Newspaper Page Text
SAYS WHITNEY FAVORED B.R. T. Property Owners' Chair? man Accuses Public Service Secretary. AT ODDS OVER "L" AND SUBWAY PLANS Accused Declare! He'll Answer in Detail Before Coin mittee, Travis H. Wl star. r?v.' i .??? ?4 CUSed ber".?rt' UlO 1 with .Assists Turnar, ansit ffi'f rha chargi ? arpr-?-??' ; ? .'? . ' I I f? - ne; of tlie . -, Brool ya is ax?t er.-,." Carpen! Tnrner r? 11 ? v ? ? Hi? obj?e:ions are oxatstl* those of Colore! Timoth] S Williame, president of ths Brooklyn i-?>? d Tran sH " He sard thnt Wl tnej had refused yesterday morning ?<*? advise him ???'nether there had beer, proper service of an lnjunotion he. Carpenter, had ob? taine.i restraining th? commission from proceio ng furthoi III tb? third Traek ?ng matter, and thai Whitney had t? -?' i bs iras not the peop.e's counsel. Wl tr.ey ?\as called before the Thompson comnr.ttee. He denied gen? eral a! Mas In favor of the ra.lroad company, or any attempt on hi? par' eh tb? propertj ewners. He said he had refuaod hi? advice a- to proper ?t?r\"ce of the injunction, as he always ? s ssilai cases, stating that it ??a? never the custom of ths commis ?ion to admit ser-... ?>, bul a' r;.e same tehnil I a.? to that ? ittei nil ever raised. He denied ?paeiflrally that he hul ?aid he was ? ? pie. "I have been furnish? I with S trans? | > arpenter'*- I ." said y.r Wl ?? las! '? fill ap? peal befors the committee and atiwer in c? oklynitc 1 am a? much dis appointed si Mr. Carpenter, that it ha? u, rk out a better on. For ie? with the < nt Hundred, at rh oui sosas ? ?.. ? sn tot - ? to." mer llaywai?1! backed up it?, saying had s ? ? hehalf rty holders, , ? had h? Mi \ in sny manner an il to favor th? railroad company m <h>- eontrovei The subpo - ? ? mm it tee were llobei t 1 .-? '.' ?..-i- who ? fore charge? ?ore v.*.- - eounsel that he * .rid produce l..m when wanted. ?.'hairmai. Thompson of ths commit - tec laid I I ad been re ceiv? s certaii public utility corporation magnate made as? re than $i,0oo,ooo m tl. b> ?? I ng ? rom pa- Hi ^a.d he WOUld subpoil at . .? - 1 fa man. -and?, of stockholders in h-e charge, could make & fortune m lb? dual capacity of ??1er ?rid buyer. MILLS INCOME TAX PLAN WINS FAVOR Assessment Change Approved at State Conference. ;?-?-- ? at rat m??m ] Albany, Jan. 13. Senator ??i-den L. Mill?, chairman of tb? I ?gislativ? Taxa? tion < onimittre, told the State Taxa? tion ( OTiftrenoe hen to nay tnat the In? come tax ! ths falreat kind of a tax hecau.?.e t taxes oach mar. :, accord? ance with his ability te pay. "I.'nder the present personal property tax," Senate Mills declart d, "the gr??t? es?, relative burd'-n.s fall upon the men at moderare mc Beautor Mills s;.'d that the personal proper.y tax war. a failure, from the standpoint of fa.n.e.b, revenue and ad? ir, in..?'?ration, and that there ?i?- no chance of such a tax succeeding. The income tax, he contend?, is the only levy that will compel thai grout class of people who do business in N'??w York City, who enjoy it? advantages and now I .4.. r.o (MUMt at all, to contribute their share toward the support of the govern? ment. He ?aid his r-.roitte? had recommend? ed that an Income tax law be enacted, ?rith exemptions up te ?i.f'OO for a sin? gle man and $2.000 for a BSai with a family, and with rate? running from ene-half of 1 -er cant te I per cent. Senator Mill? estimated that under such a STStem a man with an (,f $10O,.i.hj would pay less than 12,000 ? year, and tl si ? family man with ?5:-?,??u?? would pay ah?,ut $5. Sal it ; '?'. ?... id that an Income tax at th -i individuals a: d a: a .", per cant rat? , eoi jiorati.r.s ?? ths amount whicli would be lost 1 ibolitioi of th.- persoi si property tax, approxi? mat. . ? - ? ... 0. The conference ? nded up with a 1- h ited sei ?fternaan, when repre? sent?- ' ..irai corporations in ?iignantly resented ths insinuations of ? State Tax Commission that rorpotalion? are tax aodger?. In'? of ft ?ve-minuU ??ag rule, which vsa.-. suddenly put inte el ?ect, thej declared, amid anplaus? he fault really w??s with th? law itself. The law. th? . Mid, dieci im mated again? r the orgaaisat?MS they repre? sented In a ten-minute discussion on Senator ' Mills'? paper hearty approve] wa-? given i ta his committee's leeeassnea da tien for' a rep? al of t?,.- present personal prop- ! 4-rty tax h.w atid the substitution o? an income tax measure. It \\??4 kntfwn,', howevei, that flu- legislativ? lenders! are. opposed to an income la* measure j in ? Presidential year. ? ? O-a^ ?.-r.M! ,l()l IN ?SON S IIOMK, AT HiH'M) BROOK, S. ??? JOSEPH JOHNSON JERSEY RESIDENT <ontini>e<t ?*ri>m (?<{?* I phcne nun ??> ? v York i ? ' John n's hom? giv? aa 55 "Vest there al si 1916, ?' at tha brougl ha information l *.' Bound lirook, N. J , nfnrl; two yeai ? ago. A .?earch of the records at 'he Bean .i Elections shi red that Johnson re?: letered from M4 Weal 150th Streel fall. This sddreea, b four story an? basement M dar> rlalt? ? it night, it woman who answer.?.! .! thai 1?re, and thai lohl 101 rented the secoi d floor, Perha] ? y Smitli ? ? ? T." livei theie. but th? ? ? ? .; Hoard of Eli ord? she ?? niel J. Smith, a re? porte! re. Johnson used to i>* a reporter. Of rate years he has r ? ? B ? ?r 'a* salaries from ti I ' ixpayeri af the < ity and State of iVea York, and ?? ?.-,. ? ? ? ? $7,500 sa chief ol lit 1 th? Public Sen-ice ? lommi sai? waa given to him Iward l .'?:.' all, then chairman of the COS Johnson man;,ceil Me? Call's unsuccessful Mayoralty earn? pa gn, flopping to him after Mayor n dre.i lu had been managing Mayer Gai n n '? cam] . In the course of it Industriously att-ac-,? New, before we leave this amusing search for ex-Kire Commissionei JohB .-oil's legal residence and beforp we eoms to the shooting, il li only proper ?i say : ghl here th;.* another element of mystery waa added to the ? . S discovery ? . n fre j >ro;i? al *v ? Iltui?e. ik ? the;e say he : *? | ? ? ?here or, sad off fot more tha Woman I ses (.un. ,. Wednesday morning a Tr.hune ; hotographar and his assistant wetit to John.?on'? home in Bound Brook. A una out of ? ? . meet tl.em Sha said nothing. A ? ?? womai * mi aighl th i <rn accent opened a OB the ground floor and asked whom they The photographer said he to see Com? nei from The Tribune. ,Tu?t then the lights on the second floor were ? :. Tin- white woman laid : "The ? ommission? r ,? gone " two then weal into the road Avenue, a public thorough? fare and th" photographer t< ok oui NEW JERSEY DIVISION Johnson ?tohnSOfl Johnsoa Jofcnaon Johnson .TolllaSOt. Johneon JoViBaKitl JolrriS4-?r JOflnsOB ,Tiilitr< orn Jcnrrt-rij jfVn G 8, Bee....1100 Diva.tserasa joj-* John II, Res.?T1 ?'?al:.Perth Amb 1455 John J, Re.Park SB F.oq^fMoa? r:f>S John L, It-; .47 Perstmette nv.V?-nn? 54?9 J v.n M, GenlStere.Nsveeli k,KJ .AtlHilntlt 102 John H, Res.290 Ullis???-. Pslerson 3?6 Joy, Jr._. . ^. f_. poeoliwor"?! rtv . Bound PrH?19? ?MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX tu j ; m V, ",7r, !f1 or is* . VI ?11 ? s4 o v.D . f?i^T?t-twn .T.n R. R-?a... .Wo*-t Fsrrui-, N.I. Tarmdale 176!" j.p v*. n-i.n Melross a?, fro. Oran???. 19(*? -JotV.r*;i 0, MD.Res.10 ?.'liestnit Mulli-r-y 89 Dr.TnllaA. Ost K>,*>0f. l'i.nro<* Bv.A-burv Pk fli>?* John-m R?? John, r, 424 K 141.. Metre-? 2126 J?biisoc. Jwlu-i, A;*i"t HwdiWl v, otea *i ?v 146 MslrsM 42S7 Jrhnion John Nr-r-D, l.*>-r, '.'"l"! nwij Ba*ttS| 61)47 Johnion Jnh-i P, Vuitn'.-t. :U'3 F 7.1 LflBSI 758 # Jchr,-n? Ju* F. N Y (JBto.CWsSS *'l S.inn- 42 13 Jiihrnon Joi Friirb, .12 \..?'-rl** pi.. Sprii.g 989?) Johnen Jo. M. r, 108 Mirnvl- sr. M-rnjide 7446 Johx.vm.Mn Josn, hlne, r. 170 W 7*i CsM?M ?tT763 Johnaun-Kihn To. 230 5th at. M?*d Sq 1260 Johnson Kstherlo* 0. r, 130 1 57.. Circle ?90 Jotin-on K-ttilivji m. - ?28P, MMIlHan ?rd Wctte-ter 211 Johnson Rlrt B, r, li%4 W 11H_ *R.vr*-ide ?"! ??8 Johnson Ma L. r. 10.rj ft 137.. teints 77'fJ Teler'ione li-t*. showing m Commissioner has n?*? ["iione In Mi his camer? and levelled II a* 'lie hou< Thc white woman, i ig -l photographer and bis ass ? tant, shoote. "You dirt) .To?*.?' Ton i..r;.in, great .Tew?! (Jet out. If ?.on tek? ;? \ etui of this house I'll shoo*." I h. photographer took the pcfui and immediately the white woman can ? ? ? ? the porch and i ting n r? s ver ?n the direction of 'he two, tired. "If you take another picture I'll sho? again!" sa,,i the wh U -.vornan. When Johnson was ashed a litt! after 11 o'clock Wodneeda? why som woman in his Bound Breo? home fire a shot a? a Tribu?.?';rapher h said. "I ?lon't know who could have dot. ths shooting, for there Is onlj ?. ear? ?aiKei out there." Johnson thought a momem am asked: "WJiy would The Tribun? do a despic able thing like that -f-.kt ? pieten 0 niy home"" "To publish it." MWefi, that's a low down trieb. I'n amus.d. rhough, to hear 'ha- tu o ph. o tographers were shot at. That's th? Ar? I r-ard of it." A telephone talk that Johnston ha?: had ? few moments before was th? I) It ? : 'o him. In it Johnson ? tiie person a*, the othei end 0? : ne "Stand pat. Don't answer any ?iues Don't answer the telephone your Stand pat. Don't answer the tele i onallv." Johnson flared" up when this was re? peated end shouted some unprintable profanit] thai -? m? time before The Tribune reporter visited J?li.-on a ru? tel from "The Evening Post" asked in about the shooting at Bound Brook. At Johnson's Bound Brook home yea? negro si an! is .i when ? I who fired the shot: "The other careteber.*1 Who know?? ' * "-**" f-$ra^i "Forthcoming Art Events of Importance" -f^p^ ^^ At The American Art Galleries ^SW M\I>1S?)> SIM.4I11 ??OITII. N"I"\V 1i?IKK. ON FREE VIEW FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 P. M. Continuing Daily until the Unrestricted Public Sale SPECIAL EVENING VIEW Monday of next week from 8 until 10 o'clock The Valuable Paintings Water Colors, Pastels and Etchings By Am-ruaii Frenck, Gt-rmsn, English, Stain, Bel-pan and Dutch Mitten Collected by the Ute Hugo Reisinger To be Sold by Direction ol Kono Franrke snd Frederick Detain. Eiscutort, Pursuant to Order of Surrogate Cokalan Wttmore & Jenner, Attorney? for the Executors On Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings of Next Werk January 18 and 19, at 8:00 o'clock In the Grand Ball Room of the Plaza Fifth Avenue, 58th to 59th Street ? Ad misti?n by csj-ii to b?a ha" tree al the Maaacea-s) Concluding on Thursday Evening of Next Week, January 20 Beginning at 8:00 o'clock At The American Art Galleries MAI?1*??>N SOfl ".Kr. Sill TH "?" HaaaBeaBB illu*lralecl deicrir>ti\e I atalugijr mailed on re, ?-ipt o? On?? Dollar. ?ALSO? Art Productions of Ancient China The Remarkable and Exceedingly Interesting Collection of Mr. A. W. Bahr ?OK ?la IK I III III \ rKAJM *? KI.*?>II*FNT OF Ml 4, NT. IIA1 AND AN ?(KM' \l I lluli I I t <?N EARLY IHIM-s*- -.RT. MK BMIK ?? ? ??1 I I ? I ION IB r\KII( t I \KI V KI4 II IN HUN? I?K ( mini; ANi? *?i\?.i i. ? ?ii ??K ron? ii MNs; mini, roTTEKT, iMirn IN?. Till. LARGEST ?TATl'E KNUHNi JADE*., PAINTINGS ON Ol \?>x l;i ?; 4 l.l. M'.l r SI BEEN*?, INI -I VI Kl ?.s \NI> M'IKHIII? ?Ulli.!. KAUI AMI INTEREHTINU I'K4>.'1< HUN?, To be told -?ilh'.ul rettriition na Monds*/. Tsetday, and Wedneida? Attsrnjon* ol neit week, January 17, 18, and 19, al 2 30 o'clock At the American Art Galleries M \IHM>N M>( \K1. Mil 1 II "?'I Ilustra tru Catalogue Mailed nn rri.ei|ii < | SssaBtS h\<* fenli. Ihr .?rile*. 441II l.r . undm le.: I.a MK IIIOMV* F KIKII\ *^r->v ?S?mjk AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manager?.&^M SLY YUNG DUCK'S TEARS DUCK FINE Interpreter Pay? $1 for We.-p? ine Chinese. Then Finds Prisoner Mad $5.43. lire' Harte's opinion of the "heathen Chinee" is bused en a salid founda? tion, in the belmf of the attaches at the !?'leral Coir' in Brooklyn. If proof .dad, thry poln! te v i g Dueb, n nr?nia?i on the ?teasnsblp Queen Mary, who iva? sentenced yesterday. Yung wn? arre?tcd a week ago, charged I tl facilitating th? smuggling <?( MOO worth of opium into this coun'ry. Ho plead? d guilty. Judge t hatfield sentenced Y'lr-g Duel te ais month? en Blsckweir? Island As rhe law provides that a An? be im? posed, and as Yung Duck did not seem to be very prosperous, the judge as ? .1 him $1. When the Interpreter, Hurry I-ewis, conveyed the idea te . BBg Duck, the latter screamed, slasped hi.? hands In S tit or frenzy, and tears rolled down his celestial cheeks. The judge was ama-red. He .nsfruet ed Lesrls to ask the prisoner what all Ion? were tor. When Yung hud quieted. Lewi? questioned him. Then it was Lewis's turn. Tears itreamcd dawn bis tecs a? he told th? jud(-e that Tung did not havo a cent. ?,,.?? attends ti re about to start i? lion, when Lewis dli ? srod 11 had ?? 11 hill. Tung D ii heart end puras si ths . . ?? dep? on ht? .,-,..,. .- ??. i ? u ? ?? ? Th? mar? I recesses of Tung'i ' iw $1 bill ?? ? I - ente in change .. , ? ? .-;... ;.?? . that ?hen hs ? ?? ?? ISted ?ast wooh h? bad 111 It COS! him 11U. r() spend a ? fk I ? as th guest of the nation. Hs d?eided that was th? limit, d hi* smol ??r. r-e,i to pai - .- ?i.? simply h.? own original ? si of saving a dol? lar 1 ? | Smol "ii of H.i-r;. !.. ?ris, ? IS interpreter, hen the marshal returned 1 <?d him the news, was too deep for expression. Th? Queen Mary Is a 'ramp ship. When st,.- --nils away she may have all of ducks aboard, but Yung Duck will not be among them. KNOX A SE?\ATE CANDIDATE Former Set retan of State Says He Will Seek Oliver'.? Seat. Pltti ', irgl . Ian IS. Philander I ? Knox. farmer Secretary <>f State, to night announced thai lie would he a candidate for tie United States Senate, to succeed Senate) George T. ?Hiver, who has mad? pul ? nli Intention te ? ? it the I pin p resent term. LETTER BLASTS DEBTORS'PURSES ?Golden I low Follows Ap peal for Payment on Musty Bills. HIDDEN DYNAMITE SEEN IN QUIET NOT!; Forgetful Customers Fear Free man. Husband of Author, Might Publish Names. New Brunswieh, J?n IS, Heellet sf the variety that ?-an h? cashed In at i .> hank just naturally trickles from the linger ?ips of the Wilklns Fre-ni.. family ' ?arlj suj boah lover ran U you thi M I Wllbine's realism has brought ?. r- ..pectabla fortiino to her and 'i world ?wide fame to No as hing land neighbors, Bom? of the neighbors turn un theli noses end say the) ?lot. t ? in o for inch fam?, but n"?-erthelei? aditiM II ? 'iieir-i, -, ' ?inr.a-a .'?i. Preeasen, husband i author, has burst form ?rith an . . ? m i, promising hit of wealth-pro? ? h : tiK realisi .. 1 ? ora a t., iching lit! I? ? . ds r?: '????? ? |ust ""?? ? : day Mr. I reeraan expect i ..? approximate!] |1?W h word i ilri his plnns ma!i -lalize, Mr. i rseman, -ual denier, -i'i hav? ?b? rame,I ? higher ia?.? for his literary verb man his wife ever dreamed of .v.u. Mr. I' reemun. who ha?? been fn the CO? business In Hetuehen for man;. . herf?taofore has given ?11 his tlm? to tudfiae aoal m... tiie best method.? of markt'.ing 1'. A few day-? ago h?; chanced t/. examino hi? books ?nd d i ?covered that tho pnople of Matuchon Utrs tehlug advunrage of ?ii? open handed system of giving credit, A ? .il-, s ,th a pencil revealed that owed exactly |?-.7,?i.>3.r.8. I hs sum appalled the coal dealer. ?'o'lld ii be th? peoplo of Metu ?ete unvrilling to pay for the fuel ?ere no willing to accept? Ke ..? . ng h.?? ?rife's direct manner o? ? ??. I .? co-,iri th ? n ? of no simpler wny o? 4,t.'aim,-.g an answer to the question ?'...?r. by putting it directly up to ths people, Mr Freemen seated himself ?t his ?writei and dashed ear n plein atete . . ion. He '.'rote: "Wl '4- . .i ? that ta? sta'emen' WS : ra ebou! to make ?rill come as a sh<>ck o - ?? h nest anil ?ell Intentioned peo? ple in out m dst and that they nil! promptly remedy the condition of af faira. On Januar) 1 there was due us from the people of Metuchen and sub irb the am of .-? 1.88, " omit of it overdue from six months ?u three year?. This doe? not include several thousands of dollars charged off to pro:.? and !o?s. Now, any mer? chant knows that a sale for which ? -ear's cred I is neeesssry ic a bad sa'.?.?. We have helped the widow and orphan and th')-,.; temporarily embarrassed, (rei'.it ha. been refuse?! to no one who ha? shov.i-, the slightest disposition te h'.n him.-elf. "Wo hav? never doubted the good in? tentions of our customers. That I? why we fail to understand this lack of appreciation. Send US a partial pay ? of viia'. you owe. Then tell us cu you are situated, and we can ??? [ly arrange for monthly psynients. You will never mi-is them. an?l you will be dealing squarely with your fellow men. Show us that you mesn to do what is right and w? will meet you half way. "Cordially vours, ?MASKING. FREEMAN & BON." Mr. Fre-jinan had his letter infleited on the front page of "The Metuchen Recorder." Th? Indebtedness of ths inhabitants m? set forth in bif. black ?-t. ! w ! Lord&Taylor ! 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street pJAN?AlRY SALES for MEN ALL SUITS and OVERCOATS Except Evening and Dress Clothes Reduced to One Price $21.00 Suits $21.00 The suits are all this season's successful styles and materials. By that we mean hand tailored suits, approved by men of taste anil affairs who are careful judges of their clothing. Models t?i please every whim and materials to suit Overcoats $21.00 The overcoats are chill-proof and "critic' -proof. Single hreast <d. loose, easy-to-slip-into, warmth withoui-weight materials. Double breasted models with slightly ta? pering waist line. Chesterfield models. Some lull silk lined, oth? ers with silk yoke. All have silk sleeve liiiiiij_*s. 1 ??a* 1 any complexion or temperament. AN Sizes?No Charge for Alteration \it The Values Are Fxccptional None (*. 0. D. No Returns. No Fxihangep. Fw.h Floor All That a Man Can Demand In Footwear Is To He Found In These Shoes ? I es I *_ I Bench Wade Shoes $6.85 ? lur 'crmfr PrlCi Itfl SO Smart styles in Dull Men's Hoots . $5.85 ( lur i*orr.ier I'riaO a?** 00 and Patent and Tan j ,,, Tan ,,,. ,?|a,.k (a]f 1.4-aTheri-. I Men's Shoes $3.95 Ouf Former Prie* M.00 Black, Tan. Russia (alt' Fare Shoes and Hlaek Kid Shoes. ?>< ?o? ?o? ?o? 'tis (-.')' ?( I? ?()? ?()? 'type In the centre of th? letter, where none COUld ovnlook It. The effet | va? stunning. Thos? who had neglected their <*o,?i hills hurriedly consulted ki-ch*?? account books and prepared ta pay. There ees Just ? Blight f?-?r that the n?xt npp? r| ir..ght contain 'he name? of ths dcllnuucnte. Lates! bu! ?tit,? fron. M?tueh*i told of ?. stream of gold 'hat i? p', inte ?he Freeman roil eflcC BANK MESSENGER NOW ITS PRESIDENT Theodore Het/ler, Who Helped War .Stranded, flec?me-? Head of Fifth Avenue. Theod<>re Heuler, who b'fran his career as ? banK mess? n??ei '.weir.y i five year? airo, was elected president, of the Fifth Avenu? Hank yesterday. He succods A. .S. Frissel!. who had been president since IMS, ? I d nCW !>,??-,,n,,? chairman of the honed, Mr. Batalet ?i s res up from th? of?ic? of rise picet tient. Prom 1!t modes* nost a? mcsscngci Mr. H' uler worked his wey up thro igfa . lepartmente. Hundreds ef strand? ; eil Americans at ths outbreak of the ??? ;, remember him a-? chairman <,t ths lean committee in London. H? remained tfi?'n> nr,r:? la'" in the full i of lull Thei" i.'e faur n r the h? ?I rectors of the Fifth Avenue Benh ' wn.> l.r'gan the i benhing enraera ?i i Mr. n r, ' hey a. ?? James Q Cai foi dent of th? Fourth ^ianic, over bj the ! a-id Metals S'etionel; WilHem H. Por? ter, of J. 1 (organ ?b i IB. B. Fancher, vi? pie I the o?r.'<. i re bank ,s '--i "?? .1 sn ?. ,* I ? ? ins! tuti in or ?r;e sity as the "school for 1 .ink o.iicet';-." Though the Fifth Avenue Banh pays no Interact ti." deposit? have reached a retord amount of 920 Th?? last sal?., of the ?tock brought, i4,,*80 a ?hare. Other changes wer? announced yes? terday in the los'er of New York banks holding elections. Jonathan C.rrev rs tirad as Urhsidont of the Me.tropo.i*..n Savings Bank aft--- holding that posi? tion for thirty ;,eari. tie was succeed? ed bv Augustes Bchaell H>rrhins, of A B. i \v. Butehins. William Sberer, manager of the New Yor?. ' rar: u* House, was elected Bret rice-prs , and I?. I>. Andrews ?CCOnd OCS prcsi? del *? r rank V, Bald H ?. w-,? elected presi? dent of the Hud?on Bafe Deposit <~om par.y, icceed ng Elverten Ii. Chap? man. John (fcrken succeeded Louis tl Hollowny as riea preild? A a result t.f tn? ps-sirr of control of th? Mew Torh rroduee ?.?change Banh to th.? Uechenies ?4 Metals S>'a. tii tal Banh, Gutes '?'?'. MtsGarrah wa? . -, ?. i pre lident, Jobi R rr.?tie rice-erccident, and Thomas B. Nieolli cashier, tl the anual meat ,n^ o." ha Ast?.. Trusl Company *,. B. ?a-?e de.'hi,i?d reflection, eausing a va? cancy un ihe bo..: Danieli to Talk Preparedness Josephus Iisnie'.s, Secretary of the Navy, ?rill deliver a iecture a* the .Na'ional Pemocr-'lc Club to-n afternoon ??n "Ne? a; Preparedness." This is the ?irst of a series o** lectures on subjects that the administration de lirei to bring to the attention of the public. ??________^^__~ 25 YEARS AQtf Cua-rant-wd Wartfaet, ,_. j practically unknown, T___ th?y are rmurOeet as th* b_5 snd safest farm at IwejtnrZ? i Buy ?ur ^*0. 5% I GUARANTEED MORTGAGE, I LAWYER? MORTGAGE C0 aiCHsao as. hubo, avs-asa* ' c;ipi'isl Surplus ?\ Pr $9,1)06 Oft rBBf l_ "?-- ' ?t-**(-?-B>?BBB_?B_nn_'-T-_-n_-_aaM^^. OBSERVATION^ FOR REAL NEUTRAL Vlinir. Who Wandered b? 1'olice Station, Never Heard of the War in fcurop?. Wkai hr, ? Id mmb -?- man ttlitni Um Wast Fart*" asvsall Dtiai* ?>-?.? atattaa ? itsaaal Fr?, ' ' 'or ?k ' ' ''???. ? ' ' ' I - - ? A-skina '?"' , ? ? : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * -t-l f*?tjt sal h .-?>????? ill rtaeea <_? a__ oader esBti i "Do ? .. hsre yoi sriT ??, lieutenitnt ajk??d. ? | Um i ? *r i? **?*? "I)-.'. "Do a tat ?ftar It l-*" - heard ht jo," ripllej *_. il raai ? an la yea mm f.-crar uu-i I.i??"i"rr.?.r- r-r e, "Moriian'own. Psnn. Ira -*, tat," rr.'jrrbed f'.e msi. "How did you g-et hers?'' "Talked i -om?n'." '"Whs*'" ;. oir rems"" :?-... : ? *wen7-t!ii?V all It 1 'Dbbbo Narret "want to lehwl," l la aaal I rys o. UfSa t'.ntt aearchi-d. In nil <-!oihes a*r? a trut of br?n!, ?our .arg': r.a**- BjC| broker. jTa.r of scion, fear bu.'.tts, ami s clippiaffi "How * Main "i* | Week In N-'v York I it*" ly bmmj Mere:.* ndlSS "Wbb1 d?lai It * {.:,. pin??" as*.ed Fry-. "i sai .- I ? ;-". 1..t ?: -,:t isr. "I?on't yoa -net then i? a war en h til M ! ' ??'aie! IBl i-r h?.ard of it ' Say, ? ;. -.- In ?old me you had m*. Wh?ft Vt ?? ' ar.'t i" Said Fry?, u ? ? ? ? ; Sees t-?rcr.:i| K . ' ihsd the Jo1). The' bi-r miner shoved his hsB?J u ? | ' . -i east. '?? H?i: quarts ? i ? i i ? ? ?? . r .1? .-.;?'.' ? > Dr. Bises sad I larst ism obaer I " if?BtraU (orr (fan did yMtSTdaj after-aes. IMA0?.IANCQ ?'j'ja. ??-,?'.'!- "ffj?--? ai tht Atal'in-Vacaliart srxi tkt /?-.?ui P ?-- j i'** .?.?'. Larittt Mannjactiirtrsai MtSttssA Imirimeru In tk- A,-'J ?!?..'' i ??;,,.;;;i NBWYORK AFOT TAN HA? T BR( !VN ' , Mtyxi a?w??te_ndsc -AfiWlaAW ?TL-VUl^ -.,.. ?fc '? .?iV-<:!:?;:;:-:;':-i;;??r--'r-^*rr-.r!*;::- ..?, /_g?E makers?men of highest mu' - sical taste and talent, and arti' WM$!?4 sans ?f grcat gcnius iis wc^ Every facility of modern science, and the manufacturing . methods of today, have aidca V k- >,,;e;? them in making the Weber tone ,.: ? ?'. ?::i?,J';,'|:v.; the finest pumo tone in the world. - < ? r''':^r'v;^ A popular new model of the W tVU^wM Weber is the beautiful small grand \\".' ?ttYJ '?>',::?< ?V^Ut! W tilt. latdUUIUl ?-UUX.a b.- , ?vh/c'/'"'/? a live-toot C?rand of exquisite K ? ?'?'?? .?i /y & ?- *.- .? ??'-. i ? ara? -.A lear. '???? vy.''^'?^i'i?^^ri: ?i-'v P' r?r-iV-'i ,-i??' : ' .'. V ? ".".;-.:??? . ... ' .?!?? / \\ a..l__.'-.._. ... \? .. ?. ....-?'?.., .a-??'?..n.i* ?? ? ??>?,;*. i ?tX^ e\