Newspaper Page Text
MELIONS WASTE ON NAVY YARD', Rear Admiral Stanfor Declares Lack of Def inite Plans Costly. DRYDOCKS Bill 1 ON WRONG SITE! ?Senators Told Recommendation Arc Made f?*r Yards Which Should Be (ii\cn Up - " s ??. I OT1 . .f. -H,. . | Of the lack of I ? i I e plan of developsaent of ?he van! ior a-r pe 'he Furonn Of Var I -ks l-.a mude rtKommeii lat? > '?r, no' m I experta ? I ? ? was t llouio to . .-au. Bulldinf o? dryd ?eks, S of ? I en rec? ommended i-, I rear aimir.?' a.'.mltted, I exper*? se? as one the Iocs ' | ? - ) i . I? ? ? ? York she ? ? building or" a |arg< .:? . ? ?'I made \svy." sa i If : A ? :or4l. " n which I no i ? ? . ? -. ..rri a?, to ?? rurd the fallusrlag ?n?! succeeding ?.??at?, bud ?seriously embarrassed tb? Burean of V ? d ai ?l i1"? a In making plans and asking for Improvements, ii eriouslj nterfered, i told lbs mj ' sport, with tbe pi cp , \ romprehen pis ol tbe jrnrdi \n appropriation lia-? l.e, i ceked bj the tU-partmen? for the buil.Ung 4,1 1 .-?i?.-?' drydock at th? Norfolk rare 1 I'?? . . ;-\ 1 ? ? 1 ? ?? Bi itten II ru?- location 0 ibe pro ..1 \ dock ; a.I no! 1"-? 1 cl 1 ? ?rear end if It? presan! pro ?rere properlj placid with vieu to the drydock bell ? A.'m 1 ral Stai foi future an enti 1 ne? indus? ,- . ,. in : e? d< i >. th? pre?? I, ? ?W tO ship? of the ol? with - opet dreadnougbta ?, . ! - hips of i.nv >?>ir . eclai ',: I ha! tbe I.'or ?tation had Lern well located and . ha ?'?'.? would be rui In coi ek ai d shops mere. of the drj do? ki owned t'\ '.ho ; av\ wi,-. ?gain dwell on hv \ ? ral Stanfoi .1. H - ??? I si ?. ha? \ -. m ? ? r or* the proposed ?00? I ??. battl? . '... ? : . 1 wai that .. Puge! BOO feet. v, ? ? ked where he would place ? . ??? .lock in 'he N. w York ? ? ?? rear admiral ?aid on the ? . ;.-? , \p. ::. outl ? ed it" usef line? v ? buj ano! ei yard nd 111 . of the ?ale of ? ? 'Peni rnntt tie," 1 I rd. "I - . ? ? : . .. the1 reverts to the 01 ? 11 on ? era." DISEASE WIPING OET INDIANS Three-Fifth? of Rabies Du- Bef?te They arc Fitc. In ? appeal iv? tbe Indian Ksh:c? to ever* employe of ibe Indian >, Cato Sells, ? Indiai Ml te ?bow ,r?proximat' - I Pi Indra- t '"-fore th- ? five year?-. "Of ^liat use to this mourn ful mortality are ?plendidly equipped Indian schools?" ;.- h ked ? ? ? er urged -he elimina f tl able'1 cor,.. ? ? ?fest some Indian homes, and ex propag eas? JANE ADDAMS NO FOR COLONEL NO^ "Me Didn't Talk I ike Hi in 1912." She Says, Opposing Defence. BIGGER NAVY MOVE LAID TO PANI Congress Committees Asked Investigate Motives of (ire.ile Armament Supporters. . inn i". !M ss J? I dams, presiden! of the Women's P? n etj of Amenes, to ?lav urgtfel Ii ?my committees of the House ai Senate to make in? increase in th army, st least until the European ?? whs over, ?ayinc thai 'he prepare,In.': movement woa <i us te puni? on sccoui of the conflict. Mis? au,him?, arguing ? al ? ??.oui ? foolish to build more dread m was known wbetl of any u-> ?ion he created to study am navy efficiency and elae r?? look into th n-.ot i\. ? .t. ? eel s of tl heavier armanien? for the nation, l'rrp oration aR? ne ?aid, was needless, and 'he I ? States koul I be prepared to lei i'.ran harms the movement ' tion of arms follow the .. ? . "Doubtlesi some of them ere (lean liable.) h- can be," , ??? ?tmiitr?-?1 n?i"..?,;.'. "Donb! if? ? ?etna sre tere |1 T. R. Hidn't Talk I ike Thai I hen. i ommltteemen asked Mi i , Idams f ?he had i ol - npi ? ? ? sat camp? ? th.-n I att ? to H ttcrane? ? ? . . "He ? " I -".ddnrr"- re?. FIT YOUR PIPE 24 SMOKES IO? a n^HIS new form of the famous VELVET * tobacco appeals to every class of pipe smokers, because: Just a Pipe Load Easy Loading?No Waste Your pipe properly loaded by the manufacturer- all you do is "light up." A press of the thumb and your pipe is loaded. No waste even in the wind. No More Pipe Odors The Perfect Package No fine particles to get in bottom of your pipe or in stem. If You Are a Bit Old-Fashioned and want to smoke the old way ?just crumble a SMOK AROL and load your pipe. Tobacco protected, and carried in vest pocket like cigars. Handier than other forms. New Charms for Your Old Pipe No more odor; no uneven loading; ash holds as on a cigar. Condition Your Own Tobacco If the temperature affects the tobacco in a VELVET SMOK AROL just breathe through it a time or two to restore the tobacco to its natural softness. We take the choicest of choice Kentucky Burley tobacco for VELVET. We let Nature mellow and mature it for two years. It is only after two years of continuous curing that this Burley tobacco is at its very best for smoking. Then only does it become smooth and mild, become VELVET. Then onlv does it If votir dealer i\inn<?t supply you, we svill send ><>u prepaid a drum ?>f \ I l-\ I I SMOK.AROLS-12 pacLa|-es, 11 smokfi .?.Oc, and aSMOK.XROI. PIPL 2rtc, on receipt of cash or stamps. JfujijcJtas mu.eAAJoCtJLC^CX) Cx HI Fifth Ave, New YnrV ? 'ojTrif ht 1?1S lug ,,r tbo sari In Ml plntfem. H Is mj eobei [udgmenl tbnl bs no? i nol ., | >n. ,., |. i?.,i, ..i people, l he room was crowded with ?romen .. i He Ml . Iddam* spoke, ..???I ?rigorous applau s gre ted her sallies sgelnst militarism. \\ ?ddam -?"I thol preparedness agitation in the Ui ? ' ?" slreadj g i) . ?'. oth? ? nation lapan na ol ?? largei navy* of iiw immigrant* among .? he wori i cumd t?> th? I nited tat? to ... militai | sen iee, and were be . i over the tall of eonspulnerj ervic? Mil Addami insi ited thai lbs won? . . the country, in tlm quiet of their .nid i?4? i?, from the i trei i '""I , . ?t? mem under a hich men labored, were likely to be le lubje? I t.. e are? ? han men, h was then judgment, be mid. that , ,, nui,'., ( of the ;?? !?:> or na> ? ?hould mm be made, but tbnl ?? eommieeion hould mnki ? tborougti study of tbe mu.y und nmj expenditures tor f-'x .iths, and tbnl any lacreaae In era? parednei ihould awail the report of ? hat ? ommli lion tbe ? l?see of th? i h opean ? m Senat?>r? ?.rill M?-s \ddan. i he ai .. ? nment nude l?j M i is \. i. ).. ?.. !.i. th<? Somit.? MilitaO . . ?? brought forth > lood of ? in.' tiom ...... Fl< tchar asked whether She believed it safe to assume tl?i? would be disarmament after the ?????? She responded tbnl n'> nation -<? >>?.l?i have enough monoi or men let. ta sure to on another war. Senator Thomas ted that Bulgaria and Serbia I ping - h i ough thi-ir third wm In i ? period ol 1 ne Mis Add rmai id I nations i with to nn ,r ?d he illlnj to ai un s thai ??'>?! many th th? knuckles If she . ? him whal the wauld bars i ? led to llano?? abo i: throw? ,v it? knuckles. ? ? ' t ? ,. .. i y m pat h y ? [toi dad M \?i.lams, ??ii i? . ?. , ogou Wo e 1872. It will i. firepan hen on? come - enemy in the . ? ? : ? . .?inni ? ion olded . ? ? ? :i had b? "ti prepared * i,?.? ?? would oi . ? ?? tow? there, Mi \ . . .... ' ? hii'l es ited for , v, ithtSUt n-i army. th.,:i the life "r mo .* n i, a.'i.l that a a m it . oi rert . .. a ..ui.! i><- compelled ?-.;r. .. Anyway, sbs urged. iad he? , ..--i with a very ga ? v ?t h Pre? '.' te House over the !' . .. 'terward that her talk nuatlon of ? ent sev? ago, u hen -ho pr< . . ? ? . i? ?V \ ay th? s of I'lulinir Planes Enough, si\s lili??. Oenei ? ? II Bliss \ '?.ni pi. . nted hei ai American ? ?? ? ild build i"'. aeroplane .? ? ; it 1 r? sras no Immedi? . ? ? a?:r.aT the arm?, ip the now aero squadn i ??? I in the ?l.-part Hf? believed I 4' h . ': all . ? ? I in proper proportion . ? .. ,- , llery or tl army f defenc? It? to i ch was I t nee? to tbe body, tl e heart. or brain. He arg led in behalf ' v. ,i i., partmenl plan to add new re| ? ? te make up j lion s of the th i . ontemplal i ?! ;. ? ?lonornl B d ira? 1 'ho m: ? tal an lj .-4. d -,?,d tl h a i ' hr-r-.-i nnnble, in months of at ': ? prnet ? . of emplojing ? tional guard to meet the nation's need He di approved suggestions that the r?eg i neentrnted ai evei .?1 large 11 FIRST MOTOR BATTERY ORDERED ORGANIZED Personnel I o Be Chosen by ( ompetitive Examination. lajor (?< \ i I'R; ... . com mandini uard. ha , . -i Ba ?? ... : ?., w ? ? A COI , .ination to do tei mini of nieai? m t ho applications I .,.;.? bj offlcei . ? ? ? . ? ? l, bul by .- well. Six armored steel motor our? - ? ? i r ? .???? , ? . and these arc ?? o having the finish i na touches t" the snuor j?ut on the; I u ai I ho ?-quipped with rapid-fire gin a bigh-apeed motor, and the ?'ar eon . Forward oi backward i be ? .ir '. eompli U d, I ? 0,.' thr armored mo batter* will be one i-aptam, two i r | M ??" id lirutor? ants. twent ??? int i cor ? I h. in thi? i i i ngineer . MTasI ; ?? ant only ?pecially ?' ? and man in th? ar .1 t. U. S. HEARS QUAKE RUMBLES l'hr<r ? itie?. ? aid? Tremors Thousands of Miles \?hv. i '.. la 18. Twa carthquakos ? ?, . | 111 . ? sgs here ... being ?,OO0 milei louthwest, ','. ashingt lai !" Thi seiame graph of Georgetown Univereitf re corded two heavy earthquakes rurly to rhe? ? ? bel ween 2,?M I of ,,. ., . . i ? mate of the R? A :tor. It is thougl l .turbante era one of ? which have b< en ng C? ntml Amer? ica for M I e?il v.. <'r. . ? Lou . la: 1] '1 WO pronounced oi the se?smo? of St Lou ? i niversitj wore Father Goess, seismograph. in the Mis? . \ ., : i o y. Seaside Hospital to Reopen. The trustees <>f St John's tiuild have lay I Ho-pi- . Staten ' i ; for the reception of the aid I coi I children of . will be free. Cont inn] te I -.?.?? N Selig? .\ onue, New Yorb May Eat Horse in Rahway ibeth, N I rho Ral i oard o?* Healt-. .?- pe permitting the ?'? of horse meat prop i ' IOS are pro . . to murk rue meat. I PLANKS CONTROL TORPEDOES l,,i.'iili?.M MaU? ll l'..?'.il?l? I" tiOSmi Miaallea ni Sru. w a htnaji. Jan. II W lr*?l< "" i r.,1 i n m aa ?i? l'ipi'ii.i " r"!?*t 4M fanea t..ii?-?i<> ba '" aa d???* alop*?-, and patenta foi th< ? I erne are \nelmiad In H ,. 11 ,,,,,...I radio-controlled torpedo i ifhti. i?.i tha pureheee of ?**? Huh tha \n\ v II? pai tmenl haa ??? iked ' engre i * to -appropri?t? nearly |I,OW,000 Aoroplane control, navj oSlcori aa ? | lain, makoi II poaaibla ior tha opo* 1 ?tor ?<? guida the radi.rpoilo through . ?i.t frorn an? h? ?fht, ail bubble? from II a compr? ed air motor of the torpedo gi? in| him a c? tali ?ida b" which to '"?' i' again ' .? hip 1U" By i.?, of powerful glaaaei it ha beei i,, laiblc h< r? tofora to control the toi ;.,.,:,, 'rom ahora to ?* dlatanca of n?**an> 10,000 '..ini , bul ?Ii" aeroplane device no? ? iii make tha ml i lie affaetl? a to tli?? full run*-?? of lta motor eapa? '??. oi -vci far at at? If 'I"" t-'i""1". launched from ? ifrlft n.","r boal arltk " ilghl "f an anomj Bhlp PALANQUIN MIGHT EASE TAX BURDEN Chairmen Cheaper lhan One Story lifts in Capitol. Says I ainhild. Lai, .? o pe? litara of i ? il ; fro.' ? ' ' at unwilling ta: paj , ,..,, -, ,; -, ?? . rli.,,1 denounced '?? e Chambei I of i , ramer? -? ? ? ?? i i ?? ? ?me of the ?cauati? remarks of apeakera before the organisation indkated thai it " eaoaa of th? extravagai n ?I 1 otTirial? that tha chamber refuaed to indoraa ? proponed state inca la tax. chnrlp? ' 1 Baeretara of tha rraaauri under ? lovoland, men? tioned "' " ?' .'????' :ou raged ef largei luma Ii of the ofleial to be imilarly pout. ??A co ' ? ' ' rator hai in th? tato ( ipitoj to can up . lira," i i "v compel ' ?ata will *?'? ? Id be fai cheaper foi I to i re 'i- ai I to eai iii ne,' this elevator. Bui apparent!} '? pul,: . . "All 'i ? ' m th? pul''. ?? through deviou I ? I ? lei land Evi I Federa ? > . lime, for I pie i that a '??> . ? ? 00,000 peo| ? ? i ? led by the vot? til 2 1"". 000,000 people will pi ot e a bad ; ? m, "What tri . . : from the proport , I'll?? ;? "il the ? ommi ? ' state income taa ? Calvin roml BB, who mid that i -!'l ba I.*?? '?> <? ade ?? h *?? New ,l??r?-?y oiitHinir.jr tin income in Non- ** ork won d i ??? ? lied to lllim:' ro PIER SHORTAGE EMBARGO'S CAUSE Representative Bonnet Says Freight Hold-Up is Due to i ack of Room Here. r TtV t Oat I . rhe freight embargo * hi? '? ha ? ? ? i nun-h trouble to ihippera and railroada in the ? n."' ':. ? ?? . :!y b? the lack of pier apac? n New ITork!. r. Re| n antal ???? Bonnet, of New York City, told th?* House ao-day in h ? Bivei Mr. Bei ted an appn ? making a ii??! from oi : i ??: I ? i .. t River to rom Hell Gate to ? ? ? ? H Mi. ? : .i b< ? h appiaved l>> tha en ?-???'. ear b) tha Hona ? R i ei .?? d Harboi < 'om ?? and tha ll 11 ? i ?? ked ii i>'a ol Con| I, ' beei offered i he r]ni- rt ii -tgorou th? i . il Rit ' r. ?...'.. .. ? n the 1'nr'**?! State . but in the world, and I t littl? help from th? Federal government : aid tl ., haa not doi with a \ lew to prot. ling ampli ? facilitiei Within lit) .'.car the city I mate!] forty lii ? ? ?? ? Iditional and mil? . Ocean liner an ? ow . . Street, * ? tt north ol tha Battei j, end :?? ' ?< loll are acl ... - unable to I their rg il reason f< trgo."1 " toi i. i?. 11 c Boston & Maine '?? Iroad extei led i ? embargo on fn ght to-day to | ship ? ?? ck or per, . . i Tmui ; : ?.,, , .,.,.,. through porl SI ipmenl il ndi ' or feami r of ll c Men ? ? .. Mim r ' ! ??' m -'??? ? ? ompi ?? all ?. wi re ? ' ' ? a embi re to tnoi ? Official i itated thai th ??? wi ? " export freight, i , rain in ? . ? and i | freiifht in can here ami i n ro ite ?.pa h... Iced ? ir i ai v ailinga, SPRING-RICE SUSPECTS PLOT I nknown Man in ( anada Asking Amer? ican? to Join British Artn>. ' ?? hingtoi . Jan, :::. \\ bal Bi I ii .. plan to n? em m compll ever 4 " ?? "t* of Ann is i ported ' !- to th? late Depart nt 6j the It was laid that .? large number of letters from a Bctitioui addri ? lorunto, purporting to he ligned by a ? r of tha British arr.iv. have been il il il . ai ? in" the United ??irnr th.Mii to enliat in tha ? Th? State Department (-ave ou* the following memorandum presented to it ? - hi "???'"?.. tati D< parti I I one Major Greensbieldi offered a eom ? ?. in tl ?? Canadl ?'. an Amer of Illinois i nivei ity. Major Green -hit-lila cannot bi .. ? believe the letter ara ?? - I ?? . or :raudvleat purpoaoi "It i- reportai from Cm n?s I of marl ;n< anaiting for 'Ma ? reel bielda* ar th?? n,,-- ?'' ?? i Int. All of ches fron: America i haa offered i o \ ; ? ? ? tha tarj a il rio -ter.? ?Aill he tak.-ii to puiii.h the frau.i if committed on Canadian territorj " lVTINTYRE LAUDS PHILIPPINE RULE Insular ?ureau Chief lax lois ?iov. Cien. Harrison's Administration. EDUCATION AND LAW PRI?VAIL, III: SAYS lilt in House Over "floate Rule fund" Senate Votes on Hill To-morrow. - \v., ii m?cf.?n. ,|j?n. n High pra m ol ? ernor General Harrison's a?lmmi? t ration in the Philippine * I i included in ? pedal r?-p?.rt t., President -vVil ion and ? ongreae by Brigadier <i?'neral Frank McJntyre, ?-hief of the Insulnr Bureau, who made ,-i per?onai study? of Philippine condition?? la ?t fall. "Governor Harrison has labored un , li -jly und ha - gall ... the admira t un and rr ;,??, - . ? he p?sople,n Gen eral Meint} ? i "i is -??"I order ? :? i rhiiii it has been at any time, 'l he esl iblishing ?.' ehool ; at d ?ni t-iry work in the portion-? of th?- islands the wild people Is beyond the most lenguine espttctation of two ago. "1 in- failure .,! the Philippine LfOfl . atu or three ar to pa I ? annual appropi ial an ! the fail i e to | rev? ? ?. . replaced b s ? een the two h .? ? . ? of tne i I oth? non-Christinn inhabi? tant , no1 repr? ented i the Lei i been more liberal." i ineially, th? o port say -, the isl . - m i;ood condition. All three of the political part lands, i lenei si H< Intyr? the pending i I? i -? i owerful of ? > three pa Unite date lepi ? ? ? ball be gra .: b . i imber oi I 'ilipini ?????- i ? . retain control of -..i pei mane itly. A ?. i I i favor paaaage of the . without the promise of ultimate ? ? tor Mel umber, Republican, to ited g ? ? people of the Philippine I ting 1 . ot oi ? ? f the a en?i - tant menees 'rom a n ew. tor McC imber introduced an ding bill for ex 08 s greater do? srnment, The amend? ment authorizee the Presiden! to taab an internal onal agreement to guar the autonomy ?>.'' the The independenea of the Islands i ? ? ied itor Thomj - Phil ppine bill. . ? .- !... .'?i the House, R? pr? il Austin, ! ? publican, of 1 essee, Philip ? - ?? Re tdi t Coi Manuel had .. lively ? It, Ki preai ntal laing the Commissioner of .i g col lee tea money from Philippine rking people for a "fund" to ?ecure m?o" legislation for the i si - tative Austin named ? ? ? '.'. ?. b? rt, former Viee-Gov i- rnor of the Phili ppines, as the lion. Up inai ited th il . ? ' - ? : | ?' ? - menl and would be at the i ineae. i~onimissioiior Quezon he had merely been loney for "home rule1* lit ? ire. DU PONT SHOP BLOWN UP Esploaioa al Vawhall, Me.. tttribat?rd to Spontaneous Combustion. M ndham, Me., Jan. 13 ? ?'ii ? ?.. r. - | at v. n hall i ear here, wai ? ruing b? .i tight force ?? .-.i : bef?te the day wo srr .1 No one was injured. of the p?ai elief that the exf I ? . ipontaneoua combustion. ? ' .1 ? large amoui ' ? I pulp, which ii ?iro re tor the man ufa ? other plant of th 5 N H MEN TO BE RETRIED < ate?? AgHinil Others VMM Be l>i?? mNsed. v... hington, Jan. II. Retrial of five former directors of ?he New Haven Railroad, nndei Indictment for soi ?piracy to violate the Sherman anti ti i t [aw, was ord? r?-.i t<-j - r? ?tri. ?? by At? torney ?'?Mierai Gregory. William Rockefeller, Lewis Cans Ledyard, Ed Ward D. Robblns, ' hsrlet f. Brooke? and CharltK M. Pratt are the i.v.' whose ?tases ft jury in New V'irk du wgrt ed lait Sunday. Mr. Gregory announced nl the same time 'ha* ? !,.. ? .i ici .?.-?? ? ? Geoige l ? Baker, Tl.loi N. vail, T I" ?? ? uj ?!. ? in?'., ; Maxwell, I Milligan and Alexander Cochrune, - dieted '?!. the ama charge ai d i."- i operate trial . would be diemis sd. The determination aol to continue tbe ce es sgninal Bnker, Vail ami othei ? was reached beeuuae tl i no? become connected with the '?? ? Haven beiard until r?cent rears bombThurl?d at japanese premier Speedy Chauffeur Saves i.ount Okuma. Who Lost Leu In Similar Attack. Toi.... Jan IS. I loon! Okunu. - ?< Japaneae Premier, hn.| a narrow e eepe from death early to day at 'he '?*--.i< He ? ? . i ing from ? ... ? ? ., 4 .' The Prei ei .,-ed. ? . I omb thi - er s vi abo il to launeh hi n le, ai d p .. ? ,i the bomb explod id behind the ? ia< ne without ... .. .,-.;.? damage, A - ?? ?.'.?i bon b we not explod 11 bi ? ..i ai ? snl coped. i ? ? . th-? palaci at It o'clock I Count irs an s o .? pre*? ? ??? him. In ' - ? Ko r e i gn M i i " It th e I rith the po? n order to regt righl been co ?' ipe Owing te i pular underi landing ??? thai I ?me ? tudo became unpopular. The re ? - . ? ? the effort t? issinnte him. A- a? wns pus ng in hii carriage t h rougi oi ?? ..f the outei gal . ' a, ' g we ? badlj that ampu? tation v.a- necessary. ? ounl Okuma is seventy-eight year?? Old Ii" : - One Of the (.'re., -ai and advam . I Japan. He began I ? ? I ? .: ? u i ? and tu ice I .- - ' ?. Foreign M und twice Premier. The pros? ? rnmenl i Muren of .4 ' FOUR ARMY MEN DROWN Tank Steamer Kan- Down Small !'?.:?t i-i ?.,?l\eaten I bannel. t,al.eaton, Jan. 13 ? sptnin E ? Army, ? I- ..i* ? rocket', and thn i rtillery eorpa ? si ? drowned in the Galveston I day -Alien ?ho hi.a', the J. B, 16, S II tank ?tfftmcr Charle E Harwoo I, outs <? : for i ampii ? i home i ?rille. Louisville, .'an. 13. t'apt dwi rd P, S'ones was ;? raomb? r of a n 10 sur ? ?m, former! wa- | r? ident of a local wagon manufacturing eon I brother, Seth M. N and a daughter, I . eai ?> old, r< .-ide here. 1 ipl . ? ra arried ifter graduating from West to Misa I ?- Mad den, of laOuisville. The eoui were re l ! ion? - was about ? old. ROOT TO BE BARS GUEST Mate Association Will ?.no limner for Ihm Te?Merrou Xijrht. The concluding ?'? ature of l ? ? ' . I ?Ton, this mornini -\ , Will be ii dinner given in hoi Root ni^rht at the Hotel ?. i e spool ? Jacob N Did :' i go, who ei war 1 art i Robert ?'. Smith, K. ? . of ' the ? I ociatu Henri I., .-tun.-.,: Justice Jenks, of Brooklyn. - evening Justice Hug Tinted State- 9 ipreme I ourt, s d liver the annual addr.--? at the Hotel Aator, iftei which he ai I the other ? ? a reception. BAD MEN CAVORT AT ARMS PLANT Lakewood Asks U.S. to In vest?ate Shooting Affairs at Testing Hange. SNIPING, WORKMEN'S EVENING DIVERSION Boss. After Havinf- Hat Riddled, Stays at Hume Restaurant Shot Up in Western Style. i ? . - ' ?? ?vor*? ? ' ? ? . thrre miles Boat " a' *tnsp (?arr " cae? HI..I It i? thought M ? of I ' ' - . ' :*.r . I ex-ai my man, !:? : ? . . ? I.a,..".' ' ? '.????. I ?lane-, ?? ? ? A - that went th : The latt? paraded i biting cold ' her. I ? >? .I ? ? i ? ?:???? *?-. . workmen, ami ., Lieutenant r-por. . it ?oi ? wood young a-- . I ?at the camp, ?? '. o ? ? ,*.. 4* ' \" ". IT . : ^ t the gui ( other fort i Henden ? day Henderson m? ambuah, and I I ? trouble gtt a su Work ? ? e rauaed I 1 .? ra an a i erect fourt? ? ? ? facture.; PICKEREL SKATES TO DEATH Misaee Bait, I hi a 1 i ? Bigl ' ??til" I? ?? Un r ll. '? hopping ?? ' ' good ? .,!?.', * - _. How It Works S ? ?FEW of the most significant Adams articles, togethtr = atiJL W't'1 a detailed description of how the Money-Back EL Guarantee has worked in a number of interest in*; rr cases, wil! be seni to you in booklet form upon receipt of 2 cents Er to cover postage. 5 This booklet has just been printed and gives you in _?_, permanent torm a quantity of evidence which is the most sat IT isfactory possible answer to the question of "How It Works." ?J Read the coupon?fill it out?mail it. 1 J?eto ^orfe ?rtbune I irst to Last?ihr Truth: Newi?hditorials?Advertisements. New Y??rk 1 iibun? I >4 Nsmau intaat \Pw Voit? Tear This Off earn. ami Mail! odiix** I .? Iltl.-llirll; I.M,v-.'i! lilil? S "'"t- ?Il ! ' - it which Mad me cop- of "How II P ? Utaiag your tebtctioo ol Samui I II articlea a* published in lli? Tribune, a th i 1 lu- Lribune's Uonthl* Priae Contest NAME, ? T Addres