Newspaper Page Text
LEADERS REJECT WHITMAN BUDGET But Republicans Plain lo Bunch ?Appropria lion Bills. AGREE TO CHANGE IN FISCAL YEAR Oovemor May Decido lo Flghi ilu- l tgislnturc lor tin* Mensure. wi a budget hav? ! ? ' b With A n?' th? G . - of the ? the an ' . i?me mor*': - of July i ? bring ? ? ' I be Won i : I :n Course. action 1 ? ? ??? Id he moved el? i ' ? - ?-.:, .- he waa ; the limit He - being . ? ? ander bo eir . . ?ent to ul? erea . , ' -' - . .1 for real wonder? ing '? itive. If i, erit to . a : l ?I .? tit?? Prestige. ? ! V ' 11 f \ . r. If he ). be pa ? ?a a un aor? ? - ? meas un I real ? ? la ? I. tly plain Le ? - . .. ,.r would give tl ? latnre. _ ? ?ne It a '? ? - ay 1'rcrn Albany ? BAY STATE RENEWS WAR ON ?A\iZ ADS Ne? lull Requires Reasonable Gunrds Agninst Falsity. . - : ! in the l mod? 1 4 much fraudul? ' * 11 I i existing statute i ? sai the h Ivei - Ink" !.. . in the knew or ? ? - - ? kl he ? i and adt ? i * articu? lai s n trade na ? ? meet thi i the advert?a?-? ? Protest Agnintl Bus Franoli!? i i.?- i ? i Board of on the | lout th? .- poweri it .-.??, . t| i i . "''?'' ? in that the wool out ih.cit, pavements, add S-?a^i?r"d deprecH ???MB?????? There "?re two rl-???se?, ot people who should .-l**.\<. buy GUARANTEED MORTGAGES the ?ich who enn afford the lu* ury ?111 cari*-froe inv??*.tm-?--t -ind the poor who nerd . f.s"Uitt *-ocurlt>. We w.ll SOU vf.i 5.100 01 U,tOt,BM LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. RICHARD St. HI'KD. Pi*-??.-*)??*.? capitai.siirpin-& $9,000.000 iTMMIN'S 1 N'TERS RACE I..4V.I Senator Isk* Nebraska Friends ' ' I Sat ?? '? I'n ?ideal a .a I I!... in. ? N? '. Jan. I?'.. Sei ???- ' > 1 ? . ?he :.. . .. hrm nn.l tj ' I ,? I.I..I I,'.'! " mpaign ? ? rii ? . thai of I lii.i. hi . >? ' ? . ' the Republ ... SAVES 4,500 LIVES OUTSIDE OF CITY State Health Head Tells ol New Record Death Rate Only dains One Point. I - ... ? - ? ? ? res ? . ? ' : .vrre r deal . i ?1. r? . ? item .... ' ? "i -, ? or 1915 the st au? ? ? ? ? rate iijr N. "? York < ?ity, ss eom i.n the estimate? of poi 0 for 1918 ? 1912, Tl ? ? : ? previoui ?n 111 . " ? . 14.9 1. li. .* . . .1 . ? ? ? ,,r ? ? t tin mai ? ? 1 . ? 1 rt ? BOY FORTUNE KUNTER HOPES TO FIND IT HERE Now in Children's Society. Mas Proposition for Jud^t*. ? me Is Louis Gil .... v. ther Sfo ar.d I w?.rk.'r| ?n ,, : ? In summ? , hot you couldn'1 breathe. I ?rot ? .: ???"'? ' ? :,.i *.l * ' '? r ? ? .. ..- :>!ute uri leer. ? -h yiiu CO ' .4 ? ? ? : . . 1. ? . 1 ? ticket ?? .'<?>?. I'm st the 1 ami they are child) ? .1 J/ hat ?s the Gary Pla?? By ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ Tribune readers trt!/ find in this department <t clear and authorllaiire net cunt o) the II irt school system, proposed for this city, Questioas o/pare?is and teachers will he gladlv answered. The de partment ti'ill appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT Till. v. IRT PI KH DO? U ibL-?? rhIMrea ?>ff th? atr-eata ?ml keep? them ?'io1f"ioni?'!,T buay a? wi,rk. atadj and pfalj f?Sf ?'? M ?e> er, limir? a d*) . ii aive-? nil rhtldrea lu?? a? aaach ?Cadaadc ?r?rU as thi' traditional school, bal b? leagtbealag the seha-ol ?lay it glvmm 11'lie for pr?4*?i<al ?hop ?Aiirk., drawing, maaie, audi? torium and plaj for all ilulili.ii. ?IUT THI mi. r PLAN MBAJM. To e*rtry n?mnt? \ rhanrt? 1? al?*? Mi r-iiiid thr oartehed edacetlaaal epp4wtaallles obbbIIj nsoorvtad for th?, children of the favarad fe? . To teaehera?No more hour* of teiirhitvf I noire ?-???riernlal work. To the toaunaattj Barlt?! ?-til? len?, hslter ?v haal? i'?r laM ro??t. Public Schools Do No! lit for Life-?Gary Schools Do Social Spirit "I C'.arv t hildren?Iin?*st Schools f<?r Poorest. ?? i he Maeeea" < n ih.* Gar* ."?'?' "1 he Massas" magasine lor i ? ? r< I the fundai ? how ? . icat on ?i part . ?rid with ? . ." v. ;, eon mei d foi ? si o . ? mudd) < n ihc playground," or who oh ; sne ?? .' ...... ! Public School System Sol sn I . ? lion. 'A friend of ? roduce relig \ ? '. whicl ring re flee ?\\ I wenl ; ? ? ? ? . : pub* . ? ? i . l ? I ] .? ' ?:.... iphy, botany, chei '. . ? ;. i I ? danci ? ? . ?. a button, r tie s would sts; I ???!. ! ws - ? [ was hs ? rican 1 I 900 to ? . ' and I find 1 was not an education ?t all, i I I thai my educa? ? ? ? .1 by my air oi , a forei candy ?ry. E in? stlon i;? gan < ?ui side ol S< I ?.. I . ? wrong I let it bui .i.I t blow up; I forgot to oil : ? ?? end l ? to tun ' .'? ?.. ? ?. . ? ? Hut i. i ? ? : ? the nee? ? rems ht he was r l ' ?ought i 1 i v i n j? but) '? ight to ? ? i our >-. I ng and lithog ? ? : ? ? . . . v ' " eapabli .... ? ? thi ? ? ' ibout my \ ? . ? ? g 1 could do. i To my great sur] sai ,. "I f ? ? ? I ilnl ? . - than when I left si erest 1 tered that er five i i ? Ion humai I . ques? ?' the trutl ' little ? A refreshing traveling companion? Dr.Lyor?s PERFECT Prepared by a Doctor of Dental Surgtry Send 2c stamp for generous -?ample of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream. i V, : >,? & ion? lac., 514 W. 27th St., New York City being enacted m I ? .? '4 ith !!?? . . . and the ? ? sort ???!?. .it. d. "In this world outside of schtx ? ? ' ... . . ? . 01 i kind of hon i ? not as ai ess of life Pablle School Did Sot I It f"r I.if ? I ? ? most 1 it I ?. i f at i ''m th? from n ? of ?, I.*, or (I to !'?'.-' ? to it i i fell of 1 r r, tht-ri Gary 8? "??l-. Turn Oat Ul-Annsi Hu.?i.ri ??i inga. " \ I "rw theoi ? ? ? ii n?I ?. ? ? m of lit'.-, itr? ... I from -eh?... been like the world " ? ? t the i Gar* i : together ini ? ? ind to b< ? ? i ri ? .No Alarm Over Religions Peatara. "And thrn mj I I ? ?? iks up and ? provides a couple "*' r - .i week in mi - ? holic Chor tarian < to the i Ri ? ' si? rn> ? ? . heme <?> Introdu? a r? ligio? publi? ' hool . lern ? ? , ? ?, hou i m not .1 bit alan? S... ?al Spirit of <..?n < lilldren ??h. m- Madam v l tter haa ,-, |,,,. -*.,,,? ;, friend of mine wl brothel llvs ? ' I .,, - ,.., to ' ? the con of H.pi? I" New - ? ?\ ,tho are IntereeU 1 in 'he < ?Wlv fricad ays: 'I have nevei ?i . liar) ' '. " ' ' '""? '"" ' ' ',,1,1 i> .,, ? miad '?< do so oa i ki.i.-t ii""? ? Mo t i'''"!'1'' ,l . Indors? the idea. I he I?: i kn Mi W Irt aad taad bj , In III'? , : that I ki ?a n ? a tea? het Uobart, the neit tou i ta (in me that he hud a goad ?.'? i"1 rom the Oary ehool i ? ?hi: ir t ?truck h r moa) fon ? arhool Into the H< ??la, whl? h ?? . although i.d, i -i.?al plrii I.I out ?H * them. "My bi Gary, thai tl ? ... ta . ? ngs and . ? . , pa i ? ? in found in the I i m ng used 1 ? el . ? childrei Very trulj jrours, ', ... Cit> A. M. ? . rit of t 1. .i . ? to ii ras one of the I .... it mi?! I . . ted to I nd this ? , hoi M- out b] the ? ,.. ., boy that I look from i. ll. After he ha i bi en in the school ab ..n ? .i i-, brown * tudj. apparently mu< ' aimed: "Why, it' I . r. . . ? ? I can't ' to it, Do you kn ? - . e his life i I ; i ? ' i . ? . you ? and . ..'i '!" ' T ? ? ? bul ' ' I he i ? ppar? ? t Mr. Wir plan ? ? ehildren h< . ? . r on? ?ng oldei ? . and i.! ' ship and breaking dou barri? rs of age an i grada differ? Bee?. Beat Balldings ??ml Equipment for i Poorest < lall Iren. I ? ? . ? t tl t school . ? ? In that pai as I ha ? ? York, : I luenc? Por exam] th? children leai ?I, with ?! nts iir?' bos I . ? I th? the ' ? ? the gat ' the In i t takes the plac ? ? ? a tradi ? ? ? r a conei yourself \ n Gary it is I ? Is w ho ,i ?? ? ? ? .- . ' I ' rood inv< t for t ?? ? city. a DANCE FOR ARMY AIRSHII "Woman ?>f ISIS" t.? Devate l'roeee.i-i of Patriotic Hull t<? Defeace. Ii to be - ? I - eoast d< fenee with thi the pal -"iotic ball to be held ! Js ..iy 24, -, ' '? ? draw ' the importance ?i ? and many prominent patroi hat ' b? en 'l ! era a II be inch ? I Balala i 1rs ' ? are al? leading hotela, th? t of an i thi li und V Our Great Twice-a-Year Sale of Men's Shirts Commences This Morning at All Seven Stores With Radical Inductions on All Shirts. - .0 ? '" i - de ?Chine an I P Willow Shirts, at. $5.95 (6.50 and .ST.."?'! P?aau de Crepe and & ? or ? de Chine Shirts, ai. y^?OD $3.-50 Silk, Silk-and-linen and Hab- t??o pr Utai Silk Shirts, at. ?])?,v)D $3.00 and $3.50 Tub Silk and Mad- dM gr ras Shirts, at. $1.0?) .-?j"?> and $2.50 Fin** Cheviot and ;: ian ( >rd Madra ? Shirts, at. . . $1.50 and $2.00 Madras rf?*s *s r Shirts ol good quality, at. y 1 ? ID $1.35 ii I ? ? ; :.;:'? I ftiff efylM afylQOWl* BROADWAY, AT 19th STREET 279 Broadway . !:??.?:*? Chambers St. Broadway, at I2d St. UNION SQUARE, l ?t It STREET, near BROADWAY 17 Cortland St., near Greenwich. 125th St., at 3d Ave. FLATBUSH AVE., AT FULTON ST., BROOKLYN LEAGUE TO (?IVK DANCE Mattel ri'tiir.* Mste4ra?M Iten l-> n> i'n-,1 at Wahterf. An rntfrtiiiriiTpnt and ?I'm?"?' ?ill be given bv the .i un ir.r 1 - igus Wut.i... : Ian ...h , 24 ??? 24 I he ' ' ..' i ? . use" rill \-i pre !. and sl-o ? motion y i? r tj r*? n?"l" . plagad ?.. |sang socii * v f? ? ik In .' r . i i ere the Nlaaes Angel re h" * .??? '"? ',,.,.,- ?ho rroti "' ' . U ? "... - I Bath < ''i., th. '"' ' ?' ?'" ' ' ^"'i -41.-? nlkt/el I ??'" ' >':'1"" ' ' V"""' among the pla> and Man '?'" , - ,,,, .- n? a "?? . ., . ? -? u -"Ma, ? i Browalag Bartn Bn-je rtraage, M. ??.. Jan. II .. , , r, ?I h? copal ' -,-.. ? looa o' THE SUPERIOR SERVICE ??i 'im NEW JERSEY CENTRAL TO PHILADELPHIA combines with its new all steel equipment, its splendid roadbed and dependable regu? larity of operation, a delightfully pictur? esque scenic panorama; also dining .car and general train facilities of exceptional excellence. If you do not know this by experience Try This Route Next Time! \a\\\\aw\*aT YOUR WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE FOR Every Hour on the hour Fasl Trains leave Liberty St. fr r. to 1" P. M. trveek days; TS:!?"? A. M. ai A. M. to 11 P. M. Sundays. Midnight train daily; Steepen ready 10 P. M. (?Leave W. SI LO ruin?tes of the hour for all train.-.) Superior din? ing car service at dining hours. tLeave 2;kl ?St. B:06 A. M. Facts Are Most Useful When Nailed Down The world was round a long, long while before anybody proved it. It is a fact, too, that every newspaper has a certain circulation?but how are you going to be sure of it ? It's as simple as the alphabet?if the newspaper belongs to the A. B. C (Audit Bureau of Circulations). A bookkeeper feels it no reflection on him to have a certified public accountant go over his book?; rather it is a satisfac? tion to have an outsider lind them in order. A publisher whose circulation figures are audited by disinterested experts is merely having his own t.gures verified?nailing down the facts for you. Over a thousand of the leadi.ig newspapers, periodic.-?.!.*, national and retail store advertisers and advertising agents in America are numbers of the A. B. C. In New York City there are seven newspapers, printed in the EnfUw language, that belong to the organization and welcni. ; > investigation*. They are: I AMERICAN EVENING GLOBE EVENING JOURNAL EVENING .MAIL EVENING POST TOMES TRIBUNE Thi? newspaper is one?and the detailed reports of the trained account? ant? of the Bureau, both as to kind and quantity of our circulation, will be furnished to any advertiser at any time. You know exactly what you get when you buy spact? on the basis of A. B. C. audits. , J?eto ?>?rii ?rrtiulic Member Audit Bureau ol Circulations.