Newspaper Page Text
h m ?peech in the H to root01 ? i" ?i \ the . - - ? the b? ? entai Mo? Waal a, Republican, introduced ? te .. ? I * ? arm* :?* Mexico to eaptun ? r. i - and ? dlapatch of to Mexican watei? to eoopi there pe? . . ? \ . i I. f< San rstary 1 ng ex] ? ird tha? '?Il !'? ? ' C slssoi with the problem iroaUag the ,'?r-,'c Departmeal la ? ?:er of g?"" ? accurate il foi tion. There ar.? no Amcican cou fita immediate neighborhood of point where ti.- .., re occur and the Secretary Indicated there ? ?as a pos?ibility tha' all Ai.ier ronsnl? imi;h? be withdrawa from States o* Durango, ? hihual >? ir.ti! rompiere ordoi "?< rOStS Il was de? ?le.l at the ?-fornnatro: -'k?,i ng the ?a-v.uid be taken from say ralli ? euTce, Including official? el ? facto govcrrr-ient. Satisfied ?alth Steps ."?.retanr Parsing made it clear t there was nothing to ladieate that ' arrtri-a authontiea had not di everything w thin their power to - -e.lend the ba lits, S that ?S far the ftep?, taiacr. appeared to be sat factory. Th? I'r'-rl r-!R'.i-? Mr Lansing a? sapa? ? at the bandit? be pi ishe?". and STidenc? y ' thl | BBlahmi ?t hi forthcoming Upon tha den opiner*.? depend the natun of the i tlofl the I ? Itcd Sutes a 111 requl There it? ?au4, to be r.o proof that Gl eral \ lia ? tually made throata agali all Americans, although some inforrr t:-*n *.o thai < ?. partment. As irr the reeponelb II "t of Carrs for the tragedy, tha Serr,-*~ that a q.e- ' fad resraln? to established. The State Dei r-.jft knou under wh?t clrcamstanc ?? ? Amerieai i went late t -t i iti -, whlcl tbsy lost theii - ?ad wh condition? surrounded their slayir rh? department ha? no '?garer f .. . rroop train whii ? report? i preaa ?;- spatchea to }-* 4 aused th? ?ying the Amei cana to eoi a si g v ? g the banditi on enter the coach?-?. Point? to Warning '??gard to the warning It '?rar?' . the Secretary, ;t -?-ate Department would not : i?*, thi? Una? what pat:? n: Mea idered safe *?r-.! ? rh- ? i dared aaaafe. Il w&? the antic a bsppi : ? i I uahus. II was ?aid, tha*. prompted th ? n ' ? i thi recof . rra . ? an ci kun ? ? of ten tory which the; . Mr. \n edondo*? statement that Ameri ? ? OUI 0' ?fi ron*- di?' i Ion ? artm? -oncluaion of bit secretary La r. that hi received no 'rai Carrait . 1 id I ? I and by the i'arrania ? SB? ( ' u i c, a. ? least doubt," re >a.d the Carra they have captured and ? .? ? era to go ..4 , DUl I ..' : ? : i soi Im eenstitored ?? ? pa* ptn I MThs Carraaxa authoritlea have n WBBted Americana te retara te the warb in diatricta not annuoatlo Bh v.iidrr ibrir control an.l where r? ?? ha? not been ,?;il relj tr?t?4t?,l W have nevei Invited American? to retui to any tli?tiict except those such i Tnxpam and Tampico und regioi where there la no question ragardii the guarantee of then safety. We ha? fully resll ed lb? .1 Incultj of protei I tmericai n cei tain 1 egiona an rotai laabillty to do so In Ihoi whei ? ictionsri elemenl 1? 1 control. Americana ihould staj awn ? m h diati . "The rea-011 Wh] Ihre unfoi lunnl Victim? Sf Villa'? 1er.?? tj met such hie fate ia solely thelt d? get tO theil place of business and ii ??.il activity before Ihe eomplel control of the region by tha forcea 1 law und order ?tit1 constitutional go? ernmeal had been scrampltahed." Mr Arredondo directed attention 1 the fact thai th? murdera of the Amer can mining men tool plac? on the edg ?f lie foothill' of tne ."-'erra Msdl lange of mouritaiti?. 111 a region pi cultarly favorable to the operations o such a band, and ?vhere outrages of aimilar eharactei hu\e occurred in th rast. "I am trusting now," the ambn??ado continued, "in the s ninl aSBSS of th ?\merican people, who cannot but tr that hardly a month Iibs passe I nee the State of t'hihiuihua pa into the nominal control ol the 1 rauxa government, which already ha taken over the control of the eure town?, and that within as short a tim it was materially Impossible tO vegan complete control and maintain en( 1 ordei throughout the \a?- state, 1 eai i'ig out the remnant? of the orne pow ?rim] army of Villa, which had its origi i?l organlsatiaa ia the western n glana " Send Troops to Mexico, Is Demand in Congres? - ? ? t-'*>u ? Barsa | Washington. Jan. IS. The MoxicBl issue was taken up again in CoBgreai to-day A resolutior*. introduced b] Senator Lewis and allowed Is lie or labls, provides: "Thai tne Proaidenl of tl State? be author ?ed end empowered : Order the arnrv of thl I i I tec or an> BOOOSSars parr thereof, :o the tountry of Mexico, and to rhero ?o operate with any force there ei I 1 ? which to the Proaidenl ?hull acera ap propri?t? '01 the objecl ol proted ; the citi.-.ena a:.d property of the 1 ? ?? ? States, and to punish thosi ? . leeuriti of United States cil lei ?. ." norize the Pre 'dent :o the mil 'arv and naval forces of trie 1 nited States in Mexico ' r a? now- by law ? ? BgUa and 11.? ' pi ote? ' I A reso.ut'.on introduced in the House by Repr ? tal ve Moss provide-.; "That it is the ?ense of the HoBOO of Representatives, the Senate eon? 1 n-.rr.t o? the 1'nited " ? ' ?ro sue!, pan o1" its army and navy a? be n< i ' mm? cap? ?.i bring to IBl CO the pcrpe upon ?. . ? ? . ? ? protection to American eitizei - 1 Mes ss to pre* ? ?pet ii such outragea, and thai to 1 abject the 1 lei ermj ?hall ? the l"n;ted Stal waters adjacent 1 coast of Mexico, am! both rems 111 h time . t ei led S the 1.1; ? ,>* ts 1 " em ? th? ' ? re." ? ,. ?leu. ef I'?'?.?-, in the House wa? 1 only discuaaioa of the ?itaatioa eithei branch s? Congrasa "Since these trouble? iir?;??? ! hi 11 .-il !.. ii" my ?In1 va a rit i. en SO? Kepre en tat i ve m Congress bi keep! ?liiiet. and leaving the whole niatl .n m? bands of ihe Preaidaal aad I ??Secretary of State." ?aid Mr. Slayd? "I baVg heen i -ilent even when though! seiious mistakes were bei mad? I am not on m> feet to-da) I Ihs parp?se <>f criticising anv ens urn Venturing to speak a few wo?,I? ! daj becau?? i feel thai 11 ?s a duty OWe niv i??c, the people of the bord hu?! na conaeieaet i? is ? ?nty i a? :he whole country, f.u I ?hall ?enlii :? warning, ??hidi, if heededi leas a?" trouldi for Hit neople of Maine. weil a. the people of Texan, Ari/o and ? allfernia. Horrors ?;r?iw Steadil?. "Horrors in Mexico ?re esmulath Whs bas forgot tea the eutragei ?t D rariu-o. when u cits aras destroyed, tl murder? m ihr Ooaibra tunnel, wb? Innocent turn, women and children we i '-t, burned ?nd suffocated t-r ? bs dit who on the border ?????-. known to I a confederate m crime ?if Perot? \rango, otherwiaa and wor.?e know a? Tancho Villa'' Seme of yotj mt. have forgotten thai the paiii-nli ?lief ?n,,) innr.lercr who executed th horror fled to the ! niter! State?, whei be wee arrested and confined la a stoc! H?!- a* Foil Bliss, Stales is near Kl Pa? ; ? so called ;n?pi -?onmrnt he Wl I..?' or fed and cared for than rrer ; his whole worthless and criminal lif ..".m a few months Ural relented. "The people of the border ha\? her patient un,lei an unparalleled series c outrages. They do not want war wit Mexico, hii? they do want security f>? thell ' ve? Bad property. Their patient neat exhaustion, and if some relier absolute, reliable ?nd continued, i? no quickly given them they may not al ways remain patient ?helr ?nger i (real ?nd growing. I deplore ?ny rasl ai-ron on their part, ?rd 1 ?irrere! hone there will be none, hnt he nuis be ri'ind who cannot se? the danger. (alls for Fnd of Outrage. '. believe in Pan-Amcricanism have pleaded for it for ??<?;?' I bs lieve that it will hnng a better under standing and more cordial relation? I believe that -a corollary n^ '? wi" *-' ?(feet ? meani of preventing thi rrence of uch condition? as th" ? th?' have d ?graced and rumril Mcvir., v the il -f-rrihl af'air? of any if public in either of the America? be? come a scandal and a BUisaOCC, whei the ofTen?i\e odors of them crOSl In ternational lines and the cries of the fall "i, the ear? of nSighboi ??nii g ?lie peace of other eoun ii l'un Ameritan union could and should end them. "Airain I say ?hat horror m!ed or: horror, crime treading ?!1 Hi? heeli of crime, have exhausted the patience or riie people of th? berdei itet -. ..r,,i rhc\ will he satisfied with nothing short of rhe capture and execution <?'' the m orderen of the - te? \ ?? ? who are the latest victim? of ?n?rchy. . | . en t on foi ovei ere i,., u? '. itory n? comic ? ? ? , . ? . ? bach te . to the i i roirular woik and who IS en enl foe ??on, a?=Krd foi a:..I wer? refused I hep? il : ? not true. thai tl -over n Mexico is :? ' ffei ??? te ti ? tions, oi faithful t,, the tras! as . lion. "There la also a ry, and tbi? l be ? V I | ?? - an orner | ?? n bandi! followers to sll Amei and to loot. 1er or not, I has been done. ? . I v ? "lire to -av ?hat the ris ?mericans < ?nger? ind cannot be trill I ? STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1915 ASSETS Loans and discounts. Acceptances of other banks discounted Overdrafts secured and unsecured United States bonds to secure circulation . Bonds, securities, etc. Stock of Federal Reserve Bar?. . All other stocks. Due from banks and bankers i;"t) Checks and other cash items .... Exchanges for Clearing House Notes of other national banks Federal Reserve notes .... Due from Federal Reserve Bank Specie in vault ...... L^a!-lender notes in vault .... Redemption fund with United States Treasurer and due from United States Treasurer Customers' liability under Letters of Credit and Acceptances Tota; .... LIABILITIES Capital stock 'paid in. Surplus fund ........ Undivided profits. Reserved for taxes, etc.. Circulating notes ..... Due to bank*? and bankers net I Individual deposits subject to che?.-. Dividends unpaid . . . . Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 day?? Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 da\s Certified checks ...... Cashier's checks outstanding Letters of Credit and Acceptances . Total .... S5b.965.649.84 ?43,964.32 3.540.24 740,000.00 1.656,173.74 $?10,000.00 36,300.00 ?46,300.00 ?.798,730.24 353,319.99 4.699.118.08 ?6,000.0(1 174,425.00 $5,..47.524.25 8.711,422.70 1.2/1,315.00 ?5,230,261.95 202,000.00 1,214,479.63 $36,140,984.49 j6.450.409.15 80.934.00 ?04.550.66 169,218.44 360,356.25 1.1I2.o28.70 $84,553,963.03 $4,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 833,002.46 3.984.67 740,000.00 74,519,081.69 1,457,894.21 $84,553,963.03 ACCOUNTANTS CERTIFICATE HASKINS '.&, SELLS Certlfed*Public Accountants >V broad Sire?? New York. Januarv 10th \9\f Meist s. Hoiace Havemeyer, Chairman Sidney ?. Mitchell Charles E. Perkins Theodore F. Whitmarsh hi ?am nil tig Committee, Irving Natiorm Ban.. Dear Sirs: Pursuant to engagement, we have made? an examina? tion of the assets and accounts of the Irving National Bank, New York, as at the c'ose of business on December 31, 1915, and WE HEREBY CERTIFY that, in our opinion, the above state? ment of Assets and Liabilities is correct, and is in agreement with the books. Yours trulv, HASKINS Ck\ SELLS Certified pal lie Aceouiitari'.? IRVING NATIONAL BANK WOOL WORTH BUILDING NEW YORK WILSON I?LATIVE KILLED IN MEXICO News of Welles Murder Suppressed, Says News? paper Man. CARRANZAS BROTHER SLAIN BY BANDITS (?encrai Took No Action to Pun ish Murderers, Asserts Chicago Man. n. t? ?*????+ te t??? MBaaa i i hirag-n, Jan. IS .Jiinius H. lAreH. who t-iMted Mexico recently ?? ? staff correspondent of "The ? hiogo Daily Newa," ?poke of condition? south of tin? Rio (trande to day "A relative by mamag? of Presides! W l?nn wa? killed In the .?hooting up el a railroad train in Mexico a few month? ago,'* ?aid Mr. W oo?l. "The H'ory wan BUppfOOBed until now. A hri.t'her of Pres'dent farran-a of M':<r ko was killed in th? BSSB? iiianner. 1 he American government kept quiet about the shooting of President Wilson? rela tive, though COpiOOS report-, on it were forward?? hy COB ?ais ranada ?nd Sil liman. President Carranza ?lid not ?lo anything. Fven th- k.lling of hi? brother did not interfere with hie pre pramme of ?peechmakmg and recep tion?. There is not much he can do Outlawry exist? through m?ich of the count ry ? i; g(, Welle?, formerly of Denre?-. . : ?4 ? Si I cousin of Presidenr Wilson. He had lived m Mexico for a number of year? and had a ranch ?lor,?; Uns ot the r?''road which luni fi ,,- Vers Crus to ?Santa Lucrecia, ?her? I? connect* with the frhiin't" pet Railroad Last .September, when Pre? ien! Carransa aras making hi? ,. tal :i Vota 'mi, Welles, vim .'.. .""CI -icso.s to ns> hi? flS< B, left by train for hi- rarirt-, A few m !e? o |1 of Ver?, CrUS the 'rain wa? dvn?mitel and abeat .'l|0 sesseagers artrs ?-not and killed. Welle? wa.? ?inong the number. ?The S?afe Pepartment at W'nsring ton wa? informed of Welle?.'- relation Sfa [. to the President through the President'? cousin, who was Welles'?? Rrst ?ifc Welles had married again. Hi?, second ?vir'e was the widow of BI American mine SWBer in M?>ic<> nameu Miller." Munav F Crossette, ?-ho missed being smong 'he ms ?acred Americans ,,?' i] .? Palmer mil t onlj b) * hair ?a? at tint r. noire,I to be among the victimi ??! 'he bend s' sttack, aas stunned ?-hen news that mai;. >.f hi ... i.? en ?lain .?.. ,.,, e,i ? , ,-a,?;.. i. week ago, coming it?.m San Antonio, lex. ne? urn-, ,ng na?? bren lying i,i with a' aggravated attack >?:' Inlueaaa. "I bad la in? i taking my men ? a! o-i th?- sans train thai bur, t H M -. f and the l'aimer men," said Mi ? russerte., is manager of thi .. J- ga, I exr to the Palm-': , "On tl ' ?'?a-, of tins ye?> I learned of ?. ,' r< tor?' i:i?----ir.g te be held on Januar] :? ?" Cbi?eaga rhal marki 'h- narrowness o! our eseapt." The i.m:.i.g .:-. .n termed the massacre ? ? . | ? ,,' a long list of crimes committed againal Americaas** ami i,uke bitterly ? what he tetmeii tl ?? ty of hopint: that the State l>" partasenl would do anything to a^er.g' the death ?T bis fr r ds. ^,? IHBSM P?,re?'. WsahiagtOn, Jan. It. Secretary ng Mid tonight tha' he had 1*10 ?,,?1 ation abc il 'lie -.??ving of M?*. Welles, a relative of the President, by ?texicail bandits. Grand Fork?. V D. .Tac. 13. Par* ., ?r, reported slain by Mexican, i? a sor. of a (iuerro, Mexico. rancher an?i a brother ??f Mrs. .1. (1 . .,f lira-id F'.rks. Mr?. !lane> ..!-' thai her father and two other brothers, residing on her father' raiich. have me' a like fate. She ha no! heard from them since Noi '?? lust. ? Francisco, Jan. i" The four brothers ot' Charles A. Pringle, one ?.:" Americans killed hy bandits in ?l"\.ro, huve -ent th? following to Presiden! Wilson: "In the name of humanity, in oruer w> preve?a other? lunering a like bereavement, we, th? brother? o? Charle? A. Pringle just killed 1r. Mexico, are Impelled! to d? -, aid that our government take Imme Bt? tej.? to ( the safety of those of otir eHUeue, ?s well a? ?he citizen? of other nstlons who ?r? pur? suing the'.r l?gitimit? business In Mes? ? o with all the vigor there Is in as ws ask that tho?? Mexicans who took part 1r. the masaaer? be apprehended and executed.? VILLISTA CHIEFS CAUGHT AND SHOT ? ?nt i ?n. -t trtrm paga I eatly psr? Of ?he Bight Street brawl? be! ' ee?i Mexicans in.! Aniencars W<SfS frequent. By 10 o'clock l| wan reported tha* knives w?re fre<r-uently used ar.d all amhuUnce" in the city were rushed ', .tough the s'reets, walls physicians ?vers hurried to el] pacts of the city. I OS! of the lights wr--ie hr-ween AmCT . .;i soldiers end Mexicans. Plan Raid Into Mexico. PeliCS reserve? were called ou' and ? ier wan gives to keep the neop moving ir. ?11 downrown Streets. Po lice ?t ail hotel, ar? ssarchlag out Mexican? ?r.d advism? their dep?r*ure RepOltl were current l?t? to-ntght of a secret r-iee?i:ig of cattle and mining men t.? arganltS th? proposed punltira ? cpeditten in Mexico Immediately, with .r without the consent or" the i u'rrar.z? government. Ueports from Chihuahua City said General Trevino, with "00 men. aras in the Santa Yrabel district hunting for Oneral Villa and hi? band. Chi? huahua Cits was ?raid to he ,-,:?? -.. ??, |j deeUtuts of troopi. A petitiea a?!dres?ed to Theodore Kooscvelt asking him to use bis n flu-'r.ce to obtain ? change in the for? eign policy of (his government, ?? related to Me .ico, r.s .sent ton?",..? A repoi' from Chihuahus that ?en ABtericaai and two l.ngluh women ad beca killed at Madera could rot be confirmed here. Neither wni th-re verification r'or a rumor that three tmsncani had been murdered in the ? ana-.t ? district <>i Sonera. The bodies of eighteen American? illod Monuay reached Kl Pa.-o early ??-dsy The body of .Toseph Fnder-, eported to have been kille,), was not mong those arriving to-day. Joint funeral -.rrvlces were held this item ?son for E. !. Robinaoti and Man? ice Anderson. Some of the bodie? II be -ent t?. homea of relative? ! ?' bodf "t I A l'r'nj?le will he ent to San Pram eo for burial. .1 P. <>>?'? bod) Will be -ent to I.os Angeles, he body of A. ? ouch, mutilated ?1 esl hejond recognition, r. ill he ?en? ? Ram hurt. Tes I h.? bo.iv of || r. ? ?i? ?ent to-day to Kansas City. ?oiif.? \\ . Newman'- body was sent te cene. V H . to-day. The others will ' ' ?- ? ... x . , . AMERICAN MINERS LEAVE CHIHUAHUA Work in Sonora Slate Will Continue. Willinin I.oeb, )!., mst'iif-inr; iln'''"' ?of the Aineiicari BBISItiag hikI Refining lompany, announced yeaterdiiy that lie ?had received word from lu? represent? 'live ?t KI Ps " tlmt nil 'lie Aniericnn I mining eeacern? in Chllmahua d a-i sr i .iered thell men nut sf thai territory. , ,\1i l.och said that till BCtlSfl ?vu I , decided ?>ii si ? nieetin?- sf tks Mi"*? ? snd Bmelten .' oelatioa at El Pa?o. , nn ?rganisatien of minias eoaeera? laaerating .? ? the Cblhuahaa Held, Be did ?irit. BBOWj he Mid, how niHtiy men A.mld lie nfTert?'l. bul ilx? number Iweuld run lut" ?overal huBdreda. 'IfflfisN of the (irenie ( ?n.?nr? and Phelpo-Deajga eoeapaaloe, sporsting mine? In the Sonorn Stnt<* of Mexico, ??id tri-t th.".- arere not affected hv the recent disorders arid thut thev would no? Withdrnw th?"ir men ?o long a? eon dilion? remained as fhey were 1'ir rnn?i? r'nne? aie m ab-.oliite control of their dial riet, tin \ ? in?) The t'ireene Cenen(M rornpnnv re rel-ri*il :, telsgfBBl from It.? represent). live et ? annnea, Sonorn, IByiBg thai evervt h i n je ?as ?julet. T h 1 ?a apparent ly dispone.? ?.f a rumor from Fl Pp?o fodnv ihn? three AlBerieSBB Bad bOOB murdered i" the CsBsnes distriel MEXICAN MASSACRE PUT UP TO WILSON Administration, Colonists Say, Allowed Rosy Reports to lure Victims to Death. Maine tor the niHs^arre of .?venteen American?, in Mexico last Monday was put squarely op to President Wileon yesterday hy two OOloatUtO, ?aho ad dreaaed the NatJaaal Special Aid Socie '4. an Srgaaisatlofl of v. omen, of ffl Pifth Avenue, and who ?poke und?r ?. *"ir'!??d name? to protect, ?heir families from 4'arran's. One o" them "W P Hrown" is a ranch owner In I hi hua? hua, with a wife and Children lirtag tiff* miles from th? ?cens of -he ma? ?arre. The other "Michael i . Smith" i? a rendent of Tampiro. "In Fl f? a three ?reeks tgo I ?Ho.*? hands wi?h ?-??,-,?..? ,-,r,e of tile men who were killed." Mid ?row- "Mip'ed by ro?y repor's v. hi en the ?,|ivir tratlOB at Waahiagtaa ha? allowed t,-. come from thii part of Mrxico, they all sreal into the state The i*eepenaibillty far the aaaful bu'chery that to.lowed r.,:? at the door of President W ,1 ea "Bath i ar't sad Wilson nada ?he mis? take ?. ? | ?J v ,"h a cIi : ?? la M? 4.i?} ??> day "here ? i ? ? . 1er an , al tlio igfa ? ally- at peace ami < airu:..... ; -upposed to be BUpreme. ".?-. eretary Lan ,. - r-.? ., thron ? ,iu -? ? eaa i ?'.i!:.' Csrrs a ii powerless to restoif srder or I n as on for tin* lives of United tau eil "There ia sal] 01 I <Viaerl? ? ? > ' ' later? ? * . the Wile? ...i n - ha? repeatedly turned 1 ...,., v i..-. .* 1 ?.??tiers, sltl 1 ?y were par? niilt?;.| *'i *ec S? ei ??'..? !!? ? ??; "l ni'ortunately, however, Mr. Iiryan did all the talking ??t ? b< ia aud ?aid Sini'h. "and we never had .? I te i;e' ,i word In. Ar t*??* end he would si tally aah us if we hml interest? in Molleo, Hii'l when we admitted i' he would ?ay. 'Well? gentlemen, you are prejudiced ' " I.ike Hrown. Smith declared the only remedy srs? in Intervention, ??: d ?aid thai Carrants ??;- control ". oaly half th.' country. The National Spoelal Aid Se whieh :? Htlii:Ht?il with the Satioaal S? . .. 1. League, a I II ai d ??? ?l<" egation of eli-re? the league'? con? tre? in Wash r L'ton ?.i Jsnuar] 20, Silliman (Uves Message of Wilson to Carranza Keuve Laredo, Mexico, Jan. 13 Rep reaentation? af the United Btatea guv? erameat regarding tin tas . a ol for? eitfiier*; near Chihuahua City bars tnted te Geaei al Venn .? a Cai ranza, w. Querotsro hv Coasul John K. Siliiman. arcor?lini? to a private tel - epryiir ??-reived here to-night. ha'.e been taken to ?i ir?ue the bendita, it ia reported from Queretaro, gad tears effort will be BSads *o 8B**"t and punish them. QsBSral Jacrr.*' Trevino has beet, sent to 4'hihuahua to take full command of the ?ituatior. there. General Alvaro llbr-fnn ?till Bras in Queretaro to-night. VERDI, STILL ARMED, PERMITTED TO SAIL Clearance Granted When Italy Promises Guns Won't Be Used. The Italian liner O'-i'eppe Verdi, her two ?rim? ?till mounted aitem, was permitted tS ?a:l yesterdav. (oile?-tor Malone received instructions from Sec? retary MeAdoO early in tha afternoon to perm.'. t:,?? ihip to clear. The State Department, allowed the Verdi to ?ail only after the Italian Ambassador srave ss'iirances that the Cut:? would rot be u??d to attack tub marines which attempted to wain th? vessel. t'ernn-?'.i-: for ?aillag was rlvall the more readily hecau*?e the State Ponart" eat i ' sot wi?h to com p?lente ?he pond rig Persia ?ass Wa.hir.'/'xn. Jan. 13. In a' ?h? Giuseppe \'erdi to sail froiv. New Yoi'-. v. .th her armament, Secretary I^insrn-r javs out. the foilowins s'-ute mer.t; "li. ?iew of th? forma'. a?suran?-es recelvd from '.ho Italian Arr.bas?ador 'o-day. *h ?'. the gUM on hoard th? ?????i- u. ; 'i'. ?r?t i Verdi. at' the Trans-Atlanti? Italiana Line, bow at th? Port sf ' "v "fork, ?rill be seed ai ij :?>r doieaeive purposes ar:d ?:.i not be i-??.,?, .,i ?,?.;.,? i sbmarine ?-.'hilit i-.'a ararned tha Iiepar-?.-.<: ? of State t-a-i informed the treasury De? partment :1...* :t has r.o abjectie Is the elesraacc si the ressel c ac COUBi of the armament which ?be ear? r?es." ? ynre i~.jpe to li?? fitted, MS**? )?. / ?*? ?i ? .?> Mansion Coffee * , ? ? ? - ? '. - bRm IBst ei Unary rs r -u. . r ??..'";?? le a ii? th? flavi ........... ,; _j||j o' ,:|.'.?r p; 1 f ! ??jrr??\ [nil :i: en I* .' ?? frem iSb uupert? al 24C. PER POUND ? rartaus middlemeta'i ?nf> ? ni? i ? ' . .p? of Delivery Free on Fire Pounds M'T', 1 ,i ? ?il r. q ??'. ; ALICE FOOTE MacDOUGALL John 1483 131 Front St. 5,000 MEN SENT TO CURB BANDITS Sonora Governor Prom? ises Troops in Chihua? hua Within Week. nonjrl??. Ari-., Jan. l.T General P. Bllei ?'?lie?, military governor of So n- r?. is preparing to send ?,000 cavalry into W'?atern Chlhoahua to ?Id In run ning down the remaining Villa fore??, according to announcement to-day by Ivej ('. J.elevier, ?'?rrmns? eon?nl here Th? troop? are being mobilized Si Tomehl, Sonora, ?bout forty miles west of the Chihuahn? ?t?'a lln?, h? said The movement wa? de? ?der] on !a?t tlight after a telegraphic conference, h? ?.?e-,n General ('ailes, at H?rmosi|lo, and ?'?rr?n-r? officials In ?'hihu?h'ja ? ity. 1 he Carranza ?roops will ?nde?ror to close In on the Villa r?lders by ?ending th? Sonor? column east from Tonlchi, another COatlngeat south from Ju?ret, a third column west from ( hihuahna ?'fty and a four'h detachment north from Totreon. The Sonora contingent is expected to be in tho field within a week. (icr.ern! Alberto Garcia, with a bun dred men, I? operating independently of other factions in ?he .Sahuarlp? dis? trict, ?Sonora, and levying tribut? In ?mall town?. Jos? 1'llow, a Mexican mining rnaii, reporting this to-day, said rhat his pr.rtner, I, Kstaban Borgaro, ha . heen tortured by Villa troop? three ?seek? ?go near Jecori. Sonora They demanded gold, ?nd hanged him until 'no was nearly ?lead befor? he rebelled ?.?-hero hi) had buried Jli.OIO. His lif? ?hen ?-in spared. N'ogale?, Am, J?n. 13. -An incon f rnio?i report reached her? to-day that .? Carraass force under General M IMetj-tier had been defeated with heavy losses by Y..qui Iniiiani under ?Jener?l Francisco l.'rbalejo. Mexican officials a' N'ogale?, Sonor?, had no ?uch repor* CEASE TRIFLING. T. R. TELLS WILSON ? nnt niiril from r>?r? I far] Gerrnr.-- thai ba would hold her tr. ? ?trlet accountability if sh? ? t'iese ships. Eight months hare goi i -- ? Y ;, ..i ? ??'. ! lite- the r.u-1 tani? v.ero Buns. Ship after "hip has been i ?tal of lives lost ! ! .... ? i ??[ ? ? lent Wilson ?? Rg ci apt to write no-res. c?.ch i.? ng ! by ?? ; re h sut? ..... "I* la worth while calling ?r*<-ntion ' '-jr.? Department's insertion to day thai it hr? 1 warned Americans to r.'?n OUI of MeaiCO. In this re->r>er" President Wilson is opyirg the ss? r Ben itorif when he warned the American? to Keen off the, an B, which warning wa? fol? lowed by murder. But it is a- leas! te d .,.- thn Oermaa Amha??ador thai the murders of which he ?-.v? aran were of eitisena of a foreign land. In I ' ? ' ease the s 11 i I followed by murder of citizen? of our own land. '".'.'.? did nothing vhen our citizens were murdered on the h'Rh sea? bv Germany. Apparently wa Intend to do nothing about th?- citizens that have , urdered by Mexico ?nd remem? ber that President Wil-on had recog i.ued the Mexican government which, nevertheless, he so di?*rusted that he wanted our citizens that at the peril of their live? they must i.o* -tay in Mexico. "Meanwhile, for three years our ,.n y nr,<? ttevy have deteriorated, and Bryan, Kitehin, Hay and the other ??arty .-?--..ciares of Mr. Wil-on seem lient on rivalling one another aa to which can most successfully ob-.tru.-t the purpose of the American people t.. prepare for its own defence. And i're-ider.- Wilson is himself personally responsible for the fact that during the ' ight? en months since the pren? war began no* .?ne s*ep la preparedness ha? le.mi taken. "When th? great war ceases we shall have earned the contemptuous dislike of every combatant, und if we don't do < or duty in Mexico one or all of them urely seise Mexico th?sasselvea. -Thanks to this adniinistra'ion, our Leasing and Pleasing at the same time Tbat'i w f i;i t we're doing in the PiquiUbli B?ssml> in>/ ritflit along ***> aw It-mating spnoe hourlw and Pleasing tenants 03 the minute. \ot because we h')\ *? .'in y m.>ti')]'oiv of --r-a-KJ ni?iniKis ??r I'ourl'sy. hut becaute up have g building which ?i ;i 'ii'?nof>'?lv of all thole eon? Bideratiotifl which make a tenant pleated withUi rlioirr* Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway &(ia* / p-etas M REMAINXR OF MANY I I NFS OF UOMhNS UINTF.R APPAREL ??A FFW OF A KIM/ V?MUOU3 SIZES COLORS AND STYLES $45 ?o ?95 Tailleur Suits? $20 a ?38 Mostly fur trimmed -<J-*irable for gerjeral wear. $45 to *65 Dresses?$18, $38 Afternoon and Dance dre**e*, of cloth and silk siso chiffon romhiintion effects special groups to doK $95 & $I25 Fur-tnmmed Wraps?-? $55 Afamoo? and evening styles. a ?pedal group to dm $45 to $65 Motor * Utility Coats?$25,M5 Of splendid BBatcriall many trimmed with high-class fun. $10*? $18 Silk ??- Lingerie Blouses?$5 A complet** clearance of many lines S18 4? 52 5 Streel * Semi-dress Hats " $5 -? Pak sf??uw ?195 -. ?425 Fur Coats?$95, ?195, $295 SI- rt and loflf Hudson Seal Coat- Mole and Caracul Coats. $95 .o H95 Fur Sets?-f $45, *75 >???-? 595 Of Sea!, Skunk. Dyed Blue Fox. Taupe Fox. Pointed rux. Cub-Bear. Silvei Lyn\, Moleskin, ^ hite Fox and Mink <:,.', to $00 Mufs?of Raccoon, Beaver ami Mole '$98, $U people may bave ahead of them ., e\ii ?lay oi recKor.n g when the warring powers ar- . |. free to turn their attention to US. I -ay ma;.. but a- a matter of r'ac' 1 believe that I day will surely come uni? eniment aban.Ions its attitude of crim? inal fatuity as regards both prepared? ness and international duty." Ask Wilson to Remove Consul as Villa Adherent El Paao, Tex. .fan. IS. Than Edwards, American i'on-ul at J ?,--,, recived with shouts of derision when he appeared in 'he lobby of .? local hotel filled with SI Mag MS I "Vou canr.' "???' r-:*-"' calmly toi I ??!.?-? bis hack, he ???rode freo -he lobby. ???',o hack to Juares, whsta yo'- ?'" the mining mer. ih?MM4 M ?VI surrounded Edwarns w ?? threate- ?? ssenaer. "Yon are a Villa taaaa\ T* ? a:. American, i.o to Costa'-11 01 wherever Villa is. ?? e have eifht?' Americar beys he murdered. feaesga to b ? nroud .?*' your fri? ' ! " _,., A petitiei leal to Prei ****** late to-dav, boa I ? ;"" ??"S .ents cf El Pasa, asked ?hit P wards "" tento/eei froai smcs_ The New MICHELIN Universal Tread This b The New Tire Everyone is Talking About A real advance in tire making One Quality Only? The Best FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS B'wny nt 57th St. Phone Circle 441