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Big Men Predict for thta ePOfl*rv the graateat -rar of pt-oep-critv :n its bistorv. YwJf b.wnrtl ???? *irw mk1 <*'era*n<i ?acreatied banking facilitiea. Unre reacmtxetA, P^rt-a**-*"** oleran i ration and onr ?Wity to me-ct ronr banking reqoiremriita AT \! I IIMES, ?rT N.'c-? r**?1???1* -or your con ?Mcrat;on of the inpenor banking irrnce offered bv this Company. -*>-r4?r_i-t*-T f4M*kv.-*r^4-??>? Metropolitan Trust Company of the City of N-sw York George C Van Tn-f. Jr? rVtwknt 49 Wall aStreot ?0V7) SALES O.V THE STOCK EXCHANGE lin nSDAY. JANVARY l?, 1P16. in bond? en the Ne?- York Stock KTrhanjn? lnur-.da> aiioun4e.l to Tsaaa-daat V& **? Wadaasday. IMIIaMI a a-aok if nnd ||Jtl,tM ?^ rreasJaaaarj I to dota, ?UIMM ?minst $20.212.000 in 1915. Mil ? ? rir si?_ -0VEBNMEN1 BONDI. ?-?_.?' i. -ne* a ? , . ... ?;. . .- a*,? ? , ?IS I ?" I I mmmar?.*it ?Of" -r-l 4H 14H ??*'" ?'?I -*eyV?i?Vi*44' I MSB 1* . ??. ' -. ". two "* *4TNlCa'AL BONDS . ? __ II** -a- > Y C a? ISO* ?^y* t?*-*? *?????,?..? J.? lili- i I?.-4 *?* iit ** ?????' ?I I * ?4-, ..., ?4 a ?- A' Kl.i A C dit 4a . . Mat*-?!-.?. Ki 4a : -; ?, T do tax ?! .?a 1, ?a Ml i as-ai M.044 . V. ..a.. I.l(b'. 4? I.C0!? . OOaa ?t *. 1. s? 4,00? . ""M f|J?. It". 14 144-4 lirT m lue*! ...... r at L ir : HH'M h .? raataa-a Is I L. .??*_vi'*.-' ? ?**? F__ fa 444 4e a- 4Wa ?1.000 40,000 . ,...1"1 $:*?, 1 son la ! ?? IT"4? ,041.) . I?!-, l-*?'b lw of N J .?? 11V MM. ?? Hj 1*1 S7T-I-I "??aav. S? l-U 111! 1,040 .I4-4 HI? as? t 4lta ' IS.-M ..a-,., ?**? M I Ko ? Waal lai la MM ,.4. 4...a '"H Ml "?" be "?i 1 l?4) ' ''. ' * '?l?. ?a 1 . II.? --0 ' do ?*? la -ffl loni IOCS \ot? ..v._.... "?a ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?ta 4a RI? A Oilf Hi? R41LWU Av ' 1.1.1. ANEots. I Mft ; ?*, s i'i"i 'ru ttkrS. WU' _ 1;*? do a f 4H. Co ctla WL****** u, iiisr'ma iM' ??"? ???*? lie's ? ** ..1 ? ? CkU? 1 -y-*?- *a !>*? am- ??<?- ?? J&iiii uM ".NO UN ?i*? f? ??-on '00 ?a _ 131W _i ar Ci-?*" -*"" ,*_, ^. . Tlt It4- w ! ? V v ., Ce- ?.M -I 6a Kai 1 . ... **W.^:**l. ? a"" Ta. Il IM r-*4 ^^^^^ ;"! Mkau?i?l Vmi ?? 4 rets !I?._t '?? I* lit M M r * ?r'?**? etf? 4 O'"? . .3 1 ?? ra f *e- .... '? ' ? ?met la 1 0*0 .... 1 ??."o .. -, S T\? ?. ?? ? .' ? ? 44 4 - ., t 4. ?M -I . * ? . IOC" ? ? ? . ?4a, , - s rea a '? rftj 4a . .. I - .\ i( t. - ? < '? . - . - 1 . I ?a: t? ? 1,.? " ?awn. A >_ *4%a S rirni ??at', a. Tll'taa fa ? 114 -a-.. W V l'.r Kreie t, ?"^1 10 ?00 61 a'ajrirfal 1.400 ' 4l?a <lr< rfs 4? Tt O? ?-?.'a ?' ji iiO'i ?I St V M a M 4Hl a? : 444 Biff ttfjt l.i|?S .4.. 4.404 .'<'* lit; So 4? Mccra-.? atl ?4V_ 1.000 ....... fSS ? 4"i Baa j a A t k 441: I.OM . 14 IJ44 ... ..... ?-? Bar. KrtuT ? N f II t? I 444 .....11114 Bel Val a N t 4a *?1-?i f?> s: T.444 If?, A 1, 4? it* l.*0'l ?3c rfa 4a 4 444 I 000 : 000 15 "4l ? - l( ? I? 4 1I?0S 104 . H.. 4V?a :. rw .. -r LJ fJ ' ?? - m !? " a 1" iae'ia ir? -ag m '? ' > ?a*-; a".' ta I.4M0 .... i?? ?**?*r 10.00' .. _ t.f.},i s?or ?C"1 . *m ?JJJJJJJJJJJl 4V*I ."? * '? -. ' 4 ' ? ft : ?ut "a 101H ?- a-,. ?- 4? a IM4 . ? ? a ? a? ? - - um . . I 4? . ^SSM - lia 4. ?-.. * \ ?_ *_________?! * li ... It 44 M A . ...... 4a aar B - . 4 rtha? 4 H M. ?*\ --. >?: .10m .144 -a-^ ???"ai . . 1 ! t ?a 1.300 _ *. ?.0C0 ?v ji:** . -i""' L-*. ??? '-H Mr? ?o l'ac ..n:s ..i? -4* -iir1? :??. .UTt? i 000 .. ".1 00'* ?. "1 ? " 4 0*1 ?- ?M d-? <-*. 44 - 4 444 ran 4* 00?- . - do rff 4a I 000 lO.SOO kjVJB_ ? tar- haal tl N ?- "I ?? * ?' ? ,..l?*?l a VaSaj? 4H. I ' e Mi _L ^^??^??^??^?H.._ _______________ 10.004 ? I ?? l-'V, lit lo-ee ......;:::i?t ..n do rt. ISa -00 *-^^^H 4 '00 . ?41 I '1.4(4 . t? da 44 10J4 4**4 li i- rf? ?Hi _ 14?, Sauthar R? "?a ?... I .100 a ?" ?So I. 9 SHa H of <!?D ...... ?*; ?r> 4| ?t? M r *'ii 4 I '.* t?oo .,... . ;sm lSoP'i SSHl"* * ? a 4M i djl 4k ? 00* . Bm .;?. re t neaa ?*?? 1? ?0??l f.004 .?_, f5H Traaa .??*-. " -a '? *?? -'. ' '? . *S"> I -. **' ; - .. MM -'. 4? Par. F Tai- 4? "?? | . 1.441 '-1 K .___ ml do 4a ISn - f 000 S.-'O _.\_. T5H Tnaa Co i?*t S? K . i".aa T T. tf A * "I pi ?, TMrt a? r"f 4a rl.-3-OO . 1444 1 K T N I I I IS ? ?le sdl 4s 1 -*-? .-**- II . '?'? "M ? f. * **" ?a !1? ? ? "-"a 10* II ?-?, UN mi .* a ?a - - M 4'4? l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,__^ a t I a_ * 000 ;-}V, ' ?--,'* ? ?.- y '1 . ..t :? ^^^^^^SSSSSSSSS?] ^mm Ml t? '.' 4a 41 nu A I 'a I "? 0i tot U ta ?t-Jm s : r ?? ? ? ?? .? ceo 4 im? IM ? i*-" ^__ ? 1 Y I'l 4"',? tttt . '. ? . ma ??.0?4 -' . N Y V. A ? . <?,. - ?r N 10 c* --?*?4 Vo- A W -r? 4'{4 4* ta. r_ 4a -?; ?. 1.0OB ft)*? . ?" , ??? ?a aa-ai?_ * '? " Vis. ".-.?? -?? in? Tr ("o^H^ 3d m r M - w ? ? ? m ? ? M ? -??. 4Ha ... : ?? - ??" ?X * A.'- ?, ?a_LQ ?? * i ?* ?. Il - - 1 . **-4 SI ? ? 19 ?t. ^ i. C on? . ? f?? _. y ? 4? _.... ?,? ? < i? -4 4? " ?! ?? ia MM - ? Fa Tr ??..-'? I-?a 1 ?^'tral 4a .<? | -?? S "' 4. . -_^_i -*-?"* ?*?-? ,!*'?? '?? ' ' K- B* *' ,M*.?om . ii? ? :i?-a -j-, iv-a Cesfl * ?* 4. ai". -? T'a '4- 4? ' . -a-, M <!? ?? - . ? . 1 ?OS TV'.v | -r lit 4. 4. 0 ' ??:) '-? ?' 4? - ???4, On r*a 4? :,9 I t" 000 r.'-a. . r>oi ?'-, 1*1 nv. rf 8 F 4 .'.?4" - 0 * . "? ? I ? ' ;??*-'; bba? f* ? : ? ! I.4M . ?a?, r s nttai a ? *a . .-, ?>? 11 ??? ' ..... < ^^^ a no.-. M -'. Va < sr Cl an la -? . :.'-* ? '?"""*_ ; a ne ? Vtrr'la Tl- '. in-, % 444 **'? ? 000 . s.*'? lat '? ?IS 10? n?H -.i'? ? "?? . ?la. i *. ? . '??. ?-??'. 0?0 So M 'a '" a-a: "?80 "* O r T?rm 'a' 4? 10 ?in I '* dn Ontral TV -"? n1 sefl .... s ???4 r Tw M 4. T? r ?4J4 n**. ?-? I.'-a r*! 4a ?"0*1 - "f r ? -. *"r la :.***~> -, " ;jj? ???-, ? n M ? '. I I .'??"' \ r 4Hi ? '/.?s? "it*'? ?4 a ? r,rn* . ->r W R K * V 4a S '? :?i* 1000 Ontario F?-?? 4SV4, ' 00? . Pa-" '--aat -v? ors ? c' ?. '? r??*tf t * f 4" ____________? ..,.. *" IV?-'-?. t?*v r,? F-t-ws - *l 1 ? ? lia ? ? ? ? Vers, il 1"' 1^ Val Tai la ?? m L! AMT. 000 ^.-.-.>- r <?. ?? ?*?; ??" \T^-.- M'. ?? -.?, , '(IV. . -? W?*".' f- ' - T-' <"?? a*T-?i' * 4M "' W'""- -*-'* '* ?a "?0 ? ?4 W,-( ^r.nrl? 4? rat*"-??' - a- 1 . l.-", ??.-.?;*4?-'4?,. a t;?. 1? ??a II ?* 5S* 4H? "^_^^^^^^^^^^^ ??OVTRVMENT BONDS. Ye-terdav. WerlnesilaT. Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. si'-, 2e reg 1 *>?"<". .. _?. 2s roup 1{4"!*,. ' " 3s re* ?18... 3a coup 1"*18. Ar reg 1925. . 99 .101'? .top; 10''" |S( 4* reg lazo.H'" - ??? . 4a roup 1925...110 I '- ? 090 **"?' * IM 10: ,2sP?n "Mrer. g "?- * n w au ,,T** :' ? ' *?<l ?* 4. 2s Tiari aM reg. PB ? W,U* ?? .,..?," 2s Pan '?I reg.lOlH ?NN^ii 1?H 'V " a ..-, a. ?l*a L 1 e ?a t?V "OOS IM ts Pan'Calroup.lom 99*4 99 101"?4 lOli: li"9*i no 98 98 10m 10m l' SJRADE FIGURES W FULL OF FLAWS B?s'?-* .Men's Report Assails Commerce Department. NAfe?! M ****asmataa? ' ? ths foreign com ^.?"""' *f I?? PHoral Te . 7' -? srea ?re ?orthlees, ((t,,,,, ' * WpSfl of a ?.pedal ??'?ha National ChamW??! * - , ? "Hrt w.-l be pre etlng of the ? Pehruarj I BUtll latelv ,.."," ?? the Department of ere fur from M *?;.... . ' ' "III MM a Inaccurate r experts to ite -?-tuna??* -? ? of fom ? ,. ' * . . iffleient ' anuf.c ?nd othera FS ... i t.ite.l lati ? . ?re *?'???.?, ? ?? port add?. v??^r- ?-.'?" Hurra** . ' simares foi the f.!-?-nl year precedinp the war. our ei port? were $_',f?00,n0O,f?0i.? in round n.irn r.ers," the rcporr .-.a>?. "Tin-? estim?t? falls far abort of the artual volume o our exporte. Under the obsolete mets oda und?'r which our custom hou?. officials are obliged to obtain their dat; relating ?o exports, many valuable car got-? leave our ports without record' being taken in our rtatistics of ex port-. I he latter are -.till compile? under the law of 1R21. which ?in framed at a time when present condi . tions {T?,vernirig communication an? I trUUSSOrtatiOS of men-handi"-? ?ere no' ? dreamed of." The i-hief cause of inaccuracy lies ir the fact that In large port? Btatistiei are compiled mainly from sntriei i ,e by itiii.orter?, without proper revisiOB by Federal appraisers and ether ex? perts Serioue d?Bcreuancitss have beca ; ahewn, according to th?- eommittee. Ihr ??uggestron Is mad" that a quar? terly statement of Imports and export-? Hhouing countries of origin and of ?les tination, rtSBSCtivOfa might be pub liahed In such form as to give this in? formation for each article now ?tatf-.l by -.-?-Krepatc value in the monthly pub Ii? at i?m. Byron W. Holt, of New Y?.rk. uim1 N. I. Stone, of BrtM kl\ !.. ar fa? or of this plan, and A. fr. Douglas, of St. Louis, and M. < Rort.v. of New York, have not been convinced of the advents?? of iseumf- hurt a publiea ' ?on. 1 ba connu ttc? el '?'" eh Mr. Douglas is chairtiiaii. containa a num ber of ?the/ remciul sufBcst.un?. TOPICS OF DAY I IN WALL STREET Mexican Situation a Drag Oil Smelters and Mex? ican Petroleum. INTERVENTION NOT CONSIDERED I.IKF.l.Y Public Holds On to IM Stocks. Despite Trailers' Effort* to Force Soiling. ThOOfh the latc-t mnrde.- of Ameri? cans in Molleo and ths lltUOtlOn creat? ed by It SrerO partly Tr.?nunsib'a for ?he lonjj ??tretehes of ?lulnesa in yes- ? terday*B market, Senator i.iii'n rose-? Iu1 " authorising arrred intervention, like ?ha* of his r-ilUac-ue ot- the ?lay he fore, had no Immediate c-Vct on trad-j inj-. In ,he dries towi.r.l the close! Mexican Petroleum ard Smelters were. pointr of ireakneee, snd they wer?? rln-? pled out for |?-.<?< ial attack, B ?thou* ? doubt, hera-iso the Mexican situation, ecrnbir-or. frith their renk nvirk-: post* tion to make them peculiarly vulner? able. Hut upon tl.o list, as 11 whole, atter had eoflsperatlvely little lnflurnci'. In Wall Street expressed that the admin? latration's policy of watchful -An.tinsr. ' which tin? Interpreted ? > mean Inaction . at any prieta, would i.e. retained as long1 a? Mr. Wilson wni ?President. PnMIc Holds On to Storks. Aa a trader pointed out yerterdav, then '9 mete reason r.ow te SXpoet a reaction to follow c':ns?lc tradition than ; there was last cummer, when *.? often attempts to Solidify the market, nosi-I tlon were Ineffective. Now th? d.rec tior. of the trading is to a large extent In tho har.ds o' ?he professionals. Then there was such a great publie pressure to buy stocks, even to climb for them, that what llqnidation could ha forced was instantaneously absorbed and the professionals were discouraged from entering into commitment*? for the ehort BSeeUUt. Heurtions of .?-l-e ?ii,l not occur then becauss they couldn't occur. And for that ronsnr. ?tocks often rosa buoyantly on morn than one occa alon when, l'or the sal:o of a str<*nj**, broad market, they ough* to haw been declining. To a cnn-idcrahle exten* the public ;s Interfering with a reac? tion now. Huttres?-??d by Its lar.-e w!; nings of the summer and fail, and (fiver, new hope by the renascence of war order t-tories, it hangs on like grin death to i's industrial specialties, ".Marched l'p a Hill snd Then" Of th? three conspicuous ?torks that n.ade new high records m the early trading not one was tu show a gain at the close. ? n ian American Sugar, w'n?ch rouch?ii 17,*, ended at 17J4. v.irh a loss of 4 of a Mint lr. ?piration Copper, m'-er 47T?, closed 4 ? point lower. United r-ta'es Inctustrial Alcohol, which teas ti.e meteor of the day, got as high as 186S, only to er.d at ISSH, where it waa a full point lower than Wednesdsjr*s last figure. l'entrai Has Bos? Hay. lid not take particular'.?: aggres? sive I .yr.g to set..! New York (entrai tip to 111*4 in the morning. There seemed to be a scarcity '.". the market I ..? Iy of the atock, notwithstanding thai tl ' one of the International la? sues which must still be held in con? siderable amounts abroad and which must have made a considerable Item in *' ?? shipment or' securities that airive,? here on Wednesday. But in the after? noon all that waa chan^?d. I'?. 110\i the soiling was mod?rate, but 4,100 shares changed hands a* thai pri?e. A rapid descent to U0 r'.-.loa...l. from which tier?? waa a rally ?o 110**. 1:. the latl selling movement, however, it ,ieci.:..-,; to 109 ?. '1 '.." ra Ij to 110 ? ' ? doss left the stock j'l r tj er.iied on Wedns \*>r??i4'rn Traders Cut Off. , ? storm raging ?r. the Wrs:. and about t?. n, ceno upon thii city, played havoc with telegraph ?vires, and many 1 ?us? ? ?? ??? eltog? thcr cut off from their ? hlcagO .'?.rtospondents. How mtich bo ;r,r ?-. thai actually cal all rroni the marke! muai be 1er! to eon? lecture, but thai 11 waa an even more Importam factor in reducing the day'? total t ? an ai lions to .. little i lore than 600,000 share than ths caution aroused ? Mexican eituaticn can hardly be doubted, it view of the prominent po? sition Western speculators havi m rupied in the market ?luring recent weeks. l'o '?hen.. II may he recalled, wan attributed the first heavy .-? ,* thai brought about ths reaction of tills week. In Wall Street go lip an in. canny shrewdness 1s credited to the West i peculators. They are talked of as though they were . ?, many pre ternsturallj ici il ? barometers, with an unfa . ng .t markel atmos? phere But thei their cai <? it may . that "dis tance 1 to ths view. ' Hank of England ?.ain? Cold. There ws una usl interest y?sstcrdsy -.:, thi Banh of i ngland'a showing or an iner? si e of n? ?? ?? $1.000,000 it? it i gold hold ri i pril for the reason thut ? the lirai report iu b. made niter sterling i xehangS liH.l risen hi . to ;? poinl ?here gold importa from England were unprofitable. W ith in a month Kngland hr.d had to export aboul 166,000,0 0 0 ol gold, beeauee of advene exchanges. Of 'hat amount (44,000,000 cama to thii eountry. The question was raised yesterday;- How long would It tak" the Hank of Eng? land t ? pile tip a gold reserve as largS as ?-he had last year at this time a ? im larger by lf.9,000.000 than was re? ported yesterdai f Enptlend were re . from the necessity of sendii : gold h?re ?m.! ?He continued to n , -,,., onth the South -.frleae output 000. ?.?lessing .-tout Steel Dividend. What the Stee! directors will do ?bout the dividend, when they meet or. the 25th of this month, Is .?omething that no two persons are agreed upon. After Judgs Gary's famous statement | was given t?> ths world thers wore ome ominous predictions that tha_ r. . , ,,.,;? p,-i annum rate BO trenerally expected -vor1.1 not be realised, Three per cent. ?I i BS said, a s mors Mu' if thers were sn) guesses then . ... ... ||(j , . , ,'? -, id? I d a? all ?. ,i , ,.,, . the- d d . >.' gui? wide eireulatioi While stocka stare hreak ?ng badly in th- earli deys ol this week, however, soma p?senle had the t,?,,., ritj to declare thai " was quite within the bound- <'f por-'" '? '' '' ?i e S'eel directora might plead the ne ees itv for granting a wage luereas ? as an sxeuss tor paeeing the dividend SUtrS again Hut th. re aie ver. f? paeplc who believe that. The d | al ,. ...i,; .. o betwieen ?ho-.? wl ?> look ?'or an annual rate of I per cent and then who ar<? confident that the fall .. i? , eent will be paid. To offie' the p? ' ' ' ? ??' '' so aajr dii .],.?,i | ? ??!? from thia January ! . . . , who think it ?- ? ?liable that th? re will l not only the It per cent rate I entra disbursement, tin? latter to up part of the lo?? sustained by holdera In ltl|, Hut they, too, a -.inaii minority, I'ltlabiirgh ? oal's III? Mend? I he beat luid arhetn?? ?' mle men gang aft a rl?-y, Imt there I son tO MttSVS thai within a for there ?ill be snnouneed ? doll 'gfTo for paying off th?. hi-ck divi on I'ittahurgh ?'oal preferred ? There ha*, o been many plans b It is one thing, however, to nn plan and another ??? curry It tht Hut when B rompanv il atilnrlnn an IsO.diKl.nOil merger little obs are not allowed to Mud long ? ??ii The accrued d'vlderula on burgh ?'oal preferr- ?I amount to 1 cent, which flg-uros out. Ill,?140,8 ths outstanding shsse Testeras company's -ttorV ? wet-? eonapicu strengt th?? preferred selling i 111%, aliare it slioiv.-.l a train <> pointu, aiul the SSmmOfl using to ??lore th?? net gain U'SS ft-l poiutl the close the resUOCtiVS gains wr? gad I ra points. ? COMPANY TO CHANGE Na \merian Coal Troducts Will It* the Barr-rtt CoSBBJBBy. \ sprnal meeting ef stockhs ?rf the American Coal Products pany is pehodolod ?OI ?li.iiunr;, i! tv-14? pur pass of changing the **?-??" toe BSITStt ?'??inpany. throu? th chango of stock. William H, I ; presidOBl of the former concern p| ?tied tho proposed changa as ? has b?rome ImpMSSed B] ?fl ill of the company that tie increased goodwill <?f -l??: Be M i ..fact'rri'ig ? omueny I no value ... the stoeh of American ?oal Produttts Company, ?... r o fur* that su. h sd? ? i " done In the name of t.? Barrett M fnc-turing Company, and the BUbli (Te'iernl does n<>*. realise th;?' all stock ?.;' 'he Harret; Manufaeta Company ?a owned by tho Am??i i . 1 Products ?^ompany." Mr. Child? said the changing ' of th? Coal Tro luc*S ?"/?rnpui. 'he Barrett company would aave siderahle exnenfe The plan lnr! the dlsootutloil of several BBUSld corporations, assets will tunred into the Harre't non > r . COTTON EASES OF ON POOR SUPPOI Possibility of Cold Weather South Saving Crop Seen in tli?* Decline. 'i h? eottoa market eaaed off yes dSy in.?1er moderst? selling, which t est generally attributed to seattei Wall Street oi local ! liquidation. Tl was little crmnge in the general cl BCtST of the news, and the declines fleotrd s'i absence of supp?t- r?' than any aggressi? e pressure, close was bar.'ly steady a' pia.-'u, th? " iWeSt ! ??? : ' of tl e da . v. ?th ir -1.'?*??. ng a Bri !',??? of from ? to ponts. Liverpool -?as relatively steady the houi ?.f ths local opening. K price? here were >', points high? I ' points lower, wi'h old ?'top positl showing the advances. Reports ateady Southern spot markets lute Wednesday helped *he initial impro ment, and thers was a little Liverp buying here, but later eablea rr Liverpool were easier, and thcro ?eared to hi some uneasiness OVOS Mexican situation. Talk that the low temperatures the bi'.r. would 1. en the dangers new crop damuga from insects, ? that ths high prices ?..tiering for f 'van! deliveries of COttoUBCCd w. likely to encourage increased arrea possibly contributed t.. the decll There was little Indieatien .f he.: selling or of fresh selling for short . count? and general business was ? '?i e;y quiet during the entire ?i "?larch contracts eaaed off to 12.17 a May to 1.6'.' m the lets ;, about 18, from the hign level Moi.?lay. There ,va- much 'Ii :.-u--Mon about t effeet of severe weather ..n the b weevil. Some elaimr?d tha" tompai ely tea would survive r1.. wm'. tvhil?? o'h'?ri contended that low tei uerarures in the part had no?, prevent ? he.r prr-ad over the belt, Bltbouj cold wca'iier is regarded as likely thin out other msec*, pet?. Very few orders seemed tu be rea. ing hen- t rum trie South, and t! ? res nothing in Cue nrus to induat, a. ''.ange in toe ? pot ?.r shipping situ tion. Mail advices from Alexandria *?.. the Egyptian crop "a nol likel I i ceed B.000,000 cantara, including tl carry o?. cr from last year in terior. Additional Southern cotton I change? i.r, reported t?. I.??? pas resolutions urging Congress to rep Si etioa ii ot th? cotton futures la which practically prohibit.; ?ending ?. ?i< rs from tins country to Liverpool Southern ?pot markets a- ol reported were unchanged. Exports f< the day were 10,761 Bales, in ?Ring 1 627,904 so r'ar t!,:-> es OH, against ?" <jl7,l?i,) last year. Hunae of pi ice?: Ye t? OpeO. High. laOW. <!..-.'. 4l-,4 .Isr. ... 1?..18 12.Ii I2.IS 1 '..,(..? 12.81 12.1 i-?'. .... i:.40'.i 12 Marrh.. 12.58 12.69 12.47 I14S()12.4I 1-'.! \pril .. .... \:.i May _ 12.?0 12.81 12.60 !2.69(41,12.74 12.' Imt ... __ -. .... i?.,.-,.,, JuIt .... 12.V2 12.?4 12.11 I..M0IJ-: 12.1 Aug .... 1 '. :- ?'? ::?.. . 1.? - Sept ... 12.62 \?..K2 12 ?2 12.58* 12.40 12.? Ot _ 12.69 12.6? 12.C0 12.60'? 12.61 12.? I?-?.- _ 12.71 11.71 12.71 12 .|..; 12.1 : 1: - The loral market for ? pol ,sett?m waa qui? ? nd unchanged at 12 '0 f..r middling ??plan?! ? Bit Ri-ceipt? at por'? and Intf-rior polal . ? .r cm.1 iii ?, f.'llo?' . laoal 1..-? r r .- ? Yeslerdav week. year, stoc! Gelveste? , . ?,iu' 11,081 1 ...??- 888,40 New Orlean, . Mit 4471 9,741 440, .Mobile .... Mi .4 1,709 22,." -1...-ii,nah - StSSS 2,441 11.221 218,11 Charleston ... til I.SSI WilmlnstM .. 411 191 I,! ?". 4S.20 Norfolk . 2,0.11 I.SSI M04 1?:.i-..rn.,?e .... 1 S*tl York _ 4SI 20 , lir.ton . ?MS I.?*?.7 174 11,09 l'i .?.rlelpliia .. 100 \....oil-, . I,44( . .1 ;.?.,. Totals . 22 ?4 - 4 I ? 1 1.743.3t-' liiteriort ?\ iguata . *-"? 121 1,741 Men.phis . Z.SM 2.421 1,841 81 LouU .... 1^11 MSI 7-441 Beoatea . I. M4 MM tSMt B ,1 I (Special Liverpool ? alle. Spot aottOa. (P"" demand: Bales 12,000 hale?, apsfIllation m' export, 1.00?'; Arum, .11. in.000 1 none. M1d?iiplaii?l. ? 20,1. t at.ire? 01 enr ?t??a<!>. 1'?j to 8 point? Muhar. Claaaal nun en near SWUtka sn?l ?trailv on .i ? ?ta? ? net d'-rliiie of 64 l'oint- t., ?,:. a,l . i .?ii,?. Janu-sr* 1 abra ?*??. , MM . ' April, I-SMi Ma>?Jur.e. ? -.1. Jal \ ? Id ?).?r-.her-N..%ei!:t... ,7.17-1 ta Yarns Arm ; ??:??'? I BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. '.?.i?? 1? D ,,i?. if ? ? .1 ?*"-? ' ? 4f ' e? ? ? .4 ..'? "4 - ? . .a t? ' ??.*, ? ,'.!--? -'?'-*? ' . -.?ir Re? ? ..upa-??. ?. ~ '.: 1 Di hsaeu . ? H ?itr, r, ? r^l pnwtnr? or th? vi ?Mi ? -I > .1 a I ? ! 4 matt a ,. ? Ja? ii??? r f r,..-r? I? I .?? iM It I ? ? - ' 1 - I . -. ? ? ? 1 pill ? I TEUTON TRADE UNION FEARED M. ?uyol Cites (ierman PreccdeiH for Failure of Commercial Bogie. PEACE TO DIVORCE CENTRAL EMPIRES Coanoi ParlUuMat as Londi. tion of Commercial Consniitia lion tVtflted by Nfitlicr. B* ? vi;- GUYOT. E? Mlnlatar of PuMIo Wnr4ia, CJItar ' L Ai??aa Itrara nliu? ?t I Inan'u-r?.'" lit; ?a- la The 1 Paris, Jgn. 13. France il i-reatly prooeeaptod by ti.?. project for .*?a Austro ' i .nor rial union at'*?-r tii?. arar. Many public! ts end *rho habitual!) nm h u ?. ? 11 ? -, 1 by bogies, poinl to tt .. a grave pei il [f thi j? knot? i inori? aboul th?? (??v-mvi < i iton ? Un! ? ?'? | ? ild have I?.?-? fear. The history of thai union lias ban chief!? s cil ? r.: . ? v state balk tl ?? plaits of tin* !.-. ? - i and ' ?i? largar in cm/ ? ?ng to with? draw. A commercial union between Aus trni and (icr.T.iiiiV would demand a common parltement to bo suceo-1 ful. and neither wants that <;?-r many would have lo undertake a par of the responsibility for Aus? trian finance, while it finds its own ? b sufficient b'ln'en. Finally, if the Allies achiev? the decisivo vi."t"iy v.'hii-h is MtMMMf-y for a doftnito peace the divorce of the German Empire from the Aus> tru-lhitii-ariaii monarcny n a ?me qua n? ?n. A more important question is wliat v,ill be the attitude of the Allies toward the Germanic powers after the war. The war will not put an end, for example to thi coal ami pots-'i prod ; ''i".'. of Germany. Prance imported both before the war, snd will need them again after the war. This is not a question of sympathy, hut of business, as is also the question of the purchase of macl inery and manufactured goods. If that business i- not to go Imck to Germany after the war then* mn't be a commercial union between the Allies comparable to the politi? cal union fur the purpose or war. Rut President Runeiman of'the Board of Trade said In th?' House of fom moni on Monday that it would be Impossible to maintain free trade m England and her colonie--. : : thai cannot be done H s il : i- ?-ni less possible to establish free trmle among the Allies. ? hele-1-, thai il the solution, and to this must be added the applica? tion of tariff pressure to the vatiou** btates composing Germany and Austria. This Is the only way to prevenl dumping under protectton of customs charge , These Jo tion . however, are "j h U limpie to he adopted. The Minister of Finance propot to tax war ? by a sliding scale beginning aitli live pet cent fur profits amounting to 175,000 anil thirty rer cen? for |500,000 or more. ? ? . ? ?? Bank of England Return. . ?,. - ? . -.? f t*s S . ? ? t a : a ? ' t -'?H'? i ,- -1 (1.4 1 ? ' . ' ? ' r ? ? 4 ?. I.-.4 "0* ?. ... ? . - , .. - ? : ? ? ? lainti r .. ra - ? matna ' tat I 1VKST4M I MARKET. :.. Tata, lampan IS, Ilia ?METES. B, -.j.:. m based? ? I fee sJ-Msktar. Ko Irada la Hva ratt e. The f sellas was steady. i ir.s ..t beef i ' t..n es lead ?t i o - a i -? ? foc eity ?Jir?ai-?! nattire sides i extra beef, ? r le CALVM. tv *at| ?? IM I aad sa ?ni- ; ? rnry. Vrai-, lofa* ?t ?"? .r ?1 I...". l'?r ".'"I 11.. i.o barayaid salvas alterad. CKj dressed ?, -I'-** Bt il.'.*??. B tam ?H1-..!*; ?ountry draseed, Il jj BHBKP AND LAMM. Boreipta, 4,401 beed? I cara i - ??li<*??i* aima t i. ?..n..-.!. ti i*. steady: lambe, i " '....? lT.4?*r. meatium to fairly -read skesp "tai -' mat garni prisse i?iml.?, U|ll.IS, I. . n htca'!^ at Dressed lambs In fait demaad *>'. ? ,- ; i,< h i!r." ted I7'..c; .: hothouse h ml ? steady st 111** 111 mi i, arrasa. ii'??;s. Receipts. 1,171 head: tart tam ?? tale Market stead) ?at ye t<'i quoi I Country 'I ? ? : I iteody -t - ' n-. J. ; ... . ? ? public i m ? iv BBCUBrrnaL i i i< i * -~ - ?. ?r ? ? i?, do prel I ?. - ..'?;-... N ' '? ! Il U ?Se | . I ..a 44 4 A? ? ? ? ? ' ": > ?? ? ' -ra?.... TJ > , . ?i ? , do Drei - I - ; .. ? ' ... le pn i ?"??-*?'?..? -. i ? prel ; I ' :i ' i. ?? ? 44 a i a n ;. - ? rel : . ?I ar ?4.U? 1*0 DAILY IMPOBTi IND EXPORT& Daily I i ' iren rere! ' ? :? ? ? ? ? : i I ... PRODUCE AND I GRAIN PRI?S Wheat and Corn Reach New High Levels? F.asier at Close. (.F.MlltAf MARKET REPORT. f?e v York, January U. 19H WHEAT. Wheel again rase la nan high levia, -?ttb Sell?? H.iTinK prompUd by MillUh lentla.rnt ?*-?? ? -rasait of th? recent Urge eiport ?? ?-. ???-.?I a iro.-tng feeling uf appreh-enalon l-nt lha ?? em ,?,| ?.?v-. ,n .fc? V, , . ,*, , i4? ?''" "?"?* trop, it? assart ,!?maii.l waa :-?? ' ? ii" ever, total -ales for th? ?h.y as? ?? ?? ?'?ng nl....jt 400...00 1 -naheU, inclu?tii.g ??..s'lui, wheel *t ?he aaaboanj sad hard ??Inter -.her,; a?. u?. ilK\t. ??,* privet? H ??rea from Europ? I idleatod s m..r? bearish '??ling '!?.- rgardlng eondKtaina In Amrr. .... hi lass? Longa -.!,) .,.jitf heavily on il., ! "? ? i ? ? . . .. r ? ... ,,i- |-.,, .elli-ij ' .???-i. wee thought to ba for forain ne. ' ' '?? - praaaura priesa declined i ' ,'"2't,i? from th? top, altho igh at the clos? there vas a rewvenr, am! fln.,1 r? ,g. i: ?:. ?II wer.- .. .; 1,,? n?t -ni.a...???. Reeeipta al primar) pointa ih-svmd the if. aether, and the ? a ?met I Ighter, rhlla i ?a board esperta eon. ? i ? en ?lie.;.i. la the rash mark?! n., ?I 'rum wheel ??.?,, ,..j?t...i ?f H.41U; No I ? .-.a Duluth, || n, ari.| No i Northern '?' ?. It? ba, |1 . ? t, all f a b Mew ta ? ?ORS. ('??m area atone, end bisher, w'.th pri-es ? ? ' ? Mob rsearm ?.irl? <?n aastraaaiva v-y ..?.?,- prompl i by proaouneed strength ahro-td i .1 privat? <? arte atUntsttag a loss af !l ? -r cent In condition i-. th? fcrgentiae ,?r.,p . -. ? . hoi s ? . ..1 ???' ? ? ir. the V ? ??? . i. , ?i<it th? i ? . t and ? .?'? p . .?a reacted i, n -..- late, 1 i. ?.',.' im. ? r? plat-ad th? amount of i r '-.. ltd f.n Januar I . : ii t\a, of which l,?U ? . of a v. !.. -i, --i > ?? , ' t f :? ? ordii " ... in th? lornl e ?t- h m.-ir' al No 2 jellow ?i ".-?i <i'ir.'f?<l at *ii -je, prompt shipment. OATS. r.tpr-rrt?rB v.-?re fill te ha-a tahas abo it i'-. . 144 biisheli ed on'?, nr.d th? market area .?'-'??tr, with prl'-t? at Um blstiml point of the leFion. The local rash rrm.ket area firm; ??'o 8 white ejueted ?t 11?!*,! No 4 white, I ,".lf!? faivr -?Hpped uhite, IS<4?tSM??4jO: ?Tl rllp?..?^ white, HQMe, all elevator. , RYE. Market itea-Jy ; No 2 Western, I! .Bt, fob New YorV. NKVf YORK PRICES. ','-.-'? r? IVheeti Opea. H'gh. Lew. Ctoee. ?!?.v. . ?',!'??> July. ..?_??', ' - , CHI' A?,O PRICKS. V. heat : Ma? ' 2!.-?; 1.271k 1.28u 1.2? ?'tiiy. : - , 1.1 i 21 1.214 1.204 ?urn : "??ai-. ? , ? \ ? , ... 10 -???. ? ?? MS] , . .. j ? 4'.*-., lull lB?? I9>5 l?", ti", ?-.. tun R AMI MKAI . ? ?a., agnin gttiet, .?.ith bereit not dn *,, pay pressai priesa. Tl.*? raoant strength in wheat L'a>i??.'il some nervotasnes?, ?'? pnr- of tin,?? who require flour In th? ? !,.:' thai arsea ?orne**, hiu en . ai -.i 1.. tl ? lal ' r?-.iction i:i th? wheat n-.nrket. WHEA. l LOUR Market quiet at ? - - per IM lb. BYE l'I.oi R I, I : 16. CORN ME Air 1 Irm : ed. 18.901)|4. BAUMEAL- Firm; line and ! ?. . - M . ????aree. SI.72. 1 KKIi City quid bran, bul 22.40 ; IM Ih sacks, 1 i . bra |, do, .--. Sour til ddllnga, do, 181.64; red doe Sour, wo lb iaek?, |S2; v. tern quiat; brsa, loo :i. iaek?, $2?.'?',: ?tendard ml'MIlngf?, ?lo, 122.75; flour mi?i ?lling?, Ho, $2'*. red ioa Boor, HO il. ?ackt, 128 ,. oilmesl, 140 ?.; 141.27.. PROVISION!. The rol?! weather in the West I,a? ap -? ??'ll r,f live ho?., ..nt ??a- ? I ?? 1,,,r rurk.-t y.-'i-rriav v.,< gaii of M te 'i p.i-.r- at ?.'hi r-.irrn, :?.. | ?KStd t-Htb a ?..erp ..ptiiti eariy ... good buytarg. Ths sd ?tanee, er, i?k-:u attracted aellinapreae? are, end toward the dase the st?rket i;i?>e.i ?T rapidly. Reeelpfa ..,?' h.-g? ?.t ?'iu-?igo were <?...0i.u. ,?..?' 1 rdai. l.'..J.)0; Kama? City received 6,044 sad Omans 6.0M. PORK _ ITrn. ; ? .-? 119 0-9120 ran ?hoii clear, ll9.60.fS2 . BEEI Ii-... lt-i.60-4117; family, SlSfMlS.N; packe? > 'il *1 , *?l . f?..t;-a Ir.iii-i Bll 12 (127.60 DRESSED in?...; Firm; becoae, ".r; i-o? ? -o,- '.-:'> lb. '.0V-; 140 lb, l'l le ; log-, LOHc. CUT MEATS Pickled ?belliee itesd: . 10 Ih, ll\es IS lb, 114c: M Ib. IM,.,-, r, ? led hanu iteady i avot? 4 at 14-.4 I ? ? RICACO PBOVISIONg. Yester I ard Op ?? HIBh. Lew. Clo a ? ? Janusn 14.? 119.74 ???? ? I14.M ; ;,-? .10.!?2 11.00 10.-2 ?tV.'O 1?'. Riba; . I4.M 10.47 ?,-.,. .14.96 nog io.?!) l?/... IM r,.rk : Janusn ...11X2 19.21 19.16 19.11 19.00 May .. .19.4 II -o 1S.M IS.? 19.41 mi I I I i ?? r. -ho-""i a further ?i.viine of R to ;.'. ? the ear1;, operations 5-?t<-r?Ha> under ?.-i.'t-.-e'l liquidation, owing to ?? . . . Brasil and r? ?or? , learanca exp?? ted fro? th? en oi ?i.,,ui Januen '-" rna -eiiinii vas not of ,,? ,.xU , ?rarter, howt?r?fr, and aa there appran I to b? ?oms renting ordei the marktrt, pri?e rallied . i the i less of tl e ? ?d reduced the decline to I ?' ' poin' ,?,.?.il aslea ware 11, he kxal ?pot ? ? ? ?i? dall ????.'I b little eeeier, ?rlth Kio .? quoted at Ic. Ha:.?-? of l-n ???? : Yr?-ter Opea. 11. u ? - i?? Ooee. . , .. . .??ry.. M...,.h 7 Oo -, 0. ?'.... ',,,'';-!! i'!? M;. 1.04 M4 7.0 ?? June. . . July. 7.19 7. MS : 7.80'?l7.:?1 7.:?l jr. 7.24 7.15 7.21 ? .. .. ? !l ?4 ber.. l ? ? '*? December.. 7.14 7.4<i '..?4 SI?.AU HI IRKS. Itacae fiitui-.-i ?a-trs lasetiw, total ?ale. e? ..Hinting to only r?00 ton?, but prie? ? WCTS , ?iv ?,, ririr.. an.l at the eloee ibowod aet gain o! IOS poinU. Bang? el pneeaj Testet Op?n. High Low. Close . .8.US 3.88 8.88 :: ?? 10 Marrh .8.'' ? I.? 3217 ?US I Vuril ..... ?Inr . . ..?.?I ?.4*?0 "I" I" " . - ' ' - : Jill ? A, wt _8 81 ??-?l ?'?'-?, :'-*'r'.' ' ' - : ? ? .-??!,t a. ' r'!!.. ber... ?' 71 ? i ri-fi ri s? ?OTTONSKKD OH.. Cottonieed oil wai a.-ti.e ur. 1 atl-MS . ,? ? a high rassveh for th? lie eoatlnued it-rvngtfa la the ere? lion, a? well a-' the ad*vsB< Ins '? '? ?ad larri, ? un-' I ? ? un erni buying, a...! .? priesa advene? Us i orden ? ? -? ? red In coiu i for the da !{,. ??? ol price.?.; . ? Open. High. Lo*. I g-M) 4 '0 ? in"., .' m ... - '?'"| ' March .8.M 9.0?' I.M 9.08?9.04 --. V , ?j .I.M 9.SS 9.M 9.42 19.08 ? ?.< , f '" '.'.00 9 07 9.01 - 94 . , i f] .. u i n... -. ? ? - ? , ,-, .n, s.os !>.1&'-t9.1? 9.08 lug-Mi ? :o 9.13 ??? I-1 ??..?) *".0?i METALA ? * t?? quoted a. . i On ?: New .'? rl M< -^. E ?a iltl *?*w Toi '?; Is? ?? takod sad \... Esel I . .. ??-? u (ate. The Aieeriean t ar.I K>;;..'. ? . . ? ?t 5.9 New 1 ork ri^,j4?r? ao.l Eaal : ? .:. 1. .. ., : i pot an.l 1171 6a I wree, v..u< i o( Il I m rp"t an.l M ? -, . ? -4- . ?;. ? ?- futura i? ..-i -'-.?? Miel tu rea, 1 ? ? m VTR. PRODI ' ?. M \ICKKI>. m ; ran r.rr-c ? ??'. ? Olli. ? ; . ?, ?li? ??.??-rai}*.' fu.? ?luality ?ellinir et 2*"'?a"'1 -,?*. snd tl,?. higher storing I?'. ?.t IO?Vi 11? Creamery, ratriLi ?'?? aeoraai, lie; t.nii.r .ri n ir. :i|^. Ara'". tVhtlt; ?.?"?orilla. '"'.'" , third*, . 1 'i 2 le . ? r???m?ry. held, f< tr?? (SI ?r'.r?-i. 2""?;l'>?'. hii/h.r an.riu, II (ttllc; flr??*, 27<b2B'V teronde, a-'.'" J1"',' . thirds, l?'?'?r,.' I1;'- . stats ?'airy, rlnr.', v? " lie; ?o??! t<> prims, -T'?i2'i?-. rom mow t.? fair, .!''? '?; ?* . reaovatod, .?i'??, :'1: j'i/M-..' firtt?, nettaet l?er sra-l-??, 20'>l lie. , 1ml tatlea ? r?*m?ry. fir.'a. ;'.-'t2.','????? ladl?-?. ewrrsnt ma*??*, f'r?'.. 21 '?/'.'?' '?' ? sea-sews-, tO'v*; lower erada?, i- a'-kir.? ???.-k. .Inn? mule line, '???' '?? ? rarrsnl miik?. fin?-. * ' . *.-.i ?, II' ? . I', -t lira-i?-. i7'.?i:?. ? iirr.i*? k??<*.id??. Ml bsaae. ?'hi bbbAbI stranger. Ptate, whole milk, hri'. flv?. ape rial?, lie; ? erage fancy, I7"val7"4ei rar- , r?nt m?V-, (!???, ?pecta!?. 17%|7"AS 1 tear eve faner, lOt^OUf-n* eraeddetrs, laid, ?*>?? ?-liai?. I. ".'ni--; t * ir.?. hald. ?racial?. 17%'S 1??*: ?laiaTss, le!<4. ap?-iaJ?. I?1!flU'"a'- : *<' St-flia, nii'lTrarao-**?. 14"<|1'":. WlseOBsiB, "hola n.ilk. fanry. dal.lea, I'Vi--':-. twttSS, !*?.-,lR<*; ehH-lsr?, lT*|4fl IM . MOB. IieoeU.ti?. ||,7tl aaaas. Kr??h tstl.?--**"'. ?at:? fir.-?, doten "*'''? 4'<* ; ?tra (IrStS. 144. We I fl-at?, "" ,'.'3*i.r, ?-?on'!?, I!'<'?"2r : ?Mr?l? an?4 poorer, -'',i.-'l<*. dirti?*. No !. 22rir22le; No : and in-over. 1 j r.^ic . checks, nod le ebote?, ??ry. .oif-iio: tx?nt a?" hv fetter, K ?(I.!'-. r??ir;*.eraUir, ?t?vtal riiar's?, fan?-y, :|...", y- . "r-,!?, 21*321 "V.e , ?cc-.r!., !l*t_?".tt- - thi '? ?r poorer, : Ml ?"'??-: ?tlrt les, lit" ., f'Mi.n ar. : nearby, hen? nery .4 . I : - '?, fancy, *?..'?? to good, gathered rnltea ordinary t-. fir,-, . . iraall whites " Westam, ?/>?ir-.>"?*l wi,;'?. ll*?J?7e; i",. i all 1 ? ' ? Batl*lSrad '.r.-an sad m?x?*d ?*olnr?. ISOtffa. HAY AND STRAW. s lituatl toi *.' mm item : ts throughout ? ? la ., an tares balad bay, i?ri IvnU ? '. - .' al ''??' a? rar> l'..y ?i? BS?sadsd, .in.! top q-ialittei of ami?.i balad - ' baa are sisa ... gaod .l?raai?i aad firm, sapselally ?Khtarmr? frai ss - SB i : I J' 'i' the lo-Air ^u.:lltle. el mixed, an.t ton? m r? Sg * IS "-ea?ly 00 thi c. ... ,.: libeial f i pi; and .?.?y. H W. '..'_?.? > alsd, Min thy, N ? 126 . S ? I to '? I '?."'v.. ihip ;'. -'?/ Ill; fi ? -. . mix?? ? RY1 : ".AW. Ks I. " ? ??" all i ,,i ? about I lei ??<? i i ESH IRLTTR. ?.PI ; rg, bM, MtttLIJ ; ll4;York< Imperial, 12*311.50; . ":??*". Wine ?p. *.', !i: 0 411'--' liman Sw? : and IJla.-k T\* Ig, V.'i ,.*0; Va ml?e-i, |1.75*2tt2.*4); G,-**n Inn. '. '*'.'?; King. |:?*i 11.25; North? s*,y. t |4: Baldwin, 2g 13.25; Il? ion, .*'.' ?? ".'...j : Pan Davl?. it">4'_.6?: 'iar. . . .. Delieious, Wastarn. box, 41.75*.. Bpltaenharg, "l.'.*'i?$2."", Ta **.?? H?*?':;.. 11 lo** ll.'iO ; Newtown Plp;.lr.. ? n. ILI0?BI1.M; S'ny iii?r winasal. "' ?V. ' ; Wineaap, -'. "':' 12.11: Ben Devis, Il 254flll.M; Mac'.: Bon and '"??? * ?11.4"; GoMeo Ortler. 12 : 1RS, K^*r?*r. bbt, |1 JO' ; ' RANBERRT1 S. Case 4 late - i ,| 11 ; por N Y -i-?"-. Early Black, M?!, I7*fl Jens) : : s bol, t H':?':4. *?. -'"?, 14.61 ? ?.; ?? ?- . ,n( ?4 ,, i( ,1 : Ho-, ? ,? ii ??? I ' * or lins ? sorts, 11.78 Long ? . nd lat? - ? bM, l 14 ??',-- ; sariy ?orta, *: RAWBERRIES. I la. quart. Kl MQL'ATi?, Ha, yiart. TANGERINES, lia, -t.aii. I2a<j Ki.-.., boa, mit: " * : ail." . <=a i -i ? HAS, ! :?. itrap, ll.SOiil?.H, ORANGES. , I .? : ?? . P? rto Rlio, I1?I2.S i Cal, 11.50-1? la, ' : Ui-, box, *. ? ift ij i>o.\. no ?:, is. ii;iPEFRurr, n? and Cuban, box. *-'..?;; Porto Riso, 11'?'. ,.*",* *-'?n )'".iu', I. : ?; 1 . MON ?. Cuban. PINE .vn.K-, Porto Bl -, K.-i ? ? . ii.-j'.''/j.?.;-,. PO! taTOBH \M? fBQErABI.ES. POTA rOE8 !"? . tda, N'.. i. bU, "? 'i . .". . ? , ? ". a .-, ., <: Maine, - ?, l??, luna l-inn.l. b ilk, IM Iba, ?4 . bas, *8.75*}44 itatS ar.l "A^at-sm. IM Iba, 11.504 * "- b bag. I 54*314.-6; lanar, ItSAh baa, "l?U.M; Va and M.i, bbl or bag, I3.26't$?*.50; .-?w.-r?... .l?rrs?!y. htm i et. .". ? 111 ; I'-,, basket, 506Me; ABTI? CHORES, Cal, Praneh, drum, ".'.u*!-; n-?Hr> by Ji?ru.-ali*n-., I.i.i. *j.|?3: Southern .'--? talem, 11.60; BRUSSELS SPROUT'S, '?. .? .? iraas, 14; I. I, qt, 4tj?12c: RKAN>. i n, v.?.- m,.: green, basket? 11*912. BEETS, o4d, bi.l. 11.21^11.50; now, 104 bunches, 11.50: N'e'.v ? >i ,.*an,?. ?.j*:?: Ba*r mnda, crata, Il*?41_5: CARROTS, .'?a. sd, bbl, t: '0 lit inwaal in.-, |] . : 100 bai ? - ?? ? New Orleans, 12"it 12.50; -rats, I i/7.-,r. CUCUMBERS. FTa, basl ?'. I " Cuban, bos I ? *" ' CABBAGES, Deaish Bate, tea, *444"t411; whit<*. 1>1>1. ?SS.-f?ll: >?a ? ? . 120 " 121 ; bM, 11.50; ( El ER", i \MH \i;K. I la. ,iatc. 71 CELERY, Cal, omet. M'c $4.60; atats, stand? I; CAULTI LOWERS, i. 1. ?hort . long eut. ??""? ? *- 50 i si, po -*???'. I 11 ?o. CHICORY, New Orlsana, bbl. * a CEL1 I") KNOBS, II .'*1.:'. : ES ? \;-.,[ , saket, 11 '.O" '. N'oa Oi : *na, . . EGGPLANTS. 1 i?. |$S.50; HORSERADISH, 100 lb . ?: ? ' . KALE, Va, bW, '" 145?: ; LIMA BEANS, Be . |1: Cuban, '-a-.?, I21?I2.26; LEEKS, , .. - ,104 i, II "o-'. tJ ; LETTUCE. 1 la. i.a-a?*r. .".????.? 41.71 ; Hem Orleans, bbl, 142 ONIONS,, i i i .. \ alle) rellos . bag. 12 - ' * ; state Bri.l Western, jrellow ami red, baa, II | I' anas i ? ?filo??- ?ll-i l-e?i. II it?, e-a"* or t,??,!,.??, 12*944 ; . ,-?-.*. 5.1.7.'.'/ i:i.J.-. : ': .-?vae. eratt, lltftl-25; ?IKIIA. Ha. rarri-r. j ; ? , ' "".75: Cuban, earrier, OYSTER PLANTS, pc IM PEAS, Ha. !-arir,*. -' 14.60: ?mall. I2'il?.60: PEPPERS. Kla. i,,.-. ?l ,(i.,?. .... basket, 11.601412; Cuaam, i '. ? ' PARSLEY. Nesi (Means, ruiiy, bW, I" II* ; i':ain. l??rVT$7; Bennnda, trat? rARSNIPS. bbl, I ' ' 1 I ORB t.O.slIKE SALES._ ? ? It RT ' . " -. i',' . .( Ti IRK I i - \ .- i I>- Platallfl -. ? 4 m,.. ' LI *"< H ,4 i t< Defaodants In p fa f fora ids a id entered .., n,.- rs entll lay of I IBIS, I . 111. ? ? ? Idel r - ? - I I '. - I . ..r. -I, i: . ! , ?n.4 !" ? M ...... Manhattan, i It) of Nes Tork, on I i< .. I r i' . o '?'. on tha' '-^ 1 !'! ? lipa -t t'O a . . - ? , ?i i Ma 'llr?. r? ?! ! . - o ludin t to be I and there I ? \i.t. tl ? ?? rtal -? places ?i p?r ?'? - . situate, lying an i t.^ins in ?ha tinr..-.!. of Manhattan, City of Nam "Tori I as follows: SI .;i ?NING at * polnl <? the i istei ? - ? ant three Irod I I ? , ? * from the ? ? ?? - of I ' ? - | thane? ? ! ? 100 . '-?? ,-.'?r ..... . ? ..???... .. ? i.. tund? ' '.?'. ,*-,,uth. ? th tli?* l;? ? ->f Broadway, one I indred (100) f??ti lenoa Wosterly? apa:-. .? right snglso t'> ? ?* ra?'?r:-. ilds of Broad ? ne hun riri?d i ?o? i feel t . ? be r - ? ? Hroa<l?aay at tl: ;. In*, r i ? ? .' ?sln r : . ?? i. Ham Tori Deeatnber 14 ? ' ??? ii'.' N NOH ? Refei ?? ... i !? Ml i It. COHEN. COLE <v - ?-? ? - t pis tiff, i:roa?i a). ? " riatl fork City. N I ?- dUgrai ? ? I - ? - ? I 1 be ?."???P'r;,- ., \ ? . ? ? a ",-K no ?tie?? Blimb? r 1"~ 101 105 v e^f v ?r ?? . i f the lie :? .. , ? ? . - . , tar? I I ? . tl It? a 1451.71. tares! fr..:,, I *a?th-M* wii i ? si ? ?f the a?.- >-.:.! prrmlaae will .i th* llena f ui paid t-\?? ? .'.-I. ., . ?? ., 1 . a -1.1 Sth " -< |*4| II ..... . , t or ai ? - . ,, ? .. . '? ? 4-1 ai.oi ? Iteffa n FORECLOHla'RE SAL!?. ?n ppeme ?oi;ht, COUVTT OP VO?IK -.RICHARD C OONDT. WILL. IAM B 'VEIHS and I'lflEPH SBEMAN. M Beecuiora of lha taet will ?ml Teatemer.t of EMIL C. DoNf'T. t?e????d. Pielr.tlfe. ?e-ilnat JAMEH A LT?CM ? Ore. D?. f< ri'lania In : ?ai- ? at ? ;>;???.,?? of fer?, alosar? and sal* duly ma?l? ?r, i ?ater*4 In the above ?ntiti??! action, at.?, bearing dato th? Uth ?lay of D?'.?rnb?r lili, f THE DNDERSTONBD, th? R?f?r?e la ?ail ludgmeat name?.!, will aelL at cubilo eue ? ? Hi?;? Sa!f?-Ro'.-n. >oa I? aa i l-l VeO07 8tr??\ In rha Bereegh of Jdsnbatfs City ?.f N?w Votic. on th? nth day "f laaoary, Hi I. at 12 o'elor'K no?*. -r, thai gar. bi L. J Phi?tpe a Co. e.c t ? pr ?????>'?????. directed ty ?eil ' .<"? ii?..? to ' - aol-. ami t!i?r?'.t ?l??--rtbe<? ae to ? Al-L these "?Main lot?. pt?-c?9 or pare?'.? of larri, alt?ete, lying ?ni being In th* nnro'igl, -,f M?r h??'en. C'.ty of S'aw Ter*. ' 'nin-led ?1.4 dtt-rltf??. a? BeHowei BE C.INNtXO al a point on th? Ea-it-trly ?Ha ' Hr , i-*. ?Jtetaat two b?aSr?d (SMI ff.ot N',r?;?r.r from th? corner ' .rmad t?* I ? 1: tf.r??-r-,n of fh? Northerly ?'?? rt Palrvi?-. Aveaue arlth the aeid Kaiter' ? * r fir>a1??y, running th?r :? Nor?? ? ong th? Eeater.y all?? of B">?dwB one h',n?ir??i 144) feet; than?? Ea?t?r' ?? , ?t.*. angles to ?h? ?aid E??t?r!y ?id? af Broa<1*4.?>. on? h;r.dr?1 ?10 ?> fiat; the*'? Pou?!.?rly. par*: ?1 ?'th th? E?ater!y ? '?.? of Broadway a? hesdred n*?? f??* then?? Westerly, agen at right eng'.?? t" t'n? Easterly aids ef E-voedway, sue h?.? Bred . i feet te il ? Beete? ?? ?rt? af Bree ! ay a*. 'r>a a* Ir.t or pi*' ? of b?g'i Btas Dated Net toe Daeember llth. Mil k'.y'r RNON v NORTON, ?f?r?? aoLDSMTTH come r ???-?'.r. ft w?i ? . ? * ? . tilt?, Broadway. B .. ' lanhatl ?.. ? ?*? ' ? fa I ?-?? of t'n* v ' ?? ??? b? a?.iri Th? propir'v la vara- ? ?? r bae bo arr??t ntu bet if? 100 IM Fair ?;. ? ?;;r ilmets amount ?f the Use ee ?arg- te ?a? ?f- ?blob the abovt-, ft?. a rlbed property la te be ?..,.,? ig its. 1SS. v th ?at? rest ?:?.-?? '- : ? ,? ?r . 19U, together ? 'h coat* ?id a,o?-?'. ?mounting t- I ?.Tl, witn Interee? fro . D?c?T.her It I9IS. if ?!-.-, ?,. . peaeee -f tt:? ?ai* Sold premie?? win be . ? bj "t ? '?t? liana of jn;h;o tax*? aad a?tniut-i4 now **?.-.?: agataet ?? t preiri!??)! nnd othir? to ? ? ft let it ; - iiatalv to 19,171 14, wtl i inter???. ? ? follewi On 19*1.91 Bret half of t4\"t?B for Mil, '.n'erea*. fr" May r. 1911, at *"* r'r annum; on H I stet l half of laxea fOe 1916, int?r.?* fr ?"?"b-r 1. 1111, ?* f% p'T ?i.nun., on |7,II4, lllMirtiftn?. fr or.?*rur? g * ut.. nel B'T-it. latereet from May " ?111 it *-?? per annum Ira'r't. Net? Tr.'k, D?f??n-.vr?r 2?th, 1 SI ? : Ol RjfON s NORTON H?f?re? fiT'REME ? OfRT, tuCVTT OF MBW TORE.??MAMIE and I.II.LI? Plaintiff? agalaet JAMES A I.- S*CH A Ora. Def? pureua * a . . :gm?.-.t of fo-e. , ?i? ? ily made and enu ra t In i It led action aring r?ate ... . .' Dec?mb*r : .?? ? i . - . ED. 1 HE :. In mM Mil. ?. . ? . . a 11 ai ' : ? V'?e Btreel . Manhattai Cil t ! ? I * ?? th? IStfe duy of .'ai'iar-,, 1916. at en thai da by I. J. Phillip ^ i.o- ?era tl * pr-o:..? ? -- . i4,,i .-? o ? to b? f'". at.J ther? l?i r as ff-'.lo?? ALL -lioie cirtaln lota pi?.?? or parr? i of land, ?ituate lying a-..l b?l g la *,?> H?rr? ;r natta f x? inded ar.d ?t . - - (n - ? : .INVIN?; at th? ???--- it/ [a * ?>.?. ?Corther il ? ?f II :. t>.? !.?,[. ? r y running 1 hei ' v ? i ?4>.-ir i> ?.'! tatet ? ' ' ? o., i .. ? ". : ? 4 ? ; . - - . .. | .4 r at right anglee to h? b*aat?rli ?'r?e ef - ? . ?. ? , . ; 00i t?e? . 'he:' ? BouthtM-ly, perai>i -^'.-l. th? Beeterti - I f Broadway, ntaetj ar.a ?ight?-?:? . * husdredths ?10 Mi feat to the Norther'. ?1 ? of Fa'.rv?.?w A'-tnu?, tt.?n^f? W ??t? alot.g the Bai'l Northerly s'.J? '. V ilrvt? i \ ? ?nue. or.? hundred and ??) a*. 1 tour ?'??-hundredth? .11.04) f-.?t to ?I?- seiet or pla-e of ???ginning Datait, New TorV. i.?-?mber llth. '.??& a\;...?.i.-....N H N I'.".. I Referee OOLD8MITH COH! S .-or.r. ? 4 ?? laye for Platr-.tlrT?, ?-. . th of Ma?.h?'te-,. N'ew Tori I N V . - '- I- n d'agri- . of the I ' er.; to '? ?.?id. Th? prop??rr,- 1? ?aeSSI ? ml l?a? no ?tr at nu:..h.r *\ = :? 4 ; -, ? Th? see? ?t : *'?* **--n->"t of tu? itea se , ? .rga | latlef whl ? "" ?bo.? <-,? ? . ? . . ? ? ; I? ??:i .i:-. .?I '? ??? ?. theraou from i- -. i-?ie together with coeta aa I .mounting to MI9.1 : t. . i r ? 1116. togel - ? ?a <?f th? eel? ? . the l? ? ol . .. ?. ? ? anl BBoeeBtuente now ??. ... [here. I t .,.,.,--? . 49.81 ,- : . , . ? :????*' ... ? ? Hay I. It *? , per an ob I ? ' ,., .a. - ? Interee? frai a- ',' per annum, on 17.4 ?. a? ?tructing a tanml ? ae ,. 6, ISIS, et * ? r-r ??? num. lui.., New \ -. Dec? aber :?';. ?: S'OK 8 NORTON. 1 ?f?r??. rr or nbs tK !U HARD C h ?NDT P el? el JAMES A I.V.-,' ? I "? ? !.. purauen? ? of s Judgment f for? r-1-.aur? ?? ? ? ? .". |l| * . id ) and 4M 1 the e -?? ?n? Itled ?. "' r, at; i p4 ai ig r - ' . .-?.-? nr.-r. 1 ?? , I I II - -.-?t.,\i.[., ?he R-tferee u aald am? ? ? : a i?. at p? - ' .. ? - . .? .?? .Room, *? ?? m?' ? .?? In ?i>- liorougl? of M a a- fork ?'!. da of la; - ?' that d^>, by I.. J f'hi:':p? t Ca. sa? ti ? pre alsee Sire? led bf ?? - 1 and thai eta Seeerlbed ? M.l. tioae .??tain loti. ptee?e or par?^ - ? of Ur.d. nit i?te. ! Ing at. I being la th? . h of Menbat I ?'? ? Vo I I- | ? ?? l?l i.inmn?; a? a point on the Eaaterty ?id? of Bi ? vea ???. dleiaat on.? hua >? I - ? ? in? .-..-.. . ? 4 .,.. .. |.|, th? ?Id i - I ?? |W? .- ? -ig I ?:;. | ... . a a. ? ? i. . feel a?, rigr? - | i I the eald a ?ter I y ? '? ot ? hui- Ir*d i iM > lea ? ?-.r,,-? Southerly, par?'. H with the i.a?' of Broadway, oae hundn l (1 f?.-t. thence Weeterly, iih' : ? i ? . ? ? ?o "ie Baeterl) sMe of Br ? ??> -- fe? te th? ?Id? o?f Broadway, at the | i * ' hglli: | '.-?-. 7 ?: ?, D? ?:nh?r :?'h 1911 ? L'-.i.p-.-iiv ** NO? ;? ' r? ?;. ?I.DBM1 l II, COHEN v?t.r. -. eya for Pia ttSfa ? ? " gh of Man!.? ' ? ? * ? ? 1 *1 h? folloalng la a dlagra:.-? af - P he sold The property la ?a ?'?' and ha? no Btr?' t nui... . . .- ; ? 4 - . IBt Of -h? -'en at hi - ? - - - , . .. ? intlag to lui ember 1 . ? together a -..i-. - * ,;i h* f unpaid tir?? | - ? ? , ?? a. ' atiio.l?.- g a? ? ... ? ' a ?16. et 1 - ? . i ? ,d ? ' ' .a. 4X . . : . . ? ? , M U TOM, RefeteSi