Newspaper Page Text
atch a? . t, ? : l ' General of Lui Man. I ? ? i- a ? ? ? r r? to a pe? i ai v the Br.1 - ???.i serai ? t ion o? Jai uai - l ! tinuir . evaaiaaa of u the enemj I . . en the Csai Wlai at Hamadaa, "In the . . ? v.iiT) 14 . the Ca? - Petn? ?tea, "? i ca. n?eora .. men. a aaai titj materia, and proi ? 01 and f?V?? I ma ? '1- th< ' . wat between Hamadar i ? Ki ihah, er?. The e* ami . on the 1 V. r;.\ 111 ? .. ' ? ' lurk i taking ' ? . K "T'.t who wai tiur ng . ' ach of thi British Capture Camel Herd of Fleeing Arab Rand , . ... |i xv. Br ' - \ - from Ma" ? d on a, ? ? \ ral - ' ... f oui ? font? ? ? ? were eaptui ? BRYAN AND WILSON QUARREL LASTING t mmttsmt? from pact? 1 to f? It la. It ii the - ' I that ' ? alarm? ... . . ' Evei ? . ? which thej .... ? ? r I I - ? t?o-i? - ? : - ' .- ? ' ~ ? thi-m ? ? . ..' . also, thi ,. . . he v. - ? . 1 '?ends ? Hrvan In a-?y the have I ; ' the R< ? ' ? ? ? . a ready - ... the Bomii real t i Democrat froi et ha? ra here that .' ' BELGIANS NIED CLOTHES 3,000,01.10 ire Destitu???Fair to lid tuotrlani and (?enaaaa. ' who??? ppo ' ;.- the war An . r. ill be ? from . i ? Samuel V I ? o. ritim, 1 be? : two ? - ' ' ! ? ? 1*1*?. r ?he holding of a SlJUm '. \ tria t n\ ? a nera in Franca i M A DO 0 FIGHTS HOTEL FIRE i kief Haftet rate, la shirt si???-??-?, la? alais Guoeta w m *?*.'. rt, atai ?? ill ? \ tingulahlng nn Incipient blaaa 'hat at? tacked th? I'-"' ' - n Hotel, ?'?s n ? ' Fortj leventfc Street ' Mi MeAtSM w?* at'cnt ?t? IWtira when a ..: ' I . mi'i'.t \t:i- in I? The court .ionn.d th? above an? I garment? and kia inali . nd dashing downatati -. I. chai re ef the ex? t< d i ken '??' I ' lp? i the Arem? n :. few minute? were eonaumed In i ixtn gi he flam? i ? PENNY HOLD-UP MEN SHOOT I'm Ballet m Eye el Grace? Wa? Tri? ? Realstaace. ? ,-.? hold up men who have killed ?ne man and ?hot ai Dt for sums i ro? 10 cents t again ? ?ranea al Fort) - ? ? \.. ? . . Moore, i - ..! 41.1 ? ? heir lal "f the two men thrust ?i h i* fue w n ..t Mm - . an i r.'.i r for them and ? ' . right ?y< v ' ? ' ?nd tie? ?i aei l? are described as abort ' . i,hov.r twent] three ft ri i CHURCH RIOTERS BATTLE TROOPERS One Van Dead. Two Fatally In? jured and Scores Mattered Near Scranton. ... . Penn? Ja? It On? n.?ri ?: and at li ? -t g eleven meml ? But? natal alary, urt- a? rio .-1 y in jured .?s a result of tween ? ' I | dead man. whs t thi g a arterj : ' ?per F pound frac? ? Du Poi - rough the lungs. expected to liv? I . Pitcher, of the Si I hit ? id cut. 'Vf hrokfn out at I ? Hobai Buss, accompan.i ? ? ? o'clock thi? niorninir '1 ?y : _ ? ? | atea and won i .: ? : ? the 1 ? t.r of rocks. The police then de-. . i i.r.rt.o". of the anci mounted ofllc ira, 11 into the nioh. The riot? I their gi ? ?i, nu eting the ?ttack a ith i - ?. ? . ?? ? ?' >hrm nurs .' ' ' . BRITISH QUESTION NEILSON MISSION M P, I eft for V. S. on Health Tour When War Regan. ' an M. P.," "Tl t Frai - il Amer ca. "'! he 1 ai not 1111 ? eared in th?; 1914 In Ai'K-vj?t. ISIS, h? nt 1 ??-'?? ' rned that hi m ci-ntly ? ? tinga al Pro*? I? ' tha? tO ?oui? of tl made et th? ? r n. | N? critic, author and He 1 I Sta1 Canada and I - 0f "|': ? . ... ? ?.nd "I.a Vivandi?re." return to 1 i e wa - Froh ii f "The Butterfl ? - l tk in I ondi ' Bo . ?ul," "Manabo o" ? ? mi. Socia ? aat Ion and wer? ibj? ' - I ? ? ? ?? t is el? t fro m Hyde! ?? ? . II Tobacco Chewcr Dies at 103. Kewton N. .1 . Jan. 16, ?hurle-? A?h Mew? ? th? ? if 1 ? . ? ? rom paral* lia. ?t the ag< l'ii t.? the age of 100 ShafT? ? wai able to i farm i rhei ' . ?i Deeembei 22, 1812 Hi ? i ab ? icco He ?. . ad n doctor until h? wa? '? el S. Al?matt Se (Cu. Evening and Afternoon Gowns In new r I unusually attractive models (exclusively reserved to ). AItrr.? . . Ca) are d.spteyed in The Dep't fof Import?e] an1 Special Costumes ( ? bird FJoor) ?fiolj AtmiUF - fflautaxm Anrrutf mWi} bxi} 35th &trtt\B | Knn fork E-BOAT BLAST PUZZLES BOAR] Officials Conducting Ii quiry Inclined to Dis tard Bomb Theory. - ?HUTCHINSON FINDS BATTERIES O. Y Edison Aid Defend? Submarin Devicei Navy Yard Chiefs Koop Silent. i disci] i rttled do* OTer the Neu Vorb Navj ye te day Ri I ral Nathaniel 1 ? r'a official board of Inquii ? i Its investigation of the ,.*,p!' ? i?.ri which killed four men aboard th lry-d eked subnsarins E-2 Baturds on. Il was apparent, however, that th t)...t tha '? ?.,ile ..'?. was 'l'? ou* lestroj the E 2 wa not ? rioniljr. ('"in num.1er I'phatn, .?:.?? >.f Rear Admin I'shei 's i lid the plot theory ws absurd. " l be inquii y has proc.led is . I ist to ?:,.... ii certain i was mo or ; ii fa* rn :-. 1 mach?n i \? .v.r.i aboard the E-2," h At I ? ?? ? M Her Roe 'or Thorns "\ l . n, and also ? mi naher "?' th ame forwar? with . ? ? t he saw i the theory coi si r u : on oi method of installatioi n batteris i ? i, Mr. Hutchlnsoh of fered - te ai planai ion lie ! ml for med uri o ??.: ?-m ? to Ailir. rs . ?' inquiry, composed o Lieut? nsnl ? ommander Poi ? W i ton, Lieutenant 1 " ? ' Rush S. Fay, wi- r * worl Su i ? ? ? , the .- ? . ? ? .... ? while Mr. Hutchintu i I .1 goni ; ? ? .. ' . rioi of :: ? subm on .rilrrrii a' ? si d v..? pen tted within twenty ? W ork men nw , ? ? w ii v. can i Iry do* ?o tl gar shaped hull, n twii on Hn.i loci ISS it.? ngl y un ? bul its steel easing riven, ? - ? But 1 aas keeping her treubli i to li> ? Outward she ?n? a*. ? ? id b< ? i. I- ' ?, ? ? tims in tha Naval and 1 i :. Street ispitali all hut ? ? ? ? for whon the E _''? Several ??: his ribs un- i-- - ? - ba burn? terna I injuries. f John P. Scl lied in the ' ? ? 'i the aft. from the 1 morgue me, at 32 ' ? ? I ilti ?? .- i civil . '? .f the '?? ? for Laboi Legia ....... ? ?-. ??? i .. mi t death and mjur . . I ?.'??" ? liea ? I receive no . ion. It -.4 expected a parallel inv. - . ? ? ? " n ? ? begui lo day by another naval board, to be appoint. ? by Sec Secretary i?:1 foi . ?? ? witl out making ? m regarding the expli E-2 Batteries All Right, Edison f:\pert Reports A Ed s ? > t ? ' ?i chief en ?.nal representative, Dr ? ? . made a < refu ? s H ? -?? ?i interior ? lubmai I. 1 . - - i!. r. ? ? lyn Pai r. to report to thai he san "i o reason to . . ? .?i hi ? or alteration?, ory, construe! ion or m< tbod ation of th?* Edlaon auhma? ? rage batt? r\ " 1 'r, refused, I...-.4? er, '" that, tl ? drogen ?as . the batteries wan not the ? ?" irmed ??.?i i pinion as to the eause of the ex* insmitted this to Ad i." be sa <L ?\ ben h.k. .1 flat y gas co '! has.* dene it, he refer to 1 statement t sa; i ,- enough ?" "The hart.ry in the E -' doe* not an? te hai ?? r.n ? ired Hutchii on, "for it is tact i ml undamaged, t.'it it An ei .DOS ble, ?' in the patn tl .. isl follow to escape from , ? p, similar t allows ible through, but posi ? vely .' nies admittanee to any flame, \ ? eld at t gas ex a : I :.. . w .., : ?' ? -r. "And rogen a"-.1 in the ? ? ' fined to have : of 700 am] eres 1 comaos watei I would have '. U'i.ler these most adverse : tances, only fifty-s i eubic feel n gas a i Our vent ? i rls thron el* jo m eubic feet el air a te. Ti te oi,-' of . theoretically in to I, and probal ly, in fact, IM !.. 1. L'ri- tO ?%? plod? i ' : the ail . l ? \ test of the in the E-l k r sxp4 ' r ?ftar a nine-hour ru'. showed pai r - air te en ' ? till the ??'??..?? ?'???.-?: con? tente ? : tha ibmariae Y "i bten the By punipine a the " the car boa ??"ox ?le, ding fresh i "There r.r^ thre? European suhma that were equipped . ? > teries b? fore th" ?\ . ? ? ' hips ng a troop ti - istrever ? | none a ne i the out the ?a ar, b< eause he is III . s? " I>r. Hute I ion ai tted thai Ii ? nts after bi ? .? ? * i.. ? ?' *??? ..... taries gave ?tl greatei tl n ardinanr discharge of gas. It wei luggested yesterday that .-..-a ...... am .-' MamtWgk r,^wfJaf. WS4 S-,ff,-Va??/ VIVE LA FRANCE! By E.Alexander Powell The cMiaonliii.irv upportu nitic* fot icrmg tlie ^ar a/ (let -which wrie a " corded tu Mr. ['??well make tint a unn|iir record. Ii ia ib?- Irai bei '? tn ?cntaiii an an thrnlit Si I ' of t h <- great I r e n ? h d r i \ e ?a October. WamtraSaat $100 amt C H A K 1 I* I ?CRIBtflB'l SONS i lumb? rs were >? eea ventilai tem m th.- Y. :: to over? i!,,- ,|i f.-, t of to., m,ii. i, hydra , ? gas, it amj ?Save been thai th< were c il i fl for ;? abort time, ;?.; tn accumul .t'1 in the I ? . i uploaion. An'. ;;ir-* '" .?i ? circuit would h ive c ?'? ?"? : mid th, result would riot include ?l.rn !.?,?!? to -.l.i' |i".t. them ?elves. __ Batteries ?if tin- I J Denounced by Expert I ? leriek - Gassa* y, manager of the Willarti Ston g< Bat? rj I ompan*. ?ir S2S \'. ? ? i ?? -eightl ?treat, aaid ?.est? idaj that r-, ? I ?:age i?.it ?' : , seek ?s 'ke E I waa equ vN ?th, generate more I i un ii. r chs do thi tyl? -1 o i h ?. ; ? 11 e i "These u?w batteries were hni!r>d h? the i t ubn ..: in?-." ka aal I, "hut the generation o? ! i- 4u much >?? exceaa "f the <?- i ... ?peeial \.-r:iilating ijrst? m :.i it off. "I have not th?- necessary data on which to bar? an o| kut < . I ? hn* occurred to me that poi libly, since the tallal I hiitIf r . - ? ? ? -' ige, ? provision was made irsi '? a - tit thiit ?? was gas lha nniKed the i ? IrV? often have n with atorag? kat lei eareleasneai of ?"ikm."'. ? ? shorl eircuil and produce i? ipark w'ith n tool. Hjrdrogei thrown out under .. ? air and c< ? th? ? ' i - ? ? .? el " - -.-it i", a maj im', a kappei the E 2." NORWAY SEAPORT PREY OF FLAMES OiiC'tiiird of the (;it> i?f Bergen Destroyed, with a loss nf $15,000,000. Christiania, -Inn. !?'? A I seapoi t, with a popu I aaa deal ght - ia ? Itimat ?? ? iid ? . - r. ''in .It ?! ii .'mh '.'? i.. :'.? old aale I the largest . The d ... pei - w t r>- i:.i-1 ? r)i- larg? ' ? ? na f.n aup? tha aurroundii :? ? a?r? burned, ll ? - kardei to ol tain ir"? eeries 1 t n ... . Berg? ri r.. \ er a - io flourishing ?-? ?;???' ? ? ?? b< Ing ?! h Is 11 - I ? ? ? trina battleship Eidi Bergen witk provision? w. . H lid a i : ' . ? , COI for th? horn? Ic is i" opt? I he R Ing and I].. v.. ? ter also h;.\ ?? i.-on.? to . ii-. Portugal Military Supplies l ost in Big lacendiary Fire Lisbon, Jan. U ed Fire ? : ? brok? - .- I a ildiqg filled w . t h ? $l,WK),OO0 | -.?1 flremen were rhe Mil ter of War d.-clarr-.l h tl her of I>.-??-.-1' - ? i i i.r'*' rnoon that I ? incen? diaries. REBELS DEFEAT YUAN S MEN 1.000 lall in Bm ( huen I'rutin??' A. - tion. Shanghai ? alile??. Sai I rai ? co, Jan 16. I ?? ? . deI ed the fore? i in Shih-kai, tho Chin? tion fought i th? rovii Chuen, according to a ? re to-day i ? i ? ,* King i honi i.. -" Republi ? A - The hattl? dispatch, ? nded wil occupation of ! me Chow Fu tionary 1 laid, also wen tal of || ? , ? The lossei .. .i. the ?able . ;.' 'iu'. 1.. DRUG EXHIEIT OPENS TO-DAY Co?peratiea Plaa .-*-??'ii?rl?? t<> ?iff-it War lacraase Is Prices, At the ?Ch< a al Drag ? : i ..-,i i . ? ? ' ? ? ' ? d in M oh -mi Square Gard ? . > ? Sal rdaj ? ? ?? memm ? ? ? ? American Druggist ? ? in mai ' turing an I buying a-.- rill offset thi ? :.- ? the i of drugs 'ti d <? ! ? ? ? t aeriea toward I t of w| r-t g at 11 : ? ? ? At to i . I mal of the illegal trafll n nai ? .- ,.,?.., to ??'>? '? rencei ? a thi Health Department . ? registe) teat medicine for ? . emer .. | ' 4 fiats, and th? miu k? agroi Had Cotton Rope in Death Cell. A asieide pla i th I ? ' '?? ' ? Menganei . r? . ? ? ?? ' ? ' thi ,. ? - ' ? ? .......... ,r .,,. i,.4 a ? ? even rop? itrud rom th? - * ?tended ? . . taaelf with it. GERMAN EI?SSY DRAFTS DEFENCE Prepares i Long Answer to "Revelations" in Papen Papers. hunts FOR FLAWS IN DOCUMENTS Uernstorff Spokesman Points Out Discrepancies in Horn Payment Charges. I ? T ? T ? I??? . a . 1 v him ton, Jan. 16. rhe German prepared s Ion ? I ? el alibis for the charges made againat II ,n connection with the publication of documents taken from * sptain von Papen, the rc?-;?ll?<l militar*, attach?-. i ? ? . :-. ill i ?? submitted t.. the State ent if circumstances inter call for h? h ai A pe? ? ? '.ik for Am . lor ron Bemsterff said te n rhl thai there were obvious contradictions in the cabled dispatches and that until the photogra| here it would be imposaibl ? ... :. ant. Il ??????. point? d o m in particular ?hn* the paj men! I .... been tnade to Werner Horn, the man arho bleu up the International Bridge, ??? at first ?aid to have bean made after the uct, while later dis? patches said that Hern received the money from von Papen two fore he dj ? bi Idge. If am v ? made, it was ledly for lasej arould ii illy ?lefray 'or Gen to pay il-,? m 1. ? ? 11 o ? ? . ? nas paid ... Horn the books of thi ? after I he br dge was b.own up, 'I ii.a make.- ir. certain, l... em ..* Urn h r. i . .. ! il all, three . "Be rhe Tribune'. i would ? entry ?i i a , ? ? . we." Payment to Koen...', i on v*. ed< II, i ' . ' ? . . ?? a'6 , pu; ?? rri.i". ri ol r nit:r.e. . . is men were ?.Uli !.. I ?;?.. | ' f the I ' . ? g in tl ?'." it ' ... '??, and ? it i? ma !?? up en ? gentlemen who work '\ ? thai ..". a, the ilai ; ? ? i of the i ? ernmenta who tr t-ould certainly bo He can't turn ? ? ? nout bumping into ? .. dozei of tl em." is for A i Bei natorff'a . ?. . ? ? ?. "He ? - had an a . mbai ? i atill waiting ? mmentonth? . i udging fro I lund m the papers to warra ? goven intry-war. r ?, di M OWal la tin No ? . has yet i v on l'.. rnst? | n to sett ?? the I.u-ntania case. It is ever, notwith ? eport -, ' '? ' . . | ? . h ? h had th? . h ? em? ? . ? Lusitania Settlement Expected in l?erlin Berlin, Ja".. Id The (ierinnn K?>? ? eign 0 eves 1 ttlemenl ?' the Lusitai i ? ghtly pre? mature N ? to this enTe? I ? i recaivi d from i ount von German Ami.a--.. 0 ' conl rai y, il 'er red itegoi ation? .ire still B .-. but there is not the slig I doubt expr?s ed '!?;?' s ?ettlemi i I I, and in the immediate ? The Med tei problem is re carded ? iheoluta ?. ?et1 led, for th? German ??? i ernment, as baa al? ii ited n .I sp itehea, be? lie - ? i ? 11 submarines n this and . ?? ? . Breas which have not bean pro o perat i n g under all the ? ? eognl ted lies re," these lubmarines ? . m regular ri ? n only ' t th? travelling undei a iter the ii face. v. , ?: the -i itirietion bets sei and the reprisal op i i ? ? an und the mprehei Gei - ? .? ? ?r Mediterranean pr ?? a i parties. "R. V. M." Interpreted r<> lie von Meysenbug The British afllcials vho cop ed the corr ? | ?..- . ., ? . von Pap? n a hen the reeelled '??-rmmi military r? tal fin klagton rasch? d Falmoutl hi? way ta German? wer? reapei f,,r the itatemsnl 'hu? the Initial v. m " ut the sattem >>f oa? si l. ". i -. taken from the c?ptala' i h, ,-,. thoi- of H;??..ii ?.'.?? Meysei form, r German con tul it New Orl Baron -i on Hi | ? nbug's name ?eared In bracket? ?i 'he tap ol : copy ?f the letter, alih?ui-h ,1.meal ? 11 Igni d only with th? i in.. "K V. M " _ PAPEN RAGED AND RANT ?asechen Heard Very iia/l Laagi In \ cry ?.(Mid English. i.ondo'i, Jsn IT. "Th. Daily '?' I ..,.. Inter? itlng detail i sf I i| von I'lipi-n's Hrr?*?t ??ih- photograph," ?ay? "The M "hud bien pOlted ait every ->oi\ "r?' WB4 in?tnntlv i.-f-ocni/fd n? til? ?? anchored ??if Falmouth, n?- la ? yei ?mari looking nmn iri the muid!' tie??. \\'h?'n accoatod he wai? -ii -!? : Illusion rh?t los Mi,f.? eonduct eov? not only kimself, bul all hi; b*l< "The earreapondene? asa not den; some sf the l.'tter? were Is |... kel t. When detain??! ba flouri.? tfa eonduel and demoded thai be not molested. He >??? ? I elltaly formed that his ?;?f?- eonduel app to hin bully alone, mid the fart I - allowed to proceed wearing waa n..-!?: ?' due ;<> the Bi ? grace. Whereupon he u '-11 excellent English lome extremely complimentary language. II very bad rr ico that hi the doi ument?." PASTOR AND FLOCK CHANG Methodist. He Becomes Episco* Rnd Cont-rei'ation Follows. An entire congregation, led by pa tor, left the Metl d I Church j terday und aaa received into the t ut St. Mary'?- Episcopal Church, 1 Bronx, by Bishop Gr?er, a Archdeacon Pott und the K.-v. Willi I'. Wal ... r.-. toi of th? church. The congregation wa? eompos? 1 ilxty Its me of whom forme had been Roman I at hoi - Re? en they- entoi th? ' Chui under I id< : th.- Rev A' ander Luzzi. No! faith, t? ?ir pastor s iked te be rell-M of In? work In the atott Avenue Metl Chu ''"'' ?? ' ? -....??, p.; iho| ind BI il op Wil ? .? wai deeid? ! I i make him an Iteil iary in Th? Broi entire form? r congrei ? oi folio ??? I bim. TUSKEGEE MEMORIAL LAUNCHED BY L0\ Secretaries Daniels and McAdi Attend Testimon?ala W i- h i gton, Jsn. 16. A plan i 12.000,(900 fund to per] ruskegee Institute al Tuskegeo, AI aa >? permanent memorial to I er T. Washington was announe? to day by Beth Low, of New IToi of the institute's board i ?? ? -, at ;t memoi ial -? n in honor of 1 Mr. I lid that u a pla ed by the trusl half of th? I the negro4 of the nal on th? Mora than tin a the? all wal a and of bol g ? ? of Dr. Wai ton al th? i< rhl wai held i Metropolitan A M. E, ? burch. Seer. ala ol ? .? . ami Si er? McAdoo of - - Tre promin? ikera. ? SNOW HERE; WONT LAST a I.. Be ? laadj and < ?l-aar, Weath? Burea? Fersesst. Further than tl ? ?>? gan ?" inov it 9:10 ?'< lock laa night, the loeal i Itl re of tl ? '?' Huri'Mii had juat one thing to m itorm. That waa that it wi ? ue long, rhii adf isory n lb >ei feather Bur* "Cold wave, witl ite i" '<'! u I y and ;o'der" * a forecai ??day 1 ? ? ? rr? Net? England. 1 'u< - . to t- fair, with con cold. WHITMAN TAKES A DAY 0FI Hay ward Oal) Caller te Break Int? Goveraar'a Beclssle?. i my day ol rest, from pol? led from all work, including inter? laid Governoi WI ti ? !!?? .-i?. ? it ? aniel day, bi eakf isting tl ? St Regi ; ""ii he walked op si i do? ? ?avenu? ? tk Mrs. Whitman. ! going t?. ,i friend's house for dinner h?r I ad a eonferei ?? i ith < onel V, li ? ??.; -i. -if the Pub ? ? ?n, hi? only caller, To-nigl ? ? will ipoak ?it tu.? dinner ol I . and ' - :. . I.. ? .' i. turn to All SILENCER FOR LOCOMOTIVE Maxim Ready t.? Bgalp ( eatral'a Swltchlag Bagtaea. lu i . M irtford, Coon , Jar.. 16.?1 York Centra lei ? -h the f i fron nee. Hiram vko ? ? , . chug-chu ? . - He believes exhi ' ' - will be r< ? i iced ireely not al ? ?????.-' puff." - ' from th? iteam cyl piped through the i ngiac pilot on ij i, will be attached the ?Hencer! ^al-'a'WWWal^^ S McOIBBON -Si CO. S 5 it)",; |S ? COMPLIMENTARY DISCOUNT M ?EL,1 Fine Household Linens |ssC| !?" Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases Ici ip^ Handkerchiefs -jP ?P Dainty Lingerie ?3? 1J3 _t>i'c/ Spreads Blankets Comfortables J?'. *>2 Lace Curtains "ng 's? Transparent Draperies ICI ETi Upholstery Fabric Materials *i. jUti i /?ea/ Mahogany Beds gpl [Jwj Sanitary Bedding Jjj| *T4 Oriental and American Rugs JS? ^ ? ?.?-? ja ?S?,- ? ?T i "I Si tt-ii:* Wi-IT, Fifth AVi.Nt i: !?J l3S^B^HBSBia4a3BBBfflEl NEW WORLD LAW ASKED BY LANSIKC Present Rules Have l.itfli Regard for Neutrals, Says Secretary. AMERICAS URGED 10 ACT AT ONCE [.?stitute Committee Su-jf-estei to Adopt Code That Will Reverse Tradition. T? ? ' ! ? ? . I v7aal Ington Jai Id \ ? ' :- ,l ?< eaent ? do n ;???? * eutrality Is compoaed of jud?ela ? md letcmatienal sgr "which have given a ? ? . tha b4 lllgl rent un.! ) . ? hewn litt!? regard for tha i rotary Lai rig ?? laj ? ? ? te Df Janes Brown ' ?? lent of th? organise I ' International l aw, ? memorandum lug ?' ' ? itral rigl ta in . with h vi? ??,- t., drawing Pan-American ???.?!. p.,re favors posed ol tut | rom < teh h the twenty-one American republics. rould appe i ." lays Mr La ? -'? communication, "that it la time to ro? erse this firorets of treatment of fhf object of neutrality and to deal urltl I r'r .m *he point of view of t! ? - ? Although the memorandum rnn'-c? r? ?neu' on of Incidente of the Europear war, which affected either the Uni to? tatos or others of the Amen?-* r" publies, it lo regarded here ai be i ? ?1 vital significance, eapoc ? to the peo f the w?. torn Heml iphero. .Veutrala Should \rt Ham, Be Ides 1 g take as a f i ink ex '.n of Mr. 1. ? nafa attil ido too ard eircumatancea In which ta tes and oi ? ; . ... of tha ms of European bellic I a- an in ... ?li< rea| '?. ? g srnments it efforl ? ? -ice to ?' i other world ?ar, inder which ? ? "? ?? i 84 Mr. ! - ' the five mem representing this country. The other f?.ur are honei prealdent; Dr. Scott, pre ild? ? Bacon, et-An dor t.? Pranee, and Dr Lee 8. R i : Pai lylvania. Al? the ii its mainly to devel ten it d lau and popularis? ing n.- principles amon<- the people? of > ? ? ? .ruinent, it has taken that its a ' 4 be world-** ide. l?r. Scott announced to-day tha' cor? tera h ii-. e ' in most of the European and neu? trals. Germ be represented by Harbui ger i * *, Auatria-H gary by Lammas? . Belgium by A and R Great Brita i rence, n Franc? ... by (atl . I A . ?? . ? - by .le I.outer Norway by .- ? Klei "i i bj raube IV. -.-in Rules lundsgnafs t of Secretary Lana ? ?t th? ? : Ing f th? ' ? ... mperfect cod , ? . ???vil. arid n. - which ii???? s f i ip dur t 121 s - a . .i ?* liff i ITerei tries, have bean frequently found inadequate lo meet I Of warfare, anJ tiang? I, I or added to the rule?, . " renga the pr*c< . ,,t jld-fi . ons * " .ti rise? Is ?I be liger ? '"" ".? ' . ' a , g? re; t rlgkti ?? d neu! ? ?tal avidene" ..." |.,w have relied anea th? -.--?. ., di r ?,,,,. i in ?lealirg Of ne.- ? ? , thej >,. .i geranfa paiat >.f view ' ' ' feting a ?? z re- ? <?? ,-,-l - >n f .,. ... , erilly e? ? . ... ?J in' rif to helligerent i?nd n? .Ta r ... '" " ' ry ' ? ?sserta Va'! it *r . ti.e ? ' Ulc?rente- atendi?la? i? judicial d >? text at '?r, a ?t latera itional h ? <.?;?/. n nil th? kH a- | ?. "" . ?nd have ihowi ,'.?;. ? . tl ? of neuti , res,r?e thin oroeei, .,' tr,? the ?object ? | aitl ? from '.h- ; ? ' . | v . '..' eeati ' Vianda a f ??mrnittee Named. "I wo i 'i there! ??'??'? committee be I .-, .... i roblen of ? ? ., ? ? of I gerency 1 iti ...... ' eonduel of a r... . ? a ?ar to ? aetiaa 44t pence "' ' ' ?al th? ibject might be ? .- -t ? ? a ?f neutral i . e of the e f ??? ' ? qua ' of members fn especially fitted to ? this 1 proper ; i ? -.? ;. irpoae of prated ... ? unctions on the high i-???i and from t'r * "Tip'.? tion of ? irdeaa ia preaerviag theii on land" OL' CLOES MEN AID BRITISH DESERTERS Soldier Sleuths Trap London Mercha ?ts Who Provide Garb for FngHlfet. '-;???.. - r" ? ? ? -?? .-, ? . Jim. I. A ? Ml ?'? i- ? ai th? i*rj palie? " | ?I ?-?? er.? r'roi:-. th? arm. : .? elothlng deal? re. lr tha laat few we?k4 .i vea?den of iecond-hsnd a hav" fallen late th? s?t si ? ? k? ?' a? : ifesk pun-.ihni? n*. la likol] to be sever?. The methods amp vjaA by tl -. prita are ingeaiosi sad ??red. In i .? ?about m.r ml?? ny.? a *? ) ai" ov ikort leave from the front 'na*, c ? ..*?:-. cc" -.n b" ?btaiaod from cir'.a.n lath ? r.. A? thg aal? af i letdtatah Ita-rb dden, mud . . . .? Th'- tu-.r- - ft hii pri-p?K; I r.g ilays in rating hi? MS? and n preaching the subject ?.radua?y. Wr?.--. .-.aaliy is ?S?tale thet the man n i-aCff '- ii ' r*. he g.iei itrsighr to the For h i-er'.i.n asm ?ad man] I ? I a value cf th? na'.er.i? ? i maa . ? . .for? a.- p..rr ? But I . : ? ? they del ? ',*';? . Tor - ..ore ? "-?'. to ^' ??' ? i K< r aeveral reaaon? laoal ? ?' I * an I from . do? r: aa m ??-' - t that 1 - ' tivoly unknown I * t ? ? ? ? .aaa** ? - ? ? . ? ti tetsA ? ' ? ? - ???.??? i the I ' more serioue pu ' ?u** The Woman's Account I The Harriman National Bank values the woman's account. True, a womar ordinarily has rot at her com? mand and disposition funds in the an ount custom? arily handled by a man, but the aggregate of a nun.ber of women's accounts is useful to a bank A better reason, however, for the particu'ar favor which the Harriman Nationa Lank extend? to the woman's account, is because of the innate loyalty of ?women. As a rule, a woman repaid-. bat hank with a very friendly feeling, and is frequent a instrumental in bringing to the bank business tar more important perhaps than her own. She apeak? well of her ban!: to her friends and neighbors, i?d thug re-ays n any fold the courtesy and attention extended to her. The Harriman National Dank maintains a sep ?imte department for women'i accounts, with meid in attendance, and bus:;,es*, ??ke but courteous s< Vice. The bank ?.?- open from 8 A M. to 8 P. M . Saturdays included. S:mi ariy, the safe deposit department of the Harriman ISat onal Bank is par ti-EUlarly pleased to deal with women a3 lessees oi safe de*, c .it boxes, and this department is open from 8 O'clock A. M until 12 midnight. Personal accounts, domestic or household ac ints, accounts for funds awaiting investment, accounts of treasurers ot socict es and -aubucnption organizationt, and other accounts lor ipecial pur? poses are welcomed. At the Harriman National bank tne tnagnil ude o the account is always 0? ?ess importance than the quality of the noting upon L mj its books. La f BAKING HOURS ?R0M I A M. TO I ? M SAFE UfcPOSIT r/AII' ** * t M TO ?10.113 t? Harriman National Bank KIFTM AVBNUit AN**? 44r? aT a*,?*- - - J