Newspaper Page Text
SERBS OFFER NEW ARMY TO ALLIES 100.0011 Men, Reorganized, To Be Ready in Two Months. GREECE CUT OFF FROM ITS TROOPS Moving l'p o1 Bridges by Allies May Cause Pisbandini* ??i Regiments. ? Min? ister of War, before ? \ the A ..rians' r the ? lack l ' m? in ? - - ' >filonn4 \ru. k N.?ar. ' ai ? i ? ? a ? a dispel . ' v ' - ? ? ? ' I ? i ? : the ? ? ' teleg i -. ? - - - ? ? ?. l ? 1 AD\'1.1:. ISEMEN1 - i iorscs |n \y\r 'I' w ()IR Q?MI ptlENM J EACUE IA ? -4 1 A 4 S j?LL'E f^aOSS PUNO . i : . AN A >? I ? ? Ira II ? ' r ' -? i.nrrs. ? , '? I .-,,? r ", 4 1 AM. AMI . t ? '.? rs XI. \ > a a 1 ' . Ii. I? Serbs, in Albania March, Excel Napoleonic Feat Stumbling Over Mountains in Darkn-est, with Roaring CtuLsmi Below, the Worn Sitifi ?il Kint?, Petei Receives COld W el-come from Albanians. B) GORDO.N GORDON-SMITH. ii i ?I la 'o Tl... IV l..'1'.ti. it, Jan. 16. Probably not sincethc crossing o? tlu? Alp- by N??p<>* laon h.?s luch a military ?xpadition b?8en undertaken ?? Um tn ? of th? Albanian M<i.i y the head piartera --t.-4tT end th?> remains of Serbian army. Th? ?ifhl pres-ented by Linn Koula on the ?v? of twparture wa? ur.irju?'. On th?? mountain ?kl? foi mita nothing could be "-??en but endite?? Bras, The] were mad? by thousand? of ?>\ aagons, unable t<> go further, a? th? road for vehicle? c? - - there. Fortunately the snowstorm ended end v.. sunshine. Nexl da] *k Ute hei out. It Include end IO0 pack m irr .> - i'< road wound along tin- bank? <>f the which had to be eroi i ? ? picturesque old singlie SDan Turkish bridgea. ?in?*r? d?s?troy?fd to lmiM-.i.' t!i?- Bulgarian adva ce, i ?h that of ir ' : -..? ri halted to chi ? fteen i in g rr" . 4t . I the?. ? ... incil aas I ? l narro? caih, abuut1 . . rocky i .t-r drop into . bla? ? neral Putni? ? i ? tim? is ion we ? ? . ? bi ? Hor erj ? ? tir? it t ii i-i i: ? ? it -t r\. d the pi : ? ? ? : ? ' ' ? i quarter of a i ? ?. ? . - ? Men I'lu/fn by Roads 14?. t at i '. of t ? ??loud-capi ' Up and ij and tl ? v.r. can - ? t.-.--re com - ' ? ' ifl Despits ?. ? ? . - - hours I mai ? I ? . ' i i ? ' i oubl the I ? ? ? f which 1 ha.) ? . attltudi . - . ? . . ? ? ??:,). and i all quai Eeei lor wan ? Alhaniaiii-, Glee I Ittle Ai?l. \ Paul 1 ' ? ? ? ? ?r.t. for i ? - and ? ? -.? I ?... . ? Ars i . h und open ? ? ? . lli'-.ti .' ? . ? ? - ; ... ? - V. ? beloni Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IHE PROVIUEWl LOAN XK II l"Y CM? NI'AX ? OHK \% M \ .11 '. I I \N Fourth Avenue, cur. 2rrh Street. ?Sldridge St., coi Rivington St. ' .ist Houston St., tor Esses St Seventh \v., bet. 48th <??. 49th Sto. Lexington Av., cor 124th St. Grand St^ cor. Clinton St. E. 72dSt ".et. Lexington <* 3d Avv mgagnnsstsssn, tlSndl A4 tur. t4Sth St. IlKDOhl \ S St., coi i ? iston St. Graham A*? i vois? SI l' tkin Av., c?ir. RocklWlj Av. f y II H i.iNi ' HARGI D < >N ?*>f? LDANS VI PAID WinilN 'am* t*Vi ? Wl EKS l R< IM DA 1 i I ? ?? 1 ?irr.' \v*?t notl ; remain ?.' pur ? an | On tl ?? at kpei enes as I h? roa , ? i, a id nol r was I of I n?\ ? l io i ? I eep on? ? r ?roun ? - >. new pro . . ? reuld turn ui tl feet, i ? il the ? t this i . ..lit' clifl of trai ? .- I oussi men . I i ? il \..' n.iol ?-? ' )'I?C K??a?l?4 I noafr st N?rhl. . . ? ' ? i I cnl ? ? ? ? ? for I ir WOUld : much a-- our lives ? ere worl - ? th.- i . buropi ? ? ? hundr? ? 1 . - : the mar? ?or i h r the i ' ? ? : i hoy ?-out? ever, il ' ? ? u .? ? , - and b ?oti On the la.-' v.? had, then fore, to i intaii ' bel I >ii-. ? , ? - ? .- - thei ?- French aviation eorpi ? ? ? ? .- is, | i the nighl I . ?y h ? ? the v ord nun! ? ? ? ? . . miles betwi ? fl ead 1 ' . ht o lei I. ? . ? ..? ? - l - ? lb mo.ooi ' ? ? - learn? ' _???i - LONDONERS BREAK UP CHURCH PEACE MEETING Won't I ?'t Pastor Talk and Tear Down His Flag. I?'" '. 1 he i ???-' demon? . tree! K ? : .. ? ? ? . ? l1 ' ? iras the ? - Paul. v- ? me ens shouted, "Th? : ? i ewi . -. whir h was received . ? i ? i ? i | ? .?? . of 1 i ? ? arm - tt. re rly i'i ? . re? ? ? f **Whj . Ii .-:,. .1 and ?S ?': ? 'i I I t tb? ? . g. Severs thai . ?' ? ting as of the national un? . ? d "Ruli Bi Itannia" DENIES LOSS* OF CRUISER H?--lin Bays Frerarh Sahaurlae Hast Have Sunk UUed Warahip, ? - Ba? : ? Vienna fan i A ? A f the ! Oven ' ? ? ?? l{ ? hip is ? mus? havi the Entent Pow?i VERDUN'S FORTS HEM IN ENEWI Retreat) as Difficult as A vanee for Troops of Crown Prince. DEFENCES GAIN STRENGTH DAII Big duns, Melinite Md Btrb< Wire Cement Harrier to Paris. \ ? '.i ? risil , . ? ? opas from tl v i.... ? I, and ita ? be ri by 1 Frei eh ??"? ? ? ?? bai ? I between the two p ices, after i? '<> .-..\ . . of the ..'..,. ? e Vo -,.-' i ,i -tu ::.??!: . ? ? ? ? ?,,'.' Prince Frei i. ' ? beii be Pn ? | th? ? P ??? ? to pi? rce Imcs. ir '? ii it ended I at th? sad the *.-???'? Woi n i ?? I i ?... As-iociated Pr? ? cerri ? . . ? 'leering Roads fur s?i|?|ilt Traiaa. Thp tandin ? et I' v the ta -? approach? king sssi? . rravellers from 1 l'halons-sui ' ? : being move i ? - ' lit? ? ? ' ?1 \ .,?? \ Sol re Dan t <!-? I'Epim ' ? <?-. 111' ?peel ?' ? V.'.H't re ol ? ' ? ? reronm adjoii niflii. t? I t reliai \ ? Inrinaatl Repreaeatatlve. ?. IS 4 ! ? This t? . ,. ? ' ? ? . rom? : im. . ? ? i n. i ? . lei ? . ? ? ' 277 A ? i f.. I? v. ? n the C MU i.i. Hu Franck bailar? Una! l>v their i , mtrol ?'I the trangl] fortified natural positions III tlii* neighborhood they I Have Hi" "pi"r iiun.i Th.' Aral 11m i trenches in ?li!. <li?tn.'i ?r. very elo s, . I Kli i;n.iiri?l ?nil ili.iniliHte tli<>?<! ?.i theii advei srli .. Tftilon \<lv.?n?r Srfini lnin???**4il>lr. v , ,,]. ..p.,. i,y the Gerenaas would ,-...,., to o? rapo ilbla again il the 'i1?'" ml ob ?.id ',''- ??' fences which li it \ r* t.. .'li improved unceasingly lor sis months. A ?. treat ??> the ?Germans is ' ,.,,, id. r. .| . quail) as dlfneull es h for ? i movement, f"r. il I i". nted tut, I bauld Hi-:." attempt t?. r?-?r.M' the) i ?voitld t. >k the ftrs of the I r? m k toree i a . irround 1 hem. Entrance t.. ?if these positions is thn i| " ' m the ?.rtra, ?''/ of a Hal ? shoal thirty ferai In :, drawn ov? r vera narros? i.-.a\u tract ? bi four horaaa, on twa ..f which 1.,,. oldlei outriders. Men, munition ? ,ti.? spolie ? ??i.. ill can led on tin, ,r line, which is shout n mile I?"?: ?\ illage Nogr? ." reads s -1 k'> stach <?n ?? tree, the place being m named In honor of th" black troops \ ...i s tea el the German lina? i i t.. i.,, had from I he ' ronahold pc which is frequently bombardeo. Only ? ? i? ero neai ly twa hundred ?hells w? n* hurl-?! ?t It Prepara! ? for all kind ol stl i? - ?t this point ar< inri eomplete Tube of chemicals, .... i me ih i for the ?...iili.-r- ?.-.r pla?.nv? nienUy in as s sttack by s .: gaeea. Tin? French losses in tins forward ,e iipiTi enlj i. etiy ft* <i?**4.| in Ave moi the The man are com fortab I? ese? p. ire am mi times by mice, rhey take thii rood i !heerfuln? d? lite th< ?...i d lot, I evident . I'r_> I mlrr EmO.) '? lire. ; , i era, ?< tli?* comfortable ' ? sre called, is a inaM chapel, where services, eon by a capl . mi Si; ' ' . of tli" I . inn. . 5*. Die, or.i? of Hip Inri;? | Vosges, S irituri i" id, part ?.f ? h to Gar? .. ; ' ?.. lead te I i base of ?? i ? ' Hera Is to be if 1 s be ' . '.m i.f mod rhe ascent is . ? h, earefullv ? ? pa. A up the ill !?? ?r.' , neta ork of I win ?.. uri- old positions, .? ,. is been made hers boo sboratc ?If 4* . I ? I ? - ?. second .. ? d third th rn a a . 1 ? ? . ? these . lie u.l r here are aided b) _ Shells from British (inns Start lires in Lille .'.? lai ? r Gen i ofl tat? . t 1 . ? .... place * the Fn ? ' ? I communleal ? ? ? ? about ... ' ri'.r'.ri of Ypn ? ? rv, In con? ? thi rtil] hes in ? . . .. ? i ... \ one of our mines de , . "In t: a Argoni e thei en an ? ? ? r ?.! Vauqn "In Loi .... r fir?? ? 0 ? who WON I ??? of Wilson Tempts Foreign Peril to Save His Party ? aal laaed tteen im??? i ,.,, ti,e , ig, of war vHth Germany becau ? Mi Wilaon, sltho ,h detei r. ir.a-.i ? ? ? i an ultimatum to Germany, and Gei I it. situation ? in th ' ' ' I of sub to hl .. r.?'rn-t..rff Vm.. I His I'n e. Th. ? red 1 ply thai ition .??..I t? ' ' 11 ? | 1 try ? ? '?- ? Th -' '* * . .. ' ' - was Axed, ting. Hi war st all equally am to get a of his G?r? an irrei red .. ne? ? rfectly ? "M IS 1 ? ? t country, which tesl law was into a scrap ?.: " ? '? I ? ?'?. I thai the. modif'v theii Itade to ?-.?nt'orm to ,?.-..: la? ? i ? ? ' i ? . The ???ndilion Pr4v??(l<>ii?. ? . - th? -, ? .p. ? - for that por ? - - ' law which i a? el i Um lives *-n?i "? huiiur ?! wuuien ?ad childr? of Destral? . ? ? - : ? ? l I : tf on th" fur Mi '? ?? '. be paid r bj s prompt i ? i ide. In this in ail ' Mr. WiUoi risk the f? r? langer to a tie po? peril. !'''? ; ? bav? -. ric tory to real Hut .- ? th ng thai will its ??? bs 'hat he tes and . . ? t there will I , ? or ??"'->? .if Mr. W\ i ? sd of un inllei I ? oat of war and -? ihape anv rour?? ths iiumi!..' out parallel in Amsri Might Mesa Belglaa Slavery. .-.?- ? ? .- \ :? m of Bril -?a nation ii ? ? sek on the aasa tion ., merely argued f--r M-r the murder of it? own : and children and hi row ?.(?out ? '? . In the nam?' of International law a defender of neutral ? ????.?. 1 lermanj and that the I lockade I all bo me lifted - i ? ? " - money, e? *'???-. im and a porl I I ? trafic II ai nid be ?que, an adn tral I s .1 .- ill bas? ? - ? . nal. .aw, that n ;? ? ov tat ? rood 1 right" I was 1 sot ir when -.?. i- .- ?> aded Is no a ? v i up as t lieh by BernstortT an.i sent oat ta bid sea rower to lay down ?? t. ipoai and i 1 iks the far*. k? eon! rast? I or pro?.-rt Am>-rit'h'; :n Mexico, we end ifts . . -i ? rie hir>h sent but nee ? ? pel G real Britain ? .- aw" I \ ? ' r has i.n turn to hie e?s political difficulties .?t the Wilson administration. It is not so maay i ta that Mr. Wilson taught us me New Na? tionalism; he is now unHertaltiiijr to teach the world th? Saw International? I ism. | SOLDER LID TIGHT ON NAVY AFFAIRS Committee Will Not Call Admirals, Is Present Indication. "DAWDLING" STIRS GARDNER'S WRATH "?Grotesque Showing," He Calls Slowness In lltiildinii United states Battleships. I r -m ill? MSM II u , ?. ngton, Jan III n littl? . banes thai the Houae Naval Affa ? i ,n before of tl.ffieers n ho bava be? erltleii lag ths pol ? stary Dai the hint given by a letter ? ? Repre " tal -? Gardnei, of Masa? mads puhl e to night. Mr. Gardner is that Cl Padgvtt t'i bs reaaonable," bul out thai ' ? ? year tha eorai I Admirals Brown i '?'? ai i Wainwright Admiral i ed, and I test .n eontrad -1 I ??- given by Danii at the lal er re? I to . . i .? i an order i him from writing oj i| i il iog or? naval SUUJ CI -? Kspresi I Inei ten to Secretar] I American D?f< i ! ', r s : "My Dear Mr. Stetson: "l am m reeelpt of ?oui lett? i,.- .... . M 1 ? ? ? ' r 22 I re recen! mi r I I aras 01 1 am sorry that my r? I nol ? "With regard to the other 1 '" whom you name- l bei 1 ths ou will 1 . ?(fairs. I thai Chain ??i I. '.-., ?i ab ?. although ? ?..? commit!-? ? r? I to summo . Brownson, Winslow, K W * I n n righl "Judg ? l \.y Admir.i' acek, I t.. : begun much voted Mill b . ? ? by Congress ? I ' < know where 1 fault to bs som? ess to And out. "I realise, of c? ? next fall: but, ?-ven so, one year and a half . "Do you 1 - that neithei ?r the battit ihtp Oklal ..? . n ted the em on Mar? b I, 1911, ?. O'it; 81 ISO ITALIANS LOSE TOLMINO TRENCH Austro-Hungarlan Official Re? port Tells of Increased Artil? lery Activity by Enemy. Her!:--., Jan. Id - by * relesa ? Say ".' V \ :?' . .. ear Tolmino to an ?-Hun Italian arl was inerea ?last the 1 ?. h bridgehea?;-, and ? "The reported eonquest of Italian near Oslavia was ? ?'f the 52 ind M)th In ,; g them thirty-o ?rere 1 - rid ..... red. ? ? ' g the frontiei ? ... 1 ; are inniveriary of l , . ' Uun . 4> ' . is deeds ? - ??r 1809, und ? ..? have won nf* irtal laurels in tl Home, Jan l'r l i - i?c? the n< 1 loan open? ?. Ilboards. baal ? and governmental linj tn . ? ? p] 1 rd? thogr-atphs, ai 1 peal snts sul - to tf.'t u - ? Persoi s ties, clubs 1 ? Luift O rienda, : , iteel ? bin? lire and 1 1 om : led to I loan. Publi? ge ere being in Floren. .- " I ?a. A total of 100,000,1 1 bed at I ? 1 ft rat .. was issned to-day 1 "f)n th<? he ghts nortl 1 - ? of Go .1 ths iati h ??? bombardment 1 day Wh.? followed durii g th? an attack in '"vice on our pe region hetween the Poumleo Tor? 1. ? and ' '-luv. 1. All .-e.l, nu- enemy ranee I his a second 1 ? - : H 1 "The foil? our troop , by a trove back 1 I Oalavia and trenches 1 aal of that capturing arms, D ; ? ' ' 1 "Enemy aero Itre and Cervignanu, but loas of Ufa and with URGES MORE WAR DENTISTS Iren, h Waist et u iii toi Depatiea to ? reite I.UOH for ?Vrui> l\,. Pai ' l ? . Minister of War ' lo the I hambei of ities ?a bill providing foi a large addition in ths numl er 0 ? ths mil taiy for ? i body ?:!???"? aill rank 1 - amn* ' ": i wear a special ? banitf?*, ?U?- b? created. I JAPS BAR CHINESE ENVOY I nvulllnf- t<? I'i-mi*.?' Minister of "."trl i nltiir?? st 'l??Ulo !.,? |4 Ehl Hlokl. inn-n ter at Peking ? I I . I ,,,. -pi "' ? meee Impe Court could i ' ? Cbl, ? ' "? se Minister of Agrli ill ii"< and l merce, as md I sen p and h? jested that the n r '.. ? latei lit to ' 'i "i 111 ? ' ? i ? onemai ' '?' | ?h* minister1 trip | garde?! hei ? ... . ,. ? ? ?... pel - ? ? ? ? - ? Chow Tiu?Chl :'?.r To envoy of Pre i r ? | ? ! ror 'I he ? h nese ' i<r- rn Ufrl? Chin? GALICIA STRUGGLE STILL DEADLOCKED Oernai Prisoaers Say Russian liombardmrnt Is Worst "f War. Vienna i London . Jan '*' Th< . lina ? . ? \ tro Hui forces in Es I ... IB? .... . ? lay at 'Yi ? ? ' ? ? feat ? .... . . ? ,? ' '??. An An troll ingai I ?? sur ei OCCQ? ? ai ? " - ' ? ? . WS i ? ?. ins 1 i ko a sh? ? ? . ? which lery. ? ? ? r ? ? . POPE RECEIVES MERCIER \*.*4iiri**? Priatate ?if Syni-i.ithy fur I'el jfiann I n.1er l.ermun *l .?k**. ? Ij . mornii I the !'?? ? ? ? sured 1 everything ; i to hell :'..:: thai I ? : ? . i, thui ,1 i men! to < FORDDELEGATES BAN ARMAMENTS I ?nal Resolution Demand?! Not Military but an Equitable Peace. BERLIN HOI DS l V THE SCANDINAVIANS Mme Si h ? laaier i ? Icgnpki Merlin for Permission to \-fi< rus?, 4*/- rrnanv ? - ' , ? ' 'Ml ' ' * ' ? ? " - r; j . a" ? ? ' *'l "? i ff ? -, a ? *'? T-? .- : ? --? ? ? tit I .rl t?? a ??. ' ".trk, I here ' ? ? . - ' ' a : ? I ranch Generals Deposed; War' . Why Gsl ? i < . . ? . - ?? will II ?*? a Cammeyei Stamp'1?' ~ I ?Shoe means Standard ?/Meri? 6TH AVt. AI 20TH S 3ai Firm -we. '"?'???r-iiW1'1'"*"*^^ '.ii,i' .1. .?.?j ' ? ??.' """" A5j a?_&'"*?i*44?*^^ >i^?V,%\\ t? KV-?Ja?r-ki?-. ? . ,,?*?13SS ,_] ;|j C8'|_ '^r^a^'?'K*?''**1' ....a-..? . , ?laanilL- Li i i 'J?L'I' '"^ ?t m i i. i ?" ?__^iMM Tri.. iiu?.0'.-. aix?ji-**^??(?__jt?>?ir a -.?/?.ai .uMiaai ?but we refuse to lower quality by a single penny 's worth Any tire manufacturer right now can make <iuick profit? by simply lowering the quality of his tires, ? hy taking out of his tir?-? enough quality to off-set the present hifhcf <o?t of material!, ? but continuing to sell at present priori. Such profits are "penny wise and pound fooliih." Wj refuse to lower by a single penny'? worth the quality ?i United States Tires. A tire manufacturer must do one of two things in ordert? keep economically alive? 1.?Take out of his tires some of the quality?-?Off 2.?Ask the tire user to share with him MMM part of the increased cost of raw malarial* Tire materials have increased in price by a large percentage, and are constantly increas? ing; but we are advancing our price on standard-sized United States Tires only ten per cent.,--effective January 17th, 1916. We are enabled to keep down the percera,-?* of th<- retail price advance to this small fraction bremse of l 1 ) our efficient methods of factory production; (2) many technical ? -**?v*ni results of laboratory experiment ; (3) the enorntOUl l.n*nC,?l resources of the largest rubber company in the world. So we now go to the consumer with but a very small price increase for the same quality tire. Today we dare to say that the United States Tires are developed to a point or tire efficiency never before attained H rubber tires. United States Tire Company New York City *' W ISA ? ? a ^i U.J ?ut* ^^^rJ^jymaj'am.,,,? ?mm* ' > ' **-? ''-Ufffj ..?.? ? y^r^?-^.-*/? ?i?bI I '"'"?'.?' I II I . aafi&n.O -<?Ammemmmeeem--mmmMaemememm?a*mA^ TP-J ****\At*mmt:M-9m-' '? 4 4_-_w?., ?.Ja. f