutral na*:?'n of ?he \\ < -' tt remember that her ?rood lattations, h?-r Ii i g ? ? u et of justice arid proved ?;....H will minjhr avail not hei oi s eonqu t-crazj pot er Huabei blood) ?'' oi ? . America'! itrtnftth mutl he as \ ibl? ? ail men a. 'net si n-e r. tier. Il -.?a no menace from Asia, v?'r-ca or Oeeaniea, but ''ruin th? powera si the near! . . g cen? re tf ?mr most mo,lorn eivil a! mu from !?? trope Apart sltogethei '?. si ej too<: an?! s-ai d foi in th-? ?jrcHt struggle, menace of war-mad Germany, h tria France, England, flu--ia, ha... I irks le ghting powers in any eorabinatio*?, aye, all combined th?? Old World at'tinit the Neu that woks up the United States. Tin? i.ced (.' defensive prtparation struck at single watchman on the tower; ?. bad if oriif.iial prtseurtor! ?' iprtng full-armtd from tilt? minds e tht million It wat i n auc cession te any lobbj I ?1 ? ho ehtn ?hi I ?he war to -Hi dynamite tt the government or to build bat! ? private j.?re- t preten. I di taut nation or tht had a et ?' '; t ? ?> 1'ivir or land power to do ua bai m. r ha\t? been thl ton A pla?-?? of the ehtncelleriet, our own ?t?a a-. I !a':(l servies acludtd, for hair" ? ecntui We .lid not earr how nan. their ?hip?. ?? r ntnnon or their armed men; we would ' n-.o<l. 1 of tin-' in normal human :?-? irt h- : .,? tt tee tht ? trai il pi ? i an - la? abiding. We coined th.? word '-.;? ? able" tt ? .. ? paradaxieall] what we tl .,- I of the war ptdltrs' ?l.-mal ??utcriet?. Hut with t!ie progress of cent' in ?-.?.rope ih?? nation BSa. a- brne.-.t" a .-earci I : ,? of a million camilepuwer. that the ?ItflHy, th? '-"r."r. tht laviolabil ty of this eoatiatnt de? pended tn ?mr bcinjr prepared to defenH our shores, our soil, our homes, to the las! ?loi la! -4' ? tht last man. And thai i? boo Amei .. ,r- i to-d ai ail! feel to morrow ami l'en after mil td to the world or ? ? e ment i id? : h irasli the hums prey aSBtBg the nation- until th? Golden Rule is more than a shibboleth is translat? able into acts the world around. We are ... ? e wi .... ? ' ? ? a iwept rred or the ??? ?? ? \ pie. 1 ? ? . ? ? ? . like Profea? ji ...... ? enemy ; Cl : ? ? e . ? ? . . ? ? .. . ? ' or . . ticii counl ? -i -. ? and ti ?? : I i ? furth? "h th?. ., port i m . ? ? and ' . ar il : he 4" ? Shi t l'aile, oui fl wanl i" ? v ha i. natioi rial, commercial, are averse with u?, all her ntereel ka? ?? P? th?*-?* tangible, palpable thiags like aille tes, ?g and icholarahip ?'..*? .1 r, teou- words of her atateamen, her captaii of Induatry, her Mikado, her general? and ndm rala, ?.re weak ?- proofs of fr'ond he ? hey n-\ er ao ind time i .?*: ? fore, by the manly, frioadlj ?onl aa b; the ? ? ??.'.! ari'l the great gulf U ox table trade, Is tanda, I ho I among our friendi .e ? ". ,i!'y cau-r in lighl to be ? among o;;r foes. And why. in heaven'a name, shor.'.l ' bias h? counted now on one ? ? ?le or tin - 1 ? nordered bigneai 1? her weakr ?*. Ilsi ;pon her lementaible ? ' ,? m< - appealing on h? r her...'? a Ja 1 She : 1 ? . at, sad I I'nited and .Lu?an ;<re at one in th'*. interei a? well a- good faith in keeping the "opei ,?i,or" and "equal opportunity" real I There ia no hoi eatj oelaii the con? trary. ' hlaa ia struggling to ' ? ai I ' ?'! Si it? ?' -he? her well in th. .".'?? ??: -!*?? hali he lent money . . : e or railroadi dependa upon the order Ii bei big rambling houae ami lot. upen her eral; not, s Mr, Kra thinks, ..pon Am 1 ea Japan. Le - 1 tabil lered, itei of 1 hina m?ghi 1 ,m ? ? that, I '.and tO WSatl ? ? Ir - r.ace I 1 rt ? ., ?! Rea'a rsndom inatancea of nt' certa i 1 Inns net.? ? ?A. ver. h aly attempt to confuae ? \ certain "Dream Hook of "Var," ax ?? l eoaraely b) ".:i" pa*-ei ihowr '.1 In- Irrsaponaiblo, foolish and mis :i?,i ?latid is referred to in suci. ?, waj <? to make it poaaible for the reader t 1 imagi 1 that l ? tter Mr. Kea quoi? furl - on from ':" ?me bo 1 It 1? so! Permit n . a In ,1 ,oth' on of a lii.f ion r'r.'rn .1 pair 0 prim ? ? ? hic'n 111 eh arg up ?o ? Osaka "Mainichi." ! bal Pri. ce Higaahi l?u: af t ? ? Ma ? huriai battl? . p 0! "half human *i arm?es" I ?hi i,, believe, It ?? ppened that I msdi ,; -,? ?? pilgnmagi a ? ? - ' ees * '"i? 1 ? em, arc the sam? lapa ia ?? offii ei ? ere my men tora a ? ltd? . at P01 ? in hur, l ai> Va."; had ;.beii I ' ? I'm ee Higaahi Kuni had ? gra* of the e ".? brated 1 ?.? '? - d f0 1 1 atorme? ..? " "ol !?? ni.? i;u;d? -. 4)n 11. ; ? . ? . ??*,! apon by th?- ia :r< ? of hi highne.s-: ami prosented with pi ,. photographe, with a warmly eour'eou ea 'good will. And " of ,, . "the aliaga sad arroa ' 0 OUtrageoUl Mr. Rea, hurled witl ' I a Upan, they eeed ili'tui- lOOOd No tom-tom tipping about Japan ?. -?ar t Amerii to her tasl? .?f "| ap-ti ? tas ..? : ??r of ' In pen '' I ?' . >i 'riendehip, th? > omil I the trade b I? Japan and th? ' nitS' IStates. joski'H 1. o. cL*aK\t:. New York, Jan B, 191*4. MB. TAFTS vt"'*j:T\KF'" The People Are Turn I rowtrd a ?few Expression ol ?Americas Spirit. ? . titled ' ... t ' ? ? ? ? I It was i ? ' ? i ? . ? - I - . .? ? ? opir. oi ? lomt ; . ? ? ? ,. ? . the . rea1 \ j \ ? . e " . : g . 1 at t respondence ? . ? > und? ,--.,. ? ? -, witt, . tht I nite . S at ? bullet. b< ?? " ? The ... .? new Am? i ? ? luarelj .. g ih<- life and lim .? llCA Bi -?"'. Cooi A Roosevelt R.-Dtiblicaii? lo the i.,: ? ? ?,.. ' Ms* me - on.- - - - *n' ?f. ?'?'" ' 0fft4 1 Mth ?? , ? . ? ? the I \ , i ? ; t .. th?' " to .;.. ? ' . ta . tar lb, Ma -- I . ? ,, writ who ?a at Mi '?'? "? r ' ttior' Una ?.? \ ther?' question, and wl s ^-. ?ted ? . ?ndidati 1?- .nouKii i.? dtftal tha' ?j in ti firml> believe the Gtrmaa *? . of the nom nation of J ??I ? .-' , aill fltseh tt tht - -i <?"" "' "?? !>i -,. ah-,dut. f atturt tl *. ?? 1 .rr tH* It - - .-.-i' ni I) ? "i.- that ? J -? triad to pi .; at lb? a?1 Prof W ?h ilo thia ? oloncl Boo?tvtlt n2mtrtMha\ 1IAKI.Y A asWasm Roston. Mas? . ?*S ?''? ]r*u''