Newspaper Page Text
?? HAY ADMIT BRITAIN'S RIGHT JO SEAL GERMAN. shift In English Polk] I ikelv to Cause With drawal of Protest. AMERICAN TRADf Ml ST NOT SUITEI Spirit of International No Violated Now Held To Be State Popnrtment \'?Vu. r? - - . - - h .. ,. I" The reporto? ? , us si ? replecing th? jnef ?Senas - ? ml potts b\ ,-.,'?? ..t th? lists Departwenl a? of the sr? v. I ar? , a **?f-enco of official Informa .? attitude ci ? . | ?? BiTec'ed hj lated ' ? Tr?-- that the ?d to StO] Si * :-h thr gr ? ? . at and admit the 1 - - - r.any's ?ea :errt M anee ay whatovai mean??, sn tut a? ? ate trade r I ? ?;???: ' ' SUtrul,.?i iae< the S'ate De Mir"-* ---??..?. I. ? SS referred a ?nially Fred. 1 I 4 ? Ineffective. ? the ? - - ? - an ? f its ? ? ? .? that no ?trr- England might 'a^. ?.? patrol the Baltic could diminish Iti fundamente) illegality, It is there '<?ie believed eertain that ihis govern -, ?nt will ? ithdrOW It? prote?? as soon as the blockade 1? made to conf?n m laternatioaal la**- w? other par are Dili changa ef elaw m the por', al tin? Stete Denartmem ?? hnt.?l large!' <?i' a realisation that the ohjettlon t? blockading neutral parti la, ?a th? j.resort Inatauee, s Whnii-ality, nn?l n.?: homo out '4 ?'., inlrit af nteruatlonal -t-..> PepartnuT.t !s avari ? I .?rnPipT'el port? .>f German] o\o? n times al ptMee ai. In neutre! countries Antwerp an?i Rot t erden \ si.rvp h li.rjT.? part of ihr lier ?va- i m pi re, end to declare s blocked? of (lorm en y that 'Ik! not r.ic' tl?-??t> Voit? would he nh?ird I . S. Puntual Held Invalid. P.e department'] previous ohjeotior that the British governmonl did not *,? all the ? phts porto ?. ing te 1 ef blockade i? alio held to be . ' ... the general '.reel prln? -, 1 that 1 - nie are privileged ?.. nieki except ? 1 favorsble to neutrals in the ?in 1 belligerent righto, and ?.. doing thej muy . atoad the ???' e ..,-..- ? to ships of their 4. >.n flag la viir on? notes to the Pritish gov ?? ???.-- S?.Ht44 lleimrtment he? he\d the ' -,'..? was in-^lidatod by v ?hip?. >4ome of them -: wore, un.1er ?ertuin conditions, access to ilnrkaded port?. ?- i-, r " ? i. theec ports I .. m i ted drj-rse moi .. stel) eome to st the spirit of li ternational t'nr 11? the effectiveness of blockade - ... cerned, requires only th .' r:.f> bl< ...: ' I -"orce? exorcise ?:i - ??? . the commerce or' the bloekuds ? that ?0 lor-.,; as no ? ? ,: ..". la shown *'?" -??a i-omrnerr.. ?? ,l; ? i>-:,\ proceed as pei-mitted ;- ockading squadron Stockholm Without Mail from U. S. for Ten Days ir. No American >? brer, received 1?re since .'Bin? ary S. This ha? caused ?peculation by the newspapers as to whether It is due to aei.uie by <?reat Britain or to a new A-.'sricrv. arrangement to send 1 et - ?>? onlv by Found navian Fteamera. ? note r?"(rardiric the stopping In transit by the Swedish gov? .' o-' parcel post for England and . aras received t-o-day. but will not be published. ?'I'agens Nyheter's*" London cor? responder!? Interviewed a secretary in Forelpn Office, who ?all parcels of rubber seized by the h nert ,>?< ;r.?<i r"or Germany by ?ray of Swedei Th - statement is vip .rwhere here. re than .1 parcela for a are stored ei burg? Washington, Ja' 18. oe-irials o' the laid to-nigh 1 t th? American mail t<? tockl for the laal tei indoubtedly ?a? due to the in frequei I tiling of mail carrying - ?'? the Ui Ited States. -.-a REPEATS BARALONG CHARGE -4??-iss Paper Sa>* Sir Edward Gray Does Not I>on> AllOUJUtlona. n ? by wireless to Soyrille, N*. Referring to the publica 1 Bi ' - g< ran mi nt of ? paper SI | the ehargo that the British r strol bout liara ? ?? (ier-irans who ?-ape from a sub? een sunk by the ng,i ?? Ne ?? Zueriehei Zeitunic" - ? rey, British Foreign ? deny u ha* we could it ii that twelve ' the subr which had I ? red ? ? ,- th? Baralong flew a flag, wore ?hot Conn sftcr o**"er LINER GLENGYLE GOT NO WARNING New Diplomatic Compll cation .Seen if French Report Is True. MAY DISCREDIT TKUTON PLEDGES Rrcent Promise Nol to Sink Passenger Steamers Unwarn? ed May Be Broken. London. .Jan. IB The llritiar- BtoaiH thrj? i.Ur.pyle. aa-hlch ws? sunk in the Mnlifnrrai.?.an on J,.nunr> ?. mee for pedoed without "earning, sccorilin-r to i? Ha?ras tli'paioh to de*-, from Mnr iej '.. Captain Cheater, of Hie Glengyle ?nil tarent- nun ?>f the crow, ae i picked up ha tin' steamer Wo? oui ihe dispatch add?, ?rhils tjir.o I l nun of the crew ?nd nev?n ? kinaas aere !??>?? t. i ho sinking of th? Gleagrle eraa re -ir'?"! OH Jar. nary 2 About 1 JiO per? son?, passengers an?l crew, were on board All. arith the exception of ihree Buropaani and aevea ?l.irese ?e'e landed It v..i4 ,, ? believed at the that naj .?.menear*? were on board \.r Qiongrle mat bi und "rom S I'll)?.: .'..r '. ? I ?"' The ?umi Havai sps ports ?hu- ihs ? team? i ai rived ht Marseille) fr.'-. PI ippeville, escaped, !,,.? ti'.?' eeeoi ron * suhmsrme b) speed nn.i cle\er manteu TVP. The Dutch ?teamer liaa har?n. ?' MOO tana, buur.d from Norfolk te Rol terdsm. hu? ?truck a mine, Hcrording to a \r:reie?8 rnosaage picked Of at Bchereningen. foiwarded by Renter'? corre? nor.dent a?, fh** MiiL-ue The crct\ !? reported to hnve abardoni'd rhc vea BOl, which was (.till afloat, with Her forera*-:!?, oblare. Fourteen "f the men were re??iied by the s'enmer Goontoer, which also saved the Mnashaven's paper?. Fijrh* men were picked '.p b| the steamer Jaliana -- T-- t rfl .? ? nur-*?' 1 Waahington, Jan. IS. Berloaa doubta *-. eaal on Austria's n-?urnnee? to thi? f;?ivernnient. and the valu" of the dip omatic victory which Germany In? promlaed >-n the Lnaitania case, by the report ?ha' the British ?t?nmcr Cilon ??. .?;. torpedoed without warning, ? to a ? of 1 I? ? ' ? Department. Although no Atnei i u -,4 ??*.? ..? !.. trd ?nd the therefore, nol become a subir?* o?' pro teat, the department hold be conaidered ?is profound!] ? ' the question of A istr a's good ' tl Secretar) Lansing haa been d< accei anee of Anatrla'i disavowal ? ?? Ar.conn eise pending ne\elop In 'iie Persia ahTair. Thui ' i r i, . 'le: ee I ni come to hand, other ?rcumatantlal, which would war ?ria to account It i? ed " \, * nea note, < i | the In rident, would ha I ? ? ? the Gleng* ?* de elop h the aba? ? officiel officia to-night the proba! action of the State Depart mei t The flrsl atfeet, boa i unoffic al dispatel ? ' ' ?It-lay ; . ? i . a-.', nnd ai ae as or*'' "I the endeavor to obtain affid? lubstentiatii g the Whether, i ? lea of the feet 1 hal no A:' ?ricana wars ? . board, thi kusti - con | ? :,. , -'? ? for an ? -. planai i..;, is an op.r, q ici I A shabbily dressed little lad of eight, thin. p<x>rly nourished and shivering from the cold, was led through the doorway of THE BOYS' CLUB, One-Sixty-One Avenue A. Time*?9:30 at night. Weather?Snowy, wet. cold! There was warmth inside. Cheerful room. Companionable reading tables. Good things to eat and drink. A gymnasium, with flying bars and punching bags. More than that there was welcome, of the sort that RINGS TRUE. "Chee!" exclaimed the little fellow. "I didn't know there WM a place like this for me to go. Dem swell Fift' Avenoo gents ain't got nuttin' on us." The unselfish charity that make-s such a club posaible is of the practical kind that makes for better boys - better men -a higher type of cituenship. That the boya of this community may have a better and healthier refuge than the streets that new cluhs shall be built and new responsibilities shouldered a committee of your citizens has undertaken to raise $500,000 by January 21st, lor the Boys' Club of Greater New York. We want your support. It's a charity you'll have every right to be proud of. .-?./? i. w ..-. i,... BW no aortrr to sot soucrrow Don t forget the benefit performance *"" ? ***** r. the Candlcr Theatre. Sunday Evening. 1 .nuary 16th, given by Ruth St. Denis her entire Company. ,'.'! Send contributions to F.. N. POTTER, Treasurer. The Boys' Club Association of N- Y 55 Wall Street. '?? ^aSa-TirLa Iiilr 1 BERLIN HAUS D S AS FRIEND Hritiah Canea I Help? lo heep Them Apart, S??? "Tagehlatt." llerliri. .Inn ):l by yrirela?? to Sav ville. K. f.) The "Tageblat'" ?i proeaoa regret that It li lmp<>*sihl? to obtain clear rnfui mation guiekly in (?erinany concerning the United Btatet, .11,?t as it probably la Impeaaihle to procura Informatioi regarding Germany 1 in th.. United BtOU I, or? ?rrount of Ibe itntith eeneerehip, ?Inch aajpprceaei everything wl i might tend to fanli ?iite h friendly nnderetendiag between i hi' two countriea. "Germany." I he " I njreblatt" ron tinue?. "never reque?te?l anything more than thnl thine? German be viewed iritk naprejudleed eye?. The American | nation"iitly reallr??? the aeiu?! I conditieni li ?\h'eh Germany la living. ICengreea surely In ?ware o' the pur of Britiah statementa <^on?-'*mln*r Germany. "Tbla HH'ir.n hojji no one'? fr end ?hi|?. but It h.v.l? with jo\ nil si*rns of iriutunl understanding wttk the great American nation, ?nh .?iiich. after the War, It ?!r?ire? to continue economic te 'atloiii- for the H?lvant??K*e of both " GERMAN SOCIALISTS EXPEL LIEBKNECHT Tun More Members Resign Talk of New Convention. Berlin, Jar?. II (h) wireless to Say villo. \ Y. "By n vot? of fill ta CS. the Socialist caui'ii? ha? expelled from membership it, the Socialist party l>r. Karl Liebknecht for cor'tiri'ious gro?? :r;fract!o.i* of paity discipline," the Orercen? Vet?. Agency nounced t.. day. 'The Poeieliat Parliamentary Com? sleeted Prledi eh Raterl tr. ? hu ha ;eliai ?*.i am' lei I ? i Urn ta Hoc'.. j 10 r, a' ' ? Is? been replaced by (.<?(>!?' I ::;.ilr,;.',in.. "The Si. ' newspapers are dii ci.??iiia.' tha Question of whether an other convent i . of the parry .^hnll be aal ed Tha maioritj of the "n ? Con aider the tirri?' ;r ?i) portUnO." SWISS HONOR aVTERCIER Belgian < nrdlnal Hound for Rom* Gets 4 been? mid Military Escort. Hasel, .Tan It. ( ardi?al Mercier, Primate at Belgium, passed through here yesterday afternoon on his ttOJ to home He ama mol ;>t the frontier by tha officer iri command of the tTOOpi at Ba el, who accompanied th? <ar ln an eut the Sv ins .. i station. ri s ?Cardinal was heered by the people a? ho pasaed through tin. i ardi?al M? re i haa hren eeaured by tha '?? ?? . gtrreniment that lie ? 'ill |,. i.,? rm ?? ? re? irn to Hel ?'?uni after ) 4 t, to Ron - HOLLWEG SCORNS ALLIES'BLOCKADE "Enemies Cannot Starve Us," Chancellor Tells Prussian Diet. BUT INCOME TAX WILL BE INCREASED Foe Must Bear Guilt for More Slaughter, Says Kaiser's Chancellor. BerHn, Jsn IS 'hy wireles? to "sy ville. H. Y. . Germany's erimies had plsnned to demorall'.e her by citting her off from the tranniatli.if?.- ?.vorld, h'it hs.l failed, mild Dr, von Rethmann Hellweg, Prussian Prime Minister, to? day, opening the aas* SOeeiOl of th?) PraSSlan I'iet. lie a.l.ifd: "<??ir agriculture assures th? suste? nance of the nation Belying on our own strength, on our industries snd on our trsde, we oun produ.e what we need for our iU.fer.cs. These maintain the millions ef Workers .?-ho have remsined at home sr.d they ?naintain our eco nansle life in 3pite ?.f ihe ems But I feds of the ? si an ,'i m h1-.. Ailed ril leifi ????al.'o roisi Dr. von Hr thtas -<iat Germans, log? tl ei tl bei '''ii flll alii*?, hail not only resisted n i ef , ; ??m sa, but bad carried h-r flag into the ere:,,le ' eount ? - "We s?e Bi.d always will l.e proud, together sritb eui ether Herman bieth i?ri,'' hsid the Premier, "that th? aid Proaalaa ??|>irit ha?* shown ?ta In trable vitality snd hs? sdde I n?.-w im? moi'al ffloiy to the heroic i!??eds ef our father? end ancfstor?. Together with our King ?nd Emperor, *rt? march tOVJ srd the turning of the road?, aur>? of vietery. One thought Alle as, to give all un'll the "ory last depths ef 'he nation'? power for the life a:,.? the et i : i notion." Dr. von Bethmenn-Hollweg ?esd the sp.??.rh fr?.m the thro..e In th.? | tt? ? nl white hall of ?li?- castle, mem? bers of both house?? of ti ?anl ?. - well a? the d , i, :.L' pre ion! He first fad that st preeent ?? song i :? el ?em going on ei sride bat? ? "Af ? enemies forced the v...r apon . " i ?? said, "they must siso !.. guilt of the responsibilitjf if the na? Bernstorff Is Now Pilot of Wilson's Diplomacy Continu?*,! from pur? I ling ? . He realized that unloaa thi? vindi were forth comini the Gcnnnn relntiona with America would continu? I RGED BERLIN TO 1 IELD. B ' with equal clarity Bernatorff r?ecog-ni-ed t!:at the which ware essential t?i trie WilgOII administration wort? no longer of any importa*)*** to Germany. Ho therefor?? bo^an t<? aak hi.-* go-s-ornJitatml many weeka ae?! to yield :?? the American government th?? thinga that wort no longer of value, 'i I laving the laco of the administration. H?- ?mphaV ? i*. .????! ? eni 'he ohvioua fart that if the United States were pul in the position of having vindicated '.eu;mi rights againat Germany, it would then have to attack Groat* Britain'a i>l"c.ka?le, anil that an American attack upon the bk*?ckade opene? a poesibility of breaking the blockade and a certainty of itestroying all friandly ralatkma batwean dr.-a* Britain nu?! her alliea on th? or.'- hand and the United Statea on the other. It tool?: n long tims to establish poliev in tl-e mind? of German sta d in thst time, ? ;' : nt of SUCi the Arar,., end n :he A'lr or Au?ti : offen' ? ?,- groil Thus it is o t BerUst? has really ai tion wfc he can reasonably hope to carrj -??S. ? Bernstorff now hopes and ? ?- is simple. Sorti" day next w? nto Mi g'i ofl s? eretary of Btato h will renree? ... ?? - ..f Mr. '?' G? r,- ? ? compliance with American ?lemun it will contain some sort of a ?! svowal of th? i tenis and It a r.i.'i- Germany end her ul..r-? to I r international li;?v. Concession Ite-ally Slight. It should always he home in rni ? this does not repreeent any i-. ^ift. since the British Beet hud i i ?sed of the submarina warfare in I -, ai ?1 that ?-. ' he Med I ei rune I only be ti toi n surface Germai . i ,,<i?' a re great ' ha? a p:ac i i"? ?. .? def? ? lei . I intei national la?, a . || a posit then to i ,i that the . 'nited States .... t the B ? nho have - ? g the laws nrot?, ' ?f "..! .-ui merco, ai the Germans nave been i fending against those protecting I vi But n ss ? ' Mi Wi .- srill i..-' Re do? i not i ? tha? Mr. Wilsoi ???- .- the press mome h? ... tue i ? ? I . '.'? ,. ? ongi ess will s I be eo ion Senators - ?e ? rman amerites l"?,islatf.rst the professional Irish a: ti.r I < lei man syn pathuers or ruet-, with German eonetll ents will then beg:n te demand th? the President enforce his policies an compel the Brit h to yield. Be ' H s else ii VYesl ? ?? i that the Biitish will nc yield, ll. knows thai they ??'111 n?. mod?r?t?- the ????-r 'y of the blocked. beca e the I ids i - n inning tli Bui if the BritiA rs ration w II ell i ave to .: rendei i o lurrender is to lose the Gei American vote irrevocably; to act ma it back. To act means to resor* to an cm hargo. Thi? is what Uernstorff uni all his fiermun-American frier,.It h.?.- i been working tor during the whole wa and tbey are at la>*. wi'hin fight o! i measure of ?ucro-i?. An embargo cou!' : not pass the Senate ?*t the pre-eni nmn.. ? ? hollj eonceivabli I that Aoglo-Araeric .a long protri ,' ,. dent, migbi make the ?? g\ .' e H ages f??r L-?tranr??ni?-nl. A embargo - mean war, ? ? . - .(? . 1 ll.VLte . s from all the Ri .t: . as weil its Britain; it would ? ?? re-.- 'hi ??-? ? ?r . 1 'r h h" ? terne?? At the extreme, Geraeany ? thus succeed ,n 'on .ng the ? i States itito wir with her ? is unlikely. .-?lie could hope r'or Would b? I ' ?. ? ;ite all the f- ? ?'? ? g the Alii? ? ly, and leave Gei Thie would ho highly advantageous to Germany, even If sh? loses rhe pre?er wer, and i I apei for the future. Sucl ? ?? . for a I not ob s. eme s su? ful, bul l| I be car. al aubmarina *?t ha- fallad. Per natorfl i poaltioa t eal dlrecl ng hand i Ame) tha th:n ? ? . ? o >':?,.. || ??. or deal i the prei tratioi '. '.? a thhold ?*n their ?hole policy falla i ? . a ..'. ?.roc?an; . ?. \ indication pai ? ,- rii.'ihuii. the justification for it i patience. Cermaa) ii n...? planning to ur-e th ? ted States ai a cat's paw agaim Great Britain and h.'r allies. Sh? hope? to .. luieeeeful ??? a? t? breai; down the blockade, but 1 er rea tat r i? t.. produce a ??.tuation ii ted Stateo will resort ? bai a to i ? m de e Brit ' nbai ?;. : ?* of obvious ad ? I ' but i* will i a\ e 'ire ether leas o iou hd\anta*-e of breaking all : ? ? s between the ?nlu i Statea am the sea powern. N'othinji .? more ceit.un In the pre? a ? situation than that tri ?re la ven ?hortly to be ? ?' *?? an? t ion betwe? ? ? ."";.? Brits N'othing ?i thai ... i ?..ner than thai ? I r i pr?s? nding every gy to procure for Ml U : 1 ?on a ? ?. kt all ! mes. it aril] be re railed, In every neldei '. Bernetorit ha? deliberately aeaumed rhe position o' endeavor in?f to procure a victory for ? Ited Stat? - o ar hi? own gove i ment. The roMOn II parent. Ko -ne Imagin?e Mr. \*.i!?or. la rnakinj,' a barruir,. r,o ??r.e eharge i Mr. I Ifei ng a prie? - he ? situation is that th? ' I e--.,? ?.'.-.:: lelf ente pon ( ration th libilitj -? .,.- ? ? Great Bril I) TO of I're- an and fori-e? him into a DOW I ght f* sur ?? '!"r? a dead i??ue at.?I ptiahci Wilson against the Bnr;?h on the livest po.aible :??ue. It dims at the ahola structure of our intertra'.onal Is! pa and it put. Bernstorff in actual control of our diplomacy. ?ions of EUrOpe continue to Inflict WOUUdo on one another. "A new ra.-e i, growing up ? irr..'ii .1 e.| by war's experience? All nble bodied men ate united in faithful nun until death for the defence of the ?t?te end the nation. Tn? presen? ?pint ef mutual un<ler-itan?ling and trust will continue to make Itself felt a! r, .n the time of peace In collabora ?Ion with thst of the whole people for ths country. This spin? srifj penad? our Institutions and will And strong ciprcnsion in our public sdminletro tien, in our legislstien and in form lag tl e ha? -i : : representation ?>f the people ?n the legislative bodies "To heal tiie wound? that have been Inflicted, to make new life grow out of the gigantic deeds and sseriPees of the nation will be the task of all ef us as soon as a victorious peace has been won. Prussia han grown greet surrounded by s'orm. and she stands '., day unshaken In the midst, of the storm What her enemies call coercion is nothing hut liberty based on order. The ties which unite PhMstaiu have been forced to grow if pnssihl? ->?rong er by the-e times of struggle and \:r tory." The Prime Minister ?hen slated thst the King and Ktnperor seat, as a greet? ing to ?he pat liament, hi? warm thanks for thoge who are fighting at. the front. He also announced that a bill srill b? presented lnt?T???sln(? the in.-oirie tax, ?i? an increase of the iteto's receipts kad kecome necessary. The war, he ?aid, had not broken the strength of ;' lo'i t?te I ? sneee, ; it further naean were need?..! ?.. he need for the reconstruction of i ist Pi ussia, ? ? BOURBON PRINCE MARRIED Philippe Marie Alphonse WHs Princess Marie louis?? of Orleans. P/ir.?, Jan. IS, Princ. Philippe Ms n? Alphonse do Bouruon of the Two Siciliea, son of Count de Coserte, was married to .lay t?. Princess Marie I... , 'se of Orlt-an?, daughter of the Doke I- \-?ndotne. a? the home of the lat 'er in Neullly. The eeremon . a strlatly pn-.-ate. W itnesses for the h-'de were hei nnele, the Puke d*Orieana, represe:,tad by the Doha de Guise, and King Alb? - of the Belgians, represented hv Baron Guillaume, the Belgian Miniatur to Fronce. For the bridegroom the wit? nesses were King Alfon-o of Spain, reproeented by the Infante Don Carlos lo Rourbon. and Prince Janvier ?ie BourbOH of the Two Sjei'ies. repre.en* ed bp < onnt do la Tour Envelvre. Ths prince was born In Cannes or, December I". I RM, and ?he princess at S'cuilly-eur-Selno on December 81, TRUCE FOLLOWS MONTENEGRO LOSS ? .m Ino f.; frotn page 1 blown up by French engineers si ? er eon ?he Greek ;? lord al the bridg? - ? to resist the A] eq leste i reinforc menti ? nforcement ? ?- blou n up, ai d ? ? \ withdrew, thus svoi ; . ilty, ?' ? ? lilted occupation ??' Corfu i- said to have ? ligi ition in Germany, where the il \ rhilleion Ce il le is to I ?? ? - ? I as a | ereonal insult to the Gei It 1 lid that the Em pero:- ? personal protest to the King oi - Ore is, holding ?.-? re-?no'isibie for any ?lainage to German rty. -prri. in rnmm. on the landing of troops on the I that en So\ ember 11, \ tria, Engli a and la, i.y joint treaty, declared the ? rmanently neutral, and rch 29, 1864, in a new treaty, Britain, Frai ? Russis - others, guaranteed the perma ?f I orfu and Pa\os. The papers declare 'hut this moat re re: * violation of ne itrelity I y I te y worse from the - itional law than ?t commii The ' ? ? i ?' '?? eminent, says . ... .. test . Il <? the Ausl ? . to th< Havai i, iys 'ha- 'he Bul ,- ? - . i. . men capable of beuring arm? Il Serbian provinces which causing great unrest si h? |.pie. , . . igras to tl ; ? on . tion i o( woi ? ., an- arriving 11 largs i are I red to ? ? it, the i . - fr.,m cou very young children have lack et aoui ishmout Aeroplanes Aid Big Gun$ Along the Italian Front Rome. Jai ' ? I ' eomra Urs u ^ ,, g tl a whole front artillery si tivitj "' bv ?.'''," Xi ? enei ? -'?'" ::-c**' dUl , projectiles on oar poi around Air ? '? IB ths vel on ths Borge, i 4 ?' mai ... San Martine del Caree ara repulsed n. or enemy attack! ?0 the lowei I - enems s ar v-.i o? i ? *? ?n; -,.;',,. -.,.,-.?.? Out artillery res;..- I? ?. bombard ng Devetakl and Oppaehia ?ella On Tuesday one of ou- I? t l pedb ? ? -???-? of .he caria, returning unhermed. I , ' . : " si Italia of Creto and Poi S'ago, east ?-Enemy sviators threw Domoi mag . , nr. ,-. -.- nuei " ine Austro Hungurian srtillery tired on the Italien camp and barracks south of Pontafel ar.d set theSB on fire. "Or. the eoastal front there b ive been artillery daels In the Tolmino and Do berdo s-.-ctrons." _______________________ - The A. B. C. of National Defense By JULIUS M?LLER. Price $100 net. "We could v?-i?li the volume to be in the hands and ils content? in the mind and heart of every American titilen. " ? Net* ^ ork 1 ribune. THE INVASION of AMERICA By JULIUS M?LLER Price $1.25 net. iiiuaiiai?-.i 1.4 tweet*-ama baifr??n?"? fr?>?n sveteal pmmta graphe at tr?>oi?? :in?1 ships m Bitlnn. an.I three m.?i,? In a series ui graphic atenea, the author clothe? the ??rim fact? of our prnent Ia4 k of pi ep vednes? in a living garment of re.ilinn and tragedy E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY, 681 Fifth Ave., New York STORM MASKS AUSTRIAN DRIVE Onslaughts Under Cover of Oalician Snows Are Twice Repelled. TRENCHES CAPTURED BY CZARS TROOPS Sadajfura, Reported Fallen. More Importanl than Czer nowit-. Say Strategists. 'R. (eb.e to Tha Trtbur.? * I.or.don, .Inn. 13. Two Austrian at? tempts to take the o(?en?ive on the (?aliclan front In a driving snow hsv? hi-rr: r??pul:-<?d, acrording to a Ru-a'.nn oflelal communica'ion. In the region of I'obropo! und northea-t of ? -ernowitz the enemy's trenches 4vere occupied, It ???? ?aid. The Vienna oAeial report as?erts that the Auatriana bold practlcaUj- the.iame po-itior.s on the Heasrirabian front as during the Chriatmaa offensive. "Only laelated nrtil ery duel?" are said to have occurred on the (?aliclan and Beg. farabran fronts. On ti.e eastern front, Berlin ?ay?, do? tachasen ta ?? '.Minan patrols fought in eeasful eagagenonta et several "\??:.i mim) Sreleki, between tho Olshaake and the Berei ? -, l i Baa I .,; *? aere S eeted from their advanced ; irei.'"ii?'-." read- the statement from army be?dnuartera. Kaaaiaa t<jrpe?lo boats on Mor.oa-. do? stroyed a Turaish which had (?rounded in December r.ear the mouth of the Milen, Two Turkish sailing ships with coai also were ?iestroyed. The new? from '.he saetera front of the capture of Sadagura ;a retarded in military circle? a? prubably true, al? though o'V.eial announcement on the lubjeet has rot been received. The to'vn, which liei a few miles to the northeast of < zernowitz. and la a con? verging point tor tive co.?d roede, renalderable ?-rangle importsnee. ai ?? nipt? *o raptur? it ha1 .'i?!y r?? ?ted by the Au.trisr Kxpert? Bay tha* Sadagjra ii really . partanee * han ' T?rr'. While the full elf? of I ?? Ku?sii o Ten give cannot >'?' be 40t4 r ruined, m. Itary ??|i?r', a'?'rrn that one ??f 'he o jecta <;. - i.' rhe A'i iti ?. Ge "?-? fron "? ? ' ' tatuad, tat ? ? ? Ba _aaa waa ?en? bly reliev-d. ard tha* *r.e op?ration Ui dertaken bj the <>"rm?r.? ?.gam?? tr Prend? In ' han-pagr.e waa leaked of r force, Euan orncuL I .* fias.ari '.Tea! commum-atio ?ay?: '.a :e;an fror.t On the Middle S'rip . River ?h? enemy, un 1er eover ti a -rowatorm, made two attempti to ?a ;h the offeniive In the region ?if Dcbroael, but ?'.-?eh t:m*? waa re pu!?ed In thi? region and north eaat of I an ??* ti *Ke aaeni** wa? farced to evacuate part el bla trericiieK. which we oeoupi*d In "he It , ;r torpedo boat? have destroyed an er.emv submarr.e which hai bee', dsmaged M the Anatoi'?-? react. The torpedo boat? h'.-n destroyed two -?ailing ?M ?"aded with coal. ? eaeaeua front In ?he vnl'.ey of -1?? Arkhaea River our fire di? per*e,| n detachment of T'irk? who wara tort ? ? ill ???-? in tin? re re?r ? A' '-h. Near tie villap? o f k ' ? ? lahed a strc tr Kurd ???." . \ '. ' I TICUaL Th,- F the Foreign OAci . ? '. ? On the Ea G tie end Beeeara bia front? there have beer. Bl ly i?o lated artillery duela. The Austro Hangar ?? ?- * the a M i tion-, of the Ruai ai *. atil occupy the ?am?- ..f the Str pa or. th.? Beasarablan front as ??'-??. the only g ',ii of one battalioi ? .Nen bsclc MINERS OPPOSE DP.AFT BILL Fed? ration <f Uri'ain V?t?r? Against < ?>mpu!?.|. :.. London, Ian. 13 1 sretien .if Greet Brll a, a M **.** in London to-day, re.o'.vei paaabaeealy to oppose the bill for eornp'i' nrv Bill tary aervice. The Federation amp I*waf4 4 Ita pros - dent to ca'.1. a fuitb c nfereaee la the erent that I OS 001 slder what additional step? ?'muid b? taken. ! ; s i i : l 1 1 i \ I Seedless unkist Oranges Today and "try this) ybi/r dealer has this de? licious, healthful Cali? fornia fruit?the finest, sweetest, juiciest or? anges now on the mar? ket. Serve at all meals. Save Sunkist tissue wrappers for beautiful silverware Ca-ifoniia Fruit Grower? Exchange C-ava.-at:?a - N.a-prolt E-utem H??dqu?rt?ra: 139 N. Clark St.. Chia-a? Small Orange Pnddiaf Cream one . fi.urth cup of butter with three-fourths cup of sugar and add one third cup of juice of Sun Orange and a little grated rind alternately with one and one half cups of flour sifted wirb, two level leaapoon* of baling pow. der anda little salt. Add three well beaten eggs and pour into deep tr ui?i* paos or timbale molda Set in a pan of hot water and cook in moderate oven. Serve iiot with ?.,;?* "a ?f V P 5JTJJ u ?, ?rnr^~?^ ijfWflfl TRl BUNtT YvO""?- DIRECTORY Sute?1 ht? following N??w York City hotels are* advi-ititcra in The New V ork Tribune Aa Mich thry off? to their gur?t-i protection irom ui.4j?-*-irahle sui rounding?*, mi ? t- -,?t i?tartion in BCConunodotiona an?J ??ervite i- fully guaran? tee,! See The Tribune Graphic Section every Nimlay f?or complete Hotel an'ioum em? nN. A--A : 6* ' i. d?Ea. 0?Kcs ,\ Bach. D?Family. F?Wortifi Ftclutlvei? Diit-ict No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Are. rod Seventh Ave. H-tel. n P Id Bre'i.n. B '.<*.? .. - B II lend H use, I. Hotel In',.:,,, AJdre*?. Biaeawa* and 29th Si 4 jrh it, ? ". B way. ? **? aad F -th A.? Bn adway, I2d ?? ?3d Se. ' I i r-l Madwoa Squa-? E-Martha vVa-aSiagtoe, B Hotel Prince George. 37 MndasoB Ave. 20 Ian 2<?ii, St Vr? Si. and Fifth A-.*. laloa. *. ' a dav and up. I up. Hi, ?; p| i n. | i. up. On a; [ ! < ? n. $ I JO t'-r d?. up. $1.70 [>rr day up. District No. 2, Washington Square Section, below 14th St. A Hotel F_r!e. i'13 105 VUv? -."Uk En Sloaak.Am District No. 3, 42d St to (S3d St., bet. Medisoa Are. and Broadway. R H "I Buckingham. ( 14 f.aat 60th St. B Hotel l-ogdon B -Hot-I Loankea B Hotel L "in'. D Hotel New Aeiton. I "'i Av<- and Sii'h Si _agei ?"? Bat t Fitth As- and 56tli Si 147 14? Ue.t ->5'h St. Fifth Avr. ?nd 4*>lh St. MsdiK n Ave. and 41th St *J i H dey up. a; (iIk aOaaa ' "? ?i pace?ea. "?_' pBB dar uf> t'n i , ? .' n ' >n "M_C8_0O District No 4, 63d St. to 110th St., bet. Central i'-rk W. and Broadway. 3 Hotel 3 Hotel Brelton Hall. C Hotel Berkeley. " Hotel Majeata.. b ftsCal Ma?: iitaa , .. - B?lioi'l "*i. alion. 77lh St. and Bmadava. Bmadvaay. i*Slh I?. f*ti'.i Si 170 Weal 74th Si. (entr.l faik 1 . I -.1 M -".?-ai 77ih m I 4 >?,<??? , | . I --.'*? up. 12. '" up. I ci I peraoaa. 1 I ?? ?' ? '* ??? day tap. **?- [ -r ?lav up. 1 n sppl ?.alio?. C??Hotel Margsiet, BROOKLYN HOTELS. 9/ Loluiabia Height!, $4> yet m .. i, . ^eitxja?.