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The Amateur Germ Has Now Entered the Official Bodies of Lawn Tennis and Golf Comment on Sports - By HERBERT - HARRY N HEMP8TBAD may Ball the (Jint-ts. Ho himself has sai?! that there is n price on th?> club, but it .-?corns unfair to question his frank stAtemcrt that he has not been c?>n??idoriiip a transfer of the stock. \Yhen the late .loht?. T. Bruah ?lie?! Mr. Hempstend, a? the busbar.d of 0IM of his dauphtor*. came on from Indianapolis, where be lias a busirc-s of his own, and took over the ?iir.vtion of the Nt?w York l luh of the National l.eapuo. Since then, in my opinion, he has playo?, the jrame fairly, with every e-OMideration f??r tlie fans and f?>r newspaper men. who. ?taaped in UM depth? of what ?iBJaaUllia? amounts t.? journal ?Me frenr\. are forcotl oi necessity to put twa and 'wo tog-Cider to make the well known four, and ertentime-? a food story, l-ider the circum t-'ances. then, it ircmi" as if tlie outapokatl arord of Mr. Hempstend should )?ave boon accepted arHhoui quibble or quaation Some Sad Experience BY SAD e\per r.-c.? I | ?.>;.'.'. srriteri have learned tfl pas? lightly over Um v* f many men in the proa* national -fame. Not -><> lonp apo .lehn K. lYner, preaklenl of the National l?eag*ue. ?applied e*i objee! ??- ' respec, in an effort to throw off the f?i;ent ?>i t'no 'hen approach;- g peace ] Ct with tire led* a (.c<?r?-i of men w'no, plodded and urged to ' I ai story," were pla* kng the pari of Sherlock Holme? Hr.? playing * well. Barney Dreyfus excuse? Praaident Tener by laying 'hat ho ?ara? nol thor !: ail the p'ar..-?. This is dammnp h mar v. it h faini praise, as 1 i pu lidanl of 1 a lengua, abo?? a", other?, should have known every Hi l ?ven apart from this, the ate Governoi ?' Pennsylvania i >uld be exc ted foi trying to hold a iftvo-- - ? time as rightfully it ?could be made public. Abad, enc?, In :. -r .... ?rrong n lion wa? create?.' largely becauae of Ins" manner ci d? - * 'hon -.tirkinp 1" ? itofj which ?vas written in bold iotter?? that .. . ? ecause of thi*. President Tener lost to a 'a*--;e extei ' ' ence of men who, in their way. do much for the rair. n ieh that is spoken IB br.???':. \\ here the Shoe Pimheci. OVi ??- . bal Mr. Hempstead found it hard to make everybod; rcent effort bail to buy th? Giant? I? wa? known that Harry F. Sinclair want? ?ho o , and it wa tural to surmise *!iat .lim Gaffney, folloarini ?sie of the Brav? - ?? I casi i'- his loi with Mr. Sinclair in the purchase. "dr. Sinclair, too, is the type of man who, ai a ru e, gets what he want? whan hi wants it, but for mj par! I have absolute confidence thai Mr. Ilampstead I tid ?*hen ' a I Let this assurance l. -giver ?? ? ese pe? tion. The fans of New York have appreciated tl ?-T - of Mr. Hempstead, and are far more concerned ' irr* Doyle may bat next summer, or what .Toff Tesreau will I pitching than ever the sale of the club. m hich I to belie? in pood hands. I awn reniais and the ?Amateur. J( > r . ' -? ? national 1 awn T m i? As? cial on will | rcing 1 11 as the letter of the present a-> ral ' termination of Maui:'--- E. McLougl nd Thomas E. 1 ible? champion? in 1914, to go into the ems, a much m nu?-- li a meneur? ? e capitalizing their lawn tennis fan ? ? 'ion; in a measure, they ere -- inp the amateui . but unless tlie present rule or e!au-e in Um rule - - this kind i? strengthen."! and amended, it do? i nol ? ? ' 'riot accountability. ? h'* I ligh Ideal. BoR WRENN, who will soon I re ai presiden! of the national asso A.ior-, who will Micceed him, are men of hiph If I ass "f lawn tennis players would I theii ? ' could be framed which won ? : eel to ..? run would make for the aat inl ' ' recentl; approved ..' a .-i?. * g es of th? fading ?? governing bodio? was ; ? - -.snociation, McL-oughlin, B ; nd otl ers place then eyond 1 c grav? tion, however, if I igh more oi less d as! c, (o?i<? c;,i. bi adopt? ... y be; il would clear the atmosph? ? i fea R-eason for Action. Hi \W I t hybrid who hides under th< cloak ?>f an bi ?* There are cases, howe* the end? i ? I the better. 1 nfo . liscriminai ween the man a ho , pose?] me, s the man who accept? employ met ' ? no tl "ht of so doing. It would be bard ? . -. Whitney, arith Wi .?? ?l Ditaon, and 1 . B. Al? . ? I true amateur- so far BS playing the game i Alexander wa? one of the firsi t<? aiwourage growing bo] ' tournam? ever been a hard worker and a strong p] rtet of Uie game. It would be har.i to convince n.?> that Mel.iijpiil.ii and Bundy would nol be jus! a- good amateurs, n far as plnyi g . ?cerned, in the sporting goodi ? as out of it, and yet the constanl ratUing of bones and Ui.nstanl emphasia placed on the Question i ni. which would better be healed. fne Marvel of Swimming. ?a -arr j \ mer smashed the world's rec V\/ tied a new mark for 150 yards in (he New York Ath ? " ? M< nday, ?I wai my privilege i<? look on. Hit ? ? . . through ' when pressed to extreme ef Mi- . peed ? '?'. ? ed me even mor?. the modesty of this clean-cut mi So pi .'?.... rm that p* ?? e? ppreciated < way so easily from two other men ??'?hi? rank ??.t.- the trip. In covei i 4 5 1 <? established a standard - ? I ? made one turn a hich cost - i?. 1 he Extreme Te.-.. ?' ? - ? ? aft e excepl ional p? i forn a ce he I in the le rds h? ist i ?lied Ins body and plugged in *.\ ?tli hi * that he had ed I n if his power m that last 25 yard? he ? .e fractioi econd the rhythm of h t i so much .:??;" i d !!?? said ... o tl ai the i I hi - ? he had ever -warn, and jret h? came I ait-k two 'la-. ? I ed i"1 yards ... winning *he metropolitan : a thin two-fifth? oi a second of the world's record. If Kahanamoku evei meet, what a race il wil be. NUi ?ted States Golf A social azed tlie way in the capitalization of athletic -.'?!"? ports govei ai to folli w. That two or 11.r. - weeks ago <>n '.bis question i- bearing fruit Gustavus !. Kirby, ??'??? >?? pired it, has eason to feel encouraged. f-?cxii ri h Round of Golf Pool Tourney on To-day If pool '? i T ? .?? ,1, Wl!l I . - games ai follows! Ta?! and i; Dick? ian and I .. ? ... played I the maie e* I .. r M erees and Samoa t?. . *... ? .? As tkese two i "t'urd ke led msjs" ..?' i... touraey the ?ontea?. |, |bauag mach laur?at *a?non_{ t,h-* tcril**... F. M. Wilson Stars at Larchmont Shoot ? sn wl i took pai I ? ? ?.?t of the Larehmonl 1 eh1 ? ????'.. i ? k M. Wilson ? h the ta .. ? .?.hy and h? the a ' be liiv'l. ban pi e for the 1 I. G saei n trophy, for which ihoot ng begsn on November the prise n weeki I an. - , ? . . - | . m : T ? \\ .i-??! . 96; i ll Ward '?<". R W. Hi di reo M '?? ? i,.Tn offen d foi Ihi all -?en .-./<? balance of the season ta ? i tOrOm, SUMMER BALL PROBLEM FOILS LC. A. A. A. A. MEN Amendment Proposed by Committees, but Question Is Far from Settled. W hei the lntercolleglB'?? Aarocintiun of Asaetear Athletes of SaMrias masts here on Mureh 4 It will he a.?k...l te adopt three smsadsasats to its eoneti * ??? u?n and bylswe The text of the?.? amendments was aaaouneed yesterday l?y the executive ami advieosr cemrail tee?, whir). ror.\cui-11 bi the Waldorf to die? us> and fet mu?ate thee* Ihe troubleaome summer baseball problem i? far from heiriii *ol\..l by the proposed smendmenta. In fact, ft i? left jut shout where It ass before the amateur agitation begaa. If the new rule ?.? adopted SI g ?en Sttl > I ' torda) ? iiinn ?..ill he prohibited from [?la., ing on ? teen on here an .??.hi r? \?h.? receive Anancial I efts, . - he nial obtains the written eon Bru. of the faculty authority of the If he can gel thii consent he can a:" skesd without ... sammei rhia will mess thst tk? s eo I? ges prol - immei ball ? I ?rith hol.l f.irh consent und those which sp prove of cummer hall will give it. Capita] ation of sthletii u ? : b) one "i th? , . ? . ... ? ??". ered pret( I ? ? oughl) Ki the new rrirni'.' . " r.hj era 1 ithleti prepared thi man who - . ? I ? (il..! Bl ? i ii ra1. Reinstatement of transgr? !.. easier thai I f thi emendiw ni - ai ?? adopt? d hare < ?ray to reg their ai ??? ? ? , present code < ion. ?????? the "An amateui "By participation in miv pul l ? ' ' ' ? ? .4 l'l'l.ll und n?'! tnerel) ? re pi to ? ompete h- an amateur in Ihi ... :? -.. ng obi precei 1er ' specia Iron * . . governing competition or exhil ! the genei ?port for v . ractei or exhibit!. I tak. place. ?? in',',* eon pel .,,.,.,?' ? nr ?ho ii pay or linar.. .. ? . a? a < ? ? g t o t ? 01 ;.t th?? ' ' Mg, , petit ? ? ' team agaii teui nents a i . . ? rt i ? : e tine o? ries '?f both us to thi f would ?? ' I? ? rally . FOUR NOW LEFT IN SQUASH TILT Yale Club Represented by Two Players in Round Before Semi-Final. players r? I the r? the ci B ester?) H < . I jjrn. Two of tl .? . the Harvard ,1 one man. Pial .!. T. T? ri ?Vi tivi Platt ? ' et P >. Harvard rl ib ? 1 the Prineet B1 ? ' ? ? . ? - ? ? ? 'ter i ? ganes ? ? \ ? V. I ? . . . - , 4. . . ' I ?" | | 1 1 . ? ^ ? , I , 4 ? * OVERCAST SKY MARS DAY FOR SHOOTERS j. N. McLot-gtilta Hi'.'Ii Scratch Man at Now Rochelle. l ' nder ad? i ? ici I the trapa o? Roch? ? i lub yeat? show theii r ei form, hut . ..p tome excellei ; i. ? iraed J. x. SIcLe ? ? pre th i breaka ta cred !?!.. ? n th? ? . ? me trophy .. ? ? ? eg for the i i tk a '.' i aad tk? ? _'? breaks Stuart Scott ired the 1 off a tii I V. P. Krau ? he winnei event aftei i With I on hi? ;.. B, R Stoddar I s tl eg for th? l'eorge B 4'uri v a? r i.e high 4 iti. .. tav'.al O? ft. on a haiiUiva-; u\ 21. When a Feller Needs a Friend - ?> br.ggs HOCKET TITLE MAY YET BE CPESCENT':; " oners Not Oui ? I R ick Despite 1 wo Di feats ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? . t..., in I ? ? l ? ? amateur I la i ? ? i , BURNS HAS A FIELD DAY AT THE TRAPS Captures Lion's Share of Prizes .it Iravi rs Island Shoot. "Vit * ... I ' \ trapi of the I ? I ? two ?. . h it : . ' Il ' ? ' ?. HI Had il ? ? ? , Bun ? or 4 ? ? . * to 1 ? Bun . 1 V th? ? COLLEGE TF-Va SETS HIGH SHOOTING MASK VVai "ton, . . ? ? ? . ty-nine collei throug ' \ v iltui I, ik Ts# Seeteh <> gfrj **A ^ r? ? e n ? o a e> ^-^ ?T JkT WH'^Tfc LABEL ^^ EXPECT NO WAR IN GOLF WORLD Spei ?al Train O?'er Doe?. Not Worry Members oi Western Association. \ ? the annual te I tation i- ? a? eepted rh< dit c ,- ? .???-.: r.i meet :'? - That I lei of th? ? ?, ? ? eoui .. ? . ? ? ???ill by s ors. Ai ? ? ? ?ont? 1 . ? ? tioi ? i '.' ? I item ? ? '..- . ? i ? ?' t , . ' ? . ? ,i ? ... bu 4 ? ? - ' ? ' - " b. Mini : ' ? . ? . Monte, ? 1 . 17-22 --Westei ? I'. ' ? r 17-18 'A e ? -m; opei . B n< Pn^ev Aie \c of the few itiys properly i.*!*fied bv the o?d BEST?? trell &? Cochrano luhlin t> Belfast ?lir laTilBBMna I i ikee. A .- .' ". Westen .' "'? lia. .?rnr*n's ' , ' ' ? ' MANY MILLIONS BACK OF CUBS Armour, VVri-*lcy and a Banker Partners of Wee fin?an. ? huaico, .Ihm. If, Th<? n?m"? el Weegkman'a pur.ner-? in the samership uf tiip ("himifo Katlaaal Lsegas team ram? M imprennive nOWS to CkicagO follower" of the k?""" to-day. The new swears ar<? mul*imi!lion nirPH .1. fiii'lpn Armour, preaideat af Armour <*"? I <>, the pnr<*r?.; William Wriglejf, jr.. a vi?|p|y known mm IS faetarer, and "one of Ckocage's big ft it beakers." I i (.'ii. lui* eat tfcese name?? n' ii bei auet ?ast ni?li?. Mr Weeghmas did sol divulge th<- name of tke beaker, sad Identified him only a? "aas af the biggest ??-?.-.?m-? ST. NICKS VICTORS AGAIN IN JERSEY Defeat Short Mills Seven by .Margin of Two Points. ii. r. ^r-ai.ti .r> r - Tri ?.? ? - Mill-.. \. .1 . Jan. 1* For ?he i time in , tk? Il . '. tai ? ifternoen ?.I a Jersey levea, the Bl irl H Ils Club Irinif hea?pn by a Hi-ore of 0 to t The ? , ? inn ? playsra had \ar..! il i ? ? .? So .'h < ?r-a'.t-' !? laid ?Clab ? ? ?' ?he visitors won te ..????? ? K?n-e d* ? ? ? i." Hobej Baker end othsr *-t-ar players. Fr??d Tar? rell, al revei fes tl i Bl ?leki ? - ?H(. indivtdaal <*tar. ?? ? .: for tl r?*<> i < '.x and Unman, former Tall ?' ? . r t Hills. The lin??-up foil? -? V- a. I " ? RlHHi I! ? ?; -? '* i ? a?. *.v !. "' ?'?" ' ? . . o? I: H i , .. ..... . . ? ,? . ? ?? ' ., ? ? . Pur? .??-i ? a I ? ?t '. ? - .. ... .. - ? . " . - - ? ? ' r. . -, ? ? , '._?.. l(.r .. . p. ... .. I haliare Ta. ? - .'?. F. Masterson Runs to Oldtime Form '. ' \ - "? ' of tie Sew Vork Athletic Club, showed h i old form g the -aePKlv three-and s rr..!r r ;n of -? Unselat's "athletic over i'" Bronx i-m'j,?. ;?'??'? rday. . now unattached, pu* up a hard light from the -tar- \ v .? .*>??.| v ard? from the fii ? M asi -- ? one of fs? ?r te ??prm*?. caught '-?'???. rst? na ? ? ?' " ? Mohawk Athletic I ..... ? ?? yard- h .. - The Mimmary foil? ?i : ? . r i ?' ? ? a ? 1 4 a . ? \ , - \ . 4 > '" ? ; . 1 ? A. ? - i. Rod Ei II -a 4 I l ? - -, 4 \ ? ? . : ' i ? . . SIXTEEN TIE AT TRAPS N R .i-'-.nb y ?;?....: ... ? g ? esterd ? ? - ? ? Ba lll of them ti? f 25 in l - i off B. D 1 proved the ? REALFF BEATS BIG FIELD IN PENNANT RUN Dead Meat in Walking Race, One of Club's Three Contests. Mare th? . aes-ajj in srraaged h. -, Peaaani AI -, Pinlt ' ' N IBBBBII i'trv ed m tl i raes ?? r??- ,r.A , half Bill? f.-.r-?-. ahUI *?*?? win*), A,',, ? Ctsnal r'" ' ? '?*??* of lea for th? Rrat thta? sa la As "'r' ' ?f ?--,. Bra yai for reet Vooi? '' - seat a let ?'" ?' ' ?*?*. to Jehi Pig, lips, ali B???|L aa '?*srn Kirk- ??.. .- ar( WM seeoi | ifj 4 taint third Th?re twas? Wf,.. ?' ? hoRi ? : -., A la-, . , :. ? > A ? V I ..... ? || ...ill *? .. . .au y>n .. - . ..... aa ' r*"s? ? ?; .? ' ?\ R . ? - " ??:':? ? ?; ' . "? ?? : ? j ? ; - - . !? -4 Greenwich Villager?? Have Road Run. Too \ '?? -??- - first ??''?-, ? ? . | laawi il -.-? '( Dss ' -ished ?i?sri Dougherty, repi ' la? . ? r-ol ? res sn? lY.Ai. i? ' i ? ? ? ? - A ' I . , -A ? . : ?? 1 ! . - ? . ' EllTOpe agrees with America that Virginia ? the home of cigarette tobacco ? produces the best cigarette tobacco in the world. That's what Piedmonts are made of ?the choicest, mellow? est Virginia. Try them today?and know why *r # a Piedmonts are America s biggest-selling cigarette. VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE THE CIGARETTE OF QUALITV lOforJ*