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ffie Conning Tower THAI <?! M RM l ru im RAO, 11? l | II l>V?\ ll'.MNf, Bl RLI1-! i like to nasXt- yea. yea!?1 lik?> to hear ?Iibiub?c of a bif braai band. ?. Aig ajifje trombone, |/.??..?. 0/ slide trombont I nd the saxophone [Bus. of aarop?one] go granel. p.jt 1 wan? to b? ?^aira] utility? I vfar.i to trv That baby-CTJ r^v'*o/ ^H ?3rV-l '? ?sr-ntl ? ' rattli [Bus. of and the castanet, [Bas. of CASstonei] syjgt to bang the tom-tom [Bus, 0/ torn tow] and Uto tgmbourette [Bus. of tambourette] ; n'anttojr' engt -'?.gle [B?/.e. of triangle] ; Cot a caper the old Band-paper [Bus. of sand-paper] ; Mg! ? ighbells [Bug. 0/ -?'' ?'.'-;ir,7s 1 and those ?,->?. -rjfj eygek ' ? ' : Btta? 0/ tfWp] about a million timea; that thunder-sheet [Bu?, of thunder shet t] ; i)Qh : ol the old glasearas!. [?Bas. 0/ pltus ? . ? ? ?o on?yes. go on ? i yes, pro on? na musical jag! a symphonical souse ' ' ?'? ropr] Richard S luant to play?hooray !? . And &? ility -s if McLougl 1 Bundy into the s-porr teur standing is one Among the pleasantest ai d Mr. William M. - Wright ?t Ditson in San Francisco, -.v * - for tl m here; an I Mr. ?'an M r. Frederick N ? - York he . ? capitalize his y the uam?' m , ring I .??? or' lid come ' I ard of him it' he hadn't Leon a tennis l ers. "I'm soi 1 y," I ??'?- ha1 e to 1 ? ? I* athletic ] 1 ng. he lose his . ? a 78 at Pin? in pr..-e ? ? TO OUR ADVERTISERS, are fine ami bi . lain or ventury : we jusl got in last ni^ht : - . 'm Century. K i/n/t s\ ' (wyest for Jctf/ny rjowfi your bctt?t"?> //>o</<lhrLJ /> ?i *-u6?>?*-- neteSooA ./-></ u fount'oinpen f'ifedrvith waferprCcf <rfr\7 eke terny iw>t the t?ma fe* fte wcier, f/te ru??rr 1 ' Of Sr'rtfchintf on ?idea fnfo ubouf ifiree porajfrn^a. AiT ,AC M/S. 2 a : a;. .?-,.. - . ? . - I ? I ? .- ? ??? lb<XM a . a - g ?,. ? ? ~ ,....-. ... . Waal it? ? 1 . ? 44 ? 1 ?. m 1 inj*; n hotel we have wond H i why BO many ?* ? ist be that ev? like Ed How?', ? goes to a hotel and i5? wall treated he turns . -ne room. "Bui if the clerk is snippy," um." KNEW IT WAS SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I '? complaint that I didn't prive your ('?? s ??'????? : orning. My Tribuneisnt delivered later l am downstairs in my I ? ? ? then the Ad Visor te hai puh (Wish he'd hurry; I need a new pair of ggs carta ? less Interesting the rids to New Vori-. Wife hollers if t ta a My apology accept? d! I.. 1. ? ..MM I II B >?''?' ven Marion Harlan?*., "has charms that those it cannot un?deratand.H So- at least contrihs < ?INTUIHS I HAVF. MET RoBCRi ( . B?ni in at. ?? altar wight, so young ar ?i witt>. forth, lie its a little ditty. ai I'm spilling rot for F. P. \.. Bir. other?. / have got something to r-ay. sir. ? jn;r?"ii the contribar.d (Oh day so sorry!) d, thought Mai?, was Morris. heard ] I ?'?'? I ' r "v0r reckoned If the peak!) ? : ? cond. . Though I met Contrib Kate Norn-?, . ? one y?f So hi Ip me, Mawi 1 ???? ?? this little lay that H might -'name her, ?'?.. . -. I'd like to say thai I donl blame her.) Moaaia v '? ays in hi? Bt Louis Poat-Dispatch column WB when an i is ;t y in Witter ty, yo ?>. .... |j?Vt ?ftrfl4je#(j) |lath its mysteriee, 1 lu?? !? ^ates .Ma Kayo, the Mag-tyM Marvel. r- P? A? DANCE DEBUT FOR MISS LINCOLN Mother Entertains for D?butante at the New Colony Club. QUESTS ARRIVE FROM DINNER PARTIES Frticli Pity, "Son Homme.?' Will B? Given To-nlgtll at Airs. W. K \ anuerhill's Home. ' ' ow? ? neola, jr. Kave a din* *!"' : dancing, la?t nigh! at ??? Vt- rann tat bei debutante ' '"? M M.aryanna l.incoli. I he I mod a- small table?, which \?.?re decorated with spring flow? ers. Additional ?-nest? rum,, in for the " ik. many or" them comini- from other ?urner prntic?. One of tho?(. parti? waa given by Mr?. Adrmn H at the I ' ' ib for her larafa l.arkin. Another Ire. Fdward W. Packard Ladies v.ncx of the Metr?poli tai ' b fOr her daughter, Mi- s M .-'.'i Urs. Lia . r-icar? at dinner In all .- Paulina Baeoa, Miss Kath 1',* I'. . ions, Miss Mn?le leme I ?. ? Misi Mar ? I>ln?more, Miaa ( re Lee, Miaa Annette Markoe, ? ? ? . - *? ,ma da Eli! abeth Howard, M M ? ? ? " Mis? ,u?-'oH. Miaa ,iul;n Zabriakie, Miaa Kn natta Davis, ?nr.e? \a nthrop, Maunaell Croaby, Geraldyn Redmond, Jamea L Bank?. 1 BO, Frandl Woorl. Drayton Burrill, jr., Richard Imane, William Carson, H. Thornton P. Richard Emmet, it. Reginald Living ?-tor.. v. ?u ng ?Camphell W .."-tcward. Clermont Barnewell, William H. Ta -. '. orga de Vean an?? G t4>n '?', ? r h \ ?ted foT ? Ml M H"-, Cil iri'fi? C. Pell, Mr. nnd ? .? S. Hardy, Ml ira. V , Mr. and Mori '?' ' ; ? - . ter, V s? tloadley. Miss !i??ne [arpare! K iiapp, M Ig '?? ? i de Vea John re, M I ??-... French, ? Maude Kahn. Miss ' ' Miss ? ? ? ? I ? | ... ? g Millei Wat on Em 1 1 raylor. ? " Hei-k, ir , Mai halt, Edward I.? ' Id a Kg, ! ? '? I ,.'.... arrange ? , ? ? ? ??.??ir or ? ran eai I about The igden i ' reel ? ' ? guest ? nnera pn ? : i .nnor ? an ?-. Mr. and n . Wesl ? ? I ? Ilov;, ? i, jr. at the 1 ? Mi (?eorge I \ : Cathi ? I Bradley, Miss L Mai iret Hender? on, Mis Lois .?? ? arli Pyli peter, H ? | I ind Albert ? Miss Rosalie ?op pave a dim ...... pr par? ? ? ? in? ? ? und L. 1 ? D ?? . . kar Mt ? Vot* i Mari? I ? -\ idrey ? . ' . larga ? dp Pardei ?' Eliaa _ Mr and Mra. J laua ? el ermei ? am th Street, 1 ave an ? ? ... Kathei ne H .-? Pean a, i l*re" I il. I. a. .',f. rei lence of M ri V. i ?m K. Fifth v n Homme" , . '. .- i re? ?? Bi evening ... ambulance Ho . ... thoae who vrMl give lent are u" ird Webb, Mr-. Ha ? Fair field Oaborn, ? i s tus Rupert!, Mr?. I ! Bal Mra. 1 da ard " Robert Hue, Mr-.. I ? ? Mr-- Edward ': a - A i D. Stifl-?!)'. Mr. and Mra. Howard Mar.ip Harte? i ? studio reception o* ? ?? il, al theii home, 9 th Street Mrs. AH ' lerbilt ra, Atlant i for a ??? ? dsys. ?.. ."...' ?i irty for thirty en itui lay ? . Tl ?. " ' ?. Amor** H ?n the Cryst ... ':.;/<???? rheii ?The ncx' of the Biltmore Morning I on 1 ? ? morn tea all) plai i ? .*-? ?. ? .?? i Ludia i ii nil a ?11 be heard Mr and Mr? C. Oliver Iselin left the r Waal the] will remaii about two e going '" Aiken ?o i I i ? J ?etembliei 'will tuatr placa to-night ?*. ? MISS MAHY.WN.X LINCOLN. Debutante pri.I ??' dan?se ?given by her mother st the \*ew Colony Club. RARE CHINA ART FOR SAL A V\ Bahl < ollertmn 1 ?? He llitper?? i!?-^ii?i,iiiii an Jamil? ?> 17. v. i:-?- regarded by compete j udgeg ?i - .. r? lai kable col ? ? ?. ?I ? ?, formed by v. liii'ir, aha aras born in Bhangl nrirl who lived there eontinuously f ? ?- ..- ; ed en eahibitl tmeriean Art ??; ection is to be ?i nn the afternoona of Monds ruesdav and Wednesday, Januar-, I 1? m i 19, in ;-. . , g | Bal r ?es i attenl on to t ii ? i ?lvchroi vorj inul bol a . n ? eh, he ?.a\ . to who . ? erial com HOSPITAL'POSTS FOR WOMEN M, D.' Charities Commissioner King' burs \dJs rhree to Cumber? land Streel staff. A : - ? . : !.?r women no '. ; SSt? r.luy, *vh? King burj a point? l three ?vom? | | -.ani i I'm, es -ii"1 m? mbt-rs of tl medic ' It :? th? Brat tima in New Voi irved. "It i I in in the pi - ,?? ?red D Corn? ' S' i...? Bi.... .,.'..,.. -i, ? ....... 11 point a en aro given 1 ty 1 ?I ? ? ? ? ..." Dr. Brant ?ill ? .ml) II: , ,;. I. Line% s "-'?'?' m \ ? Brooklyn, we ? hr. .1. Huble ? department of - rgei OH **ar? in,i.i.- a? Di H. ? Uli n, of tha ?.? ? "I am . . glad to ha?, p had th oppo i ..... . ? ? -A r. m ?? ri p -1 ;. ?'of our ruh lie hoi p tal ." ' er 1 njrsbur said '.4 . ? ? ' iow Mi?- th? Ural itej i at been ta ?? tri?t the custon tabliahed gradually in Ne Y..rk. Personally, 1 kaou of Ktvera ???: physicians arhe wouldgivi on H ho.?.pita! i?fa!f. I my advisory cm tte? has succeede? .- but m opening the portal of th?. hospital to women physicians oi ?asi? with men, the mar; ?I or ?pent mi thit propositioi I ??.?:i given In \am." a'1 of rhe Cumber lnnii SI reel Hosplts ta of twenty thre? doctora, in plu?.- of flfty res ig itiona ?eel a re ?i ]f-.rp.l si.nin tima hk<> l>y the ( ommis ? ? MISS BRASI.AU IN RECITAI Young Contraita Singt Brahms an?: Schubert al A(seliaa Hull Of the younger ?inger? of ths Met ropolitan Opera I ompeny there : i who p. ? es a more beautiful voles than Mis? Sophie Hratlau, the youns ? ilto, who tea-, ?? hei Bret, recital last night in Aeolian Hall not .i little aronder? lira -?.ail has not been ?t ths ra ? ?? Important i irts, umi a Saturday nighl appear -, - ? ? s ir.??;!'.t M i'i leomed bj believe ir. tai . however, is ? nta*p??rienced t-inger. an?) SO !i ..'''? n BOS been foncii to enter rho Bold of 'or.? re ,.- her ?.apac.tir-?. Breslau* voi?ts i- u ri-al eon* trait... .. ..? of the few real contraltos .,.??? :?r.!i{" !.. fore '*'is public. Her ..f : :;ut a ? ye! produced as easilv e Blight '?? I ' ?' ' "--?eS a tant unevenness of timbre, but . .i ?'. . ? . and atter.t-on She hai i?' pros the material for ? ? ef the - it v that sh? vet " '? i Of ?irtii r. tinging, tern pe? ma? ? ..- and ?' lirahnis ui.'l Schubert there an eaeies of nuance whiel sha did nai 1 diaplaj leal ghl '-..'. is al . h? r ? "? ring was an Intereating on?- an.i "i i? which gave rich hope for the future. n? erected enth',i?ia-? ???rally by a lar??;?? audience ami over ? i ??i * .th Sowera. I_i, t - ?., I. among ? ,.? other number?. Hand v .???. ??; ? ' Hrah"' ?'? | ' snd a gTOUf I : : . ? an songs. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "The Cinderella Man" to Replace "Bunny" at the Hudson. After all, if erill not he ir*?-?? \ ? reaent a composite progi ? ? \ ?? ? rheatn ? ? t? at the Sh iberti tl of K?-i| Gap" would contr house, eourilprl with Morosro's an ? ? i derel i I ould p?isci'-?ion on Mondav. ruade it air. . ?it.?? as '.hough m ?-h an arrangement would be neeei Kiry. BO thl Harris estate waa < onsidering plans for the enlargement ? if the theal i ar, ai i eement ? a? rra .<? :.?r<lay that MH .. bad earned the deeiaion. "The Cinderella Man," eonacejuently, Will begin to ca ?? the Hudson ? ? ? ' the Fulton, The brunl of il." argument aril] be home bj "Bonny," which will burroa ?i to ? ha earth ? r Satui anca Woi 'i ' an : b?' roit tbrv F. E. Wadewortfa ' . ting play.? with a view to re? turning to tl Lawranee D'Orsay and his anti-Gar Man aeeent '?'?ill he ieea and heard, reapectively, in the new Wintei Garden ahow, "Our Mrs. M aem i . ip ?ta hundredth performant*! at rhe I yesterday a*' Odette Myrtil, who alaga "Hello, Frisco" in a dosei 'rood and tanas ii the Ziegfeld "Midnight Prolle,"' ha? been engaged for the show now being >i hearsed to succeed the present edu ci.tional entertainment. Alfred Butt has acquired the Krig'ish rij ! tS to "Alone at," but he is i \ pected to make ? eoneoaaion te f.elings of the British public by ehang .r g the ?cene from t ? I II gfraU tO Moat Blai ? B:l!ie Burke nill attend her own ftrat right at the Knickerbocker .Saturday night. Rose Winter ami H. E Herbert have been added to the cast of "?'?: : I V ornan." t. H, Sethirrn's ?easor. at th? B ?' Theatre will suffer an fntermiai a month or 10 beginning the end of next week, and Mr Sothern will take advantage of the hiatus to pr-U' l new play .n Boston and Pbiladelph a. "David Garriek" will continue until ??? 22d, and upon his return to New York Mr. Sothern will display "The Ugly Pe?ante," by Sebauno Lop? The Americaa Academy of Dra i Arts Will glva Itl aecoad matinee of the season at the Lyceum on January tX. The programme will include "The Waldies," a ?Tour-act eomedj j. Batalla, and "The Pro and l a one-ael play by (??Ttrude Jcnr. A carbon copy of "Hobaon'a ( hole*" is being uigar...' . . parpoaea. ?? #-??? POPE BLESSES BRIDAL PAIR Nend? ( unie Message to Miss ("race tourtney and P. J. Nemlng. A cable meaaaga af | from ? :. sediet ?V brougbl Joy to Miss Grace ?Carroll Courtney and Philip Jo? seph Fleming at their aredding yester? day morning in St. James's I'ro ?ral. Jay and Chapel streets, ? McDoaaell per formed ? remony. The bride was a grea* fa'..?rite of her grandmother, the late Marchioness MeLaughlia. who was highly ha by the let? P :? BI I II 1 who mad?* a" siall to Rome l reeeiv? >r title from the P< bi -r n recognition of her mthro] Long [- II ' -1 ? raeent death ? I marcl ? - ? ? ' H ??' young i ipla atU tided Iks a ddlag, T. R.'S MOTTO FOR BOYS' CLUB "Never Be Neutral Be tweeii Right and Wrong" To Be Youngsters' ?uide. $8,0,53 CONTRIBUTE) IN DAY'S CAMPAIGN Total. $65,286.50 McAneny. (iuest at luncheon. Praises Association's Crusade. Theodore KooBovelt leak time yes? terday to aelect a motto for the Boya* Club Associa? ?on. 'I he boy Imme dlately adopted it. and iritbin a rV.v days a banner across the wall of their rlubroom will blaze forth this Colo-, nel's selection "Never bo neutral between righ*. arid ?vrong.'' "I most heartily wish you ell suc? cess in youi campaign for the exten iton end endowment ? Boya' Club Aaaoeial on" wrote Colonel Itooa? ? to Joseph i'. Day, chairman el ?cams committee for raising *,r. rday. "Vou could have i . motte foi !l ? saaoclation than 'Never be neutral between righ* and \?rong.'" When ths applause thst greeted ths i .??? itge s< I ?? '. ?? ? heon in headquartrs hid eeaaed, Mr, Day called on the captains, who report.-.1 contri? butions for tho day totalling $8,063. Add.d to the I67.233.15-0 already coliect ed, the grard tot?! ?o ?la'?: nmounts (???orge IteAneny vai the | aknr of 11 igrs llated i I asso? ciation for i's ?" . | ,io lomethlng for 'he New .ork boy P.utli St. Denis, who ?.tirre.i hundreds ? ' East ? <l<* boy; Wednesday r ?.t,ht u> - degre? of envj by dancing ex clusively with one of their ?--.? ?i??.t er, will rive a | ? r i ? ?? es Su ly rheatre I ed Sha- *n, her g trtner, her ?naembli of Cali - .? girl? and bei group of H:.r!:i eesistunts srtll inaro ?he programme. K\ ths luncheon yesterday 0, it. Ilar reported that his '.'am had ??? contribution- total ea H Lee, captain of t'-.e team which works among the b club, han.led In .*?'.. Thn r from the boys w,i ; received with great ? ? Among the largest eontri i oi ? re .* i n e lasl 1 our.? were: Percy Pyni E. Mi. . Edward R - .' I' Morgan k ? 'o . J28? '? 100; l- ? .- " Bush, I \ the Lincheon ? 259 OLD PICTURES TO GO < alleetloa ??f Bags Releiager Ordered Sold by Kxe-cutort. There ?*?as ?.laced on view vi.?*i rdav morning at the American Art the late Hugo I'- lit gi -'? c?.l lection of 269 picture- t.-, foreign ai.d American mustert, which arc to n.> soid h ? ' BIS I E K :rbv by d;r irort. . ? ?esday and B'edn? ids enings, January i * und 19, ;n the grand >?i? 11 r???? rii of th PI? . ? ' iav evening ? ? ted h.elude Bel Branga i Ca in, ' has?, I 'era -, Diaz, Dupre, Fries? ke, Uel ardt, Ba? den, Harpigl ? I, M,i--rt ii-. Homer. L'Hermitte, Mar;-.. Ma ;?.???. Mi'let, Mo net, Munkacay, Murphy, I'eiinoii, Ken brandt, Renoir, Sande-Bakhuyaai tow, La 1 o V\ augh. H'eir. Wl 11 ? ? I is I li'. A collection i ? .- engraving? ... . eries. to I oi Jai irj ' fhia coller ? from ni. e ? art belong . ibeth B. I.f. \, o' : \\ V. PAOI print in 1 ? - ?lu bel." Of the old r ere an even Mdegrevera, thr Penes, two D?rers include I ? Jerome."* "The Mad? .... Monkey." ?nd tl e D< '." "D si r? I Ha"" .:? I "The Bearded Man in a Furred ' an" air among the Kem brandta Sho? n There are Harri'..' , , litho ' graph? bj Pen ? ' \N KM. \?.KMKNT. Mr. and Mrs, William C. Smith, of 2'.u Convent Avenue, announced yes terday th? engagement of their ?laugh tor, Mias Helen Smith, to Ralph Fam I, eon of M i and Mr?. W II iam re. 1 - of Bridgeport, Conn. Miaa Smith is a tea l ? ?. *nown ;,. !' ?? burgh Phil." Her father owns the Indiai ?p. Ii ? and I leaver ba ? ? ? teama Mr Farrell la a i ephew <>'" .lani.'s A. Fai rell, pn the United State Steel ? orporation. WHAT IS GOING ON T.J-DA?. a ? \l'..? ? .. ? . , I | ?... , ? I a \ . . a. 14 . I .-.-..? . / a 4 f \\ . ? a ;.??.- 4 ? .. ? . . . ? . ? . ? I l -?? , r - - il a. ra. ..... . . ? ?? ? I rtlel - ??-... . ? \ ? I of Um ttaaam ? D'-Dtv-r?';- Ctaa it ?-. 4 . ? Km. Enat 1 mm ea 1 !>? ?? ? St I . ' Dm :..-.?' . I :. - M-' U I ??? - ? ? ? . ,, ? ?. ulea at t hi ? ?. , i H Ml i . . - . p m. - - , ? "A ; ?.-??- - 1 ?I * - r ra a . . v?. . T ? M a la ?1-4 ?a || . ' ? .?'.;.? I 4 ? ? Sem ? ? i ' ? \ ? -4 t > I , , v ?. ! a . ? 4 ? I?- > Hi ? ? ? - ? '. ? ?' a . . ,,.... ? I I ? 4 -??- Pi --, | ?? . ; ^ - STRAUSS AT PHILH?RMC Miss Msivella (raft ( apa ETenlng I male from Salome. An all Kirhard BtraUM program Somewhat of a novelty, yet this is eisely what ?he Philharmonic <)rch tried las', night to the apparent | uro of a large audience. As ?he "Alps" symphony is hel somewhere in Europa by unfeeling tal COasora, the progrumme was s what different than had been origi planned. The prelude to "(aunt BBOd the evening, followed by "I and Transfiguration" and "He'd' ben." Last of all came the fnal "Siti?me," sung by Marcella tl Needleaa to state, this last was event, of the evening. From last night's hearing rt abundantly evident that "Salom? essentially a work for the theatre not for a young woman in eve dreaa standing T;*?f??ro an orrhe Mm? Marcella * raft, an Amen though new to New York, diapiaye the middle and upper register? a \ "?' rery prettj timbre, which di peared entirely in the lower; but it not a voice capable of coping with volume "f sound which Mr. St rar evoked from hrs orchestra Vet singer poaaeaaed mach temperam and, given a better chance to n els hi'atd, might have acqui alf finely. M8alom?\" however, is an opera wl apparently cannot be divorced from eatre without losing much of ha ion for being. Within the walli ' proscenium arch. -??? f rtb by see* and protrided With all the a<*compi ing Btmoaphero of lrghring Bad turning, it becomes a compelling if later ami horrible work; given witl the?e accessories it gourds ragua intangible. Given as it should be gi it la probably a work of greater gei than either of the two symphonic po which preceded it, but It dni -? - ? so last night. -1-? WORLD REBUILDING WOMEN'S B?RDE thief Task Will Fall to An? ita, Declares Lady Aberdeen. i i ? -'.. Washington. Jan. It, Reconstruct ? women of the world, follow the war In Europe, and citi:e- lb p the wives of aliens were discussed ? - isiena at the National Coaadl Women to-day. Lady Aberdeen, gu of honor of the council and presnh of the International Council of Wo en. has awakened unusual interest . . proa -ions on reeon.'tn lion, and places almost the entire b' <!?>n u; . - , ? ?,-irh 'hose of t United States bearing 'he larger ?ha illlty. Ellen ?peneei Huaaey, honora dean of the Washington College La.? an?l chairman of the legislatr committee of the National Cour..-.. Women, would have laws BBacted permit women to retain therr citir.e ah p after marrying foreigners, s urgid that the council pass a resoluti askii i Congreai to a -.m ? such a law ?' ? ? KaU \\ all? r Barrett, | rt - :> ggBBt Bd tu th?. worn delegate itt ag tne business me ng at Raleig thii morning tl ointment of a worn -i of immigration for i u; pleasant the wc ner of Immigration Ins;.. S Work for ??? "men f lowing ? ' Kurope, Laay Ab. deeri s.u.;- 'Thinking women of t set l lelvea about pi foi thi. ta-?4 ef leeenetraetti ion, unhampere?) by the fi rid men, and posse*>*e? al clarity of \-iioii and simplicity ef p? ? ? a. must fI the splendid opportunity of buildn - ipon a sure a stable foundation." ! n: . \ , ..?? r, a i again ;?> day f the bel I -?? who missed veste meaaaga of t ill tain and Ire'.si : now meetin ? The n esBBge "The National ?'ouncil of tireat Br . . ? giad <>f an oppo runity of sending by the of tl ter nal . | i lident a message th? r r !-hrih,'u!:i<'?s t.. the women America fot the help they have given t.) Kurope in her ho' of need. Especially are they gratet" for ail that has been done to rolle? the cruel sufferings of the Belgn people and for the noble work done I ttaei can ??'?omen a.- auraea ar ? ? ?ai The work i the *? Red I roea his call? linlveraal admiration, and we ai *o think how much of its exce | BB *o the devotion of Arne? can women." ??? .* meeting held la the bailrooi ? ' the Raleigh to night the subject c "Iran rra ? paramount. Lad Aberdeen preaided The Commlaaione General of Immigration, Mr. Caa nett ' ? -?'i on "Immigration from a bI Viesrpjalnt." Ter.-minut - .I made by John Barre?! -ier. of New York, an - av - ? BOWERY'S BENEFACTOR DIE! William Smyer, Pioneer Host foi llnmeleas W llian Smyer, who was ?aid *o havi ? to start a Bower; "tise, more than forty-fiv? years ago, died yesterday, in his eigh n the home of Dr, Frederic! ?', I? Avenue. Williamsburg He was burn in Gel and m earlj \ truggli ?? I with povert] caused I ni "o s*ar* a lodging house fot - 4. IL- a so wai 01 ? Of the ? irt a food Uni B * ? II ' derelleta from starve I a bachelor. will LAM \. MACT. A '1h -,. *. ? ? ? . -rune, secre the Hoboken Land and Improve. npany, died at h rrae? Montclair, yesterday Ison, N. Y He went to Hobokei ? ? . , of ??,-<* and took up emplov ' ? Hobokl :. I.?a- i :. provemen ? ompany as a clerk. Mr . . ii Coi a number ol u . a io as collectoi b ih ip of Wee f the ( ? ? DAI m WESTFALL. ' Y . J .all I ? Havi.I tltis cit] ".. J . urea miles r'ror: | ? ? ,, wnere !,?? ha?! yea 1*8, ar.d where he ha?! daily rea i lue Trihue for seventy? reara. M \ father, \\ilhe!mus farm in l'or' Jervi? ? ? the Delaware A Hudson Canal Company, on which >? the ?.r a tl a city*. He Bad a daugh'rr \l l KANDEI w\ M \< DONALD, Pnfnam. f'or.r .:?..-. It A'-nander laedonald, ve'eran editor ef Putnam Patriot" ar.?i one of ?-? ders of "The Scientific American," died at hii home here to-day. He -va? horn in Quebec, ?"anada, J j i y I. 1->22. and was probably one of the oldest prln? era and sdltOSS In the <-<,?;? try, HS *a? "at the caae" almost COattaueoSif fro.n the age ?if ten to slaoty years. He re tirej real > ?ars ago. DR. JOflAI SVtKTT. ?Br T-ifig-iph la TU? Tf-nnaial Winsted, Conn., Jan 13 - Dr. Josiah Swett, Sixty, a leading phv?ir:an of i.iten leid County, and for many year? eoronr's merdrsl examiner for New Hartford and Rarkham?ted, .lied from pneumonia at his home, in New i!a ford, ' il? leUTSO hs wife and three SOUS, two nf ?horn are [?r. Paul i* .-?wet?, af Hartford, end Walter A Swett, ,-? laeryer, of 2',-t Broadway, San York. a MKS. IKlWAKD DR CM MOND. ?f :>*t'*;*> ?., T? M ...? l Greenwich, Conn., Jan. 11 Klira. beth Newel] Drumnond. w.fe of Best ? ard Drummond, a member af the New V'ork SttStgfc Exchai ge, di?sd here this morning of pneumonia. dha -?a? ?hir'y tve years o'd and the daughter )' Mr and Mr?. Albert H. Newel!, n' S'|7 Ynrk l !;? f-vo her. M r?. brothers, A J. New?'!, n' Fh iari?!nhia, and A. N. Newel!, of Spring- '. " ? ? MRS. LOUH J. Al BRFY. ? M Oreenv ,rh, Corn , Jan. 13 Follow. ing a short illness from pneumonia, after an ooeratior for appendidtia, Mi1., R ?.-h Aubrey. ?? ? ? I Aubrey, of ?lit n ng, I "t died " - morning, Her body will be the home of I "f ta'.her, former Police ? Mener William r burial on Sund?-* as\ s. COOK. - . -. H.-trtford, Conn., Jan. 13. Aaa I ?he Asa C Cool ? ? and sna of the oldest ?>? .?.anu'sC'irrri in <*onnecti eut, died this aften ni from pneu r-reloped from grip. He leaves four children. -? ? I KM FAT D. < ARPFNTFR Toledo, Oh"-,. .Far IS. C.erre-n P Carpenter, tixtv-clx, attorney sad ? of Brand WhItloek, tmcriean Mlniater to Kelgium. ia dead here H tens a graduate - vanity of Miel g u a I dui ? ? rainlstrattea of Fri>| rji ? Air' : ? is -? .-r'-'^ry af ?l e Americ is Leg -?e-. Dr Stewart's Funeial To-Day Funeral ser-. ?,-.?? fee Di A. M. Stew art, IT.. P.. the editor of The Seottisn -.*... .? eai "who d sd si Brett i H ? '?? ? :? -? la . ? i ?- ? ? i aftei soon at 3 o'clock, in rl,. y ftk Avenue I're in Church, arith the Rev Dr J. H Jowett officiating. Tiie pal'S.-arers will be Walter Scott, Boyal Damit, ?irier Seottiah Ciena: Wii:iam SI is a ? George loath '?' rrti i, Jr., of the St, And. rw'a ty: Fraaci? Dykes. ? ? ? Scottish Socii ty ,.? -, and John MaeLean and Dr. Jo!-n Law, ef the Caledonian ( !uh. DIKD. MarieG Sheffield, '.er-rge. Drummond, E. N. Stewart A M Inalee, Eliza - i, Themas F. Knap, Sophia D. ley B, ' A. Watson. Arli'ne Schieffelin, MaryJ. Wheeler, A ? La. OS PRIT8CB At her residence. It West tth st. Januar?.- 12, ?Casts G bert, arid n af Chevalier Hugo d? Frltieh. late A-is?nan ? onsu Nee Vork. and daughter of the latf I V Jan?..'? Thtvig 1J SI : A'-.r.s M G Fttneral Friday morning, January 14 a? Lady Chapel of St. Pat? ik Cathedral, al 10 s'eloch [I flower? be ?aal DBUMMOND>-, of pneumonia at .? ? rich, ? ena?, January IS, i Ne-a-ell, wtfe of Bow ard Drummond, aged II years Fu nerai services Chi ? I hureh, Greenwich, Saturday, January 15. at ermeat private. Aur, s will meet tram lea-. ? rs C< tnil depot lO '"'? ?? Mas? . INSLEE At the residence ? f Her ? ? Mr-. -leases r Mi n ??range, N J . on Js ?liter of i ? fnalee and Mrs. A. Bat! ? 1 uneral ? th? Broadway Tabernacle, lapel, en trs '? . Friday, JS I I, at J p. in. Prlei is ar? -.4. . ? ti kindlj omit flow? 1 KNAP '?n Wcdnesdav, Janusrv If, ?91". a? her late residence, ? stsl On-HudSOn. Sophie Day, Wife of Jo seph M Kr.ap. Fu?era. .r1s. aftei ? MAC? Passed away, at his re ?'.de ne? S Prospect Terrace. M ???-'?- N J on January tl, 1MB, William A Mac) 1? Mlth year. Funeral ser lires wili be bold from Trini? v irch, corner of Tttl and Wash-ng ton ste., lloboken. N J., on Saturday. January 1"?. at 1 p m Si RIEPFELIIC Mary Jay. widow ef u || am Benrj r and .laugh tar . ; - te J ?bn Jay, on Tbura ?lay, Januars IS, a* her hesM Stuyresant Squar? I -eral ?et-irire? will be hel 1 at s* George'a l on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. SEABI BY Ob Tueettay, Januar teil, of pneu >. 1 '? ne Loutae. daughter af Its Alexander a? I 1 iiry. Funeral s.?rvi?--? at her residence, 411 Grai ?! a. , Brook lay, Januarj I '?. ?>' S ?SO p ? K s lly omit Be SHEFFIELD '..?orge. in New York, on January F?.', so:. 0' ?.?orge St. Johr. ? (Re?d and the late Mary "--tewar Held i -*:'.d y?-ar. Funeral ? - il the ri Idenee of W. ?\ w Stewart. No. 1 Waal : ?.re N ?rth, Saturday, llth II ? 10 a. m. BTEWABT On la-;arv !J. Bt eh a .?-... s* Brettoi Ba I, (?*-?-.?.?. ? a.- and ??'?-?' A. M . irt, l.l. D . editoi ai i ; roprletor 1 I \- ei eaa Fa 1 ? leea at '? o'clock p -::, Pi lay, el Fifi Avenue Preabytei ?t. an,I Fifth av , Dr 1 H ' officiating. N ?' v. he conveyed to M - ? I a- ?*..*)6 p m . 1 ttii papera 1 BYKES At Ptalnfleld, N. J . m Thun Janasry IS, 1916, I ? . 101 ? ? l the la;.- Rev Charlea L Syl at hia la Street, Plaintiel i. S I on al . Jaauary 16, at 2 priv?te. WABBE! ' ? lanuai . , ige. Lu Ri-, iw of M..r* ren. Funeral at r lal i n Brooklj ??? on setu | WATS"', it her late residence, s .January 12, Itl? I w.dow of George t ??.,ilor of F. E Holm? ?< 8 i \Ve?t iL'.vh St re.?-, B?tarde] .n?t., at i is ? u BEELEB I ?? ? a I I " ? * at i ii il ? tl ? : ' ' un- i ' v . . I AI l ? 1 ?? late Ira B '?'? let . ?..ral K ? ?' ? ? ? I MM I Ml - III! tffOODI %? N ? FMKTr.RT. ratter , s ? ?- ?. aate I omet. I? gam ISS Bl. H T.