Newspaper Page Text
ROOT WILL OPEN TG1IT ON V/ILSON Ctfliegfe M'-' Convention Feb. 15 to Sound Re publican Battle Cry. CHICAGO "BIG I 01 IT Will Bl PICKED . ,.v ... Pr< tart ni*vs" ro Be ?.4'r.-.;.iv'?.i as Slogan !*> ! ? s' ??'? (^a\^ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^mmmmm*************************^ ^******^*^**^m^m^m^i'Vat ? s ? .' a" CIk RM ?IM and Cone-art Tuesday Evening, I .*.:. - ".. 8.10 P. M. H \LL. Broad??*- at Str?r?-*t. f of ? ifmng : BELLOPHOBIA. OR ! WAR MADNESS 2. a i 5 E I I ! I W? sun to tiring oo? the f?v | Bd ; , it?! it.- i rtaa, Mai fi-rtu??i y *al gratefa Qj for the ?ptxir Bt ?Uli thru BJS t-ct I.Ttunf." Ua I m? n ? ??B Standing room sign used a. ? ?. iJrrc/ m<3rr> , rrned auraj at? tu be (. Human.! ?nan. CoUtctiont or contribution V\'r U.4.I.- >o.i aoai noi >oar l! WE ARE SELFISH ?| TOWARDS THE NEEDY, ? 3UR PLATFORM SAYS I lit-nn leu.I.-i? t?ll fof "">> The in lead to Impart to tk? eenvention not ? ?'?? bill ?i national i?r?>i.4't \i. Il- Il ? ? n || | ..... ;,, ...i-i.l S K er? t will bring ill R? ? . -lit . ? l?r ,', I | common bannei Tl '" sel? cl?on i't Elih?? Rool ? ? . lirman will 4 onti Ihul? ? . . ':-.?'. , ., 1 ?. 1 ? i"-? lance, foi upon ? v -? latoi ?s ill <l.'\ olt n. ?.mi" l h? -i'.i'ih thai ?1 'I (urn if h ! l-r ? - ihr campaig ? . , , ? .- v. '!? ?in temp? ? II ) 1 post foi 1 Pi 1 ? K. 1 ub1t?ean 1 ?>.*?.'?<-? - .1 ? ' itrolling . - Mi Rool was ? . ? 1.-. it I eli c; ion ? s ? 4 ? ?? . ?' 1 he pronounced in? (hm ? - n?rl n| "i mis ulTiitrs '?*. 'i . e the 1 1 ? Iftauc .'.,:?? Ml RoOl I' 1 >? ?,"?? slogan al "Americanism ?ntl ever? hamlel in t'l?. !*ir't. ?.- the ? ? ? el? ??' s1 ? ? ' rill be i.riH h i rfunctorj sffair, ?? py pi .t 1 , .......1 .linn? 1*1 ; in??, t'i ?.. mal Wadsworth Uovem 1 Wl (mai W ,? ? Qerri, ?nd either '; ?, . 1 il lican administration bo ii 1 sod, m ii 1 his sal indorstin-en1 ? ,,.\, ? ? v. " foi renoi ? ?? ? 1 MINERS G.VTHER TO FIX WAGE SCALE Union ?Leaders Hope t" Reestab? lish Interstate Agreement. ' ? ? ted most ??; the bituminous coal .. . read) on tl?' fround to . ? ? ? ? ni convention of tl ? I? ted Mln? Workers ol America, opens her? era I Illinois. In ? and V. . |1 P? --. '.vniiia e aft?! . - , . I meeting ... erators .t hen an effort ?<? ;'! be B f.'rrnsl ? . ? - he operators from f ? . ? ? re not ' < preai ? I ? , ? .Hl. , . ,, ? ? ?. lasl week, snd ? n. M a it- tal??'!'. !' * P. White, til ? ?! presiden! : . .... . ' . ? ? workers' offloers hep? ? . - ??? 1 ? agreement, Tho miners already lav-, agre? set to 1 ? . . - ? ? hex wj :rr cent incraaa? on a mina run MILITIA FIGHTS WILSON DEFENCE Preparedness Programme Losing Support Stead? ily In Congress. NATIONAL OUARD ITS GREAT ENEMY Opposition b) United States Association i ikcly i<> Influ? ence Legislators. I ?? -i .. rtf i - ** Washington, .'?r 16 \ eontinaed s ?? ikei g ol fore? on which the I si ; ?it ?i n had eounted to pul Its preparednesi programme through Con? gress marked 'n*.t ?reek, and while ad stion !? adei - still lain to have reserve n hi? h mai save pai t of the legislation asked other ob en ers do srheth Pi ssideni Wilson ke what lie n-1. . foi } ?? make It post h 'h to claim I he n s Thei o has been s ? g ol I.nth In iho sen ? ' ? t in favoi >i t i ? paredness and in support for ? he pari ieular pi pul : ; ! . ' r ntion This Is particular!) true of the army plans ai d, i lesser I? gree ol those .r t' seems unlikely>* that in either branch the administra 111 gel more I han n small part "f t it In both eases, too, it Ig thai ny su ces ?s .? ,.: I i Impos? sible n ? ? ? '. si roi g Republic ? i. ? Die D ' pre? i sredi gi. ?' cun ilng in ? ? tegic posi they hold nritl I iting their promises to mal ght on ? ,'.', programm? 11 been ? ? : from th? t that the one great difficulty In the way was th ? rail ing of i i. 11? ' ol only to me * the pre ? ..-n bills, bul '" eover the heavy and groarlni r-eScIl due '?? the failure of the I'r.ii? liirifT law. Many m? n in l n- - houses of Congress won! 1 r i th oui ' ? ? eed t.'iat tho new 3d Week -Remnant Sale New Ends Added Daily $^. This i?ale?the most MICCeMful w* our ^^ ^_^ I Lj historv?proven that values sire big *utd Vl^ 1 sJ X O i*PP*,*aiit,*ri' Hundreds of $25 to $50 h) J[ Q Suitings reduced to $ ! 8. ^^ Special Full Dress Suit, silk lined. $40: lux,do Suit, $35 Many winter overcoat rerlu? tions. ?Kfz Arttl?^?iti for tht - ? ? . ?.i,? uptown . ... r. n ',/,?? I ? r-i - . I ??-, , i - -between Fittl and Maditon ivet. ;??'.ii!rii-i.Tjn4?r?;. ? ?? . j-, ??,? n ? ? -, ?,.. ?? ?.,; ?Willi!, %#o^g^ a 4t?.?t??y ?ir -????B^ ^w?fe^ T. 'O GIVE our boys a better environment ; to provide rec? reation and healthful enter? tainment; to furnish encourage? ment and training where and when they are most needed ? these are the aims of the Boys' Club Movement. We want to give our New York boys a good practical chance to develop themselves. We want to build a generation of better men for tomorrow by taking better care of our boys today. We want more Lincolns in our citizensnip. Two Boys' Clubs are now doing wonderful work in this direction. We vvanl to extend the work, and to'do so properly we have under blttti to raise $500.000.00 by January 21st. Are you Willing to do your share in this work of building better boys? GIVE NO MONEY TO BOY SOLICITORS Contnbutions to E. N. POTTER, Treasurer, The Boys' Club Association of New Yoik 55 Wall Sbtd taxes which mu? I be Imp? sd we '??'?i hard on theli districts Repr?sentai m . Kn. i m. leader snti prepare Ines. foreea, Is el ?' : W. Means Com front ' i i. h ' n ' . ome any leg! effecting the r?a.*nn.*- He s ' aun? -i ti ,? this i ?ti not be until i . |.i..| m, .i,,,. i| programt been sdopted, "??.? that we shal ius1 what w? mus? previdi ' 1 * ii thai nil members ?.t ? i "" afraid thai the revenu? lawi sre ?.till in.).?.,n mhi\ bear baa* them n particular, en I s ill ?en. t" tllr .'ij,?| u ,?|, ? ',;ir,| light ' i- ?i arc ell fighting '.lu ..f pr? 1 sss, though i '"t.i.l..;. half we f,,r ?1 ?I the revei ??? laws ha? i No man ? en tell letl will be in thai half, however, a? will take chan? ? i N i' le the navj healinjc? ha? ???' i-. ' beyond the tage of t?.. * it ??' ' ' i i un : I,.- general prli which i... ?? go ern the In? raasei '"', I.n eoi ? dered i A? ally, '?*"'? ? ' ? ridenl thai the entim? strengthenini th nai 4 ii fur sti H sn that for t(..' army. Many int.?i*, feel that s ith s mh4> ' 1 frinl the shores during thr nrnt n after the outbreak of s s ai the try could reel secure und build uriny at leisure, Paw nr.* 4?illini; '.. far as the Presiden) l, ? - ssks ' ' do f'. : thai lomething nu don ? whii '.1 \? ill l>>. big ??...11^:11 poii ?? I t.. with i"ids on the bus Present indica! ion? are for the ii"ii of n bill 11. reaaing the n army bj .1 ? ?i.l men. ?u. ening the eoasl ?:? fene - and a* corps providing res? 1 *... m tiller "i'.? 1 ? sai ve munitions, and m some attempt to str ?ngthen th ? d nii.i make ll more n'. ? foi f edei el '. te foe m the ? urn", plan, i? high sdminl itratioi lid to in;. . . ? t 11 ..i| th? natioi throughout I he 1.. ? . on*. ? rsi? entativi Hay, chairman 1 Itee on Militar) \ I" the id.- militia ? . ?? ? ? ? ? 1 ? 1 '?m fur de the . ??:.?. ..1 .1 will eventually, plans foi for?. - of the ' nit? ?1 S National l?nard Opposition Dang? Th? 11 .'.m ? hs obtain? I a ci a rculai etter sent oui ? the National ( A ? . ted States, Is of th mil n ; ^: r 11, and a i?* dai ,.-? rous *a i nat th? .iv y.t I. 'ii ri ? ' I ' ? ice of a c an- pai| n :." one official Find. '": tl '.-?.. ' ? ' .],..., .,.,.? r, e to be genuinely anxiou '.. 1 . . ........ ' . na ? ian .? . : - 1 trul 1 .,-.-? 1 '?.t 1 the 1 ? ? he 1 lilitia, b '.. 1..I |u< ? eral ? tal ire mostly clei leal lh>' line . r I. ". for natii nal .!>?( ? .: rectly I . ?wind ... gold I national gus . r> hi "d. y urg? ..?'. .,- !? r their t ongi pi it will ai ?' ? ? government's m? 1 . ? rithout a >i"! rth of 1 m ret 1 11 ? . : ? ' . ; hat, " ? I 1 ? ..?1. a eit ful lines ityled militia iid ha 11. a* II meant gui at the *? ral misst ? ? . 1rs tnat 1 '?? r more I p to 1 ? ?? srmy : . thai ? ?? spprop 1 ,..n f? ? , ? ; msnl spi n le the Armi ? . ? Irawal ol nati nal .: lard I rges "-Mid.? Indorwtaant. rhe lettei ned 1 .. chaira itive c? mmitt? ?. 1- in i> ? lirable that effoi ? . by boards of I ganixatii through? n' th? counl j of 1 ? u< guard p ? " .."? ! ? 1 town vhi ?. . guard, and pei itl 1 -.".??-. ? . ' 11 I rought c . ? ? 1 , viz. : "lall t of the full pi b for 1 ' ? ? Ifgislati pro?. - d by "?' Natioi ..1 tiuurj ." 1 ] rancisco, and ? of the bell hat 1 ? ould foi basis of anj fore? of citisen s? may underts . r- lolutloi . ' ' lllowil groui pan men: ?'ii i . nu ? t!n> n r : ;, '. ;. ? ind wit good result? to th.' building up ..f ? ? . ? for nal oni ..? r...tir work the rrvici . - entitled I ? Ion. "i. That tl si giuird, mail ! I th? itates, ? r.,ir'.?'.| and off under a 11 ? ? sm, In. ? .in? of ??vu 1 be s fore. il ?tent \.ith ou Tint:..nal ideals. \4-..iii?i ? milint'nlal Am.? "(e) Thai I 1 embers af tru? n? .. guard, being the 01 I) ones a I .... had prael 1 pe? lance in ti? organ snt of eitisi era, ma) be laid to ha? s <? tpei condil ioni undc ? ? ? pei ? nee an? ins ? the eontii .... ... fon ire, "(d .... tablish any m from th? must either rs ? failure 01 h th? abolishment 01 ,.."?: thai _ souiii' . . an I .:> ??' lopment ? tence, and ?hicli ha? ai ??i.r. than s ? Ilion dolli ? "Otl 1 ? t- ? ill sug| est thi . r< 1? ith a draft ..... ca? re? mmended, hn? ? .1 .ut.'. 1 ? changed in . . of all r?solu* ? . (hieb may be ted should b? ma ? U I ? ? Pri dent, the Secretary of War, th? Sana torsand Representatives m( ongreas of ,-. and to the chairman of the ??? and House committees on Mill? tai ?? K? M If thii iggestion - ?rigorously carried out, your? mmlttee feels thai t will ri?.ult n a snowstorm of reso? lutions at Washington, which will bt convincing ? idenee or the sentiment of th? country faverable la thr na .. guard." The ?? rd froeioe foi . ? . scond to none, in "a le.mar. " ocreas? 1 ? . ir army, th? n.iop tioi of th? Natii ? ? ?? ...r'. I ? ? ??' ?ir. gl .n :; ?? for n I S IlOTCaM an I pay i.rid for the ?torn of uni i. r*i?! trail ng They .si? o provide that. sha be the _ ont? f..rr,. of CitUa-li SOldiaT) 111 tha- I'll i te?. RAILWAYS ASKED TO AD) DEFENCE Facilities for Movement of Troops Included in Wilson Plan. BUSINESS TO JOIN IN MOBILIZATION Data Will Bo Collected to Show Where United States Can Look for Supplies. W??hinrion, inn. l? Aaotker step in r'ne plnn for preparing the nal on' rri mrrr- f?,r ? a - ? i ? ~ Ve mobilisation In tnae of etaatgeney will !>?? announced by Pteel?eni \? il?on, il is ? spected, wh>n h?? n?l?ir'".-.-s i)??? Railroad Buai neat Aeea-eiation si it* dinner in York <.n January 27. Tha Pteaident is eip-scted t? refer to the advisab lit) of ha?rtng lh< ... i.n! ' <<nr?-rii-i vhieh manufacture I roa I supplies eoAperate in th< | mobilisation i>!-hi?k. Tha Arn?-.- w??r 1.m ? . ki Its i'"- sssloa i? ueh .. r'.ri the propti mov? ? ? ? . Il roed '.' administration de i. ' ths m -i-. assi itance >.f railraed itiv? and i ? ? s m eom rig I ? ' i "f information .?"'i ? ? i ? ?? ? up ?.. date. '.? 01 re A. Post, | lent of ths Ra road Bo ? ? - \ i .'.<-:n' ion. h?? In Pr? lenl tl al Ms organ cooperate In 'bu i n every ws . b ? Other or i ni. """ of business ?.ml preftM mi n ?*. 'II I..- ? '- .-il ?m help, i ??? i i< ? i ? wiittea to the ? -i . '?' ? '? prlnc in?! engineer rgai hat they ??>? i rii? i represi tal to ? ollect > ?. i ?. ' ' i,- . ? isinei foi r-..i ? ?? dangei I of a h Ich was made i ubi ? :?'.* I.-. W !. ? ? , prrKidenl of the American i rjneers, wenf ?i of the American ? v nf Mechanical ' ?: neera, the i -. nf Civil Engineers, tute of Electrical i ? ? ? i id 1 .mei in i Item cal rhe work <>!' collecting data ? ?! ? by the r? pi ? lenta of these organizations in connee lioi ? ' N i.-nl <?onsull ;, :? Board '.', .rely 'lrawn 'ip i . . ! ? lent and his adviaers an set go ' . which ' , '? In the hand ? etc informa? tion regai ding r - d industrial ?. .. . ? would have to be ? :' ths armv I n tii v sr. I ... ii I by the Pres? ident to appoim tat i ves ta aid ri il i m?, among thoos thai aominated > a bei far the Naval Consulting H>.?r. in?-? appointed ?? i os I? i lit?lp in carrying eat th< President' [i ;??r -'.?rr< tary Daniel tatemen! to .-? ? ? boral ng '.?. - ? .? navy's inrt h i ?,? pro fren se, ??? nted oui tl il tb? ; .-.- engineering organisai ons rear? ??.i h nembership <>f bSSOi ?ei-hn-, r.?l men "particularly ??"?'! to perfora this r'in r,f work li ;>?? '? I '??? diHinl.eri'iiti'.l mani.-r " "Tli' plan involves ? board of fi-.< engineers Is ??< I - ?'? of the Uni? mi.' t'r.irii each "!' I ils "? I * ?' I 'i will rover civil engineering, mining ?ni meta!; irg c I * g, mii'I rtiechani ... I ractiea , n a? b? ? ? ? I i s I Each one of the men will be appointed al the request of the Presldenl of ths I ? ? i tat? ?. being first nom nated l?v the society of wl - a member. On approval by the Secretan ai the Navy ne will r*ceive in? oficial aa? pointmeal and become an associate member of the Naval Consulting Board, ?vorklnfj throik-l? the committee of tno hoard. "The??? live rnfi m each statt? form the nucleu? ,,f an orgeaisatloa in each stats The-y a 'I he ssked to relee! member-? of their xoeietiea from all parts of ths t?te,and erlll furnish thi ?'? wilh li!-in* forms on wh ch ? ..1 be mad? of our country's producing snd manufacturing resource . ir:clud?n< transportati n Tl <? inf nata? tion given ipon these f"rrn.-? ?rill be ? i b] ths ' i eoni il?ir.(? bear I and by the government of mp United SI ites in perl g tl ? I na ind is trial organisation necessary to ths plans for def? ItCS "Ones having the data, ths p--rpom? . ?,, Ig , . ? :,. ?".,,.. ? . . ;,-,,? ri and in ? h i ?4 way brinir fie offiriaU il toiirh v.i'h tl.e ia4aetri?M| So that no' anly will th< go ven menl knov the ': 'ht??-; in ? ?.-i en lee, but ,* will <? ? -? ? ?? 1 the ? n H u a la | requirements of ?uch ? i.- ? instance, it is pr-.po??<i to pi??.* ?n.. rdei for certain i-nun? tions based upon conditions existing s* time Th?s? orders will, perhaps. U 101 proflt to the marnifaelur-ers, they Will keep them i' '.. ?r?i and tuned ?ij> for aervire m rmerjfenrie?. rhej *v;li, through auch orders, hata ? ? 'ni 'l," ?helves and at time? in *.ii< shop?, blueprints, specification? Sbd ?nmri." "ii hand. Tne men \r. eaa-h plant will hit.? a work ng kriowledire of /(??? r'nn.-nt requirements. "Whils ; r. |r.i.*-i'dr.?'h?. of plants to fun l?l - ipp '.- for war :? ?he most important step, it is tl-.--' or.e heretofore"* leasl thought '.f. (i? sh.,t4-n by th.- con r.f cer?.-t:n coun'ri.'? a?, ti e be ginning of Um pn ??? Eurepeaa war." H0LLA.ND FLOOD TOLL GROWS .'. ? !r.n, Ian, l?k A dispatch to the (.'?.?ntial News from Am-t'erdum says: "The fl'roi-4 in Norh Holland eon The town of -.vhir-h || lees than ten ?prrri Amsterdam, 1? under water, and a' rri.tiiy pointa rr..- lead :? three feet bigher than ? wai ysstertiay. Everywhere n ths flooded lection bod ?"? of eattle droeraed earn be ?.?en float? ? . , - ?,r? i f limhtMMM -?-' ?' above ths lurface "f the water. ?Ths r of * ' slvs p"r?on? -'.rov-ned in Marker-, wa-'r.ed ashore to ,i, ?.* Volel :at;r." U here you may hear the Aeolian-r ocalion In BrOOKLTN .'\4*?.lian Hall. 11 1 latbush Ave In New York Aeolian Hall, 29 Wirst 4-.<l St. a N'ewark Griffith i'iaaii4> Co., 605 liroau **?', S* W-J.' ? if .VI?** 'JXinv-am** ,.-', ' *,-w. QAjaj. : p%r-m nr^y-:. ???>-^,l:>:V--;^.''A..\^*4r^:V\ '??':' ' ^V'-;-- :\-J ^^ ' -sa ?? <? ?'????Jisiv-,' .i-.* '.'?''f ;.'?**:?? -' i*." -y '*'*r ?'-'?^t**-'', si h h 1 Sl?r Aeolian-Vocalion T STYLE-G $100 TUT. Aeolian Company desires to draw attention to the model of the Aeolian-Vrocalion illustrated above .Since its introduc? tion a year ago. the Aeolian-Vocalion has attained an extraor? dinary measure of popularity and prestige. The recognition of its musical and artistic supremacy, however, hais been taken, sometimes, to imply a high price. Its Art Styles ?ire necessarily high in price. But in the conventional models, Aeolian-Vocalions cost no more than phonographs of the ordi? nary type and may be as conveniently purchased. This is illustrated in the model shown above, known as Style G, which C4)^ts but $IO0 and is purchasable 4)11 terms oi $5 Down and $5 a Month Every importan! and distinctive MYocalion" feature is represented in this model. Its case, like those of all other models, is distinguished by simple ele? gant f of outline and ri? hness of finish. It contain - the s< ientificallydeveloped Vocation Sound-Box which producesen tirely new phonograph tones full, rich, mellow ?nul totally devoid <>t" stridency. h ???ut.tin-? the exclusive and patented Symphonet'! Horn which amplifies the iuiu..s and at i ?presen distinctive beauties o. all different instru ments .m?l voie. It is equipped with the Vocation Automatic Stop, the simplest and most efficient yet de\ ised. And most important of all, it contains the Revolutionary Gradu?la -the won? derful t'nront-ltkr de\i?? makes ar tistic, note-by-note modulation of phonograph tun?'at last an actual accom?* plishmenl. Aeolian-1 Mations cost torn $SS to $2000. Conventional Models $35 to $75, without Gradu?la; $100 to $350 with Gradu?la; Art Styles, $375 upward THE AEOLIAN COMPANY AEOLIAN IIA1.1 29 WEST ?ND STREET, NEW YORK ". ' . / i.?: .. ,.r. ihs largesi toaouJamttAret ' musical ??? trumt ? ? in the i