Newspaper Page Text
4eJ5^* Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Tkfa department ha? entered the ?econd ?l?ge of service to Tribune reader?. Primarily it was intended merely to ?epsrate the ?heep of advertiaing from the goat??and hang a Hell on th?. goat*. But now it goea beyond mere identification. It embrace? a human nature ?tudy of hoth ?heep and goat?. You are invited to as?i*t. lor every letter printed in thi? department destrth ing experience.- plea?ant or unplea.ant?-with advertiser? of merchandiae. excepting only patent medicine?. The Tribune will ?end $2.00. payable in any merchandiae of any Tribune adver l??er. K.?r the moat important letter eat h aMath .? ?pecial prise nf $50 00. payable aimilarlv. will be awarded. Name printed or withheld?aa you prefer, but muat be ?ig?eil or we will not know wheie to ?end the prue order. Addreaa: 1 he Ad-Viaoi, 1 h? Tribune, New York. ? ;- erf eles '? - ? ' ??-.l ?' ihaneal advei gi srtled m? and - .-.y others, ? t s who wer? - . ? . ?ting m ws eld up . "... .4 ? ,- ? i relate to re in | I and having . ? ' the si ? ....-.? ted n I had I ? ? ! ? I mc! 1 ps ? ? . .-??'? r hail g tal ? ender 1 ? be referre t eight different ? thei n ?? th r suit 'v ? ??iri outside on? of th? i than . ? -. evei any, I am still n 'I ?m highly pleased. 1 mus? be | ease to write 1 Because I s letter to a nei | ip? ? r to any one ci Bul I am so well and 1 ? . ?'??* ste your ar* In so much I think it a - ? . tuse aloi sr. ? e money to buj the clot . - get ? I have ore I I ? a al t getting th? money * rry about ? to - ? t . . tend to 1 e a thing in ! ? I have 1 ???? ? ' .* a-.d not be offer? I fer? . ? ? \ ILENTINE R0< HI rares .-ucceed in diverting a prospe mer from an unreliable concern, something baa bean accomplished in practical economy. Where th?y have further succeeded in turning that . -? n,??*?'- trade to a reliable concern th?ty have fulrtlled their ideal of individual, I" this case Nutting's ha? dona more than a convert of a man arho has hitherto ?pping a : ideal instead of the mildly pleasurable ad? venture which it logically should I ? ? ed to buy an i ? ? iced rue to paper the se-Leaf Encycloped s -in .: erning a verj bandy ipen, wl mple h-.I not like booa ? . ? ??? concern ? g ?ter. 1 ?' . ?il, as e to expect, a look ag< 1 did not buy, and ha\e ght that all these ad??. ?I .? ? ?? th? average wage earner. No m??:*er ?ok. he canr.ot (to beyond h e? ? I have bought several works ..- a r? toi he publ ihen ' aa the pul here of dictionaries, to well to ke. ? nd. They Wi ..... h lo buy would be spared a I? I ? . ? ment will b.- answer? ess it th? price of th? article advertised. WILLIAM I?. MAX g j r . v BOUfht for or ?-ecured with more difficulty ' er than tlie opinion of the purchasing public. Here * - .? re sion by on? ? mtative?andan unu.-ually expressive one? of i a- heard repeated in variottl forms from many different kinds of men. .' our proBoaed guaran'*?? will be appn s] ?? wording be improved? M exact bat th?j offer in the idve esa. ^K ? ? The Gentlewoman with ab mjj entation we Y EWOMAN. . ? ompaon Company, Publishers, New York. ? ?? ? atisfaction" fo ' "mil rep ? i rhal will i ? . ? . lead of a hybrid, guarantee. .. the Saturday Evening Post ?.' n - ? use of these "regulators'* and have to the merits of i-am* We tells nie that current, as ther? ?hat be terma "a re - nsumea the ... to the ? *f nt <.f re?' . s the same amo to! rrent, ther? |h the li| * - ips ? ? . i f this is the co Ml \ ! he the rej ilator which ia the i ? inquiry, is el? '? cal photometric meaaurements t?> live up in its imea but .': per cent. ? I the full cur? rent, therel i pel t of the *?xfi4-T;?-e. the cost being, .-?- the s i r? * . ? a fraction of s ni per r ighl Mr. Elti . " ? to huir assumed a knowledge which he did not | It ?i,a-. te rest Mi Eltinger to know that of the throi ? ! tli? publication field, few have ?. ? ? , Eve-fling P? and none hat . , .. ?. . . ? . y t ho Ad- * ? ? res t doe rut, 1 realiza, thai wallow does i ot thai h n indi 'il uni t-?t *": ence nol a.t? a- ? proof ... the personality ?re tO O' ai \% I, let me 1 | "?! n, v own ?speriei s with a si n . . r .; ??;?'? ? ws -t. ledged, ? ? ?*?? ? ther oi lited. The reply came bad thai I ?? teere lee ? ' -. ? n, as th? srere a gift. Of ? | wrol ? ? at one? he correspondence on th? that l fir: a'1er thai .?p-r f.f t : r. . ., ? ? . . ?%,. re f ion ? ? , i. !ai,it It, re whatever, s exchange. Tl ej fer ma a i -?funded Ihe ca?h most gh the | ? ? ? ? g past 1 ? .??.... .k - .-? la sry I I,ad a - ? Ihn ' badly in de? ? . ... \\ '? e" 1 t. ' , . I I thought I Wouldn't bes g a no i er offering tu i ? \t ,?-hr.,i . ? be call? ? . a on, ? it 1 ? ..... . ... failed but 1 empl ? ? glaring ? i . hi ended i .., t l erstand I (hat 1 - ? . ? ? ? . , . i charge a iher? bo h in I except their | ? .- - ? at-toi ;;. ? n . ? l,a\ .: . - ,,.'.. pli ' i - erfullj ' ribe . But ( eei I >)? - | m i\.o one * ai evei a product ol a manufacturer who 1 ; mythical. ! hat i merely eanl rtnatoi . "f .? store policj oi ileceptii n and misre] * ? ' ' ?? !? '-'?p through the most careful invtertigai r.;? prcvioufl i su? ??!" Th? Trihuifi (Mai h 5, 1916), which hud ?.ifuait jiLly n?A eume to niv toi re.-?yondent'? I SUFFRAGISTS TO GIVE BALL [aras \ffair Planned I". Mete Women's l'art?. Th. oeial et enl h I he neu af a Ma Grs ?? in. h ?ill be i? brillianl citj ? pe? lade, will be given In Madison Squan Gai day, March '.'. by the Ni w "lurk State Woman Suffrag? party, ol whii h '.ir ? Norman de R V* hit? I ouse ? president Mrs. .lohn Blair has the I , 1er 1.1 per .?rial supei ? i, under the rhaist ? || . Gerard, an bail ?? un rapid)). thirty five of th? m being . \ ng the present holders of ?r"n? are Mrs. I eoaard 1 hossa?, Mi ? *,". Hard 14 - ' raight, Mn Bourh? ' w i rai Mn l dgerton I. Wii throp, M ? ?. . ,,.. i, ., m ? K, i. Mi Waltei I, Mi l lith Par ons M ; Mrs. - Gerard, Mi Perry R. \ tor S irch u v i . h '!. ? ? r pa rate < . alri ad) i i ? ?? the men's Sooi con I, ? ,,., u tmore, Bi i S ? rugcr, Prank < ro? mn and t'haile.- B. I' h a li? the bull fell . , ? hoses n.|t ticket , at the Suffrage Shop, ... ? ?? ? Set \ i i4 State vi i m in Suf ? TWO SHOT AT DAXCE v Prabablj will Hie; Others \\ ouaded In ftalosa. i en who bi ? d ??-.?.* ; round; ' ^ dance s . '" . lian A ted . " bj . d John Bexti r and Michael '?> de 1 ipe dunlin a r?nic : of John P (rski, at 819 ? i b?j fivs hot John Jan Four of th? raiders were Vvenue ' ? polil t ? r- " ? laloon '.\ ere Plays and Players of the Film World "i. Bei ?? ? a- ; i' i pany, re? ste Sa snd 4 ' i .? inter* t a meet ? rectoi l ?? ? . 1 . , ? ? ? It is reported in that the e ? I * . ? ? ... ... Kai ? Pa th? ? ? . -?i ? ? ? u ..... . njoya ? - Lev I. Sel s-pi ... .' ? ? . | Bi toi . ed, and th I . ive not World 1 ' rl i . im ? Ce \ ? ion i.- . ? nie the World I Geo? i? B Coi '. Philadi be the Despite run la ? 1 ? ?.. hi of Tri* t? B hot af 1 : . H Ince, trho ki? . ??: while ?' ? 'orene ' ell has joii -?! the M n ind, m 1 .. '..... ? ? ' . ? m M 1 . ? ? to stati .. the ' name "1 he Girl." It ?? ? but . ? lh th,* aken all 1 Pana ? Ud I ? ? i . ? IPP? ? ' ? ' . be r? ? | ? . .. , ?. i !,.*.,. ?? h , - ? ? ' . ? ... ? ' OUt h\ ! . ' - . ? to Ed? led that tl ? i" ! ? irda? ' ot of 1 . : ? by the 14th Street, near Fourth Avcnac. WAIL SACK HOODS FOR WAR BIRD! Postmen Hailed I Eyes of Nation When Defence Is Needed. THOUSANDS READY TO DRILL IN CLOUD Dr. Bell Joins in ( ?iinp.iij-n i Arm (luhs to I stablisli Air lino Routes. Plans t.. ? itabl h th? flral fort? three aeroplane mad rout? ? ahich ha? bei ? mads bj the Postofliee D*p u men! were furthered ??? lei lay by 11 incemenl I I Ural i i .-.< aaked the Aero ? ?? ? ica t.. urge Congress to estab i h ii< ? . ? ? posaibh to il' g 1 .. .. ? ' Inn?? it ready foi i i ? on of Di he con-.ii it me? the I the Aei ' lub, w hen a raiii?... lo gel sppropi :..' ion from l . t?>r ?? sbl i ? ? rout? will b started The amount asked foi ma ,,....', |5 i,,..?.H,.,,. Thirty affili?t.! .. rlubr? will be asked t?. support th movement, 'II. - support from Dr. Bell and th eel ? ?ties of the Ano club on th? tion follou closely the plan propose at th? ner :. ? he Bill ist week, ?-.hon Real A mirai Robert !'. Pearj outlii ; .' of a?'r. planet ITii . : - ..... '.???"?i.-il mac .. ? ?tors i time t is ? ?nay h much more * 'run ? In 1 to the A"r our bacV \aaril i ? ? t iei ? Europe? out. h >\ s sdvs ? ? ' abroa i\ more 11 an I ? ? ? "I ' the / ?tter to i ? the i ? i of th? - ,. : ?ho* ? ' . . i ' . ? ? . .. ? ' li.i'lUI? _ . ? ; rhe ai i and a ..." hours i HIS FOUR-YEAR FIGHT FOR FREEDOM RENEWED Schwitofsky, Givei 20 Yews, t< \ppear i:i (curt i o da\. ? . , renev . ..." .. . . ? i . ? I ? he maintame that he ?ras inr ! ? hou ided by l>et< sud R ? ' In 1914 tl i.f P?i ..i.- r ec? ' l ? .. ' ? ' rerno gr i ? ? i. i ?i , ? . v ? . to 1 I:aii... Jai rrested ? ? help h im. SUNDAY GUNS SIIKLL MAYOR Trenton ?lead Shah. - l'r< a. bei *. Man.!. ??m Refuse? t?. Mi I ? ? il. ? ? ? . .. ,, ? ' In the aft turned l the ' ? ' ' ? ' ? ' ? . . - ? ' ROYS CLUB MOVEMENT -REYONI) ?lX ESTIMATE" "B" Kia i r?K the hi.v? a ihnnie le? grl off the -tr?H-, and lireiikin(t np lite gsag Spirit, n *?>rk -?ill he per? form??! i*, heyaad all est?mala in r<--iill*?. The monea for thin aaiirl? le not a Rift i? ? charity. H Is *n in?, rat meal for the n.mmon gaad al nil, that raaaail bal p?*? dlvldoads in the mir future"?Iturdelle G. Li ewi**. 4 oaamleeleaot <>f 4 arractlaa of Nr? "loria. NEWSBOY DANCER STAR FOR A NIGHT Sammy Ades, vvilli Miss St. Denis, Rags Way to I ame at Club Benefit. "'i?r. but 't'- hot wort being a I >r ' " , ? ??. Boys' ?!uh \ . i ie A, mopped i I - per piring brow, and regia I H lined bul piril . ng tal purl . . .?I 1" rfoi i ? I ' ? ? L Denis s er ? mpany ? , ell the Boys' Club Association fund. Sammy, whose other name i< Ade . ?lidn't wsnl to bos I bs as '? i out he eouldnt h< ?J? knowlng I ough last night was I rat i i earani ?? on ths itage h?- ha?l madi the the l Ing BS ths partner of the Essl Bids I'a<-. mbers of the eompany had be? ?earns and mei n s d ..... i ; .?.,...?? Birt ng beaut if il fan . for a n o< nbea n, 1 il for a ', Bvei B ' .?...'?'? ad? . from the special ? ? ? ? iken in by for the .... tots . ... i 1,000 ol ! | ? . ::.. '. ...i,i ? P. Ds f th? ced 1 " ' it the ? ? it 1 Pai ? , the s . ? ? ? |. ai ... ? Boy?' Club i? 14 . ? e the I i of ! iork ':?l. WRONG MAN IN AMBULANCE lio.ti.r. ?ifl for Vi.tim of Shootinf, Gets taataai in Same 1 i_. v. - ? i . .. . . to '.? Hos] nigl ? .- h. . ?:. hart, sn Italia * I ?/.one ... . I . ee White ps I to answer tl " Otto Bi ? rttnbu ? : o . ? rowd in fl > An eall i ted up," thought the do? Back hi . '' bustled > th Kehoe ? ? t(J .i lia ? Dr, ? ? :. . ? ... a MOTHER BEARS KILL CUBS (?ri//i\ Drown? Oae ami ? law? Twa? Raaaiaa Eats Her?.. arath in the si Gar sdek, a | : Olga, the . brown b? ai. ladle?! their *? passerb? * grizzly foi ? . ? : ? . but the cub ed ? ild .. . . ? i. the ' id eaten 1 i B ick Church's Fund $653.500. ? v ? ? . go that - ? ?? ? >aa on of a shortagi i V- r :? ' '? ? ' ' I '? '? '?-?-' l -? V r r r r r r IL ?Bjj -? ? ? .*? s ? f ? *> ? * a%maa RECTOR'S t "AMERICAS LEADING RESTAURANT" t !?) Dine Well Make ["o-night Your Rector Nicht. T las \ !.i ( <irt<? in Main Dining Room ;???? ?????Util la)iiuif*i m Ball Room ?-J'' Luxe .it $1 50 .1 Cover. Entertainment and Dam ?ng <>n Both Floors ?t BROADWAY & 43TH ST. ? ? - 71, ?i-i M i i-H-M-H-i i i ? "M ? f"M l"MiI"fK TAX ON INCOMES BY STATE URGED Mayor's Committee Sub mits Plan for Increase of Revenue. EXEMPTION 01" IMPROVEMENTS Levy OR Occupation aid Sal? aries iur City Of Now York Also Recommended. I be eomm "? <? ob taxai loa appointed by Mayor Hitehel In April, 19] I, has submitted il Saal report to the Mayor, 'i h?' committee, of ahicfa Alfred E Mar ling is chairman, and Profes or Edwin R, A Seligman, "f I olambia, chairman of the execul.? ? . . ? held many hearings dur ng t ? month. ar .1 taken i lum ly 44 . of in.,', ry - cert anges ii ? ? . amount of pub . id availal rease in the revenue. A ? boro igh ?' udj t>i the bji I hi? expert manner aa made in c? : ? ution ?;th other bod i titercsted the ?urne question. The corn nit te? **...rk.'.I with the L-egl lative Taxation < ommittee, of which Senatoi Ogden L lirmai mon.ltttiona niHd" hv the Mayor', com ntica e dic? ed by th' Mills committee, particu? larly in regard to a state .. ., ns of reven ui the F" ? -'.i. The Ms ee re? "'? Ag the s of the prin f unta i 1 ng gradua or otherwise. "-'? A state incomi ? ;,. ., ? ,, ., ? ?? the additional reve? nue r? quired in tl m? ?.*>? future. "?': 1 hat in the event of th? t proving fee composed of a habitat on *- , ai lion tan tax, 1 . ? h.? a.i ana of sacui ? "Th.. i numberi ? iii" abolition or -up? g *? per? nal .. ent as a ps sra . ? . ? fard a? in ev? de rabie, "I. Agi ? o? "i s loa tax o? ? ? .'ure. "... ; he u.. ? ? ? the add it .... ? iture "*> Kv. I a? h " es .?Hate ? ..'?-?- an ? ? r.'.il ? ? noufjh owned i r co ? I : . .'. Which 1.1".' ? tu ta I ? ?? . le im s ??re? cial .i ?? enl PUNCH C& JUDY ? . . - ,. i'u ? Dl (v ....ou tua CH4RLI> HOPKINS I . MSI HOPKINS TREASURE I SLAND PIL TIMORE I K 11 > W tH'KMM. Mt -I? \| t-. Hill I I ICI I Mi.I. I ?I *?V1 I M II. tnssgsnsssaasmam ^ -l^??-TOURhJET iVIM CAF?.R!30N L!?2!? O Pa R Ti L L ? -, ... a. B. JOHBSTON Loew'-. American Roci ? A "* BL4TK 1 ?Nil? . . . . A ? , ? I \f"'. Mall l<> m n i HUNTER WELSH 48TH .ST." TO-NIGHT JUST A WOMAN PLAYHOUSr. ? ? ? ? - r. , GRACE mm GEORGE BARBARA SHI ??BI ? ? ? v. it- I. I . . ALONE AT LA.Si LI HIV H . _ , lJ ? .ll?L.a."L*_ 41j l ITM t rvi ?alddHIlfk?in wITjTOiM t-I'ViaULU ? ?? ' 4 - ' Art' I Ml ^^^^^^^^ l*l???ull liu W'"' rl i ?-U. Pierna? Mota that all Otate? a'van tgwg dependant on ?Oov??i-nm?nt gate Army i?equle4?manta. ?lalin V%xooWt 9e bone.Jfaawka 7 (C ' / / ? ' ut/fi rner . Beat Out The War Orders Among our stocks of v< ry fine n ?? sn th?- famous Treble Melton ( loths r?f John Brooke, Huddi rsfield, Elig?an I, tailored - only Hart, Schaffner & M ???? ? I n? We doubl it' we can get any for next Winter tl,?. British (?overnmenl has t:-*-.1 say now. Even ?f we can, the} ?I cos! much mi While thev last, you can havi on? Brooke Melton Overcoats at $38 You know what ?? Brooke English Melt Overcoat is made up in "our wi good value a! $50. Wallach Bros. Broadway, bebrn Chamber? Tbird A??.. Cor. I22d. Ops Ero.d^.y. Cor. 29tb. 246-248 Vast US? laeesnp METROPOLITAN tiTHBA HOUHI M ..-<? '''a1. " . -, ' It ? '. ' ? P?gl.?..| ? . . va-I Tru.a'.' Thur?. .' - Magic Flu?'. I , . Prm" l?or. > ? - ' s.r Mat. i - ??aiian LMM?I . . >at f.n - - v - W ? s-.* v Untat AFTER*. ION ? . I "Der Kin-* des Nibelungen" na? H1 ? .) ' III- V*. ? ? - I I I . . GSCATIV Rt DUCt.0 PRICIS It.". I I I '" ? ? ; . CENTURY THEATRE r*? ? - ? Li'""'" %?' DIAGHILEFPS BALLET RUSSE TO-NIGHT TUES. ' ' U/di TY CU. TlflIRC i ' ' IS1VIV9. FRI a Its. SAT MAT ' ? on i. MAI. . , ?NAT PVP ?.ira I . L,? _., NEXT MON. i ? i . . i ? ? A .a' mffigHg_3a.j MATINEE DAILY . '$KM hip-h;p hooray SGL'SAV * - ., It ,l H ' SUNDAY ? ? a \ fc ?lira < . I' ? m.mi.i? ..M. Wed > ---1AN.19 CAPT. FORTESCUE r ?? a - *MLLE 4 ' I' , 4 ; .? onHT i' ? :v,kf ?PaiMCESS PAT MUSICAL HIT. I ?Its CLCANSa aaiaTtS STANDARD | ? gtfggj? IP A 1 A CE EVA TAN45UA? J aLAbl. Ut?-,i WKh.ST WM I ?. ? MOSBIS a In l.a.1.1.. ? II I CUS iirn.r ... 'r U L O N I A L tSftf'l* ?reran?*** lV ?!l ', .nan" M.nt?. ",">* eth?-a. M ?II I \ N ?I \, I |,,, . \|| . .1.,,, || ?, ( AUER-CASALS u ?..?? i .m Hall In \:i i ... :i I III KM \ \ I ?' I I \ N II > ! ? I <? l> \\ \l E N T H < . ? m un \ i ouwFREMSTAb in i - n - xi? Lu, ;?' .11 | HARRIS \. ?I ... Hall I COLL???l:A. I . Maxine E?iett's ? "TNI PI ? ? I THE l\NCHA?>?tNh? WOMAN PRl.NU.?v. VERY GuOl) EDillE ?.aitan TO-NIGH1 \t.:\ \i?::k - i i Mils?, i hhiki? NEW AMSTERDAM . ? a * ?, - lu Nib Hi d h i.u NAIT 1 ri n t u ! ?j ij I H gosi r-EiaicHT. _____ FIL MUSICAL _ a.-" _ Kl ? MICH i 'M h HAS CHAMO I I III la, | gljaj g -= =; ! PU. Be Sure to Be Amor*? the Reveller? at this Joy? ous Celebration of? THt HEIGHl Oi DEUGffl ?CAN BE YOURS T0-WGHT.I i . . | a was* I ?? ? I ___f? f ? ' . . r? \~mm .a ?32'.'"' ' **> A * " 1.4 ?'-?*"* ' a. 4 ?? DULL? ? G.AIETY \ " ' 4 MRS. FlSKS y Erstwhile SnsMf a, COHAN:? OTIS SK1NNEI "Cock o' a* M LIBERTY lall? .iLO -t ? ? y s i L EMPIRE ft?aude>?dan.s . LYCEUM ETHEL BARRYMORE ' M HUDSON ? -,. ? The Cinderella Mac HARRIS SADIE LOVE ?? rULI ON RALPH HERZ in RU66US bi Ws ? BELA*?. il l?mSm LONGACRE AS I OK CANL)Lfci< fii;;?;:? ?-?' -:?*&* ??art I', ELTINGE_ REPUBLIC _,., GLOBE G ABVDESLVS_????^ BURTON HOLME; T?-DAY FI0RiBa fHEATRE FRANCAIS EDGAR B ??as-5?*? v CAkr;? N TH? WEAV??S r -\GRAPH t?V " * .?' Strand ; I *-?*? ...- ?**ja?a ? .s a. St..?. ???'?? "