Newspaper Page Text
.Xciu vjork ??ribunc > ;,, ittnA the Truth: News i iitorlaU -? advert ieemeuis VKI?>\V MM \K*. ?* ISK ?'?n??d sr.fl publhhe.? rlil. '? 1 ? ' " s??-?ti?e-> N?? Tcrt ntrorsttoe <??. I I '? '? l**"?*? ??'< *'? -.r B.-r.? Saerm ? ? ? ? ?-.,? RM ItMna ? ..:?? No ' ? \. ? eut, Hem ter?. |FT|0> R?,ri S-?By Ml ? ??" Tntt I ' ' '? ? Qssatsi ">? ? I ?*-*-? " I.....I -M asunta ? - AN - ? - ' , ? , ? ? - - O?.. ? 4 - - ,?,-.??-. 4 IM? S1NDA1 t 1,11 -, *M? si NOUI ? " - am.Hi IIS? ? ? - ?AI Ofct. 'Attf "v'v - ? -.? ? -.. - HAI... . ? ? <T '"?"T . r- ? ?. , l . T , ' . .1 ? ?? ?-?...?? . f .?s ? . ?-. '?-...-.-. ?? Ne? Te?* ?? UmbI r~>*** 4?. V?M es?* i.urrhsisc mer."hnn?iisc ndiertiscd m I 11 11 TKIRI M with absolute M?fet>?-for ?1 Maoattafa?-H in resull? in ?n? esse THF. II.1I.1M' guarantees t.? p.?*? ><??ir tnonc> ba?k ?iport rc?;i"?t. Vn red tap?-, no ?*ulb blint:. Uf mftUe gocri prnmpllv il the ad *crti"-er docs no?. Germany Faces a Second War. Aftef Um present war in F.uropo is ?-?vor there will bt :i second, a supplementary ?pry struggle will bo fol ?io ' ', ; . - ? ' I ? I ' ??' "? eaten in the fre?d or a draw ... powers *n II continue to srork together ta the Teutonic combination c<->mmercia'.'.y. and ?ill see that Germany has no chance to use her foreign trade a? a means of r?vonstnict a\% her military machine. This purpofe was announced very plain? ly- In the British House of Commons the other day by Mr. Welter Bondman, Presi? dent of the Board of Trade. The British government, ha said, is alrea<";y p.annirir an offensive and defensive campait;", against Germany :r. the Held of interna? tional trade. It is mobilizing the indus? trial energies of the United Kinpdom a*:d ?..." the colonies for the of re? stricting Germany's p ????? I ..- a i ?unpetitor after pea-fe -.?r.ihacl-les Gernnan industry gnd re'.ea.-e? the German merchsi Whether or not Gnat Britain, 1 ranee, Italy, K lasia, Belgium, PortUga and Montenegro join in a Zollvereii . Al lied diplomacy will weld Then: together a? a unit to resist any trade expansion which might inure to Germany's benefit. So far as regards sea . Germany w.:', be at an immense disad? vantage after peace is made. Mr. r.ian hints that (iren* Britain "ill close her port? to German liner-- .? a trans? atlantic trade. If 1 raiue a I the oame the German line?? hetw.?<.?->. New York and Fnrope will be hard hit I : ?if the passengers by the norther; book to and from British and French ports, while if Italian ports the Med/.errancan traff j.ra.-tically nothinjr. If the war gndl in it?:? the lot of the navigstk com pa? ries will be desperate. Imagine Germany trying to maintain a world s?-*-*. i?*o with ell ports in Europe closed, excepl those of the Scandinavian countries, Hollai < . and Turkey, and pn * ase of operations left :? . Cob ::ics and Cl Germany'-- greatest priviltege 01 I has been the .'??? bors of the nations with which she Per great trai built up throug nal faeihtjo off? Fraatsaand Italy. Sheha ightin? ?-ay t/i avoid B ? ;-;il?. line long serv? If l Ita y, her . anean tr: i - . e. ?''? ; "ho?e to ? ? Kvanderers i.n the tace of the y Germany wa tain, in the valuation she pal on the n si ?ength of her opponent! Her ? Bu1 ,...??? the Alii? ?-- il ?. has nv i. ? ? . .... -. ? fact crushing she obtain p? ac? (i will b< lostilHies ctrase before she .. exp??ct to ecover from the economic m . ?? into whi.-li she over confidently rusl c A Notional Child Labor Bill. I >ne of th? ? ,.t a bill cting ?-liil.l labor ii a ate I? gi laturo i?? t<? a?-.-?-ii?i '<? all the manufactur i ? -? t?. prot?tt i?-. i!.?' injustio of making them compete against manufact? urers of other state who may use child labor. No SU? ii Spec .? ? brought again-t tin' Kei ' a lull now before < ongrees. That would practi? cally ?hoii-h child labor ni all tat? . by excluding from interstate commerce arti? ??les manufactured by the labor of any child under fourteen years, or on which any child uii'ler fifteen had worked mon iban eight hours a ?lay. or on which any ? bild under fifteen had been ? night. This is a sweeping bill. It hs ? ? enmity. But, a- Booth !.. ngt |p sai?! regarding this bit of l?->_r4 "Two ways of looking at the child labor eul are like two ways of looking at mas? sacre." The only thing tu ?lo with it 1? to make a law broad eriousrh at.H drastic ?u-?-mgh to accomplish thu practical aboi . ishnient of this evil, an?! thru 4?? rnfor Fortunately the enlighten**- mana unis 'ne im' arrayad againel this any more than they have ban art recentlj againsl up ?" date labor lcnisl in ihc vaiious itatce. They nave ???*** i-ealite that child labor is not cheap ?t i- bad for then* as wall aa bad foi itiiliv "iiiual ? and the community, lust?* l?einp; cheap it is coatly In the Iohr: tor the man ?who hires tha children) il || mort' i"i**?<ly l'or Ihr community r* "dorn conditions Marrant. Huma ?n iiii" with econ?mica in tins "tYhrn hiuiillt??! hy ItYpresentatho l'a year thil tti<?asui-? passed ihc 11 ay a int?-<? majority. There eeema no raiaon why it ahould not have r?ii ftrong support in both hranrhes of greai thi-? year. Blackmail Under the Mann Ad Thi- Mann "white slave" acl maj may not have been the acme of reforn is hard to tec h?>\v the lecenl di*aa**?*>**er; the Departmeni of Ju l\ee that axten blackmailing operation have been ducted by rr,,t"''* i,,! al criminali who 1 taken advantage of its provisions has particnlar bearini i n thai bane, Bl mail has taken place before now ui perfectly good laws, of the wisdom which there wat no question, and undo " I] take place many times In future. I idividnala moved bj their own li or ma : ?time themselves in such unenviable r lion that blackmail became feasible, t ; re to blame rather than the law. badger frame worked under New Y state law- ? of other itatea not prenerally resulted in outcry for amendment or repeal of those laws, individual who can he blackmailed li hrand of being who cannot come into ee with clean ha? if seems idle to wi much sympathy on him. The Murphys' Inheritance. The ' -'* all tl ' Smi : , or 1 he Jonei ? with . ' I being lit ,-v.ei". l*'i* ill the Murp lyi co from? ? .. ? on? know?*, thou ' ? ?- :? .. ? adle < mail a my-' and still power! ' lei William S. Murphy, mber of 1 i at Boi Harvard University a fund of $40,000 ? deserv?:, med Murp] ? they bip; they spread, b ? Erin i hit countenam ? y be the way is neve* as M r. Mu? phy ha geni roui pttesti It -? ? ' he Smith eses ha Otht some pi-?. ? them mig , i to follow Mr. Murphy's e blish funds for the high education of all deserving Smitr Browi and Jom ? . which would con ? ? ifurpl the ; ? ? k, Vi "Legal Insanity." In England and phj ieiai i me 4 ime bet perple ociated with tl i'ti'iii ni nj. l-a British Med . ; 11 y 11 r< poi ibilil .. . ? , Di t . . Mercier. : . linitio ted: No ne' , ;i crime if , at the 4 lone. ] enti ? by ;in i ? i i ? ugh n ett< "Th? Lancet' Mr. Mi-rciei ha i way wit! ail amonj ? i ca i i tr ? ?te. ?One rmi**t suffice. It was that of a mai ? guilty of i acl ? ipboard an . . r him. i ??lar- ill" i tl Naughten cant. thii delui ion would nol ? i ate him, for he i ;.? ?.. the i it ire and i-uality of hi act, and had hi wifi .. ally done a.** I i-rain fancied h?' wo iid still I." ?.' lilt* of murder, hence ,i< con* icted. rhe injusti ?? con* ici ?c ?... ?? ?.. isti?able. t nder the ' .. rev? want of .? ponsibility a be read established, D Merci? poinl - ? it, though the 1 quality of his r*. yel "he did not a a. rong . : mu did he noa o appi i ciate which n was done, for th? ?' which he ?mag? ined n wai ? (tl I men until i ?c. ? did nol exi t; nor did he appreciate thai I illing of the child had ? ?? li?*a? ing ? tl wifi_.evei ppo nu- thai acl ion wa rt ai." i n- ., geation of the i ub?committea has i ut na yet been adopted, and judges * piaslimahlj guided itUI bj the McNaoi ten pr?c?dent iTnr?-??soiiiil?!c ai Ihfci is. Il ??lirions to reniai k thai Dr. Mercier h not met in the lasl llurly years with cast in the English courts in which a pr oner was convicted on erMeoes that f I eared to him t.? -justify acquittal on ? ground Of insanity. Extend the Water Supply. The report ?>f thief Engineer tarif the Hoard of Estimate and Apportic ment i*econimending thai tin? city sxte ih?? 1 'atskill valer supply by taking sources in the Schoharie Valley ?loe: i agre?? entirely with the viewn express by Mayor ?Mitchel before Senator BtOWl legislative coniinittec. Such extension w untpiestionably be necessary within a f? years, but the Mayor there expressed lui self as in doubt whether the work shou U authorised now, or the city should un i mil it actually needed the water. T Board of Estimate, following the bearii i it this subject scheduled for to-day, w probably settle the question once f..r a This proposed extension will cot roughly. $22t000-r900. That is :>t.,,u>o,oi less than the original est?mate for tl developmen! of Bondoul and S?ehohai watersheds to obtain i How of ? gallons daily SOOUt 114,000,000 les-, I cording t<? Pi-esklenl Strauss of tl Board of Water Supply, than such ?i"v?. opmeni would ad tally cost. The i'a.-? aqueduct is 1 sill foi a flow <?t" 500,000,01 gallons : th<- ? at ?kill supply 1 - jus! hs ;hat. The ivork proposed irould tal about eight years to complete. 1'.;? ti t?me this water could be delivered he it is estimated by Mr. Strauss that tl dty*i population vil, bava grown 10 tin this Schoharie water would be necessai in order to make up a daily allowance ? IS2 gallons a head, a small allownu? when comparad w.'ii ? bicago's ii''.* gs Ions. Philadelphia's 200 gallons or Bu ialo's 800 gallons. It" these estimates be correct! Chief l-:. er Lewis's report assuredly should l ted by th<- Board of Estimate and tl new work authorized. There seem to I other good reasons for such a cours. The new Catskill supply will enable tr city to disp? ise with mosl of the wats ?.. pump for Brookl* .- nd Queei -. thui meai ing a -a. ing ? about $1,500,000 a year. Bui 1 grows further demands foi water ?nei itably will force the authorities to re 01 i ?ore and more to pumped warer. at h ?.easing cost, so thai possibly within th period required to obtain 'his Schohari ? lie . aving from ?ii onl ii is ? I ng would be wiped ? The ty*. water does nol paj fo ii-elf. lea careful figur?n] thai iding the charge! Schohari non, it will havi ac< im ilat? d a iui plus by li,'_'0. and a con iderable Burplu by 19:..".. If it doesn't extend now, it wil ha-,e a huge plant, the Catskill a?qu<fducl ing a* half-capacitj and producini revenues the estimates regarding tbic how little likelihood of anythii g ? II , reported ?Ha? President v. can fully ?? ng the mattei ?.?c? a Am. ?Mexico Vnd h"\' mi.tiy ? ote d it we ig -?. \ eold ? ported s 1 ir*, bu will It not 1 ?.inpre? in e ? Ks ? ? p? 1 ' ?.? ?? ? . nee of the Prussian Diel ?? : -??? deathhoti ei eai ?? Speaking in Billions. ire b? ,-... ? PT accustom? ... ? . . ? . porl ... ty of ' ? ? :. , . 11,000,000,000 ? . 10. ?? - ni thei . . lapse. ? . rtainl. : ? fat? .. ??ii ??.! i-.iii " ? . ? ? ? 0 ; 1.. .,.1 . to tlG.UOO.OOO.OOO, ;., - , ?1 bill .... ti it il ??lu, ? . ? ? America's Music Bill. ? ?/'.-?. ? ' ? . ? . finding of the Na \ I re sun till il ? 1 t the wsr bill. ] .ml bellig? 1 :, gc aa thai : ? ? . . . . ? ol bat? that 1 t thai tith? ,\ . ?.. ? . ? ?. ? ? . . . . the life of a ire to-da I ? e ? -train and i ?a In scch tnu as that ?.r :l, orcl est re g th? ! ?? lingers or the ? n ra? 1 \? it I) t: . . ? ? .. ,. : ?: for tired bodi? ind worn, . The Revised National Anthem. My countr), 'th ?.; thee, \- ? ountabilitj Ktrictl] dosl prate. I and of ??or ?ghtltesi pride, I ... .i ... the - - ' tide, Dai a.'?'1 ' Let's 1 un and 1. Watchfully -.??ait. J. Sri.WAKI r>??i I-.I1I.AV. WOMEN TO VOTE ON ELECTORS Mrs. Blotch Explains tho Purpose of the .Slater Bleeckor Bill. lo tlie Kditi.r of Ih" Tribune Fair: In the Albany news in The Tribun? to day I rend that thera Is n belief that Sen later Georg* A. Slater Introduced 'he 1*111 .conferring on ??omen the right to vote foi ' Prealdentlal elector? with the object of "pro vidlng the meana for a legal battl-? In th? ?courts." Will you permit me to correct thi? | miisunderstnndlne*T The bill was Introdtic? tl I at the suggestion of tha Women's Political t'nlon with BO desir* for lawsuit* and with i no foar that lawsuits would result ?hnalil thr bill pans the Legislature. Further, although the Women's Political ?Union Is alone responsible for th* draftinj; iof tho bill and recurlng It? introduction, all ealfiage or^-ani/M'ions ?re ?it one in its sup |port. To qaotc from the -Tannery number [of "The P/oman \'otrr": "At a mans meet ling in Cooper I'nion which opened the Ittl campaign ?-ntfrn(a-i??f*< ..f Xew Tori M1 ri' ?' reoolution Indoraing this mcaaura Pre H? ?? |tial Buffrage], which they reganl Bl ar open in-f WodgB far tho winning of full BUfffUgf 1 Mr flr?t -trp toward pacing the bill ?I I te educate the Legislature to fall knowledge im* ?>? i>. this ?'nd the Women's Po? litical I niotl sent to ever?, monil."! ;? brief ?.n thr subject ?.)' Presidential Mafrage- pre? pared bj ? meaaber of the Illinois bar. This l?n>'f Is doablj strong in that it I? not. only a coavincing argument, Lui eomee from ? Mate In akicb the Legialatara has already eeaferred ': i ret4 r"' Preaideatial eleetora on women Th?? United States Conatitution del n ne the broad linea as to the i Preal . . -, . t ?Jo? ? ? . . , ? ? latea SenaU named I the Legialal ? '? U ..' Va v York, Senator U nd? .??r :1. ??..? named bj the i otei * rhe 1 ed? ral la ? .?.I, tka right of 'he Legislature l< ? le? ' Sen atora was taken away .? ??! conferred on the Ivotei ?'. the separate state In the aaau ?way the national Conatitntiofl and i.o; thi s'ri'i*,on ?!?*termities the method o" I naming Pre irlentia! electors. In Clause .' ?? Section 1 Of Aft.elc II of the united Stn'e 'Constitution H || laid down thet "each s'a:.' shall appoint [n sac! :.?aimer as the Leg!"* (ature thereof nsay dlreet" the eleetora af PreaidOBl ar.d Vlc-Prcsider.?. The righl and date real wholly ia th? Legialature, aet? ling uniler ,:.? fondamental law of tha na al government. Phe election las af the State af Sea Vori which is purely an ad el tha Leg taj down the legulatloni foi ehooaing the I lectoral f'oll.'ge. We are aaking th.' Legia? lature ?i> nmend Section 401. " del this aub ???'. i i .>-:', n ara; as i" place on ? broadi *, more democratic Presid? ni ?al .?'?Mi-. Witt *h<* abject of emphasising the i.I tha Legislature I.: er o ?.?on-?-*; ? te for memo? ???"., of Roger Foal of th? ? Yoi ar ail! shortl) in print?.I ami enl to ever; member ?if the Senate an.i A laembly. l . - :,.' in ? ? pawei |< : ? al .'Ting.', un?! ne Boifrage organi objee4 to th?-_*raerciae of thai powei : prophesy that ne-l i on. [f lat? : -Bleeeker bill will bec?m" IIARRI01 * rANTOX BLATCH. Xea i "M., .'.in. 6, 1916. A Meaningless "Victory." ? What a Tarif*.' dl ' upon the American people with note from Austria on the Ancona incident! I tria are told) Fin?? fielded to IVil on on every point, and the newepapei out atal wreath) deck the fstu ? 'on' of our Preeidi at, IThal . thai \ tria ha yielded? Slip hi wed the eel ' W.-i:. the ?' ' ?? ? ? ? dee an e: ?t to uni? com pa 'he promiai of an altered purpose' And that he I no means promieed. ?. demnil? That i?? . be ia willing at tur? -irii< ibmit the indei i r,rb; ? i commi . '? ' '?' ii -ti? '.' I? :' ? ? 1 " ?? * ?? ?'"..* ire of thi \ . il rian plei Berlin I -l onld auld n al the Pn . moment and feign life. And \>.;,e,? Aasti ? i about "humanity'* s person athei de of the eartl ? ? her her eheek v Ith an implication or malicie . eontempl \ ti aking n ia a h s? thi diplomatic triumph come to V\ ail i . re? and ? S STI Ain M. CHISHOLU i. . . ? | Improvement's Slo-v Pace. the Editor of 1 .' - il . . J i* of one the i ? ? , ? ,. eh has rrei n oui ibwa ten At this lime laat ea ? ? ; i n New York 4 was >'? ' | r Immediate retirement from of th ibo i.i<? woodei cara, ? . l Mr. H toted ( I , ?? ? .;.'!?. 11 pa pel i ? .'?.??' . ? . . . 'i ? i ? ? ? it pra ? ? ? ist one ?,l!.| C?f-' iuat< an I dang? ... : || .' p., |, again ten) W 10 j'.', Grecley Statue in City Hal] Park, re ? '? Editor of The 11 - > ? ? ? r?test ol pographi ea ' i ?on So. ,; ag it i ? ? af tha rk, l ?' P Park faring tl tnoi ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? , ... build .- h his ere pu - at . ill 1 . i ? . ?I.I lAil \ . ' ? IRDS, An ?"'?i! N , H ... l ! Ian 10, "Ignorance and Bliss. e Edit? i -. . Vi.ur a-.litoi in! I : bui . pi I ? ' : Ka ' ist be the i ho, I bar? alwa ? ? I Hut 1 cru arlad t.. kr,,? 4 'i*;?t then h ut !? ' thi d who has f ? ? gratuitou am 1 rgotten their ? /nomen. [1 the 1 t 1 ? . 1 - *.. thera-in ? ?: 1 . ant - ':'. : "? alias a I as? I band' to lap 1 1 ? I ? "'.pi 1 , ' ,? ? . lea having found sud* a pure diaaaoi .. Al.It _ 1.1:1.1.1: I New York, Jan. in, Urlf, STILL PLENTY OF ROOM. A NATION'S SOUL. Without ?. outage and Sacrifice It Must Infallibly Perish?Do Honor, Faith and Freedom .is Mu? h to Ls as to Britain. France and Belgium? ?Cotton and Margins Not Our Only Interest. : i bune. Sir: '- r ??" from the bru appreciating the worth of things intangible, 4,;' values other thai. ? ?? creature comfort1 :.-.: . .::??.tioD. psessures agree 'o which a people devot? ? ? intangibles. The basis of this apprc . ,1 is unselfishness, s willinpne-?^ I i u-c? orao of tho eatlrx ar:?l the warmth ?or ..;. ??? srt, ? ??'?' 1 erete .... n of ehsi ty, ] ? ? rvlee at ?1 thi i ty. ex) to cowardice, the quality .. . rr,?n and -he grfatest foe to tire :.? on. The eivllizing influence o Chi tis tj '..a- been due to the 1 eh is s mpl ? :. e is maud * \. si eivillsatic eh sffects the world a? <? rsther ths sa? I of I he nation of which .' is composed, national unsell ?es ? "ii mor;? important than ?>>. ? || ihness. i- wi ntirel) attributable to the the nationi t.? apply the Golden ; . ? ??. then ?>?'? ? i hi i Iflsh '?> rman Junkers sought by wai to increase then v r?a!rh ?uni power, .?* ?i ?i"-??ii the national si? their ? i ths ; ? ans to mplisl tto ca? bo : ot .? ? chland liber ?? '??' limit - app ? ... bad. i:-? 'a :l ? ? ? i? i,:. ?. people more, pei hape, ?? ? aluc of c"..'.. non*.or urime.iiHr,. unsslfishnes within the country make? it extraordinary ?: ,- it ? .. utterly ha\c- fail???! t.? prsc? ? . ? ? '.I, -, oil i -i ? er of? d ?? ?dual un i rhc spirit ? rvic? . ? til ise a ? | , fighting 1 - ? ' iier und? : - ? - ? ? ? ? ledge ? ? oing of life and lei th, h rai e< I i i tortured soul and look ? . ? ? er fat and ei . ng asid ? . ... new and loftiei ? ..),,? en Germany ling h< , by aelf-eacrii r? .el.? I ' ' nobler demo her only reeomp? . r* defeat i . ? .?r,-,i ,, ? ... ? : ?'?'... . r ? . ? leal ? - . . ? . ? . war; ? ?? i ? ? ??? blood on ? ? . ? . . ,. -, . terneti? . ' , ? . ? ?? -, | ? ? b? ' ' ? n at the I ? to war Bui ? cell to the i..I. t.. th . .-i, ? hat we, too . I ????Uni;-- to :..-! ' se a p; ft ? nd ?>ur warmth for th? gn si ble . our government tun. : i car. ' . of i-ur cotton, the D crVeting of o ' onceen. i be 1 ?anlag of "Ai First." the motto, M? j i- dieve thai ' ?' ?re then a demand for national -elti-hnr that ?.- Germanise ooraelvtn, R.SI that WO must r,-. tmorlca up in emulation ?,t the virtues of StbOf na ? ? ' t sui pai ?es them r" It mean tl a to the mgib m or" exif r than to th? ? .-?; ..nd tl ?\in ?hat Am?rica must by I he made Hi I .'i greetnees of loul, not dep * ? and that si? our power must t dedicated primarily to -he ?enrice o* mai kit-id, to the practice of the Golden Ru tl ?? .. Ighi WS pro |?ilj ' ? ' ? ed States hai bes ora than ar?y oft? ha-? believed in idealism. We first de.-noi itrated the feasibility of modera ?.ornocrac and showed that, however imperfectly wen.a bave worked it out. none the less it cot.tart mor" than ?n-, ether fonr. of goverr.rnent th ip| less for the people.4 of th ? prided ourselves on ou ? I II srsal education whir '??. to take into our melting pot th Id arid to remake them ir.t We bars proved ths sincerity o liberty by war with r.ngland, I, >??? I ??? ?r and b; with i*?p;.ii when w Her! ? h endangered. Bes those ? ... to-day exercise the moat corrupt ng influen?ee among ui the Bryana, th Heersta and their like dare not speak ex cep- in the form or phrase? of ideali>rr 3ho '. they diseur.! their sycophancy an Pecksniffism end preach aloud the selfish ness of their bearti they would be hoote froi ' ? tsg? Bui now, wl ils sil "ne res! sf ti-.e arorld i growing poorer, we are gt t ng richer ,''-. ??i??? an practi ing self-denial' re are givini ?? ?? - '? ? dugenee. The dungs our rt we bei ?me cul '?m- * that ? . our luxuri? s. ? we I ? ? ? deullsm which alor. si existence. It it higl to show thai we are not oeeomir? rate, fat a- l cowardly. The natioi ,.,.(14 ,, pro? o that ?he love of liberty ears terly and absolutely re tratioi .? ??''., \\ !? ll . d ? ' ect 1 itrs intangih ? - .- till have i ! - ?. ? , . pei la will ? ;.leeda ind ell eouttl ".. s ill be p] ?ed and wi ' die if ore cont? nl ... .... ? . IS s to I I -, ?? ?rtj... i B? Is im. We muet ha-.. . i ? .- ai d high - ii the < age for their sekc to ?. ?:??? i nai.- ?? We i ? prov? thai our meltii | , hat m- Ited and thai the pro-G? n i ? - ? . ;?., of Impur | which rather i around its ip BENJAMl> ?\PTHOBP GOULD, N. ? .. r ?? I, 1911 Oh?rap Lunch Rooms fol Workers, I : ; ", ? i great | . ._- rls, . -p>- ? ivenue ?? end Fifth '? Streel Of eourse, th re and t-.'a room- by the eai ,- from -:'." r?> |?0 i "??'-. th? ? era a Id dreams, for there oi iag for ! -- ??.?? cents ;?. ii.i leaet, There are two oi is, to he sure, where one can g I s .m?-., for 21 tx ? . bul the ?? : to impossible to net the ru?.; : i -,-(-.. : a i very poorly crooked. Une can always reaort to 4 landwieh. a su) co ;. chocolate aad perhaps .? piece ol eako or a doughnut, but tl at ia not enough r?. keep one in condition t?> ".or?, well, and h-, the middle of ths afternoon eue i nom oui i.- the a ?? . i ?I public ?vei toi to think ??? hat a -. quest ??:. ? Is to hui h ed who nor,, hard ei?ht or more nours a I sy and who n? id th.- beef and most nour ishnij? food " J. S|, T. ?NfA York. Jan. V. 191-1. FOR A SECOND TERM Mr. Wilson's Policies All Directed Toward Compelling- Re-election. Editor 4 . * Tribune. i Mr. H n ia o\ econd ten i altoget --g thai the haz? ? . ? ?which he ha-- thrown over ? . ' v - ?or. Fine w?,rii- butter no par?rii* - drt'ams may be of the stu : 'vorld. I>oe? Mr. W.'.sor accept '?? In national affairs Mr. Will ? characteristics that are aalte irrecencttabk they have been ex?-;ci-. I :..?'?? sense of time--. Around ur.har' Pre?ider.* ha.*? drawn *he s I of I autocratie will, treating a iU-eult latat-a* tional problem with th* Incon-. >? of a r.o* ov*rprsc*ic? ?-... ? m boss's that warnings ar.d nd%:c?' sr.d thr have come from competer- ta - ? ?im unchanged. Ti.?? shlpp Bg i also draara from lie, W la > -"is. r' ftrmneea that border- ala eat on abatiaaap. Ol the other hand, iesues like i aasaa sof fraga and natlem ? ' fcav? ioaed a complete oven*.!-1 t change of It is trae that the Preeideat fouac seeming.y on th?? mpopu'iir side of [ueatlona. but again there ii *> r*!"' ?unce to read into such aeroh^ ? ?.??????? the familiar eataaarka of tl I iry po! tician, II Is not given to ? IWeOaVi to be now firm and now Sekla SSCepI at ? cost of what we know a?- character Isea explanation assui ? | f only to sen ; i i? .? af tue internet! ?es?ae* are airead beginning t Ir. wl , : rork, which ii ttla quence per se, ?nd aver I - ? ?:' grave moment. To-day the I 'mid* ai i, poaitioi thai ia more thr unfortunate, w* ha ? gasa i one nation and the con*? .? - af aeaty ?mat nation in all the beaaiepkeree. H. ? tory pro'" ii gt?re laag life to tarn Bttoraaaas * tai t .i- being 11 ?_??' ? ,,ier" and the n? toe proud te ? ? . . been kil ad li M< ' ?" '' he high a? ? ' sei ton "' ' thOB4 'ear to lovera a I ' sas *** about ii ? ?- ? ' "'" ol i <!*"*"' ? | ? ? '* d0*' its cifi/en- . ? . I I V*** ??.:ob to keep ofl . heir i -i."r. aaj . '?'? oat ? OS *n1' Ptrei ternational '? ?' aamJ .1" em aeoualjr? -1 * the political waten ? Mr. V ie in auch 1 ! .*;. IV I . quest ?on soon - ' de ici ag ol ' ?U t thi ? in? * \ ? ? ? ? " - .''"?' ? obvious e* ? -tvTI ;'IHCf"'*!1>h'fs<'" ''* ?'. ? ' . * ?. tenia *r,V?/ te certa * h ** h?' matie are at ??i "'ta? p. rian the tneona. the P ' ** -, ' ' that haa be? in . ??, eounti rhich no othi ? ?I, Mi ? imM ? ,;'-U0 the part of th? preseni 1 '; '.^.r HOWARD OOss\*ame Merriat-awau H? J. lam, ?, 191**