Newspaper Page Text
Federal Income Tax A circu'lf dtStfibim ? rf?TTiprfS(*nai4T4. bat ol ln?-*CSt0M " i: ? * ? ' aal.ich rjr e','?? ?? - " s _ I ?ders laessM Tsi or opoa -a' th? ?Gsaysaj* tl? espreaje.- its ' tioa M p?v he the as ? - ? '"' 1 m ? one per tn: ?? f sent ?.???tor? ?pain -raju-'t Ml ? * i :**-?<? bondl ?re lia* Ira S N*?B York I a Mjaaachuaett? Ssvir.f? Bs >> '? isaa ?i- t?- sa. aaas-pt ii. Nr? \ A and other ?tmteJL Send for Imcarmrnl Ciuutar 33. Harris, Forbes & Co Plr-aj ?.Ir-*? Comae ?VI III. m NEW YORK PERSONAL TRUSTS T?-a tan . ... ? e . . ar.ta?. -.'?.'.. to v ? ? ? ? ?... ? a '. a tar.? to *?-. ' ? ? ." .-. . ' . ? - | . 4 ? llarlr.? pra.-'. a | ? ... ' * ? aj Tr?ala a:.?, I--, a . ? . . ajM no ?or.'l-?- a a "... i ? ?. :. . :. a . ? ? . a el* CaaT :. , . .... a? r.a... .... Trual i*? -4? a a ?? -a ? 'A. '?? '?.-?? ... ? ' FULTON TRUST COMPANY of New York 149 Broadway STANDARD O I L CARL M.PFOR-tHEIIVIER&CO. 4 . ." 1 Sa sail.. ". I ? ?' ' "'" * I'"1' ?lan.liar.l .. - A I i. . ri . ? ... S Pfd. ?I.r I - I r.Irru? I ? ?in :?? Pfd. I ii. in .V I r,i. il..ii ? ? m .V Pfd. ?.rn.:..l .. .- A I l> . " .. all ? FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. I'hnnr llr.M.I 'M" I - \'.4- \..rU. E. W. BLISS J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. - - . *? N" T. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston London ANNUAL WILL RE STATISTICAL CHAST I MAILED ?OR I9UN0W READY I f REE rOR OISTPH IPOH HEULE-T We Specialize in Riker and tiegeman Tobacco Products Corporation Utah Securities . ? ... BAMBERGER. L0E8 & CO. 25 Broad St. Phone 5.501 Broad Amer. Gas & Electric Co. Amer. Power & Light Co. Central Petroleum Co. Cities Service Co. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Standard Gas & Elec. Co. Utah Securities Corp. Lamarche & Coady Phone 9970 Rector 14 Wall St. DIVIDEND NOT14CES. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co. " ? ? - ? ? ? * ? ' * .... ,.ar. The Iranaf?! ? - r .? I KORFOI K .4 ?\ I - I I i;\ |<\|| u *,?, , rj "ll'l la . | ? qua" A .a . [.., 1 | , Tn,ai Bulldlui i. l'a. on and - ' a ? ? -. . a -ary. CITY ASKS UNION AID Catatratloa as S-**oa Removal Plan and Flra Pre*reatlaa Desired. Of*1; . ? I ?!. ra'r* i l'ilion >? ?*? ? cob tion? fron -1 of two e *>? <ie partrnentr? requesting the eoAperatlon of that or. The first ??? ? fl "i ' ?? Conmlsi ? r ? : Fftl ? rst ? la v.l. ich ai?1 of working men ? ?a ? .-?,?! n Work ing out u i iari " ? ng, thu- . elesring up the streets ar.?T j>reventin( the lo-? i I si work?n aa hour v.a* alfared foi tars The ?<???..? ' eal oa was fror*. Fire Cerar. sloi ei Adamson. wh.? siakf-d thai thi unions assist in en ? forcing the regulation ;? I ng the throwiriK of lighted matches in streets ' bullilii.i.-? ,,r any r.luce where a dr.-I might bs s?-eted both requests metal referred to . ..Hate?! unions for action. REVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL WEEK ? Readjustment! In Markel Position of War ami Kindred Stocks. SEVERE SETBACK AM) SHARP RALLY Dealings Still Professional General Business Good? Sterling Rates Steady. The e poeittOfl In th? WB1 other Industrial fa- orilei iderabl? readjustment : the Aral few daj were v -. reaaura, an.I % ?'? red mn af th? wtwli tie revalual with th? m ces nt ?I..? !i inda nt th? htright of the era ". When liquidation came to I traders who hnd sold short foanJ thai thoy had overestimated ths ? t of stock that eould be I : out, and the rise or? short eoTsring up for the i re*.tous reac? ? ik ths prices in n a eoi ? > changa, the purging llted In clearing up a con? siderable number of weak long ac? counts and added to the lesson that has been getting as to the unstable nature of son.e of thl doatrial i--.?- Vigorous Bellini ' : ? bort account hastened the reac? tion, as traders perceived that an un? wieldy amount of stock was Still being carried for a rise bs speculative ? tt th? ? ' lower Of ? ? : ? ? ? ? nts such a-. arise. ? ? iioniz? : red ti prepl r ? ? year anxiety over our foreign , ! .. pari Germai Vusl foi ? neighbor Bi ? ? 'i in some ??'? . j as ? e have suf \\ ar Stock? in I eat I avor. . moi ? ? ? upon ' ? ? ' thai how it ng ths fail . ? ? ? - i now. ? then ... brokei lard to ? . .? ? ? .- no] unload ? . mud ... rrant belli t be '1 hal ; Id be rathei of ?v.-. t to bs wond? ? . ? i - ? how i . -le our ? . il list of stocks, which ?* geners I .- ? hat in red an ? of European iicjuida ? are unde ?i nich ? ? . i ?. ? -. - - s that n securities cannot be ted the up b?r h remarkable ? ? ? ? ? mui Steel Orders Pile Up. ? y I t in i ? ? ? . . lity to inti i were ? - n the last quarter of S] Is of the hi^h rats of pro? duction. A total of more than 7.??'?'?, Riled 1 the and ? year is more then twice that re t'A.-lve months before, and one ? t largest in the history of the corporation. In tire mean time the shortage of for domestic consumers is great r tome mai nfa? taren A lening in d< I r steel >o the realisation or ?1 be filled as desired, rather . .,.,--. - ? |o requirements. With foreign orders coming as ??? I acted, fartl i r ad-ranees In pi ? ??" predicted Th? payment of I rfc "?f*1 by the*CBeel Corporation has l ?-en fol- ? lowed Dy most indep*?ndent product-re, i and labor is aea raceleing an onprecs dented i ale of I ?niuio i at i"i?. In ppit?> of general Impro-eemeal In railroad earnings, Idle cars si ths Rial <?f th?. tiiu snowed an lacrea?? of about $.000 nb..\.? iiiov,' reporttsd ?n )>. c? mber i In th? l ai I there ?ees still a large shortage becauas of ths eongei l ion of ti adir, but on ths Pa? . fie ?'"Hit mid in ths Northweal there ? ,1 eonsid? rebla surplua Bosli i ? ? -1 l as not been benfited to the same extent as (hi real of the eountrj through war orders ?>'"! ign gi eat .-1. ? t ? )'\|x?rl? Expand \|{.?ln. Oat exports ?ne rising again, the t: ads balance of th? Brat ? ees of Ih year of mora than $53,.1.000 ? ta Ice thai of the a ? i k before an?! shipments we?e over $5)1.000,000 I- rom Not? York last ? to th" ?? of mors than $68,000,000 were sent abroad. This movement of good ? has had littls effect on the mark ng sxchange, ?Inch is well nndei ol. Rates were steadier tl ths week preceding, ruling around $.76. Shipm ?? .i ? -r - ? rom London nally ?nt-.??'. I he tion made eai I a Hi ?tain's iinai would I"- ? ded tliroui,-!) her ? d. 'I ha local supply o: ? pie for s ? .r eonlInuat on ol ths ten? . !o\tard Urn ? all loans renewed al '-' per rate ur.t,! Tharaday, when 1*4 Tune accommodation was ? al rat. s . little lowar, sixtj day funds : ng at 2?*i to 2*4 | months at t% to 8. Clearing liouse .? urda y ? a.? reported hd adoit Ion of i i.o1.1 im? port rted during the week amount? I about $1.000,000, b ' ? ?, ? ? ? ? ?0 of loans indicates. WEEKLY CURB TABLE. IMil SI RIA1 8. .?-. 4, h If h ia m I-??' < baa > ? ? Mf? . 1.700 A ? ? . I i '. riy. T. ? t I i t, I ' 1 - ? ? . ' . V ? < . -, . 4 I - ? * . I , a 11 11 a 4 ' ! - 1 4 ' . I Am. ?h ? ? ? " ? ? . *. 'a ? . ' ? 1 I , '. 1 ? < ? ? ? a - I .NDARD ??Il M li? 11 MM. IKS. , i - i -, ? i ? i . i - i ? .4 I N OTHER ??ll 5 rOl Kr*?. ? ? ... ? , ? MINING. ' - 'i ' 'j a 1 t i . 'a ? * ? ?I a Ml 4 ', - *' . . ? -1 I ? ?' a . I "4 ... ' '? ' ? ?I ? , ?, ? - a ? a , *'?'??*? ' . . ? ? ? ? . ? a I ' ? . a ? '? - ? - 1i I I . ' . . ' 4 ? a * ? 4 * a 1-- 1 . *: ? a* ? '? , ? ? ' ... a -i I * . : ? ? ? . t -1 a M -? WM a- a BONDS. ?4-S *?y? P * ?*? r.?"-t is ?. ? ? . -. \ ?-.'? I'ro- '?: ', : ?< ?on Arts to 4 a to w I. MS :- s 4 . ? Two Mills Declare Dividends, l all Riser, Ma - . Jan I? .- ? -i Mills have de elared a quarterly dividend of l per Stevens Mai ? y ha? declared ? rtei ? :' I-i per cent, wh ??. a Mean a tots! diaburaemenl t $1?.000 on a tuUl capitalization ut 91-A00, .. J Executor Trust?e Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 ^ 22 William S:reet Branch O??ico, 475 Fifth Avrnuo New York. LONDON, 10 Cork'por St., ?. W.? M Old B?ad Bwrt, M 0. PABI8, 41 Be-akraH fTsassiaass BERLIN, 50 Pater dsi I-in-l-n. ft W. 7 Travelers' Lettorn of Credit. Fovign Exchange. Administrator Guardian STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK Follewtai i-? 4he asaal tahi?- ?-???ng ihe numiier of skares <?f sll stacks ?call in tur Hie asel taaed Jaaaafj IS, tegetati allk Iks kigkest, laweal and laal pn.e? ;in?l the nel ekaagSS <?' ??'< ???*, and Hi?* Mgk ??"' ?" prices <>l the year Itla, sad the tug!? ?ml l<>? i>ri. ?--? at the reas U15. I,,I,,I sale? l..r I he Week, "?.7'.?... 100. ag.iin-1 1.711.?.00 a ?S?k ago aii.l H4,? 100 a \?ir ug... January 1 lo ?lat?, ,\7 111.*?'?", ufiiiii-t l.77-'.'.?Ml m 1115. r?'? i ' Nam?. ? . ? .1 4 ' . ' I Ailla ? a a ? . ' ' ? \ ? \ , i, ? ... a. ' . I ' . a ? i a '?? * Ii : ' a IPfh la-? Hare 1". ?*'. 14 1 a . t ? . . . . . - : !?' . . 4 . l'.i. 11H 1 : * ? : ? ? . i ?. . ? * ?? II ? ? ? . - . ? ? . * . : ? ? . ? ?. ? . f ? ?? i I ? . ? . ? ? 1 ' < ' < ' . >' ? II ' Net ? : i : . i KM* lia II.f, I. ? I < . H ? i ' . ' . ' I I . ? ' ? ' ? ? I . 14 " * ' . t* < i . ? ? . ? '.a I i ivi.tra . ' a ' ? . .?. i i ... ?'. M 4 . Il * I ? < . i ? ' ' < 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? . ' ? ? ' . - ? . ' ? - ? . ? 4 4 1 I . ' I ' I. .'. '? ' - . ? 1 .. . ' s i 4 , rtUi i ? ? Ma " "I ' I M I < a -a ' ?1 a.I? ? ? . ! i . 1 .4-1 A ? i ? ' ? I ? ' . ' , ' ' . ' ? ? : ? i ? ? ? .' ? I W ? * i: Ka ? i .4 ? J? lira I - ? It. ' ? l. a * ? i cj --?trraal.... .r?rn \j , ' * ' ? . ? ' . ' . ? . ? . . i - ? ? - . . . : ? I i ? , ? ? ? : ? : 4 : * 4 1 14 ?? : * 4 II - : :? ? ?. : ? ? , -?. a ? ' ? -' I " , | . ? i . . I ' ? 4..I--), IS J Ik. U J : i ? . - ? CHARTgRKD IN 111? New York Life Ins. and Trust Co. 52 WALL STREET, NEW YORK Grant. Annuities. Accopts Trusta created by Will or otherwise. Menage. Property a. Agent for th? Allow. ,?w,.t on deiosite. payobl. ?Irr ten day.' notice. Legal Depository for Executors, Trustees and Money in ou?t. -Accept. Only Private Trust, est? Daotoa. ?? fap?UlM ?' Other Public W..-_ 5TATi:Ml.vr-At IB? tlo.e of B-.lne.a on .!?? Mal lag ? l.-e???r. Itt? AMBTl Real i nais . .va? l? ii'la aii'l Matift?t !.. an ? ' I 1.4 . I I . II. "Ifai'i.r . ? nb Is I ttSHM.J -i V.alts i < .!i "ii I" S4MIIS .? >?? * I 1.? . I> |l ' ?U?p4?aM A' ft, ?" ItoadS 41. ? B|? .1 ' 'lir.r t Vsl.') ?. ? ? .11 n',4 ta: -i? . 4 Ml si'? ?'?' i sen . ?-i ii . is i in im te .. .1 i.' "O" oo ".'.'.. 2.1 i im -? IM, '? i" '"' ,'.'.'.'.. IT.??.???.?? g4B.o2o.aia.aa II -\Rll.l I It.M ? ?r U| S ?ft. | ,'rri i m Pao? si ' ' 1 fit Ils irbet I. ' i .? |.f ,fol ?in ?' . I. ?? Ift?': ? I ? l . 4 ? T I leterest D.? Depeetten, an??, i ? IMMajm . ?*'i!?M .M 4 ?., ??? - -.?4J . : - < ?. '????? ?? - ?.) S ?-.."-", a. J.?*.-, ? HENRY PARISH, Chairman of the Board f.-sertes 0. Tl $? ii. ?? i I W ?l-'r n? ... , . ial ? II? I' ..I ?? I. r. Tsj Ct.luB.bui O'O. Ii ' ?V Kmlfn r-""-?."lt .1 i.?i.h II ? beats .-.,,,., In HUM llfiir? /fftvl? M-wrl? . ..,,.,.1 ... V?":'-" II j-ab-i m r- : *?<?> TRir'aTsn I l???!frlrl If D' If. I I ' n ?4 I" ? ? l.lnr-filn < ? pa ,1 ? '!? kermsa ?> a,-, r K' r ii'j?j ?Tews ' ? * I ; 1 ? .. Jr HPM'T PARISH IB.. Ut I*'?? ??Ol I. W VA . /I!-'? --"? *< r '?? a. ?ib. iivri.i.--. Ird vtee-rres. WALTER KERR, President 1RVIN0 t* ROE. 6i.'?'?'? ' ' ' ' 4?1l Im '..' a , ? . . M V. ,!??: ?t, COTTON GOODS RULE FIRM; PRICES GAIN Compromise Wage Increase Lessens Immediate Possibility o? Ope rat i ves' Strikt'. Pall i er, Mass., Jan. IS. I bs eat? ?..h eloth msrkets asrs ears .??ron--snd ?iuite sctive . sad vricr ' advanced substantially. While the sap?? sdvs ,'? still un-et'.leil, man irsrs v ? re slow eellers. The pos v of a strike among the BS,<KM operatives here made deliveries on <*on a mattet l< rabie uncer The mills, h<?w.'ver, are pro? ? i In a'l bl ied in every ? ? d b? in order, ? : i ? : irrs " D t|??: high prie? of the s1 becau ?<? m lid not furnish , , tcepted ? sgo. demand 'or . . i prevailing These ad teenth to sn ding ? ? 1-4.1 in the | . : a,,''-. ? -. included ? - made bj ?xtend ? ins sc ? r ? '. i il \ millmcn loosened up ? ? . The rextile i . th? ?. ' ?o ? ami aim U*. ? ? '. ? : . : ? ?1 will g for some ? for. Fine Roods i ? --, but ? laboi lituation although ?? ? tig de* ? ? ? print ? ? I . i-inch, - Municipal Lcctur's To Be Given. ?' I Res? . .* ' ' ? ? and Broad ; . ? . ?"5. Municipal Bond Finn Moves. it R. Compton t '-.. St. Loul i, I n has i ? ? : INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY COMMON STOCK Ai ' ' I the above named ; bttS bee:i d I nited States Mortgage & Trust Compsny l.r 1 Deposit Agreement dated November 22, l9tS. In order to comply with the rules of The New York Stock Exchange, which btl listed lb? Certificates I | Depositary, the t!ne to deport shares under ii : Ifrceaea! has been extended TO AND INCLUDING JANUARY 27. 191?. As ample notice has been given by the - tk?J the rights <>f the holders of Common Stock?-, .- irtM by united action, the Commttte? states that it I ? * I the deposit of shares after January 27, i i unie ? : icreti?n the Committee .; the II Holdei i of Coi to< I I ? under no ol withhold their cooperar- ind fl ar*. a. .1 become partie, to the Agreem i s,ted ' ?- '? ' l*nu?ry 8. 1916. ALFRED A. COOK, il. Ceda JOHN m ri \ i 11 v ' n ifersMa I I M I- I I I \ HM' |MI\ \i II I. LI i>ni - \ II ?? i*? ?-1 ?| \( \ i |H HKiM? \i II I I M ? Mv \M?IF.Rr. ? ?iMMirriaE. SET RAILWAY SAFETY MARK Statistics far ISIS r**hnw le-ae-t Vus ..?nK?-r*a Killed Sin?e ISM. ? s rno-t remarl I 'he his \ 1915, when ? ? .of whiel The number - ' rteen v?*ar-, re?- ? the Bureau ' ailw iy S'ewi a*, the lasl g , , , ; .. ? ;. the tots . I I I ... i.... ? Comm ?? lncluiled all : , empl? - ? ? other's " il been ki 1 led es, th? 196; ? . . ? cent ? - -. fewer ? the total bi ? ? ? I ' : * ? N. Y N. G. TO BE BZORGANIZED Drastic 4 haages Plsaasd ta Make It ( onfnrm In Recular \rni> Srheine. ? ? ... .?ertro drastic reorganization, ?aid jre itarda i efToi la effleien? orm t.? ... arriy. 'lite 1st an.I 2d r?'-;in'.eiit.- of ; ? S pis . .?!?'. .. ? . . George a ommandinc the 2d Arl post) .... M. Rogei -, commander . ? ? ? appointed - : ' | *4 ? : ? t H. Smith ited 1 ti.?n to the r ink of e< < .''..IT-' . STOCK EXCHANGE FOR THE WEEK. ? ti ? - ? ' - ? : - ? - ? ? ; . . 1 A IK ' l -ret ? ? .4 I (I ?VU . ' . .? a-.a-aa art ?? a \ ar ra.'a Par raltM et ail a'oiaa 1100 u.i.<aaa ot.Sorwlaa ft a*ral *Li wi:?-i. 'let ?? ver w_; uftt, Iks -???-? aif.ia. i L....icO. American Brass Co. A.n. Sumatra Tobacco Co. Du Pont-Hercules-Atlas Niles-Bement-Pond Cora. Yale & Tow ne Lamarche & Coady I Phone 9970 Ret tor 14 Wall St COMMERCE SCHOOL TESTS EFFICIENCY Neu. York LniMTsity - ?nd Sharp ??Vagc Increase fSw lows irainin?. \ ' ? . ? I mam ? - ?-??- '-' - ... The ivei **? ' *? It ?oo. th ?*?** ' ... p,r-?? ' ?. ? ?an ?ii.5 v * m* ? *?*". in pi pai . .'./. I ; - ? I ntttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm low - : ? - ? 4 '. ils ?** Some " ?SOW ' ti ' -rep? ffewark Textile) ' ' ? l ?.This? _. I rA.tit*!' ' ? ? ?? tst?? : ittvii ? , ull, CHEAP VS *****, Utheag - "" , '| ?? - " ? ? 2 a* rent I ' ' * ?? . ? - tt A ,^| ' , ? -?f*L?i iN sre ??*'*? ?.a PQ ?-a*l eiaee Argonaut ' u "? '.Ml. i? is f amering f< r ?test. ??' ^al guav ?-?H tat but little ernte their skins will bring.