Newspaper Page Text
DRIVERLESS TAXI DARTS DOWN HILL rw0 Women Hurt Leaping from Wild Auto on I ori i ce Road. ENOINE STALLED ON ' trip UP ? ROJVi RIVER MacMne, Tnrned Ibont In Rond, plug? Pnsl I hnuffeur When Motoi Sintis. - - ? ' '?' "?'? -- . - -- - ' - ?? ? . a ? y ? - Is the 1 ? ' ? ? ? ' - ' . ? ? ? - ? - pester ' ? ? - ' * ? ?1 .' ' :H? HAIS ENDS LIFE ??*'i*?-d Glai i ...? -tote Pakor troaad *?????< k. " -? yean ? :ay by ? ' ' ? . ? ? - ? fter an in CLUl ri.irs woman s WIKC Mi?. It,.nu..- Hi,.i moi* W?n'l 11. 1 ? ati-a? She ? il?t.?iliii*,l I Lena.? \ - ? ? to \n.. ? .ui. afleii i i ? ? i ? v -.. Ronnie rhornton, ?*. h. ?i i. ii. -?i.?? ? ammtW ? flifht a? illi i> WOW : i .".in.! Manhattan lois this a. ? ? will not mount Into ths i ?he im?, no p lot licenst I r i luh. i hei i ? .i-?mt, wh< .?>( t,. th,* . tT..-? thai the worn *? ? for pn pal i ? ?. : i.i', . ..? sd II ., prepari ?rol ib.? license i ? Prantic i rfort? to find Miss Thornt ? ? . Mrs Thorn . . ? \,, util .? ce "il im? ?i of 1918 orrai .1 published ropoi mpany the aviati her 1 eart did not fan to 1. ap Inti 1 nev? ? *:.; i 1,1 ,:,..- dec?an .1 V . ked i I I toi hatically, '.N<>" t ws \ ? r tres ?. ho a as hi ard to saj ' k'4' up." \> dhouae said he bn.l nev hear I of 1 lator. 4 WORDS SIDETRAC1 2 ON DEATH TRI1 "Come Hong with We" < Bridge Policeman Brings SI7 .nid Life to Couple. ' ?.hab? '"?:.<???? ressi Pal . I I u . He 1 mg couple i ? - ll a: .in tl g oven h- tl * S rida) calm . 1 . - ? ???'?' . ? ? an excellei I Dark m ... upan? ? ..- tO ?4 h - - spuk ?. ? i English,"!'! ?t. ? il asi .T'.:.. . veta ? .- ? '?? think hir ? ? - ? . ? ? ? ... ? | , ?? ? ' . ? ? . ? \ f of 1 % that they ... as .*.... ;- six moni . I ? ? ? ? ?' 17 f? ' ? - .- dd ."-'ani, Bl -. han Is wit ' is ?, ? bi tal on. FROM WINDOW SHOOTS DEER ('a?nnerti?"ut Man Gets ?l'irr) in Week ? Hard W iin?-r for I,ame HI ni*?. . i . From I . \V n r ner, of I ? ?? a .????'? ? ist ' ITectiv? t year ? ? ? .. m thi rth of ? ?nu." , ao bu oda that pay no atten 1 ? ? tv <? bil - *... | ord ? ?? '-if to thi (real of SI ow in the w< A larr'- cock pi ? v hik r .--.ver. was -""ii running in th.-? ? ng. but to paaaengera I a* aras ra ? ?aril th? ' nr. ? ridge :>'-'? have heei for ? . . to mal ? Conservative Administration Bnnking is one sphere- of human activity where COQ ??? ?s to be desired and not decried. The succ?s of this Company is due to the conser? vative level-headed deliberations of this Directorate: ^ DIRECTORS ''*?''??' Aalor, Catei W. McGarrab. W F Bakar ?'?""? Msch. ** Metsll S*' ? H-"'1 Bai ? Cb?rlea A. Peabodj, ?-'?'?P-.eo ?aker P '*? Mutual Ltf? In?' rai I ' '" ' ' Manhattan ? o. d ?. Pom????. ??xiolai B?d(ile, Viee-Presideni Bankers Trust ( o. ? "'! ' - ' ? ' William H. Porter, "?aiaCucbrae J 1' Morgan .*. Co., Bankers Libe - il Bai ? , . p.?..? i; . Seward rrraaer, '"' J C-xbran. i ' -<--1 ? r i. r Banken l*i isl i o ' ; ' - , r- t> 1 f r f Daniel G. Re?d, ', c-*"w. Member Esa Cow l.e.,.,LW K R.U. ? -? - j,u i t. DoaiUa Robiuioo. Bu;,j ??' RealEstsl? | *-,.? Archibald D. Ro.aell. | ( 0 Aiexaoder H. S?e?fO,. ?hUlWahasGmsit, tice-Presiden! lc"?aa 11,1dl (barlea L. Tiifan?, I a I-..' , . \ i,r-}'iCM.iri.r 1 ifisnj .*v I ". ?WaL am?, II. K. Pieii ,?? | :.. saii? . Baal Vic? Pre?. Cbemkel National Bank ???HI Ma?Donald Tbeodore N. Vaii, - i'-c?. ;... ir.? American Tel. ?It Tel. Co. ???WL l?tales Alberl H Wiggja, , ,..,, l-,r?. lent i base Nations! Hank ?sior -Srasl iouipaiuj Trustee for Personal Trusts ^Th Avknui and Thirty-Sixth Street New York AMERICANS SAFE IN CHIHUAHUA Kramen and Others, Re? ported Victims of Bandits. Reach La Junta. PARRAL REFUGEES TO LEAVE TO-DAY Special Train Will Bring Out 128 Americans and I heir I amilies. I :i huati . Mexico, Jai li \'! ? ' ? i foreign? rs m ? in Western Chihuahua, are : ? .: to .. ?. :. phon? meeaagv '? to daj from ? 'i ihuiaraichi? II '? Roy and Bar) Kra ? ?ho, n I theli rather. R I' Krai ? i ranchman, were reported to have heei ? bj Villa troop? i ).?? . Ben Bnell and Frank Woods, I ?oekc, hu employ. the Bal :"" rh, concern in-; ? waa ? ?? i. o... ted lo Hrr,\ci ,,* La Junta, l the Kramers, wil M.? and Snell, -.a.i r t.. the mounts bring oui Pi K ramer. Thoj were ei back a! La ; ?? ? It K ramer, who was i ? ? have the leg I ?'ilia mi hid in th?. rent i ".? ? ? Pa n to Pai to morro?- ?ril 125 A ? ai ? ? ?' ? ?. majority of 1 . ? ? ? : emain, since 1 ? . ten?? I and a] t to 1 : ' ' ... . Mexican*. . ' i. r ? Quer? ? >, ? I i r-loera*. i Ti ' eight indu f ? ? - ' i . an.I an rought 1 ill it re V ilia P. H irai I I- I . M ? . f America) ? ? ? ? '. i . . ranza ? the A l.enei ? i the bord? ? ? !.. ? era to Jua merous i ? .- ? ? . . Iv of 1 th 1 '. nabel ? . lei ted to-night ? ., i . . . ; wo ild be in 1 " ? \ commit! ?. ? . tea 1 ? ? ? ' \ an Coi . ?tai i Lei ter he had been ordered bai ? I oi ? ",'ter ? 'onsul Let I ? - ahoar I a foi ... I ? the ... , . Mn Lei .er I ? .... . . . ... ? ? I ? i the 1 VILLA BANDITS CALLED OUTLAWS t eattaued from i>hk- i 13, ."? r ' ' a\u l ? . 'i ?? red at 8:20, a . . befon Gi e? ; ? e had ah ate pu of those i I ' .i ' ; Intel Hi i 1 e th? iw, to be pun "He app i i; ? ? . y oa.-y ta g a small pis can lamei city o? i ? ? ? ' ? tivi ? ??? outbui ; ? ? Will Protect Americana. "He si ? ell i (Tor*.- will be made I protect An. ricans and ?? ? ? ? : 'band ** ho fled i Assurant*? ' ' - ' ;,n*"" II ? \ V. hetl er s 1 eml governi ? s the prosi n energel . ? the pati bandit and to con 1 th? same ' t.. it- completo accompli htnent, i . , , ... le?era Jacinto B Trs commanding thi I titul .r ? th? ? slgl borl ' ' - .ni,' ..ris. to obtain ? ?-? i ' ? of tl ailant ? ,, ? ay 1 th? ? ; ? pale of thi ens of the right 1 ?uill parties witl ? . were issued ??'i I n the case? s; of trail j other sect ??? of the republic I thi [rear, notably ?hen u ph>-. , ' rain " a? d? non ktod ?ad ?a ?."? aaesult? .1 - ?at ?plsaeo, and i ? ai .' 'iIri h rheae deci eos m a effective because, In the opinion .. i i'\"T ni ant, the ??? a ko perpetrate assassinations of buman i" i i . b ? ? native "?' ? ? ? u ? ..i forelg muat be conaidered in ? ? i mi?.! eategei > as tho ? ?? a u.< d) m the rallwaj trains I ilneerely plore ?in- unpardonabla ruin., al ?? ?? i.i'.-i " a -???. BOYS ROIX HOOP OF DEA' Policeman Raape Reeiag Loaded : l lin.? o ? arolaoslj .boat. Pom b< . arera "rolling Ih? l? ? ilk ? ?ful objael i ? Wash i r,, t laal ???..?? ?? ?u n n polie? man'a attention wai ri .. ? . theii plaj I be peliea l"" ? i ' losel) al tl ? object, sprang back and gaspod. Tl?.' ng a '"?i'!- d ahell woig pounds ni...ut ? ith th? r.. I abandon born of b explained thai th.-v f. it nt < ortli o.!' and W? 'I'n ? ' " rking n..' i".'. in en effort to learn who band ? pin-.! i . ?' ? - ? | ich a < SONS PLAN MURDE OF THEIR PAREN' One Brother Wenkens, 01 Wnrning, and Detectivea I r.ip Both "I" ihcni. 1 la i ' t plot to mm nother whil? tl?"\ s ronf i'"? t. i'- ?i twent] ' ? .1 -old I ... years oli ead v - ? .'..m ? tli de ' ? .:.'.| in i ;?. d i ' ? fnthei ' in P I'pdj ' Il .- ' pit k?. H their parei ind in < ? Ii ?here their pal i - ? <-..ii|ii.>. A silei ? ? ? ? draini ? . . ' - ... ? ? ? ? rer? - : ? fatl ' " t| \ ? ? ? I "JUDAS ISCfARIOT" LIBELL01 W i.lain < our! 114111 ' ?. ?Inr ? ? ,11 \n- M in. " . ? . . . < -? ? . , . ' : Pu '? , ? I . ? matioi rid, tted " - 1er foi ? this i . ? ? ? tj ? ? the . INDUSTRIAL DE ISION TO-DA Coaamlaaion Members' N'aimas Pro-babl Will Be Hi "l In Stroate. v ? u ? . Jan. 16. ' ? by tl Go ernoi is expected thii week thi rial John Mil ' - M. Lyncl prominenl . ? r leader?, sha be ent to 1 iti? Non ? r us? are sent l ite It ii i annount? ? : ? ? light I .. ?r, ?'.??>: I ? Lyon were brii ? it a meet ing ? ?' uf these ci CUPID GETTING LAZY IN N Y i ,. ,, | ifarrl ige I l?reaae? leaned in 191' than I?? 1914. In 1915 thei ? wer? ' .:i 1914 i' I ? geable i explana the solul 1916, a I ... - : ill hi< . I 1915 ' - . : iring 1 - ' Sew York THEIR MOVIE HAD ONE REEL That \N;?? late < ?n. When Teathe, I 11m In-iiirrd. Turn Burglar*. and War ren K ? nga i motion pictui . rh re I ? ha for corryini ? i .n . body In ? ? . ? i....'" y rank He? ? , gei i ml manag? : of the InU i keie SING SING ALUM DEFEND OSBOR 2 Ex-Convicts Say V den Was First to Inti (hue .Square Deal. HOYS' INSTITUTIONS BLAMED FOR CRI Prison's Former "Baby" U Men l.ike Tom Brown to S Vinilliful I irst Offenders " i Ye irrafu ra ?? i ?, an? -i-vint- t? 0 borne oui of 8ing Sing** ware atts last niiri.t by two reeenl graduati the aprii ir unlvi i Ity, rho stitrre? ? ongregation in Lai ..r "i, mpip, n? and Avenue an.! Fourteenth Btreo heart. Indors? mi nl of thr. Mutual ?? i eague and other attempt prison reform The. ?A-?re introd ' org? ?Gordon Battle, ? I o elan ?I thai a monument houtd I to Mr. <i ibornc preferabl; "t.. the memorj of : '" ? ? ?.reat the i on? ii ? '" ? l *- .J *a 1 f?.| on 1?! ? '. ? ?? ? prison ??? '.?<-.? IM, ?ui<i:..[i?-.." Philip Abbe, the first nt sker "!? . . ou're B curio lit] m nd of an inii -ii horns. "? : ? ?> nil ?-.I product of th? I tool tl ?* same i don'l I " idienee a - ire '.e did. "> i hoar a good deal in the ? i panei - ?a I .<->?? r 44 ha 1 a p ento ? 1 1 Ring '? ? . . a BTO" ? his work "But give s U can, an.I .??i fOU thinl Would be ):?;.(.?. ?n a ??rip!.? r... 1 m champagn? otion 1 res, and he's . led" snc? ? ?? ;r.' he a 1 ?' ? ?.1 to ? 1 I ? the head bj snol ? ? ? ? ? it was ?aid ? * k two to make i. ?? '. 1 t'a s ?hanged (side ?* boys in thi " -.a? '>' Leaf le r? cognised ? ? ,v >? 1. ?? ;. larni ?! si .... ? . ?. Hr.* n "Befon ? 1 bon ?? 1 ame, if a l.i nt wl robbed a mill f he lia.l '. ? and a drunk* Bwyei .? ? ? ? im? as ? . ? . ? I ? -,i :.? -? friei 1 ? .| " ? ?' - 1 labor ner n Si en he begat t'Tni ai put 1 . ' natltutioi "!'? ?? been a ? f on ?? ?? I was f rteen." he 1 aid, "and laes of en like I ? 1 >uld be r a bo| p*i .- . nal." ; . . ???.*? 44 ?-r. ??,. . , ? ? ? - ? I I 4 - ? Osborne to Demand an Immediate Tri; m M ott I ? plead ? ?' ? lustii Moi ??.??-. VV'hite Plaii tl ? to th? dnst him, charging p? i'irv. press the 1 i ' nspect the 1 ? . . ' ? 1 ? . -, , ?. - rhej ar<* ps ilarl? 1 1 to tris ndictl . h i? : he mo ; t All ?.. r" to trial 01 th? nd tmi m th? If? ' ' ? 1 ? .? ' .... j . : >? were no eaees of immorality t'r.? m 1 ; ? court, ? he discrepanc according to the defence, being .;?.?? 1 ? rror. ?' "K..i I'r.ipp.?:" Kap'*. - tl ?.?'. ro ??av. but AI? ander Km ? ounaal. will inai ??i, 1. - . ore tin in a hieb l pre] ar>- his 1 ase, n y.i.i.' up? n I f Just co Morichausor th? thirty days would be given him f? that pur? .? half thi . ,| . Kanlun na ?? ! , . 1 Ka| the eonf? - ??< of 1 ? ? ? .. mself bee .? . . the ! '?' ? ' irt, ai ? ? ? :.? th againat Kap Utornej Crops? ? ? , ??. . ? in Sing Sin- ? 1 op, rating in ato in Wa treet, ? eai 1 to b< . ? ? mal ? I by him, v . ng ..nt fror'. Br ? bo th? ?..,-.? the N? I ? ?? ? befoi ? . ittee to 01 handled ai s< 0 . 1 ras 1 .nu*.I out. would com rhe oint ... .4 '. ich pi ovidea it 1 r 1 ?. ?> Its of the exchaiiR' .?? I a .?,,r:'.''ur I it seel makei ll|ior: I resoure? theii ? t the . *. . , Dal rgime, a i n.rr-. ' ? A- eke yeatord |a of the aci ? id ? i a it I ? and favoi Sing 8 ng ? tuti? n. , ? - on of the public bear? ing b? the G -vernor on the . i, ! . set f...' to daj Sev iV4 been prepai ? the Superint? ndei t 1 Pris id no dea ' ???? ting I per Warden Kirchwej in I ? id ? t ral of - ng er I rf or? ??? Osborne by ? ? 1 i; r 1 * 4. n. }-.,r ? Igai r. Brackett, yeaterdaj ter.tion to r??qu.' t the G ernoi ? l.'half o" ?nt He sa I rabal wo ti . und WOUld en.) the hear!!!* \ . irly decision by th- Executive 11 expected. I Beginning today at 9 A. M. The Annual Clearance of Saks Overcoats for Men Reduced from $30 $28 $25 $23 Now $18 ( \ small rltari/r fur alterations Tins ?a no tim. for us i?> discuss ill?- merit <?f Snks Overconta, f?>r we hnve donc il daily .-ill ?season. Bui if is emphntic-ally n time for you to reinem ber the merit <>i' Saks Overconts, for therein li< s tli?- i j i ? ? r i t of this sale. It is not these reductions alone which constitute the chief clnini upon your at? tention, luit tlir facl thnt these gnrments nt theiror?fjnnnl prices hnd neither superior nor euual, nor even a step-relative for tin* consistent benutv ol Iheir Hnish and their style. And the same holds truc m to variety, for this side is composed of full, cut-up-to-the-lnst-ininute selections. Some overcoats are good values because they are reduced Saks overcoats are good values heforc they are reduced If you are prepared to pay a little more Saks Overcoats at $29 i Reduced from $45 $40 $38 $35 Broadway at J4th .Street.-Phone Greeley 2626. STATE TO TRACE MOHR MURDER CAF Hcalis, Negro Chnnffeur, Wil Confront Slain Doctor's Widow To-day? [Bi .' t-asrai I ???-?? nil Pro\ nl.Ti re, Jai . 16, The ti >i i Mr*. Kli'.Hteth '. i.-opp to morrow inommtr with l tion endeavoring to 1 ely I ? ? . riti C? I V. Bros Henry H. Spellman, - ? '.. 'S.'*: ?? nti.-r :. v lien Dr. M .--... ? to I I . ., ... ;' ?? t Attornej Pel -?? itenl rumors .?ri? th il Heal r ? . ' . pi ; Itei with r.'?*;ird ???> the crime 11 - hand, il ? ? . I thai ! .-..-- | ?. i - .. re to a ter in order to turn stal Mr. Rice -, as any intent ?ring .?..;. Ilf? n I - ? ????? ? i a ? . ?I . . ?? I ? Heal i wa ,i- perm era to a chara ? tli'-.'i- t.??- be? n accounted most impoli ant witi es for tl !?-.-? under mi agreei ic * a tl ?hoi and killed Di 1 ser ... -, . led I tar j il] C, B irger, while tl n aa italled oi the i ?.> i te the ; I ? elan's Kan pur*, bom?. ?t: . I v' I then fled on a i . cle. The lawyers for rr-*,-1 to '?.... b il e insel for I aid a enc? rhe :.?> ' ?I inroe and '? ? ?, wen . - this n WOMEN TO CHOOSE LEADER; Ktiri.tiKh CMveatioaa Will Be Held To? morro?? Xlght. U'omen ?i? t going - ? ? New York, ilim . ? igh i on ? ? i ? ai . h six ii un will be ?:"???? - ? d ' ? . II three Assemblj ? In the i ,, . York Cil Phe itate ps anized in 1 'i ??-?. City at 1 ? ? i . s;..r.? than on? cgatei al i ? ike part In ead Mi L'arr ? ,? ?- ' ' t .' ai Sufl ? I ? ?'..-? part) la ' . .. ? ? ? ? ' e at the Ma and M - lary G be the pi a? Onbornf Audie:" e Orerflows. Thoaaaa M ?tl ? leboi ? ?? wa i i tieally eh*M n d ? ; immed the Metro] overflowed into tl ening ? hen ha told of 1 f the n? h prisoners at I Sin| great ?4 to repeat his I? ' ?. temple es Sing Sin-*; Qnardi Get Oi p ?g to the grip e| raarda al . . great!) tted. Al ???'?? norma fore? "?' .- ' - . eighty oflleers to guard approximately 1/'...o eoavicta twenty-fear hours a day. S>aks Se (l?mpamt Broadway at J4th Street-Phone Greeley 2626 Special for today and tomorrow 1200 Men's Australian Wool Hats at $1.35 \Y/l I K N j i'ii c insider tint we have *?"M the i ery * same quality h;tt*?. at ?$3.00, it will be -obvious thai tli? se hats will move very quickly at $1.35. i The) are the product of a well-known Knglish hatter, whose liats usually retail at ?$3.00. ( l'i? for all occasions, and especially suited f^r auto and rain) -daj wear. I Made "f pure Australian wool, water-proofed, with Russian calf hand, ami may lie obtained in the following colors: Blue, brown, light grey and several shades of green; also in black. Today we shall offer 1000 Men's Shirts, $2.45 /^M>\SISTIXG of a new shipment of silk ami ^ cotton shirts, and a few of our own pure silk shirts, which usually sell ?it a higher price. C. The Silk and Cotton Shirts ;<rr from a manu? facturer who specializes in exclusive shirtings tur inade-to-order *-*lioj>v Very effective woven stripes and designs are included, as well a-a Jacquard figures on light grounds. i The Silk Shuts are a trifle soiled from handling. One trip to the laundry, however, will renew all their former freshness. < Soft and stiff cuff negligees and pleatted models, i I \\ cry size neckband and sleei e-length included Also for today a Clearance of Silk Scarfs at 29c 49c 95c $1.65 and $1.95 I'm un rl i fr i'r 50c to $3*50 Our Spring showing must be absolutely new and fresh. Hence these unusual clearance values. Included are effective brocaded weaves, failles, n logadors, Persian and Oriental weaves, regimen? tal stripes ami repps. LAUDS HEBREW GIRLS SCHOOI \. i Elkas Tdla Ha? Papila lift Par?ate ir.?m Pavatty. Work of the Hi Pe i eal - ilsed by Conti \ Prendargaal h ? .,- tlir annual meeting oi tors, hold at the lehool yesterday I I. Klkus | rodu ad eta ti st lei ? ?? ? ??-.d. ?h..?.. <?,) public !?chool officials niijrht ?i?ll ?tud. "Stal ?? *? -'??? ? thai falTI ; ? ..?. t- k1 *''? latad ft ' date are a? - averagi I ' -i," he -uid. "Tr-e ?. *"? ai. ? i to | rom P**v - hu' ir has I"?? ? ah?', i- fain ??-? ,.- i .-. rial a H ifter th? gradaatian ?f their ehildrea 11 ?* pupi. does her sharo m lifting th? p?rent? l.eyonJ the domain of charU>