Newspaper Page Text
g?NAN DROPS glS HIGH HOPES I ,vern?.r l lys on Shelf ^Ambition ro Be Pr?s idential ( andidate. , head STATE'S CHiCAOom Mrs Has .\ ? ? , ? Hugh? tun. ? I I _? ? ? ' ? . etrueted. nc of the was made ,, ' t .-, | ?? but he COUld ? , <? ; "? ** A ...rft. It war soee of or.? or the I ...,.-? ?<? tter. .., -'s, however-, still ? >? boh of yresi ,..? .- ko hin?. They , ,-,?-? Huches de ?,. ?? i ? - ?i Governor ihey admit that the -e a 100 to 1 *Bn Four" 1'icked. . , ?? I tit >*? '.'. tarn . ? ? H ; - ? ; : ? ? Birthdi ? ? ? ? , ?-4.T tO ?? i convent - - ? - te. .. - ? ? approval . . -o a majority of . - ndei -rood to . ? ? Republican - kick then i ery in? ? ? (rorerr.'.r t<>r ? ontentton. Hen probably will be porr.e orpos-; ? i* of the - holding of an on, brt H a not -n. A . onsiderable ..... ? nnountcement she. sa ll?gate hoe clan ? '. ? ? -nor is ^'?AMERICANS VISIT COLUMBIA ?tad of Argentine Delegation '"prove?, of Monroe Doctrine. *:e <?1?| I -???.-- ? ?^tHfl l olumbia . president ; tl ? flor? ad 'ra?H* ? ?n tri?s b7 Preaident Butler, OS? ' ? ? proml . ? *i?i&. ? . , reaident o4* si ited h'.? ?->*? ? 1 d i n sf i '.. ? ..." ? ."?'?? .??-Hila ? I roe lioc- ' i ? ? , nri rep- ! .. am ? ? ' ? . '. purely 1 ? |, had ?h the 4 ' (Ian1' corn ' i'T. Kodrtgro '? ??At?*.-.. ? ??iy t ;.?;ue Auto Licensei. h~*a .* . d *-,.?..?? ml f."..-?. i pen thia a r the n ? ' lun , ! "dur * "? *. ''??*? ?? ? B1y i,, ana? ?4 *?or?. ?? thai LAMPSHaADE STOCKING MAKES ITS HOW. "V iss in Bootr," latest thing In feminine hosiery, i* altea.iy on -ule in this city. JAIL BRAND TO BLOT DEBT I . D. flour?? Pi Of era i?u Months In Ludio? to Perpetual Mimony. -..ok I.e-Ai?- 1? Bogge, formerly i weeks tO ac Of ?-H.-4?r>7 f?. Mr? .at 12" It ie going 1 taki 1*?0 (?:i??s at the , ? inn like I '. I . ? da] . mself of the ob? ligat, i'ii xbie doeo i an I hat Bo? ? g u- pay Mr?- Bogus tbe hack a r.iony at that rate Nothing of the :.ii He IfOlIU; lO M'UBll; ml wit the Su - Court, for, ander the b?n?ficient ?r alimone--. Norias eurrendered ? . lay to Dei.'-' y Shi and elected u- ?-.n to Lud tree ? the. He paid his dollar ted. On a br ght T ly lay Boggs ome out free of the debl ? * for all t ?? e from furtb ?? .??.-? ggt He-?1rie?, i , r-k'.c six month?? free board. Boggs on? b?er. * i ?.' 1 r. (?j b* n ho'el o-rned oy his brother. HUSBAND IS BOSS, BUT MUST BE KIN Justice Bids Voang Wife Obe; While Spouse Is Warned. ly?a?ip yar may change the so?*: ronventioTi? lo the exten! thu*. tl > ian ? i?;. irith propriety propos but still she rema'n? only tnc pS the second parr.. AU?, notwithatandii that in son.? marriage contracts tl I obey is ben,g omitted, it d?.? ? f * altor *he (-?? from the lega! itani point. The husband is still master. The f-ur,roa ?? | laband \vt upheld by Justice Hotchkis in dismis.rngr 'he ero.-?? -eparation suit of Mrs. Beatrice Finklestein an Nntnan Finklestein, the latter a cloth anufacturer, At the ?ame timi the court held, '.?.'hile the hu?band tir doubtedlv la master of the houst-hol' ha should not his tomporamon to assert itself to the po'nt wher the vlfe cani.ot distinguish betweo; t? .; eminent atid cruelty. Mr, and Mr?. Finkleetein are end rwenty --three yeain old and they hav, a child. The wife alleged cruelty ar,< the hush;ii;.i said iiitj w.fe abarulone? him. Justice Hotehki?s decided tha both had magni'rcd their grievaneoa, 'Tl BOOBM to ^le n very ordin?r; caae," aaid Juatica llotchkiss. "The kind that gets into court too often "1 have lived in this -rorld lon| enough to know that if these young people, ir.?'?ad of eserH?'.n,* ?elf re ? ?, r':?h o"F to dtvoTCB eourti mar rihg? will ha more of a failure than il I- " Justice Hotchkiss r?d<>d tha* Mrs. Finklestein should bring herself to .?her ? and, ar.rl Finklevtein Birould restrain hi? temper. Having Urn ? opio went their ?ray. NOT REAL MRS. MAYO, SHE ASKS $250,000 Newark Woman, Wife in Name Only. Sues for Damages. Miss Wilhelmine Meyers of****** who beli.-ved herself to be Mrs. Vir Hnloo J Mayo, until th? many-sided f e 0Bf the Nit? Haven mdintor manu - -,?r waa reveeled through the sui ajj? of Lillian May < cok. his atenor rapher. wants some information about h;M?::UM;'verO. sntr.^ Mayo for |2M, I 000 damagia for nducjngj ????*? ?"^ . h;rn m tamal had s wife living ? toi Penn, ?ho. sinon the ex 1 In-,.,,? Of Mayo's ife, has obtained a ! gifvorce fro? hi ??tio. to Mia. Meyer, that ah? ,t ?n faer Mr??. Mayo ' , ertlng that Mayo has mads s ^tthat aha ahall never have a . ., know fron, what source she . , . . ? ... ... layo before tri. ;.?; I . counsel nrgued in the Soprems yesterday to vacate the order. j . ,' Newburger reserved,d< ?. ,.' iha'i $100.000 a year, snd that h YlK waa i "??red -Tor a largo amount \?L Per MONTH ON PLEDGE ?n OF PERSONAL PROPERTY ROVIDENI LOAN KaShai I IN ."," A- t, coi h Street r'"tp ? sex t ? ? - :ii Sts. t-i-dCr *??? '?? i2**tii st ? - . ? ? ?or. ut-non St *- '?dj* U] SOCIETY OF NEW VORK ?,k??*?v ?ut. Courtlandl Av., cw. MSth bt. Ill*????'?' I *** Smith St.. cor. Livinfston St. uTahain I* co i hagj* * a,v coi Rockawa- -?? '.? . ?m , IIM't.i i' I IN ???????^TIIIN A I L ? 1.-' .??'? . . -ai.i Ol. 1 >rir? ?i*? ????-- ,?.,-,-a|inJ <?*. Clinton St ;??_? LOAh R^^SnM ?A E ??*?-?. lexm.-ui.fc.'dAvs ? ^3 TWO WEfKS FROM DATE WESTERN G. O.P. UNVEILS 2 IDOL? Cummins and Borah Fi New Mexico's Idea of Party Candidates. "? lie rr.e K?st is taJkir.K of Juetic Hughes a.-.d other compromise candi dates for the Republican nominatioi for President rhe states of the South west r.a.e picked Senator Albeit B Cummins, of Iowa, a? meir favorH? with Senator William K. Borah, e Jdubo. ? close second. That, is the opin ion of Raloh <". Ely, chairman of thi Republican State C'ential t'ommittee, o New Mexico, and a well known Republi ??an leader in the West and Southwest am pa?t of the country. M: Ely if m the citj for a few dayi on bubir.essi, and, incidentally, to lool over the political situation here Speak log yeaterdaj of th? sentiment in bii cnn ?tato and other So hta*-??.?. he aald that Hughes, H... ? ? Burton. McCall end Boot, -he Preaiden tial p. ties i?.os? talk?'?! of in th? 1- asl eould not carry those states. . : ee Hughes has no strength in the Southwest," *a'<j Mi Ely. "No o: e is foi Roosevelt in that section except rh? Rough ?'huts. Ex. Senator Burton visited California :a eent and *.ua ?roll received by th? conservatives in thar itatO, hut he is not popular in the Southwest. Klihu Root, admittedly the man with the big? gest brain in the Republican party, u classed with the reactionurlei and idea? tilled v.,-h the big interests, In our part of the country, and Is therefore impos? sible. Mct'sll ear't pull the \V??s- oi Southwest. He was for leciproritv with Canada, and our neople didn't like tl .' We are regular Republicans out there as far as principie? (to, end whar ?are Want .? a teritT that i? a tnntf and '? ? I protect "I t.f? Bnatorn fellowe, as a rule, overlook our raw materials "Senatoi Cumntino, of loara, snd Senator Borah, of Idaho, are the two men mo?t believed in by the average man in the whole Southwest. 1 believe that either one of them as 'he Republi ran candidate would easily carry the country ?t the r?*xt election Senator Cummins worked for ?. ear? for the re apportionmenl <.f the delecte? in -h? National Convention. ?The nomination of a kicking, biting Progreoaive, the rula or ruin type, will alienate a loi of the eonaervative voters, while the nomination of one of tho old reliable ntyle, the reactionary, I ataad-without-bitching type, will ?ml>.-n - ?aie a lot of the more progress., e votera. i The West like? a breeiy man, a real ?live one. a whole-souled Republican, who apella Progressive with a small p. W ?th a man of that typ?-. SU? ?? - lithor < ummin? or Borah, a few Westerners ?will merely pav a complimentary vote i to President Wilsori next time, 1 k- OW | thst oui state would go 10,000 Rer,u'r. | lican." R. R. MEN SEE OOVERNOR l rge Him to I'lace Practical < >r ?-ar-l/a lion >l??n on State CtsaunlOfltone. Albany, Jan. IS, Plan? to place prae l tical railroad m?n on both the Publie 1 Service and the Industrial commissions weri BUbmitted to Governor Whitman I to-day by the joint lefialativa hoard . Varioua railroad organizations of the state. The delegations represented the Brotherhood of I.oconrnifTve Knsmcers, i Order of Railway Conductora, Brother? ? hood of Locomotive Firemen ai i I I ginemen and Brotherhood at Railway : Trainmen, ( I s r proposal followed ?*? re olution I adopted yesterday. For raemberahip on iwa t?te Public Service Commit they tamed < . A. Hurr, an a'?or i ??. ol New York, formerly a conductor. V\ am C Gurnoy, of Binghamton, whs 1 their ?hoiee fur member of the npstata ! commisBion. C. J. SULLIVAN WINS SUIT (.el*. S..K2.J01 Verdict as Share h llridge Building Profit. ? orneliua J. Sullivan, former!- r dent of the C. J. Sullivan A.?v. ? | Company, obtained a \ .r??i<-r for %'? - in the Suprem? Court ft tl ? Ryan i Park? r i tu.ri Company, representing half the from i ha const : act ion ?? Manhattan Bridge, with terest. .: claim in 1909 ???? (."80,000. The -m" was tried in 1911, when Sul? I \ ..n vei dicl foi 1269 -?? ' . A p p< ? ? .. -4 t-, ?? : ?. ?day. Argentina Promotes Attache. not t lai i '?. hi.i iquc \ I.he Argen) -? Waahingtoi - .. been ap pointed l< ' ' j of Uli timle.e,. ' BEAT WILSON CRY BRINGS IN MOOSE Herd Almost Ready to Romp Into Republican Convention Hall. WANT COLONEL, BUT OTHERS HAVE CHANCE -i Perkins Wary, While Leaders Admit Many Progressive Planks Are Laid Aside. Pome of the Bull Mooie 'eaders re? t?n tied yesterday from the treettng of ?heir national committee in Chits?go with 'he enthuaiaatie nlea ?hat the national conventions of the I'm^re? ?ires .'in?! Republicana, to ! ? >.?1-i "* that city on Jur. arould i.<? a roal "ol?l lio'iie" celebration. Everything im practically arranged, m their opin? ion, fur the Kreat herd of Moise dele gatea to nmrch. with handa plaving ami banner? waving, into the convention hall of the Republican wmif. Leedora who expreeood thai opinion. however, did i"' Und 11 expedient to i... qaoted to tha effect Othei <*; d ?:a. Includ'ne George ?V. Perkine, who were willing to rush into print, pot on the **'?" So ;iit of candidate* waa forthcoming a? altemetivea for Colonel Rooaevelt In fset, it whs pretty evident ?hat they all v.anted the Colonel to leid airain, but aavre wili? ng to eonebler lots of otn< r csndi dnfl, purelv for the sa'n* of "defeat ::??? WlloOfl Kven Mr. Perl i i 1 rnat the ? lauae In the Cl tat? ment ?o : he "irect thBt '? ? need nol neceaaarilj be i o'unel Roose el ' ?? .'ant iust wint it ?mi. In fa. ?tand by r he ? bole ? aten at, he adile.l, waa written and adopted In "plain language.** "But, mind you.** ?aid Mr P? "we are nol looking foi anal amation. It la Joat a i r"rt ? ? ??-? can"! ?.'?'. the ?urne ramlidat" ?nil the same plat a ?."'?Ht ?lif fi renca betwe? tl I ??? I th< ''. K j . I i ? '? ? .?"ilican party " The idea ?? ' ? ? - - ? r rann pu* !t. that : "Wilson muai i.?' defeated, n? ?I * from ? ttlag the H**pubii eani bu?, k in po*.v. i." That waa tr a a ale a? tin t at i.ational committee meeting, hi where onlj one man, William Allen v. te, of Kanss ? ? led an alterni live caad dat? . *v ?? i ? i on of Justice Charlas E Hughes And Mr. Wl t? named Jusl H th4 ? ? . ? ?ttee, t at 1 ? foi mal gal hcring ol ? ? Itei men. ?'he impi ?' . gal - red thai the Rooaevelt part) wai read] r?> mod? ify some Importa ; ta pial strong Ropnbl ? -'? ?' bron I eactionan ol tl me??? an ? i nt and honorable rast The sacrifi?e would lie ma la for ti i featinp W ilsi It Waa foi ??? r ? "fd out ?het ? I Hon-??-, ell wo i re r? - i? -.] ngencj." the five month ahead of I ? To get be .prematnra l-ourth of July celebration on June '.. it wai Il m. !'?? ? '..?? ir. ("hi i-i.i,'" on leetlni of the national ' 'omnuttee in Wr.*hing1 news ws P soon as th< on ? plac? wai made bj the Repufa rai con .- "???";;< n 11 ? ? ,? that hi m ral hundred room for nro ipeet ve Mo< tea and ] 'a '?en oi ? ri" Ploi en tina R. n the l ??reas Hot.*!, ai .-? gathering ' he clan. And thi? wai ','.' ' witl pi cm? tion and solid pnrpe a. ECei only did the It'?!: Moose want to hold theii i vention a' the same time a :?l place their orn-r ret?:?/' ."I !:?'l"?4' c-'ii re! ? ? desired ?.Id ?I in oxamtl the same ... ? ounri?ed r war, aftei . ng out ? .? I*>12 con? ? nt on i . ? ? )ea*t tempoi ...?,? . ?? - e;ir- :.:'?' WIFE'S PLEA SPURNED BY GRAHAME-WHITE "Dear WhiU?>" Letter Asket Him to Oivc Up Other Woman. IKr CaMe ?-. t ? r ?? . Lfondon. Jan. 18, Mra, I ide Grs hame-WI Ite v on the ? ? .? th i\-<? ?., hei suit nc,.Inst ?he aviator to-day wher the I?i? on ?? Court granted hei petition for the rr- tltutlOl ? Igal rights H ara ? 01 dere I that ;1?? d?rei obeyed within a fortnight. The pet! rior. was in .,; ? osod The evidence disclosed that in a let ter II ' ? i attempt a? reconciliation. The letter which begai "Dear V- ? ked hei hu?b-ind to make a home for her, si offered te blot out tl e memorii - ? pa ? I ? n oui.I bn .k off hie "at i tachment for the woman wl o i ft i made oui Mr. i,?.1! 1 ? ?? I te ? : lied with 1 ire- isal, and added: "Youi wrltter -? -. mentt do' not < - - ? ?- on ?o iug rest 1 at any o'het an responsi l.i. ? pa rt " Mrs ?\ ? te'? marriage ?--a tl.e i ? - ?nee at ?.' June 28, 1912. 'I he brid? wai 1 ??- Dor nthy Taylor. H ? ? ? ? Mrs, Bertrt Taylor, < Park Avei Graham? '' te flight entama ?! er in the B , ? force Whei ' p v., ? ' ' ? \i ,? Vori '.< '. ? he returned to j London r ? 'to send plea rROM CLOUDS Warnen t viators Plan Plight Over ? Ity in bid hei????' ? ampaiga. v ? York will be bombarded from ? t weel women rations 1 printed . ?.??..- . ? ? Mi ?. Thomas S'a.-k lead- ? bf "Worn? of 191 ' is?.? the ] . roi I trice and 1r ? , ? 1 never I 1 gowo j - h Kau ?.?ark-. CORONERS NAMED IN GRAFT CHARGES; Dr. Stapler, Convicted for Illegal Operation, Tells | Story of "Hush Money." SOMK OOOD REPORTS COST .$5,000, HF: SAYS Revelations Result of F.xhuming Body, 4 Years Buried, to Dis prove "Gastritis Death." Oraft rhsrres involving the Board of < oroner?. their physicians, the polir? and a? least ?wt-lva physieiana inside the 10 called "abortion trunf were made to the Kistrict Attorney's ?.(lire last night by t?r. Andre I,. Stap? ler, OOnvieted r,f manslaughter in caus? ing the death of Mrs. LaioO VS. Hein? rich, at 6uo West 111th Street, In Au guet, Ifl", by an illegal operation. Stapler's confeaaion, lasting mors than ais hour?, was given to Assistant I>i?tr.rt Attorney Jobs T. lloohng in the presenco of tbree of the acoused aiaa'a lawyore, two of vbom vere from 1 i. ?, vin le ?m ?as praclu-ina- modi i-:ie '.? hen arreated lest March, a- ioos i-- ?he main chargea can be corroborated they will be laid be?'.ire the graad er, Although every attempt was made to keep sarrttt Stapler'? trip from the Tombs to 'he District Attorney'? office, ?carcely ten minutes had <-la| sed be? fore telephone ?sells began to come in to Mr. Dooling's ortlie irom persons wish? ing to ?peak with Stapler*! lawyer. Saul J. Diekheiser, of '.''.? Nassau Street, his attorney ol rOOOrd, later referred reportera to Mr. D?soling. who seid ? lentement might i>?. mude lat?r. Protection ? :. ? of ein,unal op eiafotu resulting in death often co->t us high ?vf* |M0j Staplei .s report".1 te 1.1.-.? ?.ol. The usual amount oi hush money panl was 1300. Ni I of this went to <>r,e individual, ace?.m ..if/ tu Stapler. There ???- always ?. than .un- ? Seta! :?? ?hare in the pro eeeds ?>f ?? lingle ease, Much depended on th- ital '' Stapler, it It uiiil.r -;.,..:. ,e.i hi examine) i inte other I eldi than tboee pertainli c to opi i;,? oi . That *-..">.i"1?' ha . 'oi *.;,?? right ?,.rul of report en an autops) i- - ? s btien ?me oi ' '? ? eveletioi ar'a ? on iction reaulted fr< ? ? tigation ?.f the ? oroner'a office bj ? ommiaaioner <?' v ?'? i ?'? IK- ahov ? >1 that three different ? of death bad been .? gned ,t ?'.., ii, :.? eh .?oniar. apoplexy, ; . a. ? .'.is. a?-., and "acute ga ?tritio. ' The .., ? ,...,- i. poi r.'.i . rom Dr. Philip f o'Maiilon. phyaician te Coronel Holt. : , . . | .- ? ??! four (Tears and a half aM?'i burial, and Dr. otto II. Schultxe, medical exam :.??i s ti... D ?' riel Attoi .??;.?. .!? ? . ? ? . ai due to hemorrhage followint; ., 'gal operation, a:..I that a "fake ,',, p. . " ,, ,,! ?,.-. pel '"i r i iff- ? ! I of fio-itn. In op? -, 'aoler, Ar rhur t. Truin, Assistant District At? torney, charged Dr. O' hav :ng ????risj. .?? i ? Mrs. H death. '1 be lettei ep? peared as a witu-tas for tha defence ? f? . op -j 'ie sn.d he t i a great deal on the story told him bj Mrs. Vi? si Bulfum, the ai i OB0 apailment the death "??curre.i. .i for the that ' ? knee i?o1 about the case uiiti! r | tand. v ling to cu item, he sold, hs hud deputised Dr. O'Hanlon to .? .rue com r< ipoai b Itji in all cases where there were no suspicious eir, ,- i tai cei Stapler's sentence >..? been pe I i.? i ed ? ee times. I? ?? an to have l.??'? n pri ?. meed to day, hut m vi >w of the ? ? IUM ' ? ? I? ... ?' night i' will he postponed a: Mr l"." l'a request I pulation of im? munit ? CONNAUGHT ASKS ELECTION DEL/ Wants Canada's Parliament Last Another Year. i. Jan. IS. 1 he iiuke of Ci naught, Governor General i " the Oficial operii Ca? ad?an Parliament to-? stronglj reeomi iend< d I it th? ? ? I'm; liament r<,- extend * general el? turn and "be-* meet present requl thi war." Noi mally, t ? t Pa menl aroul expire m "i ? empire* par! in the war." n;?id. "'. maintained : ni; aclr levemente . ?.. on land by the diati I the j-reat arm' which hare enrolled them elves in ? pa : r - of his majest) 's dorn il oni I fence of < li berl iei '?In a -pint of iplendid loyalty ai unfaltering devotion, in.lia ?roi u . nions have vied wi r erating with tl count ry to ichi? ? gr4 pur pose. ?", ok?*?i ead and notable r. Canad ?In ady l?o.ooii men hat tl ' ? aa, ninl an equal 4 being actively trained si pped lor servif?* abroad. A i .? I the sut ori?e.| enliatmei .,000 men has been ? warm t "A( the fro *i aoldi? havr mrt the enemy 1 ? itod cor ?. ?-, and bj their preeminent aourag and pereeverani eve ? pi - d ? r country and upheld it? tit ? I "Equall** praiaeworthj and ?mprei been I ielf-i ki ifleing an . H?1 the ( .? t, a ho h;r. fre? ed cated thai .I m . ? ?? to the com .?' the empire." TROOPS QUIT Y0UNGST0WN Only One Pediment on I>ut> at Seen? of Recent Strike Hiots. Voungatown, Ohio, Jan. 13. The ?itl il Guard, "hn'i ? iti ka duty here ilnca la? : .iay. returned home to-night l hi Reg ent. oi 1.aen, I still 01 East 1 gstowi i :,. grand j .-?'ron of th? i ,.-? , aungato? ? "l- rom o hat th* tigat ' di "loped. I mvinced that o I lida fl ? i re ipoi ? the trou I A"?.rr.. | A. M, ' FIRE RECORD |. VI '?' '"'a ?'" | I I . data ?. O ......... a " . - *' M 4 . ?, ' | . I ? I - . ' H H ?? ' * . I > 4 ? - . I I V. ? t ? I . ( tSeet :? A - > ' - *? ? ? ???? The Haiulv Volume hncyeloi media britarmi-ra By special arrangement, set? in the different bindings of the new Encyclopaedia Britannica (nth edition) in the popular-priced, complete, convenient "Handy Volume" Issue will be exhibited in New York City at three convenient places. This issue of the greatest library of general reference in the world is sold at about one-third the price of the larger-volume issue. But it has everything in it ?every article, every page, every sentence, every picture, every map that there is in the more expensive issue. And it is as well-made, as handsome a set of books. But it is in smaller volumes, easier to handle and to use?a real The type is smaller, but it is no less clear than before. And the new issue is sold under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back for only $1^ down securing complete and ?rrompt shipment and small monthly instalments You can see ?sets of the "Handy Volume" Britannica and leave your order at Gimbel Brothers Charles Scribner's Sons Broadway and 32nd St. 597-59*-) Fifth Avenue (et ttth Scree?, Henry M-alkan's 42 Broadway ?g Satisfaction Guaranteed or?MoneyBac JEWISH RELIEF DAY A PLEA TO NATION Telegrams Sent Broadcast Ask In-; Religionists to Make the Occasion Memorable. The central committee r'or the Re? lief of Jews Suffering Through th? War. whose offices are at fiZ Park Row, announced la?? night that the following telegram had been sent broadcast through the country: "President Wilson having proclaimed Thursday, January ?7, ai the date ou which every person in the I'n'.tHi! States, without regard for race or ncei. may Contribute toward the relief of JerWS suffering through 'he war, il ),r, omes the duty of every lew to help make thia day memorable. You are therefore requested to at once arrange ma?.? meetings by all organisations 10 that photographic copies of the Proei? dent's proclams'ion, attached to certl itei ?ssued l". this committee, may be 'i ipleyed, and every other means ef eel eel on be utilized to the greatest advantage on that historic ?lay. Let all young peopl?? enrc'l a? volunteers, Arrange that a!! rabbis preach r"!.?-i sermons on Sabbath, tweuty-aecond. Answer." Contribution? received by 'he treas? urer of the American Jewish Relief Committee yesterday brought the total m Cd?h and pledges up to ll.lt6.3l6.B4 Item - .. ' * ed from the following: 4ieorK-e Toeplitx, 1100; He? brew Mutilai Benefit Society, $250; La i & Simons. 1200; James A. Gold? smith, 1100; Temple Mr. Sinai. $1, !*?-.>; Mrs S Rothfeld. $500; Ritten? berg Bros., Slot?, and Lancaster Lodge 220, I. O. B. B . 1280. Contributions received by the Ameri? can Re,I Cresa, uptown branch, 861 Fifth Av.?r.",?>. totalled <MS.71, ?el counting a gift of 1100 from Fren?is M. Whitehouee, and one of $-?o from Mrs, William R, Bliaa for ??Home Pi? parednei A ? ase, . la I ?, tor Italy, from Mra. ( aarlei B, Power, and another- for France, valued at 164, were sent by the uptown branch. WANTS COMPULSORY ?MIL[TIA '.??nrr.-il I'earcon Proposes lo ? .impiM Service in Hay State ?.u..ri! Ho4ron. Ja:. 18. A rump-? tare servirse measure was Stats Rouse to .!..;. ??? '? 1,,.rdoer M. Pearson TI ? , empower the commonwealth I ' 'I the rruNimum authorised its militia hj ?- ? ? > ail .tary ?.?.-??. Another bill Bled bj Generul P? ?i s i? de ?i ter,.'.i *o give luembere oi militia preference m civil service ratings. Want Books for Sickr The Hospital ?seek si i ' Society >?..?.. reading pu - tais, prisons si I arhere they will be ? those who have BO st " B? tail ? ? sa ling ' i iSt 1 ??? ? Room 4'J j||?|i!||||||?llllllll!l!ll!; Hill mu.i mi' Continuing Today nt Our 49th Street and Our 1_<1 Street Storei The Twice-A-Year Sale of Smart Overcoats and Suits Offering you vour choice <>t' some of the ren fineut nn<l smartesl Clothing inadc including the fanious I.I.N l(,.\ \ IIAXD-TAILORKU SlTITS," made by the .1. F. t-enigan ('<>., th?' inosl remarkable organization of master tailors m the world. Kvery suit is, I" ;iil intents and purpinses, "custom tailored." 'lie mosi art ist ?cal h i.leled clothing made. $20, $22 & $25 Overcoats & Suits At $ 18.50 $30 & $35 Overcoats & Suits At $23.50 $35, $40 & $45 Overcoats & Suits At *27.50 $50, $55 & $60 Overcoats & Ulsters At $37.50 H it h the very strung probability that the price tit woelans ne\t year will reach a hitiher mark than has et er been known, the wonderful op. portunities tor saving which this sale presents are absolutely unlimited, and the man who hits s cm nui h non te cover next season's needs will sate many more dollars than he has any idea of. .\o Man M 'ho Really I.ikes (iood Clothing Should Hlas I his Opportunity ! QxiCe Qtethetm BROADWAY AT 49TH STREET 1456 BROADWAY AT 42M) STREET