Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Vcu* Monrv Pack If You Want Tt ,f, a-.??-. ? ? ?SSBBB 1 3Ieit?^0r?i f *3nr cStibiinc WEATHER. Pair and colder to-dsy and to? rn?orrow. diminiahine; northweat winds. Fuit /ietioel on Ply ' First to Last ? the Trath : News - Editorials - Advertisements \(*1. LXXV.a.aNCa IrSrJei. ir->p?rt?hl mi*? The Tribun* A.?"n 1 FRIDAY, ?JANUARY 14, J016. O VF ? ' R" VT ,n N'w v"*h ' 'XT- "*??*-??'?. "-?-?**7 rn? ?'.-il. \ li.1 I snrt ?*??,?*,,.?. r*l4?ea?|,ere Two lent? Carranza Must Punish Murderers, Says Lansing MONTENEGRINS ACCEPT TRUCE WITH AUSTRIA London Thinks Them Already Undertcu ton Control. LOVCEN'S FALL IMPERILS ITALY Germans Excited and Af?gry Over Allied Occupation of Corfu. atms? .?s M -Agreement Htanse? Asitr.1 t i i fta tat ao ?? maiies l 'ghr. it re gsaai si l s last '-? ai th?? little teas.'.-- ' ' ' ~" /'f' ;' ? r' ' gas,-' ' ' * Atatrlans f|T( . ... . -.- ?. of taking Cel I ? ?'?-??-' ? - ' Attriatic D'.fr-, I h**'1 .. . that the Montan? r . ,. ? ITiC'Jf f 'a- | ? ?i Aas! -Uni fhia is *?i sidered i-.-r.i- r ? ?SCtiCS J h ?s r MM ' I ?' l\U SO. thir the I ' ?ria ?cq-aisi*-** ? ?"hieh is tl ?? -"hi ? front, )y -r ? - offen? , , f Cattare, where, ? ?nrouncp, th? ? ... eluding three and *ror-" -, . - - caused great con? fer-, f. 1 ?r Itss it 1 ? ' '?? ?. to luvt -.n.a, ? her? I BStivss th? Aus- , l I rBe UliSS to Help. : a Al .41 |ei ? ntion to ipire Irora the fate of Negro ? "Lov,-. r" our rut?, r.-.* c-t?d ? ? ?..- Irons ? ? aacht mura ? ??? ? , u rnaaael, Baron ? it? r. H- ? Pi ? ?ding con ? ? the Cal ?< . S that Brit nni i bob '????-, *SU'-i ? . 1 H'l'i ? ta? sr Aast ? i-.-?- ? ?? - .- i hey ?JN k -. ? ...I 0neaj j,. . ?''"' '* gaining terri " ? m Moi *? .-.egr? t,4r ' H' ? .v ol jeeting '*? ??'?? ' 1912, Aa 11 '?? ?.??? ?. 1 he Tripli Alii- ' f-c*- ' te the ? Italy's Aid Fall?. ? ? . tie reasons r ? ? , King ?larter did , :i Albania, linee. aai rta -va ? <? a ? ? ? tima cense ? ?? : ranean. ? 11? po ? ie r-.;.' r? ? ? im . an ?J'.tnina ? - ? a ,\,.. ? . . " ? ? . ?,, ihoold Hungary, ?risoi hi . . t the ? ? ? ??..?? ? ? ? rrned si ???in? ^Progre,? on other f(T0Tlt>,V. "i"'.? Developing. taaaA ' ? ?he at '?II ?? ":<- Turin H". of A'- ' :"'. Bulgarlaa ?? il, h< ? at. they I army un** t'Te^ai : lir-H ir, ha '"*"' ??" pas? ."..?. S ???ll. V '?A?i? ? ammmmmmmmmm^mn^Smmm^sa^fS^fSl - ~' -Advt ?I-, re -' ?-- ??_._?_-_--_____-__.___.__________ _______ 4 BRITISH FLTERS LOST ON WESTERN FHONT l/ondon, Jan. I??.?Four HritUh oenip.ancia which ?aro sent out from the Hritish position* on the 4\>ntlnent IWdnesda* h?* e failed to raturn 4o their banc, at t-ording; to the offlilal announcement si>en out N Bright. The statement *.*x?,: "lour of our aeroplane-? sent out -esterday have not return??!." Birlln previously had reported the hrinsrlnK down of four British aircraft, three of them a* ??erinan a*rlatafS in du?*l? in iha* air and the othar b\ anti-aircraff (Baa. .._ WIDE ALARM AT KAISER'S STATE Crown Prince and Grecian Queen ?Summoned? Fever Has Set In. I.or.don, .Tun. IS.- Rumori o' the German Frriperor-'s condition have ??KB':' as-umed an alarmi?' tore, bat] without aathaiitathrs backing A i:.'T'-o dispatch rspoita that the ' Crown Fritice ha? lieen summoned to a coi?" ? ? - ' ?CUB? measure? m caa? '? mperor'a illness i? prolonged. \ -, ,.?. nip??Mpe. alee from Rome.' "^ojihiB of G '?"-r? i a? been ? < ],ed aide. : : i ror's illneai r? de i icr'.bed as "sertou-." T> e Queen, th? ' -* .???? ??,.? ? . to depttrt at for Bei ? An Amsterdam d ipstel n'tar1 ? ? ? c act thai tlie Kmp?r"r - nail) to res.I the ? ?. I fr?ta *.r c 'Krone at the ope 7 f th? Dial I ? ? Emperor repeat ! ?? nt Bt. thr? ' ? " po'r.ts out. 1 ?? Amfterdam dispatch te the E? : . on pan* aaj - : "The ! Fmperor is Btill ?led Buffering 'rom' a? set in." Tho te p'i* t>,e ?oure? , of I The only new? di ie.-t from Herri quote.? the "Tage \ Ote "hoil" from j which the Kmperor 1? suffering doe? I out. Berlin, ,'nn. 13. Biwaarat Wi.iiam is 1 Re no longer ; tahas hi?-. usual walks In Pot-dam in plMSBBt ?weather. The boil on his r.ecV. ha? n? far that he i? otic? mure wearing \ '?? - ?'? .-?- II. lea?/?? the high collar ! Open to prevent j-rr ?are OB the tender! \ ? ""'?-ml v ho 1*01. ?? th him . Wsdneada* ar'd Thi;rf?<!?t\ aaid h< pirita, FORDS PEACE BOARD IS HEADED BY BRYAN Members Will Sit Permanently at ine Hague. I Bag le, 1?.. The Ford pear*, expedition h;i? elected the following ' ?n me'r.hers of the permanent pasee hoard t'? ?it In Kurope indefni'e lj arlth 'he purpose of using all efforts to settle the war: William Jennings Henry Ford, Mis? Jan* AildBma, ' the Rev. Charlea F. Aked and Mrs. Pele, of Philadelphia. Five i other Americans will Le chosen to ?? a** slt4 n atea. The board will be componed of an equal number of members from the : v:?:. .us r.outrai countriai i.imI irill re-1 main in I I 1 ' -, ?iholm with the tlnarcial bacKir.,.- of Mr. lord. Fuch v 1 1 er will r? aalanr, and the entire expenses of the hoar?, prolml?!' will amour,t to |.',"ni yearly, Dr, Aked announced that ho would offer '. li.s reaigaal 01 to hi? San Francisco I Lively ri:?cijs?;oiis among the mem? bers of the expedition over the methods of choosing era '.: the pernaa the elect 11 After ?. ?:. and offei ed, Choie? Ol Mr, it? adoption !? . nrg? u beeauae Mr, Ford waa the ...1 backer of the party, .lohn I> f San 1 rai 1 laeo, branded the ??a? .< con 1 ' ;?' ;? to railroad the . . thout reference to the mom said M ??? auld be con idered _ fan ? ? th? it: ted Statea LEFT PRETTY* FLIMSY CLEW But Accountant May be Traced by l.ace Trimmed (.arment. Pinkerton detective? who ara trying to locate Geargs K. C. Houghtoa la the Interest of ?orco of hi? creditors ob r an Importanl clew yesterday. It wu? h I IS 1 laes trimming?. The ..,- and ?eputv Sheriff Thomaa i VYlatei sj-o faaad u ?non Houfhtoa'a affects at the Gregorisn Hotel, were certain 'hut the 'hin_ ?a? r arara by th? ssisaiag man. the srtielea round in Hough ton's were photograph? 1 :' , . retire bellere thai 11 finals of th?? phu ? ill have the owner of ..rid thus be hhle to tract* . HOU| an expert accountant. ? a I lfth Avenue tailoi who made clothe? foi b ?, obtained a judgment f?'r $226. When Deputj Sheriff Wiaters weal to Bougfatons a feai d a?rerai suits 1 lira ?it hn-e and . arings. Bui Houfht?n left the ?.m clew, an?i that a pretty ? She s Mi*? ? Well. She's Mm-ried. lie ? .! . ' l.inuarv " , iru dowakitxk. Bernstorff Is Now Pilot of Wilson's Diplomacy M?a Move Gin Make or Break President?And He Plans to Steer Straight for Crisis to F.strange Britain. By FRANK H. SIMONDS. 'it. Tt't-aup:? m. T?i? t-i,u'.i Washington, ?Inn. 13. Garrean diplomacy believes that It in about to repeat. In Washington flip successes It achieved both at Constantinople and at ."??ofia. It is th?? new of those who are dose to Count von Hernst/.rfT and it is equnlly the viem of many who arc clos? to American official life that German diplomacy I? now on the point of embroiling the l.'nited Mates with Groat Britein ?nil Great Britain's allie??. When Count von Bernstorff has presented the Wilson sdministratlon with the victory which is incident to a German disavowal, in some satis? factory terms, of the I.usitrmia. and when German compliance with the rules r." international las? in the submarine matter is equally -ntisfartorily promised, it is expecte?! on all sides that the administration will be ? ommitted to begin at oiKe an att-a'-k upon me British blockade. S?h f? result will represen? n final triumph for th? patient per haronee of the (tem?an Ambassador. His position in the months since the war began has been pr??ttv gen??rally mi-understood. He has he-en portrayed as the bitter enemy and as the kind friend of America, pr?ciser? as the turn of affairs at the moment seamed to justify. The fact, of course, has been that at all times lie has been the (.enr?an Amha??sador lind that he has nt ai! times bet-n serving German ends. SAW I SK FOI T'MTKn 8TATKS. Karly in the war Count von Hernstorff conceived that it would be wiser to use than to antagonize the I'nitel State?. At ail times he has Used his influence again ??t the von Tirpitr. programme and the "terrible t.ess" that murdered rxeqtrals a? well as belligerent non-combatant--. This h,-ir- been represent???! ?as due to a friendship for America. Possibly that friendship may exist, bul the mam m??ti\-e \?.?-- ih? belief that too nibmnrine policy c?>uld not s,i<-cood and that it would lose b? Germany ?be ?idvaritnge might otherwise r.- derived from American policies and1 i.? liticians. Precisely as long a?? t're submarine policy seemed ?,, f.-? linking pts.g ItSS the Gorman govcrnnittr paid small heed to Herr.-toriT'- argument-; und appeals. It believed thai II COuld contpier the Rritish blor-kade directly, nnd it was impatient of all suggestion or criticism. 'I he result Wu?. ,,.. Count von RernstorfT had foreseen, that the relations between the 1'nited j State?* and Germany grew worse and w..r;-e. until the possibility of war had to be considered. Had the submarine operation continued to give promising result?-, there, is no question that Gagman*} would have eon- ! tmued to give no hearing to T.ern-tnrtT. '1 be faillira of the submarine war. however, gnvo In Mertistorff. and to those who bold his view in (H-miany. tflS first chance to obtain a real trial . for their own policy. The German Ambassador recognized clearly that the ' Wilson administration had got itself into ? situation when it had to ha-e at least a pap'-r ?indication of the principles for whi?-h it hH?l been c..n font Inn?-?! f." I????* ?*"? ?-"Inmn 4 JOSEPH JOHNSOl JERSEY RESIDE But He Answers Quei with Curses, and Photr rapher Is Shot At. ?"There doe? Joseph John.o'i. rx I'.immiaaioncr anH Chsrlel F. Murr putative candidate for Po tn * tei New York City, r?,r le in pound Break, V J.. the r??id atiswered ?he qaeatlen by Baying live? there. And he ha? a very pr hit of grour.d with a verv Tine h. on it tn tha Boroueh of Middle Just Ber?-??s the Hound Brook 1 where a little ?hooting of which rr leter took place Wedneacay nom There also live Mr?. Johnaon und two daughters, according to Boi Brook residents. When Johnson was aaked where lived he said he would not tell satisfy anv one's curiosity Al?o dd -ome tall swenrinc I' rhaps the hackers of the can data fur rostma -ter M o virar.'s pi will ba Interested t?, know that ti ree year? he bas V?een on the 1 r of the l'.orough of Middlsa .-M-- ai New ,lors4"V, and that he r pin! taxev to Tax follector Nelson (?lie? en the propertv winch his nei( bars Is Bound Brook cai! ,lohr:??i home. Also that last. September I b* ?rl a?ked Williaa? love, principal of t l'.eree Publie School, of Ka*-t Hour Brook, for a complete aet of BChe bookSi *o that her two children cou be educated at home by a prlva'e tat with books purcha?,^(l by the taspays of ?he State of New .lersev. 4 ?.interning Mr?. Johnson'? reque for a set of books for use at home, C. ('roiue, a member ot' the Board < Education of th" Borough of Middb ... : . ? '??! 'la\ : ?'Mr? Johnson wrote nskinir for t? t -. la?* September, w ?? took the r? quest up at the rsoeting ol the boai en rl y in Hctobei and uriar.imou?! \ Oted not to grant the request, a? D4 11 -t public policy, I and othe members of the board felt that th public school* of ti, ? towa wen . enough for anybody'? children. In eluding the daughtera of the es Fin | . i--loner ot N>" *? i>r,. ? | ' - JohnaOBB are aMe to t r.^-h^e ? private tutor for their ehildrea the? ought t?j be able to buj Iherr owi I.I ." "R. Smith, Reporter." Y.\ idertly that :.? what the JaBBSOBI done, for iney eagagod Mis? Dorothy Grauert, of Boochwood Ave nu?*, Boum! Brook, ;? neighbor, te ? th. n litUe girl , ? ho are arid tweh? yean old I I ?? Neu ?'? dir . ? torj Johnaoi iiami rhe I iiiiliiiu? ?l ..o paap I, t 'ii.inn . MARRY TO DAY?ITS FREF. Ten Ont Fee Wiped Ont h\ Hard Killing. "i ? -tprday it wtnild have cost von te cents to gfi married. To day you ca secura th?? ceremony for nothint When '? tl marriage rh?.t>el ?n th Municipal Boildii g I Ity (1er* Scull will tie the knot. The ?ity Father.? decided to r?mo\ p-.-. n '.he Bmallea! ebataela to th>- hup pne?? of young hearts. So Corporatioi ' ? lei Hardy hHiid?-.l down an opin ion yesterday thai it irai no lonirjc necessary to n ten c-ut Interna revenas Stamp on e?ch certitirate. Th. Internal Retrenu? ? olleetor grneiouM.' arquie?ced. MYSTERIOUS FAKER BUYS MIDVALE STEEL 'Phone Orders, with Promise ot Check. Pu-vle Wall ?Street. Hh4i the Wolf of Wall Street a dou Me, or has 'ne started to repeat hn impersonations of prominent indivtd uals over th?? t?.lephor,e'.' Tins ?Brat th?> ques-ion a?ked m brokcran? officef vesterday when a ?.varntne was issued by Biahop'? Service, of ?*h Hi "ad Street ayalnat tn? acceptance of erden to buy Midvala Steel unl'-^s ?he Identity of th? I . ; ?rai clearlj ihoam. Soin? onr Investigation fa-led to re real ?*hc he wm? kepi the m res h'i?y during rhn da-, giving order- to buy Midvala a*, the market To each rinn Vc faVS -t different name, hut iri eiu-ii en-" BSSd at. ad.iresn ifl Weal BeVOBt) second Snetft. Piral ha ??aid hi 1 I Mailers another time he was. How? ard Pierson, while other ??piers came In from ?'. w. Harri?. At tha addresses gi\ on. 4'j and M West Seventy-eeeond Siree?, it was sta?e?l that p?i-?.n? -?\ i t h theee names did not live the?-* The mysterious one. whet Selling ?:...q the name of ?em? nroniinei.r i ?i 101 *? h reference, with ti.r added ii. ormation that he ems far-warding a check r?.r ths amorii.? tier-e sor-, to ciirv v,:-i Stock. In one InStSBCS th? amount ??pecified was I' A few Stock Exchange firms who executed of t!.?. orders were letffled to cancel them. Midvaie failed to respond to the Betll ion? order? and ?bowed a ? r tha ?lav. STOP TRIFLING, SMITE MEXICO; LR.TOWILSON Let Wood with Army Avenge Slaughter. Colonel Urges. FOREIGN POLICY CALLED VOTE BID Warns That President Is Duped in America and Europe. Colonel Roone'.e!? *"re?i a breads - last nlafVit at the WllsOS polii Mexico, particular; via I of the lat? est Bsaasacrs o? American citizen? In ChihushuS The I oiorel also ?censed Fresidcnt Wilson of playing |i?.l ; ? hi? latest dealings with Germany and Austria in repart! to BUblMI ? BCl tiea. "There i? a huii'lre.l 'imm the lioatlon for interfering in Men ' there ?a? for interfering it ? i - ? | ' w ?? ? h ' ? u I ' I h ?- ' th 1 r.'f-i.'lar arm\. for thil ?til work i? no? the 'tor*, for rolui I The mai to do the |o't> ?s t.eneral Pi :. the mnn who did the i??h fine ?nape in < uba The ?tatemept a.? Inaued bj r el f.* I";, ?ter Hay folliw?. "Thi? dreadful mi'rair? la BBOrolj k" nhle outcorrie of he policies thar have been followed In Mexico for tn" lust five year? nn?l abo-e all the 1h-' t'iree year? The poliev of watchful waiting, the policy of not Interfering \? th 'bloo,| ?pilling.' the poli,-', of ??k I the South ami ?entrai American republic? to take from u? the re*tponsi lullt) tiiat we were ?oo timid to ta?te las borne its legitimi?te fruit?. Wilson Hoped h? Mexicans 'I- the past th? ('erranaiataa. wkos* Prealdenl W"i|?on ha? recouru i r.. ?i ?? forming; the government of Maiieo, hi 41, done to our peop.e just exactly thing? as th"?*? Villistaa have i.r ? e "It I? r?u> ? year ?ince ['resident W'tl aon sent Genera! Scott dosrs ' border to make a treat? with Villa. who ha?i then already eommittod out rr.goa of this kind and Outras**? rot only again?' men b'it against women. "Presidenl Wilaoa In1 permitted UlOSS different bandit faction, to ge' from ii?. or with our permis.ion, the SI with which they have I A'.'r.-np private citizens, America", Boldiera, the hu-hands an.i fit'hors of American women whom the} have out rni,'?'l. There la ? hundred tiaaee ?he flcation for interfering in Mexico thai there >' as fi^r interfering in < uba. "We ahouid have interfered ;, car? ago. We should a?"t through the reg ulur army, for this kind of police work Is not the work for volunteers. We should act with the Fame efficiency and the lime disinterestedness we showed In Cuba, and the man to do the job Is General Wood, the man who did the Job In auch tine ghape in f'uL.i "But In noting the effect of watch ful waiting in Mexico, do ..ot forget the effect in the world war of our pol Icy of being too proud to fight. The dSpatches from W'a-hing'on in!:ca"e that the presrure of me English fleet baa caused Gonaaay ;? d lasl i *o be liare i' i'i?.".:e *o carry an fir' her their submarine warfare ugtin?-* helplei paaaenger ?hips. The di patches indi? cate that, having thus been forced by I it: h r?' y to absi I prac tice of the wholeaale murder of non combataat men, aromen aim children on i ?? high ."a?, the;. '? toad to make be lleva to ahand'.n It a' President Wil* ??o'.'? r?*ejueat with, a? a bargain in re? turn, renew r i preesure by Pros leal W . .n uj.on (?rent Hrrtalr Shows Iteign of Outrage "Some of the professional German American leader? have BBBOUBCed If this were dOBS Bad 'he bargaii. earned out President WlleOn would gam the entire German-American vote. As a mattet of fact, eleven montha have gone by since President Wilson noti 4 ofitlnoetl on pa ;?? ?. rulumii fi Small Hope for Peace How the Allies will light Mid Wat by turns, how a new Western offensive is planned by Russia, how the conflict is to be waged anew over th?' "?cents ?>i old struggles, Eventually the might of men in large numbers must overcome the advantage of position. Yet the end of the Strife is still far ??If, writes Frank 11. Simonas. Author of "Th>' tin at War," in his weekly article appearing in next Sunday's Tribune. It is a comprehensive, analytical review >>i existing conditions. Veil should read it?for enjoy? ment and enlightenment. Tell your newsdealer to reserve your copy. (Stye ISmn?my ?r?lmttr / Irai ttt I a.*.t?the Truth: Nr?? ???/ ditorial> ? Advertisement*. ESCAPED TO TELL OF MEXICAN OUTRAGE. Tlv.nias B. HolmtSS ?res the only American BUT T? Vor. He is a gradu ate of the Massachuaetta Institut?? of Technology an?! a s?.n of Judge L, W. Holme . of Keene, N. II. H?ERTA'S CAREE ENDED BY DEA? Onetime dictator of Me ko Passes Away in El Paso Home. H ....... M .- - 1 ' M I-' l'ano. Tpxat. Jan 1 G?MH Victoriano Flnert?, dietate? ? t Men after tha murder of Pi Mad? i ?"??'-?.?> ' t.. ? | \ '.i,..:r: before hi? d? I -? :i? -.? ? |Q Sel ' rn l*lt-nn i ' ' .?: ighter, in Nee Y.-.rk, tfcat could no! live through t!-,e nijrht. ., ral Huerta d ' the '.?? r. He iras soi Immediate family when th? end cai Funeral arrangement? are to hi mi to morn.?. [t ia belie? ed ..i l ? .-?, i ir ??? arrang? foi ? if a burial Ifenice "I am p'ire Indian," ".a? Victoria Huerta'i 1" as! In thai lib? Benito Juares an?l Porfirio H' and nianv 4. t h e> r men who | iv? : 1 -. ? ... r. i:. Mexican historj. Unli Juares and Ria?, however iv cam?? a wealthy '.r.,1 ?riatocratic fa Instead ? ling hi? es .?, life hi p.??.ti ht- u .. ? "i ? *,. 'ri.' National Ml taiv School at Chapultepec sad a edur?ared tor official rnr-k in the mi tary service. He wa? born on Iiecei bar 23, 1864, and consequents w twenty.flvi years old when, in 181 after a 1 ' course, h? was era uated and easigned to active nervier a coa?t regiment. There for B dozen year?? hi? care was untnp.rke.l by the world, or BVI bv his own country, bemtt riven lo t> to'itir..' duties of a tost commanda 1 rtlj en .:? 1 - and part interior. Hat ? -ceded la D?tenlas Mr ?jf.-irnts. In tha latter i''?r: of that peiio. bowe? er, 1 he 1 ? on by h' 1 ???.??!_-?. .n ?ui pr? 1 liag l>ri| ... Hi ? ice? that dire? tien . ? of Pre? dent Dia i?rv? .,. : . ? . . 189 he wa? ? ? .-. Dla bad 11 read ited hi rt cor.i ind be was teco rview Dias told ?c? h? w? to All ?'ai Department, th. intimatioi h? vas ?mu? in ri ted ? ? ? , t of his owi capacity, and thai ? ta?ara of pl?c would ?i- en 1 upon hi ability t., -'ma?. a Hi leienl t tste moved Huerta to ash foi ..:. appoint menr .1 . ? graphical o1 wa granted I 1 accordingly, wer? devot? I to v.r'.e1. ? 1 m il : ?"roi., em! to end ? i i.'.aina ... it UI of the land, until ii cam? *o be ?aid Bol ,? rock 01 a tre> ? 1 he ?a? no* on rn. it probable l it be aequ red a more per ? leo I - tune. Be mad? s? of map ? and prepared a er valuiihlf- report?. All thi? great ? Dia ind the Prei ,-. ; m a ?? ? -ome of th? or'ant wor. af tl rlo? . .i-.- of 1 tratios In return ll?f*-tH wai ?. !">ai ?nd devoted ter of Dia I to 1 . i.. er M t?d it? < "iillnuril on peg? I, . BBBSSa - VILLISTA CHIEFS CAUGHT AND SHOT Almeida and Rodriguez Captured?Martial Law , in Fil Paso. RI Pa-?o. Tex.. .Inn. 13 The capture ! of ?lenerri1 load RodrigVOS, one of the nio<?t prominent ?-'? '-he Villa ?re-rerai?, by a party of 12i Americana and <~ar raiiza soldier? near Madera vas con Armed to r- .??ht by rhe Mexican onaul ate here. The Ani.'ncans ar.?i t arran-a s. > i i -,. - r ?. ?-?re commanded by Maximiane ilarnuez. The ? i sBBoaacad *hat all Ho'lriguex'g ban?i had been it m r :".?-. ?., .?? 'lindera also contained a request tor reinforce men i - ?'.?! Marejue i and his men. Genera! Almei r,i al*o was among the Rodriguen band and hud been executed, according td thess sdvicea, Rodi ? aloe Has been ordered executed by Gen? eral Gavii?ai commanding the i ;irran-a garrison b< Jupres, the eoBsulat? nounce.l. i.m.. ? had connected Rodrl guei with - ? ? ES-S? . -re. out ? ; . . ? the '?., i from which the ill fated f'ireign er? '.ver.. raK.-i .!.-,- arad the attacking party h-id booi i ommi i- I ? .. ?toyaa and i'olonels Lopes an?*l H-ltran. Report l ?rrrni/a Defeat. A me"?rtii';er ?aid to have ?rr ? ? disgurse at the home of (?eneral Tie toriano Huerta brought news of a de? feat of S,M0 t arranza troops >>?-? : day near l-.scalon by a Villa force un? der Geaersl Wenjumin Aryuniedo, one of Zapata's chitftatBS. The bjOQC men under Argumedo are ?aid to ha. e bei'n il 0?*__?*a b; General? B!anquet, I ragon ar i Agullar, formerly of L. ?*: ,r. Huei ta'? army. Negotiationa ?ere begui to-night w'th the do faC" . ei * of Mex? ico to obtain ap?ela train? with which tu bring American! ?till remaining m '-he bandit ?? , . n Mexico to the Inti raatioi i Military eucorts adequate to inaurs the ??:?? ,.i the igoea a were -? ., leated. I ifRciala of mining eompa ?4' l?g ?? at tl ? i stattta Department o: State, ordered their 1 Chihuahua : nd Durai . ira t?> the L'aited 8l .-? The ? of thtv? I la adherenl ? : Arm ad bj ad* Ico? r<. ???? H eatern I ??? (huahua. ! I ?at atate.l thai George V. Pat ?on- wa? slaiB pee ting near the Babi coi ? [I .?a- ..? thie P? tor Keane ?ai killed several ' - 11 i\ eau * ? loath arai conl 1 n 'b diapa - - Bart Kramer wa? ited :n the 1. 1 ? nir again ? the lexican? il : \rre>t v ilia Lcadera. ? and bitter feeling .. ? murder? ? ? ? .? ? -? ividi ? ? .. .-. i bong mis I ?? here. M iguel '. ' 11 er Minii ..' y Hr.- gn ?ffi : , the A 11.1 Genere I V Ma'? agrani ? si lowed by au ai.: \> |i Gn ? b, chief 'everj Ville - -? I r 1 raao will be run ou-. >.: A ?,|ua.. about . v thi : ?- before o'clock ... thor 4 t?te 1'. ? - k little I they I ' eleaaed - ? .. ? ? ?r M i'.d Jailing ? x rnts eonl ? amatamad am puce -? rataaaa 1 I.K4.\I 111 IK ?I'KIM. 44 \l I II t all ?lai - . ; AVOID MEXICAN DANGER ZONES, WILSON WARNS .Arredondo Pledges Punishment of Bandits. INTERVENE NOW. TEXAN DEMANDS Lansing. Awaiting Facts. Says Punishment Must Be Proved. Washington, Jar. If. F!i?eo Ar redondo. Amha-.-ia.ioi- Designat.? o' ?he de facto i?"verr,nient of ?faite, railed it the Stete Peparment to tiny and personally as?, ire.; .-.?ere totry Lansing tha' ?ar^anra troop. ha.i : ?sen diepntehed t?1 Weeton Ck huahua with orders ^ l II "t- cap ture all the ??and^- iv?rrerre.i in th? slaying <<{ \n?or|can ?*:ti?*??,., H< Said that r-vry t arran,? soldier ?? northern Mexico wt.iild he presne.i into service, jf necessary, to arhi?> ? thin purpose. Capture of (?erical Josh Kodr; guex, General Almeida and sever? fa other Villa chieftain? fey Carmi i v forces near Madera waa announceu to-night in dispatches from El Pas? f-o the Ktat? TVjtartment and the .Mexican Embassy. Almeida wa? shot immediately, the message t the Embassy said, and ?ranimnry ex? ecution of Rodriguez had been or? dered by General ?Ravira, command ing the garrison at Juare?. In a statement later Mr. Arre? dondo declared that the men who rheir lives had attempted to rt?a?*h their place of business r.efnre complete control of the r?gion ha?! been accomplished by the Carranza force?. He -aid that they had been given permission at their own re? quest to pass through the Carranra lines, although the Americans had been warned t<> keep out of territory In which guerilla warfare was fn pr'.gress. I ansinn See? W?BatB. Mr Arredondo went to the State Department at the close of a day de vote?! largely in <.tfl?-ial cir?-l? ? here to the Mexuan situation. President W ilson conforre?! with hecretary i.ansini?: and discussel the ?ubjer' with ?aller-;. He is undet-nf.w-id t.? bave told ?mm? of the latter that th? Chihuahua mine employes ha?! been specifically warned not to go into Mexico. Puring ?he Hay Secretary L*n?tTt? made it clear that th? T'nrted St?t-?? would ?ipcct from the d? facto gos? ernmont evideno? that th? t-urderor? had heen pualshod and that If prop?? ?t. p? were not taken an leCUS might art?? between tht? United States ?nd the ' arranta admlnlatration. Tht? statement iAat cm . .-i ir-cant of ?'-.> :---.<.rniination of ?he "? ted Stat-?? tr. ??nfiirce protection of Its citizen? in Mexico. The Secretary aided ?nether .- ??? American m MsntaS to lUtrieta "wlieea theta Is re??olu tior.ury trouble." a? te the respeesihllity of 'he Cnr government for the murder?, 8?e retary I.? declared no'nlng would be determined uritii all the fact? SM r.r hand. These, it was agreed during the conf?rent".- with '.lie President, should he Ka'hered from ev-jry r?"liahio source. l'odr.? in Bad hi? fo?-wer? war? taken yeateniay bf Maximo Marqu??. ? former Villa officer, ^ho ?turren da rod e Chihuahua ?rir.i As Madera l? more than a 1. .:. IfOd r- ,r? ?orth of C osrhuirachio. ?!.??? the Amanear? ?re I led I-le-iday, it, is b??l.ev?d h?r? i they bardlj could have heen ?sor. icra. . dispatch fo'' .... Geaeral laai KuJrigu??, Qsn V ? ! i ar. i .???.er,?l oth?r Villa ? eaptarsd'erday by Maximo Mar-iue*. th? fur '.ladera. Alm?!da ..?..-diateiy. Ko.jrigue? U a prisoner, but (?ei eral ?.aura, ta ?':e Conatlttrronaliit foreo? at Jonrox, ha? ord?r?d hi? ?jrcrnary ?* e.-ur ion." Would Send Tro?>p?. Is Congress ?Kam to-d?v Intima? in il the latest outrag? ? ?n Amer., u ? M.' was rerlatrrtod ,- r i e.v... Demo rat, atso4neti a i ,-ion to ?.utl.or./e th? send'ng of ? -, Btetoa Into hsserleaa sstsMH , property He as?.?d that M ? -houi action 'or th? pr-sa?nt, uni this ?as dun? without debate? KryreienteUve fclaydea, at fana*