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Some Earn the Reputation of Being Sportsmen Who Merely Never Have Been Tempted Willard Balks at Early Date for Bout Rickard Heirs Jess Will Not Box Here in the Month of March. TEX THINKS CURLEY IS AFTER BIO FIGHT Meeting in Open \ir Some lime in the Spring Appeals to Promoter Greatly. Bj IGOl If Tex Rirksr.i ?rid - succeed ir. > isr.'t M ? .* ? I at ?-?, may 41 r | last night 1 i wire ? giant ? afiai i Pollok r?;d further that Ricks nd Mc? ? racken had r? ? - ? F.ickard denied that an) r-uch a ???sr.-.ed him when : ?? a*, the Waldorf. "I wonder what V.r. Curiey , a up to." ?old the lean Westerner. "He pave me his word of honor that hi? wi ovit and eel V, to the articles of agreeraei ? bout eritl :h hi receive a lump i ? j ?;. minatei worl th? rig. ? ? urley ?loparied 1 have bei > t h ai self. Al 1 I ? ?*-0\v .?. ' . line if ? . Maren ? ? i->ur.-' I ? , . *"< 11 r ? '? ? ? | them. Of - out the ? 131 a. HAV? .? ? fore hi' ?a ? - he and Pollok can ? and i ? m .ed I i at least little He cai i.- ? Mr. Jacl tart f. I'm ?i?ed . -v ?? I -*ht s ? i .? f he waa . -, . .... M a Ti? ll mee*. M c?slly aa ? seing the ? rolon* g for the rest of e? You know, ] ? you'.: ... ' there is to r.r* r,?> . "?' bush. I'm afi starts buek '?'-' n he a- I " ? ? ??? . ? a tra Curl? ?r ' . ' tal ?. prettj -r ? "I ? to tl ?' ? s'.il I'm ' '? "Th< ' ? hj ?'? ?? w ? a wrang I7.S00 to 'm '. ? ? , fai as M.)t?.? er- e '. V"l I ? '?'? - .. . Personall} theopi for an ... ? ?? , Who ( incinnati Will Take Only 25 Players South k The Scotch *l Amm\\ ?EwarS ^ WHITE LABEL ^"^ MARVEL UNCOILS HUMAN SPRIN Zelesnow's Defence on Tin i ??ck System in Wrestling Hoi Tho ?eerct of hen to Dtieoil t "human spring ' esnow, ?\ ... Isnhai . ' ? ed Marvel,'1 w Solved ths i ? ? BT more than hour of wrestling si catch aa-eatch-c ? For ore hour,'. , ? ? the ma?kr,l man 'iic?-<-.l B esnow a ''".our much oTe ? -lieii to ?nap ? l....l\ n.... the Mi .. ? ? . ? . ; old . ? he secret s ? . rre.l. T "human spring's" ij it? m o( drfen "v,.rf. open ij> four m in at. ? ? i the 1 ?- ? B t aroused 1 , ? ? '" ! ! . . es had sai ... ho : ? i i ? !' arm Wi re used by th? " thr . ? . mis-,a?; ?eril , and was ".na. roll he ' 'ed tactics of ? ..-cs: Itiad, even trying '.?? save' methods when *';ie ms ths mai pressed him too closely. He waa til -, ba'.! when t"he Marre', lifted hli bodily and alowly pret-sed him flat. Jo Hum] B| ? a 1 up, ' : >'? o th e r ? of t h I ? H elm a n 41:6' ? numb? I . ? ? R ? : ??-???? minute boo raeco-l lauric ? ?' ? Iraa I the Marvel in a tw? and Licwii tackl. ma G raeeo r ' A TEST FOR CITY BOXER. V'? York "?-?ill S??nd loam t?? BeetM on M<?nda\. *i itrong - . '? ? balanced boxini f th? ? evening. Of ' ?an Associatioa I -..? hour o\ rom the I ? Th.- * ; ork ? ... .- . ... am ? ? I ? I'au!:- t Athlet ? Kl? Kochi i lib, and Ma Union ttlement. in 1 1 't. Bartholomi ? ? . chamn on, \ Sheridai . i -. I Clul reight da?:?'. SQUASH TITLE AT STAKE Kinsella, Profeeai-oaal, A?cept? < hal? lende i.f l.afforgu??. Wait- ? \ Kinsella, ol the Club, world's prof? ? ? ? , ? ? . ? .. ... ? me in hit i ?er has bet of . -. match will compi ise five ? take place ?n i ? The ?ccur dur. ?'? Kins? lia, a* . ? ?elect Halts Field Trisll I ? I ? ..... ? ? Vollmer in Four Races To-nighl *I a-1 lar ? t Yetltaer, Caloaibla'a ata aalaaiaei. will rempele la foai raee in the iluni nir?-t lict?a.?n II??* < " laaiMa .?ml I aWetaltj ??f Paaaajrl a ?pin trnm?. ? liii I? *lll m? I"?*?'! ;l delphla i?? i Igbl Beeaaae "i ih?* ladiepoeitaws ?> r?ptala i baria?- i ?o, ??!>" la ?"-Ter Inir tri. il v-1 il?, t .'limer ?all? be rail? m to BWlm m 'hi* M, lnn and Ml anr.l rarea, I? aaWHlaa la lafclag li?' turn ..n Ihr n-l.'i?. I?*am f? ? ?'r,,,, ni f??. i I ? arela ir \ ollmer i? able i" e/ls all ihre? ladtvtdeal rarea sad sal? ?*?" ?r"IT ihroagh ??> the ratai I elan-Ms *** Il hare .'? p?tala (?> it- rrealH, ?oa It Ins effort*, al?.ne. nml ??ill OSOi ??"?> lour miirr tu i Inn h the niri-t. PLAN MEMORIAL TO JOHNNY P01 Classmates at Princeton t Build Athletic Field in liis Honor. ?-. ? i "The 1 Princeton. V .1 . Jan 18 pre-er.t plans carry through, Johnn -,, . ? hi beat knea n of Prinei ? r itball heroes an,? a famoua so of fortune, ?ho met death whll fighting ai a member <.f the Blac ? mee, will he ron-nirmi.rat ed 1 y ar. athletic field at Ins old un *'",(? toar,| of trti??????s at it annual meeting to-day granted pei on to I'or'? r?a*-*, of ''.'."> to rai? subacriptiona :?'i th? build t; "' ' John Poe was s nifmhrr of the f? i ' i- ntr tute ?o i i etc th? Prineetoi :, m?'rril.<?r of thi while in ei 4 ? ? oved som? ? ame i tune en? even " I .... the present fi for the ca I ras a Blac ? met eat a chargi t (?orinan trenrhra. .. ? : ? I * I i ated wei Broke? ath ? It Is probable that 'hi* field will sew "-.?I recreatioi field foi thi ... rather thai aa a field teal ' eld. TWENTY-NINE GAMES FOR PRINCETON NINE Third Game with Yale and liar vard Only in Tase of a Tie. eeton, '*'. J , Jan. 18. The Bebed Pr eton ba ? am foi . . . bj n Bullo? k, 3d, thi intaini ty-nine L'uni" . two ],.?. *han la?t : opped . Mary ? ?i, added. Ten games arc to i.o played away :'r..rn ? i ???? of th? en the I r.n tel ? ;? triangulai long Her? . t inu? yes i ? . I t h i -\ oil ? it tea ? Ihn - a . .. j a ?I a: 4 ? ,| i , ? '. ?I ? I ..??I ' . at ? lu , || v . .. . | -1 ? ? i '? ' . . P . '? . ? I ?. a ' I. - ? . ? ?. a - ' . . I (irip Spoils the Day for Squash Players ... ? as a re iull ? i with > in the Class A m? - - ; amei.t, lefiniti ' ? ? .: ? i tei Drop the Three Pound Allowance tor Geldings Jockey Club Amends Rulei of Racing at Annual Meet? ing?Stewards Also in Conference. lockej ? d th? ??Oil. .ports moat < e of the pro] rule? o-. ?. \ 1". R. Hit? cock rele ? ? ?rt-l'l . re-pou \ ?. t of the v made snks v ..? tea K. St urg?s f 01 ... ssl year. . '? ? August .-, turgis, Schuyler !.. ? tei mi .. . tain E. B. ? . ted * so and ,. . . nted the loci a paint his Roam? not | ent wh? the | at 1 ? i n.i-o a d- the ? ?A?re Mcv?r*. August Belmont, I. K Capta i Cassatt, Phil rt L. Gerry, 1 R. H ? v ewai Messrs. Aug i,. . ?mord ? ? ? .?...? '? ? ? ..... A . ., : .....1 - \ t ws reflected : pai d,' l . K. Sturgis 4 ? ? ? ?! II. K. Ki ipp ? ?? - ??? ? \>. . -,. r?? aft? g up 1 t " acting al Havre ? ? - ? . tatemen! J. M. 1 ras mix? ? ... - ? Wil? on the | aloriff ' ? ? ? ?. B 113, "-? -.;i:ng ? v ., ? efei e. Ma ; - ' R f SI 4>ther year, rat? * tion alae ?i ... a. ectoi or the com ' ? ? i -j- t ' 'Irr. Schuj ei L ? H I' ? II. . ?! Vf, ?: F, s. '. K. McL. L'ai L* ecre f the Weal i Sei ..toen net met ob the ? u KELLY Staging a Special Match By BRIGGS Personal Touches Here and There in Boxing _By 1GOE._ -> T>arb??r tolla us that he hi ???I I *? .| I niton for hi rat N? Vork appearance, ?aya .la-ar : ?V. hile Jin iton and th? re. r.? ?'.,. little bright town pr? < . ere firing air? fi * pel I | ; ' 1 . ? 0 ?. It. rl er hopa a rattlei and ace Gre? t into Fu l trrr-l telling '.'u that 1 give him Id l fl ?,'einerl t th -. wh./n i? nol ? ' | ?.??,. . .? ? - of that trio. v. ? ., . ? ? ? ? ihei . ? '..tnotrr. I .. toi (Yeinert ' that 1 ? ,. , i ? ? ? ? . ? ? ?.lim. to fight Fi I hi'v.. . hing tha ork, hu ? I HAVEN'T go tr-OO that I haven' . | - ; ? . *r, you ti ?? it. Ill CO ? ? I jui ten ".I've got Ertle ,- ' o. Hi Burna, i f thi Dunn-Henr? all of thosi I ?? Itre a meet ? I - ? ? i Ertle an? I'M a PBOMOTER, I am i all right . bit, but ! AM ? that." This v-lit: \. Y. Please notiry man f Lee Ritchie I give ah ? ho i -?? ; for match "C. .1. MURRAY." .Ikjne. Joy Johniton : "Del .- tedl -Ir. Murr, t that Lewi? Ves, on of the da ihing. crashing, . ti ' ' ? ' n a littli tto th M Rite] .., pro ?'?ding make? 11J i ingsidc :? ? lilwauke? niry ' B ifore leaving ten exhib ?ochelle I omi ? if benefit rh? '?' ? January 20 .?? I?..:ra?... Young \c-\\ a? Dayton, Oh io, on Jan itai ?? 24, ai I ir th( ? on Jai larj -'-." "Bp'? pardon, Jam? i, eai ? - g, smasl : er I".-.- an exhibition on 'Shin Toa ??-?' st thi '??'? ' . ' ? ii c poor, ? ?.-i played-out ei bes on la ?-i in r he .' see an exhil r the act w" Pn I ;h; ??n .i 1 0 Brennen at B ; ? ? ? . ? i m Brooklyn; Kid < : ton ? ' mmy I1 ? ? that then ga ? ? I it TERRIBLE ! I what I i wit ?? it TIME on hi? hand-. I'm trj ng ire out a f? :,7 mornin? to keep him hu'y." Us--: J Pa S on another n riting i .?' ,. ? irse, . . tel fron Port *g v ., .' I ? . tut a little Ring ? ' | llarry'i late ?? : "Sei eral i? te ye i that t was Charley V g in the ?ay i Wei ah? Wh it -la'.-h foi the ! ghtweight title. Sow, I am i*" ag te prove ha? ? ted term? from Iiorr, imek Tortoi ich f.t v. ? h te h..x ? championship match at tortei ? i tub, in '?? i Orleai , 01 i ? or within a ...te". "Tortorieh informs ma in a ??lep'-am : .. ? .' ? . ng trou? ble lia te, ai : rants ir- U. ??? .. . .. irto any 1 ig] ? ? ? . ? or tl.?> ? *? r.',| me, on the date mentioned, s th a ? iception ol i: tehie, .V though Ritrhi?.' u no longer a Boxing Bouts for the Week rO-NISMT, Kf, Po.? ?. ? . Meen sai Baefgi lie. Sen hi!. 4 , r, ( fj<J-r. ?-? - -j ? ? | n?< IgaHli i Clel -1. a r?i??-? ?-n Sii lertSaM. ? , . * ' led ?? i aatl T?T-ny t?u>??> * ?. .i* Batan ?nil In? M.-c.ui'r, , . ? - ? .??' Claraeal ? LeeaS C#aat ?-??i -. .,- i N.l-tn ?id ABI? I rrlij ",-,?- ,m r ,,h n,,i ?,? a i ., ) ??- . . . ? ? n this situai at W? i end. If . ? ? ? ' ? : the ?lia' ? ? ,. ... , ? ho\. a. i m ..... Dillon i?t ,\ m ' ? . xpecting com? ??? . hilai ends of Ahearn st Si Pau Mike .-....? peg folk : .''-? m JEVNE DOES BETTER AGAINST DE ORO ''? ?ai ?n, Jan 13. In t h?? second block ol a mal the three-cushion bil* . ' the ?"i Id, AI ? ... I. holder, to-night ? ? core for 111 inninj-'s ro 100, egainsl 80 foi Lloyd lo-.-ne. of ; - ? ? ? y ?a?: 11> ?ii... .'?": .l<-\ne. 35, si ?mpro? emerI for Je ??? perform ? rrow. ? ?? BAKER IN BROOKLYN GAMES latttraatiaaal Half?Mile Cbamptaa Em. lers l.OOn-Vard Handicap. Homer Baker, the international half? ? i tampion, who recently resigned ?'ro-n in.. New fork A. ? .. and who. it i will ?oor take lip hi* r..-udrr.ce . ..,- ? : ? ?' . ? ? ?.. ? ? 1,000-yard bandi . .. ?? of Bi ?? r. ? ?\ ? . \ ?'? :'? \ ' g Itte enl rant. Othera v l ,000 i \ * e man, a m the MeAlee ar Johnny Overten, of "??'-. the - roaa-e -u:.-rj and Mike D renney, of the M Irose \ ? ' Referee Picked for Qibbons-Ahearn Bout :' i Mian., Jan. IS. J.-?-- ??s Mi - ?iuigan. of Philadelphia, wi 1 ref th.? ten-round b>. reel '.'-,.., -, and Young Ahearn her? tl night, " anno meed her?? gbt, ? - - ? airman of ? ?? State ting I ? laioi -??????? : would meet on next Mon .. end act on ? . ?? for per ? ?*.? eat a referee' ? II i.out. JJtiea Wins Curling Medal. g, N, Y., Jan. n. Utica Wi Mitchell medal hi th-? un?: i.,1 ? ? competition here to-day, ,!???"??? ?? ? ? ?. of Sel ? eetad i the Anal .- IS te ' GOLFERS IN ANNU/U POW-WOW T?-DA1 Ml Parts ?>f U. s R< presented ! Gathering at I hic igo. Chicego, i from s parti - will he hei retins t! e i ? .-o ,tiot*i i ?''I.. ' ? ' 1 " retar j I srrived 1st ? '-. spared te e tend to I and one ?ring, rank l. Woodward, ( , . ? , ? ? ' it - ? . ! thei eon he am ... .? leleg - ? Hi '?'? ? -r i cuiar 11 on ? meeting of tl Western G ? ,, tubs ? ill h ? ? ( ?.INTON FIV;. A WINNER i aptnres Eighth t?sme in Row by ne featlng Kordhan Prtep. De Witt Clintoi ? . ? tball vie . ? ? . . . Th? o f t h e gs ? : ? ? for I on ar.d : in irn part n their tea ag? a four from 1 i-i the ton] line for Id pointa, while Frisch i two field goi ' > and i i ? foul, for 19 points, Collins, at for made eight points for Fordham. The line-up follow i ? I.INT..N I OBDHatM '" , ? i r i I'l t P -a ?| 4 < ? ' . . I ...... ? ..-??? ? r ? ".--???. rg. S 0 ...... -s u ?? I 1. rg. S f.... ,i ?* ?Ml ? '?'? . I ? ? , , Mean.x Enters iMillrosc Special Hurdle Race I he ipeei i i? entj a i hurdle race m dm Millrosc gamei to be hold at Madison Square Ga on January S is fas) nto a reel "elassic." ifeanix, of the Boston A. A.. ! 'in ; srd hurdle champion end world'-, re? ord ! older, ?ter to seeept an invitation to sgainst LfOomis, of the Chieat i Ath - Association, snd Eller, of ths Irish Ameriean A. C, BIG GOLF BOOM VISITS THE SOUn fiduard J. Loos Tells u Growing Popularity of Game in Dixie. That e*rv' .? St a grow.' even more raj lly thai ? - - sws broug N'ort. . Edward J. I 01 i( the youth ft ? m Ai in in a sensationa IP for 1 i .:.. tie- at fi ? It will 'ne remom'nei*- I that ?- "' is had chai o rig came from Van Cortlandt i\?r'K, wher he ser al seaaona as a csddi? inia pen mor ?? rould do than ar ? ' i and fed "'or the ? hami t the end ? ? ? An leraon 1 gi attei prepared ? *een extl . - the gained a - '? '. i thei look S i ising a - ib i I u i i -. and possibly some ?thi ?. He .. '. eons treble mccess l ? . explaining I ib has ? six hundred members, ???n'? ...??'D him an the go continually. I.oos has travelled tome ? Its, and declares r?: there ?sa never a like it. II.' .-;.; ??i?? larger eluba ile not h ave more i'isiting members rhan fon ? ? ? ,- i ?? i reas? i ?? from rei ?ient?. The youthful homebred araa great '? reatad n the report that a national for profesaio ? intern ? .- he attended a meeting in :- delph !a only -Ma week at wh 'he Professional Golfers' A*-sor.a' ??? of Philadelphia ?as organized. M? Bl plained that the obje. * I >w o: ganitation, which ha ? ?'. of the ?-.t\. Thomas B. Smith, ;?? hoi are to aaaii and tlr.'ir !*.??'p. rs obtain ? rai?e the la lard in the "i ro" rai - and provide a bei a? ol? ??? ' for the a'..I of any who may he I.oos is one or' mising homebreda ever developed at I Park, hia eaay ityle -it* i,-?.-? pit -... na since i a ent at Mee hurg he has hroken the course ' ? en with 73 at : .1. The link.' is about 6.200 yards long and ha? a. number of good holes. Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond Joe Jackson, the ? ging ? ? bieago w . ?.? Bo I - "hreat ? ? : m *h :i -i?-;.' ef warm ng th* beneh, accord,rg to dispatches 't ?.nt ?he Windy City. !? ia said that Ciar? e'ice Ho? land ia BO favorably im? pressed with Happy Felsch, ?ho ?a seeured from Milwaukee, that he in? ?ends to play him regularly in the out .farkion fa ad te hl1 up to hi? best last \ear. \v h? :?? lac | ?< I'ournier ?uddenly diaeovered he ?a-, to h.t tne ball all ?iver the lot. So it may eoaas to pass that the White Boa Btttfleld - '?'. . ?? v Keinen and Fourmer - eoming sea?"!-.. Niul ?till the (.unis are unsold. !;??. Jebnaan la ?; ...'?'.I a? lauding Heinle Wagner, who rai recently r**? eas< i by the Boeto-i Ke?i So\. John? ..n declared the reteran Bostonian * ... the game, .?r i laid that an. ..f the ?evera! clubs ?hie!, were bid i ? for his., r. ice ? would -et a . tl II i ble man if they landed h m. Hsrrv F. -vician- '?sa atmu' 'he of leea of the Foaeial league ?esterdsv, ne statements. H*? ?aid -'-at th? rr was nothing to issu?? a ?fa*, stout. Ed Gwinner ha? retired from base ball an,i has turned over all the p .. Bra Ol tn ? Rebela 'o Ban Johnson *o list te of. wars mav come and war? rr.av go but Jak?? Daubert will ?Iraw his ?alarv of 19,000 per annum for two more years. e Big League Season Opens on April 12 ' eege, Jan, lt. President Johr.Bon of the .Ainerican LeggM ?a..I to-day that th?' American and National league vch'.....s doubtlOBS would op??n OB \; 12. The two schedule?, ?rrariged ;o a? ???.! conflict of .latos wherever r ble, will be drawn up la?-er by Ml Johnson and Barney Di-eyfusa, ths lei , ter repr-rsentng the Nation n I ?agu??. Th<- two officials will confer mally neit Sa'tirday. The date I hy Johnson indicate? no departure from eustem la the ma'ter of opening 'dates. BALL PLAYERS' FRATERNITY HAS TASK IN STORE Covering ,;p p|ayer$ by (liibs One Evil That' Needs Remedyfag, B) IKWh ?i Mil I ? t) ?? " ? ' ... hall f nnjrh. it ,? a? a ? ? ... r . : ' ?a play - , . ; ?nan ha - IS s> * ? - . ? - ? i ? rhasi-d from the '?'.' Ike? Barra tasa j ? '? ? | , I'hi.ade phis , - ' ' ? ? ? Phillies at r?g the i?; ?'?fur yet - J used as perl , ? i ?4) J ? ?<? 1 i .? -?, ? ' ' ? a ? ? ? . ' Sir . ? 1 ? - ft! .1 ?et * Cassignol \v Ins rwo Billiard Matches ; player, added < ? g 11 ' 100. : - I a ? ' '' Liood imnestments ! For men Pnces revised on l? ?? ' of suit Suits represented aast ous value at regular prices. For youths and men of M M >5 chesl n ?Suits that were $18 to *? $15 now. For bojfl Norfolk* and doublr-brM-t? suits (sizes / to 16). $8.50 to $12.50 ha***' $7.50 ?bow. $12.50 to $16.50 foiOT $10.50 now. Boys' bog trousers suits (**] 14 to lb). $16 and $16 fon*l* $10 now. $18 to $22 formerly. $15 BOW. Rooew rn-.i Co**** Bro*?-*" a%10m Broadwa;, at 1.3th St. *Jaa Pour Broadway Corner at vVarrcn 1,1th AJ it4!?t*l .??a "urr _ ...,?,?. **^ torea SSSB*e.